We deserve 30 minutes of Joss's time

UPDATED: Sunday, October 26, 2008 04:59
VIEWED: 7956
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Monday, October 20, 2008 7:06 PM


I love the bloke and everything he has created... but like it or not...he has kind of shunned us for quite some time now.

We have grown in numbers, done our best to spread word and help his franchise grow..

What Im asking for is 30 minutes of his time so he can explain to us his plans for the future of the franchise.

I have a couple of very simple questions that would put my mind to ease.

-Do you ever intend to fight for Serenity again?
-Do you have any interest in continuing the franchise?
-What are your plans for the future of the franchise...if any?

30 minutes Joss, hell...probably 15...3 very simple questions that can either re-light your franchise or give a few people a break from fighting a lost cause.

In all reality...we are the ones that owe you...but gorram guna ask anyway


Monday, October 20, 2008 7:37 PM


We deserve an hour actually. Yes, one hour per week. In the form of a TV show. We should call it Firefly.

"It's impressive what nothing can do to a man"


Monday, October 20, 2008 8:38 PM


These have already been answered on a number of occasions.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

-Do you ever intend to fight for Serenity again?

Answer: No.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

-Do you have any interest in continuing the franchise?

Answer: Yes. If someone offered to fund another movie I would do it.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

-What are your plans for the future of the franchise...if any?

Answer: Comics.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Monday, October 20, 2008 8:57 PM


2 comics in almost 4 years?

If thats his grand plan...then I give up.

The reason why he wont commit to any storyline post Serenity and barely anything before the BDM is because he still holds hope.

I wanna hear him say it.

Meanwhile, we are stuck here discussing storylines and characters from 5 years ago..

Why halt production on a franchise when it is gaining momentum??

Why give us sweet FA for so long?

Ok, if you cant get your movie or show back...let someone write more comics...dont tease us with a few pages every other year.

The reality is...if he fought for a sequel with as much gusto as he fought for Serenity in the first place, I wouldnt have to spend my time everyday looking for any faint hope of a return.

The numbers have grown, the cast is ready and willing...if the big man took up the challenge he would get the gig.

I just wish someone would tell him.


Monday, October 20, 2008 9:06 PM


I dont mean to be depressing...but I get so frustrated.

I look at something like Star Wars...where a new book, cartoon, movie, TV show is made daily... Lucas and his cronies used the power of literature, memorabillia and video games to finance a whole universe.

I wish Joss would take a leaf out of his book. Release a novel, create a video game... use the sales to make a pitch for another movie.. its not like you wouldnt make money.

In many ways and we sit and wait like loyal pet...appreciating the tea spoon we were given - while the big dog next to us gets fed a 3 course meal every night.

Come on Joss, please give us something..please atleast look half interested again.


Monday, October 20, 2008 10:25 PM


Comparing Firefly with Star Wars is grotesquely unfair. Every new piece of SW merchandise is a best seller; Firefly struggles to recoup production. Just because it's the best, doesn't mean it is economically viable.

Our best hope lies on the star trek path (shudder) of a slowly building fandom, an animated kidult series, then - BOOM. - my life


Monday, October 20, 2008 11:38 PM


I love the show and all, but... isn't there a time when you can just let something die with dignity?

It is never going to be Star Wars.It will never come back.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 4:45 AM


I would rather have Joss spend that thirty minutes working than using it to tell us that there is nothing new to report.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:37 AM


Plus Joss is working very hard on his new TV show Dollhouse that is out midseason. We should all try to make that show a success. The more that other people hear Joss's name and like his material, the more people will look into the other stuff that he has done. Next thing you know our numbers will swell even more and then maybe another movie may be optioned. The problem with Serenity was that no-one even heard of it. Let's support Joss in future endeavors to get his name mainstream so that more people will be interested in his past work.

Dollhouse, FOX January 2009


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:51 AM


Also support the shows the rest of the cast are in. I don't know how many people I've hooked on Firefly because of the exposure an actor in the series had in another show.

Castle-Nathan Fillion coming in January
Chuck-Adam Baldwin
TSCC-Summer Glau
Stargate Atlantis-Jewel Staite

Alan will show up somewhere. He always does. And Moreana, Sean, and Ron are busy doing guest spots all over the place.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:16 AM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
2 comics in almost 4 years?

If thats his grand plan...then I give up.

The reason why he wont commit to any storyline post Serenity and barely anything before the BDM is because he still holds hope.

I wanna hear him say it.

I think he DID say it, in a radio interview on fanboy radio:
he doesn't want to squander the stories in his head on comic books... personally I'm disappointed that Book's story will be the next comic, instead of waiting until some day when Ron Glass can perform it.

Joss still does hope for a Serenity sequel someday, with the actors he loves (and we love too), but it has to be when Universal green lights it BECAUSE THEY OWN THE RIGHTS!!!


Personally I think it will get made, as soon as Joss' name is back up on top (I'm hoping Dollhouse will do that)
or when Nathan or Summer or one of our BDHs is a big enough star to get a picture made which features them....
but in the mean time I wish people would stop blaming Joss as though he doesn't love Firefly/Serenity.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:24 AM


Star Wars, Star Trek, and even X-Files had an advantage that Firefly never did: good timing. All of those franchises started at times when the audience (the American viewing audience in particular) was looking for something that they offered. Not so, Firefly.

To paraphrase Joss from one of the Firefly books, some of the early stuff went something like this:


FOX network: In the wake of 9/11, we're looking for something patriotic, stirring, and black-and-white. Do you have that?

Joss: I've got this series about 9 people living a hardscrabble existence on a spaceship, barely able to feed themselves. It's very dark and thought-provoking.

FOX network: Um... Okay... We'll take it!

With a start like that, is it any wonder the series failed? While it's popular to blame FOX for the failure of the show, I think it's fair to say that Joss had a hand in it himself, in a way. I think maybe he loved Firefly too much... so much that he pitched it immediately instead of waiting for the right time.

To some extent, that's all academic now, but I think it does lead us to Joss's frame of mind with respect to Firefly/Serenity (including his apparent unwillingness to commit to the future of the franchise in a meaningful way).

Joss loves Firefly, plain and simple. He's said that he loves the show in a way that he hasn't loved anything else that he's worked on, and I suspect that hasn't changed. It was gutwrenching for him to see his beloved baby fail as a TV series, and although he had the vindication of the movie--and despite legions of loyal Browncoats--the movie was largely a Phyrric victory because it didn't lead to much more. So here's poor Joss, now, seeing his beloved baby kicked in the teeth--TWICE.

A man can take only so much, I imagine.

So what recourse does he have? Well, like our dear crew, he's gotta keep flying... which means work on projects like THE DOLLHOUSE (which I'm sure will be excellent, but will not be Firefly). The success of the initial Serenity comic series and the Buffy series has allowed Joss to explore comics further, but he hasn't busted the franchise wide open like Lucas or Roddenberry because, unlike those guys, he still wants to be in control of the story.

I think it's definitely telling, though, that he has not expanded the series beyond the final moments of Serenity. Even though he won't actively discuss it, that tells me that he's still got hope. He can't voice it, though, because his hope (and ours) has already been dashed so many times that I think false promises are worse than silence.

For those who feel that Firefly is already gone: you need to get out to the comic store more often. It might not be near to monthly, but I'm pretty sure Dark Horse Comics would disagree that the franchise is over.

And as long as Joss is plugging along in some way, we're still flying! "Here's how it might have been..."


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 9:50 AM


These topics are always so frustrating.

Do you people really not understand the forces at work here?? Admittedly, I'm a creative professional living in Los Angeles, so my view on the industry and this situation in particular is a bit different than the view from Wisconsin or wherever, I'm sure, but it boggles my mind that people can be so dense when it comes to the forces and pressures within Hollywood.

Joss does not own Firefly or Serenity. He cannot bring it back just because he wants to. The fan base is not large, and has not shown strong growth recently or at any point since Firefly premiered. All products released for Firefly and Serenity have barely recouped production costs, and so both Fox and Universal proceed with caution with everything related to either.

These are FACTS. You can deny them all you want, but these are facts that are well known within the right circles in LA.

The other major force at work here is the tension between Universal and Fox. Neither Serenity nor Firefly have ever made significant revenue, but both Fox and Universal will be damned if they let the other see profit off the license before they do. So it ends up in a stale mate. Any move Fox tries to make, Universal sends in their lawyers to dispute the rights. Any move Universal makes, Fox sends their lawyers. Anyone remember the Firefly MMO that was suppose to be happening? The rumor is that the lawyers killed it.

In a way, the Browncoats have hurt themselves with this constant talk of "We are mighty, we do the impossible!" Both Fox and Universal are convinced that although the fanbase is still small, someday it will grow and be the next Star Trek or Star Wars. It's like buying the stock for a little start-up tech company, because you keep hearing that they're going to be the next Google. So both Fox and Universal want to just sit on the rights, make sure that the other doesn't encroach on any of their rights, and wait for the day when the fanbase grows large enough to cash in big time. But believe me, they're willing to wait 20+ years for their Firefly/Serenity stock to be worth something.

So where does Joss fit into all this? He technically has very few rights. But everything in Hollywood operates on keeping each other happy. Universal and Fox have full rights to do whatever they want with the license, but they don't because that would mean pissing Joss off and lead to him not wanting to work with them again. Joss could continue to campaign for Firefly/Serenity to the exclusion of everything else, but it would take less than 6 weeks for him to be seen as a one-trick pony, a whiny untalented writer with an overdeveloped sense of self-importance and entitlement who continually harps on the greatness of something that failed to turn a profit -- and that would lead directly to Universal and Fox not working with him on any project ever again, Firefly or anything else.

There's also a little thing called creative fatigue. As a creative professional, there's only so much of yourself you can put into a given project before it starts eating away at you. This is even more true when a project faces brick walls and uphill battles. If you put too much in, you risk depression, extreme weight gain or loss, and the inability to come up with the next thing, etc. The longer you put too much in, the worse it gets. It ends careers frequently, so you have to know when to get out, when to move on. If you lose your ability to come up with something new, beyond the current project, then you lose your ability to function as a creative professional.

So removing yourself from a situation where you are experiencing creative fatigue is a do-or-die necessity. It doesn't mean that you stop loving the project, but sometimes it's best to take a breather for a few years and come back to it with a fresh mind-set. The power players in Hollywood are always shifting, and what was seen as unmarketable two years ago is hugely popular now. So when you run into brick walls time and time again, the key is to stop fighting for awhile, go do something else -- to prove that you are a creative professional, and not just someone who had one sort of good idea once -- and come back to the project later.

From what I've seen and what I've heard through the grapevine in LA, I think this is what Joss is going through right now. This is why he isn't continuing to fight for Firefly tooth-and-nail, and why the comic books have slowed to a trickle (not to mention the lawyer issue, see above). From what I've heard I think he has Right of First Refusal on any novels, and the fact that he hasn't approved any of the novels that have been written means that he's still hoping to be able to return to the 'Verse someday. But he needs to take this breather, for the sake of his career and the sake of his mental health.

And where do we, as Browncoats, fit within all this? As has been said many times, by many people, in many forums, the only thing we can do is continue to grow the fanbase. Joss needs a break, and Fox and Universal are not going to greenlight anything until they think they're in for a big payday. The only way to prove that the fanbase is growing is to continue to purchase the items that Fox and Universal put out there, and to a lesser extent attend real-world events like the Equality Now screenings and conventions like Dragon*Con. Demanding half an hour from Joss will only contribute to his fatigue, if he were to see this. Ranting and railing and demanding things from Universal or Fox only demonstrates to them that Browncoats are high-maintenance fans -- and as a creative professional, believe me when I say that you want your customers to be as low maintenance as possible.

So stop whining. Stop demanding. Stop acting like you're entitled -- you're not. Get out there and add yourself to the numbers that Fox and Universal will pay attention to. Convert other people to how cool Firefly and Serenity are, and make sure they add themselves to the numbers. There's nothing else you can do, and making noise actually hurts your cause.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:25 AM



Originally posted by AgentRouka:
I love the show and all, but... isn't there a time when you can just let something die with dignity?

It is never going to be Star Wars.It will never come back.

I think we are beating a dead horse! But I will still hope?!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:42 AM


Dogjoy3, I will keep hoping too....
seriously listen to the love in Joss' voice when he talks in this radio broadcast/podcast here:
he doesn't show up until :12:45

he talks about why he never allowed Firefly/Serenity novelizations here at :22:05
because these are HIS stories and he is not done telling them...

AND he talks in detail about why he doesn't do more comics here at :26:00
because he loves the actors' voices doing these characters and he isn't ready to tell the stories without these actors!

So it is obvious to me that this is NOT a dead horse...
it is only badly injured.

There are things that could bring the horse back out again,
Joss becoming a big name that could sell a movie just on that basis....
Nathan Fillion and/or Summer Glau (or one of the other BDHs) becoming a Big Name bankable star that could sell a movie just on the basis of their name on the project.

THEN I think it would be possible, but I'm afraid Firefly & Serenity is still not enough to carry a big budget film.

I do encourage you to listen to this, which gives me hope...
for someday....

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:56 AM



Originally posted by GWEK:
For those who feel that Firefly is already gone: you need to get out to the comic store more often. It might not be near to monthly, but I'm pretty sure Dark Horse Comics would disagree that the franchise is over.

Maybe I'm an exception, but I don't really care about the franchise. I would watch any future movie, sure, but I already felt "Serenity" was a disappointment in many ways (Great visuals, some awesome scenes, but overall? Meh.) so I am not terribly impressed with the idea of more movies.

What I loved was the series and where it might have gone.

That one is dead and can never be made in the way it would have been, so... *shrug*

I'm glad for those who enjoy the comics, though.

Mostly, I'm just annoyed when people start acting like Joss owes them anything at all. If he turned his back on it all right now, all the fans would have a right to do would be to say "Thanks for giving us Firefly." Feelings of entitlement are deeply annoying.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:31 AM


CK well said:)

Just keep flying...we might not get out show back, but hey we've made some wonderful friends and had a great time along the way so the journey has been very worth it

Joss owes us nothing. He made something wonderful and we appreciate it. We wish there would be more and maybe someday there will, but for now I think just a simple thank you for a piece of art well rendered and the joy of our shiny FFF home should suffice


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:40 AM


Joss is an artist...the best artists evolve as they progress through boring would it be if they kept producing the same painting/sculpture etc?
I love Firefly I would eagerly absorb new instalments, but I just as eagerly lap up any new Whedon material. He doesn't owe any of us anything he doesn't feel like giving. He's not our Dad, he's just an incredibly creative guy that makes movies and Tv that people become passionate about for all the right reasons.He has given so much great stuff to us already, and we should just be greatful. Also he has introduced us to some outstanding actors, and It's always lovely to see them do their thing in different roles and grab new audiences. Stop whining and judging already, and appreciate what Joss and co have given.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:03 PM


I couldn't agree more with MSB and Boris. I'll eagerly devour anything Joss or the BDH's do. Give Joss a break and let him create. I loved "Dr. Horrible" and I'm eagerly awaiting "Doll House".

And Nathan is going to have a BIG January too. "Castle" premieres in January on ABC and his movie "Chilled in Miami" is released then also. I've heard through the fan grapevine that they called him back to do more scenes about two months ago for the movie. And hopefully the indie, "Trucker" will be released.

And I have met the most awesome people here and at other Firefly/Serenity sites. I met some at Dragon Con, which should have been called "Firefly/Serenity BDH's draws the biggest crowds". And it got me involved in both CSTS and KidsNeedtoRead.

Keep a little flame in your heart for Firefly and fan it occasionally by trying to recruit more Browncoats to the 'Verse.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:07 PM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
These topics are always so frustrating.

Do you people really not understand the forces at work here?? Admittedly, I'm a creative professional...

...nothing else you can do, and making noise actually hurts your cause.


Wait a minute - aren't we supposed to make at least a little noise...?

Thank you, CK, for taking the time to type all that out. I had reached more or less the same bottom line (keep buying product, keep spreading the word, hope for the best, prepare for the worst, etc.), but I appreciate the informed insight into just how the Hollywood cow eats the creative cabbage. I'm not sure it's so much a matter of everybody not understanding the aspects you mention (at several points in your post I was thinking, "Well yeah, sure - that makes sense") - some things are just hard to keep in mind when you're feeling frustrated and neglected and still trying to figure out how "The World According to Jim" lasted 7 seasons.

The conclusion I've reached regarding Firefly's/Serenity's future runs more-or-less thusly: Whatever Joss wanted to say with Firefly, he will find another show(s)/project(s) to say it through...if he gets to say it again through Firefly/Serenity, I'm sure (or at least I hope) he'll sieze the opportunity. Likewise, I can't imagine any of the cast not cherishing that time in their careers 'til the day they die - as a fine place and time to be present and accounted for. I think if I were any one of them I would be very eager to at least consider stepping back into it, now or 10 years from now. In the meantime, life goes on. Nothin' original about any of that - just sayin'...

One thing I do look forward to - if the whole thing falls out this way - is 20 years from now seeing Malcolm Reynolds portrayed by Patrick Stewart in a whole lot of latex.

It was like at least the upper lip was stiff when we got here!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:29 PM


Can someone please read the last line of the very first post in this topic??

You don't think I know he owes us nothing?

Before everyone continues to attack for me 'demanding' things... read the posts, not just the headlines..


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 12:31 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
Can someone please read the last line of the very first post in this topic??

You don't think I know he owes us nothing?

Before everyone continues to attack for me 'demanding' things... read the posts, not just the headlines..


Originally posted by Bringitback:
In all reality...we are the ones that owe you...but gorram guna ask anyway

Read it the first time, still disagreed with the entire post and your whole tone enough to post what I did. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they didn't read what you said.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 2:27 PM


Hey yeah...I've befriended so many cool people because of the Firefly connection. People I may not have connected with otherwise. And I've met them at such diverse places (cafes, bus stops, planes, work, toilet cues, etc.) and they are such a diverse many good things from one man's little TV show!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 4:01 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:

The reason why he wont commit to any storyline post Serenity and barely anything before the BDM is because he still holds hope.

You wanting to hear him say it, and him actually believing it are two very very different things.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

Why halt production on a franchise when it is gaining momentum??

Why give us sweet FA for so long?

Because, FF/S is not gaining momentum. Haken has stated explicitly, that over the past years, overall traffic to this site has dramatically slowed. Similarly for other sites. Don't let people popping in from time to time let you be deluded otherwise. If fact, both Joss and Nathan in an interview stated explicitly that it would be unreasonable for the fans to expect more.

Which is pretty much the problem. Fans think that they can make an emotional argument to get FF/S back. This just isn't the case. For there to be more, there has to be a business case. Something on the order of a 10% guaranteed return on investment is what business people look for today. And comics are the only venue that is realistic given todays FF/S fan base.

Much as you might want it not to be, that is the reality of the situation. If you want more FF/S, look to the comics, or make it yourself.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:27 PM


Look...Like it or not, there are enough fans out there to support a novel and comics.

2 things which Joss has not allowed to grow.

Whether or not there is enough to make another movie or TV show profitable is another argument for another day.

All im saying is...expand the franchise in ways that you are ABLE to, or fight again for a return that is out of your control.

Give us a novel, do more regular comics...dont just let the franchise die.

At what point do we get a novel?
When noone cares anymore?


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:12 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
Look...Like it or not, there are enough fans out there to support a novel and comics.

2 things which Joss has not allowed to grow.

Whether or not there is enough to make another movie or TV show profitable is another argument for another day.

All im saying is...expand the franchise in ways that you are ABLE to, or fight again for a return that is out of your control.

Give us a novel, do more regular comics...dont just let the franchise die.

At what point do we get a novel?
When noone cares anymore?

The arrogance and self-entitlement of this post is astounding. You really need to (re-)read CK's post (again).

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 6:39 PM


Self Entitlement?

You may want to look up the meanings of the words you just used mate.

I know your type... When you can't be bothered using reason you and your friends use big words to make the un-educated feel bad.

Thats ok...I will push on and hope to get a few more out of you by the end of the topic.

I thought it was a decent question...Why no growth through alternative mediums like books and comics?

But I should have known better to question the well supported facts around here


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 7:14 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
Self Entitlement?

I thought it was a decent question...Why no growth through alternative mediums like books and comics?

But I should have known better to question the well supported facts around here

actually I can see you are making a good point...
Star Trek was left after that show was cancelled and the fans started running their own conventions, wrote their own fan fic, and did grow the fandom....
of course they were lucky because the show was being rerun on every TV every week for over a decade.....
and finally that first Star Trek movie got made.

Joss is looking at this from his own POV: he has stories he wants to tell, and he doesn't want to let anyone else (except maybe Tim Minear) mess around with the Firefly/Serenity universe....

So obviously he isn't growing the fandom,
you are right... he is letting it stagnate....

but it doesn't mean he doesn't love it, he just wants to keep it as his creation....
I do think that eventually he'll get to make a sequel ...
but I can get your resentment.

It is true that a lot of us here have just gotten to accept Joss as our 'Master now', and we are willing to move on to his next project.....

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Tuesday, October 21, 2008 10:17 PM


thanks Embers

I appreciate that little bit of sanity in a topic that has quickly stagnated.

Firefly is Joss's baby and he doesnt want anyone else touching it....I get that..

I hope someone actually gets in his ear and tells him that MORE stories will bring more fans.. more fans will bring the sequel we ALL crave.

Firefly is certainly no Star Wars or Star Trek... but we could certainly take a few leaves out of their book.

You know Embers...I agree with you...We will see more of our BDH one day.. Im holding hope that the new Star Wars TV series re-lights the need for a gritty, interesting scifi alternative ;)

Who knows? Maybe that's what Joss is waiting for too...

Some people juggle geese...


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 5:46 AM


I personally don't want what happened to Star Wars to happen to Firefly/Serenity. Lucas let authors run wild with Star Wars novels and then when he finally came back to the Star Wars universe he took a huge dump on the novels and did whatever he wanted.

Do you really want Joss to allow novels only to retcon them when he finally gets to write what really happens in the verse? I don't.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:23 AM


I have lurked through this topic for quite a while. I don't think we need to throw rocks at anyone. All these things were said about Star Trek Fandom when I was a wee sprite and it grew. Is Joss playing it better than Roddenberry? I don't know.

I do know that while I enjoy this fictional universe and while I am sad it wasn't allowed to grow into something bigger, I am glad for what we have. I will keep checking in here, I will go to the local events, I just bought another copy of Serenity to give to the library and I'll be patient. If nothing happens, I am glad for what I did have.

It won't be the end of life as we know it. There is other good fiction, the ensemble of writers and cast that made Firefly special will keep working and making stuff worth being a part of. If, in like 20 years we get something more and better, GREAT. If not, life is still sweet and I have a LOOOONNNNG list of things to do and see and be. Race ya ;-)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 10:43 AM


I wish the Beatles would just make 20 more albums...
I wish Shakespeare would write 10 more plays....
I wish Sir Arthur Conan Doyle would write more Sherlock Holmes...

There will never be enough.

Still doesn't stop me from listening to the Beatles, watching Shakespeare performed or reading Sherlock Holmes on a regular basis.

This is the definition of the classics.

Same is true of Firefly.

While I want more, I'm thankful for what I've got.


Only when love and need are one
And the work is play for mortal stakes
Is the deed ever really done
For Heaven and the future's sake.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008 8:34 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
Self Entitlement?

You may want to look up the meanings of the words you just used mate.

I do know the meanings. It is precisely the reason why I used those words.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

I know your type... When you can't be bothered using reason you and your friends use big words to make the un-educated feel bad.

Attacking me instead of my arguments is a logical fallacy. This is also an emotional appeal (another logical fallacy).


Originally posted by Bringitback:

Thats ok...I will push on and hope to get a few more out of you by the end of the topic.

You're making assumptions about what did/will do. Are you sure they are good ones?


Originally posted by Bringitback:

I thought it was a decent question...Why no growth through alternative mediums like books and comics?

And CK answered this. Which is why I pointed you back to it. As in, just because you don't like the answer, doesn't make that truth go away. What you need to do is come to terms with it, not flog a dead horse.


Originally posted by Bringitback:

But I should have known better to question the well supported facts around here

Not around here. Around the business world. You just can't say, "It's great! There should be more. I want more." and the magic Firefly fairy poofs more into existence. It just doesn't work that way.

Dwindling fan base + small fan base to start with = no more FF/S

The fact of the matter is that everything that Star Trek/Star Wars had going for it that made it successful, Firefly/Serenity does not have going for it. We have a 1/2 season and 1 movie that the creator and at least one actor has said that this is pretty much where it's going to end. Neither are getting replayed much at all. We also don't have a large or even growing fan base. The fan base is also not very active (that's actually an understatement). The fan base has a critical case of the "do it for me"'s. The one game that was supposed to be developed was killed.

In fact, the only thing that FF/S has going for it are the CSTS screenings. But, really, that isn't much. Because, there is only so many times that the same movie can be shown before it becomes pathetic. Those screenings are going to have to either show a wider range of Joss' work, generalise further or just stop. Because, we're starting to get to that, "So, you're showing a movie that's how many years old?" point.

CK mentioned that many people have said what was needed before and I am one of them. Even with how unpopular it makes me to point reality out, I will still do it. What is needed in a growing active fan base. Without that there is no hope.

There are many ways to be involved in that and exactly none of them involve things like (sorry, but that's a giant counter-productive... movement). What really needs to be done, is to ignore Universal/FOX and produce the content ourselves. Fan fic, video games, art, whatever. Show them that they are missing out on making a good chunk of change by not doing it themselves.

But, all that means... people actually have to do something. Something that requires time and energy beyond posting on some web forum. And this fandom has historically shown that it isn't willing to do anything like that. Perhaps in small quantities. But, certainly not the volume that is needed.

In short, want to help the fandom out? Stop bitching and actually go and do something.

I am on The Original List (twice). We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, October 23, 2008 8:47 AM


I'm with Whisper and Gwek, and probably some others, on supporting Joss' Dollhouse and supporting the cast other ventures. It would bode well for Joss to have his latest story become a huge success.

From that success will come a considerable amount of clout (like the type George Lucas has) where he can call the shots. At this point, from the success of Buffy, in particular, and Dr. Horrible, in general, I think we are headed in that direction. I think it would be a good idea, in the support area, to let the producers of these shows: Chuck, T:SCC, etc. that we Browncoats are watching these shows because of our love for Firefly/Serenity and the characters they portrayed (it's true isn't it).

BTW special mention should go to Christina Hendricks and the show she's on: Mad Men. I have yet to see an episode, but it has received critical acclaim and....well, she's hot!

You hold 'til I get back!


Thursday, October 23, 2008 3:33 PM


I don't know about "30 minutes," but a postcard, perhaps for the holidays, would be nice.
Something like...

"Hi. This is Joss. I'm well and still thinking about you and the 'wacky fun' we had. I'm working on __________ and I hope you check it out. Isn't it great the success the cast is having? And the QMx stuff is very shiny! Hope to some day see you all on Persephone--just be sure your wallet's in your front pocket. Keep flyin'

As for professional novels... Yeah, I want 'em. Lots of 'em.
It is irrelevant if they are canon or not.
They can all be considered alternate universe if Joss ever gets the opportunity to continue the franchise with this or some "next generation."
I enjoy the occasional fan fiction, though I wish the multipart stories were more easily accessible and downloadable.
Hell, I buy the Margaret Weis Serenity Role-Playing Game and modules for the stories and 'verse materials--with no desire or expectation I'll ever play a game.
I love the Speculative segments and Badger's World and Tales of the Verse and other radio dramas. It does not matter that they are not canon.
If this is what our future holds because we are a small fandom, that's fine.
What is it we say?
"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one"
Doing good works with Equality Now and KNTR is part of it--proud to do our parts.
I want my trilogy, but anything else of quality is just fine.
Hope to see some of you at Creation's Salute to Serenity Con in November.



Sunday, October 26, 2008 4:59 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Hmmm... lookie here:

Looks like you weren't the only one :)

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -






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