UPDATED: Friday, September 17, 2004 07:16
VIEWED: 13133
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Friday, May 21, 2004 7:45 PM



>>Happy 1/2 birthday! In honor of your birthday, here's a brief description of people born on your day. You tell us how much of it is true!

Here goes. (The Secret Language of Birthdays, by Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers)James Garfield, Meg Ryan and Jodie Foster were born on your birthday. Filled with a revolutionary spirit, those born on November 19 generally build from a starting point of change. It is not enough, however, for them to simply rebel. Reformers, they must carefully craft something new to take the place of the old, and furthermore administer to it. Thus they are an intersting blend of radical and conservative, anarchy and establishment. Themes of control or even repression can figure prominently in their lives whether they be rebelling against such forces or themselves exercising them.

November 19 people are often taken up with the consolidaton or administration of power, whether it be in their family, social group or career. They are extrememly serious about how that power should be delegated and toward what ends.

November 19 people often take the role of crusaders and champions of causes. Their politics and principles are usually in support of the common man, yet they can have destinctly elitist tastes. November 19 women are at their most content after spending the night with Nathan Fillion! Aren't you glad you read the whole thing??

So, what do you think? I think we have a leader here! Happy 1/2 birthday! <<


If the characters in Firefly were unisex, and we viewers were also unisex, I'd say that Malicious is a combination of Mal and Zoe. Any other input? We can associate ourselves with the characters! Whose birthday is next?


Friday, May 21, 2004 8:14 PM


mom, do me, do me.....ok, i should rephrase....tell me who i am! my birthday is may 27th...that's right, a mere 5 days!


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Friday, May 21, 2004 8:40 PM



Originally posted by cageybee:
mom, do me, do me.....ok, i rephrase....tell me who i am! my birthday is may 27th...that's right, a mere 5 days!


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."

Okay, 5 days it is! A little hint: May 27 is the Day of Driven Dedication!


Friday, May 21, 2004 8:42 PM


oooo, now i'm way i have to wait until my birthday? cause i may not be around so much, i've been offered a present in jayne's bunk that i don't think i could pass up.


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:04 AM


Okay, Cageybee, here goes:

May 27 people are of two types, those who devote themselves to a cause or social structure (Simon?), and those who are dedicated to their own personal growth and development. In either case, those born on this day throw themselves headlong into their work and usually specialize in a chosen field of endeavor. (Simon again?) Their greatest need is to communicate; therefore, the completion of their task usually includes a powerful presentation of the final product to the world. (Mal's cause?) Not ones to keep silent in general, they state their opinion in sharp, outspoken terms.

Those born on this day may devote their whole life to working for their family or social group (Mal again?), or to developing their personal talents, but rarely to both - this is a strictly either/or situation.

Definately Mal: So dedicated are May 27 people to what they do, that they can persevere for years with or without recognition, and thus stand a good chance of succeeding. On the other hand, they can be blind to their shortcomings and often act as if they don't care. (Bit of Jayne?)

Strentghs: humorous (Wash), persistent, sophisticated (Inara)
Weaknesses: Tactless (Jayne), lacking self-criticism and depressive

Well, Cageybee, what do you think? Kind of like a combination of a few people! Anyone else with input?


Saturday, May 22, 2004 5:08 AM


How 'bout me. January 22nd.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?


Saturday, May 22, 2004 6:36 AM


I'll definately get to you, 5X5, but I need to try to take care of the Geminis first. Okay?


Saturday, May 22, 2004 7:54 AM


Elwoodmom wrote:

...It is not enough, however, for them to simply rebel. Reformers, they must carefully craft something new to take the place of the old, and furthermore administer to it. Thus they are an intersting blend of radical and conservative, anarchy and establishment. Themes of control or even repression can figure prominently in their lives whether they be rebelling against such forces or themselves exercising them....

Yes! This is precisely my character! It's amazing; as I read the description, it's like they had been spying on me and writing about me personally.

Oh, wait... My birthday's July 17th. Does it say anything about Cancers' being sarky bastards?

Just teasing. Sorry.



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:02 AM


Elwoodmom wrote:

...those who are dedicated to their own personal growth and development. In either case, those born on this day throw themselves headlong into their work and usually specialize in a chosen field of endeavor....

Yes! This is precisely my character! It's amazing; as I read the description... Umm, wait...

(zoid is a very bad person for making fun of the stars and planets that everyone knows rule our lives and form our personalities... therefore, he sacrifices a white dove and inspects its entrails to divine how direly others on this thread will treat him. an ill omen, the bird's liver looks bad... but is actually quite tasty with some sauteed onions)



"History may say I saved River; but it's not like that. No, that's not it at all. I saved my sister."

- Simon Tam, M.D., husband and father of 4, Jiangyin; from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Saturday, May 22, 2004 8:53 AM


Zoid, I'm pretty sure you're joking, but I still feel that I need to make something clear to everyone. I found a fun (in my opinion) for everyone to read something about themselves, and yet still found a way to tie it into Firefly. This horoscope/zodiac thing is in no way meant to be taken any other way than tongue-in-cheek. The book itself was a birthday gift to me. Malicious and Cageybee may say their descriptions are accurate, or they may say it's nowhere near their personalities. But we all get to input who we think they would resemble on Firefly, and maybe even joke about the content. So, do you want me to type a description come closer to your birthday? Maybe someone is afraid that they'll be compared to...hmmm...someone sarky on the show??




Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:39 AM


wow, mom, that sounds surprisingly accurate to me...especially the strengths and weaknesses are we calling me MalJayWaSiIn? cause if you say it out loud, its pretty funny.


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."


Saturday, May 22, 2004 11:46 AM



Originally posted by cageybee:
wow, mom, that sounds surprisingly accurate to me...especially the strengths and weaknesses are we calling me MalJayWaSiIn? cause if you say it out loud, its pretty funny.


~Mal- "how drunk was i last night?"
~Jayne- "i don't know. i passed out."

It actually sounds like one of the Chinese phrases they use in the show! How about Mjwsi for short?

Whose birthday is next I wonder...


Saturday, May 22, 2004 12:15 PM


Wonder what March 21st is...

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Saturday, May 22, 2004 1:48 PM



Thank you for the half-birthday greetings! Or should I say, "ha-birt greet?" Anyhoo, thanks a bunch. Do I need to re-stock the buffet table after all the interrogations in the "we miss Gunhand" thread?

BTW, what's YOUR description?



Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:08 AM


My birthday isn't til February, and I thought we'd go in semi-order. But there's a couple of Jan and March people asking for a bio, and since no other Geminis are coming forward, I'll probably do the them later today. Time permitting, myself included! Isn't someone's b-day June 1st?? (Tapping finger on forehead)


Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:34 AM


HEY HEY!!!! i'm a gemini my birthday is may 26th! do me! please :)


Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:41 AM


Okay, I'll "do you" next! Probably later today, when I get more time on the computer. After that I'll "do" the January and March folk. I'm doing alot of people today!


Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:39 AM


Athertonwing, I don't think we've chatted before, so how do you do? You tell us if any of this is true:

May 26th, The Day of the Stalwart Protector
John Wayne was also born on this day. Those born of May 26 have a natural appeal. Although they are fiercely opinionated, those who disagree with them can usually see where they are coming from, and thus a certain amount of respect is engendered. They are very responsible in their statements about the world and seem to uphold traditionally conservative values; indeed, they often represent the common man's viewpoint.

The strong desire of May 26 people to be free to act on their own may run counter to the constructs of their family and social grioup, or to society at large. In this respect they live on the fringe, even flirting occasionally with what may ve viewed as borderline criminal activity by some. However, this may only enhance their popular appeal. They can even play the role of outlaw protectors.

Gee, how to tie this to a Firefly character? The second paragraphs sounds like Serenity in general, with the objective of the crew as a whole. Other opinions?


Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:49 AM



Originally posted by fivebyfive:
How 'bout me. January 22nd.

5x5: Alan Tudyk was in 28 Days, not 28 Days Later. There's a difference.
Paladin: So, no wacky zombie with a Hawaiian shirt, then?

Hi, fivebyfive. Tell us how much of this is true:

January 22, The Day of the Vortex.
John Hurt was also born on this day. Those born on January 22 manifest a kind of charged energy that repels some people and draws others in. Expressive individuals, they may find it difficult to control their impulsiveness in either their private or public lives. One type of Jan. 22 person presents a carefully controlled image in public, but lets it all hang out in private. Another type has difficutly keeping his/her wilder nature under control in prof
essional life. The most successful and longest-lived individuals born on this day are those able to guide their impulsive natures cautiously throught rough emotional waters in both private and public sectors.

Emotional control is clearly a central issue for January 22 people. They must come to realize that they can be more effective in reaching others when their passion is tempered and allows people more room to breathe.

5X5, what type are you? Once we know, we can figure what character you resemble.


Sunday, May 23, 2004 8:52 AM


Fireflew, you're next. (gotta run) But here's a tidbit: March 21, The Day of Clarity!


Sunday, May 23, 2004 2:42 PM


Your turn, Fireflew!

Matthew Broderick was born on your birthday. March 21 is a pivotal day of the year, traditionally marking the first day of spring and the vernal equinox on which day and night are of equal length. Its characteristics must always be seen as primary in nature. In keeping with their symbolic heritage, March 21 people tend to have forthright and essential personalities, rather than complex or ultra-sensitive ones. They are often misunderstood by others, who find them unwilling or unable to fit into the ordinary social mold. This is because they live life purely on their own terms, an attitude that extends into even the simplest of their everyday actions, tasks and responsibilities.

Although they may have a touch of the dreamer about them, March 21 people usually have a practical side that outweighs their fanciful tendencies. They have a genius for setting up organizations and structures, but somehow things never turn out quite as they expect.

A touch Mal here? Who else? Let me know what you think. Too bad Book is so mysterious, it's dawned on me that he'll probably not get compared to anyone!


Sunday, May 23, 2004 4:10 PM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
...This horoscope/zodiac thing is in no way meant to be taken any other way than tongue-in-cheek. The book itself was a birthday gift to me. Malicious and Cageybee may say their descriptions are accurate, or they may say it's nowhere near their personalities. But we all get to input who we think they would resemble on Firefly, and maybe even joke about the content...



"Now you may find it inconcivable or at the very least a bit unlikely that the relitive position of the plantets and the stars can find a speceal deep significance or meaning that exclisivly to applies to only you. Now let my give you my assurace that forecasts and predictions are all based on solid scientific documented evidedence so you would have to be some kind of moron not to realize that every single word of it is absolutly true - where was I?"

I feel a little dumb quoting weird al yanovic, but it fits.


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:17 PM


I'm guessing you're a Virgo or Leo. Am I right?


Sunday, May 23, 2004 5:38 PM


Me? I'm a peices. (is that how you spell it) the fishy one in feburary.


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:49 PM


I think it's spelled Pices, but my spelling capabilities can be rather fishy at times. *Ducks* Yes, VERY bad pun intended.

How about October 18. It's a long way off, but I doubt this thread will still be alive by then. For what it's worth, my Firefly personality test says I'm most like Inara, but it's probably accurate to say that I have a strong dose of Book and Simon thrown in to the mix.

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Sunday, May 23, 2004 6:52 PM


Hey 'mom - another Aquarian checking in here. My birthday is February 2nd. When you get a chance, could you 'do me' too?



Monday, May 24, 2004 1:02 AM


Could you do mine, please? My b-day's the 24th of October.

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:45 AM


Davco92, your turn. For the record, everyone, it's spelled PISCES. That's your spelling word for the day!

Now, let's see if you are an Inara, Simon/Book character.

October 18, The Day of Personal Leadership. George C. Scott was born on this day. Those born on Oct. 18 are often destined to play important, active roles in life's great drama. Not only cut out to be players, however, they may also function as powerful directors of what goes on around them, be it the concerns of their family, business or social circle. October 18 people are not shy about pushing their way to the top, but though their desire to be king or queen of the hill is great, they can keep a low profile if necessary.

Yet October 18 people are hardly typical leaders, for they have many other interests in life. If they are the head of a company, for example, they may steal away when they can to devote themselves to an endeavor for which they have still greater passion. (Simon, can take charge, but medicine always #1 passion?) Many born on this day who are selected for management positions look forward to the day when they can return to their former primary interest. When they leave, they are likely to be missed for their integrity and unimpeachable homor and honesty. (Book, and his mysterious former life?)

There you have it. How does this tie in to Inara? All the characters on Firefly have a past that hasn't been explored. The series wasn't on long enough!


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:54 AM



Originally posted by whedonesque:
Hey 'mom - another Aquarian checking in here. My birthday is February 2nd. When you get a chance, could you 'do me' too?


Anything for a fellow Aquarian! (Feb. 3 myself, was almost a Groundhog, too!)

February 2, The Day of Class. Garth Brooks was born on this day. Not only are February 2 individuals apt to be polished, sophisticated and classy (Inara?), but also likely to embody many of the typical qualities (both the very best and worst ones) of the social group or nationality from which they spring. Thus, no matter how unusual they are, they tend to stay attached to their cultural beginnnings. (Book?)

Feb. 2 people are able to "do the impossible" and make it look easy. It is because they have great facility with their medium that they can operate in a relaxed fashion. Though they give the impression that such fluency comes naturally, in fact a great deal of discipline and hard work stands behind it. Classically, those born on this day prefer to work hard in private, not in public. It is extremely important to their image that they remain objective, in complete control of what they are doing-in a word, masterful.

How interesting. You seem more like Inara and Book than Davco92. Did you do the Firefly personality test? Did it agree with this?


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:56 AM



Originally posted by Mantichorus:
Could you do mine, please? My b-day's the 24th of October.

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."

You'll be next, probably later today!


Monday, May 24, 2004 9:56 AM


Time providing I'd like to see one of those descriptions for my birthday, August 19. Just thought I'd ask before this thread gets buried or something. Thanks.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:14 PM


Mantichorus, thank you for waiting.

October 24, The Day of Sensational Detail. Kevin Kline was born on this day. Those born on October 24 have two major themes in their lives: that of dramatic revelations and discoveries, on the one hand, and painstaking attention to detail on the other. As they are hardly cold, analytical types, those born on this day generally feel the need to reveal themselves and their discoveries to the world, often in an exciting, even flamboyant manner. Yet most are not exhibitionists by any means, rather craftspeople and professionals who take their work very seriously, particularly from a technical point of view. (Simon?) The influence they work on those who watch or listen to them is calculated to impact as they wish. Not the least of their talents is a personal magnetism which aids in getting people interested in them and what they do. (Well, maybe Kaylee!)

What do you think? Did you take the Firefly personality test? If so, what did it say??


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:15 PM



Originally posted by Paladin:
Time providing I'd like to see one of those descriptions for my birthday, August 19. Just thought I'd ask before this thread gets buried or something. Thanks.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book

I'll get to your description next. A tidbit: 8/19 is the Day of Startling Surprises!


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:27 PM


Thanks Elwoodmom, that's interesting. He he...sounds like I'm a bit of a closet megalomaniac. The Inara angle might (?) make more sense if one of outside "interests" was family or dedication to family. BTW, I am in sales management and most individuals that hold the same position in my industry are 10-15 years older than I am...

Burn the land, boil the sea...


Monday, May 24, 2004 1:36 PM


Hi Elwoodmom....any chances for a September 22nd? If you have time, of course.


Monday, May 24, 2004 3:59 PM


Davco92, thanks for the feedback. I've been typing away at these things, and most often have no idea if any of it is accurate or drivel!


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:02 PM



Originally posted by terribletink:
Hi Elwoodmom....any chances for a September 22nd? If you have time, of course.

Welcome! I need to get to Paladin first, then you. Either tonight or tomorrow AM, okay?

Ooooooooh, Sept. 22, The Day of Restless Drive!


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:11 PM



Originally posted by Paladin:
Time providing I'd like to see one of those descriptions for my birthday, August 19. Just thought I'd ask before this thread gets buried or something. Thanks.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book

Hi, Paladin. Here goes:

August 19, The Day of Startling Surprises. Gene Roddenberry shares your birthday. Those born on August 19 are often taken up with life themes regarding both concealing and revealing information not only about themselves but also others. Sometimes this information is not personal but concerns objective areas of scientific, philosophical or natural interest. After keeping something quiet for a period of time, an August 19 person will often relveal it in a grand manner.

Those born on this day can be difficult to pin down. Just when it seems one has them figured out, they evade the parameters set for them. Thus those born on August 19 may unfairly suffer from a reputation for unreliability or untrustworthiness. The key to understanding them lies in why they have such a great need to remain obscure on some occasions and reveal themselves so fully on others.

Paladin, you're a complex character! I'm guessing you'd fit a combination of a few Firefly characters. Which ones do you figure?


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:25 PM


Terribletink, how did you choose your name?

Here goes: September 22, The Day of Restless Drive. Joan Jett shares your birthday, in case you're old enough to remember her!

Those born on September 22 have a restless drive to begin all sorts of new projects. Usually they bring the one they are working on to completion but immediately set out on a new one without rest. They are also capable of handling several projects at the same time. Those born on this day have a low boredom threshold, and consequently demand challenging people and situations. They can be outgoing and dynamic types at one time, and solitary and unapproachable at another. In either case, their strong character is unmistakable.

Often September 22 people oscillate between an offensive and defensive posture. In one sense, such postures may be one and the same since a good offense is the best defense and vice-versa.

Hmmm, are you a type-A person? I think you bring out the best work ethic of all characters. Your opinion?


Monday, May 24, 2004 7:36 PM


People, i think we need a big round of applause for mom and her poor aching (i'm sure) fingers.

I am hereby starting a slow clap for you mom. (it starts slow, then gets big untill its a full out round or applause)



Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo a girl.


Monday, May 24, 2004 7:53 PM


Thank you so much, Ebonezer! You made my day!


Monday, May 24, 2004 9:59 PM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
Mantichorus, thank you for waiting.

October 24, The Day of Sensational Detail. Kevin Kline was born on this day. Those born on October 24 have two major themes in their lives: that of dramatic revelations and discoveries, on the one hand, and painstaking attention to detail on the other. As they are hardly cold, analytical types, those born on this day generally feel the need to reveal themselves and their discoveries to the world, often in an exciting, even flamboyant manner. Yet most are not exhibitionists by any means, rather craftspeople and professionals who take their work very seriously, particularly from a technical point of view. (Simon?) The influence they work on those who watch or listen to them is calculated to impact as they wish. Not the least of their talents is a personal magnetism which aids in getting people interested in them and what they do. (Well, maybe Kaylee!)

What do you think? Did you take the Firefly personality test? If so, what did it say??

Thank you for getting back to me.
I'd have to agree with taking my work seriously, and the attention to detail bit. However, the character test says something new every time I take it... (The first time, I was Zoe! XD I expected to be told Book, Simon, or (maybe) River!)
Edit- 'Hardly cold, analytical types'? Maybe I'm the exception that proves the rule...
"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than."
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 4:48 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:

August 19, The Day of Startling Surprises. Gene Roddenberry shares your birthday. Those born on August 19 are often taken up with life themes regarding both concealing and revealing information not only about themselves but also others. Sometimes this information is not personal but concerns objective areas of scientific, philosophical or natural interest. After keeping something quiet for a period of time, an August 19 person will often relveal it in a grand manner.

Those born on this day can be difficult to pin down. Just when it seems one has them figured out, they evade the parameters set for them. Thus those born on August 19 may unfairly suffer from a reputation for unreliability or untrustworthiness. The key to understanding them lies in why they have such a great need to remain obscure on some occasions and reveal themselves so fully on others.

Paladin, you're a complex character! I'm guessing you'd fit a combination of a few Firefly characters. Which ones do you figure?

Thanks for the description Elwoodmom! I've always seen myself as having the silent strength of Book, good nature of Kaylee, and Mal's dedication.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:36 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
Terribletink, how did you choose your name?

Here goes: September 22, The Day of Restless Drive. Joan Jett shares your birthday, in case you're old enough to remember her!

Those born on September 22 have a restless drive to begin all sorts of new projects. Usually they bring the one they are working on to completion but immediately set out on a new one without rest. They are also capable of handling several projects at the same time. Those born on this day have a low boredom threshold, and consequently demand challenging people and situations. They can be outgoing and dynamic types at one time, and solitary and unapproachable at another. In either case, their strong character is unmistakable.

Often September 22 people oscillate between an offensive and defensive posture. In one sense, such postures may be one and the same since a good offense is the best defense and vice-versa.

Hmmm, are you a type-A person? I think you bring out the best work ethic of all characters. Your opinion?

Thanks, Elwoodmom!

As far as how I chose my name, I use TerribleTink a lot -- I chose it because Tink is my husband's nickname for me because I always liked Tinkerbell when I was little. (I grew up in a Disney-obsessed family and I think she was the only female character I saw that wasn't a typical damsel-in-distress fairy tale princess.) I put "Terrible" on there because I like that part of Tink -- sure, she was a cute little pixie, and loyal if you didn't make her put up with too much. But if you go and bring home a chick named Wendy, she's going to tell the pirates exactly where you are.

I do remember Joan Jett - in fact, I think I Love Rock 'n' Roll was one of the first albums I ever got. (Yeah, that dates me )

This definitely describes me at work. I am the queen of multi-tasking, and I do get easily bored and want to move on to new things. LOL -- just accepted a new position yesterday in fact.

When I took the personality quiz I got Wash, which surprised me. I don't think I'm *quite* that easy-going, but I think that the quiz results were a bit off because of all the fighting questions. (Yeah, I chose the "run and hide" variation a lot.)

Thanks for doing this. The Day of Restless Drive -- I really like that!!!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:39 AM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:
Your turn, Fireflew!

Matthew Broderick was born on your birthday. March 21 is a pivotal day of the year, traditionally marking the first day of spring and the vernal equinox on which day and night are of equal length. Its characteristics must always be seen as primary in nature. In keeping with their symbolic heritage, March 21 people tend to have forthright and essential personalities, rather than complex or ultra-sensitive ones. They are often misunderstood by others, who find them unwilling or unable to fit into the ordinary social mold. This is because they live life purely on their own terms, an attitude that extends into even the simplest of their everyday actions, tasks and responsibilities.

Although they may have a touch of the dreamer about them, March 21 people usually have a practical side that outweighs their fanciful tendencies. They have a genius for setting up organizations and structures, but somehow things never turn out quite as they expect.

A touch Mal here? Who else? Let me know what you think. Too bad Book is so mysterious, it's dawned on me that he'll probably not get compared to anyone!

Wow...that does sound a lot like me, or at least some of the personality traits...

Thanks very much .

Jayne: "Know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I beat you with till you understand who's in command."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:47 AM


This sounds fun. I already know that my description is kinda like me. But if you can, I would love a turn. December 4th. Oh, and I am was born the year of the Dragon, if that makes a difference.

Thanks. Gosh, I love moms.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 11:58 AM


This sounds interesting. Can I have a try? My birthday is October 23.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:36 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
This sounds fun. I already know that my description is kinda like me. But if you can, I would love a turn. December 4th. Oh, and I am was born the year of the Dragon, if that makes a difference.

Thanks. Gosh, I love moms.

Hi, nice to you!

December 4th, The Day of Fortitude. Jeff Bridges was born on this day. Those born on December 4 are gutsy, aggressive individuals who have the courage to go for it, heart and soul. Pain, conflict and struggle are no strangers to them and they may repeatedly be faced with the challenge of great difficulties and overwhelming odds. (Mal all the way!) Nonetheless, they stand a fairly good chance of achieving their far-reaching goals through an unusual combination of grace and vitality, all the while being careful not to incite jealousy in others. Many born on this day, however, have a knack for instilling fear in the most powerful of adversaries, or at least a worrying sense of anxiety. It must be said that a certain ruthlessness of purpose often accompanies this day, and the enemies of December 4 people probably sense that little if any mercy will be afforded them. Okay, you're scaring me now. What is the man's name who tortures Mal and Wash? I wish I could instill fear in someone!

December 4 people can display touches of egomanical and sociopathic tendencies, but fortunately such urges rarely come to dominate their personality. Normally their ideals and beliefs remain uncorrupted and they often put themselves in service of some higher human, political or artistic cause. Indeed, they will sacrifice their own comfort and security for what they believe.

What do you think? Sounds like you're a cut-above!


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:37 PM



Originally posted by Freedom:
This sounds interesting. Can I have a try? My birthday is October 23.

I'll get to you next. A tidbit: October 23, The Day of Conflicting Karma! See, if all is not right in your life, you can blame it on your birthday! Sounds good to me!


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 12:52 PM



Originally posted by Elwoodmom:

December 4 people can display touches of egomanical and sociopathic tendencies, but fortunately such urges rarely come to dominate their personality.

I never really thought of myslef as a sociopath...mmmm...let me think on that one.


Normally their ideals and beliefs remain uncorrupted and they often put themselves in service of some higher human, political or artistic cause. Indeed, they will sacrifice their own comfort and security for what they believe.

That sounds more like me. I give away all my money if I didn't have to eat. Eating is great. I love food. Great job mom!






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