Browncoat Bar & Grill - Double Shifts to make ends meet

UPDATED: Monday, January 26, 2009 14:09
VIEWED: 9132
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Monday, January 19, 2009 4:45 AM


Well it is about that time Boys and Girls!!!

Old Pub:

(wipes down the new Bar)

(sets up the Breakfast Bar)

Hope the weekend went well for all!!!

(restocks the Fridge in the Shadows with Dew and M&M Ice Cream Sammich' cases)

Belly up to the Bar Boys and Girls!!!

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Bartender


Monday, January 19, 2009 4:46 AM



Yep. Woot!


Monday, January 19, 2009 6:49 AM


ooh new bar ^_^

*helps self to breakfast bar*


Monday, January 19, 2009 8:22 AM




((considers coma))


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:47 AM


Morning all:)

This will likely be the only day I am in here before nightfall... got a full schedule and then some. Very glad of the extra long weekend before it

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, January 19, 2009 9:53 AM


(whispers so as not to awaken the Sleepy Lass) Wow slow day eh?

(slips a pillow under the Sleepy Lass' head and covers he with a blakie)

Poor Lassy.

(gets a Dew for Navy and a Pot of the Good Stuff for FLT)

EDIT: (Sets a Dirty Martini in stasis for MSA)

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Bartender


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:04 AM


Aww thanks Kelkhil. By Friday I might need more than one.
I've even got an undercover assignment this week. A student who's notoriously difficult to observe because he figures out he's being observes and adjusts accordingly.... so I will be the new " temp" aide in his class for 3 days from 9am-1pm. then I have to cram all my other school visits, meetings, and behavior plans/observations/trainings into the 2.5 hours left and the hour before...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:55 AM


Puts "Mission Impossible" on the jukebox.

Rolls over and goes back to sleep.


Monday, January 19, 2009 10:58 AM


HUGS Rosie

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, January 19, 2009 11:19 PM


[ /lurk ]
*slips in after a semi-busy day*

*grabs a cloth to make sure that the cans-o-Dew in the 'fridge are properly shined*

Hope everyone stateside had a good rest on Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

*double checks the martini pool, the margarita pool, and taste tests some of the whiskies (gotta make sure that they didn't go bad or anything)*

RF/LF: Sorry to hear that you're grounded again. I'd suggest that you do what you need to so that your grades go up, but that's just the teacher in me. (The cynic side wants to point out that you may as well get used to what all adults have to do -- jump through crazy hoops to get what you want...and right now, the "want" is the privilige to go online...) Feel free to take that with a grain of salt.

MsA: Ewww... I'm sorry. I don't envy you the "undercover" and the backlog of work you have to do.

SR: holidays means you work an 8-hour day, two 12-hour days, and a 4-hour day? *boggles*

*leaves huggle-bombs that will glomp onto Kel tightly*

*leaves hugs for everyone else who wants one*

(I just bought a second hand Giant bike on Saturday... The brand was recommended by a friend of mine, and was in my price range. Plus, it came with a cover, a rack and basket, front light, 2 locks, an inner tube, and a helmet... It's a realy smooth ride. Yay! 'Course now I have less reasons to avoid exercising. *shrug* Oh well.)

[ oh, and *bump* ]

[ lurk ]


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:38 AM


Mornin all.

Well, classes start for me today, and run from 9:30 to 6 (just on tuesdays, the rest of my days are light) so I'll see y'all much laterz ^_^

*grabs a cup of the Good Stuff to help alleviate the busyness of the day*

*leaves a glomp for Kel*

*teleports out*


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:59 AM


(sets off the huggle-bombs)

Well hiya Neko!!! (return Glomps)

(sets up the Breakfast Bar)

(restocks the Shadow Fridge with -1.11C Dew, M&M Ice Cream Sammiches, Eggos and Red Bull and puts in a Shadow Pantry to store the Syrup, Red Vines and any other goodies there need be)

Man it was a bit chilly out there today! -24F about 30 miles away!!! 0.0

When are we getting that Tropical Island?

Edit: OMPH!!! (is Glomped by FLT)

Morning Lassy!!! Have a good day at school!

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Bartender


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:56 AM


I hate roadworks... they turned a really simple journey down a straight road into a 2 and a half hour run around looking for my destination. Of course, when I was giving up and just heading home defeated, I drove past it. So all was alright in the end. But if you see someone doing roadworks later, give them an evil glare.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:26 AM


*pokes head in, curious*


Wow! People!

*waves excitedly*


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:36 AM


HUGS Navy... yes that is why the roadworks people are you can practice your death stare

HUGS Neko...thanks

OK sooooo tired. Poor Nv wasn't well and we both got very little sleep last night. Luckily one meeting was cancelled so this day looks a tad better

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:55 AM


To clarify: I only get 8 hours of holiday. I have to come in and make up the other 4 hours if I want to get paid for them. If I do not make them up then I will not have worked 36 hours and do not get the 4 "bonus" hours which bring me up to getting paid for 40 hours of work. Sorry for the confusion.

Do you think that if I offered to come in and work on stuff for four hours on the holiday they'd take it well?
Me neither.

I'm home, and I even managed to get stuff done. I'm half listening to the inaugural ceremony on NPR. The rest of my attention is split between here and my lunch. Ooh! Aretha's on!

Well, lunch and the peaceful transfer of power are over. Here's hoping neither leaves anyone with indigestion!
It was a pretty speech.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:34 AM


*waves to Aisling* Welcome!

*hugs Navy* Long time no see! Road work is so much of the not-fun. But potholes the size of a coffin are even less fun. (I kid you not, one side of a road had a pothole that was a freakin' rectangle that was well hidden by a gi-normous puddle. *shudders*

SR: Ahh...*counts on fingers* *tries to do the calculations on paper* *tries again on an abacus* *tries on a calculator which explodes* *brain melts* *gives up* Okay. (Teh maths is confuzzling me)
Yeah. I don't see HR being happy with the "12 hours on a holiday?!" thing. *meh*
Glad to hear that the inauguration was a nice one. I wish him well in the office and hope that the next 4 years are better than the last 8.

MsA: Yay on the meeting cancellation. Ew on the not feeling well. Give NVG a get-well hug for me please.

[Edit: for the spelling error...*blush*]


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 8:50 AM


The inaug-thing-that-I-can't-spell was good fun, I think I heard boos when Bush came out.


Originally posted by LeopardFlan:
Grades, as always. The rents are absolutely fanatical about them... >_<

Doesn't help, either, that I have major issues with homework (got tons of better stuff to do then mess around with that shit >_<)

...Why hasn't MsA smacked you yet?


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:31 AM


I am a mom. My hand was twitching in sympathy.

I am not, however, the author's mother so I will refrain from further (out loud) comment on "that shit" being quite useful later on. (This comes from someone who got good grades and still didn't like homework either..)


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:11 PM


Hmm. I am slightly off to the left field; I homeschool my kids. I guess that means that all their work could be classified as *home*work*.

Yes, it's boring, but it serves a purpose. I found that if you keep your nose clean and you do the work, you can get into the fun colleges, get the good jobs and then do what you want when you grow up... rather than struggling with mediocre income. But that's just my opinion!

*putters around the bar, prepping some snackies* mmm snackies!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:18 PM


*stumble-teleports in* phew, wow, *long* day, but not really a bad day. my classes seem like theyre going to be interesting (even though one of my teachers came off a *little* condescending and stuck up this morning, hopefully it was just because she was trying to insure people would actually *work* in the class), except i think my Creative Writing class (i'm a writer for those who don't know) is gonna suck. My teacher is an awesomely nice and enthusiastic guy, but he's stressing poetry, and I can't stand poetry >< can't write it either, and I've had lots of opportunities to write for class assignments, never went well.... In any event, we'll be doing a short story in that class too, looks like this semester should be fun ^_^

barkeep, somethin to cap off the longness of the day, thanks and *glomp*


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 1:35 PM


Jealous of the homeschooling!


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 2:23 PM


ok happy happy happy

The nice cable man came and connected the tivo and....super super fast T2 high speed internet:)
There is joy

Here's the thing LF.. it's your choice. Don't do homework, get bad grades, miss college work, 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week in grinding painful unenjoyable job without benefits or security and struggle your whole life to get ahead and never quite get there... or do your homework, have free time and fun on the net, get into good college and make an average of 1 million dollars more than those who didn't finish, enjoy life... up to you

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:06 PM


*looks around* RF was here? when? *looks for jump-scars*


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 3:53 PM



Originally posted by MsA:
Here's the thing LF.. it's your choice. Don't do homework, get bad grades, miss college work, 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week in grinding painful unenjoyable job without benefits or security and struggle your whole life to get ahead and never quite get there... or do your homework, have free time and fun on the net, get into good college and make an average of 1 million dollars more than those who didn't finish, enjoy life... up to you

Listen to this woman LF, she speaks the truth. I never did homework, didn't get good grades, didn't go to university and have only had crappy jobs. Don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse and I've still had some awesome times since leaving school... but I constantly wish I could have put the effort in then rather than need to think about making up for it now.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:53 PM


HUGS well Navy you're really smart and I am sure you could go back and do something:)...Look at Rose she went back:), but it is easier if you do it the first go round so you can move on:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 5:56 PM


barkeep, its late, im hungry, and we have nothing less than a meal in the house *doesnt feel like eating another meal* sumthin snacky plz?


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:11 PM


Yeah... missed something... did LF / RF / WhateverFlan actually ask for anyone's advice on homework and life after school? Just curious.

Originally posted by Navyseils:
{re MsA} Listen to this woman LF, she speaks the truth. I never did homework, didn't get good grades, didn't go to university and have only had crappy jobs. Don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse and I've still had some awesome times since leaving school... but I constantly wish I could have put the effort in then rather than need to think about making up for it now.

MsA is insane. Don't forget that.

I didn't do my homework. Fuck homework. Never really studied for tests, either. Yet I got into university, got my Bachelor's Degree with two minors (really no big deal), and have a high paying job. Hu-fucking-zah. On the other hand, I know plenty of people who did their homework, went to college, and still have shit jobs making shit money living a shit life. The point? Anything can happen. Live your own fucking life.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:46 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
MsA is insane. Don't forget that...
The point? Anything can happen. Live your own fucking life.

Also very true. Especially the bit about MSA being insane. Good point and well made. I ended up going to Dragon*con and loads of other crap I wouldnt have had time/money to do if at University all this time, and some of my friends that have went to uni are still no better off than I am. So I can't complain too much. I just really wish I put a bit more effort. Ah well.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009 9:25 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Yeah... missed something... did LF / RF / WhateverFlan actually ask for anyone's advice on homework and life after school? Just curious.

My fault for the sudden influx of advice on homework and life after school. Tho' my thought has been as still is "get used to jumping through hoops" (it's easier to hear than "we know and want what's best for you"). Sorry.


Originally posted by Navyseils:
{re MsA} Listen to this woman LF, she speaks the truth. I never did homework, didn't get good grades, didn't go to university and have only had crappy jobs. Don't get me wrong, it could have been much worse and I've still had some awesome times since leaving school... but I constantly wish I could have put the effort in then rather than need to think about making up for it now.

MsA is insane. Don't forget that.

HEY! I ressemble that remark about MsA!

I didn't do my homework. Fuck homework. Never really studied for tests, either. Yet I got into university, got my Bachelor's Degree with two minors (really no big deal), and have a high paying job. Hu-fucking-zah. On the other hand, I know plenty of people who did their homework, went to college, and still have shit jobs making shit money living a shit life. The point? Anything can happen. Live your own fucking life.

True enough (and may I say that I was one of those who strugged in college and ended up in a shit job).
Again, my point for the unsolicited advice: Get used to jumping through hoops to get what you want -- that's real life. If I work for a living and want to get paid and live comfortably but the current workplace situation is sucky? Gotta learn to deal with it, do what the boss wants (within reason) so that I can get what I want. Simple as that.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:34 AM


Well hello...

Long week, already had to put a server swap back a fortnight, things falling over all round and my personal favourite, trying to arrange for a stack of monitors to be safely disposed off, company delivers some wooden boxes, somebody unloads them with a fork lift to somewhere they shouldn't, the boxes it seems get carted of by pallet disposal who apparent dispose of the pallets by burning!

Sometimes I hate people!

Hope everyone else is good and have to say, I am very jealous of HK's amazing construction skills, I'd end up with one useless usb stick if I tried to make something awesome out of it, ah well, at least I can play the drums pretty well.

Back to the grind...


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:36 AM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:

(runs in and tackle-glomps Neko)

Multiple visits!!!! Yay!!! \o/ <--------Stealing that from the Sneaky Lass!!

(sets up the Breakfast Bar)

(refills the Sneaky Lass' supplies in the Shadow Fridge and Pantry)

Well another Hump-Day has arrived! At least the week is moving at a good clip!

(and it is 24 F out!!!!)

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Bartender


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:52 AM


*wanders in*

*sets up the coffee brewing mmmmm*

*curls up in corner with a book*


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:09 AM


Kel: it's seven degrees and windy here right now, and its a little after 10 in the morning.

*snatches some coffee and curls up in a heated tent* oooooooh, whatcha reeeeeeeadin?

well, a bunch of people are going to be very angry with the unidentified person who got them all parking tickets in the commuter lot today XD. ppl on this campus don't really know how to drive, or park, and there's about half a row of people who are double parked. I got blocked in by one of these people, so I called the dispatcher and she called the owner. Meanwhile my boyfriend, who is pure fucking magical with cars, came down and managed to squeeze my car out through a spot diagonally up from mine (thank god there was no one parked directly next to me or this would have been impossible) without any damage to either of the cars parked to either side of this mini-cooper-sized spot. So I called the dispatcher back and said "yeah, the car's still there, but a friend managed to help me get out through a small open space near my car. but there's still a row of double-parked cars sitting out here." and of course her response was "okay, we're going to send a car down to *forget the word she used, but i think it was a synonym for 'remedy'* the situation." They didnt tell me to stay put, so i went home to defrost my slowly numbing body ><
That's my campus story for today XD

*grabs a second cup of hot coffee for good measure*


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:16 AM


HK just because you are a genius able to leap tall algorithms in a single bound doesn't hold true for all... and your high test scores would have compensated for your grades in getting into college ( so ha ha..giggle)

And yes... I am insane

Yeah but Neko we chose the job out of love:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:31 AM


*makes more coffee*
*wonders if there's a fireplace for more warmth...*

I was reading a bit of a history book called After the Ice, and now it's onto a bit of work. Yay, spreadsheets...

Sounds like your adventure on campus was fun today! *evil grin*


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:18 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by MsA:
Look at Rose she went back:)

Hm? I thought I heard my name

From what I understand from talking to him about it, the rules in Navy's neck of the world are a little different. They don't have graduation the same way we do, and if you don't pass everything you don't get to do it over and you don't get to go to university. (and they refer to the education level we think of as 'high school' as 'college' which just adds to some confusion) If you want to go to university, there's not the option to test in or take remedial classes like there is here. At a certain age, you can do adult learning or somesuch, and go to a university. Seils isn't at that age, though, so he can't be in school right now, even if he wants to. At least this is his story, he might just be lazy
My grades were decent in high school, despite minimal effort, I just didn't enjoy it at all so I left. There were years thereafter of crap jobs for crap pay, and I enjoyed myself even less. Higher level edumacation has been much more enjoyable than high school ever was, I'm glad I went back, not just because it's going to get me out of miserable crap jobs for crap pay.
Speaking of class, I'm in class right now, and should really be doing something productive, but I am technically done with the assignment for today. This web design stuff is pretty cool, I'm even enjoying the coding aspect! Exciting.
And I managed to have the time and money for DragonCon the last couple years, even being in school
Gosh I hope I make it this year

Anyway, I thought I should pop in to see how everyone was and confirm to those that might be wondering that I'm still alive and well. Been meaning to do a blog or something lately, since I've found myself wondering what's up with everyone and thinking they might be wondering too, but I haven't done that. I'm a little sleep deprived, sorry for the non sequiturial kind of babbling.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:34 AM


Aisling: Of course there's a fireplace here...there's some comfy chairs and a nice warm rug to sit on nearby. (Some of us also retreat there when we're socially anti-social).

Just to make Kel happy, a third appearance.

MsA: I guess it was out of love (or greatly insane delusion).

FLT: *heh* Tough cookies for the double-parkers. I'm glad your BF was able to get you out of the parking area though. 'Course it would be funny if the double-parkers were there 'cause the parking attendant told them they could do that...

gee: ACK! The server swap setback sucks (and yes, I'm giggling over the alliteration), but the monitors? Yick. Glad I'm not the one to handle that issue. (People can be extremely stupid at times.) *comfort*

Hello PR. Nice to see you're doing well.

*distracts all glomps to the 'neko mannequin*


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:23 AM


lol, yes Aisling it was an interesting adventure XD

Neko: yeah, I hear ya. We don't have a parking attendant on campus (way too many parking lots) but if there were I doubt they'd tell ppl they can double-park, because the cops on campus ticket HEAVILY for parking violations. There were plenty of spaces open in the lot, they just parked there because they thought it was a valid spot (due to the other @%$#@ parked illegally) and they wanted to be close to the bus stop :P lol its amazing how viciously ppl fight over parking spots that are close to the exit/bus stop.
and yeah, as i said before my BF is a magician with cars. he finds a way to make things work ^_^

barkeep, sumthin for the extreme coldness of this afternoon.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:56 PM


I think that's mostly rigth Rose, but I happen to know someone ( cough Navy cough) might be able to do courses in music ( or am I remembering wrong?)

Ok it has to be love Neko ... just got kicked repeatedly, spit on and covered in spoiled milk to help a teacher with an unusually demanding 8 year old ( very violent) if this isn't for love then I am the worlds biggest idiot

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 3:55 PM


O_o that is a very crazy eight year old. was there a reason for said outburst?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:46 PM


yes...he was at school. He'd really rather have been at home where he can be as abusive and manic as he he kind of likes the rush of the manic state ( oh and he exhibits severe symptoms and parents aren't consistent at providing meds and access to psychiatrist...poor little guy) Basically his parents are so dysfunctional that they are unable to provide appropriate setting and care for the little guy

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:04 PM


>< poor little dude.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:53 PM


You're kinda right rose. You can do it over, but if you want to go to Uni at school leaving age and dont get all the required grades for a subject at the same time, usually they up the requirements. After school one can go to college and sit the same classes you did in school, but again, the requirements change. If you are classed as a mature student, which I might be getting close to, then they often lower the requirements so long as you attend some type of refresher course or something before the main event. It's not impossible for me to still attend Uni, it would just have been a hell of a lot easier if I got it first chance around.

and me going to uni for music... that must be more trademark msa insane talk.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:07 AM


Morning all!

Stupid darn pager goin' off while I am trying to sleep!!!

(curls up in the Hammock next to the fire and goes back to sleep)

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Forsaken


Thursday, January 22, 2009 4:22 AM



Originally posted by Dancingneko:
MsA: I guess it was out of love (or greatly insane delusion).

((glee!)) ((considers eGlomp, ignoring the mannequin))......!
It's always nice to see you, 'Neko. ^^

Originally posted by MsA:
if this isn't for love then I am the worlds biggest idiot

((carefully considers this statement before responding)).......


((decides not to respond))


Thursday, January 22, 2009 5:17 AM


hey Kel, HK,

how you doing today?

First down day of the year at work, in fact all three of us are feeling like crap but at least its quiet.

Anyone ever have any problems making decisions? I'm usually pretty decisive but running this stuff round in my head for a few months. Guess cause it's all about music and that's how I've defined myself for years so even though in the grand scheme of things pretty insignificant but can't make my mind up. Then me and other half made the decision to move house in about two days and already had a pretty successful meeting with a mortgage adviser so just need to get the flat sold.

sorry, rambling, strange day, if you're really unlucky I'll get onto my school/uni stuff.

*falls asleep in the corner*


Thursday, January 22, 2009 6:27 AM


*wanders in and makes coffee*

MsA, I'm thinkin' that you are under-appreciated for your work. Here's to hoping that you can get through to him and give him a bit of the help and direction he needs. (Sometimes I think that most people shouldn't be allowed to breed... but that's another soapbox lol).

*Dishes up chocolate chip cookies* Good for what ails ya!

Things have been a bit wonky here too. A watermain burst down the street and my pipes still froze. And the cat was gracious enough to not vomit on the bed... just the carpet next to it. Yup - it's a Thursday!!! *roflmao*


Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

"...I never could get the hang of Thursdays."



Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:01 AM


(makes a Mango Smootie for PR)

Hey Gee, Sneaky Lass, PR and Aisling

(goes back to sleep)

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Forsaken






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