Life Onboard Serenity: Forwardly Going In A Vaguely Type Direction

UPDATED: Saturday, November 15, 2008 18:58
VIEWED: 23126
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Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:43 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain's Bunk

"What's your favorite color? What's your favorite food? What kind of music do you like? Do you have any hobbies other than plants?" He lightly traced her body's curves with his right hand before resting it on her right buttocks, smiled and asked some more, "Where else are you ticklish?"

"My favorite color?" Ivy asked. "That would be red."

"Red?" Pain asked.

"Very red," she said huskily as she leaned up and kissed him. "Favorite food? Anything chocolate."

"Figured that."

"Music is a little harder to define," she said. "But I guess I like anything that you could move to."

"I like moving," Pain said as he kissed her and pulled her tighter to him.

"As for hobbies, there is paint tag and... needlepoint."

Pain pulled his face back away from hers, giving her an incredulous look.


"My ma," Ivy said as she shrugged. "As for the ticklish places, I'm not telling."

They shared some more kisses before she continued.

"What about you?" she asked. "Same questions."


Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:57 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What about you?" she asked. "Same questions."

"Blue is my favorite color." replied Pain, running a hand through Ivy's hair.

"Blue?" she asked.

"Like my eyes." said Pain, tenderly kissing Ivy's lips.

"They are pretty." she whispered, looking into them as their foreheads touched.

"Thanks for the compliment." Pain said smiling, rewarding her with a passionate kiss.

"Favorite food?" Ivy rasped as their lips broke contact.

"Anythin' chocolate." he said coyly.

"Copy cat." she teased with an inviting grin.

Pain smiled and kissed her again. As he nibbled on her ear lobe, he said, "Can't help it if'n we like the same foods, baobei. In fact I'd like to be dippin' your body in chocolate and lickin' it off very, very slowly."

"Oh that's just naughty, Pain." she moaned, as Pain started to kiss her neck.

Pain smiled and said, "I know, but it'd be fun."

"Music?" she asked almost breathlessly as Pain took a break.

"I don't have any preferences, but I like stuff that sets the mood."

"Hobbies?" she asked.

"Is cuddlin' a hobby?" he asked, as he kissed her again. "Cause I like to cuddle." He locked lips with her again, then said, "I also like to snuggle."

They separated again and he said with a sly smile, "And as for where I'm ticklish." He lowered his mouth to hers' and continued, "You'll just have to find out."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:53 PM


Ivy's fingers ghosted over Pain's ribs, then she wiggled them.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle," she giggled. She tried a couple of different places, but only got amused grins from Pain. "This is going to take a while."

"I'm still not telling," Pain told her.

"Not even if I am really convincing?" she said as she started drawing lazy circles on his chest. "I'm sure I have a chocolate bar or two in my bunk."


Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:12 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I'm sure I have a chocolate bar or two in my bunk."

"I'm sure you do, baobei, but you're under doctor's orders not to leave my bunk." Pain replied with a smile.

"You could get them if I told you where they are." Ivy said, pouting as she continued to trace circles on Pain's chest.

"I could do that." replied Pain, rubbing himself against Ivy. "But I'm very comfortable in here with you."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 30, 2008 6:39 PM


"I guess I am not quite convincing enough, then," she said as she got a mock hurt look on her face.

"Didn't say I wasn't tempted."

Her fingers traced over his ribs and across his back, where she started to tickle him again.

"Nope," he said.

She traced down to his hip and tickled a little there.


Her fingers then wandered over to his belly button and tickled there.


She sighed as she resumed the lazy circles, this time on his stomach. After a couple of minutes, he squirmed and a low chuckle erupted from his lips.

"HAH!" she laughed. "And she is victorious!"

She ran her hand through his hair and brought her lips up to his.

"Do I get a prize?"


Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:33 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Do I get a prize?"

"Hmmmmm." Pain murmured, before kissing Ivy. He lips kissed their way over to her ear, where he whispered seductively, "Yes you do get a prize, my sweet sweet Ivy." He smiled and continued, "I'll even be so kind as to let you pick it out."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:45 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain's Bunk

"I'll even be so kind as to let you pick it out."

She gave him a long slow kiss, her tongue lanquidly teasing his. When she finished, she said:

"Could I have a couple of protein bars and some water? I'm parched and my tummy is growling."


Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:53 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Could I have a couple of protein bars and some water? I'm parched and my tummy is growling."

"You surely can, my dear." replied Pain, giving her a quick kiss before getting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

He was amazed that the glasses of water and the protein bars were where he had left them on the floor and hadn't been knocked over or kicked somewhere when they making love on the floor.

He picked up one of the glasses and a few of the wrapped protein bars and said as he handed them to her, "Here you go, baobei. Figure you need your strength before we have some more fun."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:47 PM


Ivy leisurely munched on her protein bars, every once in a while looking up to see Pain watching her intently.

"What?" she asked.

"You're even cute while eating protein bars."

She punched him lightly in the arm.

"You are silly," she told him. She handed him the empty wrappers and took the glass of water. She sipped it slowly and looked up to see him watching her again. "Don't tell me..."

Pain merely nodded his head. She punched him lightly again. When she was done with her water, she handed him the glass. He put it away and then pulled her close to him. He was about to kiss her, when she suddenly yawned.

"Oh! I'm sorry," she whispered. When she was finished, she kissed him, obviously wanting more from him, but then she yawned again.

"Bao bei..." Pain told her. "You're tired. You should try to get some rest. This can wait a bit."

"But I...," she said, looking deeply into his eyes and then yawning again.

"A little nap wouldn't be a bad thing, you'd be rested for later," he informed her. "Anyway, my favorite hobby is cuddling. I'm very good at it."

"I guess so," she admitted as she yawned again.

He pulled her close to him, wrapping his arms around her. It didn't take long before her could hear her breathing deep and evenly.

"Sleep well, darling," Pain whispered to her.

He relaxed and just listened to her breathe. His eyes traveled to her scars again. The thought crept back into his mind about how much they looked like whip marks. He traced the closest one to him, put it out of his mind, closed his eyes and fell asleep right along with her.


Thursday, October 30, 2008 8:51 PM


Ack! Double post!


Saturday, November 1, 2008 4:47 AM


John gathered his composure and left the engine room. It was time to get back to life. As he traveled the hallways, goign nowhere he felt teh crew. Passion, more preveletn lately. He followed the paths until he came to the infirmary. A man was tied to the table talking to Simon. John entered the room. "Who is he?"



Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:37 AM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATREFREAK:
"Who is he?"

Isahiah waved a tired hand at the newcomer, so as to attract his heed. "'Beg your pardon, sire, but I believe I'm better qualified to answer that question than he is," he said.

The doctor calmly concurred. "He displays an uncanny resistance to both narcotic and non-narcotic sedatives. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Saturday, November 1, 2008 1:43 PM


Pain's Bunk

Pain blinked his eyes open and looked at the time. Fifteen minutes had passed since he and Ivy started their nap. Pain shook the fuzziness from his head and his eyes drifted over to his gun that was Laying on the floor in its holster, still attached to his gun belt. It would be insensible for him to let it just lie there, so he carefully crawled out of bed to put it back in his weapons locker.

He kneeled down to pick it up, stopping to hear Ivy moan as she shifted a little in bed. Once she stopped, Pain headed for his weapons locker with his gun belt in hand. As he opened up the locker, Pain cringed as the hinges squeaked none-too-quietly. He turned to see if Ivy had heard it, but saw that she was still asleep. Breathing a sigh of relief, Pain reminded himself to ask Kaylee later to see if he could borrow a spray can of lubricant.

He quietly thumbed off the safety strap on the holster and was in the process of sliding the gun out of it, when he heard Ivy stir again and stopped. He waited for a moment and then started to put his gun belt away. At that time Ivy had noticed it had gotten a little colder and opened her eyes to investigate. When she saw Pain wasn't sleeping next to her, she sat up and turned her head.

Seeing Pain standing with his back to her and a gun in his hand, Ivy's eyes got wide as she scrambled across the bed with the covers in her hands, pulling her legs up to her chest. Pain hearing the scrambling, turned his head and saw that Ivy had her back to the wall and had covered herself with his blanket.

Pain cocked his head at an angle, gun still in hand and asked, "What's wrong baobei? You look like you've seen a ghost."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 1, 2008 5:43 PM


Ivy had seen all the guns located in Pain's gun locker. There had to be dozens of various sizes. And worse yet, he had one in his hand. In a flash of fear, she withdrew and let Tommy come forward.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"What's wrong baobei? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"What's with the gun? Or rather guns," she asked warily, eyes studying him carefully.

"Had to put away the one I left on the floor when we...," he grinned devilishly. "When we first came down here. As for the rest, I use them here on Serenity. Security, you know."

She relaxed a little, but Tommy decided to stay around a few more minutes. She suddenly looked at Pain and realized he was naked as a jaybird. A slight smile creeped across her lips.

Pain slipped back into bed and pulled her into his embrace. Tommy wasn't expecting the possibility of that happening, so she stiffened a bit.

"Relax, bao bei. I keep them all locked up. Safe as can be," he said as he kissed her and ran his fingers down her spine. "I know we didn't get much of a rest, but if you're up to it, I have some other ideas."

Pain gave her another kiss as he pulled her closer. Tommy looked him in the eyes and returned the kiss. She didn't expect to be in this situation, but she couldn't turn it down. Her kisses were insistent and full of passion as she took control of the situation.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 6:36 PM


Pain's Bunk

Their sweat covered bodies were entwined with each others' as they laid in bed. Tommy was kissing Pain's neck as he stared at the ceiling, a complacent look on his face. As Tommy brought her lips to Pain's, she said with a hungry look in her eyes, "I want more."

Pain smiled and kissed her, before pulling away and saying, "I know you do, baobei, but it'll have to wait until after dinner." He gave her another kiss and continued, "You kind of wore me out. Goin' to need to eat some food so I can get some strength in my bones so we can go at it again."

He looked into her eyes again, before he brought her lips back to his.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:31 PM


Despite the slightly worn out feeling that Pain was feeling, their kissing fervor never waned. Tommy was nibbling on Pain's earlobe before moving down his neck, raking her teeth along his pulse point as she went. She applied some more kisses before gently biting.

"That's going to leave a mark," Pain breathed.

"Will it?" she said as she covered her mouth with her hand in feigned innocence.

Her hands mapped his chest as her mouth once again covered his, taking possession of it.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 7:53 PM


Pain Bunk

"We got to slow down, baobei." Pain rasped as their lips broke contact.

"What for?" Tommy asked, brushing some hair from her face.

"You're goin' to break me, darlin'. Can't have any after dinner fun if'n you break me." replied Pain, before raking his teeth against her neck and following it with some gentle biting and kissing. Satisfied with the results, he gave Tommy another kiss, before saying, "Now to give you a matchin' one on the other side."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:04 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Now to give you a matchin' one on the other side."

"Now, Pain," she warned. "You don't want to make me look like I got attacked by a vampire."


"You gotta be creative..." she kissed him before working her way down the his shoulder, giving him a little nibble there.

Then she grinned at him.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:14 PM


Pain's Bunk

"Well in that case." replied Pain with a devious smile. "I know where I'm goin' to give you another hickey, but uh.. you're goin' to have to move up some."

"Is this close enough?" Tommy asked with a smile.

Pain shook his head and said, "A little more."

Tommy moved up a little more and kept doing it until Pain told her to stop. She leaned down as he told her to and started to give her a hickey on her stomach, right above her navel.


Saturday, November 1, 2008 8:31 PM


"Ow!" she coyly teased.

Pain brought his mouth the hers and kissed her deeply.

"Now I am sorry to interrupt our fun, but we really need to rest up a bit before going up for chow."

Tommy sighed, disappointed, but did as he asked. She molded her body into his and didn't take long to fall asleep. She was more tired than she thought.

Next to her, Pain lay awake. He was holding her, one hand sprawled across her stomach. The more he lay there, the more unsettled he was getting.

She was different this past time. Very different.


Sunday, November 2, 2008 5:12 AM


John walked over to the man and smiled. Medical anomalies din't really bother him anymore considering he had first hand knowedge of some of the alliances practices. "Hi, I'm John and this is Serenity. That's Simon over there and he can get you all stiched up if you let him. Do you have any idea how you came to be on this ship? A name? Anything?" John hesitated in reading his emotions, afraid of what he would find.



Sunday, November 2, 2008 12:19 PM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATREFREAK:
"Hi, I'm John and this is Serenity. That's Simon over there and he can get you all stiched up if you let him. Do you have any idea how you came to be on this ship? A name? Anything?"

Isahiah raised a dubious eyebrow. "On second thought, I'll take that back. 'Seems I might not be the man you wanna talk to after all," he said. "Your doctor friend here says I was alone drifting in space and right on the verge of kicking it when you guys turned up and mercifully reeled me in. He was unclear as to why I have no recollection of this taking place. He also neglected to mention why I woke up finding my limbs are strapped to an infirmary bed. Now, I don't mean to be giving you guys a hard time here, and if you did bail me out of that damnable escape pod, then trust me, I am grateful. I'd just like for someone to let me know what the score is."

A certain measure of eagerness had crept up in his voice as he had spoken, each added word being uttered with increased conviction and desperation, and he was now staring intently at his hosts.

A look of annoyance came upon the doctor's face. "Fine,"he said. "The captain asked that you'd be secured seeing that the first time you woke up, you went berserk and threatened, among other things, to break my neck."

"Oh..." Isahiah started, visibly dumbfounded. He had come to doubt that this stolid face actually had the ability to emote.

"Any further questions?" the doctor asked on a deadpan tone.

Isahiah unwound and chuckled. "No. No, that'll be all," he said. "You know, if it's any consolation, I'm glad I didn't actually break your neck. Really." The doctor simply cast his inscrutable gaze on him as a mean of reply. Isahiah turned to John again. "Name's Isahiah Nazarov. I'm a contractor of sorts. Pleasure meeting ya, John. I'd shake hands, but..."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Sunday, November 2, 2008 12:57 PM


"I understand. Simon, I think we should let him out. I dopn't think he means trouble. And if he does go crazy again I'm armed."

"I don't know the captain..."

"Don't for a second pretend that anything the captain says has any weight on your decision ever." John took the restraints off the man so that he's be more comfortable. "Do you know where you were headed?"

Simon was confused. First John had gone missing and now here he was calm as ever and taking over the situation. He seemed almost too nice. Simon remained wary as John continued his conversation.



Sunday, November 2, 2008 4:28 PM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATREFREAK:
John took the restraints off the man so that he's be more comfortable.

Isahiah heaved a sigh of relief as John unbuckled the straps fastened around his wrist. "Thank you very much, friend. I figured you were the compassionate sort," he said. It wasn't long before he was eventually able to move into a sitting position.

"Hmph... Mei young ma duh tse gu young, I'm sore in places I wasn't even aware existed!" he said while making a strenuous effort to stretch his arms out to their full length. "'Guess I got you to thank for the fact that I'm able to ramble around at all, right Doc?"


Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATREFREAK:
"Do you know where you were headed?"

Isahiah was now meticulously kneading the tired flesh of his left foot, which seemed to bring him great contentment. "Now there's a touchy question," he replied, his gaze never swerving from his sore trotter. "You see, I believe a man ought to set out rules for himself to abide by for his life to have any personal significance in this frightfully significance deprived universe, and one of mine happens to be... well it goes some'in like this: Under no circumstances shall you ever spill the beans on company matters. I said it before, I'm happy I'm still alive, and I know who I gotta thank for that, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go and flout my credo on your account, 'cause not only would that be a crime against my business, it'd be a crime against myself as well."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Sunday, November 2, 2008 6:40 PM


Pain's Bunk

The kissing had reminded him of their time at Paint Tag and the time 13 entered his bunk and threw him off of her. That kissing was of the hot and heavy variety as opposed to the slow, passionate kisses from the previous three times they made love, as well as when they kissed in the cargo bay. Something that 13 had said earlier rang inside his head.


"She's two different peas in the same pod."

Pain thought that over and wanted to tell the sleeping beauty next to him about it, but he could feel his eyelids getting heavy. With a yawn, Pain put it in the back of his mind to tell her later and nuzzled her neck, giving it a kiss before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 2, 2008 7:15 PM


She startled awake, but managed not to wake Pain. It hadn't been real long since she had fallen asleep. She hadn't meant to, but she did. The recollection of her and Pain's recent interlude came to her. She hadn't been in charge. Tommy had been.

"Tommy?" she whispered.

"Yes?" a voice answered, also hushed.

Tommy sounded different. She sounded almost... relaxed.

"Are we OK?"


"And you thought we weren't ready."

"I can be wrong sometimes."

"It's possible," Ivy whispered as she giggled just a little.

"Now go back to sleep. Dinner's gonna be soon. We haven't had much rest."

Ivy giggled a little again, wriggled a little to get closer to Pain and closed her eyes.

Pain had been asleep an even shorter period of time, so he hadn't fell into a deep sleep cycle yet. Through the haze, he thought he heard voices. Then a quiet laugh. Who could be talking? He finally came close enough to wakefulness to open his eyes. He looked down at Ivy's face. She was asleep, but a faint smile was on her lips.

Who was talking? He looked around the room and saw no one. Pain shook the thought out of his head and drifted back into slumber.


Sunday, November 2, 2008 8:52 PM


Pain's Bunk

A nagging thought brought Pain out of his sleep. He brought his lips to Ivy's ear and rubbed her stomach. She moaned and squirmed a little as he did so. Bringing his lips closer to to her ear, Pain asked her, "Where is Ivy right now?"

Tommy whispered half asleep with her eyes still closed, "She's busy at the moment. Can I take a message?"

Pain whispered back, "Sure thing. Tell her that I know, will you?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:13 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Sure thing. Tell her that I know, will you?"

The question registered in her half asleep mind. Suddenly, he eyes snapped open and she tried to put some distance from Pain, but he held her tight.

"Let go of her," she growled, struggling a bit.

"I'm not gonna hurt you," Pain reassured her. "Neither of you."

"What do you mean neither?" Tommy tried to convince him. "There is no neither. You must be sleep deprived to come to this conclusion."

"I'm right," he said in a soothing voice. "You just confirmed it. You said to 'Let go of her'."

She stopped struggling and her posture softened. Ivy had come forward again. Tommy couldn't protect her against this revelation. What was done was done.

"No. You're wrong," Ivy tried to convince him again, but her voice wavered, betraying her.

"You know I'm not," Pain said softly as he loosened his grip on her, resuming a tender embrace.

He felt a tear fall onto his arm and she shuddered just a bit.

"Do you want me to leave? I'd understand it if you would," Ivy said as more tears fell. "I should probably start packing my things too. The captain will throw me off the ship for sure now."


Monday, November 3, 2008 2:19 PM


"I can understand that," John said. "But hw can we get you where you need to be if you won't tell us. Hoping for answers, John began to probe his mind, just the outside, looking for flashes of emotion



Monday, November 3, 2008 2:49 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Do you want me to leave? I'd understand it if you would," Ivy said as more tears fell. "I should probably start packing my things too. The captain will throw me off the ship for sure now."

"That ain't goin' to happen, darlin', cause I won't let it. If'n the Captain tries that go-se, he'll have to go through me first." replied Pain, turning Ivy to face him. Wiping the tears from her cheeks, he continued, "As for you packin' your things and leavin', that ain't happenin' either. The only things you'll be packin' are your bags of clothes, cause you'll be movin' them in here."

He touched a finger to her lips and said, "Now before you have your say, let me speak my peace." Pain looked into her eyes and continued, "I've always wanted to be with two women at once. I just never thought those two women would be sharin' the same body. What I'm sayin' is that I like both you and Tommy a lot. I enjoy the kissin', the touchin', and the time spent together. In fact I'm lookin' forward to a second date. Perhaps we could go on a picnic somewhere out in the open. You, me, a blanket, and a basket of food." A smile crossed his lips as he added, "You can even bring Tommy along."

He wiped another tear from her cheeks and continued, "If'n that don't tickle your cute little fancy, we could always go for Paint Tag again. I am kind of lookin' for a rematch."

He gave her another warm smile, then let it fade as he talked some more, "Seriously though, baobei, I ain't goin' to tell the captain or 13 about this. I know there's a story behind it and I ain't goin' to ask for it now. I'm sure you'll give it to me once you get up the courage to do so. For the here and now though, lets just catch up on the remainder of our nap. Chow time's in a few hours anyways and we could use the sleep. Perhaps after we've finished eatin' we can have some after dinner fun." He ran a hand through her hair and asked, "So what do you say?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 3, 2008 4:04 PM



Originally posted by JOHNTHETHEATREFREAK:
"I can understand that," John said. "But hw can we get you where you need to be if you won't tell us."

Isahiah's mood darkened abruptly. "Where I need to be... hell, that's a good one," he thought. "I need a place to hole up until I can devise a plan to set things right. Whoever blew up the Dandelion is liable to come after me if my face starts turnin' up in the wrong places. Right now, chances are whoever set this up believes I'm dead, and until I know what I'm up against, my best bet's to make sure they don't come to believe otherwise.

He turned so that his legs were now hanging over the edge of the mattress, then gingerly slid off the bed and to his feet. "I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you, friend," he said, leaning hard against the bed frame to cover for his wobbly legs. "The ship I was on had a bit of a mishap. As far as I know, I'm the only one who made it out alive." His face stiffened as a sudden surge of vengeful ire possessed him for an instant. "I really don't have any particular place to be right now," he continued. "I'd say I need a bit of time to... put things into perspective. So anywhere will do, I guess."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Monday, November 3, 2008 6:01 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"So what do you say?"

She looked at him. She was suspicious, wary, scared and slightly hopeful, all at the same time. If you could have watched the mechanics happening in her head at the time, you probably would have seen Tommy and Ivy switch in and out faster than you could have blinked.

"Why would you do that for her?" Tommy asked him, her eyes reflecting the calm protectedness she always carried for Ivy. Pain was about to answer when her eyes softened and tears welled up in them. "Why would you do that for me? I... I'm... broken."


Monday, November 3, 2008 6:25 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Why would you do that for me? I... I'm... broken."

"We're all broken, baobei. In some way, shape, and form." Pain replied, looking into Tommy's eyes. "I just want to help put you back together."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 3, 2008 7:12 PM


"But what if you can't?" Ivy asked him. "What if this is it?"

"Then we'll deal with that."

"You hardly know me."

"Know enough."

Suddenly, she wriggled free from his grasp and climbed over top of him and out of the bed.

"No. No. No..." she whispered semi-frantically as she searched for her clothes. "I'm broken. Damaged. You can't want me. No one wants me..."

She found the T-shirt of Pain's that she had earlier, bent over and picked it up. She stood back up quickly only to put her hand up to her head and start to sway.


Monday, November 3, 2008 7:31 PM


Pain's bunk

Pain saw Ivy start to sway and rushed over to her, putting his arms around her waist to prevent her from falling. He looked into her eyes and said, "You're wrong about that, darlin'. I do want you and I'm more than willin' to do anythin' to have you."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 3, 2008 8:02 PM


"But... I think... I think I might have... done something," Ivy whispered as she looked up into Pain's eyes. "Something really bad..."

Ivy? Listen to me. Tommy's voice rang out in her head.

"I just... can't remember..." Ivy said softly.


Ivy jumped and Pain started to become more concerned.

Don't look, Ivy. I'll take care of it.

"Don't look..." Ivy echoed. "She'll take care of it."

"Ivy?" Pain asked as he picked her up and brought her back to the bed and laid her down.

"Don't look..." Ivy whispered. "Don't look..."

He slid into bed next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"So don't look, bao bei," he heard himself saying. "Do whatever Tommy is telling you to. I'm right here. I'm not leaving."

Pain could feel her physically relax as she started to drift off. Right before she closed her eyes, Pain heard her speak and he knew right away that it was Tommy.

"Thank you, Pain," she said as she tilted her face up to his and kissed him. "Thank you."

Then she fell asleep, exhausted.


Monday, November 3, 2008 8:21 PM


Pain's Bunk

"You're welcome." he said to the sleeping beauty before him.

He gave her a kiss on the forehead before closing his own eyes and drifting off to sleep. Today had been a very interesting and strange day so far. As he slumbered next to Ivy and Tommy, he wondered what the evening would bring.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 4, 2008 6:03 AM


The Bridge

Mal stood there looking out into the black. His mind was full of turmoil. There were too many variables happening on his boat at the same time.

He needed to alleviate some of them, but strangely enough, they were all injured: Ivy, Aiko and the newcomer.

He couldn't exactly space them, as much as that would alleviate the problem, but he wasn't that cold.

But he could dump them off the ship when they came to the nearest port. Ivy'd be the first one. She was dangerous. She was worming her way into his crew. She had won over Pain, that was plainly evident. She probably had Kaylee liking her too. John didn't seem to be bothered by her presence and River had actually defended her.

Gorram it! Mal thought. What in the rutting Hell is going on around here?

He still thought she was a fed. She gave a plausible enough excuse, but he didn't believe in coincidences. But then again, River had defended her.

Aha! He needed River. She had to know more than she was letting on.

Mal turned to look back at River, who was busy rechecking their course, making such that they were getting back on course after their detour to pick up his latest problem.

"Not going to tell you," River said softly as she stood up to join him.

"Not going to tell me?" he asked incredulously. "Need I remind you that this is my boat. I am the Captain."

"It's not the right time."

"River," Mal said, his ire starting to spike. "What is she hiding?"

"It's not the right-" River started before she stopped dead. A flood of emotion cascaded over her. It was so strong that she was nearly knocked off her feet. Mal reached out and steadied her.

"What is it, lil' albatross?" he asked searching her eyes. "What do you see?"

"Fear. Confusion. Uncertainty."

Another, stronger wave of emotion washed over her and River let out a whimper. She could could feel Ivy's turmoil and it was profound. She had gotten a few glimpses before, enough to piece together some of the horrible facts surrouding Ivy's life, but this sudden onslaught was more graphic. More raw.


River heard the shot in her mind, but it was still startling enough to make her jump.

"River?" Mal asked. "Are you OK?"

"Horror. Guilt. Death," River said taking on the cadence of an episode like she used to get before Miranda. "It hides, but it's never far. Always there."

"River?" Mal asked again looking into River's eyes for some explanation. Hearing her like this again was starting to freak him out.

Then, River felt it ebb. It calmed. Or actually, it was being calmed. The emotions were falling away into silence.

"Pain," she whispered. Of course Mal was thinking about physical pain, but River actually meant the man.

"You OK?" Mal asked her. She nodded slowly. "Tell me where I need to go"

River knew she couldn't tell him it was actually occuring just a couple yards away.

"It's fine now," she said. She thought about John. He had gone down to the infirmary, but she didn't know if he was close enough to feel the assault of emotions stemming from Ivy's pain. The distance probably muted it, but she wouldn't be surprised if he felt something. Plus, she needed to give Mal something to do. "But you might want to check on John. Just tell him that everything's OK."

"Don't seem like everything's OK," Mal retorted. "Haven't seen you like that since before Miranda."

"I'm fine. Just check on John," she said as she sat down in the pilot's seat. "And tell Simon I want to talk to him later."

Mal looked at her funny, she could feel the fact that he knew something was going on, but he turned and made his way quickly towards the infirmary.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 5:49 PM


Pain's Bunk

Pain dreamed of Ivy as he slept. They were sitting on a porch swing on the porch of a ranch house, cuddling as they watched a group of mustangs frolic in a field. Pain didn't recognize the house, nor the landscape that surrounded it. He looked up in the afternoon sky and saw the outline of a large gas giant looming over the horizon. He squinted and could just make out some of the rings that vertically orbited the planet. He couldn't place the name of the gas giant, but it didn't look like any of the planets he knew of. Taking his eyes off of it, Pain focused them on Ivy.

She sat there on the swing, his arms wrapped around her, holding her tight. She was wearing one of his shirts and had her hair up in a ponytail. He gazed longingly into her green eyes before smiling and bringing his lips closer to hers' in a passionate embrace.

Just as he was enjoying their lip locking, one of the mustangs trotted over to them, and said to Pain in Ivy's voice, "Pain? Are you awake? Pain?"

Pain shook his head and opened his eyes, blinking the fuzziness from them. Ivy was propped up on one arm, the other on his shoulder and shaking him.

Pain cleared his throat, smiled at Ivy, and said, "Hey, babe, I was just havin' a dream about you." Propping himself up on one of his own elbows, he gave her a kiss, then asked, "What do you need?"

"I was wondering.." she trailed off, as one of her fingers traced a lazy circle around his chest. "If you could get me somethin' to drink? I'm really thirsty."

Pain smiled at Ivy and reluctantly replied, "Yeah sure, baobei."

He gave her a quick peck on the forehead before climbing out of bed and scooping up one of the glasses. Pain walked over to the sink in his room, pulled it out, and started to fill the glass.

"You have a sink in here?" Ivy asked as she watched him.

"Yep." replied Pain, smiling as he pushed the sink back into the wall. As he sat down on the bed and handed her the glass, he continued, "Also got a fold out toilet underneath it. So you know, if'n you got to go, you don't have to trek outside and all the way over to the shower room."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 6:32 PM


With one last wearied look at River, Mal stooped his head and moved through the hatchway linking the bridge to the foredeck. Things had gotten to be entirely too outlandish on his boat over the last little while. First, half of his high upkeep security contingent had taken a fancy to one of the travelers and had seldom been seen or heard from since.

Next, they had happened on a meandering escape pod that fetched a survivor from a mysterious deep-space calamity, who, following his being retrieved and turned over to Simon for some much needed doctoring, had assaulted the medic on account of some erring episode of post-traumatic hysteria. And, last but not least, River had just had an attack of kookiness evocative of her unnerving, and occasionally murderous, ways of yore.

He didn't think of himself as being altogether averse to change, and was willing to put up with the odd inconvenience so as to indulge the needs of the crew, but this was more than he could bear at once. He was hell-bent on getting some answers out of his more troublesome tenants, and those who would fail to produce satisfactory ones would find their stay on his boat to be short indeed.

He came down the staircase and barreled into the infirmary. "'Good a place as any to start," he thought.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 7:13 PM


Ivy drank her water and used the facilities that she so pleasantly discovered was available right there in Pain’s bunk.

Pain’s bunk.

Pain had told her that she was to move her things in there. That would make it their bunk. But did he actually mean it or was he just trying to make her feel better? She was going to ask him later, but he was there with his arms wrapped around her, so she succumbed to sleep instead.

After awhile, she began to dream.

Ivy was shoved into a cell like room, no more than 6 x 8. It contained a cot and a couple of shelves bolted to the wall. She fell to her knees, but got up quickly and whirled to face her captors.

“Let me go. You’ve got no right,” she spat at them.

“This one will be a problem. We’ll need to ‘adjust’ her to her new role in life,” the one guy said, totally ignoring her outburst.

“On the shelf are two sets of clothes,” the other guy said. “You need to strip off what you are wearing and put one of them on.”

Ivy looked down at her clothes. The knee of her pants was torn and bloodied. There was a similar tear on the sleeve of her shirt, but that didn’t bother her. It was the fact that the majority of her shirt was covered in blood. Her father’s blood. After they shot him, she had pulled him into a small room in the back of the house, locked it and held him while he died. It gave her some comfort that she was with him as he passed, but it was a memory that was too raw to process. She was numb.

“No, not yet,” the first guy said. “She’s not presentable yet, she needs cleaned up. Can’t have her covered in blood. Boss won’t like it. Wants his merchandise to look presentable.”

Before she knew it, she had been stripped and shoved into an open shower room. The water was ice cold and she started shivering immediately.

“Don’t I get any privacy?” she asked, hopeful that they’d at least give her some dignity.

They men both laughed like it was the funniest thing ever.

“Honey, you’ll never have privacy again. You will be watched always, when you’re asleep, when you’re awake, when you get ready for whatever the Boss has in mind for you that day, when you shower, always. He has an investment in you. Wants to get his money’s worth.”

“Plus, it’s a good perk for us,” the other said. “We get to carry out the watchin’. Now the soap is on the wall. And we want you to go very slowly. No sense to waste a perfectly good show.”

They laughed again, sat down on nearby chairs and waited for her to begin.

Ivy awoke with a start. Pain was looking at her.

“You OK, bao bei?” he asked. “You’re shivering.”

Ivy swallowed hard.

“Sh-shiny,” she ground out and she pulled herself tighter to Pain while she stared vacantly at the wall in front of her. “Just shiny.”

Pain knew she wasn’t anywhere near shiny.

“I’m here,” he whispered to her as he tightened his grip on her and kissed her on the top of her head. “Not going anywhere.”


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:12 PM


Pain's Bunk

He watched her for a bit and then asked, "Tommy? Are you awake? I need to ask you if'n Ivy's doin' okay. Tommy? You up?" His eyes glided over her form and a smile appeared on his face as he whispered, "I'm not goin' to have to spank you to get you to wake up am I? Cause I'm more than willin' to do that."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 8:47 PM


Pain heard a slight chuckle from her.

"Tommy? That you?" Pain asked.

"It is."

"Is Ivy doing OK?"

Tommy let out a deep breath as if she was trying to formulate an answer.

"Tommy?" Pain asked, growing a little more concerned. "IS she doing OK?"

After a couple of seconds, Tommy finally answered him.

"Not really," she admitted. "She's trying though, but there are memories that keep finding their way through."


"There are certain things, I cannot, under any circumstances, let her remember," Tommy said evenly.

"Like what?"

Tommy flashed him a look that said 'don't go there.'

"Now is not the time."

"Am I helping her? Or hurting her?"

Tommy smiled at him warmly.

"Definitely helping," she said as she ran her hands up his chest. "It's nice to know that someone wants us. Both of us. And who accepts us as we are without trying to fix us. Someone who is willing to deal with us as seperate, but connected, entities."

She kissed his shoulder.

"And we are connected," she said in a sultry voice as she glided up his body so she could reach his lips. "And after dinner, we plan on showing you exactly how much."


Wednesday, November 5, 2008 9:25 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"And after dinner, we plan on showing you exactly how much."

The kissing was intense and heated. It reminded him of Paint Tag in a way. After their lips departed one another, Pain said almost breathlessly, "Well I can uh honestly say that I'm goin' to be uh lookin' forward to that." He looked at the time display and added with a smile, "Perhaps we should get some more rest in before chow time. I'm goin' to need that energy for all that fun you two plan on puttin' me through."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, November 6, 2008 3:18 AM


How does this work, exactly?

It is it designed to be more RP, just role playing, like D&D?

Or more like you're writing a story as if it were a series?

Or like a game, with levels and skills and so on?

--- - Make money online filling out surveys!


Thursday, November 6, 2008 7:59 AM



PM sent to JaynesMane.



Thursday, November 6, 2008 8:39 AM


Tommy finished up with a kiss and nestled herself back into the crook of Pain's arm.

"Rest might be wise indeed," she agreed. "Plus my head needs some extra downtime. It's starting to pound a bit."

"Need me to get Simon for you? Or some more meds?"

"No. Just need to get some sleep. We'll see Simon soon enough at dinner."

"You sure?"


Pain stayed awake as he watched her drift off. His heart broke a little thinking about how much turmoil Ivy was in.

He wondered what exactly Tommy didn't want her to remember. Or how close Ivy was getting to doing just that. Something had to have happened to her. Something very bad. He traced one of her scars with his fingertip. He was quite sure now that there was no Cutlas tree incident. He thought she had fallen asleep, but she shuddered when he had touched her scar.

It was unlike Tommy to just lie there without saying anything unless she truly was asleep, so he knew who it was.

"Ivy?" he asked softly. "You need to get some rest, darlin'."

"I don't want to go to sleep. The dreams..."

"Figured you were having some nightmares, but you do need to get some sleep."

"Don't wanna."

"I insist. Just don't let your mind wander into the dark places, Ivy. Look for bits of light and concentrate there."

"Don't look..."

"Exactly. Don't look. Listen to what I say and just let yourself slide into Happyland."

Ivy let out a small giggle.


Pain pulled her close and started talking in a soothing tone.

"We should take a vacation someday. Find ourselves a ranch to stay out somewhere. One with horses running free outside that we could watch from a porch swing as it gently glides back and forth."

"That sounds nice," she said with a slight yawn.

"Well, it'd be easy to pack for. You'd only need a couple of my T-shirts..."

Pain continued to vaguely describe the dream he had earlier, adding in some extra descriptors to lengthen the story. It only took a couple of minutes until she had fallen asleep with a slight smile on her face. Pain leaned down and kissed the top of her head before joining her in slumber.


Thursday, November 6, 2008 9:14 AM


(OOC: Sorry to post back to back, but sometimes I can't help it!)

On the bridge

River sat there with tears streaming down her face. She felt trapped. Leaving the bridge via the foredeck was not possible. The emotion flowing from Pain's bunk was hard to ignore and it hurt. And going down the stairs located in the bridge was not a likely option, because it would just lead her alongside Pain's bunk as well.

She had received a much bigger idea of Ivy's past in the last couple of hours. She tried not to pry, but she didn't really have a choice this time. It had sought her out. River had been caught in the wrong place at the wrong time without any clear way to retreat.

Ivy's past was dreadfully painful. River tried to shake it from her mind in order to not invite some more of it to wander itself inside of her.

Luckily, she suddenly felt a calm wash over her. Whatever Pain was doing right now was doing the trick and she was thankful it didn't even involve sexing Ivy up... again. She knew about the plans they had for later and she made a mental note to be elsewhere. On the other side of the ship elsewhere. It was just too... unsettling.

She decided to make a break for it. Utilize this time of quiet to extract herself from her present location. She turned towards the door and half sprinted towards the foredeck, only to come upon a very angry 13, standing in front of the hatch to Pain's bunk. He seemed to be processing his options on what to do. River could feel the anger towards Ivy that he felt and the concern for his friend. He thought she was taking advantage of Pain somehow and had a inkling of Ivy's condition. 13 turned to her as she came towards her and started to speak, but River cut him off.

"Now is not the time. You'll only make things worse."

"So there is something going on. I knew there was something."

"It's none of your business, 13. Just let it go."

"She's done something to him. He's taken to her too fast. It's not like him."

"Pain is fine 13. Just drop it."

"I can't and Mal knows something is strange with her too. He's going to get to the bottom of this and I want to be there when the witch fesses up."

"So what are you doing here?"

13 shrugged.

"Trying to facilitate the process?"

River pushed 13 down to the galley, making sure she had an escape route if she needed. 13 took a good look at her.

"You've been crying," he said. Now he was sure something was up, he started to take a step back towards Pain's bunk, but River stopped him.

"Leave them alone."


"I said to leave them alone," River said firmly. She looked at him with resolve. "Or I will hurt you."

"Wha-?" 13 was shocked at her reaction.

"And you know I can," she added before leaving the galley to hide somewhere quiet on the ship.

Reluctantly, 13 took a seat in the galley and just waited in case he was needed. It would be interesting at dinner.


Friday, November 7, 2008 1:25 AM


(OOC: So sorry I haven't been here for like... 3 months... woah. But work and some personal issues have kept me from playing, am trying to return so be patient please.)

Cate, sensing that it was safe and quiet to exit from her room, made her way up towards where the galley was.

She was barely out of her room when she hit a solid mass and fell onto her butt, looking up she realized she saw she’d knocked into none other than the Captain.

“Sorry, wasn’t looking where I was going.” Cate said, pulling herself up to her feet again, while waving Mal’s hand away.

“Keeping the eyes open does help with not knocking into things,” Mal replied as he watched the girl steady herself. “Haven’t see you around much, you’re not planning anything?”

“Blunt today, ain’t we?” she grinned lopsidedly, “No, by the sounds of it troubles been happening so I'm staying well clear and out of danger. I may write about dangerous deeds and such, doesn’t mean I want to be in the middle of them.”

“Sounds like the kind of passengers I should be getting.” Mal grumbled as he started for the infirmary. “See you at dinner.”

Her reply was a half hearted wave in his direction as she made her own way towards the galley for a cup of strong coffee.


Friday, November 7, 2008 7:49 AM


Mal came into the infirmary and took a long, steady look at the man who sat haggardly on the infirmary bed. He was bedraggled and sickly looking, with his pallid skin stretched atop of his bones as if he had gone through weeks without a proper meal. He noticed other things, also. The keen twinkle in his eyes, his furtive mannerisms, the way he handled himself with this subdued swagger which he had come to associate with less than savory types... "Gorram it... I have absolutely no use for that right now" he muttered to himself. He turned to John.

"So? Who do we have here," he said with a curt nod in Isahiah's direction.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."






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