Entertainment Weekly Firefly Mass Mailing Request

UPDATED: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 05:02
VIEWED: 10949
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:28 PM


Fellow Browncoats:

Over on another thread, new fan 'Pselus' suggested we all write letters to Entertainment Weekly (details in his letter and subsequent posts at )

I agree with him wholeheartedly and have already written mine. I haven't posted it yet, because I'd like to filter it thru y'all first, to see if y'all like it. Here 'tis:

Reader Comment on Article from May 21, 2004 issue, "The X Factor"


Joss stated that Fox TV is “a bad network that makes bad decisions”. Fox TV responded, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again." What was left unsaid by the network’s mouthpiece was that Fox thought so highly of Mr. Whedon’s work that they: 1.) Failed to air the 2-hour movie at the start of the series, as was necessary in order to introduce viewers to the characters and setting; 2.) Moved the start time of the weekly episodes and skipped weeks because of baseball and football coverage; 3.) Showed episodes out of order, which scrambled the plot arc. I believe it’s obvious that Fox TV had no appreciation of the art Joss had created, and no respect for Mr. Whedon himself. If Fox TV had made some concessions for the fact that Firefly’s poor showing in the ratings was due in majority to their own mismanagement of the property, their statement would hold more weight. In that light, their spokesperson’s statement sounds more like an impersonal boilerplate rejection letter than anything like a heartfelt attempt at reconciliation. Yet another insult from those ignoramuses, and proof positive that Joss’ analysis of their practices is accurate.

I'd like to transmit the letter within the next 15 minutes or so, if you would be so kind as to suggest any alterations? BTW, if you would all be so kind as to likewise write them, their address is



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:33 PM


If it isn't too late I'd cut out the 'ignoramuses' comment. I'd be inclined to put in something more flowery as you don't want to stoop to there level.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:51 PM



Merriam-Webster Online show:

Main Entry: ig·no·ra·mus
Pronunciation: "ig-n&-'rA-m&s also -'ra-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -mus·es also ig·no·ra·mi /-mE/
Etymology: Ignoramus, ignorant lawyer in Ignoramus (1615), play by George Ruggle, from Latin, literally, we are ignorant of
: an utterly ignorant person : DUNCE

'Ignoramuses' is a proper term, hence not archaic, slang or colloquial. Furthermore, I feel it is an entirely appropriate descriptive for Fox TV's programming staff. If you or others feel the definition "utterly ignorant persons" -- or another specific term -- would be more acceptable in lieu of 'ignoramuses', I will consider such advice.

If it seems a bit inflammatory, understand that I feel sometimes the gauntlet must be thrown when waging war.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 1:51 PM


I agree with the "ignoramus" part, but you go, Zoid! Excellent repartee!



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:00 PM



Just to be clear: you agree with keeping or dropping 'ignoramuses'?

Hey all: How about "Yet another insult from Gail Berman and Company,..."? Is that better without being too polite?

Not to rush your responses, but hurry up! I wanna get this email off my desktop before something untoward happens...




Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:07 PM


Ask an ye shall receive, Zoid. I've just sent my letter off.

And I'd say "questionable decision by Fox," I think. Ignoramus, while accurate, is probably not the best word for this sort of letter.


WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:08 PM


I'm more partial to "imbeciles" or "impertinent fools". Knock yourself out, it's your party!

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:08 PM



To clarify, I agree with Delia. You get more flies with honey...



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:10 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:

To clarify, I agree with Delia. You get more flies with honey...


. . . and once you've got 'em trapped they're a hell of a lot easier to swat.

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:16 PM


'Zackly. Well put.



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:22 PM


Okay, thanks folks; that's just what I needed, since my own emotional editor is somewhat prone to failure.

How's this then?

"Such an insult to a distinguished television producer is yet another indication of poor decision-making on the part Fox TV, and proof positive that Joss’ analysis of their practices is accurate."

It's longer, but... Any final words of recommendation? Daylight's burnin', and it's not like EW are gonna print it anyway...

BTW Delia, I showed you mine, now show us yours (letter to EW).



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:24 PM


Here's my letter:

I knew I was hooked on Joss Whedon's Firefly when I made sure I saw the next episode (when it originally aired on Fox) even though they pre-empted it for baseball and such for several weeks. I was depressed when it was cancelled and ecstatic when I heard the DVD would be released. I bought the DVD set for myself for Christmas this year and basically watched most of the episodes on Christmas day. What really had me thanking my lucky stars was when I heard the movie was being made, because there is hope for the series to be rekindled. Even my husband who is not much of a TV watcher enjoys the show and wonders why in the world it was cancelled. In my house, "Fox" is a four-letter word.



Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:26 PM



I like it. Send it off. I'll go try to find mine.


WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:27 PM


Dear Entertaiment Weekly,

Thank you for the thoughtful and interesting interview with Joss Whedon (The X Factor, May 21). I must admit, however, that I'm puzzled as to Fox's comment that they "wish Firefly could have found an audience." I'm part of the audience that brilliant show supposedly did not find, and an awful lot of us found it, despite the pre-emptions, the scrambled airing of the episodes, the omission of the pilot, and the kiss-of-death time slot. We've bought hundreds of thousands of copies of the DVD's, and we'll all be waiting in line for the movie. So, out of curiosity, just what sort of an audience was Fox looking for?

Delia (Though, of course, I signed my real name)

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:37 PM


Okay everyone, I just sent my email, sans the 'ignoramuses' comment as suggested by SigmaNunki and seconded by others. I appreciate your assistance.

Great letter, Delia (I predict yours will get published).

Everyone else, write those letters. And this whole thing was Pselus' idea, not mine, and it was brilliant, I think. We get to defend and encourage Joss, while simultaneously forcing EW and hence the world to recognize that there is a thriving market for character-driven dramas...




Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:41 PM



Thanks. I tried match the style of the letters you tend to see in EW, and keep it short, but I just had to put in the line about all the ill-advised things Fox did.

If we send enough, surely they'll print one of them, won't they?


WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 2:58 PM



Originally posted by Davco92:
I'm more partial to "imbeciles" or "impertinent fools". Knock yourself out, it's your party!

Burn the land, boil the sea...

it's your party WRITE A LETTER!

and Delia...if we send enough they'll most likely print 2 or 3 (though definatly not mine because it's long and it includes information about other businesses (like and
maybe I'll rewrite one from my other email address...
heck...I'm gonna send one from each of my 4 main email addresses with different names...
nothing wrong with some underhanded tactics to get Firefly out there.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:09 PM



In regards to your recent article interviewing Joss Whedon ("X-Factor"), there were statements made by Fox broadcasting company along the lines of "We wish Firefly had found an audience". This statement is blatantly wrong and misinformed. I am one of the "undiscovered" audience members that found this piece of art despite Fox's best efforts at killing something great. There is no show on television today that compares to Firefly even after watching the same 14 episodes 6 times. Those 14 episodes hold more wit and drama and action than Friends and Frasier and the Sopranos combined. Firefly currently ranks higher in online sales lists (not sure if I can mention names but than the entire Friends series. (71st place to 96th place respectively). Please let your readers know that Fox is VERY wrong when they say this show never found an audience. What really happened is that the show found an audience despite massive mistakes by Fox.

an "undiscovered" fan

dang...I can't keep it do you guys do it?

by the way...even though I'm new I plan on making a big splash in this community...I've got other ideas for EASY campaigns we can do...
my next idea also involves a mass email campaign to a certain radio jockey who is aired every morning in about 5 states...then we'll move on to other radio dj's and MAKE THEM pay attention to Firefly.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:09 PM


Zoid, I suspect others have edited your letter already. If you are still holding off to let off some steam, I would defintely drop the ignoramuses comment and also the use of words like mouthpiece, etc. are "fightin' words". I hear you -- we all hear you, but EW will likely not want to hear those words.

Instead of using blame, just state the facts and say things like -- when FOX made these decisions, those decisions undermine any fan base that was building. You get the idea.

Really, these comments are for others just reading this thread, because I'm sure you have already sent your email letter.

Your sister browncoat!!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:13 PM


Delia wrote:

If we send enough, surely they'll print one of them, won't they?

Yeah, I think they will, especially if all the thoughtful, intelligent and well-spoken members of FFFn send them at least several hundred -- preferably thousands -- of cogent remarks via email. EW will be forced to assume that a significant portion of their readership have strong feelings on the issue, and give voice to those feelings.

And, in case I've stumbled and left some doubt: When I say that 'all the thoughtful, intelligent and well-spoken members' should write in, I mean all of FFFn's membership should do this. I suspect FFFn's lurker community is more cerebral than most boards' habitual posters. Just as we've all got different takes on the characters and their futures -- yet we all still love the show fervently -- likewise we all have a different story to tell EW. Make your voices heard -- even you lurkers and British Browncoats -- tell EW your story in your own words.

"Let's moon 'em," a couple thousand times...




Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:19 PM


Thanks for the motivation and leadership, Pselus. I can't keep it short either, but here's mine.


Re: Article from May 21, 2004 issue, "The X Factor"

Dear Entertainment Weekly:

I am writing in response to a quotation attributed to FOX Television regarding a lack of audience for Joss Whedon's Firefly. Not only did the series attract a diverse, loyal and large fan base -- that fan base has continued to grow. My husband was a fairly devoted viewer, who caught most of the shows and he purchased the DVDs nearly as soon as they came out. I was unable to watch any episiodes until the DVDs arrived.

I saw part of one episode and was intrigued, but didn't get hooked until I took the discs to a retreat this spring (2004) as entertainment. I converted not only myself, but several of my associates at our annual spinners retreat (we make yarn, using spinning wheels and drop spindles). The three most rabid converts among our group watched 8 episodes in one day. We are women in our 40s with doctoral degreees -- internationally-known research/public health experts. -- one Japanese American/Native American, one of European descent and me, an African American.

In the six weeks since I met Firefly I have learned that quality TV programming exists, but that it is hardly viable in the current marketplace. I have also learned that dreams can be captured on the small screen and move you to the very depths of your soul. And these dreams can live on in DVD boxed sets, in movie franchises and, with enough faith and vision, possibly back on the small screen again in some form.

Firefly fans are definitely out there. Some were made during the show's brief run -- others are joining that fanbase all the time. Our dedication is awesome and deserves respect, especially from FOX Television.

Thank you for your attention.

Dr. Geri Lynn Peak
Two Gems Consulting Services

Well, they won't use mine. It's too long and I caught a cpl typos. But it still gets the job done.

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:19 PM


heck yeah
I see absolutely no reason why any Firefly fan should NOT email Entertainment Weekly...
if we write enough letters we have a chance to reach hundreds of thousands of people in one stroke...and of those hundreds of thousands I will bet that at LEAST half of them read the editorial and reader letters...and of that likely 100,000 folks (give or take) if even 1% of them decide to check out the show that's 1,000 people...and if only 10% of them even enjoy the show (which we all know is a VERY low estimate) well then we just added 100 new fans just for writing a 1 to 2 paragraph email and hitting send...something we do every day a ton of times...
so go write your letters now

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:21 PM


GREAT email there spinner...
now go make those other yarn spinning ladies write emails too

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:39 PM


Insight spinner wrote:

Zoid, I suspect others have edited your letter already. If you are still holding off to let off some steam, I would defintely drop the ignoramuses comment and also the use of words like mouthpiece, etc. are "fightin' words". I hear you -- we all hear you, but EW will likely not want to hear those words.

Instead of using blame, just state the facts and say things like -- when FOX made these decisions, those decisions undermine any fan base that was building. You get the idea.

Really, these comments are for others just reading this thread, because I'm sure you have already sent your email letter.

Your sister browncoat!!

While I agree with your sentiments in the main, I would remind everyone that our True Leader, Joss Whedon said "Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions”. If those aren't fightin' words, I don't know what is. My first instinct is to not bandy words any more than he has done.

However, as I have written in my as yet nascent novel and many times here on the board, there is no denying the civilizing effect of women upon men. (NB: Gina's on '24', right now! Hurrah!) If it weren't for y'all, us hairy ape men would've burned down the world a long time ago...

But, I've read letters to editors for many years, and I don't necessarily think they'd exclude a post strictly because it displays anger/disgust. I think everyone should find and use their own voice when posting (within limits), rather than presenting overly sensitive 'politically correct' viewpoints. I mean, Joss doesn't appear to be concerned with alienating Fox TV at this point, and I don't think we should be either.

Still, that is why I asked for input from everyone before I posted and then heeded your advice; because I value all of your opinions.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:04 PM


How does this sound? Too polite or "wordy"?

Dear Entertainment Weekly,

I wish to offer my sincerest thanks for publishing the interview with Joss Whedon in the May 21 2004 issue. It is always a pleasure to hear from such a brilliant artist, particularly so from such an innovative and gifted storyteller. I must add that I found the FOX response to Mr. Whedon's comments rather curious, mostly in their lack of forthright information. I struggle to understand how a network can be said to have truly stood behind a show when they deliberately chose to confuse their viewers by airing the two hour pilot last and the other episodes out of order. As far as Firefly not having found an audience, I am likewise rather confounded by their statement. Website activity at Firefly sites has been and continues to be heavy, DVD sales in North America and the UK have been exceptional, and a major motion picture (Serenity) is scheduled for release in 2005. A dedicated group of fans have even gone so far as to purchase multiple DVD sets and send them to the troops stationed overseas. I can only assume that FOX lacked the insight to see what a rare jewel they had on their hands, which is truly unfortunate. Firefly is a beautifully crafted show and will forever hold a place dear in my heart.

Sincerely Yours,
(me, of course)

Note: Edited as suggested by Zoid

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:24 PM



I think the adverb 'specially' might be better replaced with 'especially' or 'particularly'. The verb 'choose' should be the past tense 'chose'. Otherwise, your letter is very well-written, indeed.

BTW, if anyone is worried that their letters are too long, you shouldn't be. It is my understanding that the editorial staff excerpt the letters published in their magazines. Very rarely is a letter published in its entirety.

Having said that, you want to be as brief as possible. If an editor receives a 6 page diatribe on how Fox TV are the Antichrist -- even if it's all true -- the editor is more likely to relegate it to the 'round file' than waste time reading it.

Figure out what you want to say, then say it in as few words as you can. The editors will grind it down to the kernel of truth for you.




Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:36 PM



Originally posted by zoid:

Insight spinner wrote:

Really, these comments are for others just reading this thread, because I'm sure you have already sent your email letter.

Your sister browncoat!!

While I agree with your sentiments in the main, I would remind everyone that our True Leader, Joss Whedon said "Fox is a bad network that makes bad decisions”.

I don't necessarily think they'd exclude a post strictly because it displays anger/disgust.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard

Zoid, this reminds me of the Message, where Zoe is schooling Tracey on the value of stealth and then Mal comes along flamboyantly shooting and whooping.

So it's a matter of style. Still, I advocate for my style preference. FOX was unjust and those who experienced that injustice should and will cite it. I just think that certain words or phrases do more to blow steam than to convey information.

I'm a big fan of action, not reaction. We aren't slaves to FOX, we transcend them. If that weren't true, this would be a small, dwindling board and people like me, who found FF this year, would not be here.

Anyway, as I said, my comments are more aimed towards those who haven't written yet. I encourage each of you to think critically about how you want to phrase your passion and focus on what is great about Firefly -- because this is another place to make the pitch and win the sale.

Here's to MORE Browncoats!! [wave them red flags, peole]

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:12 PM


Heh. After reading all the previous failed attempts at writing something short-and-sweet, I sat down determined to write a succint, two sentence sound bite short enough for EW to consider printing. Dumb ass Shiny.


Dear Entertainment Weekly,

Your May 21st, 2004 article, "The X Factor", cites Fox as stating, "We wish Firefly had found an audience." It would be more accurate to wish the audience could have found Firefly, with all the schedule changes and preemptions, and the friday-night-death-slot with which Fox saddled this wonderfully funny and intelligent show. Fortunately for fans of quality storytelling, and despite Fox's lack of support, audiences HAVE been able to find Firefly --mostly from word-of-mouth -- and DVDs have been flying off retailers' shelves, which has made it possible for Joss Whedon and company to bring Firefly to the big screen in 2005 with the highly anticipated movie "Serenity". Fans around the world are hopeful that a box office success will mean a return to the small screen for this beloved show, preferably on a network whose mission statement is not using reality television to promote self-image problems in young girls.

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:21 PM


just so you guys know...if you go sign up for Entertainment Weekly right now you can get a 2 month trial subscribtion then cancel it...that should be just enough to see the possible letters if they decide to print them

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 5:23 PM


Shiny, that's a slam-dunk, baby!!

insight spinner

Just an object. It doesn't mean what you think....


Tuesday, May 18, 2004 8:39 PM


Well, I sent a letter praising Firefly and damning FOX. Was gonna post it here so you all could give me your opinions, but I sent it and didn't have a copy saved so no go on the feedback. Oh well, I think I was succesful in getting the point across.


"No power in the 'verse can stop me."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 5:35 AM


who else is writing their letters today?
I will not leave this thread alone until next months EW comes out

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 6:58 AM


Haven't written a letter yet, still working on it, but I just had to say Fox is really off their nut. No audience? I was on vacation in Ireland in November of '02 & read an article in a UK entertainment magazine(can't remember the name of magazine)titled "American Shows We Want To See More Of". Firefly was #7 out of the 10 shows listed. Even in it's short run on Fox, Firefly had already gathered an audience over seas as well as in the U.S.

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:41 AM


Woot! Found a copy of the letter I sent. Here it is:

Dear Entertainment Weekly,
> I am writing in response to the article "The X-factor" in the May 21,
2004 issue of EW. Within the article, a FOX spokesman offers trite
condolences that "Firefly" could not garner enough support to continue the
series. Does their hypocrisy know no bounds? They signed off on the
show in a fashion to suggest there was complete trust in Joss' vision.
Then, when he presents the final product, they treat him like a wet-nosed
amateur and undermine the entire project. First, FOX's promotion of the
show was mediocre at best, so few people knew about it. Second, they
wouldn't let JW air the original pilot which introduces the characters to
the audience(i.e. the point of a pilot). Third, the episodes that were
shown (not all were), were not in order and often pre-empted, which
made the show difficult to keep up with. Fourth and lastly, FOX did not
give the show ample time to gather a fan base before consigning it to the
Friday 'Death Slot'.
> Despite all their Machiavellian attempts to assure JW and others that
they would love to keep the show going while simultaneously sabotaging
it, something amazing happened; "Firefly" instantly gained a cult
following among a diverse audience. Few who saw this gem were not
immediately swallowed whole by its genius. The wit, humor, pain, terror, love,
action, and real feel of this show had you laughing out loud one minute
and in tears the next. In a world where the nightly line-up of
mind-numbing 'reality tv' perpetuates an ad nauseum audience of mindless
drones, it was a breath of fresh air.
> Tens of thousands of DVD sets have sold since its release and
accounts for a large part of the fan base, which never saw the show while it
was on air. People who have seen "Firefly", recommend it and loan it to
their friends only to find that their friend do not want to give the
DVDs back. Groups of fans hold 'Shindigs' where they get together and
celebrate the experience of "Firefly" and discuss the show with each
other. There is so much fan support in fact, that Universal will begin
shooting the motion picture 'Serenity' in a couple of weeks. Now I ask
you: Does this sound like a show that has no fan base? The very fact
that this phenomenon persists is a testament to the thousands and
thousands of loyal fans. In light of this, FOX execs will forgive "Firefly"
fans if we don't take their hypocritical lip-service seriously.
> Sincerely,
> Signature, Firefly fan

Too late to edit, but I would like to know what you think anyway.

"They said they were gonna waltz through Serenity Valley. We choked them with those words."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 7:53 AM


sounds GREAT DarkArchon...
I love how each of these letters says the same thing in so many different shows that we actually have true love for the show and aren't just taking a form letter and changing it a little.

now who's next?...WRITE!

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 8:49 AM


I sent off my letter. I tried not to bash Fox/reality tv (do we want to isolate the huge numbers of reality fans from becoming browncoats?).


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:05 AM


I think even the reality tv fans realize how bad that genre is...but they're just addicted...

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:44 AM


Wow. Masterful wordsmithing, Zoid, and I really like what you did when you replaced the Ignoramus comment. It's an honor sharing a forum with you.

Here's mine:

Your recent interview with Joss Whedon (May 2004 “The X Factor”) was a treat. Thank you!

Like many of my fellow Firefly fans, I was taken aback by Fox’s comments that they “wish Firefly had found an audience ....” I might also “wish” I was rich, but since I avoid high-paid consulting work in favor of a single employer in a single city, it’s obvious that I value my time at home more than I do wealth for wealth’s sake. Likewise, FOX ran no marketing campaign beyond a single misleading commercial showing Summer Glau in a box. They pre-empted the show repeatedly. They aired episodes out-of-order. They failed to introduce the characters (nine of them, all richly detailed) in a 2-hour pilot (which had been shot; it was simply not aired until the show was cancelled). These are not the actions of a studio which has a show they “wish” to find an audience.

Since the cancellation of that show, a DVD collection was released which has sold many thousands of copies. I would be interested in comparing the total sales of Firefly DVDs (which was a “failed” show) with sales of Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs (which is considered a legendary success). Perhaps you have access to these numbers?

Firefly was a warm, compelling drama set in a very human future. The cast was brilliant, and the nine main characters each had depth and ... character. How FOX failed to see that, and why the series was not picked up earlier this year for another go-round, is beyond my comprehension. It hasn’t even been shown as reruns. If you have an hour to spare, I recommend visiting a rental source such as NetFlix and picking up Firefly, disk 3, episode “Out of Gas”. When you’ve finished, think back and ask yourself: when’s the last time you saw something that well-produced air on network television?

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the cancellation was a plot by Blue Sun. *wink*


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 10:58 AM


Here is my letter - I mailed it, they take more notice of that.

Dear E.W.

Having read your article about Joss Whedon ("X-Factor"), and the statements made by Fox broadcasting company who said "We wish Firefly had found an audience" I felt compelled to write this letter. Their statement is blatantly wrong....Firefly had an audience. I am one of the "undiscovered" audience members that found this piece of art despite Fox's best efforts. There is no show on television today that compares to Firefly. Firefly currently ranks higher in online sales lists than the entire Friends series. (71st place to 96th place respectively). What really happened is that the show found an audience despite massive mistakes by Fox.

Those of us who loved Firefly purchased the series DVDs the minute they were released. We purchased sets for friends as gifts. We purchased sets to send over to our troops in Iraq. My husband and I have since shown them to 7 sets of friends, who also ran out and purchased their own copies of the DVDs....and they are sharing these with their friends, etc. ad nauseum. This series could have made so much more money for that network had they only marketed it properly, and shown it in the order it was meant to be shown.

Everyone who sees this series is immediately hooked because it is INTELLIGENT, captivating and endearing in both its characters and its storyline. Networks would do well to notice that there is a more intelligent, discerning viewing populace out there than those who gobble up Friends and such. We would rather watch the DVDs of the cancelled Firefly series over, and over, and over than watch any of the drivel they currently call prime-time programming.

I thought you should be aware of this, and the fact that there are many, many groups on the internet, in coffeehouses, on university campuses, and in homes across the nation who are dedicated to this series, this cast and this creator - Joss Whedon.

A Browncoat Forever,

I hope no one minds, but I used parts from other browncoats letters too in all are just so darned eloquent!!!

Guild Sister


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 11:44 AM


I don't mind fact I feel complimented that you think my words are worth saying again...

just so you guys know...that Firefly/Friends fact is a BIT does rank Firefly as it's 71st best selling DVD (set or single) and it ranks the Entire Friends Collection (meaning the $200 collection of every episode) as 96th...however single seasons of friends do rank higher than Firefly...but considering that was a show that ran for what? 7 years? and Firefly ran for 11 episodes?
Firefly wins pretty easy in my book just for the fact that only 70 DVD's on sell better than it.

btw, GuildSister...what address did you mail it to? I'll send a couple snail mails as well.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 3:54 PM


Yes, please post a snail mail address for letters to the editor or whatever...I'll print out my letter and snail mail it also! Let's letter bomb them for a month (and every month until they print some of our letters...heh heh) ;)

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!


Wednesday, May 19, 2004 4:28 PM


I would like to point out to you all that it is more than ten of tousands or thousands of DVD copies sold but last time around February it was 200,000 copies sold and now I'm sure it is well pass 400,000. Give them the actual numbers and it will have more of an impact.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Thursday, May 20, 2004 2:23 AM


Here is the address I mailed it to...
Entertainment Weekly, 1675 Broadway, New York, NY 10019

Thanks for the info about the numbers of DVDs my next letter I'll change my figures!


Originally posted by Shiny:
Yes, please post a snail mail address for letters to the editor or whatever...I'll print out my letter and snail mail it also! Let's letter bomb them for a month (and every month until they print some of our letters...heh heh) ;)

Please help Haken keep this site running by occasionally clicking on some of the sponsored ad links on the side of the page!

Guild Sister


Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:11 AM


alright...who's posting their letters today?
I KNOW there's more people on than this...

c'mon's for the good of the Resistance

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:05 AM


"... but last time around February it was 200,000 copies sold and now I'm sure it is well pass 400,000. Give them the actual numbers and it will have more of an impact."

Can you provide a source for those numbers? I never quote numbers unless I can also quote the source. Credibility comes from being able to back up your claims. I would have liked to include numbers (did you notice how I asked if they had access to numbers? get them on the trail of a story ...), but I didn't know where to get them. If you've got a link, I'd love to see it.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:20 AM



The 200,000 number was in an Entertainment Weekly blurb announcing the movie. There's a thread on here somewhere about it -- I'll link it if I can find it again.


WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:21 AM


I'm not sure where the article is anymore but it should be archive somewhere on this site so perhaps Haken or someone can find it. The 400,000 is just my speculation but the 200,000 was reported in an article back in February. This is old news to any Browncoats that have been around for a while.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Thursday, May 20, 2004 7:32 AM


Here's the post about the article. It was early March, I think.

WESLEY : Feng shui.
GUNN: Right. What's that mean again?
WESLEY: That people will believe anything.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 10:55 AM


In the Mail section of Entertainment Weekly, it says the following:

EW welcomes feedback from our readers, via e-mail at or fax at 212-467-1223. All correspondence must include your name, address, and daytime telephone number. Letters may be edited for clarity or length.

May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Thursday, May 20, 2004 11:38 AM


Okay, Browncoats, looks like we've gotta repeat our efforts if captaindc's info is correct (grrr, Pselus).

For those who need it, allow me to help you out a little. Open your email program (I'm going to have to assume an Outlook variant, since that's all I use; sorry AOL'ers). Go to the "Sent Items" folder. Here you will see the letter you sent to EW yesterday or the day before. You can now copy the text from that missive and paste it into a new email to the correct address. Please be sure and include the required contact information, as listed in captaindc's post.

The good news is, you get a chance to rethink some of your wording, and it should take only a minute or two, as opposed to the amount of time it took to write your original composition. The bad news is, you've got to do it again, else you've wasted your time pouring your heart into a black hole.

Here's my amended post, re-transmitted just before this posting:


Joss stated that Fox TV is “a bad network that makes bad decisions”. Fox TV responded, "We wish Firefly had found an audience, and we would like nothing better than to be in business with Joss again." What was left unsaid by the network’s representative was that Fox thought so highly of Mr. Whedon’s work that they: 1.) Failed to air the 2-hour movie at the start of the series, as was necessary in order to introduce viewers to the characters and setting; 2.) Moved the start time of the weekly episodes and skipped weeks because of baseball and football coverage; 3.) Showed episodes out of order, which scrambled the plot arc. I believe it’s obvious that Fox TV had no appreciation of the art Joss had created, and no respect for Mr. Whedon himself. If Fox TV had made some concessions for the fact that Firefly’s poor showing in the ratings was due in majority to their own mismanagement of the property, their statement would hold more credibility. Instead, their spokesperson’s statement sounds more like an impersonal boilerplate rejection letter than anything like a heartfelt attempt at reconciliation. Such an insult to a distinguished television producer is yet another indication of poor decision-making on the part Fox TV, and proof positive that Joss’ analysis of their practices is accurate. Whatever happened to just admitting you made a mistake?


(My name, address and daytime telephone, here)

Please withhold my name, if possible

Mistakes happen. Think of it as being on a par with one of Mal's plans; repost your letters to the correct address and let's keep flying.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard






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