New Series

UPDATED: Friday, May 28, 2004 16:29
VIEWED: 13090
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Saturday, May 22, 2004 3:59 AM


I hope Joss doesn't make a new series again until he does the following two things, get rid of half the crew, there's too many. The characters I see as being deleted are the couple, the priest and the prostitute.... These character are either duplicated elsewhere or unneccessary. The other thing is to introduce alien life forms, we can't be the only ones in space....


Saturday, May 22, 2004 4:01 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
I hope Joss doesn't make a new series again until he does the following two things, get rid of half the crew, there's too many. The characters I see as being deleted are the couple, the priest and the prostitute.... These character are either duplicated elsewhere or unneccessary. The other thing is to introduce alien life forms, we can't be the only ones in space....

Oh how I hope this be one of those jokey posts, which everyone likes so much

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Saturday, May 22, 2004 4:55 AM


if it is a "jokey post", i don't get it. i mean what's the point? to say that in truth he really likes wash, zoe, inara, book, and the fact that there are no aliens in the story and (thankfully) never will be? Was it to spark some kind of debate about these characters/issues from the series? If it is a serious post, I find it even more laughable. cause really.. you don't understand the series at all then.


Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:06 AM


Oh yeah, this is definitely a "joke post." It's just someone trying to piss off fans and get them to explain how wonderfully-wonderful the show is in great detail so he can be amused at getting a reaction. It's probably not Succatash, but since i'm contractually obligated to blame him for every fake post for the next 2 years, i'm saying it's him.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:35 AM


Spacegeneral? Like the one in Alien Resurrection? Well we all know what happened to him. By the way, nice hat!

To be an extra on Serenity is not a nothing part, unless you don't got it!


Monday, May 24, 2004 10:36 AM


Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear, weak responses. I find it unbelieveable a television series set in space and having no aliens. If you look at the success of other sci-fi's ( Farscape, Star Wars, Star Trek ) and then this, you will why they are successful and this isn't. If you're going to do a sci-fi based on a western premise without aliens, what's the point ? Am I missing something, please do tell.... I have to admit to watching just half the series and that was enough. I do think there are too many characters, some should be occassionals rather than regulars... Why do you need the couple, priest and the prosistute ? If you're going to answer weakly ( e.g. because they're great ) then don't answer at all....

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....


Monday, May 24, 2004 10:42 AM



SpaceGeneral wrote:
Monday, May 24, 2004 10:36

Am I missing something, please do tell....

That'd be your brain...


Monday, May 24, 2004 10:50 AM


SpaceGeneral wrote:

Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear, weak responses. I find it unbelieveable a television series set in space and having no aliens. If you look at the success of other sci-fi's ( Farscape, Star Wars, Star Trek ) and then this, you will why they are successful and this isn't. If you're going to do a sci-fi based on a western premise without aliens, what's the point ? Am I missing something, please do tell.... I have to admit to watching just half the series and that was enough. I do think there are too many characters, some should be occassionals rather than regulars... Why do you need the couple, priest and the prosistute ? If you're going to answer weakly ( e.g. because they're great ) then don't answer at all....

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

I believe we are not alone in the universe. The problem is that the universe is such an awfully big place -- along the lines of 15 billion light years per radial from the long-lost point of the Big Bang -- that the chances of us ever running into any space-going intelligent lifeforms are slim indeed... Unless of course, you, SpaceGeneral, are trying to imply that you are one yourself!? (oh my god! it's hideous! oh, and look, there's something in a jar. ours is a peaceful race. we mean you no harm)

Humans are strange and menacing enough to spawn compelling drama without drumming up spurious aliens (which would be highly anthropomorphized in any case).



"I'm telling you right now. When all's said and done, that little girl's gonna change the world. Not just this little bit she's done here, neither; big things. I couldn't be prouder if she was my own daughter."

- Malcolm Reynolds, owner-operator of Firefly-class transport, "Serenity"; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:01 AM


How many planets exist in the Firefly Universe, surely Earth is not the only one that could sustain life on its own merit ?

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:04 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear, weak responses. I find it unbelieveable a television series set in space and having no aliens. If you look at the success of other sci-fi's ( Farscape, Star Wars, Star Trek ) and then this, you will why they are successful and this isn't. If you're going to do a sci-fi based on a western premise without aliens, what's the point ? Am I missing something, please do tell.... I have to admit to watching just half the series and that was enough. I do think there are too many characters, some should be occassionals rather than regulars... Why do you need the couple, priest and the prosistute ? If you're going to answer weakly ( e.g. because they're great ) then don't answer at all....

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

Spacegeneral, I do believe you are just trying to tick people off. Consider your effort ignored.

I will say, however, that the idea of an alienless universe is a refreshing departure from the run-of-the-mill scifi on TV (NextGen, etc.). One of my favorite sf authors, Lois McMaster Bujold, has created a universe in which there are no aliens-- only humans diversifying through natural selection and genetic manipulation to the point that THEY become aliens to one another. Now that's an interesting universe, in my book....

Oh, bugger! Now I have to wait for someone to wake up!


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:07 AM


Go watch Power Rangers. I hear they got rid of half of them.


Monday, May 24, 2004 11:31 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
If you're going to do a sci-fi based on a western premise without aliens, what's the point ? B]

I'm still scratching my head as to what in the hell Aliens and Westerns have to do with each other

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:13 PM



It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

Why is it that people who have no valid argument to offer, throw out the afore mentioned quote? I'm supposed to be arrogant if I believe that there is no sentient life outside of our own? The pitiful excuse for an argument that statement is, leaves little to form a thought provoking and worthwhile debate about. However, in my arrogance, I believe I can. Scientifically there is little to suggest the possibility of aliens, especially in the form in which we like to create them. Scientists say that if alien life is found anywhere we could ever conceivably come in contact with it, it will be in a far different form than an actual sentient life form. Perhaps some goo that has organic elements not found anywhere on earth. I have to say, I like me my science. We use it to disprove theories of the Bible that suggest Earth is not billions but thousands of years old. And the beauty of it is that you can only disprove, never prove anything, leaving the future open to all kinds of new discoveries. I am not saying that its not possible, and neither is Joss Whedon. Just because the world he creates doesn't have aliens in it, doesn't mean that they don't exist in his mind, or in anyone else's mind, or at all. Just as his use of vampires and demons in his other shows does not mean he believes in them (which he doesn't) . Either way, those who share this belief are not arrogant, I am not running around shouting I am the greatest being in all the universe because there are no aliens! Hey, I would love to find life out there, and I think we should keep on looking, arrogance be damned!

As for the whole topic of this thread, it is a TV show, that we here at this board like. Each character is indispensable so much that Joss said he would not have done the movie if they hadn't all signed on to come back. Critics have raved about his ability to have nine rich and distinct characters on one show, instead of the cookie-cutter characters on other Sci Fi series that you can't tell apart after a while. Firefly is a character driven show, it is not about space, it is not about the future, these are all background elements that enhance the story that is really about the people on this ship. If you want aliens, mind-numbing characters, and a show about crap that has no relevance to the present, then go watch a different show…you certainly won't be happy at this one.

Was that strong enough for ya?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:20 PM


People, people, people.

Do *not* feed the trolls.


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:21 PM


Perhaps there is a Joss in an alternate universe who would agree with you. I'll let the Joss in this one call the shots on his show.

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Monday, May 24, 2004 12:35 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:

get rid of half the crew
introduce alien life forms

if there are too many people and you need aliens, me thinks ya need to find another show.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:21 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear, weak responses.

I dunno...does anyone else get an impression of a little white rabbit with a big pocket watch wringing his hands?


I find it unbelieveable a television series set in space and having no aliens.

You gotta love this least he's interested enough to seek us out in order to criticize a show of which he didn't watch half the episodes. Right kind of him to go through all that trouble seein' as as he's saddled with that cruel inability to spell sixth grade words. (It's supposed to be "unbelievable".)

I'm not making fun of the SpaceBunny. Believe it or not, it is very valuable to have a person like this post here. It's important to understand that people with uninformed opinions often make judgements on things it knows nothing about. It's a great life lesson. Hey, mayhap this was one of them decision-makers on Fox? You know the type...

"Well, the ratings weren't where we'd hoped they'd be by the fifth episode and the lack of aliens really detracted from the demographic that likes seeing actors with latex applications pretending to be from 'out there...' Yes, four points out of top for Nielsen's in it's time slot, but critical acclaim isn't everything... What? No, I never actually watched the show, we have people who do that for us, why?"

Where would Mal be without the Alliance? Exactly.
So, where would we be without this guy?

Hey, if he don't wanna watch the whole series but still asks fool questions and the like, (such as: "how many planets are inhabited by people...") that's his 'verse and he's welcome to populate it by his own damn self. For the rest of us, we can learn to just smile and nod like the opinion means something. (It's the neighborly thing to do, I'm thinking...)


Am I missing something, please do tell.... It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

I surely think this person is missing something, and that's certain. However, it ain't our job to learn him better if comes around with an attitude for harping instead of learning.(I just love this style of talking...don't you?)

Besides, don't you think it's kind of arrogant to believe that only one kind of opinion or one kind of show is right for Sci-Fi? There's room enough for everyone if folk don't go shoving each other like they're worth more'n others. O'course, some folk just have to go shovin', them lacking manners and all.

(By the's supposed to be spelled "inhabitants".)


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:56 PM



I find it unbelieveable a television series set in space and having no aliens.

We're alone, deal with it. Even if there are aliens, they aint comin and they aint bringin Elvis back.

The odds of findin another life inhabited planet is astonomical, with an 'r' and probably other letters, and the chances of them being evolved enough for us to care about them are even bigger.
Or so more advanced they wouldn't care about us.

Face it they aint there, and if they are they aint comin.

oh, i'm going to that special part of hell


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:58 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
How many planets exist in the Firefly Universe, surely Earth is not the only one that could sustain life on its own merit ?

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

About 70 planets.
Watch the show

oh, i'm going to that special part of hell


Monday, May 24, 2004 2:19 PM


I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points. Besides I think the Reevers will turn out to be alieans. And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.
There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.


Monday, May 24, 2004 2:21 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
How many planets exist in the Firefly Universe, surely Earth is not the only one that could sustain life on its own merit ?

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

Hundreds but all of them terroformed by humans. They weren't habitable until terraforming. Some still aren't habitable as you will see if you watch the series even though humans still live on them.

The premise of the show is that humans leave Earth after they use it up. They then terraform a whole new galaxy of planets to live on. The premise of the show is that humans can be just as much alien than any aliens you can dress up to look nice. The show says that aliens don't exist, it says they humans haven't come across them yet or made first contact. The premise of the show is that the humans are worried about themselves than any aliens that may come along. You have the people fighting for power or worried about keeping power and then you have the people worried about surviving in the midst of that so all of them aren't worried about any aliens.

If you want aliens then reavers come pretty close. They are pretty alien even if they are human. How many people do you know that eat your flesh, sew your skin into their clothing, and probably use your bones as tools. Not many.

And you're right, this isn't Star Trek, Star Wars, or any other mainstream sci-fi. If you like sci-fi then read Asimov or any of the other great sci-fi writers of the past and you will see very often that sci-fi isn't just about aliens and blowing stuff up.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Monday, May 24, 2004 2:50 PM



Originally posted by FireflyFriend:
I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points. Besides I think the Reevers will turn out to be alieans. And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.
There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.

Reevers aren't aliens, Reevers are men pushed out to the edges of the galaxy and went mad.

Joss doesn't believe in Aliens and he created a universe without Aliens on purpose.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Monday, May 24, 2004 3:16 PM



Originally posted by FireflyFriend:
I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points.

I'm sorry, but he wasn't making points, he was sticking pins...there's a world of difference. What he thought about the show, he had a right to think. But it's pretty pathetic to call other people's thoughts "weak responses" and "if you can't do better, don't bother replying" just because people don't agree with HIM. That's a double standard.


And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.

Yes, some people may have been confused, but with a good show, the number of characters isn't as important as how good the story telling is. If the formula for a good show is having fewer characters, then Friends would have to get rid of one to be as good as Frasier and two to be as good as Seinfeld. (Both Trek's and Star Wars had seven regular characters. Babylon 5 had eight.)


There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.

You're right. I agree. But on the other hand you CAN'T ask for respect if you're not willing to GIVE it and that's the case that operating here.

You've stated your opinions nicely and while I don't necessarily agree with all of them, you have a right to be treated just as nicely. But throwin' rocks ain't the best way to get people to listen to your message. That's something that the Space Bunny has to learn for himself.


Monday, May 24, 2004 3:37 PM


No aliens in Foundation, that's so. Nor Varley's Steel Beach series or most Heinlein, come to that. (Yes, children, there was science fiction that did not originate on TV...)

Take us outta the world....


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:48 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
I hope Joss doesn't make a new series again until he does the following two things, get rid of half the crew, there's too many. The characters I see as being deleted are the couple, the priest and the prostitute.... These character are either duplicated elsewhere or unneccessary. The other thing is to introduce alien life forms, we can't be the only ones in space....

Okay I'll try and explain why I think it neccessary to keep the couple, priest, and prostitute as I don't believe any of them are duplicated or unneccessary. Okay first in the couple category are Wash and Zoe now Wash being the pilot of the ship is a neccessary function to the crew plus he provides comic relief, Zoe being the other member of the couple category fought with the Captain in the war and so she knows the Captain really well which creates an interesting dynamic between the two she's also the first officer/warrior woman. The priest, Shepard Book, is an interesting character because he acts as a concious of the ship and undoubtedly if the show had lasted longer he would've provided contrast to the Captain's lost faith, he also has a as yet only hinted at backstory. Finally the prostitute, Inara, provides contrast with the rustic feal of the ship with her far more civilized nature she also has a sexual tension with the Captain also. I hope that helped you understand the role of some of the characters a little more as I think the ensemble feal of the show is one of the things that really stands out about it.

As for aliens others have stated it far better than I'm about to. First you don't need aliens to make sci-fi they're not required and having Firefly being one of the few (the only?) space shows without aliens is quite refreshing. Second it's not arrogant to assume that we're the only sentient species and even if there are aliens then it's not likely that we'll ever meet them besides we haven't met aliens how dare real life be so arrogant as to assume we're the only sentient species in the universe.


(Yes, children, there was science fiction that did not originate on TV...)

Well duh there was Star Wars.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:02 AM



Originally posted by FireflyFriend:
I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points. Besides I think the Reevers will turn out to be alieans. And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.
There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.

Oops, didn't realize i was being mean. But Aliens aren't needed its been done many times before, its original to have a space Sci-fi without aliens. If you want Aliens there's plenty of other shows with them.

oh, i'm going to that special part of hell


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:02 AM



Originally posted by FireflyFriend:
I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points. Besides I think the Reevers will turn out to be alieans. And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.
There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.

I am not going to respond to Spacegeneral because I think he is just trying to get a reaction.

However, I couldn't ignore your Reaver comment Fireflyfriend. Now this is from over a year ago so has become a bit hazy in my memory, but I believe Joss said there won't be 'aliens' in his universe. He doesn't believe they exist and would rather focus on his characters than get involved in latex again. It is possible that Universal have told him to put them in, but I hope not. Humans are scary enough.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:36 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
I hope Joss doesn't make a new series again until he does the following two things, get rid of half the crew, there's too many. The characters I see as being deleted are the couple, the priest and the prostitute.... These character are either duplicated elsewhere or unneccessary. The other thing is to introduce alien life forms, we can't be the only ones in space....

Whatever the reasoning behind this post, be it to elicite a negative response from a loyal fanbase, or an actual attempt at some sort of understanding, I think we should approach it w/ a logical arguement.

Getting rid of half the crew is not an option. Nine characters are not too many to keep with, especially since they travel together and share the same experiences. It is not as if they are going in several different directions on different adventures at the same time. To me, and many here, nine characters gives the show variety and depth that a show with only one or two characters never achieves.

"The couple" as you call them, are Zoe and Wash. They are necessary to the story. Wash is the pilot, the comic relief in tense situations, and the man that who is helping to bring Zoe out of the professional soldier shell she sank into after the War of Unification. Zoe is Mal's right hand and his war "buddy". She is the one that watches over everyone, including our captain when he is too busy getting in trouble to take care of himself. The show would not be the same without either of them.

Inara, the Companion (or prostitute as you call her) is also an essential part of the cast. Inara is the love interest of Mal, and her status as a Companion give the crew & Serenity (the ship) some respectability and access to ports they might not otherwise be accepted in. Inara also has some mysteries in her past that add to the intrigue of the show. She is the voice of reason and civility when Mal is being stubborn or passionate about something.

Book, the Shephard, is also necessary to the formula of Firefly. Book is somewhat of an enigma. He is a man of God, wandering the frontier spreading the word to them as need it. Yet he has an unexplainable knowledge of crime, strategy, combat, and other things it seems very out of place for a preacher to know. Add to this the way the Alliance officers jumped through all manner of hoops to aid him in the episode "Safe" and we have the makings of a very intriguing backstory. Book is also the voice of compassion and understanding in an otherwise harsh universe where survival is key.

None of the characters in cast are "duplicated" anywhere in the series, nor should they be relegated to recurring roles. Each character brings a different element to the overall story that creates a chemistry so strong as to make the best sci fi show I have ever had the opportunity to see on television.

As to aliens and the lack thereof in Joss's universe, who is to say what the future might hold. I agree w/ Zoid that the universe is a big place, and in the Firefly story it seems that only a small portion of it has been explored or settled. In such a vast expanse of space, it seems logical that encounters w/ "aliens" would be nonexistant. If aliens had avoided us all the years on Earth, why would they be in a hurry to make contact w/ an aggressive species that just finished a civil war?

Honestly I find the lack of aliens a refreshing change for a sci fi series. Every sci fi out there in mainstream deals w/ aliens: Star Trek, Babylon 5, Star Wars, etc. Firefly is about mankind, our trial & tribulations, and the human experience in a society recovering from a civil war in an environment that necessitates a return to the frontier way of life.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:14 AM



Originally posted by Zophiel:
People, people, people.

Do *not* feed the trolls.

Indeed Zophiel, Indeed.

I'm struggling to contain myself. STRUGGLING in the most powerful sense of the word as I'm sure most of you understand.

I will say this:
Spacegeneral, riiiiiiiiight...

There's no show I'd rather see, than the one with Serenity.
You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:38 AM


When I said there should be aliens in the series, I wasn't referring to intelligent lifeform in the same vein as Vulcans, Klingons, Delvians, Hynerians or the Hutt. I'd be quite happy if the aliens was something they herded like cattle in the cowboy era. I wonder how successful it would've been if aliens were involved. As it is based on the early part of the the US life, I wonder who the equivalent of the Native Americans are supposed to be. If you're going to be base it on a past, you might as well base it on the whole era...

I can understand where people are coming from with respect to the characters. I just would've done it differently, just expressing my view.

Is the film going to be a cinematic version or just an extended episode on Sci-Fi ?

As the series is based on the past, are the Reevers also based on a past group ?

The weak responses I referred to related to lack of argument as seen in the early replies.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:51 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
When I said there should be aliens in the series, I wasn't referring to intelligent lifeform in the same vein as Vulcans, Klingons, Delvians, Hynerians or the Hutt. I'd be quite happy if the aliens was something they herded like cattle in the cowboy era. I wonder how successful it would've been if aliens were involved. As it is based on the early part of the the US life, I wonder who the equivalent of the Native Americans are supposed to be. If you're going to be base it on a past, you might as well base it on the whole era...

Why would the show be any better or worse if they had cool looking alien cattle? I just don't see the point to creating aliens that aren't really characters they're just their showing that hey there are aliens in this show too. And why do you think the show needs to be based on the entire past just because it uses some elements of the past? Firefly is still science fiction it has some elements of the past but they're all blended together it's not a TV show about history.


Is the film going to be a cinematic version or just an extended episode on Sci-Fi?

Serenity will be released in theaters.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:03 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
....As it is based on the early part of the the US life, I wonder who the equivalent of the Native Americans are supposed to be. If you're going to be base it on a past, you might as well base it on the whole era...

...As the series is based on the past, are the Reevers also based on a past group ?

The weak responses I referred to related to lack of argument as seen in the early replies.

The Reevers were pretty obviously a stand in for indians, not so much real Native Americans but more the threatening savage stereotype found in the classic western genre.

I get the impression you didn't get to see the show as a solid run. You should take some time and watch the DVD, from the beginning. I think a lot of your concerns will be answered.

That's not to say we can't offer constructive criticism, it just seems yours is somewhat uninformed.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:29 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
When I said there should be aliens in the series, I wasn't referring to intelligent lifeform in the same vein as Vulcans, Klingons, Delvians, Hynerians or the Hutt. I'd be quite happy if the aliens was something they herded like cattle in the cowboy era.

I don't think that alien life, even as herd animals would add anything to the show. You have to remember that the worlds we see in Firefly are all worlds terraformed by the Alliance. Before being terraformed they were all but uninhabitable, so I doubt they would have substained indigenous life of any kind save the most basic.


I wonder how successful it would've been if aliens were involved.

I doubt it would have been any more successful, given Fox's gross mishandling of the show: airing the episodes out of order, canning the original pilot (Serenity) for a shorter one (Train Job) written in a single weekend, preempting the show for baseball coverage, and putting the show in the timeslot of death, Friday nights @ 8pm.


As it is based on the early part of the the US life, I wonder who the equivalent of the Native Americans are supposed to be. If you're going to be base it on a past, you might as well base it on the whole era...

I agree w/ Sergeant X that the Reavers are supposed to be the stand ins for Native Americans. There have been a couple of threads discussing the comparisons in depth.


Is the film going to be a cinematic version or just an extended episode on Sci-Fi ?

"Serenity" will appear in theatres in early 2005. It will not be a TV movie.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 10:04 AM


On the alien policy, I do believe he was quoted as saying he needed to get away from latex for awhile.

I personally love the Western twang. Feels to me like a throwback to the origins of the word "Space Opera" Just because EVERY Sci-fi has aliens doesn't mean it needs to be that way. To me, silly latex faces don't make good shows, storytelling does. Joss wanted to tell the stories about what would happen to people in the future. And to a degree I think it's creepier when Reevers are men pushed to insanity. It's easier to write of brutality when done by an alien, but when done by something that was once human...that be creepiness.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:08 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
When I said there should be aliens in the series, I wasn't referring to intelligent lifeform in the same vein as Vulcans, Klingons, Delvians, Hynerians or the Hutt. I'd be quite happy if the aliens was something they herded like cattle in the cowboy era. I wonder how successful it would've been if aliens were involved. As it is based on the early part of the the US life, I wonder who the equivalent of the Native Americans are supposed to be. If you're going to be base it on a past, you might as well base it on the whole era...

I can understand where people are coming from with respect to the characters. I just would've done it differently, just expressing my view.

Is the film going to be a cinematic version or just an extended episode on Sci-Fi ?

As the series is based on the past, are the Reevers also based on a past group ?

The weak responses I referred to related to lack of argument as seen in the early replies.

this is hopeless


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:13 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
I'd be quite happy if the aliens was something they herded like cattle in the cowboy era.

Thats the missing piece! The ratings would have jumped sky high if we'd only had 3 eyed, 6 legged cows with neon spots!


As the series is based on the past, are the Reevers also based on a past group ?

Its not a history story. Every single culture has been ripped out of its orignal place and thrown into a hugh melting pot. Race, religion, doesn't matter...Reevers could be black, white, doesn't matter.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:19 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:

Is the film going to be a cinematic version or just an extended episode on Sci-Fi ?

SpaceGeneral, if your going to see this movie, try to stay quiet in the theatre, as a fairly new but now dedicated Firefly fan, i can tell you we defend our dear program passionately

oh, i'm going to that special part of hell


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:20 PM


Despite the fact that it's an overt space western, Firefly has a much more realistic take on science fiction than most SF TV shows. The lack of noise in space and all human universe are more in the style of Foundation or 2001 (well, OK, 2001 did have aliens, but they were in the background and never seen) than the traditional Trek/Galactica/Wars-style space opera that's dominated North American SF TV and movies for years. What in god's name would be the point of throwing in some BEMs and removing anything even remotely unique and interesting about the series?


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:33 PM


First of, and if it's been pointed out already forgive me, Friends had Six main characters, not five ( Ross, Joey, Chandler, Monica, Phoebe, Rachel )

Secondly, not to feed the trolls ( or the flames ) but here is my two cents on the whole 'Aliens' issue... A) There is ample reason to believe in the existence of intelligent life outside of our own existing in the universe ( Drakes Equation ) but given the size of the universe and the inherent difficulties in traveling such distances it's not inconceivable for those in the firefly 'Verse to have not meet any yet. I do believe that firefly is set some 500 years into the future and, without wanting to reopen the debate, whether firefly is set in several close star systems or one large system of several dozen teraformed planet(oids), that humanity is still fairly close, universe wise, to earth that was thus supporting the idea that, if other races do exist in the firefly 'Verse, humanity has thus far only seen a very small portion there of.

B) As to the whole slimming the crew idea...

Um... No! Mal is a must, Can't have serenity without her captain.

Wash is pilot and navigator and you can't have Wash without Zoe and even if you could Zoe is essential in her own right as both Mal's second in command and trained gunmen for those less smooth occasions on a job.

Jayne, even putting aside his comic relief aspect ( and for me it's a tie which generates the most laughs, he or Wash ) is, again, a good man with a gun when you need one.

Kaylee's what keeps the ship flying, and most likely, the crew from each others necks.

Simon is the Doc, Can't be doing crime without someone around to patch a body up when plans go south and you wont have Simon without River ( who may be the one person on the ship that actually serves no purpose no mater how much browncoats may love her )

Inara ( aka 'the prostitute' ) is Serenity's all access pass to some of the finer planets. A companion is probably the only thing that gets them clearance to orbit some planets let alone make landfall.

Which just leaves Book and while God may have no place on board Serenity this here is one man of god that does. Whether it's playing babysitter to river when everyone else is out or shooting the odd kneecap or his as yet unexplained knowledge of the seamier side of life Book has show himself to be a valuable asset for Serenity and her Crew several times.

So... I really don't see how one could get rid of any of them let alone the ones mentioned specifically.

But then again, that's just my two cents.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:12 PM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:

It's arrogant to believe we are the only inhabitents of the Universe....

Totaly arrogant, you're abosloutly right. There is no way in hell that we are the only ones around. (I'm not being sarcastic, really)

On the otherhand, the universe is an immensly huge place, the chances of us running into said aleins is slim to none.

Also, I can't see the couple (I assume you refer to Wash and Zoe) being removed. It would be hard to get anywhere without a pilot...


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:24 PM



Have you seen Ron Howard's "Apollo 13," the one with Tom Hanks.

Wasn't that movie so unbelievable? I mean, they went into space, but they never even met any aliens. That automatically makes it crap.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:09 PM


There's also Mission to Mars, the Red Planet, etc. I'd better clarify what I mean. If the series was set in our solar system then I would accept that there were no aliens. However as I see it, the series is set elsewhere in the Universe and all the planets are bare, I find that hard to accept.

Is no one aware that we might not be alone in this solar system ? Is no one aware that there might be live under the Ice sheet on Europa, a moon of either Jupiter or Saturn ?


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 8:18 PM


I do believe that some form of (probably non-intelligent) life exists somewhere in the universe, but I don't think that means aliens should be included in all science fiction stories. Alien politics has pretty much become a cliche of sci-fi, and I applaud Joss and Tim for not wanting to go there.

Just cuz a space series set in the future doesn't have aliens, doesn't make it unbelivable. Similarly, having aliens in a space show set in the future doesn't make it any less credit-worthy.

Often it's the story that counts. In "Firefly's" case, it's really the characters that are the most important, and I think the show could take place in any time period and still be a damn good story, but taking place in 2517 with a creatively (but not overbearingly different) setting seems to have been the perfect setting for the series.

I think alien fetishes are really strange, but if Klingons make you hot, go for it.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 9:46 PM



FireflyFriend wrote:
Monday, May 24, 2004 14:19
I really love this show, but I think Space General has made some good points. Besides I think the Reevers will turn out to be alieans. And its true that some people were confused by so many characters. Friends was a big success and it only had five regular characters. the other were occasional as Space general suggested.
There's no point in being mean just because people see ways to improve the show.


"Aliens, you know, that's something everybody else has done and is doing. It's a great metaphor to play with, but it's not what I'm interested in. I'm really interested in 'you are there,' in 'you are a part of this.' And I think aliens take you out of that. I also need to spend some time away from latex." - Joss Whedon

And Friends had 6 main characters.

"...we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:04 AM


I'm gonna go think up something really sarcastic and come back later.

Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games.
Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:25 AM


SpaceGeneral really bore down with:

Is no one aware that we might not be alone in this solar system ? Is no one aware that there might be live under the Ice sheet on Europa, a moon of either Jupiter or Saturn ?

Ah, nothing quite so compelling as the facts, or something like them. As I have mentioned in previous posts on other threads, the terraforming of planets, moons and larger asteroidal bodies has serious moral implications, precisely because there might be 'live' already 'lifing' on them.

In the Firefly 'verse, however, the fact that Alliance/BlueSun have indeed already terraformed all those planetoids and planetesimals means that all native life has been eradicated from them in the process, in the same way that an alien race -- by turning our planet into a gas giant to suit their physical needs -- would wipe out all Earth-borne life in the process.

BTW, Europa is a satellite of Jupiter. Jupiter and Saturn share no satellites.



"I'm telling you right now. When all's said and done, that little girl's gonna change the world. Not just this little bit she's done here, neither; big things. I couldn't be prouder if she was my own daughter."

- Malcolm Reynolds, owner-operator of Firefly-class transport, "Serenity"; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 2:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
There's also Mission to Mars, the Red Planet, etc. I'd better clarify what I mean. If the series was set in our solar system then I would accept that there were no aliens. However as I see it, the series is set elsewhere in the Universe and all the planets are bare, I find that hard to accept.

Why is it hard to accept the planets are "bare" (I am assuming you mean bare of alien life)? If the planets or moons that the Alliance terraformed had life on them, it would have been plant and perhaps very basic life at most. The terraforming process, or what little we know of it from the series, takes awhile to complete & is a very difficult process. Anything native to the planet most likely would be eradicated during the process.


Is no one aware that we might not be alone in this solar system ? Is no one aware that there might be live under the Ice sheet on Europa, a moon of either Jupiter or Saturn ?

Oh I do not doubt that we are not alone in this vast universe, but that is the beauty of fiction, you can make it anything you want it to be. That is what Joss has done, written a brilliant piece of fiction in Firefly. He specifically said that he wanted to avoid "bumpy foreheads", etc. He did not want aliens in this story, that does not mean he does not believe in their existance, simply he did not want them involved w/ his tale.

Keep in mind too that makeup and costumes for aliens really cut into your budget, and Joss wanted to use the budget on his cast, crew, and telling a great story, not on cool looking aliens standing around as extras.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 3:15 AM



Originally posted by Absalon:

We're alone, deal with it. Even if there are aliens, they aint comin and they aint bringin Elvis back.


The reason Aliens would never visit this world is the same reason you would never willingly drive to certain parts of West Virginia, Alabama or Louisiana.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:54 AM



Originally posted by SpaceGeneral:
There's also Mission to Mars, the Red Planet, etc. I'd better clarify what I mean. If the series was set in our solar system then I would accept that there were no aliens. However as I see it, the series is set elsewhere in the Universe and all the planets are bare, I find that hard to accept.

Is no one aware that we might not be alone in this solar system ? Is no one aware that there might be live under the Ice sheet on Europa, a moon of either Jupiter or Saturn ?

What about Heinlen? Asimov? A lot of their sci-fi stories didn't have aliens in them and they are considered the greatest of sci-fi writers ever.

What about Dune, considered the greatest sci-fi epic ever? There weren't any aliens in that and that was set 10,000 years into the future. There were some wierd looking creatures such as the Space Guild but I think they were humans that were transformed to look that way due to the spice. Sort of like Reavers in Firefly.

And whoever mentioned Apollo 13, that is based on a true historic event and isn't sci-fi.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:32 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important

There were aliens in Dune, so that's a bad example.

Look Spacegeneral (whoever you are) if you really and truly believe that there might be alien life in the galaxy, then you ALSO believe...

there might NOT be alien life in the galaxy.

(The word MIGHT, being what it is, means a percent chance. And if the percent isn't one-hundred, then there's that other percent.)

So, glad to see you agree with Joss and company, Spacegeneral. There might be alien life... and there might not be. Joss is only making one sci-fi show, so there you have it.


"Liberty must not be purchased at the cost of Humanity." --Captain Robert Henner






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