Life Onboard Serenity: In A Vaguely Frontwardsy Type Direction

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 14:24
VIEWED: 36116
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:25 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"A match," she said as she laid the last two cards in her hand down on the table. "I guess that means I won. Now what should I claim as my prize..."

Pain looked at the cards Tommy had laid down and leaned back in his chair, arms crossed against his chest.

"Whatever you want, Tommy." he replied smiling. "I could flap my arms around like a chicken or run around the ship buck naked babblin' like a loon." Pain uncrossed his arms and set them on the table, as he looked into Tommy's eyes and continued, "You won fair and square and I did say the winner gets to choose what the loser has to do. And I do believe there's me makin' you dinner as well."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, September 23, 2008 7:35 PM


"No need for the flappin' arms or the naked babblin' from you. Don't worry," she started, still thinking for an appropriate request. A thought popped into her head. "I know what I want. And it will get you out of the makin' dinner part."

"How's that?"

"You say you clean up pretty well. Well, I want you to prove it," she said as she smiled at him. "I want a date."

"A date?"

"Yep. A date. Nothing extravagent, but a date nonetheless."

She was confident that some one-on-one time with the man away from the ship should give her more than enough information to determine whether or not he was a danger. If he was going to be a problem, he wouldn't have his crew to back him up and dealing with the problem would be much easier.

On the other hand, if she was lucky, she might just have some fun. Fun was something that had been in short supply for a long time.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 5:53 AM


meanwhile, on the bridge
*mal strode up the stairs and immeadiatly put on an air of authority, and failed. river sprung up out of the chair, grabbed holdof his hand and dragged him to the chair.*
"the big bad wolf wants to come home" she said
"now i never said that girl, just let me talk to mal!" wolf exlamed.
"so what isit you'de be wantin' from a harmless old fella like myself?" asked mal wearily.
"ok, so to be fair she's hit it right on the head as usual, i want to be let onboard cap'n, i'm just outside in fact and i'm running out of fuel here, a week of floating will do that to a guy."
"don't worry, we'll let you in for a spell, but want some damn answers ya hear?" mal said sternly.
"no proplem me old mate, ask and you shall resieve." wolf gave one of his wolfish grins.
*mal opened a com link to kaylee.*
"kaylee, can you please open the doggy door? looks like the pups back."

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:38 AM


In the Galley

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Yep. A date. Nothing extravagent, but a date nonetheless."

Pain rubbed his chin, nodded, and said, "Sounds good to me. Whenever the captain decides to pull his head out of his pigu and decides which planet or moon we're landin' on, we'll head out and find a restaurant that serves decent food." He turned to 13 and said in a semi-threatening manner, "And if I ever see so much as a minuscule glimpse of you at said restaurant, Bot Boy." He narrowed his eyes at 13 and continued, "I'll make sure you're turned into scrap faster than five alarm chili though a cat."

He turned his attention back to Tommy, smiled once again and asked, "So will I be needin' a suit or will the cleanest set of casual clothes I have suffice?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:14 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
He turned his attention back to Tommy, smiled once again and asked, "So will I be needin' a suit or will the cleanest set of casual clothes I have suffice?"

"A suit?" Tommy asked. She wasn't quite sure she heard him right. "You actually have a suit?"

"I think I'm almost offended," Pain teased.

"I think if you wore a suit, I would feel horribly underdressed," Tommy said. "Anyway, I said 'nothing extravagent'."


"Well, I am going to go check on my plants now," she said as she stood up. "I'll be back in a bit in case anyone else wants to play a game."

She quickly left the room and made her way to her dorm. All the way, a buzzing noise in her head was getting stronger and stronger. Once inside, the argument began...


Thursday, September 25, 2008 4:52 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Well, I am going to go check on my plants now," she said as she stood up. "I'll be back in a bit in case anyone else wants to play a game."

"Have fun with that." called Pain as he and 13 watched Tommy leave.

As she turned the corner and walked down the stairs, 13 turned to Pain and asked, "Didn't she seem a little strange to you?"

Pain arched an eyebrow as he looked over to 13 and replied, "She did seem a little on the off side, but I'm not too concerned about that."

"You're not?" asked a perplexed 13.

"Are you kiddin', 13?" replied Pain with a smile. "You do know you're talkin' to the original boyfriend of Fly, don't you?"

"Oh yeah. Right." replied 13, standing up from his seat.

Pain put a hand on Bot Boy's shoulder and remarked, "Believe me, Bot Boy. If I can handle bein' with someone like Fly for fifteen years, I think I can handle someone like Tommy for one day."

As the two headed out of the galley, 13 thought to himself, "I'm not so sure about that."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, September 25, 2008 7:06 PM


“What do you think you are doing?” Ivy asked her.

“Check your plants, Ivy,” Tommy told her, ignoring the question. “And since when did you get all opinionated? It’s my job to take care of us.”

“I’m scared, Tommy,” Ivy said as she moved around the room, checking the necessary levels for all the plants she had stacked in there.

“I know. That’s why I am doing what I am doing.”

“You asked him for a date? Alone?” Ivy questioned.

“We need to know if he’s dangerous. We need to know if we are safe,” Tommy rationalized. She stopped for a split second then added. “I need to know if you are safe. I can take care of myself.”

“But alone?”

“Alone? Yes. Defenseless? Not so much,” Tommy said. “I’m taking the gun with me. I’ll use it if I need to. No one is ever gonna hurt you again.”

“What about River and John? They said the gun needs to stay put away. That it shouldn’t be out unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

“I’m thinking that it’s necessary. And anyway we won’t be on ship. John and River can bite me if they expect me to lie down and wait for people to hurt us–,” Tommy warned, but cut herself off. “I won’t lie down and wait for people to hurt you. I can take care of myself.”

“He might just be a nice guy,” Ivy said softly.


“And if he is?”

“Well, then I won’t have to shoot him.”


Friday, September 26, 2008 5:31 PM


Pain's Bunk

His weapon's locker doors were open and both Pain and 13 were looking through it like art critics discerning over a piece of new art at the Londinium Museum of Art. Pain had already changed into some cleaner clothes and they were now eying which gun could be concealed and be "date worthy" at the same time.

"How about this one?" asked 13 as he picked up a chrome, full-sized .45 caliber pistol.

Pain took it out of 13's hands, hefted it in his, then said as he put it back, "Nah. Too noticeable and heavy." As he scanned over the other guns in his cache, he continued, "It's got to be small and easily concealed, yet pack a punch without a lot of recoil."

13 peered into the locker then looked back at Pain and said, "Uh yeah. This coming from a guy who owns a hand cannon that can blow a hole through a ship's hull."

To emphasize his point, 13 picked out a rather large revolver and held it up for Pain to see. It was close to a foot and a half long and had the words '.500Magnum' etched into the 10.4" barrel. The beast weighed more than three pounds and carried five rounds of jacketed hollowpoint overkill.

"Hey!" Pain shouted, snatching the BFR from 13's grubby hands. As he put it back into its respective place, he continued, "Just cause I have a gun that can punch a hole through a ship's hull, doesn't mean I can't own somethin' that can't." He looked at his guns and added in point-of-fact manner, "I just don't have many that are termed 'concealable'."

Finally finding something that he could conceal, Pain closed up his weapon's locker and said, "Besides that hand cannon of mine is loaded with JHP rounds. Those won't pierce the hull so much as fragment when hitting a flesh and blood target and makin' their head look like an explodin' watermelon. This.." He held up the snub-nosed, eight shot .357Magnum revolver. "Should be quite adequate for my needs."

He opened the locker door next to his weapon's locker and produced a holster that would conceal the little revolver in his pant's pocket. He slipped the gun into it, slipped the holster into his pocket, smiled and said to 13, "Shall we?"

"Lets." replied 13, as the two of them left Pain's bunk to find something to do until Serenity hit dirtside.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:13 PM


Somewhere on Serenity, a portable cortex unit was beeping signifying an incoming wave. After a few beeps, the wave was ended. On the screen it reads:

Missed 4 incoming waves...

In Grayson's office, he switched off the cortex with more than a little frustration.

"Where are you?" he mumbled as he started pouring over her file again.


Monday, September 29, 2008 7:01 PM


Tommy looked in the mirror. She had put make-up on and styled her blonde hair long and straight. She wore black boots, navy pants and a white button up Poet’s Blouse. It was loose and long, so it would be easy for her to move around, but the detailed pintucks in the front still made it very feminine.

She walked back to her room and picked up her gun (a Baby Eagle 9 mm Pistol) and an extra magazine of 10 rounds. As she was placing them in a small bag that could be worn either across the body or on the shoulder, a voice spoke to her.

“What are you doing with that?”

She turned around to see River standing there.

“I’m taking it with me when I go off ship.”

“Your intentions aren’t quite that simple.”

“Just protecting Ivy.”

“He’s not like that,” River said, referring to Pain.

“I hope you’re right,” she said as she turned her back to River to finish putting things in the bag.

“I wouldn’t say so if I wasn’t 100% sure.”

“You may be 100% sure, but I’m not. I have to make sure.”

River cocked her head slightly to one side.

“I’m sorry about what happened to you.”

Tommy whirled around to look her straight in the eye.

“I told you not to go poking around in her head,” she spat out with venom in her voice. “What happened to her doesn’t need to be re-hashed. Not by you, not by me and most of all, not by her.”

Tommy spun back around and grabbed the bag. She paused briefly next to River in the doorway.

“You can stay here as long as you want,” she told her. “Personally, I’m leaving. I got a date to go to.”

With that she exited her dorm and left the area.

“Wasn’t poking,” River whispered. “Loud all on your own.”


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 4:39 PM


Shuttle #2

Pain sat in the pilot's seat while 13 sat across from him in the co-pilot's seat. Both of them were looking at the screens, which displayed a grid on them. The letters from A to Z ran down the left side of the grid, while the numbers '1' through '26' ran atop it in a left to right fashion. Also on that grid were small representations of Allied and Independent vessels. Some had red X's on them while others had red dots. Peppered throughout the grid were white dots indicating misses. They had been playing the game for almost a hour, both sides taking casualties with 13 having the worst of them.

"G-4." Pain called out to 13.

"Hit." replied 13, groaning as he put a red dot on one of his ASREVs. Sighing he said, "B-12."

"Miss." replied Pain, grinning as he put a white dot on that spot. "H-7." Pain called out.


"Guess that means I win." Pain beamed as he stood up. "Well that was fun my good man, but I've got a date to go on. I'll catch ya later."

As Pain strode out of the shuttle, 13 looked at Pain's screen and muttered a long swear in Chinese. Sticking his head out of the shuttle, 13 shouted, "CHEATER! I WANT A REMATCH! YOU DIDN'T EVEN HAVE YOUR CRUISER ON THE BOARD!"

Pain simply smiled at 13 and waved as he walked down the stairs and into the Cargo Bay.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 9:10 PM


Tommy waited in the cargo bay for Pain. There was some excitement earlier before they landed about someone they picked up on the way. Luckily, it either seemed to die down or at least moved to a different area.

Great. Another male to figure out, she thought. Ivy got her attention.

“You sure you want to do this?” Ivy asked Tommy.

“Yes. Now leave me be,” Tommy replied. “I need to concentrate.”

“Whatever,” Ivy said as she faded away.

Tommy made a mental note to talk to Ivy later. Her recent outbursts have made it difficult to think. Ivy should know that Tommy’s job is to protect her and she shouldn’t be making any fuss, but she was anyway.

Pain traveled down the stairs from Shuttle 2 to the cargo bay floor. As he came down, 13 could be heard questioning Pain’s honesty on a game they were playing. She smiled a bit. The two of them seemed to have a strange relationship. Pain often called him “bot boy.” She’d have to ask why that was at some later date.

Pain was right. He did clean up well. The next question would be on his self-professed civility. One thing that struck her was that he didn’t seem to be armed.

That’s a good sign, she thought.

As she approached her, a case of butterflies erupted. She was a little on edge. Dating was never an option before, even an innocent one like this. And it didn’t help that he was an attractive man. She stamped down the feeling as best she could and clutched her bag a little tighter.

“What were you playing?” she asked him as he came up to her.

“Version of an old Earth-That-Was game. It is based on destroying your opponents fleet of ships by guessing where they might be located on a playing grid.”

“You’ll have to teach me sometimes.”

He nodded and suddenly looked a little nervous too.

“Uh… Are you ready?”

Tommy swallowed thickly and merely nodded in response. Pain held out his arm to her and she tentatively looped her hand around his elbow as he guided her out of the ship and into the street.

“So, um…” she stammered a bit. “Where are you taking me?”


Thursday, October 2, 2008 3:00 PM


As Tommy and Pain exited the ship, 13 slowly followed, dressed in a gray trenchcoat and oversized fedora angled to conceal his face. He'd always been one for dramatic disguises, and the unlit cigarette dangling from his mouth-corner just added to the conspicuous inconspicuity.

While Pain had indeed been hella vehement about 13-based interruptions, the Prime Number owed it to his large gunhappy friend. This 'Tommy' had, in all honesty, the looks and manner of a decent gal, but Pain had been burned before by decenter gals.

"Just looking out for you, bud," 13 thought as he trailed Pain and Tommy, "even if you still cheat at children's games."

OOC: Oh, come on! Like I was just supposed to stand there?

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 5:22 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“So, um…” she stammered a bit. “Where are you taking me?”

"To a restaurant." replied Pain coyly as they continued to walk towards their destination, completely unaware that they were being followed.

"I KNOW that, Pain." Tommy replied, rolling her eyes at him. "But which one are you taking me to?"

"Before 13 and I decided to play our little game." replied Pain, smiling as they made a right turn. "I went onto the Cortex and looked for nice, affordable, date worthy restaurants on this rock. After narrowin' it down some, I decided on Marcelli's. It's a restaurant that specializes in Earth-That-Was Italian dinin' with a twist of 'Verse style, whatever that means."

"So how much farther is it til we reach Marcelli's?" asked Tommy.

Pain smiled at her and said, "Shouldn't be that much farther, my dear. Just a left turn at this next street up ahead and we should be seein' a white brick buildin' with a red and green holo sign that says 'Marcelli's'."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 3, 2008 8:40 AM


*wolf peered nervously into the cargo hold, pain had just left with some girl, they hadn't even noticed him standing by the door of the ship. it was zoe that saw him first and she ran up to give him a welcome home hug.*
"woah!" wolf laughed," who are you and what have you done with zoe?"
*they exchanged forced smiles and stod there uncomfortably, the death of Zoes husband and his best friend had clearly weighed heavily on their friendship, they stood for several minuites before being rescued by another friendly face.*

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Friday, October 3, 2008 9:17 AM


Tommy gripped Pain’s arm as they headed up the street towards Marcelli’s. There was a mix of people in the street. Some were like them, casually moving from place to place to dine or partake in some other activity, but there were a couple of places where groups of two or three men congregated. They looked suspicious. They acted suspicious. Tommy knew they were probably up to no good. She gripped him a bit harder.

“Uh, Tommy?” he exclaimed. “You can ease up on the death grip. You’ll bruise my delicate skin.”

Tommy jerked her head up to look at him and he was grinning at her. A slight smile graced her lips and she eased her grip.

“Sorry. Just a bit nervous.”

“Well, food always helps with nervousness. We’re here.”

They went in and there was a mass of people waiting to be seated. Pain led her to the hostess station and gave them his name. To Tommy’s surprise, the hostess immediately led them to a table. Pain pulled out her chair and pushed it in for her once she sat.

He has manners, she thought. Seems he was right about his civility too.

“All those people were here before we arrived, why’d they take us before them?” she asked.

“Reservations. I called ahead.”

“Reservations?” she echoed. She didn’t expect that. She moved on to a different subject. “You said this was Earth-That-Was Italian dining with a twist with ‘verse style. What exactly would that twist be?”

“Not sure. They weren’t too clear on that.”

They looked over the menu and ordered. Tommy ordered the Lasagne with Meat Sauce with no veges.

“You don’t want any thing else with it?” Pain asked.

“In my profession, sometimes you just need a break from the plants.”

“Understandable,” he chuckled. “What exactly do you do anyway. I know it has to do with plants, but that is all.”

“Well, people need seed for their crops or want flowers, fruit, herbs and such. I have that and sell it to them.”

“You have genseed and stuff like that?”


Pain whistled.

“That’s got to be about a fortune sitting in the cargo bay then.”

“Why?” she asked as her eyes narrowed a bit, but kept her voice light and a little teasing. “You planning on stealing it?”

Suddenly next to her, something appeared unexpectedly. It was a holo-image of a minstral singing songs in Italian. It caught Tommy off guard, she shot up and scrambled around to where Pain was sitting.

And she screamed. Not a regular 'I'm startled' kind of scream. She let out a 'I'm terrified and I don't want to die' scream.


Friday, October 3, 2008 9:20 AM


How did I double post??? Oh well, ignore this one.


Friday, October 3, 2008 1:19 PM


"Whoa. Hey hey calm down, Tommy." replied Pain in a soothing voice amidst her screams. Placing a hand on her shoulder and pulling her close to him, he continued, "It's just a hologram. See?" He passed his other hand through the minstrel to prove his point. "He ain't goin' to hurt you, dong ma?"

The other customers and staff had stopped what they were doing to watch the spectacle of the screaming lady and the big man trying to calm her down. Pain could feel their eyes on him and Tommy and he bet Tommy could feel the same.

Pain smiled at them and said in an apologetic tone, "Sorry, folks! It's her first time here and the holographic minstrel freaked her out. Again, folks, my apologies."

Placing his other hand on Tommy's other shoulder and asked her as the minstrel disappeared, "Tommy? Relax, darlin', the holo minstrel's gone now. There's nothin' to be afraid of."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 3, 2008 3:19 PM


Thoughts raced through her mind.

Who was that? What was that? Why was everyone staring at her?


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Placing his other hand on Tommy's other shoulder and asked her as the minstrel disappeared, "Tommy? Relax, darlin', the holo minstrel's gone now. There's nothin' to be afraid of."

She focused on the man who was holding her shoulders. It was the man from the ship. Her eyes went wide, she pulled away, grabbed her bag and made a beeline for the bathroom.

“Tommy!” she heard Pain yell as she ran away.

When she got inside, she bolted the door shut, pulled the gun out of the bag and pressed herself into the corner.

“I’m OK. I’m OK. I’m OK,” she repeated as she shook uncontrollably. She stood there for a couple of minutes, repeating her mantra before having the courage to go to the mirror.

“Of course you’re OK, Ivy,” Tommy said to her softly. “That stupid holo-minstral just came out of no where. Almost scared me too.”

Ivy looked into the mirror.

“I’m OK, Tommy,” Ivy said.

“So put the gun away, before you hurt yourself.”

Ivy looked down at the gun in her hand. She was still trembling a bit, but she did as she was told.

“I’m sorry, Tommy. I don’t know what happened.”

“You pushed me out is what happened. How exactly did that happen? You’ve never done that before.”

“I’m sorry, Tommy. I don’t know what happened,” she repeated.

“We’ll have to discuss this stuff later. I need to finish what I came here for.”

“To find out if he’s dangerous. He isn’t, is he?”

“Doesn’t look like it. Looks like River was telling us the truth. I’ll have to apologize to her later.”

And then the strangest thing happened. Ivy started laughing.

“He is sooo swai, isn’t he?” she asked her reflection.

“I don’t think that’s the point right now,” Tommy responded.

“You think so, too, don’t you Tommy?”

“Ivy, now is not the time-”

“You do! I knew it!”

“Well… OK… He’s swai,” Tommy admitted.

“And you think he’s safe?”


Ivy quickly touched up her make-up and slung the bag onto her shoulder.

“Good,” Ivy said and she opened the door. “My turn.”

“Ivy, what are you doing? You’re not ready–”

“Hush, Tommy,” she whispered as she glided towards the table. Everyone had returned to their pre-scream places. No one even noticed her come back to the table. Pain was sitting in his chair, deep in thought. Ivy slipped into her chair. “I’m sorry about all that.”

Pain looked up at her.

“You OK? I can take you back to the ship if you want.”

He was concerned.

“No need. I really am quite embarrassed. Let’s start over shall we?” Ivy said. She extended her hand. “Hi! My name is Ivy. You may call me Tommy.”

Pain shook her hand as a smile came over his face.

“We don’t have to play Go, Fish again do we?”


Saturday, October 4, 2008 1:06 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“We don’t have to play Go, Fish again do we?”

"Not necessarily." Tommy replied. "We could always play Old Maid."

"Again. 13 in a dress and cheap wig. Not the kind of imagery I want in my brainpan." Pain replied jokingly. Giving Tommy a smile he asked, "How about we finish enjoyin' our meal and gettin' to know each other a little bit better? I'll go first since you've already told me about your line of work." Taking a sip of his beverage, he swallowed then asked, "So what would you like to know about me? You can ask me anythin' no matter how personal it may be."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 5, 2008 8:28 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"So what would you like to know about me? You can ask me anythin' no matter how personal it may be."

“Personal, eh? Well, this could be interesting,” Ivy said as a mischievous smile appeared on her face. “But I think I should start with the easy stuff first. You know about my job, I should probably know about yours. What exactly do you do on Serenity?”

“Mostly what you can call ‘security’,” he answered. “Picking up and delivering cargo here on the border or rim worlds can be a little dicey from time to time. Captain needs a couple of people to watch his back.”

“Good to know,” Ivy said. “Now it’s your turn to ask a question. Same parameters as you suggested. But don’t worry, not all of my questions will be that boring. I have a couple of more personal questions in mind.”

Ivy could feel Tommy pushing to try to gain control, but Ivy kept her under wraps. For some reason, she’d never felt more whole, unafraid, and strong than she was at this very moment. For the first time in a very long time, she didn’t need Tommy to watch over her.

This, she decided. This will be an event filled night.


Sunday, October 5, 2008 11:28 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Good to know,” Ivy said. “Now it’s your turn to ask a question. Same parameters as you suggested. But don’t worry, not all of my questions will be that boring. I have a couple of more personal questions in mind.”

Pain let out a small chuckle then said, "I bet you do." He thought about a question to ask her, looked into her eyes and said with a smile, "So where did you grow up? Do you have any siblings?" "Me?" he pointed to himself before continuing, "I grew up in a prairie town on Santo where I lived with my folks until I was seven, when they were killed in a house fire. Lived with my aunt, uncle, and cousins on Persephone after that. Wound up bein' a delivery pilot flyin' a shuttle for my uncle's courier company. Only got into the 'security' business after meetin' and fallin' in love with a girl named Fly who introduced me to it."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 5, 2008 3:18 PM


Ivy's heart leapt into her throat. He was asking her where she was from. She could feel Tommy pushing harder to gain control; the napkin in her hand was moving slowly from her right hand to her left and back. Ivy resisted and the napkin came to rest in her right hand.

"I-I'm from Taiyang. It's a moon orbiting Athens. Not much to say about it. Has a nasty weather season with monsoons and the like, but the rest of the time is optimal for agriculture. I had a small family, but they are gone."

"Taiyang?" asked Pain as he was thinking. He had heard that name before. Then he remembered. "Didn't a province there get hit by slavers about two years back? The people there were either taken or killed?"

Ivy swallowed thickly and took a breath before answering.

"So they say," she whispered. A couple of seconds passed and Ivy decided to move to a different subject. "But talking about homeworlds is about as dull as talking about jobs. So... this Fly person. She your girlfriend?"


Sunday, October 5, 2008 4:10 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"But talking about homeworlds is about as dull as talking about jobs. So... this Fly person. She your girlfriend?"

"Was." replied Pain, briefly taking his eyes off of her to look out a window. "About five and a half years ago." His eyes came back to Tommy's as he continued, "We were together for fifteen years. She always had my back in a firefight and vice versa. Broke up due to my drinkin', but we've remained good friends ever since."

He took another sip of his beverage, then asked, "How about yourself? You got got a special someone in your life?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 5, 2008 5:29 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
[B"How about yourself? You got got a special someone in your life?"

"Me? No," Ivy smiled shyly. "Men aren't generally interested in me. Most think I'm kooky with the plant thing and all."

She took a modest bite of her lasagna and savored the flavor.

"So..." she asked Pain. "Do you have any tattoos hidden anywhere?"


Sunday, October 5, 2008 5:50 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"So..." she asked Pain. "Do you have any tattoos hidden anywhere?"

"That's a shame." Pain replied as he twirled some spaghetti around his fork before eating it. "Pretty girl like you not havin' a special someone in their life. There should be a law against that."

He took another sip of his drink, motioned to a waitress for a refill, then continued, "As for the tattoos, I'm afraid I have none. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with them. It's just that I've never had time to get one." After the waitress came over to refill his drink, Pain raised an eyebrow at Tommy and asked, "So do you have any tattoos hidden anywhere?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 5, 2008 6:11 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"So do you have any tattoos hidden anywhere?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" she flirted. She took a sip of her drink. "Actually I do."

She moved a bracelet aside on her left wrist. On it was a tattoo that encircled her entire wrist. It was an intricate pattern with flowers and ivy leaves about an inch wide. Pain reached out and held her hand so he could see it better.

"It's pretty. It's a good design for you."

"Thanks. It was something I just had to do," she told him. She just didn't elaborate on why she had to do it. She ate the last piece of her lasagna. "That was heavenly. This was a good place to choose, even with the holo-minstrel."

"Do you want anything else?" he asked.

"Maybe dessert," she said as she smiled at him. "Some of the dorms in the passenger area are above the rest, but I assume they are similar to mine. In comparison, what does your bunk actually look like? I only saw the ladder earlier. It looked interesting."


Monday, October 6, 2008 11:46 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Some of the dorms in the passenger area are above the rest, but I assume they are similar to mine. In comparison, what does your bunk actually look like? I only saw the ladder earlier. It looked interesting."

Pain smiled back and said, "It's not really THAT interestin'. My bunk is just a bunk. It's got a bed, desk, footlocker, two two-door storage lockers, and a few posters and whatnot. But if'n you're still interested, I could give you a personal tour of it." He winked at her and added, "If'n you'd like that is."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 6, 2008 12:13 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"But if'n you're still interested, I could give you a personal tour of it." He winked at her and added, "If'n you'd like that is."

"That's a mighty interesting invitation," she surmised. She thought for a couple of moments before answering. "One I may just take you up on. Do I have to make a reservation, or can I just drop by?"

Ivy was enjoying herself immensely. It had been a long while since she had participated in a thinly veiled, sexually charged banter with a man. She almost didn't recognize herself as the exchange continued, but she felt comfortable in her own skin for the first time in nearly two years.


Monday, October 6, 2008 1:28 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"That's a mighty interesting invitation," she surmised. She thought for a couple of moments before answering. "One I may just take you up on. Do I have to make a reservation, or can I just drop by?"

"You can drop by any time you'd like." replied Pain very smoothly and with half a grin. "Just make sure you knock first and say your name. That way I know who it is." He looked her up and down, then added with a wink, "Or you can always just surprise me."

He was certainly enjoying this. It wasn't the suggestive conversation so much as it was the being able to get off of Serenity and have a meal with a pretty girl. The suggestive talking was just a bonus. Even with the little incident with the holo minstrel, Pain thought this day was going rather well.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 7, 2008 4:31 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Or you can always just surprise me."

"I think surprises are more fun. Adds a bit of impulsiveness to the experience," She finished up the last of her beverage. "I would invite you to a tour of my bunk, but I'm sure you've probably seen it before, since you live there. And the only thing you'd see is wall-to-wall plants. They aren't very sociable."

"You did say it was crowded in there."

"Not a place to even lie down. Although I am figuring out that there are a few places throughout the ship that are sleep worthy. The weight bench, though, is not one of them. I was stiff for the longest time after that incident."

Pain chuckled a bit, remembering her landing flat on her back when she fell off the bench and then not being able to get up because half her body had gone to sleep.

"I don't know how you even managed to fall asleep on that thing," he commented.

"I've slept in worse places," she replied as a sad look slipped across her face. She replaced it with a devious smile and returned to the playfulness of their game. "And I'm very agile."

She grabbed a piece of bread from the basket and tore off a piece.

"What's your favorite activity to do when you are off duty?"


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:10 PM


The innuendo had almost been too much to take; listening to Pain and Tommy's conversation from a nearby table, it had been all 13 could do to get up and kindly escort Tommy-gun away before she really got Pain wrapped around her finger.

But then...


"What's your favorite activity to do when you are off duty?"

"Alright," 13 said to himself, rising from his table so hard his chair launched backwards, scraping the floor. With a sheepish look and mumbled apologies, he composed himself. Couldn't attract too much attention.

"Just talkin' to a friend," he explained to the querying eyes. "Haven't...haven't seen her in awhile."

Pulling his chair to Tommy and Pain's table, 13 threw off his hat with a small 'ta-da!'

"It's me," he explained, gesturing towards the costume.

"Couldn't have guessed," Pain replied. "You got some compulsion for date-ruining?"

"This isn't a date!" 13 hissed. "It's seduction! Seduction most foul!" he said, pointing a shaking finger at Tommy.

"13," Pain said, sounding somewhat tired (or maybe 13's sensory bits were on the fritz). "Can you just-"

"Nope, sorry, can't do that, buddy. This temptress and I," 13 leveled an electric gaze at Tommy, "need to have ourselves a dialogue. One without a hopefully still-undersexed mercenary putting in witty remarks."

Eyes now narrowed fully at Tommy, 13 gestured towards the table he'd been occupying previously.

"Let's talk, you harlot."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:46 PM



Originally posted by 13:
"Let's talk, you harlot."

She set the bread she was eating on her empty plate, picked the napkin up from her lap with her left hand and placed it firmly on the table before looking 13 straight in the eyes.

“Harlot?” Tommy asked. Ivy was gone now and Tommy was full ready to defend Ivy, should it come to that. “You have a lot of nerve. I’d say it seems more like you’ve got an unhealthy interest in your friend’s sex life. Here we are, having a nice time with some playful talk and you had to follow us and interrupt. Heard tell that it wasn’t the first time this has happened. And you were wearing a dress the last time. You trying to tell him something?”


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 6:58 PM


"The dress was a disguise, you bread-munching veggie!" 13 said in a low voice, tones sizzling. "As for my interest in Pain's sex life..." 13 snorted. "If you'd seen the gals he's been with, sistah, you'd know you can't hold a candle. I use to have to turn my ears off with him and the E!"

Settling down a bit, 13 threw a thumb at Pain while maintaining the slightly-demented look at Tommy. "Tell her about Fly, Pain. If she's so worried about having me for competition, tell her about Fly. That'll settle some questions, sweets."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 7:17 PM


Pain simply sat back as Tommy and 13 traded words with each other. While he was a bit peeved that the Bot Boy had followed him and Tommy to the restaurant, he was slowly starting to become amused by the mud slinging between the two. He wanted to know just how many of Tommy's buttons 13 could push before she either went ape go-se on him, chewed him out, or drew a gun and shot him. He pondered about the last bit. Did she have a gun? And if so, where was she hiding it?

Originally posted by 13:
"Tell her about Fly, Pain. If she's so worried about having me for competition, tell her about Fly. That'll settle some questions, sweets."

Pain snapped himself out of his thought process and asked, "Tell her what about Fly? Tell her about the time she kicked Jayne's pigu, or the time she posted the picture of you in that dress and wig on the Cortex?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 8, 2008 7:25 PM


"A disguise?" Tommy snorted. "I think that the lady protests a little too much and if listening to Pain's past relations was a regular occurance, I'd say you obviously have a penchant for a little bit of voyeurism."

13 seemed to be getting a little more than hot under the collar.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Tell her what about Fly? Tell her about the time she kicked Jayne's pigu, or the time she posted the picture of you in that dress and wig on the Cortex?"

"Well, based on that and what Pain here told me before, Fly sounds quite lovely. I would probably like her if I met her.

"Now, if you don't mind," she said as she looked over at Pain. "We were having a good time. I would appreciate you either leaving, whether it be back to the ship or back to your table. We still have dessert yet to discuss."

A slight smile of a seductive note spread across Tommy's face. She was obviously goading 13 and wondered where it might lead.

She also filed the name "Jayne" in her head. Must find out who this person is.


Sunday, October 12, 2008 1:21 PM


Bumping for the sake of bumping as well as hoping for 13 to show himself.

Pain picked up a piece bread and looked at it longingly. His mind pondered on whether to eat it or shove it up 13's nose as he waited for him to answer Tommy's oh-so-polite suggestion. Pain's mind veered off that subject and on to that of Tommy's "agility".

"Just how agile is she?" he asked himself, taking his eyes off the breadstick and giving Tommy a good once over. Placing the piece of bread back with the others, Pain turned to 13 and said, "So. You goin' to let us get on with our date and leave us the rutt alone, either by goin' back to your table or leavin' the restaurant, Bot Boy? Or are things goin' to have to get violent?" He glanced at Tommy, then back to 13. His eyes narrowed as he continued, "Cause I'd rather focus my time and energy on other things, then havin' to waste it on beatin' the go-se out of your tin can pigu."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 13, 2008 6:31 PM


There is that reference again. Bot Boy

Another reference. Tin Can

Yet another. …used to have to turn my ears off…

What is 13? she thought. Could he actually be a robot?

This was a surprise she never could have predicted. And her reaction was anything but predictable. For the first time in 2 years, Tommy was afraid. On the outside, he didn't look too dangerous, but beneath, a robot could be a near unstoppable opponent.

I'll take over from here, Ivy whispered to her. You need to regroup.

And Ivy slipped back in conrol.

She wanted 13 to go away. She had been having a good time and was not happy about having her date interrupted. The recent revelation had thrown her a little too. It was an odd feeling with her and Tommy's roles being in a sense, reversed. So she decided to focus on one thing... the date.

“It's obvious that he isn't leaving,” Ivy told Pain. “Before he ruins what is left of our wonderful evening, perhaps we should leave and find someplace more... private.”


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 11:42 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“It's obvious that he isn't leaving,” Ivy told Pain. “Before he ruins what is left of our wonderful evening, perhaps we should leave and find someplace more... private.”

"That sounds like a plan." replied Pain, getting out of his seat and making his way over to offer Tommy his hand. Looking back at 13, he smiled and said, "Be a friend and pick up the check will you? Thanks." Turning his attention back to Tommy, Pain gestured to the door and asked, "Shall we?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 12:44 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Shall we?"

They left the restaurant and 13 behind them. She hoped he wouldn't follow. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder, so it wouldn't slide off. Then she asked the question.

"Is he a robot?"

"Figured that out did you?"

"Yes. Bot boy should have been enough, but it's not something you'd readily think of," she answered. "He's not... dangerous... is he?"

"Nah. Not unless you got on his bad side," chuckled Pain.

That didn't make Ivy feel any better, but she was sure that she didn't want the date to end quite yet. Even with the holo-minstral and 13 events, she was still enjoying herself.

"Sooo... Where are you taking me now?" she asked as she smiled at him. "I've never been here before so I'll let you pick the place."


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 1:53 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Sooo... Where are you taking me now?" she asked as she smiled at him. "I've never been here before so I'll let you pick the place."

"Never really planned that far ahead, darlin'." Pain replied as the restaurant faded into the distance. "But." He looked into her eyes, flashing her a smile as he continued, "I suppose we can walk around for a bit until we find somethin' that's interestin' and fun."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:18 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
[B"I suppose we can walk around for a bit until we find somethin' that's interestin' and fun."

They walked around for a bit until Ivy saw something.

"Well, that looks fun," she said as she pointed at a building. "We never did get dessert."

Pain looked where she was pointing. It was a hotel. He raised an eyebrow at her. Slightly puzzled, she looked at him for a second before she realized her mistake.

"Pain, what kind of a girl do you think I am?" she teased. She pointed at a sign next to the hotel's main entrance. "I was talking about their cafe. It says there is a dessert tasting going on tonight."

She squinted a little to see the small print.

"Oh!" she exclaimed. "And it's all chocolate! Are you game?"


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 5:52 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"And it's all chocolate! Are you game?"

"Never met a chocolate I didn't like." replied Pain, smiling as he held the door open for Tommy. Gesturing to her, he said grinning, "After you."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:14 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"After you."

They were seated in the last booth available. It was small, obviously built for two and situated in a secluded corner.

"Sorry about the seating," the hostess told them. "It was the only opening we had left."

"It's OK," Ivy said. "We were lucky you still had a empty spot."

"Some people don't like the intimacy of this booth, but personally, I always thought this was the best seat in the house," she continued. "More cozy, nearly hidden from the view of the other tables and perfect for a romantic evening. I'll leave you alone now. Your sampler will be right out. Hope you have a good time."

The hostess left them. Ivy turned to Pain.

"Nearly hidden? Well at least it should be harder for 13 to track us down should he come looking again," she said as the platter was brought to the table and set before them. Ivy picked up a chocolate covered strawberry and bit into it. A look of absolute pleasure came over her face. "Oh my God! These are to die for!"

A dribble of strawberry juice ran down her chin, but she caught it with a finger, put it in her mouth and licked it clean.

"Well? Are you gonna eat yours?" she asked Pain.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:50 PM


Pain watched as Tommy caught the errant strawberry juice with her finger. His head tilted slightly as she licked it clean. Unknowing to Pain his mouth had drooped opened a little ways as he watched her.

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Well? Are you gonna eat yours?" she asked Pain.

Pain blinked his eyes and shook his head. He blinked again and asked, "Huh?" He noticed the platter out of the corner of his eye, smiled and said, "Oh. Right."

He picked up a chocolate covered cherry and held it by the stem as he used his teeth to pluck it from the stem. After he chewed and swallowed the cherry, he looked at the stem and then to Tommy. Placing the stem in his mouth, Pain proceeded to tie it in a knot with his tongue and placed the tied stem on the table.

Arching his left eyebrow at Tommy, Pain smiled and said, "Learned to do that one night while on a job on Paquin."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008 7:19 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Learned to do that one night while on a job on Paquin."

Ivy sat there completely still for a moment, her eyes staring at his mouth.

If he was doing that at work... I wonder...

She snapped out of it and looked back down at the sampler. She picked up a small cup of dark chocolate mousse. Using her spoon, she dipped it slowly into the mousse, closed her mouth overtop of it and leisurely drew it back out.

"See anything else you like?" she asked him.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:54 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"See anything else you like?" she asked him.

"Yes indeed." replied Pain, giving Tommy a sly smile. He glanced at the mousse, then back to Tommy's eyes and said, "You goin' to share that mousse or am I goin' to have to wrestle you for it?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, October 15, 2008 2:13 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You goin' to share that mousse or am I goin' to have to wrestle you for it?"

"Wrestling would probably be more fun, but this booth isn't big enough," she told him with a mischievous smile. "Although according to the hostess, it'd probably be secluded enough for no one to notice."

She scooped up a spoonful, slid closer to him and paused by his mouth.

"Open up."


Thursday, October 16, 2008 1:52 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Open up."

Pain opened his mouth wide enough for Tommy to slide the spoon's contents into his mouth. Pain closed his mouth over the spoon and Tommy pulled slowly back on it, depositing the mousse on Pain's tongue.

She watched as Pain swallowed and asked with the same mischievous smile she used before, "Would you like some more?"

Pain looked into her eyes and replied with a suave smile, "Indeed I would."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 16, 2008 4:27 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Would you like some more?"

Pain looked into her eyes and replied with a suave smile, "Indeed I would."

Ivy swirled the spoon around slowly in the mousse and ever so deliberately had herself another taste.

Then she got some more and slid even closer to Pain as she fed him another spoonful.

"This mousse is basically done," she whispered. "Would you like to try something else?"






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