New Firefly Addict - How to Deal with Withdrawal?

UPDATED: Thursday, January 15, 2009 22:33
VIEWED: 18354
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008 8:19 AM


A week, I'd never heard of Firefly or Serenity... and then on a whim, I borrowed the set from a friend and watched the entire series in 2 days. I then watched the film Serenity. This is, by far, the best TV show I have ever seen in my life.

In fact, it has ruined me for other TV shows. I was heavily looking forward to the new season of Lost next month... but after seeing Firefly, and witnessing perfection, I have completely lost my excitement for other shows. Compared to the crew of Serenity, I just cannot find myself to care much for the characters of other shows that I previously enjoyed.

Firefly did everything right. There was no cheap action or thrills, yet it kept me on the edge of my seat. They introduced the Reavers (in Bushwhacked), indirectly through the experience of a survivor... and through Mal's dialogue and the creepy music buildup, it captured the madness of the Reavers far more effectively than if they had shown us a Reaver attack in action. Firefly did not rely on any cheap drama to touch its viewers. Consider the difference between Lost (where they have let a love triangle between Jack, Kate, and Sawyer last for several seasons) and Firefly, where they had a hilarious episode where any tension between Mal, Zoe, and Wash was resolved in a torture scene, after which Zoe quickly choose Wash over Mal.

I love how Jayne can betray the crew, without it being a huge plot twist, and without making him out to be a villain. We still love him, in all his human weakness, and it makes him all the more believable. I love how loyal everyone is to Mal, despite Mal often making choices that gets the crew into trouble. They are bound by something far greater, and something you can only see when you watch them struggle from one adventure to another.

The dialogue was downright hilarious, the silent explosions in space far more powerful than the big "kabooms" we are used to, the chinese phrases allowing them to swear with more variety (rather than hearing Jack say "god damnit" 30 times an episode on 24!).

"Out of Gas" was probably one of the greatest love stories I've seen on television, and between a man and his ship! It was utter genius, and I can't think of a better way to introduce the origins of Serenity.

And "Objects in Space", when it was revealed that River was on Early's ship... I love how as a viewer, I felt as stupid as Jubal in that moment. Did we all really think River melted into the ship when the truth was so much more simple?!

So... how do I deal with the withdrawal?! :-) I have already gone ahead and rewatched the series and Serenity (it was just as enjoyable the second time). My wife is already getting sick of the theme song! (probably cuz I hum it all day long!)

Reading a bit on Google, it seems like there is very little hope for any revival of Firefly, either on TV or on film. But I cannot help but have a little hope. Can anyone think of any ideas as to how we can possibly revive the series?

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 9:35 AM


i think "we" keep the series alive my friend...when browncoats from all over the "verse" get together and share ideas,likes and dislikes,i can feel the strength that a humble show like firefly creates,even though we don't have a season two or serenity 2 ...we still have those 14 episodes and the big damn movie to watch,over and over...

try visiting
they have put together some awesome virtual episodes of what might have been...
keep flyin'


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 9:38 AM


As always, Buffy helps with the withdrawal thing.

The slaying Chrisisall


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 9:55 AM


That's funny. I had the same problem with Buffy. I was a big fan of Voyager and X-Files at the time and then I watched Buffy (especially seasons 2 & 3), and it spoiled other TV for me. Nothing seemed as good after watching Whedon programming. I was never a monster-the-week type, so Firefly was closer to my tastes.

I echo the post referring to the fact that we have 14 episodes and a movie to watch over again. The Star Wars franchise boomed on just 6 hours of programming (the first three movies). We have more than that, but I would dearly love to see more.

You might want to check out the DVD called "Done The Impossible" since it deals with Firefly/Serenity fans. Also, I enjoyed going over the early podcasts of "The Signal" and "Firefly Talk".


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:33 AM


I'm there my friend.Chris is right.I bought Buffy and I love it.So check that out.I've also checked out the podcast and the comics.The podcast are really cool.Alot of times they will point out something in an episode you didn't get or notice,and it makes it alot of fun to rewatch it.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 10:41 AM



Originally posted by audelair:
This is, by far, the best TV show I have ever seen in my life.

I love posts like this. It's always nice to be reminded of how I felt when I too, first saw Firefly in 2004. I get so caught up with the debates on this site I sometimes forget about the undiluted essence of why I came here 4 years ago.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:08 AM


I got a big kick out of reading your post. It's always a special situation when someone new posts here with enthusiasm about why they love Firefly. You seem to have great retention and detail skills for only having just seen the show and movie. I am happy for you, because your life will never be the same.

I think everyone deals with the "withdrawl" differently. At first I just kept watching the episodes over and over, every day, week after week. Now I watch about one or two episodes a month, and that helps keep it fairly fresh.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:42 PM


Thanks for the link to I will have to go through some of those episodes when I have time. I agree with you that we can keep it alive, and it's remarkable how the fanbase is still growing, several years after it was cancelled.

I have seen a few Buffy episodes, but didn't get into it at the time. I may have to give it another try though. I still haven't seen an Angel episode though, so I could always give that a try too.

I usually don't remember things so well after watching a show, but Firefly was different because I was absolutely captivated by what I was watching. I also had a nice two days, where my wife was engrossed doing something else, so I could watch totally undistracted. :D

Thanks for all the comments everyone... and glad to know the Firefly community is still so strong.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:00 PM


I write fanfic.

... and twitch a lot.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:17 PM


Have you checked out the comic series? There's two now: Those Left Behind and Better Days. They both take place pre-Serenity.

You can also read the transcript of the un-aired episode "Dead or Alive". The link is here:
Parts of it were eventually cannibalized for "The Message" so parts of it may look familiar. But it's nice to read it and hear the crew's voices saying the dialogue.

There are plenty of items you can get to keep your spirits up. Where's Anonymous1 with the ultimate uber-list?

And don't forget to seek out your local Browncoats group. It's good to have people around you who commiserate. And check to see if your city hosts an annual Can't Stop the Serenity charity screening. Its' the perfect place to see our Big Damn Movie (BDM) and raise money for a good cause. Plans for 2009 are about to get underway.

Stop by as often as you like. Folks here are really friendly and don't mind answering questions even if they've been asked a thousand times before.

Welcome aboard!

Check out for hilarious shirts at a great price.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:54 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by audelair:

In fact, it has ruined me for other TV shows. I was heavily looking forward to the new season of Lost next month... but after seeing Firefly, and witnessing perfection, I have completely lost my excitement for other shows. Compared to the crew of Serenity, I just cannot find myself to care much for the characters of other shows that I previously enjoyed.

You are SO not alone - it is absolutely amazing how often this happens, how many people land here and say they have the very same reaction. Take a deep breath. Take another. We got you, you're in good hands. Do what the others have suggested, is a great next step.

Beyond that... I mean, if you really want to help... tell as many people as possible about the show. It's easy, and it's the best way to spread the joy.

If it's possible, and legal and you can, grab ahold of ANY tv exec you can find and slap the sh*t out of them and then ask them why they can't find a way to put quality programming on the air for at least 1 hour a week. Or, just slap the sh*t out of them and let it go at that.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:30 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
As always, Buffy helps with the withdrawal thing.

The slaying Chrisisall

Chrisisall aint lyin!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 2:35 PM



Originally posted by audelair:

So... how do I deal with the withdrawal?!

Are you a fan of Battlestar Galactica?

Not as good as Firefly, but it's well worth your time. May ease your pain a tad bit.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 7:46 PM


Thanks for the responses.
I have heard mention of the comic books, but haven't checked them out yet. I'll have to look for them.

As for Battlestar Galactica, I still haven't seen that show, but have heard good things about it. I think I read Whedon say that it is his favorite show out there right now. Will have to check it out, thanks for the suggestion!


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:10 PM


Gorram it! I love when a newbie spouts poetical about our Firefly. OOooohhh! I got goosebumps!

Ok, I composed myself. Great post BTW! You see, it's great because it takes me back to when I first saw Firefly back in 2002, yep, I'm an original Browncoat.

I especially love this one:
"Objects in Space", when it was revealed that River was on Early's ship... I love how as a viewer, I felt as stupid as Jubal in that moment. Did we all really think River melted into the ship when the truth was so much more simple?!

You so captured that feeling right there.

But you're right about one thing in particular - withdrawal. We all go through it, this site does help quite a bit, but several viewings has helped me through my Firefly jones. Still nothing would be better than a new episode or two. But best way to keep it flying is to pass it on to new folk.

Here it is 6 years after and it still rocks. That is something special, no matter what some brainless TV exec says.

P.S. I really like the suggestion someone had of grabbing a TV exec and slapping the shit out of them. Perhaps it will unclogged their constipated brainwaves long enough to have them revisit this wonderful series.

We can only hope!




Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:13 PM



Originally posted by audelair:
Thanks for the responses.
I have heard mention of the comic books, but haven't checked them out yet. I'll have to look for them.

As for Battlestar Galactica, I still haven't seen that show, but have heard good things about it. I think I read Whedon say that it is his favorite show out there right now. Will have to check it out, thanks for the suggestion!

you really should see Done The Impossible, to see more of how not alone you are.
If you're not aware, the series has a 2 Volume Official Companion book set, and Serenity has it's Visual Companion book, very enjoyable.
And look out for the nearest Can't Stop The Serenity Day for you, check in Browncoat Events forum, a cinema near you could be playing Serenity and a pile of Browncoats show up to watch and mingle.
Also, wathc the actors in other shows. Summer is the Terminator Cameron in The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and was in other shows, Jewel is in Stargate Atlantis, Nathan and Alan and Adam are in lots of stuff, check them all out to savor the love.
Also, Soundtrack CDs are available for Firefly and also Serenity.
Welcome aboard. Start saying Shiny! and Cashy Money, it might help.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:48 PM


Maybe try to infect your friends, neighbors, relatives? Like the Ponzi Scheme for Browncoats, except everybody wins. When you are surrounded by fellow browncoats of your own making, you'll feel much more cozy. heh.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 3:20 AM


Audelair, welcome, welcome!!

I have to say that you’ve found one of the friendliest most family like forum sites on the web. is a great place to be, and we really enjoy having new recruits like yourself join in. The enthusiasm of folk like yourself make me feel as if I only became hooked on the show a week or two ago. Every browncoat has had those feelings of “This can’t be all?” so you are totally understood here.

Doing what has been suggested by my fellow browncoats will certainly help with Firefly withdrawal. There is a disease that browncoats like to tease each other as having “ Fireflyitis” an affliction of being consumed with this show. The thing is everyone here has it so it’s seen as a good thing.

What I can tell you is, recruit, recruit, recruit…..Try to get everyone you know to watch the series. Also don’t let it get you down if some folk don’t get it. Firefly is only for “Special” people, that is to say that if someone currently resides on planet “Earth That Was” then they should enjoy FF. We welcome any and all newbies. We want the whole world to get FF.

Also I’m glad that you brought up the segment about “Objects in Space” were the simple answer about the truth of were River was hiding from Early was on his spacecraft. Over a year ago I got my sister to watch the series with me. It’s funny but when seeing someone else watch FF you notice their eyes never leave the screen. They are so in tuned to the story and what will happen next. Anyway I could see that sis was thinking that River melting and becoming the ship was a stretch, but when she learned that River wasn’t the ship, that she was really hiding on Early’s craft she laughed. I still remember that and knew that my sister enjoyed the show.

Anyway, glad to have you aboard.



Wednesday, December 31, 2008 4:35 AM


See, that's the problem with FIREFLY... like Serenity Valley, once you've been there, you never really leave!

While there's no specific cure for no more Firefly, there are a few ways to dull the pain.

As has been pointed out, there are, of course, two different comic book miniseries (both collected into trade paperbacks) and The Big Damned Movie. Both Visual Companions are good, and the second one has a small article on some unused ideas, showing us some of what might have been.

Done the Impossible is a great documentary to see that, yes, there are others out there who feel EXACTLY like I do. LOTS of 'em, in fact. Doesn't do anything to give you new episodes, but, hey, misery loves company, and you're in pretty good company with Browncoats.

Everyone has their own TV cures, and not everything is going to work for everyone else. BUFFY and ANGEL are great TV, but if you watch them from the beginning, you can see how much Joss learned as he was going, and just how finely he'd honed his abilities by the time he started FIREFLY (in other words, if you've never watched them, don't expect them to be as good as FIREFLY from the get-go).

While a lot of people point to BSG, I never really got it as scratching the FF itch. In fact, I think of it as ANTI-Firefly: twice the grim, none of the humor, and very plot-driven, whereas Firefly is character-drive. Still, for that, I think it's a good show.

Shows that have, at least partially, helped me with my Firefly withdrawal include: Eureka, Chuck, Prison Break, Carnivale, Deadwood, The Shield, Hustle, Briscoe County, Cowboy Bebop, Torchwood, Veronica Mars, Rescue Me, and (oddly) The Office. Sure, a lot of them don't bring on the funny any more than BSG, but everyone's got their own personal poison.

Another thing that helped me was watching sci fi movies that Joss had a hand in scripting. They're none of them great, but you can see echoes of our crew in TITAN AE, ATLANTIS: THE LOST EMPIRE, and ALIEN 4: RESURRECTION. A4;R, in particular, features the prototype of the crew of Serenity. Mal, Jayne, Kaylee, Wash, Zoe, River, even arguably Book, they're all there, in a jumbled up way.

And, of course, there's fanfic, starting with the high-end stuff (the semi-official RPG material and Stephen Brust's unpublished novel) on down. I'm deeply gratified to see that a few folks have mentioned out little site over at, where, if you're so inclined, we've got 29 episodes waiting for you.

Good luck with your newfound Firefly addiction! Welcome to the ranks of the Browncoats! "Here's how it might have been..."


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 5:16 AM


my only regret in becoming a browncoat "now" is that i didn't become one "earlier"..i could have really been a part of the "verse" when it first was discovered back in 2002 !
as i browse through some of the posts dating back as far back as 2002 on this site i stand in awe of just how big our verse was and has become...
i'm very proud to be a browncoat and to have met you all...
i really enjoy the ferver i sense when i come here and read the posts and topics...
thankyou all for continuing this pursuit in bringing the verse to our world...
hopefully with all our help we can make it alot bigger...


Wednesday, December 31, 2008 6:45 AM


Too bad I don't know any TV execs to slap around. :D

I've already started to try to infect my friends... and actually found out several of them have already watched the show and loved it. I'm going to make it a point to give out DVD sets as gifts though, on birthdays and Christmas (too bad I didn't become addicted to Firefly until just after Christmas this year!).

Will definitely check out "done the impossible" and try to make it to a "can't stop the serenity" event. Just checked out the website and looks like my city should have annual events. Looking forward to it.

Thanks again for all the responses. It has really blown me away how great and strong a community Firefly has. Really says a lot about the magic of Firefly!


Thursday, January 1, 2009 7:26 PM


I found something today to help with withdrawal...the Serenity movie novelization.It goes more in-depth,and shows you ceartain parts of the story from different characters point of view.It also makes more clear the motivations of some of the characters dialogue.Here's an excert from when Simon was arguing with Mal about taking River on her first job with crew.Mal basically calls Simon and River guest on the ship.It's a good example.

"Guest?I earned my passage,Captain."
Mal had to silently admit that was so.In fact,when Mal had come back to Jiangyin to rescue him and River from some rather backwards-thinking folk,Simon had asked why they had came back.Mal told him that they were part of his crew.He meant it then,so why was he calling him a guest now?
the answer came fairly quickly:It annoyed the young doctor,and annoying the young doctor gave Mal amusement,which frankly was in short supply today.

My kid bought this book and loved it.He suggested it and I was like,"I've seen the movie five times in two weeks,why read the book?"He talked me into it and he was dead right.I think it's essential.


Thursday, January 1, 2009 10:48 PM


Welcome aboard!


Friday, January 2, 2009 3:01 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Audelair. Glad to have you here w/ us.

We keep hoping for a continuation of some sort. Joss has done two comic mini series that were fairly good and filled in some back story. You should pick those up.

Browncoats are all about hope. Many of us have been around since the beginning, back when the show was airing on Fox. Some longer. Folk don't stick around that long without hope.

Glad you gave the show a shot. Hope you will share what you've found with others. The more browncoats there are, the louder our voices are and the less easy it is for us to be ignored.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Friday, January 2, 2009 2:23 PM


Didn't know there was a Serenity novelization... I will look for it at the bookstore, next time I get a chance. Thanks for the suggestion!

In the meantime, I'm currently going through the series another time. With repeated viewings, Jayne just gets funnier and funnier!


Friday, January 2, 2009 6:24 PM


There's lots to read:

Firefly Visual Companion Vol. 1&2
Serenity Visual Companion
Finding Serenity
Serenity Found
The RPG book

My favorite thing is meeting othet Browncoats.

Check out:


Saturday, January 3, 2009 3:11 PM


Like everyone has said, recruit, recruit, recruit.

I went to a showing of Serenity Dec 4 in Raleigh, NC and the theater was almost full, with very little publicity.

Start working with your local Can't Stop the Serenity group. I drive 2 hours to Raleigh in order to help coordinate our showing in June.

Lots needs to be done,marketing, publicity, goody bags, auction items etc. etc. etc.

Read fan fic, or better yet, start writing fan fic. This is the first and only fandom I write for.

Support the BDHs (Big Damm Heroes) in their other endeavors. Joss Whedon's Dr. Horrible with Nathan Fillion (he also has a movie coming out in January, is Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman and has a new series, Castle premiering in March also), Summer Glau in the Sarah Conner Chronicles, Adam Baldwin in Chuck,Jewel Staite in Stargate Atlantic and Alan, Ron, Gina, Sean and Moreana show up in many projects.

I'm also involved with a charity that Nathan Fillion help to start, KidsNeedToRead. We get books in to needy libraries, clinics and other places where children gather.

And tonight Serenity will be on SciFi and SciFi HD at 9 pm.

*rummages around the closet, pulls out a dusty virtual brown coat, brushes off some of the dust and hands it to Audelair*


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 4:40 PM


Firefly is based in part on two anime series, Cowboy Bebop, and Outlaw Star. It also draws from on the run shows, such as Farscape, and other things derived from the otherwise weak but original Blake's 7.

Other Joss shows, Buffy et al, and graphic novels, etc.

Other things with the actors (Sarah Connor Chronicles for me ;) )

Fanfic, spoof and the like, just fan generated input

Repeat as needed


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 5:51 PM



Originally posted by Stoweaway:
There are plenty of items you can get to keep your spirits up. Where's Anonymous1 with the ultimate uber-list?

You mean this list:

Serenity movie:

Serenity Dvd-Widescreen
Serenity Dvd-Fullscreen
Serenity VHS-Fullscreen
Serenity UMD Video for PSP (Handheld Sony PSP Game Player)
Serenity HD-DVD
Serenity download from and rental also itunes.
Serenity says Watch it at Amazon. 11/27/2008

Serenity Collectors Edition (August 2007)
Buy Direct from Universal

Serenity Blu-Ray

See *NEW* clips of the extras on


Serenity by Keith R.A. DeCandido (novel based on the motion picture screenplay)

Finding Serenity Edited by Jane Espenson (essays about Firefly)

Serenity Found

Serenity the Official Visual Companion

Serenity Role Playing Game -book not just for RPGers-

Serenity: Out in the Black by Tracy & Laura Hickman New RPG
If you like the artwork on the RPG covers, you should check out .

Serenity RPG Six-shooters & Spaceships Book

Serenity Adventures Role-Playing Game book

pic from

Serenity: Those Left Behind the Graphic Novel

Serenity: Those Left Behind Special Edition Graphic Novel (Hardcover)

Serenity: Better Days Comic Books (2008)

Serenity: Better Days Graphic Novel

New Joss Whedon Serenity/Firefly comic Online Free!

Firefly the Official Companion Volume 1

Firefly the Official Companion Volume 2 (May 2007)

Serenity the Official Movie Magazine

Music: Serenity soundtrack CD music by David Newman

Firefly the TV show: Firefly the Complete Series DVD box set
Firefly Blu-Ray DVD

Music: Firefly soundtrack CD music by Greg Edmonson Theme by Joss Whedon

Music Score: Firefly: Music from the Original Television Soundtrack (Paperback)

Link from

Serenity Action Figures
Trading Cards: Serenity
3-ring binders: Serenity
Still available in some comic book stores or other vendors like
Diamond select stuff

Official Universal Serenity t-shirts, tees and hoodies
And Official Firefly shirts

Only retail store Hot Topic mall stores that carried them.

Online stores search Serenity (2005) search Serenity (2005)

Search for Firefly Search for Serenity

Firefly Browncoats TRIANGLE Logo
Firefly Logo Shirt Brown
Firefly Logo Shirt Gray
Firefly Logo Shirt Black
Firefly Logo Womens Shirt Brown
Firefly Logo Zipper Hoodies
Firefly Jayne Public Relations shirt
Firefly Jayne Public Relations Baby Tee

Serenity Bad Guys T-Shirt (Jayne Cobb)
Serenity Blue Sun hoodies
Serenity Blue Sun looks like light or baby blue writing on white
Serenity Blue Sun looks like dark blue writing on white
Serenity Blue Sun Baby Tee
Serenity Blue Sun Military green T-shirt
Serenity Browncoat Jogging Jacket
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE Baby Tee
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt Sheer
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE Zipper Hoodies brown
Serenity Buddha Baby Tee white on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt green on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt some color on some color (you have to ask)
Serenity Cast Photo Black T-shirt
Serenity Cast Photo Black Baby Tee
Serenity Cast Photo Blue T-shirt
Serenity Cast Photo on back word Serenity on front hoodie
Serenity Cast Photo on back word Serenity on front t-shirt
Serenity Fashion Icons t-shirt
Serentiy Group t-shirt River and crew UK poster version
Serenity cast River Sword High pose t-shirt

Serenity Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) brown
Serenity Hero Baby Tee (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) brown
Serenity Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) olive
Serenity Fruity Oaty Bar T-Shirt
Serenity Fruity Oaty Bar Women's Jr. Tee
Serenity Kicker of As*es t-shirt Another Jayne shirt
Serenity Kicker of As*es t-shirt Another Jayne Baby Tee
Serenity Rainbow Jayne t-shirt
Serenity Rainbow Jayne Baby Tee
Serenity Logo Baby Tee
Serenity Logo T-Shirt
Serenity Logo Zipper Hoodies Black
Serenity Mal: Captain t-shirt black
Serenity River My Turn T-Shirt (River Tam)
Serenity River T-shirt Baby Tee (River Tam)
Serenity Blue River Movie Poster t-shirt
Serenity Blue River Movie Poster Baby Tee
Serenity T-Shirt: Everything Is Shiny
Serenity Ship T-Shirt
Serenity Ship Baby Tee
Serenity Ship Glow T-Shirt
Serenity Ship engines pointed down
Serenity Sihnon Companion Academy Baby Tee
ISV Cerberus T-Shirt
Serenity You are beginning to Damage My Calm T-Shirt
Serenity logo Shiny T-Shirt
Serenity Captain Mal Wanted T-Shirt
Serenity REAVERS! T-Shirt
Serenity Sure Would Be Nice If We Had Some Grenades T-shirt
Serenity Fruity Oaty Bar Original Art T-shirt

12th Cavalry Shoulder Patch

Serenity Movie Poster
Still available from and maybe other vendors

Serenity Crew Poster --you can buy on-line at Link available on home page

UK SERENITY CAST poster (Noticed June 2007), Serenity logo t-shirt (June 2007), Browncoats t-shirt (august 2007), Blue sun t-shirt (july 2007).

Small Serenity Movie Poster
Still available from and maybe other vendors

Serenity Steve Andererson Lithiograph (Poster) Set

Also available from

Officially Licensed Universal Serenity Artwork prints

QMX Serenity Official Blueprints

QMX Serenity Blueprints Reference Pack

Serenity Blue Sun Travel Posters from QMX
Historic Serenity Valley, tranquil Miranda, exciting Persephone, beautiful Sihnon and awe-inspiring Londinium.

Serenity Zippo Lighter from Dark Horse Comics
Serenity Ornament (model) from Dark Horse Comics
Serenity Serenity in Disguise variant Ornament (model) from Dark Horse Comics
Reaver Ship Ornament. You know to chase after your Serenity Ship Ornament. Or to chase after your Serenity in Disguise Ornament.
New Serenity PVC figures from Dark Horse
Serenity Lunchbox two versions
Serenity Inara's Shuttle Ornament

Serenity Ornament pic from

River Triumphant statue from Diamond Select Toys

Inara Strikes statue

"Shiny!" Kaylee Animated Maquette from QMX

"I Aim to Misbehave" Malcolm Reynolds Animated Maquette from QMX

Serenity mini-bust Captain Malcolm Reynolds
Also at

Officially licensed SERENITY U.S. postage stamps

Serenity Collectible Plate

Serenity Embroidered Logo Hat

Serenity Logo Votive holder
Serenity Black Ceramic Shooter
Serenity Logo Shot Glass
Serenity Logo Coffee Mug
Serenity Logo Black Shooter
Serenity Logo Latte Mug
Blue Sun Shot Glass
Blue Sun Frosted shooter
Serenity Mal/River Picture dogtag

Serenity Ship Disappearing Mug
QMX Replica of Mal's gun. Two versions.
QMX Mal's gun stand
QMX Worlds of the Alliance Limited-Edition Lithograph
QMX Serenity: Fruity Oaty Bar Limited Edition Lithograph
QMX Serenity Valley Map Limited-Edition Lithograph
QMX Serenity Bank Heist Money replica set.
QMX Serenity Ship's Papers Set with Document Wallet
Firefly/Serenity Complete and Official Map of the Verse!

QMX Serenity Blue Sun Travel Wavecards(postcards)

QMX Model Serenity with lights and stuff website

Wanna Real Serenity prop? I bought a spiral glass to put next to my Burger King Star Wars glasses.
Serenity film cell presentations. Buy some of that movie magic at Rye By Post (do a search for Serenity to bring up the results).

SERENITY - Swords from Museum Replicas
Officially Licensed Serenity Brown Coat from Museum Replicas

Need more Serenity/Firefly stuff check out


Thursday, January 15, 2009 10:33 PM


Welcome aboard sir!

I know all too well, as does everyone else here, the emptiness that comes when the credits fade and you are sitting there sinking into your own personal black. I remember feeling empty, feeling like close, dear, personal friends had suddenly been snuffed out with no thought for their well-being. I was literally, not figuratively, depressed for the next few weeks. I didn't eat, I couldn't sleep without dreaming in was an awful period but then I realized I should be grateful for what we have been graced with thus far. A Movie, a series and then later on comic books and companion volumes...this is a fully functional, fleshed out 'verse we call home. Sure we are missing a bolt here and there, maybe could use a coat of paint or an explanation why the damn engine keeps backfiring when we go full atmo at the wrong time but goramit, We have us a ship and a crew to fly her!

The pain lessens over time...keep watching them, keep enjoying the subtle nuances you pick up now that you know the whole story (as it has been told thusfar) and never ever ever give up hope because Mr. Universe was right:

You can't stop the Signal!






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