Life Onboard Serenity: #41 - Changeable Weather

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Tuesday, December 16, 2008 4:42 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic.
Here are the links to the past LoS threads:

Story so far:

The crew gathered in the galley for dinner. As Pain and Ivy enjoyed some under-the-table trifling action, Mal poked John as to his whereabouts before announcing that their new passenger, the galling yet endlessly captivating Isahiah, had work for them. Isahiah went on to outline the nature of the aforementioned work, but obstinately refused to elaborate on a handful of key issues, prompting the majority of the people present to question his genuineness.

As the crew dispersed, Pain and Ivy retreated to Pain's bunk, John paid a visit to Inara in her shuttle, and Isahiah warded off questions from a handful of disgruntled crew members before heading off, looking for a place to spend the night.

Upon leaving Inara's shuttle, John stopped by Kaylee's bunk, and was quite surprised to find Isahiah there. The two had a short chat and John left, vowing to find out what Isahiah was hiding. He talked River into probing Isahiah's mind, but all she was were random memories and nasty dreams.

When the morning came, the crew got together in the galley, with Pain and Ivy rustling up breakfast. Small talk ensued. Pain and Ivy slipped downstairs to, erm, shower. John went to have a look at the engine. Isahiah went downstairs to see Simon but got decked by Mal on his way there. A full-blown interrogation ensued, complete with much physical violence and death threats.

Pain and Ivy entered the infirmary to have Ivy's head checked. Simon asked a few questions which didn't seem to sit well with Ivy, and the couple departed. Ivy had a bit of melt-down on their way out, which Pain helped to defuse, and they proceeded to move Ivy's stuff from her bunk to Pain's, making sure to avoid being seen by the captain as they did so.

Concurrently, Mal was done bludgeoning Isahiah for additional information and headed for the bridge. He ordered River to land the ship near New Allansburgh to store up on fuel and other spaceshippy things and went to find Pain. He did. They had a hearty heart-to-heart, which culminated in Pain blowing a gasket and flooring Mal. Ivy settled the dispute by offering to come along on the next job to prove she could be of help to the crew. John appeared and helped defuse the situation.

As for Isahiah, he was busy getting his face stitched back together in the infirmary.

Pain and Ivy were getting ready for the job ahead when Ivy had another freak-out upon coming across one of Pain's guns. She told Pain to get rid of it and left. Pain went to find Simon and clued him in to Ivy's condition.

River and Ivy were sitting amid the plants in Ivy room, with the prodigiously psychic teenage pilot poking at Ivy's mind to figure out just what was wrong with it. She failed, and went to find Simon and Pain in the infirmary. She revealed that Ivy had raided the infirmary's drug supplies and had disposed of all the kepraftin they had on board.

Pain left, looking for Ivy, and found her in their bunk. They went to meet with John and the rest of the crew in the cargo bay as River rook the ship in for landing.

Meanwhile, a mysterious alliance official was roaming the New Allansburgh docks, asking questions about Ivy...

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:41 PM


OOC: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JTTF! Hope it's a good one.

Cargo Bay

Pain sat on a crate with Ivy standing between his legs. Pain had his arms wrapped around her stomach and rested his head on her right shoulder. As they and the others waited for Serenity to touch down, he whispered to Ivy, "So what are you goin' to buy besides a new light source for you plant?"

"Some new clothes and perhaps something else." she whispered back with a smile.

"Somethin' else?" Pain replied, still whispering. He gave her a squeeze and asked, "What kind of somethin'?"

"Can't tell you." she whispered back. She grinned wider and added, "It's a surprise."

"A surprise? I like surprises." Pain intriguingly replied. He brushed his lips against her ear and said, "Is it the type of surprise that you'll tell me about if'n I tickle it out of you?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:46 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Is it the type of surprise that you'll tell me about if'n I tickle it out of you?"

“Tickling will get you no where, mister,” Ivy told him.

“Not if you don’t do it right,” Pain added.

Ivy stealthily ran her hand very lightly up the inside of Pain’s right thigh. He squirmed and buried his face into her neck to stifle the laugh that erupted.

“Was that done right?” she asked wickedly.

“Depends on what you want,” Pain answered.

“Just looking for your opinion when it comes to buying my stuff. I’m really kind of nervous about going.”

Pain turned her around to face him.

“Nervous? Why?”

“It’s just been a while. I'm not used to having a bunch of clothes and I haven't been out to do something like shopping in quite a while,” she explained. It had been a couple of years actually. The clothes she had on today were picked out by Grayson. “For example, these are so neutral. I'd like to get something pretty, something that you'd like.”

Her face brightened up a little.

“Maybe I can get something that’s red?”

“Your favorite color. I think we can arrange for that.”

She kissed him quickly, but instead, it turned into a long string of kisses. Pain happened to glance off to the side to see Mal staring at them with the ‘get-a-room’ look and 13 giving them a stern glare.

“Uh… We have spectators,” he said as he leaned his forehead against hers.

She grinned and turned around to their original position.

“So what are you going to buy?” she asked.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:03 PM


Isahiah stood with his back resting against a stack of bold yellow containers enfolded in a black nylon net, a glass of water in hand. The ship trembled from stern to bow as it plummeted down Beylix's atmosphere. Isahiah took a tentative sip from his glass, taking great care not to cause a spill.

Reynolds wanted his money, and he could hardly blame him for it. Still, the man's eagerness cast a hurdle in his path, since he was in no sort of position to dish out the amount they had agreed on. He would have to procure it through alternate means, which could give rise to a wealth of complications...

The vibrations subsided as the ship steadied its course, and Isahiah knew they were within minutes of touching down. He knew of a place where he could get what he needed with minimal risk. "Hell, it might even be fun." He drew another sip from his glass.

The grinding of hydraulic pumps resonated around him as the ship's thruster pods pivoted into their VTOL configuration, and mere moments later she kissed the ground with a resounding thud.

"Now to business."

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:18 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“So what are you going to buy?” she asked.

"Some shirts, socks, and pants. Perhaps some boxers too." replied Pain. He gave her another squeeze and continued, "I wouldn't object to havin' a woman's opinion on those sorts of things."

"On what?" Ivy asked with a smile. "The boxers?"

"Well those and the other things." Pain said, giving her a peck on the neck. "I also need to get some ammo if'n they have some. Kind of runnin' low on some of my guns."

"Speaking of which." Ivy said. "How are you going to try on clothes with all that gear you got strapped on?"

"Very carefully." replied a cryptic Pain.

Pain felt Serenity hit the ground and watched as the cargo bay doors opened and the ramp lower. He gave Ivy a playful slap on the butt, causing her to let out a surprised gasp as Pain stood up from his seat.

He gave her a playful smile and said as he gestured to the open, "After you, baobei. Let our adventure in shoppin' begin."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:06 PM


Ivy and Pain walked out of the cargo bay and into the bustling dock area of New Allansburgh. They walked lazily. She was pressed against his side with her arm around his waist, a finger hooked through a belt loop. His arm wrapped around her shoulders. It was almost comical, the two of them, especially since he towered over her about 14 inches and weighed twice what she did (and then some). But there was an air about them. A certain… happiness.

“What do you think of that shop?” Ivy giggled as she pointed to one catering to what looked like cowboys. “We could get you a big white hat–”

“Black hat,” corrected Pain. She looked at him strangely and he shrugged. “I look better in black, plus it matches the coat better.”

“But don’t the bad guys wear black hats?” she asked a smile on her face. “You’re supposed to be the hero figure.”

“And heroes can’t be bad?” Pain shot back at her, the last word taking on a purely sexual connotation. “The desk this morning wasn’t enough of an example?”

She nudged him a little and smiled up at him.

“It was naughty, but not what I’d call bad.

“Oh, no?”

“No,” she confirmed. She motioned over to the cowboy store. “Do you want to go in there?”

“No. Not my style.”

“Awww…” she pouted. “And we could have gotten you some chaps…”

They erupted into laughter as they continued past the shop.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:38 PM


Mal strode up to Isahiah as the crew went about their respective business. "Didn't I tell you to get a hold of something warm?" he questioned, shoving his hands down a pair of faded leather gloves even as he spoke.

"What can I say? It seems no one could spare even a jacket," Isahiah replied, knowing full well that his frayed woolen sweater and black denims offered meager protection against the elements.

"Well that's a pity. I'm told the weather can be a real stinker in this part of Beylix."

"I'm familiar with the region and its wayward climate, captain," assured Isahiah. "Shall we?" he added, gesturing to the exit with an emphatic nod of his head.

"Sure," Mal blurted in assent, and with that, they ventured into the gloomily lit neighborhood, Isahiah leading the way with Mal firmly in tow.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 6:56 PM


Pain and Ivy's Shopping Quest

"So." Pain asked after the laughter died down. "Who should we shop for first? You or me?"

"Don't matter to me, baobei. So long as we get inside someplace warm. I'm freezing." she replied shivering a little.

Pain looked down at her and noticed that indeed she was shivering. Pain had his trench coat on so he didn't feel the chill in the air. The weather was sure acting wonky today, but then again quick changing weather could be the norm for this place. Pain spotted a store that catered to both men and women and ushered Ivy towards the double doors. Once inside they were immediately wrapped in a blanket of heated air.

Ivy let out a sigh and said to Pain, "Oh that feels good. It's too bad we can't stay in here forever. I don't like the cold."

"Yeah me neither." replied Pain, giving her a smile. Leaning down and placing a kiss on her head, Pain said, "Why don't we go pick somethin' out for me and then we can do you. What do you say, darlin'?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, December 17, 2008 8:13 PM


Pain and Ivy first found themselves in the Men’s Hosiery Department. Pain instantly began looking around in sock section, looking for colors and types of socks he wanted.

“I’m not helping you pick out socks, Pain,” she called out to him as she wandered the aisles nearby.

“It’s not necessary, babe,” he answered with a smile. “I’m a big boy, I can handle socks by myself.”

“Yes. You. Are,” he heard her say from an aisle or two away.

Pain chuckled a little. She came around to where he was at, carrying a black T-shirt.

“You see these?” Ivy said bringing it up to him and laying on the table next to him. “These are those new ones that are form fitting to keep you warm. Maybe you should buy one and see how you like it.”

Pain looked at it as she floated away to look some more.

“Nah. Not my style. Too clingy.”

“Clingy could be good.”

“I’d just be all uncomfortable.”

“Wasn’t talking about you,” her voice lilted from a different area.

Puzzled, he picked up the t-shirt and looked at it for a second before what she said sunk in. He liked it when she wore his T-Shirts, but having one that was meant to be clingy would take it to another level. He raised his eyebrows a little and put it with the things he already decided to purchase.

She even knew how to make shopping for socks and undershirts sexy.

Her head poked up a little from the next aisle over.

“You said something about boxers?”

“Yes. Might want to get some if'n I find some I like.”

“How about these?” she asked as she held them up high enough so he (and anyone else in the vicinty) could see. They were wild colored.

“I don’t think so,” he said.

“Wait! Look!” she laughed, urging him to look again as she pushed a button in the waistband. Little tiny lights turned on to spell out a greeting that was a hair’s breath from profane.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 2:22 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Wait! Look!” she laughed, urging him to look again as she pushed a button in the waistband. Little tiny lights turned on to spell out a greeting that was a hair’s breath from profane.

Pain chuckled and asked, "What size are those?"

Ivy lowered the boxers and checked the tag on the waistband. Once she saw the size of them, she called out, "Extra large."

There was a moment of silence as he thought it over before he said, "Find one exactly like it, but a size larger and put it in with the other stuff."

"OK!" replied a cheerful Ivy as she made her way over to him with the correct sized novelty boxers in hand.

She was beaming with excitement as she placed them in the cart along with Pain's other purchases. Pain found her excitement amusing and gave her a smile.

"So what next?" she asked almost bouncing with glee.

Pain scanned the items in the cart and thought about what else he needed. There were a few multi-packs of XXL shirts, a multi-pack of socks, the clingy shirt for Ivy, and the pair of novelty boxers. Pain had pants, so he didn't need to shop for any of those. Shoes and boots were good as well, so he didn't need any of those either.

"Already got plenty of pants and footwear, so we don't need to shop for any of those. Lets get me a multi-pack of regular boxers and that should do it for me, darlin'." He leaned down and gave her a kiss, before saying, "After that we get to go shoppin' for you."

There was another kiss and Ivy asked, "What kind of regular boxers do you like?"

"Anythin' that's not yellow, green, pink, or purple. Stripes, checkers, smiley faces are good, but no plaid." replied Pain.

"Gotchya." Ivy replied with a smile as the two of them headed over to where the boxers were.

"Not a real big fan of plaid." Pain said as they looked over the selection. He looked Ivy up and down and added with a sly grin, "At least on me. You on the other hand, now that's a different story."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:18 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Not a real big fan of plaid." Pain said as they looked over the selection. He looked Ivy up and down and added with a sly grin, "At least on me. You on the other hand, now that's a different story."

"Me wearing your plaid boxers?" she asked. "Why that might be a little problematic, 'cause unless we install drawstrings in them all, they'd just end up around my ankles."

Pain cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Doesn't sound problematic to me," he said.

She glided by him and dropped some navy blue boxers in his cart.

"But Pain..." she whispered as her lips grazed his. "You don't need any boxers to do that."

She walked away from him, headed for the men's clothing section. He tilted his head and watched her backside as she walked.

Oh, my, he thought.


Thursday, December 18, 2008 6:53 PM


Shopping with Pain and Ivy

Pain watched Ivy's backside some more, his mind entranced by the movements of her hips. Thoughts numbering in the millions, all naughty by varying degrees, entered his mind. Pain had to shake those thoughts from his head once he felt his pants tighten. He grabbed the cart and started to push it forward, following Ivy's path a little awkwardly until the the tight feeling down there vanished.

Following Ivy's path led Pain to the shirt aisle. She was looking through some of the shirts on the racks. The shirts looked nothing like the ones in the multi-packs in the cart. These ones looked nicer and probably cost more too.

"Um, baobei?" Pain asked Ivy. She looked up as he continued, "I already have shirts in the cart."

"I know you do, sweety." she replied grinning. "But every guy needs a nice shirt. That includes you, mister."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:46 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"But every guy needs a nice shirt. That includes you, mister."

"But I already have a suit. That's about as nice as you can get."

"I'm looking for something in between. Something that will bring that ensemble you had on for our date up to the next level," she explained. "Just a simple, dressy shirt."

She rifled through a few racks until she came across the right one. She pulled it out. A white, crisp, collared shirt, made of a softer fabric. Not stiff or starchy at all. The fabric wasn't that boring straight up material like his suit shirt was. It was nice.

"Go try it on," she ordered as she practically pushed him towards the dressing room.

When she got there, he handed her his jacket and then had to remove his shoulder holster.

"I'm not taking off my armor."

"You better not be wearing armor when you actually do get to wear this shirt. I might worry."

He smirked at her as he slipped into the dressing room. Through a gap in the door, Ivy could see him pull his shirt off over his head. He still wore the ceramic vest, but she could visualize his muscled torso without it. She smiled, some inappropriate thoughts wandering through her head.

"How's it look?" she asked. Pain came out to show her and he looked good. "We'll buy that even if I have to forego buying clothes for myself and use the money for that shirt instead."

"No need for that, bao bei. I like it," he said as he returned to the dressing room, changed back to his other clothes.

When he came back out, he strapped on the shoulder holster again and put back on his coat. He leaned down to kiss her, his hand running through her hair at the same time.

"We're done with me now," he said. "Your turn."


Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:52 PM


The Women's department was located on the other side of the clothing store. Ivy took lead while Pain reluctantly followed her from behind. As they snaked their way through the aisles of clothing, Pain wondered what the others were doing, especially 13. Bot Boy had been extremely quiet as of late, which wasn't like him at all. He ignored Pain and Ivy throughout the entire trip. The only type of communication they got from him was the glare he gave them while they were kissing in the cargo bay. Pain wondered if he could get the three of them together for a talk or if such a thing would be futile. He really didn't want to lose a friend like 13. Especially to something as trivial as a girl. Even though he could be annoying at times, 13's presence was a boon to Pain.

"OH, PAIN, LOOK!" shouted an excited Ivy, breaking Pain out of his train of thought. She held up a bright green cottony V-neck shirt for Pain to see and continued, "Isn't this lovely?"

"Sure is, baobei." replied Pain with a smile. "And it highlights those pretty green eyes of yours too."

"IT DOES!" she exclaimed, immediately putting it in the cart with Pain's clothes and moving on.

She rummaged though the clothes racks like as if purchasing clothes for herself was some foreign and alien thing. Truth be told she hadn't bought clothes for herself in a long long while.

Pain spotted a tan colored short sleeve shirt with buttons all the way down and asked as he pointed it out, "How about that one, darlin'?"

Ivy looked to where Pain was pointing and spotted the shirt he was talking about. She walked over to it and examined the texture of the fabric, the style of the buttons, the feminine edge it had.

After what seemed like an eternity to Pain, Ivy said as she placed it in the cart along with the other shirt, "You have a good eye, Pain."

"Wouldn't be a good merc if'n I didn't have two good peepers." he replied sheepishly as they moved on.

Ivy got herself another shirt before taking Pain into the pants section where she looked over the selection. She didn't stray into the overly girly section, but instead kept toward the not-quite-work portion. Ivy picked up a few pairs of docker style pants, one in a light brownish color and another that was in the khaki family of color.

She placed them into the cart and lead Pain back over to the dressing rooms. As they stopped near an unoccupied one, Ivy smiled and said, "No peeking, mister."

Pain smiled widely and answered, "No peekin', you have my word."

As Ivy grabbed the clothes she placed in the cart, she turned her head to Pain and gave him a wink before closing the dressing room door.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, December 18, 2008 10:01 PM


She got into the dressing room and looked around. It was roomier than the ones they used to have at home. She tried on the first outfit; the green top and the tan pants. She walked out of the dressing room acting like a runway model.

Pain looked at her. The pants hugged every curve she had and the shirt’s V neck was deeper than he thought it would be. But it was what it did to her eyes that caught him the most. The color in her green eyes literally jumped out at him.

“Wow Ivy,” he said. “You look great.”

She bounced over to the mirror. Turning several different ways, she smiled at him.

“I like it!”

She went back into the dressing room and tried on the other outfit. It looked well on her but the color of the shirt was all off. It reminded her of the smocks she was made to wear…

“Move on, Ivy” Tommy told her. “That part is old news.”

“I am,” Ivy responded. “It just reminds me of that place.”

“So, don’t get it.”

“But he liked it.”

“But if it makes you uncomfortable, go with something else.”

Ivy nodded and then called out to Pain.

“That tan shirt with the buttons?”

“Yes? Does it fit?” he asked.

“Sure, but does it come in another color?”


Friday, December 19, 2008 2:26 AM


Everybody seemed to know their place with the job, ‘don’t get shot/injured/or… oh yeah, killed’, Cate could handle a gun as well as some ranchers she’d known back home, but she hadn’t used one on a person for a long time.

Not that it mattered now, what past was past and she was sure it wouldn’t come popping up any time soon.

Still, she’d already filled one of her writing books with just the people’s characterization on board of this here ship. Even Serenity seemed to have her own story to tell, from the floral decorations on the galley walls to the ‘sexual tension’ between Inara and the Captain.

Now that would be a series within itself, it’d just have to take time to figure out the little crevices and nooks of the interactions.

She mulled this over a hot cup of tea as she noted different sections within the worn book in the galley.


Friday, December 19, 2008 9:11 AM


Thanks for the birthday wishes I had a fantastic day!

John watched the perspective members leave the ship. Kaylee and Simon came down and he considered joining them but he didn't want to be a third wheel. River and he sat for a minute until Inara descended the stairs.

"No job for the lady?" John asked her rising

"Not today. Besides I could use some relaxation lets go look at pretty, pretty things the captain can't afford."

"I can't afford them either, but now if we do I'll have the vision of the captain in them to delight or sicken me the rest of the day. Perhaps we should"

"I'm coming," River said, all bundled up yet still barefoot. The three walked towards the door until John paused. "One second," he said to them before turning and going to the crew's qquarters. "Zoe," he said to her closed hatch. "We're planet side and we're going to the shops. Do you want to come?"

She would occasionaly, he remembered. When not working she did have fun looking at things that Wash would beg her to wear while she refused. Wash. She hadn't been herself since. "Zoe, please. You need this," he whispered to himself.



Friday, December 19, 2008 5:31 PM


Isahiah guided Mal down the busy thoroughfare, worming his way through the throngs of pedestrians and skirting around the unheeding carriages that trundled past him, leaving a haze of dust in their wake. A chilly wind blew by him, causing him to shiver visibly, and he clasped his arms around his frail body, with his fingers tucked under his armpits.

"How you likin' the mountain air, Izzy?" Mal asked, taking obvious pleasure in witnessing Isahiah's discomfort.

"It's... good," Isahiah hissed, the blood rapidly draining from his lips. "Invigorating."

"Yea, ain't nothing like the good ol' outdoors to prick up a guy's spirits," Mal nodded, an impish smile pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"No, I suppose not," Isahiah replied grimly.

"So how much farther's that safe house of yours anyway?"

"Just a couple more blocks down the road, I believe."

"We gonna get there before you freeze to death?"

"I wouldn't worry."

"Well hurry it up anyway," Mal enjoined, casting a dubious eye on the thick mantle of clouds that loomed overhead. "I don't like the look of these clouds, an' I ain't in no hurry to get wet."

Isahiah rolled his eyes skyward. "Oh yes, doubtless this little excursion wouldn't be complete without a thorough dousing of rainwater," he said snidely.

A thunderbolt cracked up above, and a deluge of ice cold water came pelting from the skies, permeating their clothes in a matter of seconds.

"Mountain rain," Isahiah shouted above the racket brought on by the emerging storm. "Bracing, isn't it?"

Mal glared at him, his doused hair flattened against his skin, and rivulets of water dripping from his nose and chin.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Friday, December 19, 2008 6:36 PM


Pain and Ivy's Shop-a-thon

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Sure, but does it come in another color?”

"I'll go check." replied Pain, leaving Ivy in the dressing room.

Pain walked over to where he spotted the tan button-up shirt and looked for any of the same style, but of a different color. Pain should've asked what size the shirt was, because he didn't have the foggiest clue as to what size Ivy wore. Pain mentally shrugged it off and did his best to remember what size the shirt was. He found three shirts just like the tan one. One was red with white stripes, another was brown, and the last one was a powder blue. Not finding any others, Pain walked back over to Ivy's dressing room with shirts in hand.

Pain lightly tapped on the door and said to Ivy, "Found three others. Hope there's somethin' there for you."

"Thank you, Pain." replied Ivy. She opened the door a crack and handed Pain the tan shirt while he handed her the three he found. Closing the door, she asked, "Could you return that one to the rack please?"

"Sure thing, baobei." Pain happily replied, before taking the tan shirt back to the rack he got it from and returning to Ivy's dressing room.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, December 19, 2008 8:57 PM


Ivy chose the brown shirt, since it very nearly matched the brown pants she had as well. She went outside to the cart and put her things to purchase in there.

"I took the brown one," she reported.

"It's started to rain," he told her.

"Great," she said. "Now I get to be drenched on the way back to the ship."

"We should get you something for the rain. A poncho at least."

While Pain was talking, Ivy's eyes had wandered around the store, falling on another department she wanted to visit.

"Could you go find me one, Pain?" she asked. "There are a couple of things I'd still like to look at over here."

"Sure," he said. "Meet you back here?"

"Yeah. I might try on a few other things."

"OK," Pain said, leaning down to kiss her. "I'll be right back."

"Take your time, babe."

She waited until he left the immediate area, before making a bee-line for the section she had her eyes set on.


Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:06 AM


"Zoe!" he called again finally the Hatch opened and Zoe stuck her head up.

"I'm don't need to go to town today." she replied curtly. She had started descending when John began speaking

"You really do. You haven't come with us since Miranda. You never leave your room except for meals and jobs and you need some fun so come on!"

"Please Zoe." Inara had appeared in the hallway. "You need this."

"I don't need a gorram thing but if you'll leave me alone I'll come." She descended into here bunk, grabbed a coat and joined them. John felt a little relief from her and a lot of apprehension. She wanted to have some fun, she just didn't think she could. John would prove it to her. They assembled in the cargo bay and walked into the rain, hopefully Jayne would remember to keep an eye out.



Saturday, December 20, 2008 2:08 PM


Poncho Shopping with Pain

Pain looked through the store's collection of ponchos, trying to find one that would fit Ivy perfectly. There was a wide variety of colors to choose from as well as materials. Did Ivy want a heavy duty poncho that was camouflaged or did she want one that was transparent and looked like she was wearing plastic sheeting?

As Pain flipped through poncho after poncho, trying to figure out which one to get her, he started to hum and mutter to himself, "Poncho poncho man. I've got to be a poncho man. Poncho poncho man. I've got to be a poncho."

Pain finally settled on a navy blue number made out of some sort of lightweight weatherproof material. He checked the size and saw that it was a medium, which Pain thought would be adequate for Ivy. He would've gotten the one three sizes bigger, but that would've just made Ivy look silly.

Pain walked back over to the dressing rooms and placed the poncho in the cart that he had left behind. Wondering where Ivy was at, he knocked on the dressing room door and asked, "Babe? You in there?"

"Yep." she replied, as she looked at her self in the dressing room's mirror. "Just trying on some things."

"OK." Pain replied, waiting outside.

While Pain had gone off poncho shopping, Ivy went and picked up some sexy womanly things for herself. She was currently wearing a red satin underwire bra with frills on top and a matching pair of bikini bottoms. Needless to say it was a very sexy and flirty number. One that would probably make Pain's heart skip a beat if he saw it.

She looked at herself from all sides in the mirror before asking Pain, "Pain? Is there anyone else out there?"

Pain scanned the immediate area, which wasn't all too hard considering his height. There were a few people other than him in the store, but they were all too busy with their shopping.

"Just a few, baobei, but they look to be far away and busy." he replied. "Why do you ask?"

The dressing room door opened in front of Pain and Ivy lazily leaned against the door jamb. Pain's jaw dropped as he took in the sight of her in the red frilly bra and panties.

She gave him a sexy smile and asked seductively, "You like?"

Pain absently nodded, his eyes taking in the view. Picking up his jaw off the floor, Pain managed to say, "Uh huh."

Pain took a step forward, but Ivy wagged her left pointer finger at him and said, "Nuh uh, big boy. I've got something else to show you. You just stay where you are and be patient."

"OK." Pain managed to spit out, his mind still stunned at the sight of her in that outfit as she closed the door and went to change.

For some reason Pain was feeling hot inside the store with his trench coat on. He didn't know if one of the store employees had turned up the heat or if the sight of Ivy in the aforementioned bra and panties was raising his body temperature. If Pain had to guess, he'd pick the latter. In which case it was enough for him to take off his trench coat and place it in the cart as he waited patiently for Ivy.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 20, 2008 5:54 PM


Zoe, Inara, River, and John stepped into a store on the side of town. They sold very practical clothing like coats and some battle gear. John could feel Inara's discomfort at these things, but she knew this was more for Zoe then for the rest of them. Zoe was looking at a couple of things nonchalantly, which was good. John couldn't remember a recent time where Zoe had been nonchalant. Zoe picked up a gun holster meant to be hidden behind a coat.

"That's useful," John said to her with a smile.

"It is ain't it." She turned to him and smiled. And John felt it. She had seperated her mind from her grief at least a little, at least for now. John had done good by her. They all missed him. But they had to keep flying and be happy of the family they had left and the new family they were making.

They continued shopping for a while. Zoe bought the holster and a coat, and John had bought a couple parts for the engine. River found a pair of boots, the only footwear she was inclined to, and even Inara was tempted to buy a leather coat in the back of the store. She abstained, however, and instead bought some jewelry. They returned to the ship purchases in hand. Inara returned to her bunk.

"I'm happy you came with us," John told Zoe.

"I am too." Zoe left and returned to her bunk. John hoped she wouldn't just return to wallowing, but he had hope. He would continue to reach for her as much as he could. Grief and done things to him once and he wouldn't let it transform Zoe as well.



Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:00 PM


Ivy smiled as she shut the dressing room door. That outfit really got his attention. She had a couple of other ones to show him and if she wasn’t careful, they’d probably not make it much further than the cargo bay before having to relieve some of the tension she was throwing on him.

She giggled as she put on the next ensemble. A black lace corset style bra with white trim and a matching set of panties.

“Are we still good out there, Pain?”

“Uh huh,” she heard Pain say, an octave or two higher than normal, followed up with a deeper voiced version. “Yes. We are very good.”

She opened the door and stepped into the doorway. Pain was a couple of paces closer to her dressing room.

“I was thinking about getting this one too. But I’m not sure…”

“I’ll buy it for you,” Pain said all too quickly as he shifted his stance uncomfortably.

She laughed a deep hearty laugh, then nonchalantly closed the door again.

“I have one more, if that’s OK,” she called out to him. Then added. “Unless we have to get going.”


Saturday, December 20, 2008 9:01 PM


Warning: PG-13++++ ahead.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“I have one more, if that’s OK,” she called out to him. Then added. “Unless we have to get going.”

"We're good." Pain quickly replied. "We're really good." He cleared his throat and continued as he adjusted his shirt collar, even though the shirt he was wearing wasn't tight nor the kind that needed adjusting, "Go on and try on your other outfit, darlin'."

Ivy changed out of her current outfit and put on the last one she had in the dressing room. Out of all three she had, the last one was perhaps the most sexiest of the bunch. It was a sheer white lace nightie graced with a floral pattern and came with a matching pair of silk panties. The nightie itself came down just a little below the top of her hips, just barely covering the panties.

She opened the door once more and found Pain standing even closer to it than before. She leaned against the door jamb once again and asked, "What do you think?"

"I think." Pain said, stepping closer to her, his hands running through her hair and gliding over her arms and down to her waist. "You look like a beautiful goddess sent down from the heavens and I must have you right now."

Select to view spoiler:

Pain picked Ivy up and moved her farther into the dressing room, closing and locking the door behind him. He brought his lips to hers as he pinned her to the wall and started to passionately kiss her long and slowly. She tilted her head back as he kissed her down the neck, pausing to suck and bite a few places before moving on down and kissing along the right collar bone.

Ivy let out a giggle and whispered, "Pain! Cut it out! That tickles!"

Pain stopped, looked at her with a devious smile and said, "Did I find a tickle spot, baobei? I think I found a tickle spot."

"You did." she gasped as Pain's hands roamed down her body and slowly peeled her panties away. "Should we. Are you sure we can do this here?" she asked, her own hands unbuckling his gun belt and pants.

"Trust me, baobei." Pain whispered into her ear. "No one's within ear shot and ain't no cams around here to see us."

Ivy raised the nightie up a ways and wrapped her legs around Pain's waist, as he started the slow rhythmic movements down below. She wished he wasn't wearing armor so she could run her hands up and down his muscular chest and over his toned abs. She let out a murmur as Pain's mouth and hands explored her body. She squeezed his waist with her legs, but that only seemed to increase the passion and make Pain thrust deeper into her.

The passion between the two lovers continued, washing the surroundings away and leaving only Pain and Ivy to their own sexual devices. Time was meaningless as the two of them dived into the euphoric abyss head first and let it envelope them completely.

There was a knock at the door and a voice belonging to it, but neither Pain nor Ivy heard either at first. The knock was repeated a little louder and was immediately followed by a concerned female voice, "Miss? Miss? Are you alright in there?"

"Yes! Oh yes! Oh God yes!" Ivy moaned, moments away from experiencing a shockwave of pleasurable bliss.

"Oooooooookay." the female stork clerk said as she backed away from the door.

She started off to find the manager or a supervisor just as both Pain and Ivy finished their fun.

Both out of breath, but extremely happy, Pain and Ivy shared some slow kisses before Pain broke it off and said, "I'm very glad that we went shoppin', babe. Why don't we go pay for this stuff and mosey on before we get into trouble?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, December 22, 2008 10:46 AM


SOrry, gang! I'm not back. I'm just hopping in to let those of you who are BigDamnVerse members know that the BDV is currently down due to server problems at ThePlanet (invisionfree's hosting site). Not sure when or how they'll have it back up! If you have questions, etc, you can email me ( or the BDV jaynesbunk account- You can check the server status here... we're on server Z3.


Friday, December 26, 2008 6:21 PM


OOC: Le bumpage. To JTTF and the others (that includes you 13) who play on LoS and don't know yet, Mobbex is going to be gone for two weeks, so we'll just have to hold until he returns since the whole job thing was his idea. 13, if you're out there, please come out of hibernation. We miss you.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:10 PM


I'm sorry for disappearing for so long, guys, I got grounded. Is there room for me to come back in, or do I go ahead and have my char stumble out of an airlock or something?

Aiko Kitahoshi, passenger aboard the LoS, frequently awol due to the phenomina that is rl.


Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:21 PM



Originally posted by LeopardFlan:
I'm sorry for disappearing for so long, guys, I got grounded. Is there room for me to come back in, or do I go ahead and have my char stumble out of an airlock or something?

OOC: It's alright, LF, we're not mad at you. As for Aiko, she's been moved to her room, so feel free to go from there. The ship is being refueled on land and most of the crew is out shopping before they get ready for the job at hand.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, December 27, 2008 7:48 PM


PG-13+ below...

Ivy figured the “outfits” she picked would get a reaction from Pain, but she didn’t expect how strong that reaction would be. When she showed him the nightie, she had figured they would high tail it back to the ship and have some fun there, but to her surprise, he had something else in mind.

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You look like a beautiful goddess sent down from the heavens and I must have you right now."

Right now? She thought. Surely he must be joking.

Select to view spoiler:

His intentions were confirmed as he pinned her to the wall and began to kiss her with a long slow passion, his hands roaming her body until he had slipped the matching panties for the nightie straight off her.

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Are you sure we can do this here?"

She had never done anything like that before and was surprised at herself for giving in so easily. They were in a public place! But when he lifted her up and settled himself within her, she felt a thrill like she had never felt before.

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
She let out a murmur as Pain's mouth and hands explored her body. She squeezed his waist with her legs, but that only seemed to increase the passion and make Pain thrust deeper into her.

Soon the fact that they were in a dressing room in a store didn’t matter anymore. Their surroundings blurred away and it was only the two of them there. Her in a nightie she had yet to get outside the store, let alone buy. Him wearing body armor and still wearing a shoulder holster with a very large gun in it. It was dangerous and it was fun.

One thing entered her mind as waves of pleasure built up within her. He wanted her. As broken as she was, he wanted her. Wanted her so badly that he needed to take her right there in the store. No rushing back to their bunk. Not even finding a nearby hotel that could be closer. He wanted her so bad that it had to be right then, right now. No one had ever wanted her that way.

He sped up his pace, situating his mouth next to her ear so he could whisper how beautiful she was and how much he enjoyed her as he panted and grunted while burying himself deeper in her. She couldn’t do anything but hold on tighter, arch her back against him and let him take her wherever he wanted.

She was so wrapped up in how Pain was making her feel that she didn’t hear the knock at the door or the inquiry about her well-being. It barely registered when there was an additional knock and inquiry. She could only answer in the way that she did, but it didn’t have any relevance at all to the clerk outside.

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Yes! Oh yes! Oh God yes!"

That’s when they both crashed into complete white-hot blinding ecstasy.

Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I'm very glad that we went shoppin', babe. Why don't we go pay for this stuff and mosey on before we get into trouble?"

“Do you think they’ll come back?” Ivy asked as she tried to catch her breath.


“Then let’s go.”


Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:13 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Then let’s go.”

Pain and Ivy got dressed, Ivy more so than Pain. She made sure that the nightie she had worn during their little bout of fun wasn't ruined by their actions. It wasn't and Ivy proceed to put it in the cart after they left the dressing room, Pain having gone out first to make sure the coast was clear. Both her and Pain proceeded to the nearest checkout aisle to purchase their items. They watched as the cashier scanned each item, the price showing on the display next to the scanner. Both Pain and Ivy were slightly nervous as the nightie got closer and closer to being purchased. But as fate would have it, the clerk nonchalantly scanned it and put it in the bag along with the other items purchased.

Both Pain and Ivy breathed a silent breath of relief and watched as the price stopped at a nominal figure.

"Are you sure you have enough?" Ivy asked in a hushed tone. "I've got some money that I could lend you if you don't have enough."

"That's right shiny of you, darlin'." replied Pain with a smile. "But I've got the cash, so no worries." Pain handed the cashier some Creds and told the cashier as she handed Pain back his change, "Can I get that delivered to my ship please?"

"Sure thing, but I'll have to charge you a small delivery fee of 5 Credits." she replied. She pointed to the small touchscreen on a pedestal near Pain and continued, "I'll just need you to give me the name of your ship and where it's docked."

Pain handed over the extra 5 Credits and tapped Serenity's name and docking location onto the touchscreen. A confirmation order popped up and Pain pressed 'Yes' before the procedure was completed.

The cashier gave the two a store policy mandated smile while she handed the bags off to someone in Delivery and said, "Have a nice day."

"You too." Pain replied as the two of them left. Pulling Ivy close to him, Pain asked, "If'n it's alright with you I plan on hittin' the local sportin' goods store for some ammo. Some of my guns are runnin' a little low. Want to come with?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, December 28, 2008 8:54 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"If'n it's alright with you I plan on hittin' the local sportin' goods store for some ammo. Some of my guns are runnin' a little low. Want to come with?"

"I would follow you anywhere right now," Ivy answered as they walked out into the rain.

It was a chilly rain, she was glad that Pain had picked out a fairly durable poncho for her. As they walked towards the ammo store, she became more and more agitated, but she tried to hide it. She wrapped her arms around Pain instead. By the time they reached the covered porch at the door of the ammo store, she was nearly trembling and had gripped Pain so hard that he could barely breathe.

She was embarassed a bit to know that she had already negated the statement she just gave Pain a few minutes ago. She would follow him anywhere but the ammo store.

"You OK, darling?" Pain asked her. "Cause I'd like to breathe sometime soon."

She quickly let go, but her eyes never left the door. He turned to face her.

"You OK, Ivy?"

She nodded slowly.

"I don't want to go in," she whispered.

Pain thought back to the reaction to the gun earlier that day in their bunk.

"We can go some other time," Pain offered as he tipped her face up to his. "I have plenty of guns I could use."

Ivy's eyes faded back over to the door.

"No," she said. "We are already here. I'll just wait out here. There's a bench over there."

"You sure?" Pain asked. Her eyes were still looking at the door with a haunted expression to them. He stroked a finger down her cheek. "Ivy? Look at me."

Her eyes came back to focus on his face.

"I'll be OK. I promise," she reassured him.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, which she returned wholeheartedly while standing on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck. They suddenly forgot their surroundings and were pulled back into their own world, sharing long slow kisses with tongues entwined.

"Get a room," someone said as they passed them, which brought them back to their senses.

Pain groaned a little and gave her another quick kiss.

"I'll be right back," he said as he motioned a bit to the door of the ammo shop.

"I'll be waiting," she answered.

They separated and went about their way. As Ivy stood there waiting for him to return, she spotted a store down the way. Sumner's Chocolatier. She smiled and giggled a bit. She HAD to go to that store, but she wanted it to be a surprise. She had to think of a way to distract Pain while she did.

Her hand touched her bag that was tucked up under the poncho and landed on the light source she needed. A smile spread across her face. She got out a piece of paper from the bag and scrawled out the model and part number of the light source she needed.

She would have Pain go to the grain store to get the part.


Monday, December 29, 2008 7:20 PM


Inside Dyuk's Ammo Surplus and Sporting Goods

The grayish, rectangular building looked small on the outside, but the inside was almost cavernous. There were aisles upon aisles of clothing and numerous shelves of, supplies, and other gear associated with everything from surviving a natural disaster to skiing down the slopes of a snow capped mountain. Pain wasn't interested in skiing or buying enough dried food packs to last him through the next half millennium however. What he was after was ammo and that's what he was there to find.

Pain walked over to the section of the store that housed the shelves of ammo. Everything from varmint and plinking rounds to buckshot and home defense was stocked on the shelves. They came in boxes ranging from 5 to 50 rounds for those who didn't need to buy much, as well as in metal cases of 250 to 1,000 rounds for those like Pain who liked to buy in bulk. Pain picked up a 250 round case of shotgun ammo as well as a 1,000 round case of pistol ammo. He thought about picking up a case of rifle ammo, but figured he had more than enough for now.

Pain walked over to the counter and set the two cases on top of it. The short, old Asian man behind the counter scanned the items into the computer and said, to Pain, "That'll be 50 Credits."

"Can I have those delivered to my ship?" Pain asked, as he reached into his pocket to retrieve his money.

"Sure, but it'll cost an extra 10 Credits plus an additional 2 for handling fees." came the old man's reply.

Pain handed the old store clerk a 100 and said, "Here you go."

As the man rang up Pain's purchases and handed him his change, the old man pointed to the small touchscreen on the counter and said, "If you'll just type in the name of your ship and where it's docked, I'll have your purchase shipped over immediately."

Pain nodded and typed Serenity's name and location into the touchscreen's database. With a confirmation of Pain's information accepted, the large man bid the older man adieu and walked out of the building.


"Well that's done." he said with a smile to Ivy as he walked up to her. He noticed she had a piece of paper in her hand and asked, "What's that, baobei?"

"The part number and model of the light source I need." she replied, looking into his eyes and smiling. She batted her eyes at him, pouted, and added, "Could you go get it for me? I've got something else to buy, but it's a surprise."

"I like surprises." Pain said, leaning down to kiss her.

Ivy let out a little moan into Pain's mouth and murmured, "I know you do." She gave him a lingering kiss then pulled away, handing him the piece of paper and asking, "Will you go get it for me please? You'll find it at the grain store."

"With pleasure." Pain replied, with a sheepish grin on his face. He pocketed Ivy's piece of paper in a pocket and headed off to the grain store, leaving Ivy by herself.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, December 29, 2008 7:44 PM


Ivy watched Pain walk down the way toward the Grain Store. Her hand fell on her bag and the light source she had brought with her. She had forgotten to give it to him. It could be useful. She made sure her poncho's hood was secure and started off running after him.

"Pain!" she yelled. "Wait!"

She finally caught up to him only about 50 feet from the store.

"Need somethinh else?" Pain asked. He frowned. "Don't tell me that my surprise has been nixed."

"No. Nothing like that," she said. She pulled the light source from her bag and placed it in his hand. "I meant to give this to you. Might be useful. Grain store owners are usually really knowledgeable, but sometimes their help isn't."

"OK, that sounds smart."

"Oh!" she exclaimed as she gave him some coin. "It shouldn't be more than that."

"Ivy, I would have bought it for you."

"I know, but save your money. I'd much rather you spend it on something we both might enjoy."

She gave him a quick kiss and pushed him off towards the Grain Store.

"Now you go," she ordered him sternly. "Can't have you watching where I am going. That'd ruin the surprise."

"Can't have that, can we?"

"Nope. I'll meet you down by the cowboy shop afterwards," she said. Pain raised his eyebrows at her. She blushed a little. "Not in the shop, silly. It has a covered porch. I'll wait for you there."

"Shiny," Pain said as he kissed her again before going on to the grain store. As he got there, he looked back up the street and saw her no where in sight. "Wonder what kind of surprise might be waiting for me?"


Monday, December 29, 2008 8:05 PM


Grayson was getting frustrated, but he kept up the questioning of the grain store's customers. He hadn't had any luck since the information that Dex provided, but he was hopeful that with the additional information about the type of ship she could have been on, he might get another lead.

The rain had slowed the traffic coming into the grain store to a trickle, but people still came in. Grayson stood in the doorway, looking out into the street. There was a couple of folk walking down the street and another few going in and out of the shops. Movement off to his one side caught his attention. Someone in a poncho running after a large man.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Pain! Wait!"

The sound of the rain, deadened what was actually said, but the large man stopped to talk. They exchanged some kisses and parted.

"Must be his girlfriend... or maybe his wife," Grayson mused. "Poncho's a good idea. I should think about getting one."

A couple came into the store and Grayson stopped them. He showed them Ivy's picture.

"Have you seen my neice?" he asked them. "She might have left this world on a firefly class transport?"

As he talked to them, the large man came in and headed back towards the back. He'd have to catch him before he left the store.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:49 PM


In the Grain Store

There were aisles and aisles of stuff inside. Everything from feed to tools could be had here. Pain looked up at the numbered holographic signs hovering above the aisles and found the one he wanted. He casually perused them, occasionally stopping to look at the piece of paper Ivy handed to him before moving on to find the exact model light source.

He came to a stop near the end of the aisle he was in and looked at the selection of light sources. They ranged in sizes from long and rectangular to short and round. Ivy needed one that was long and rectangular, yet non-bulky and small. Pain checked the piece of paper and the numbers on the light sources very diligently, before finding what he was looking for. The one that Ivy needed and had written down for Pain was on the lowest shelf possible, which meant he had to get down on his knees to get at it.

Once on his knees and almost kissing the floor, Pain picked through the boxed up light sources of the same model Ivy needed. Some of the boxes looked as if they had been kicked from one side of the place to the other. Others looked like squirrel had chewed on one of the sides. After careful rummaging, Pain found one that was in relatively pristine condition. He grunted a little as he got up and held onto the box as he searched for a checkout counter of some sort. After what seemed like hours of aimless wandering, Pain finally found one in the back near the store's warehouse and waited in line.

It wasn't a long wait, just five minutes or so and Pain was next up to bat.

"Hello, sir. Did you find everything OK?" replied the dark haired man behind the counter in a squeaky voice.

He looked to be in his late 20's and about 5' tall. His raven colored hair was a tangle of curls that looked as if they went out only to go back into themselves. The clerk's pale white face clearly lost a battle with acne as there were numerous pockmarks here and there where he had popped them.

The towering merc gave the man a smile and said, "Had to stop a few times, but yeah I found what I needed."

The clerk scanned the barcode on the light source's box and said, his voice cracking, "That'll be 20 Credits, sir. Will you be paying cash or electronic debit?"

"Cash." Pain replied, handing the smaller man a 20.

After tending to the cash, the clerk slipped both the light source and the receipt into a heavy duty plastic bag and handed it over to Pain.

"Have a nice day, sir." He called to Pain.

Pain nodded to the man and set off back to the entrance from where he came from. He was a mere two feet out the door when the nicely dressed old man he had passed before spoke up.

Outside the Grain Store

"Excuse me, sir." Grayson asked, stepping into Pain's path causing large man to stop. "My name is Grayson and I'm looking for my niece."

"Sorry really can't help you there." replied Pain sidestepping the man and continuing on his way.

Not contempt to be blown off that easily, Grayson intercepted Pain's path once more and said, "Please, sir. Just one quick look at her photo." He took out his badge and flashed it to Pain. With a smile, he added, "That's all I ask and then you can be on your merry."

Pain looked at the badge, his gaze turning cold and his breath running hot. It didn't take a rocket scientist to mistake it as a Fed badge even if it had 'WPS Division' attached to it.

"Fine." Pain replied in a polite manner, albeit a little bit forced. "Show me the pick."

Grayson put his badge away and removed the pic from inside his coat. As he handed it to Pain, he said as he watched the man's facial expressions and body language, "I've been been combing the edges of the 'Verse looking for her. I fear she might be in trouble. The last time I talked to her she said she was on a ship. A Firefly if I'm not mistaken. Have you seen her?"

Pain's stomach almost jumped into his throat and pummeled his uvula when he saw that it was Ivy in the picture. He bit his lower lip to control the surge of emotions and feelings that were flowing all through his body. Pain could feel the man's eyes piercing into him like a pair of white hot needles.

Handing the photo back to Grayson, Pain managed to say flatly, "Sorry. Haven't seen her. Good luck in your search though."

"Well here's my card. Feel free to wave me anytime just in case you do see her." Grayson replied putting the picture of Ivy away and handing Pain an embossed card. "You have a nice day now."

At that Pain walked off towards the cowboy store and its awning, not wanting to look back at the man. Despite the rain coming down, the hairs on Pain's neck were standing up. He was starting to become paranoid, distracted, and frightened all at the same time.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 10:52 PM


Ivy breathed in deep as she entered Sumner’s Chocolatier. The rich aroma that permeated every molecule inside the store was nearly intoxicating. She started to search for something special for Pain.

One of the first things she saw were chocolate covered cherries. She thought back to the chocolate tasting they had attended and the fact that Pain tied the cherry stem using only his tongue. The things he could probably do with… Her body temperature rose a little. Ivy snapped herself out of fantasyland and put a couple in her basket.

She kept looking and came across some small chocolate shaped bottles that were filled with chocolate liquor. She smiled and grabbed a couple of those too.

Looking at all the possibilities laid out in front of her was really taking longer than she wanted to spend, but she had yet to find the “perfect” gift for Pain.

She wandered over to the truffles and picked out a dark and a milk chocolate one.

Finally finished buying what she could find, she went up to the cashier. Right when she got there, a store employee appeared carrying little cups of samples.

“Would you like to try our new ‘Teeny Chips’?” she asked as she handed Ivy a cup of the smallest chocolate chips she had ever seen. “They come as a mix of dark, milk and semi-sweet chocolate. They are great in cookies.”

“And they are really tasty,” Ivy said as she tasted them. “They melt in your mouth. Absolutely fabulous.”

“You should watch how you handle them though. At room temperature, they could melt easily. I once spilled some while baking and before I could clean up the counter, I had melty drops of chocolate all over my hands.”

“Really?” Ivy asked as a wide grin spread over her face.

“Yes, so they take some care, but they really are just devine in cookies and in other applications as well.”

Other applications.

“How much for a whole bag?” Ivy asked.


Thursday, January 1, 2009 11:16 AM


Grayson watched the large man take his card and leave the grain store. Even with his years of law enforcement training, the man had been near impossible to read. The only thing he gleaned was the slight impression that he was in a hurry.

He probably wanted to get back to his girlfriend, Grayson thought.

Maybe to find his girlfriend or to get out of the grain store. If it was to get out of the grain store, that could open a bevy of questions. Was he late getting somewhere? Did he have past dealing with law enforcement? Was he wanted for something? Or was it possible he knew something about Ivy?

Don’t go drawing conclusions like that just because you want to find her, Grayson thought to himself.

He watched the man walk down the street towards the docks. If it wasn’t raining, Grayson would say that the long coat he wore would have been an indication that he was armed. It still could be, but that wouldn’t make him any different from most the men out there.

The more he thought about this man though, the more he started feeling uncomfortable. So he stepped out further onto the porch and watched him.


Saturday, January 3, 2009 6:52 PM


Outside waiting for Ivy

"Where is she and what's takin' her so long?" Pain muttered to himself as he waited for Ivy.

The incident with Grayson was still fresh in his mind and it was bugging him something fierce. He could swear he could feel the old man's eyes drilling their way through him like intense laser beams. Pain glanced back in the direction he came and noted that Grayson was still there, but he wasn't standing in the same spot he was before. It appeared as if he was looking at Pain as if he could tell Pain was lying about the fact that he did know Ivy and that she was here somewhere shopping. Pain shifted his gaze away from Grayson and chewed on his bottom lip. Should he stay and wait for Ivy or should he walk off and go find her? If he went to go find her, would Grayson follow?

Thinking about Grayson was both frustrating and annoying at the same time. It was starting to gnaw at the back of Pain's brain and was making him a tad paranoid, which wasn't such a good thing for him to be. A paranoid Pain was a very deadly Pain, not that he wasn't deadly in the first place. Being paranoid just made him more so as well as being overly cautious about the littlest things. The decision to stay or go was playing merry hob with Pain's mind, adding to the frustration and paranoia that was Grayson.

"Rut it." Pain spat as he popped his neck and headed off to find Ivy.

If Grayson decided to follow him then so be it. It wasn't like Pain hadn't dodged Feds before. Hell Grayson surely wasn't the first nor would he be the last. If he tried to get in Pain's way, pry for more information about Ivy, or muck up his intentions, Pain would be more than happy to show the man why they called him Pain. That was of course if he couldn't give the man the slip first.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 4, 2009 6:27 PM


Grayson watched Pain down by the western ranch store. Grayson noted Pain’s hurried demeanor, now accompanied by a bit of frustration.

“Interesting,” Grayson whispered. “Girlfriend late?”

Grayson noticed that Pain looked up at him seemingly checking out his current position.

“So he’s watching me, just like I’m watching him,” Grayson remarked to himself.

His earlier assessment ran back through his mind. Just late? Past negative dealings with the law? A wanted man? Or could it be?


Grayson tried to think back to when he saw Pain with his lady. Could that have been Ivy?

“Stop getting all worked up,” Grayson continued his conversation with himself.

But she said she had met someone…

Grayson narrowed his eyes at Pain and Pain quickly turned and trudged up the street, quickly glancing into store windows. The hair on the back of Grayson’s neck stood up a little.

“Something's not right here…”


Sunday, January 4, 2009 6:46 PM


Ivy stood at the counter waiting to pay for her chocolate purchases.

“Did you get everything you were looking for?” the clerk asked.

“More than enough,” Ivy told her, her smile wide and face flushed from the slight buzz of excitement.

Ivy pulled her money out of her bag to pay the clerk, but clumsily dropped it. She didn’t see Pain look through the window, then move on while she had been kneeling on the floor gathering up the wayward credits.

“Sorry about that,” Ivy said as she handed the clerk the correct amount.

Ivy slipped the treats into her bag that was being protected by the poncho and moved to the door. She flipped the hood up over her head, effectively covering her face and headed out of the store and into the rain.

“Hope Pain isn’t upset that I took so much time,” she whispered to herself. Then she smiled slyly. “But I think he’ll forgive me.”

With the smile still on her face, she headed towards the cowboy store.


Sunday, January 4, 2009 8:40 PM


On the lookout for Ivy

Window after window, store after store and Pain had yet to find Ivy. Where was she? What was taking her so rutting long? And why did he have a feeling he was being followed? Those were the questions that flew through Pain's paranoia filled mind as he continued on his quest to find Ivy. He had stopped at a candy store and looked through its windows hoping that she was in there. The place was loaded with lots of sweets even the ones of the chocolate variety. Pain knew Ivy had a sort of fetish like affinity for chocolate, so it stemmed to reason that she would be in there. Alas after a few scans into the window, Pain didn't find one navy blue poncho wearing, blond haired and green eyed goddess by the name of Ivy.

With a grumbled curse in Chinese and a sigh, Pain turned and started to walk onwards. Halfway past the candy store, Pain glanced back just in time to see someone in a navy blue poncho walk out. He stood there for a moment wondering how he missed her when he saw Grayson in the corner of his eyesight. A chill ran down Pain's spine and through his veins. What would happen if Grayson walked over to Ivy not knowing who she was until he saw her face? Would he take her away right there and now or would he wait for Pain to try to stop him? Pain didn't think about the answers to those questions as his brain signaled to his legs to move and move they did, in an intercept course with Ivy. Grayson must've read his mind because that's exactly what he was doing.

They were about the same distance from where Ivy was walking to. Pain knew he could get to her faster because of his height, but he knew next to nothing about the old lawman. For all Pain knew the guy could've been an ex-track star or something. They were less than a third of the way to Ivy now and Pain was getting more tense and paranoid. Pain's hands wanted to go for his guns, but his mind told them otherwise. Plus the sight and sound of Pain shooting someone might scare Ivy and alert whatever security forces this place had. Time seemed to tick slower as the two men got closer to their target and Pain's ears filled with the sound of his own adrenaline addled heartbeat. Was he going to be the one to reach Ivy first or would it be Grayson?

A slender man dressed in a red winter coat, black pants, and tan boots burst out of the doors of the cowboy store. Clutched close to his chest in both hands was a woman's purse, its strap broken. The man glanced back at the doors he ran out of and brushed past Pain. The man stopped briefly, looked at Pain, and continued running, just as an older woman accompanied by a store employee came out and yelled for someone to stop the man. Pain looked at Grayson and Grayson looked at Pain. Ivy was too bewildered by the fact that someone would steal a woman's purse to notice that Grayson had started to chase after the man. That and the fact that Pain entered her vision was the only reason why she didn't notice him right off the bat.

Pain ran up to Ivy and embraced her with both arms. He gave her a quick kiss and said, "We should go now."

"Did you see that?" she asked astonished.

"Yes I did." Pain said almost robotic in tone. He placed her hand in his and continued, "We should go. Now. It ain't safe for you here."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, January 5, 2009 9:15 PM


Ivy agreed that it didn't seem safe anymore. But what bothered her a bit was the way they went back to the ship. He had his hand on the small of her back, guiding her along at a brisk pace, almost rushing. He seemed distracted and kept looking over his shoulder.

"Everything OK, Pain?" she asked him as they walked.

"Yeah," Pain answered curtly. "Just want to get back."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure," he said as he looked back towards where they had come from again.


Just a couple of minutes later, they walked up the ramp of Serenity's cargo bay. Ivy saw that their things from the store had been delivered already. She squeeled in delight and ran over to them.

"They're here already!" she said as she threw off her poncho onto a nearby crate. She opened the bags to make sure everything was there. She turned to Pain with a big grin on her face. "I'm going to take all this up to your bunk- I mean our bunk."

"OK," Pain absently said as he continued to look out the bay doors.

"I might change into one of my new things," she told him, hoping that he'd be able to read between the lines. "You come up soon? I need to know where I can put this stuff away at."

John, River, and 13 were in the cargo bay too, so she couldn't exactly come out and say 'Hey, come upstairs cause I'd like to sex you up.' She just hoped he wasn't too distracted to pick up on the hints she dropped. So she grabbed the clothes and headed out of the cargo bay.

Pain took off his coat and shook his head to get rid of some of the rain that had soaked his hair. Now that she had gone upstairs, he could go about what he needed to do. It didn't take a psychic to recognize the fear, paranoia and determination to keep Ivy safe that Pain was feeling right then.

He sat down on a crate, took out his guns one by one and made sure that they were all loaded and ready to go if needed. Grayson would not take Ivy away from him if he had anything to say about it.


Monday, January 5, 2009 9:35 PM


Grayson had caught up with the purse snatcher pretty quickly and handed him over to a fast arriving deputy.

He hightailed it back to the street by the grain store. The big man and the girl in the navy poncho were no where to be found.

"Tā mā de," he swore.

He stood there for a minute, trying to decide what he should do. After all, the chance of the big man or the girl he was with knowing anything about Ivy was very slim. But he couldn't shake the nagging feeling in the back of his mind.

A thought popped into his head and he smiled confidently.

"Well, I wonder if there happens to be a firefly in port," he said to himself as he walked in the direction of the docks.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 2:30 PM


Ivy grabbed all the stuff, plus the light source Pain had purchased on her behalf and left the cargo bay. She had intentions on going up to their bunk, but decided to quickly install the light source into the faulty terrarium first. She didn't want to have to come back down later.

So she set her packages down outside her room, got out the replacement part and headed in. After twisting and turning to get to the right terrarium, she removed the damaged piece and replaced it with the new one. One flick of a switch, it came to life. All was fixed.

"Yes!" she exclaimed as she extracted herself from her current position and headed to the door.

When she got there, she picked up her packages and looked up to see Aiko standing there.

"Hey! Aiko? Right?" Ivy said warmly. "Where have you been hiding? I heard you were sick a couple days back. You feeling better?"


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 2:58 PM


Yes, I am, thank you. I was wondering what kind of plants you have, so I though I would pop in and say hi. So, hi!

Aiko Kitahoshi, passenger aboard the LoS, frequently awol due to the phenomina that is rl.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 3:03 PM


"I've got a bunch of different kinds of things. Is there something you were looking for? I was hoping to give some away to people on board," gushed Ivy. She just loved to give plants away to friends. "I have fruits, veges, herbs, flowers, greenery, just a bunch! Just point me in the right direction and I'll see what I have."

After this morning, the day had gotten better and better. Complete with some fun plant matching! She was excited to see what Aiko might like.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 3:19 PM


Well... I do have to say that I am partial to oranges, but I understand those are grown on trees, and I have to seriously doubt that you happen to have any fully grown orange trees in this tiny room...

Aiko Kitahoshi, passenger aboard the LoS, frequently awol due to the phenomina that is rl.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 5:09 PM


sorry for the absense. Had nothing to post

"Is something wrong Pain?" John asked rising from the seat in the corner where River and he were chatting.

"Coming for her." River said rising.

"Wait a minute who's coming for who?" John had barely finished the question when the answer became obvious. Ivy. Who else would have Pain this worried. He cycled through many things. Firstly, would this guy hurt them. Secondly, she had promised him no one was coming for her. Thirdly, what could he do to help.

"Pain go stay with Ivy. If he comes by the ship I'll handle him, trust me." Knowing Pain he wouldn't but hopefully John's less direct method would keep any bloodshed from occuring. He turned to the door and grabbed the folding chair he kept there. Walking outside he sat down and waited ready to do one thing he did very well. Lie.



Wednesday, January 7, 2009 6:43 PM


I've never been too into this stuff, but it sounds good, so I may give it a shot if I can find the free time.

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