Life Onboard Serenity: Forwardly Going In A Vaguely Type Direction

UPDATED: Saturday, November 15, 2008 18:58
VIEWED: 23159
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Sunday, November 9, 2008 3:17 PM


He had felt it. She was so loud. He had just come back when Mal walked in. "I'm not really sure," he said to Mal's question. Then he left the room. He couldn't read as specific as River, so he had to get the facts from either her or Ivy herself. He walked toward Pan's bunk to figure out what was going on.



Sunday, November 9, 2008 6:24 PM


Pain's Bunk

Pain didn't hear the first knock or the second knock. Instead he just made a little grunting noise and snuggled closer to Ivy, one hand cupping a breast. The third knock was louder and Pain opened his eyes. His movements as he got out of bed coupled with another knock woke up Ivy.

She yawned, looked at Pain who was standing up now, and asked somewhat confused, "What's going on? Who's at the door? I hope it's not 13 again."

"Relax, baobei." Pain replied as he walked over to the comm. "I'll see who it is." Pushing a button on his room's comm, Pain asked, "Who's there?"

"It's me, Pain." replied John.

"Give me a minute." Pain interjected. He took his thumb off the comm's button, turned to Ivy who was still naked in his bed, and said to her as he slipped on his boxers and pants, "You might want to put some clothes on or cover up, darlin'. We might be havin' some company."

He pushed the comm button again and asked, "Hey there, John! What can I do for you?"

During that time 13 saw John at the hatch of Pain's bunk and moseyed on over with a grin on his face. He rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet and asked, "So you going to have a talk with Pain?" He grinned and added, "Can I join?"


Monday, November 10, 2008 4:59 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain's Bunk

"It's me, Pain."

"You might want to put some clothes on or cover up, darlin'. We might be havin' some company."

Company? she thought. Who could it be? Mal? 13? What were they going to accuse her of next?

Ivy leaned over and grabbed one of Pain's t-shirts and slipped it over her head. She also found her underwear and slipped them on as well. Just in case, she wanted to be able to get herself out of there, not that she thought she could go far. She backed up into the corner of the bed and pulled the linens up to her chin. She was scared.


Pain pushed the comm button again and asked, "Hey there, John! What can I do for you?"

John. She hadn't seen him in a while. He wasn't even at the 'inquisition' when Mal accused her of being a fed. Did Mal send him there to get an impression of whether or not she was lying? The thought of someone else giving her the third degree was terrifying. So Ivy faded back and let Tommy take control.

If you want to go there, Tommy thought. Then bring it on.


Monday, November 10, 2008 12:52 PM


Isahiah considered the rugged man who stood by the room's open door as John walked through it. His bearing was that of a commanding figure of some sort, yet that didn't seem to coincide with the way John had all but brushed him off mere moments ago. Interesting. "Would I be right to assume you're the ruler of this land?" he asked whimsically.

The man turned to him and smiled. His smiling mien was engaging, almost overwhelmingly so, yet it retained an almost foreboding quality. "Quite," the man said, taking a pair of steps toward Isahiah. "Now let's make this quick, shall we? Spell out your name and business."

"Do you greet everyone that way?" Isahiah replied, his words broken up by series of dry, harsh coughs.

"Nope. I'm takin' the edge off on account of you being all parchmentified and weedy-looking," the captain said. "Start talking."

Isahiah chuckled halfheartedly before replying in a slow, drawly voice: "Nazarov. Isahiah. And my business is, well, none of yours, I'm afraid."

The captain nodded his head sideways. "'Not good enough," he said, drawing closer to Isahiah, and making his physical presence all the more pressing. "Le'me give you the lowdown here; I can't be bothered prying answers outta you, I've got enough on my hands as it is. Now, I could just as well have you doped up and drop you off on the next pile of dirt 'comes our way. Instead, I'm offering to freight you to wherever it is you need to be. But before I do that, I need to make sure having you around won't pose a risk to me and my people. "

Isahiah brought a hand up to scratch the back of his neck as he considered the captain's words. "I see," he started. "I already gave you my name, although I don't have the paperwork to give credence to it, so you're pretty much gonna have to take it on faith that it's genuine... Then again, the same could be said about anything I could ever tell you about my line of work, so what's the point of this, exactly?"

"Well these are mighty unforgiving times, as I'm sure you're plenty aware of," the captain replied. "'Pays to know who you're playin' host to. Plus, I gotta admit I'm dyin' to know what could've fostered you to show up at my doorstep clad in full dung mail. I've got a funny feeling that'd be some story."

Isahiah sighed and gave a shrug of resignation. "All right, I'll indulge you," he said. "Firstly though, I'd prefer for our young doctor friend to vacate the premise, and close the door on his way out."

The captain motioned for Simon to leave the room, which he did without much fanfare, then laid his inscrutable gaze back on Isahiah. "Why so secret?" he asked.

Isahiah smiled. "Why so curious?"

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:51 AM


"Whatever," he said to 13, crazy android brains made him uncomfortable, but this conversation would probably be just that. "Ivy, he said entering the bunk. I mean this in no hostile terms. I don't know what's been going on here, but I'm no stranger to past life's comin and biting you. Whatever was in your head just now was loud. I felt it al the way in the infirmary. So I have to ask, are you okay? I'm mean really."



Tuesday, November 11, 2008 5:50 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
So I have to ask, are you okay? I'm mean really."

Tommy cocked her head at him. Was he being genuine? She narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure it out. But Ivy was satisfied. She trusted John, so she slid forward and smiled tiredly at him.

“I’m fine, John. Really. I just–“ Ivy started to say as someone else came down the ladder. It was 13.

Tommy reclaimed control, her anger palpable. She looked at John, then Pain and back to John.

“What is he doing here?” she spat out. She addressed 13 directly. “Why are you really here? You’ve come here to make trouble. We don’t need your trouble.”

13 thought the “we” she was talking about meant Pain and Ivy. Pain and John instantly knew that the “we” she referenced was actually Ivy and Tommy. John looked back at Pain and realized that he was well aware of Ivy’s condition.

“No,” 13 calmly told her, his words steely. “I think you’re the trouble. I’m with Mal. He’s suspicious about you. You might be a fed or you might not be, but something is definitely hinky.”

Pain’s jaw clenched. John looked at the three people standing around him. Ivy was changing; anger, then calm, then intense anger again. 13 was angry and Pain was fast approaching it.

“She’s trouble, Pain," 13 continued as he turned to Pain. "If you were being more objective, you’d see it too, but she’s got you so wrapped around her little finger that you’re not thinking with anything other than your pants–“


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 6:32 PM


Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“She’s trouble, Pain," 13 continued as he turned to Pain. "If you were being more objective, you’d see it too, but she’s got you so wrapped around her little finger that you’re not thinking with anything other than your pants–“

"Get. Out. NOW!" growled Pain at 13 with fists clenched.

"I will do no.." 13 replied before Pain cut him off, "Outside now! You got a problem with Ivy and I, you take it up with me OUTSIDE! Dong ma?"

Pain was furious now. His heart rate increased and blood was pumping. He was angry at 13 and you didn't need to be a psychic to see that. Pain's eyes narrowed as he looked at 13 and took a step forward.

"Fine." replied 13, looking into Pain's raging eyes. "We'll play it your way." He walked over to the ladder and started up it. As he climbed up, he continued, "See you topside, Pain."

As Pain heard his bunk's hatch close, he calmed down and stood next to Tommy. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Pain could feel the tenseness in her muscles as he whispered into her ear, "It's alright now just calm down and relax.I'll go deal with 13 outside. You'll be safe here with John. Alright?"

He looked to John with a raised eyebrow and asked, "She will be safe with you. Right?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 7:11 PM


OOC: I LIVE! Sorry for the absence, folks. Had some stuff to deal with, but it's all shiny now! So...what are we up to? Ah. Fighting. Okay then.

Gorram dogrutting pile of greasy filth! Who in the hell did he think he was, making all these challenges? Pain couldn't do a thing against 13, not even with his guns, and the stupid fat merc knew it. So why was said stupid fat merc even trying? To protect the honor of that crazy sao bi?

For the first time in a while, 13's eyes glowed, blue electricity bouncing around in his gaze. Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy, this was gonna be a fine piece of fun. He hadn't had quality violence in awhile, and the desire for it (for now) overrode the desire to keep his and Pain's friendship intact.

Not that he'd kill him or anything. God, no. He'd just educate the guy a little.

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:18 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"She will be safe with you. Right?"

Before John could answer, Pain put one foot on the bottom rung of the ladder and started up. He knew that Tommy was the one who had locked into a verbal melee with 13. He wanted to reassure her a little.

“Tommy, I’ll be right back,” he said as he looked over at her. To his surprise, she had pulled herself up into a little ball and shoved herself into the far corner of the bed. Tommy wasn’t there anymore. Ivy was back. His anger ebbed for a moment as he came back down the ladder and kneeled in front of her. “Ivy?”


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 10:31 AM


The captain stood unmoving, his face an impregnable mask of impassivity saving for the steady twitching of his jaw muscles that betrayed the turmoil of his mind. "Why're you tellin' me this?" he asked perplexedly. "You could've just as easily made some'in up."

"I've never been much good at lying," Isahiah replied with a wide, cheeky grin etched on his face.

By way of reply, Mal folded his arms across his chest and eyed him dubiously. "How do I know you're for real?"

"You don't," Isahiah said with a sneer. "Not until you deliver my cargo to the good townsfolk of Selonia. My associates on Beylix will see to it that you're compensated for your services."

A shadow fleeted across the captain's face, prompting him to look away. "'Not sure what to make of your offer, stranger," he said. "I've been down this alley before, and I've got a sneaking suspicion you're not being entirely upfront here."

"Why captain you are correct," Isahiah said with a slight curl of the lip. "I am indeed withholding rather substantial bits of information, but only so as to ensure my own safety. You must understand, that as much as you might have misgivings about me, I myself have little reasons to trust you."

"Right," Mal replied tersely.

"I'm only trying to make the best of a fortuitous situation here," Isahiah said. "One that could work out to our mutual advantages if we agree to cast our qualms aside and partner up."

"Plus," he added, flashing the cheeky grin again. "You'd be fighting the good fight."

The captain observed him in silence, his expression that of a man contemplating his options. "Fine, we'll do it your way," he finally said. "I'll let the crew know come dinner time. You're welcome to join us, if that suits your fancy, seeing as you'll be hangin' around an' all."

"Thank you captain, I will," Isahiah said with a courteous dip of the head.

"Well then," Mal began. "I reckon we're all done here." He moved toward the exit. "Best head up to the galley right away. 'Memory serves me right, I believe Jayne's the one on kitchen detail today, an' you don't want him futzin' about with your food without you bein' there watching him."

Isahiah nodded and heaved himself off the bed, groaning as his withered muscles reacquainted themselves with the labor of holding a vertical stance. Without a word, he followed in the captain's suit. He was fully aware that he had far from earned the man's trust, and thus expected to be the subject of intense surveillance and scrutiny. The prospect of having eyes looming over his shoulder for the fullness of his stay certainly didn't have him delighted, but it was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. His concerns lied elsewhere. Beylix. He was anxious as to what manner of ugliness he was to uncover there, provided that there remained anything to be uncovered. He shook his head, dispelling his apprehension, and focused his thoughts on the now. He felt his belly thunder at him. When was the last time he had eaten?

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 12:38 PM


Pain's Bunk

"Ivy, baobei?" asked Pain in a soothing tone as he looked at her. She managed to look into his eyes, a tear running down her cheek. Pain wiped it away with his thumb as he continued, "You're safe here. No one is goin' to hurt you. You'll be safe here with John. He's a good man and I know he won't lay a finger on you. You have to trust me, dong ma?"

Ivy nodded a little and Pain stood up. He turned to John and said, "Say what you've got to say. I've got to got have a talk with Bot Boy, see what's eatin' at his circuits."

Pain stopped at the ladder, gave one last look at Ivy, and started to climb up and out of his bunk.


As Pain closed the hatch behind him he turned and spotted 13. Walking up to him, Pain growled, "You and me in the cargo bay, Bot Boy. Ma shong. This go-se you got between me and Ivy has got to end and it's goin' end in the cargo bay. Dong ma?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 2:04 PM


The quickly shifting emotons, all the anger, John didn't honestly know if e could handle himself let alone Ivy. He approached her quietly. "You don't hav to tell me what happened to you, I'm asuming that it was bad and you don't want to relive it. But I need to make you a deal. I'll keep the captain and crew off your case as much as I can, but you need to make me a promise. Promise me that your situation isn't a time bomb, and that trouble isn't following you. Promise me that to the best of your knowledge, your past isn't coming for you." He han't meant it harshly but he needed the truthor t least this security to calm his instincts.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008 3:58 PM


Ivy pulled her knees up closer, wrapped her arms around them and buried her face in her knees.

"Ivy?" John called out to her as he slid closer to her. "Is there someone looking for you?"

"No one is looking for her," she answered. She took a deep breath. "No one is looking for me. 'Cept maybe Grayson, but he means well."

John nodded. She looked up, staring at the wall in front of her.

"I'm just trying to keep things together. I just want to live again and put everything behind me. To forget that..." she started. A far off look came into her eyes, like she was trying to remember something. Her voice got real quiet. "Don't look... Tommy says not to look, but I know it's right there... Just out of my reach."

She just sat there for a second before turning to face John.

"I'm not a fed, John. I sell seeds. That's all. I just wish they'd believe me. Pain does."


Wednesday, November 12, 2008 4:54 PM


"I believe you," John said, almost a whisper. And he did. This girl was broken, and was trying to put things back together. How could he blame her? He had been broken once too. "I'll keep up my end then. I'll talk to the captain." He started to climb the ladder but stopped. He didn't want to leave her alone right now. He turned toward her and sat on the floor, giving her her space. He sat with her in silence. If she wanted to talk she would. He thought about the simularities they shared. And the differences. No one was coming for her.



Wednesday, November 12, 2008 8:25 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
[B"I'll keep up my end then. I'll talk to the captain."

Ivy became alarmed.

"You can't tell the Captain! You promised not to! You and River both did! He'll put me off the ship for sure!" she pleaded with him as she moved to the edge of the bed. Her voice got suddenly softer, almost too quiet to hear. "And I don't want... I don't want to leave."


Thursday, November 13, 2008 1:57 PM


"I'm not giving him the details, I'm just letting know not to worry about you. I won't tell him anymore than that. He trusts me."



Friday, November 14, 2008 5:42 AM


"He trusts you?" Tommy asked in disbelief as she slid past Ivy. Her emotions were moving quickly towards anger again. "Like he trusts River? She told him that I was OK and he didn't believe her. Pain has told him as well and that didn't make any difference either. What makes you think he'll believe anyone other than himself?

"Ivy's no danger to anyone," she continued, anger continuing to rise. "Half the people on this ship know that, but 13 and Mal have their own ideas and they aren't going to listen to anyone. They've made up their minds about her. We should have never left home and now I have to work harder to keep her safe."

She scootedback towards the wall and resumed her balled up position, rocking a bit.

"I'm OK," she whispered. She looked back up at John. "I'm sorry. Tommy's just worried. But she doesn't need to be. Pain will protect me. I know he will."


Friday, November 14, 2008 6:30 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I'm sorry. Tommy's just worried. But she doesn't need to be. Pain will protect me. I know he will."

Cargo Bay

Pain flew in the air and hit a pile of small boxy containers, knocking them over and sending them in all directions. Getting up a little shakily, Pain looked at 13 who was standing ten feet away and said with a laugh, "HA! Is that the best you got, Bot Boy?"

13 sighed as Pain rushed him again only to once more launch his large mercenary friend into the air. This time Pain landed near the weight bench, the air in his lungs becoming audible as he hit the ground hard.

"Pain?" 13 asked, wiping non-existent dust off his clothes. "Give it up will you? You know you can't win."

Pain let out a rasped chuckle and said, eying the weights on the floor near the weight bench, "You already know I too stubborn to admit defeat."

Picking up a couple of the fifty pound circles of metal, Pain stood up and grinned at 13. 13 raised an eyebrow at Pain and muttered something up about him being a fat, stupid mercenary. Pain flung one of the weights at 13 like a Frisbee only to have him catch it in his hand and drop it to the floor. Not content with that bit of luck on 13's part, Pain flung the other weight just like the first. Again 13 just caught it in his hand as if it were nothing and dropped it onto the floor with a loud clang. 13 rolled his eyes at Pain and advanced on the man.

Meanwhile in the Galley...

Jayne was busy getting things ready for dinner. He had already put a pot of protein and canned vegetable stew on the burner when he heard the commotion coming from the cargo bay. At first he just shrugged and ignored it, figuring it wasn't any of his concern as he stirred the pot. It wasn't until he heard the loud, repeated metallic clanging, that he muttered something in Chinese and headed down to the cargo bay to see what all the noise was.

Back in the Cargo Bay

After Pain had failed to hit 13 with the weights, he grabbed the weight bar resting on the bench and was using it like a baseball bat, a heavily weighted one that weighed about two hundred and twenty pounds with the weights on it. The metallic sound Jayne had heard was Pain getting in a few good hits upside 13's head and chest.

Jayne had walked in just as he saw 13 fly through the air and smack the wall ten feet away. The mercenary stopped and watched in awe as 13 got back up, shook his head and rushed at Pain. Pain tried to swing at 13 again, but the robot grabbed a hold of the bar and wrenched it from Pain's grasp, tossing it to the floor. Pain tried to throw a punch, but 13 countered and returned Pain's throw with on of his own, connecting with the mercenary's jaw.

Pain staggered back and shook the tingly little lights swimming in his eyes out of his head. It was at that time that Jayne walked up in between both of them and asked rather loudly, "What in the gorram hell do you think you two are doin'? You got any idea how much 'em weights co.."

The rest of Jayne's question got cut off as both Pain and 13 swung at each other and hit Jayne instead, knocking the man onto his pigu. Both Pain and 13 looked at the dazed mercenary on the floor for a moment, then turned their eyes back onto each other and started to go at it again. Blows could be heard echoing off the cargo bay walls as the two continued their fight. Pain managed to land a few good hits, but 13 managed five times that on Pain.

It wasn't until 13 had grasped Pain by the throat and lifted the man a few inches of the ground, that the fight was interrupted by River, who had stealthily entered the cargo bay.

"Enough." she said, obvious sadness in her voice. When the two didn't responded, she shouted, "STOP!"

Both Pain and 13 looked at River befuddled. Pain stopped trying to kick at 13 as the girl came closer.

"Put him down." she said to 13, getting to within a hair's breadth of his face. "Now."

"Why should I?" 13 asked defiantly. "That sao bi has him wrapped around her little finger. I'm just trying to beat some sense into him."

"You watch that voice processor of yours'!" spat Pain. "Ivy ain't no sao bi. The only sao bi I'm seein' is the one holdin' me by the..."

"ENOUGH!" shouted River, eyes closed and her hands clasped over her ears. As she opened them again, she said to 13, eyes narrowing at him, "Let Pain go." She tilted her head at 13 and continued, "Now."


Friday, November 14, 2008 8:26 PM


"Fine," 13 spat, dropping Pain none-too-softly. "I could still take you," he singsonged to River, giving the floor-hugging Pain a rough nudge with his foot.

"I'm out," he snarled. "I've made my point."

Q: Fish or Hogarth?
A: Marillion.


Friday, November 14, 2008 8:49 PM


The captain showed him up a meandering flight of stairs and through a short hallway that led into a wide, well-lit room outfitted with a wooden table and an a miscellaneous assortment of seats. He took a step into what he conjectured was the ship's mess hall. Roaming his gaze about the room, he spotted a burly man cantankerously manning a kitchen unit, as well as the young doctor from earlier sitting in a cramped, yet snug-looking lounging area.

Mal stepped forward and addressed the people in attendance. "All right, ladies and boys, pay attention," he said, effectively drawing the heed of everyone present. He jerked a thumb back at Isahiah. "Meet... hmm, what'd you say your name is again?"

"Isahiah, captain Reynolds. Isahiah Nazarov," Isahiah replied, more amused than piqued.

"Right..." The captain paused, brought a hand to his chin and observed his newest guest with a pensive frown. "That would be... Izzy. 'You mind if I call you Izzy?"

"Well, actually I..." Isahiah began to protest.

"Izzy it is then." Mal turned back to the crew. "Izzy here's the hapless fella' Pain pulled out of that escape pod."

Reactions were mixed. Simon merely gazed at him for a instant, while the "chef" uttered a tart greeting before resuming his cookery. A leggy black woman whose presence he had failed to notice earlier acknowledged him with a quick nod, then produced a well-used hip flask from her side pocket and took a long swig of what he suspected was an alcoholic beverage of some sort.

Isahiah answered with a smile and a nod of his own. "Any chance there's more where that came from?" he asked with a touch of mischief.

The doctor interjected. "That would be unwise. I would advise that you stay clear of any and all intoxicating agents for a period of seven to nine days."

Isahiah arched his brow upward. "That long? I thought all those electrolytes and fluids you hooked me up with were supposed to have me fixed up all proper."

"And you bein' up an' about is some damn fine evidence of that," Mal said. "Doc's just sayin' it might be a little soon to be hitting the bottle."

"...Unless you're in a hurry to wind up under my care again," Simon concluded.

Isahiah smothered a sigh of defeat. "Very well, then." He looked at the dark-skinned woman again, but she was now poring over a faded paperback, and faithfully ignoring him. Defeated but not deflated, he shrugged and turned to Mal. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Quite literally, I might add..."

He was cut short by a sudden uproar issuing from the foredeck. A pair of men were dishing it out, and not going halfway with it either. The argument came to an abrupt halt, and Isahiah heard them tread along the foredeck before their footsteps faded down a staircase and into the deck below. It didn't take a genius to fathom what these two were intent on doing once they got down there. Isahiah frowned. "Dissension amongst the ranks?" he asked, eliciting a stern look from the captain, who stood rigid beside him.

"Now where'd you get that idea," the later uttered through clenched jaws. "Zoé."

The tall woman got to her feet, adjusted her gun belt to its wonted position, and moved behind her captain. They exited the room in a handful of quick, decided steps and went in pursuit of their raging shipmates.

Isahiah chuckled and moved into the lounging area, plumping himself on a couch left vacant.

"That's a rather colorful little gang you have here," he said, smiling as he noticed the interweaving floral motifs that streaked the bulkheads.

"It is," Simon said, a wisp of a smile fleeting across his face.

Isahiah smiled and brought a hand up to scratch the bridge of his nose. "I don't envy you," he said. "Managing the health of these types must be a never-ending duty, even for a physician of your merit." He hunched forward, his eyes glittering unnervingly. "Although, that's nothing new for you, is it? Doctor Tam?"

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Saturday, November 15, 2008 3:00 AM


Cate stood at the entrance with a cup of strong coffee in hand and watched as 13 and Pain duke it out. She decided not to get involved as they were obviously doing it for reasons she could only pinpoint as 'the romantic type'.

She followed Pain's flying body as 13 again sent him sailing, and was about to comment when River walked in and demanded that the two stop.


Originally posted by 13:
"I'm out," he snarled. "I've made my point."

He dropped the large man non-to-gently and walked out of the cargo bay. When they set their suspicious eyes on her, she merely shrugged and walked back to the galley where she saw that the doctor had a look on his face as if he was about to faint.

"Did I come in at a bad time?" She asked no one in particular.


Saturday, November 15, 2008 11:17 AM


Isahiah grinned as he watched the blood drain from the young man's face. "It took me a while to put my finger on it," he continued. "But I just knew I had seen that pristine mug of yours before. I can see how you'd not remember me, though, seeing as we only met once."

Simon's mouth opened repeatedly as he attempted to articulate a reply.

"It's okay, don't be getting all overwrought," Isahiah said in a soothing tone of voice. "I'm not out to get you."

The doctor seemed to unwind at those words, if only to a point.

"I have to ask though," Isahiah began. "If you are here, am I to assume that..."


Originally posted by Cate:
... she merely shrugged and walked back to the galley where she saw that the doctor had a look on his face as if he was about to faint.

"Did I come in at a bad time?" She asked no one in particular.

"Why absolutely not!" Isahiah said buoyantly. "Have a seat and join us. After all this time moseying around the quadrant locked up in that blasted pressurized casket, I have me a massive hankering for some human company."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."


Saturday, November 15, 2008 5:59 PM


Cargo Bay

"Anyone get the registration code of that freighter that done hit me?" groaned Jayne, sitting up as he came to.

"Sorry about that." replied Pain, wincing and grabbing his side as he got up. He pulled his shirt up and looked at the spot where 13 kicked him. Making small grunts as he ran his hand over it, Pain muttered to himself, "Oh boy that's goin' to be sore tomorrow."

"Why were the two of you fightin'?" Jayne asked, dusting himself off.

"I'll give you a hint." Pain said, as he checked to make sure nothing was broken. Nothing was, but there were some spots that were tender. "Plant Girl."

"Plant Girl?" scoffed Jayne. "He jealous of her or somethin'?"

"Somethin' like that." replied Pain. He sniffed the air and asked, "Hey, you smell somethin' burnin'?"

Jayne sniffed the air, realized that it was the protein and canned vegetable stew he was cooking previous to his date with the floor, and muttered, "Ah ta ma de! My stew!"

Pain watched as Jayne ran up the stairs near the infirmary, swearing all the way and disappeared. Pain stood there for a moment, before taking the other set of stairs, wincing a little as he moved. Ivy would probably throw a fit as to why he was hurt and more than likely ask him how he got the bruises.

As he rounded the corner he could he Jayne swear and reassuring people that the stew was only a "little" burned, but otherwise still edible. Pain gave a small chuckle and made his way over to his bunk. 13 probably pissed to hell at Pain, but the mercenary knew it wasn't going to last. He'd have a peaceful talk with the Bot Boy after he cooled his circuits a bit.

Pain's Bunk

Pain opened his bunk's hatch and climbed down the ladder. After closing the hatch, he noticed John sitting on the floor and Ivy still huddled on his bed. Once they saw him enter however, saw that he had some new injuries on him, Ivy shot up as if she had been struck by lighting. She immediately grasped her head in pain due to that action and laid back down.

After the Pain faded, she looked at Pain and said worriedly, "Oh my God! What happened to you? Are you OK?"

Pain smiled at her and said to her reassuringly, "I'm fine, baobei, really."

John knew he wasn't. He knew that he was in moderate pain and he also noticed Pain was limping a little.

"You sure about that?" he asked Pain.

"Yeah, man, I'm fine." Pain replied, giving the other man a smile. "Just a couple of bumps and bruises." He turned to Ivy, gave her a wink, and continued, "Nothin' that a little after dinner TLC can't cure."

"So!" Pain said jovially, turning his thoughts away from what he envisioned him and Ivy doing after they had eaten. "I believe Jayne's makin' dinner. Why don't the three of us go topside and fill our bellies before we're left lickin' the bottoms of bowls and beggin' for table scraps? What do you say?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 15, 2008 6:18 PM


Pain left the bunk and Ivy followed, John was behind her. "the captain may seem like he has trust issues and to be honest, he does. But this crew's been through a lot. Too much maybe, but it brought us together. It's a hard circle to get into, but once you're there you're there for life. He will listen to Pain, River, and I no matter how he acts." he said this quietly for her own comfort, not for Pain's ears although he migth have heard it. he followed them into the galley and for the first time in a while. Sat in his usual place at the table. Hopefully, no one would ask why.



Saturday, November 15, 2008 6:58 PM


Time for a new thread!!! NUMBER 40! WOOT!







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