Life Onboard Serenity: #41 - Changeable Weather

UPDATED: Sunday, February 8, 2009 18:48
VIEWED: 27988
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:14 PM


Serenity's Cargo Bay

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Pain go stay with Ivy. If he comes by the ship I'll handle him, trust me."

"Uh huh." Pain stubbornly snorted, not moving an inch from where he was.

Pain was all kinds of tense and it didn't take an empath or a reader to figure that out. His nerves were on edge, his muscles were taut, his senses were all on high alert, and Pain's trigger fingers were primed and ready to go at a moments notice. He wished he had a smoke right now. A nice smooth cigar or even a pack of Blue Sun Golds would do the trick and mellow him out about now, but such wasn't the case. He started to wonder if he had any wayward smokes laying around in his room. If he didn't he'd have to risk sneaking into Jayne's room and borrowing some of his.

Breathing out a frustrated sigh, Pain said to John, "His name's Grayson and he's a lawman lookin' for Ivy. Might need to convince one of the womenfolk that they were the one with me durin' the shoppin' spree and not Ivy in order to throw him off. Probably ain't goin' to be easy especially with him sniffin' around."


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 7:28 PM



Originally posted by JaynesMane:
I've never been too into this stuff, but it sounds good, so I may give it a shot if I can find the free time.

OOC: Well we're always looking for fresh faces here and we'd be more than happy to have you aboard, JaynesMane.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, January 7, 2009 9:13 PM


"Oranges, you say?" Ivy asked Aiko. She started looking around her plants. "While it is true that I don't have actual orange trees in here. I do have a new hybrid fruit in here. They look like grapes, but they are red in color and tastes just like an orange."

She found it and hefted it out of it's place. She carried it around to Aiko.

"I think you'll like them," she said smiling. "Eat as many as you like, just make sure that there are a couple left over in case I have a customer who might want to try them."

"You know, I am thinking about trying to market my plants out here, you know, putting up a notice on the cortex for worlds we are going to visit?"

Ivy pulled off one of the fruits from the vine and handed it to Aiko.

"Try it. They're awesome."


Friday, January 9, 2009 9:38 PM


Grayson continued his search on the docks, stopping by two other firefly class transports, but finding nothing. He was getting frustrated, but he pressed on. If he had to walk the entire dock area, he would. Luckily the rain was tapering off.

Maybe I should’ve gone through and asked every ship if they had seen her, he thought.

That’s when he saw it. Another firefly. He looked up at the body of the ship. Serenity was her name. Although he wanted to run up there as fast as possible, he knew he had to play it cool and he probably needed to play the official card. Maybe if he sounded authoritative enough, they would let him search the ship.

As he got closer to the ship, he caught sight of the large man he had spoken to and that accompanied the girl in the blue poncho.

“Well, well,” he said to himself as he kept advancing on the ship. “That’s a mighty big coincidence.”

Meanwhile, on the ship, Pain leaned in close to John.

“Down there. About 100 feet away,” Pain subtly motioned with his head, his hand resting firmly on the handle of one of his guns, ready for anything. “The guy that’s dressed rather spiffy with the beard. That’s him. I don’t care if he is a family friend. He’s not going to find her. He’s not going to take her away from me.”

Pain paused before adding the next thought under his breath.

“I’ll shoot him if I have to.”


Saturday, January 10, 2009 4:40 PM


"For now, I think shooting is a decision of the bad variety. I'll handle him. River be ready incase you need to help me."

John walked out of the ship and up to the man who seemed to be staring at it.

"You seem to be staring at my boat. Well not mine exactly but the one I'm on. I'm sorry, but we're not taking passengers. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

John stood calm and colected in front of the man. If he was lucky he could spin this so as to not flat out lie to the man.



Saturday, January 10, 2009 7:49 PM


In the Cargo Bay

As John headed in Grayson's direction, Pain turned and started to head up the stairs towards the galley. Truth be told he was a little on the hungry side. He didn't know if it was the shopping or the fun times he had with Ivy that were making him hungry, or if it was both of those things. Needless to say Pain needed to fill his stomach with food and why not do that while John dissuaded Grayson from the ship?


Pain made his way into the galley and walked over to the pantry. He opened the pantry's door and stepped inside to have a gander at the food inside. He quite honestly didn't know what to have for a snack, so while John was with Grayson, Ivy was talking with Aiko (which Pain didn't know was going on), and everyone else either doing their own thing aboard or waiting for the captain and Isahiah to return, Pain pondered on what to snack on.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 10, 2009 8:41 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"You seem to be staring at my boat. Well not mine exactly but the one I'm on. I'm sorry, but we're not taking passengers. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Grayson looked inside the cargo bay and watched the big man head upstairs. He was right that he was armed, but he seemed armed a little too much. A large gun in a shoulder holster and two sidearms strapped to his legs. Not something a regular joe would walk about town with.

Something is going on here, Grayson thought.

"My name is Grayson Cornwell with Allied Law Enforcement," he told John, showing him his badge at the same time. One thing with being in the WPS division, there was no jurisdiction limitations. "I was actually looking to speak with the man who is heading up the stairs and to the lady who was traveling with him."

Grayson looked over at one of the crates and sees Ivy's navy blue poncho.

"I have obviously seen him and the poncho she was wearing is right there," Grayson said pointing to her poncho.

Something is definitely going on, Grayson thought. And I am going to find out exactly what it is.

His expression changed from that of a friendly call to one of a seasoned lawman who was on a hot lead.

"I must insist on speaking to them both," Grayson said firmly and with authority. "Right now."


Monday, January 12, 2009 2:32 PM


'Of course he's alliance,' John thought, 'otherwise this could have been easy.'
River was out of the questions as far as pretending to be Ivy and that left two females onboard one who he had a much better relationship with. 'River get Inara and tell her what's going on.'

"Can I ask you why?" John said to the man, "far as I know Pain's just been out on a supply run and can't have done anything to you or yours. I know you'll probably just shrug me off and not tell me, but I'd really appreciated if you would."



Monday, January 12, 2009 7:21 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Can I ask you why? Far as I know Pain's just been out on a supply run and can't have done anything to you or yours. I know you'll probably just shrug me off and not tell me, but I'd really appreciated if you would."

“It’s official business,” Grayson said curtly. “You’re man’s name is Pain?”


“That his real name?” Grayson asked as pulled out a CorePad and recorded the information.

“That you’d have to ask him,” John said. “He’s a very private man.”

Grayson looked up from his CorePad at John, suspicious by that statement. Is the guy a wanted man? That would make sense if John wouldn’t give Pain’s full name.

“What about the girl? What’s her name?”


Inara. Grayson wished he had said either "Ivy" or "Tommy," but he said Inara. But the vibe he was feeling still bothered him. So he decided to throw them even more off balance. Perhaps adding another issue to the mix might let something slip or show details of a story that didn’t quite match up.

“I’ll need to see the ship’s registration papers and cargo manifests too.”


Monday, January 12, 2009 7:51 PM


River ran up the catwalk and into Inara’s shuttle. She looked at Inara. Inara was dressed in a stunning gown, her hair coiffed like she’d spent a great deal of time on it and her make-up was expertly applied. River frowned.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” Inara asked.

“Wrong. All wrong,” River said softly. “Too suspicious.”

River bolted from Inara’s room and to the galley when she ran into Pain. She looked at him and tilted her head.

“He still here, I take it?” Pain asked, jaw clenching.

“You need to go down there,” she said. “He has questions.”

Pain’s hand came to rest again on his gun as River started to leave, but she came right back to Pain.

“Aiko is Inara.”

“Huh?” Pain said, quite confused.

“Aiko is Inara is Ivy and Tommy,” River said sounding a little crazy.

“You OK, River?”

River closed her eyes and took a quick breath.

“Too many details and not enough time,” River said quickly. “Call Aiko ‘Inara.’ She’s your girlfriend.”

She tore off down the hallway that would lead to the passenger dorms. Pain stood there, still trying to process her instructions when he heard River’s voice again.

“No shooting guns!”

River quickly made it down to where Aiko and Ivy were talking. She smiled sweetly and leaned into Ivy to whisper in her ear.

“Pain is having impure thoughts,” River told her. “He’s loud and it’s unsettling. You should go to your bunk.”

Ivy smiled and picked up her purchases she had gotten in town.

“I’ll talk to you later,” Ivy said to Aiko. A happy smile swept across her face. “I have something to attend to.”

As Ivy left, River turned her full attention on Aiko, who became uneasy. Aiko wasn’t comfortable in such close proximity of a psychic.

“You’re needed,” River told her as she grabbed her shoulders. Aiko recoiled a bit, but River went on. “There was trouble in town. Ivy needs your help. Go to the cargo bay to talk to the lawman.”

“W-What?” Aiko managed to say.

“Your name is Inara and you’re Pain’s girlfriend,” River said sternly. “Ivy’s life is depending on you.”

River turned Aiko around and shooed her into the cargo bay.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009 1:21 PM


"Fraid I'm not privy to those particular peices of information, you'd have to the captain whose away on business. Or you could ask Zoe who I suppose is acting captain." John had sensed his disappointment but also his suspicion. "I'd get her but that's leave you by your lonesome which wouldn't be to shiny for you considering you wouldn't be able to tell whose who. But you look like a respectable type so you just stay right here and I'll go get her and that manifest.

The information would be no problem, forged peices had been common for the ship forever, but he didn't trust the lawman and he hoped Pain and Inara would get down here soon.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:26 PM


Cargo Bay

Pain made his way down the stairs into the cargo bay. He was still wrapping his ahead around the whole 'Aiko is Inara is Ivy who's your girlfriend' idea of River's. He had to admit it was a good plan, a little confusing at first, but a good one nonetheless. The only problem was pulling it off to where it'd convince Grayson enough for him to leave Pain the rutt alone.

Spotting Aiko, Pain put on a big smile and embraced her with a hug in the most convincing matter he could muster. It was a little awkward for both of them, but Pain was blocking Aiko from Grayson and John's view for the moment.

"Just roll with it." Pain whispered into her ear. "I'm about as uneasy about this as you are, so don't be thinkin' you're the only one feelin' all manner of uncomfortable. Just relax, grin, and go with the flow."

He let go of her and the two of them walked over to where John and Grayson were. Pain hung his arm on Aiko's shoulder and gave the lawman a toothy grin.

"Ah, Grapeson, right?" Pain asked, intentionally screwing up the man's name, but making it look like he was trying to remember it. He gave John a smile as he rubbed Aiko's upper arm and gave her a comforting pat. Turning back to Grayson, Pain said to the man, "Where are my manners? Grayson, this is my girlfriend, Inara. Inara this is Agent Grayson. He seems to think you're the missin' girl he's lookin' for."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:34 PM


Oops! Double posted.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:34 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Ah, Grapeson, right? Where are my manners? Grayson, this is my girlfriend, Inara. Inara this is Agent Grayson. He seems to think you're the missin' girl he's lookin' for."


Pain was pretty even keeled when they talked in the grain store. Grayson didn’t note anything other than a need to put some distance between the two. Normally, Grayson wouldn’t have given him another thought except for the niggling feeling he had in the back of his mind. A hunch.

Since their initial meeting, the big man’s demeanor has moved on to almost paranoid when Grayson tried to go talk to his girlfriend in town to the very aggressive and confrontational one he was displaying now.

“They call you Pain?” Grayson asked him.


“Strange name, is it short for something?”

“Yes. You can add ‘in the ass’ to it for the full effect,” Pain added.

Grayson looked at the man with a slight smile on his face.

“You have a real name?”


“Could I have it for my records?” Grayson asked as he jotted down a couple more things on his CorePad.


He’s sure upfront about his attitude, Grayson thought. Downright blunt.

Grayson turned to his girlfriend. She looked about the same build as the girl in the street. He could just be wrong about his hunch. He hoped he wasn’t though. He wanted to find Ivy.

Pain has his arm around the girl, but she looked nowhere near as close as Pain and the girl on the street. They had a certain amount of intimacy between them on the street and he wasn’t getting that vibe right now. She looked stiff and almost terrified.

“And your name is Inara?” he asked.

She nodded slowly.

“Last name?”

With that last question, a simple enough one, the girl got the ‘deer in the headlights look.’

While they were talking, River worked quietly in the corner where Ivy's crates were located. She could tell she wouldn't be able to move them without being heard, so she threw a couple of fabric covers over them. Maybe it will not draw any undue notice should the lawman go looking around the cargo bay.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009 8:29 PM


Ivy almost floated up to her and Pain’s bunk with a wide smile on her face and her packages in her hands. When she got came down the ladder and looked to the far wall, her face fell.

The gun locker loomed in front of her. Lingering traces of what happened earlier that day edged along her memory.

“Don’t look,” she said out loud. Not even needing Tommy there to tell her.

She set the packages on the foot locker and rifled through them until she found what she was looking for. The clingy black t-shirt Pain bought for her. She quickly put it on and looked in the mirror. It had the effect she was hoping for. It hung on her every curve and ended a little higher than mid-thigh. It was slightly sheer, so shadows could be easily seen, highlighting the details of her body.

She looked back up at the gun locker and felt her heart pound a little. She needed to center herself, so she sat down on the floor, did some breathing exercises and started to go through some yoga poses.


Thursday, January 15, 2009 6:37 AM


I'm going in for some surgery tomorrow, so I'll be gone for a bit. I only plan on staying at the hospital one night (did you know they had free wifi there?), then be home. It will just be determined by how awful I feel.

Hopefully it won't be long, cause no matter what, I firmly believe that sitting with your laptop somewhere comfy is a viable recovery strategy (or at least I'm telling myself that).



Thursday, January 15, 2009 4:43 PM


John quickly retrieved the documents and returned to the fed. Pain could hold his own, it was Aiko he wasn't sure about.

"Here you are sir." John said stepping inbetween Aiko and the man. "Now if that's all you need I'd like to politely ask you to peruse these papers quick like and get on with your life."

John knew that with every minute the man's paranoia grew. Aiko was nervous and if things went poorly Pain wouldn't hesitate to shot the man. John hoped this could be resolved quickly. Of course on this ship, it wasn't likely.



Thursday, January 15, 2009 7:51 PM


Before the handing over of the paperwork.

Originally posted by GraysonCromwell: “Last name?”

"She doesn't have one." Pain replied. "It just plain old Inara. Simple as that. Kinda like that chef who has that one cooking show on the Cortex. You know the one who speaks with that weird accent and acts sort of goofy."


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak: "Here you are sir." John said stepping inbetween Aiko and the man. "Now if that's all you need I'd like to politely ask you to peruse these papers quick like and get on with your life."

"Yes." Pain added raising an eyebrow and placing a reassuring hand on Aiko's left shoulder. "Is everythin' in order? Have your questions been satisfactorily answered? Are we done now?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:05 PM



Don't you say a word Mobs...


Thursday, January 15, 2009 8:07 PM


Grayson looked over the papers and gave a quite eyeball of the cargo bay. Everything seemed to be in order. As for incomplete admission of their full names, he figured that it was probably due to his status as a lawman. There were still people there on the rim, most notably browncoats, who were cagey when it came to dealing with a fed. He sighed a bit, hoping that he had for once gotten a hot lead on Ivy, but it didn't not come to fruition.

"I guess everything looks in order," he finally said as he handed the papers back to John. He started to walk away, but stopped and turned back around. He pulled out the picture of Ivy. "If any of you happen to see this girl around, please, please call me. I really need to find her. She's not well and I fear that she's gotten into trouble. She needs to come back home where she can get the help she needs."

"Like I said in town," Pain told him. "I haven't seen her before."

Slightly defeated, Grayson nodded and went on his way, continuing down the docks looking for someone who might have seen her.

Pain turned to Aiko.

"Thank you. You have no idea how much this helped her, but can you do me a favor?"

"S-sure," Aiko stammered.

"Don't tell Ivy about what you saw."

"O... OK," she said. Aiko looked over at River, who was hiding in the corner and then back at John. Quickly, she bolted from the cargo bay, heading back to her room.


Saturday, January 17, 2009 8:29 AM


"Well that was suprisingly easy," said John stepping back into the cargo bay. He wasn't going to just let it go even so. Ivy had promised him that no one was coming after her. Maybe she din't know but experiance told John that that wasn't likely. Slipping past Pain John made his way to Ivy.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he said. For now he would play it cordially



Tuesday, January 20, 2009 6:39 PM


Ivy was starting to feel pretty good. She was breathing somewhat evenly (although the thought of Pain coming upstairs had her heart a flutter). She felt calm about the gun cabinet and what had gone down there earlier that afternoon.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Can I talk to you for a minute?" he said. For now he would play it cordially

He seemed very intent on talking to her. Almost a bit annoyed. She jumped up from her spot on the floor and threw one of Pain's shirts over the very revealing black, cingy T-shirt. She went over to the com by the door.

"Is this really neccessary right now, John?" she asked. "I kinda have some plans for later."


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:47 PM


"Fine, we'll talk later." John wasn't happy about this but it could wait. He walked outside of the ship for the cool air. He needed to cool down before he got too angry.

He watched the numerous people walk past. His mind raced. What if it was more than just this one, what if half the alliance was after her. As he thought about this, he noticed a woman walk by. She wore an alliance uniform so he shrunk away, keeping an eye on her. When... No it couldn't be. She couldn't be here. He needed to avoid her at all costs. There last meeting wasn't...good. But still, she had connections like no one he knew, and he needed the truth.

He ran up to her. "Excuse me Ma'am" he said and she turned, here eyes growing wide, "Yeah I know chance meeting, but since your here I need a favor, and even though I probably owe you the favor, I really need some information. I need to know everything you can get on a woman named Ivy, not sure of her last name but she has an association with a guy named Grayson." She could do it. Even with this little bit of info she could do it.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:53 PM


***NOTE: I know diddly about yoga, gynmastics or ballet, but this sounded like a cool way for her to relax since she's already stated that she was agile. So if you have any experience in either, just ignore my complete stupidity and act like I know what I'm doing - dong ma?***

Ivy shucked off the shirt she had thrown on so she could talk to John and went back to her exercises. The clingy black t-shirt really moulded to her body and didn't move, even when she did the difficult poses. Although she had no training in yoga, she had seen some pictures in a book once and combined them with some moves she had learned in her gymnastics and ballet classes as a child.

First, she started stretching, then did a pose called something funny. A downward facing dog pose. She always thought it was a funny name and meant to look up why it was called that, but never did. She kept her feet on the floor, making sure her heels still touched, then put both hands shoulder wide apart on the floor in front of her. Keeping her body taut and straight, she made what she thought was more like an upside down “v” shape. She held that position for a while before using some flexibility moves until she moved on to her next yoga move.

A One Leg Bridge Pose. She could see that, if you were a drawbridge and one side was up. She laid on the floor and made the bases of her “bridge” be her feet, shoulders and arms. She arched the rest of her body to make her bridge and then extended one leg straight up, pointing her toe. She held that position before moving onto another one.

A Devotion Scorpion. She could see the reason for this name completely. And it took some concentration to get into, but after you were done, it was pretty impressive. Her forearms made a “v” with her hands together like she was praying. One her forearms was the weight of her entire body, her back was arched to make sure her hips stayed over her balance point. Lastly, her feet pointed down and nearly touched her head. Many people could barely maneuver this position, even if they had a bar to rest their legs on (like a trapeze move that the “catcher” would do). This one really worked to clear her mind because it took a lot of concentration to hold.

Next, she brought her body down to rest on the floor and stood up before reaching backwards until she reached a full back bend. With a slight turn, all the vertebrae in her back cracked and she sighed.

That’s when she opened her eyes to see Pain leaning up against the ladder. She hadn't heard him come down. He had been watching her. A small smile graced his lips.

“Hey honey,” she greeted him.

She finished her backbend by gracefully bringing her feet over her head, completing a flip. She turned to face him.

“How are you doing?”


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:11 PM


Cargo Bay

Getting rid of Grayson was extremely easy indeed. Too easy for Pain's taste. He stood there looking out of the cargo bay for a little bit and then walked back into the cargo bay, cautiously looking back over his shoulder as he did so. He walked over to where Ivy's poncho lay and picked it up. Slinging it over his left shoulder, Pain made his way over to her bunk to see if she was in there.

He slid the door open and peeked in. It was very warm and humid inside Ivy's makeshift jungle. Pain could already feel his clothes starting to stick to him and he wasn't even in there for long.

"Baobei?" Pain asked as he looked around. "You in here?"

He waited for a response, but received none. Pain nodded and backed out of the room, sliding the door closed. There was only one other place that she could be on the ship. It started with a 'b', ended in 'unk', and it was both theirs'. Pain walked up the stairs near the infirmary completely missing John as the other man headed down the stairs leading from the fore deck.


The big mercenary rounded the corner and entered the galley. He noticed Cate was there, a fact that he missed when he tried to find something to snack on before. She was still sitting at the table with book in hand, completely immune to what was going on around her.

"Hey, Cate." Pain casually replied. "How's the readin' goin'?"

"Good." she replied, not even looking up at him as she took a sip of her tea.

"Have fun with that." Pain replied, traversing the galley and entering the fore deck.

"Uh huh." she replied, as she set her tea cup down on the table and continued to read.

Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain opened the hatch to the bunk and climbed down the ladder, manually closing the hatch as soon as he had enough room to do so. Setting his feet down on the metal grating of the bunk's floor, Pain's eyes drew upon Ivy. She was wearing the clingy black shirt that Pain had bought not too long ago and she was being very very bendy. He watched her intently, his mind completely forgetting about Grayson as it went into naughty thought overload.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Hey honey,” she greeted him.

She finished her backbend by gracefully bringing her feet over her head, completing a flip. She turned to face him.

“How are you doing?”

"Fine." Pain replied, still smiling. "Very fine indeed."

"Clingy indeed. Shear too. I'm glad she made me buy it." he thought as his eyes were drawn to the shirt. He handed her the poncho and said as he still admired the shirt's clinging ability, "You forgot this in the cargo bay. Thought I'd bring it up to you."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009 8:40 PM


He was holding out the poncho to her, but his eyes were on her and her new t-shirt. She smiled deviously.

“I should put that back on, shouldn’t I?” she asked.

“Uh huh,” Pain said slowly and his eyes drank more of her in. Then the words actually registered in his mind. “NO! I mean… No. You’re just fine.”

He titled his head just a little.

Fine indeed,” he finished as he tossed both his coat and her poncho over onto the foot locker.

He went over to his gun locker and removed the guns from his body, he looked back at her to see what she was doing. He didn’t want a repeat performance of the episode earlier that day. All he saw was a view of her backside as she stood there, bending at the waist, going through a bag of stuff she had bought earlier that day.

“Oh, my” he whispered as his eyes floated down her legs, back up and to her rear end. “Oh, my indeed.

He quickly placed the guns inside the locker as she found what she was looking for and stood up. She turned around with a paper bag of stuff as he closed the door and locked it.

“I got something for you,” Ivy said to him as she walked up to him. Now Pain got the frontal view of the t-shirt she wore. “Give me your hand.”

Pain did exactly what she asked and she turned his arm so that his palm faced upward. She took a small handful of items out of the bag and placed them along the inside of his forearm.

“Now just wait a sec,” she said as she looked up at him, but he was still looking at the shirt.

“Uh huh,” Pain absently whispered.

After a couple of seconds she was ready.

“There,” she said. “Perfect. Just like I thought they’d be.”

Pain looked down at his arm to see 6-7 small chocolate chips lined up on it, melted only by his body heat. She leaned down and sensually licked the chocolate off before looking back up at him.

“Dear God,” he managed to verbalize.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:59 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

"So this is what you didn't want me seein' you buy huh?" added Pain as he managed to get his eyes focused on Ivy's.

"Uh huh." she said, smiling at him. "They're called Teeny Chips and they melt from body heat."

"Well now." replied Pain, his lips forming a small devious smile. "That is very interestin'."

Pain took the bag from Ivy's hand and studied the contents for a short bit before placing them on the desk. Turning to Ivy, Pain's hands gripped her waist and hoisted her up in the air, much to her surprise. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her for a bit, before sitting her down on the desk next to the bag of Teeny Chips.

Taking the bag, Pain examined the contents once again and said, "I guess it's my turn now, babe. Stick out your left arm, palm facing upwards."

She did as she was asked and watched as Pain placed 8 chips in a straight line from her wrist to her elbow. There was a ninth one, but it had melted on Pain's right thumb. Taking her left arm in his left hand, Pain leaned down slightly and slowly licked the melted spots of chocolate off, eliciting a small giggle from her.

After finishing Pain looked at his right thumb and said, "Huh. Seems I got one on my thumb."

He turned his thumb to show her and then licked it off. Drawing himself closer to her, Pain brought her lips to his and kissed her very slowly. Separating from the embrace, but keeping his lips a few millimeters from hers', Pain whispered, "I believe it's your turn again, darlin'."


Thursday, January 22, 2009 7:28 PM


CAUTION: PG-13++ ahead...


As Pain kissed her, she could taste the chocolate. It lingered on his lips and on his tongue. It was intoxicating.

“Did I tell you how much I like chocolate?” Ivy asked

“You might have mentioned it,” Pain said. “But just for comparison’s sake, exactly how much?”

She reached down and removed his shirt, baring his chest. She laid chips across his shoulder to his neck.

“You want to know how much?” she teased as she boosted herself further up on the desk, giving the chips a chance to melt. “How about this much?”

Tenderly, she spent time sucking the chocolate off each and every spot until she had arrived at the last chip. There she dipped her finger into the chocolate before licking the rest off. She touched the chocolate to his bottom lip, then proceeded to kiss him slowly until it was gone.

“Was that enough?” she asked.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:17 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk
CAUTION: PG-13 ++ ahead....



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“Was that enough?” she asked.

"Hmmmm." Pain murmured, as his hands trailed down her arms and stopped at the hem of her clingy shirt. "I'm thinkin' I might need more convincin'."

Pain slowly removed Ivy's shirt, taking time to bask in her beauty. He was delighted that she was only wearing a pair of panties and nothing else underneath it. Pain's hands caressed every inch of her upper body causing Ivy to smile and murmur in return. He gave her a devious smile and dipped his hand into the bag of chocolate chips. He placed them along her left collar bone and waited for them to melt.

Once they did, Pain used a finger to smear the last two into a line that ran down the middle of her chest and stopped just above her navel. He then proceeded to slowly suck the little chocolate puddles off her collar bone. When he reached her neck he tenderly kissed her in that one spot that always caused her to moan. Smiling, Pain then let his tongue slowly follow the chocolate trail down to her belly button where he kissed her ever so teasingly.

Standing back up, Pain gave her another kiss on the mouth, then whispered into her ear, "So what do you think? Do I need more convincin'?"


Thursday, January 22, 2009 8:52 PM


WARNING... PG-13++ ahead


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"So do you think? Do I need more convincin'?"

"I don't know," she asked as she hopped down off the desk and led him to the bed. "Do you need more convincing?"

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She kissed him deeply and passionately until his back rested on the bed. She grabbed some chips and laid them across one of his ribs.

"Just in case, I will demonstrate again," she teased as she pushed her hair off to one side in order to keep it out of the wonderful confection.

Once melted, she slowly tasted each chip, her tongue flickering softly after every one she consumed. Her mouth returned to his afterwards to tantalize him further. He still tasted of chocolate.

She moaned in delight as she continued to passionately kiss him.

"How's that?"


Thursday, January 22, 2009 9:32 PM


Still in their bunk
WARNING: PG-13 +++ ahead.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"How's that?"

"Still goin' to need some more convincin'." Pain replied with a wide grin.

"More!" Ivy asked in feigned disbelief. "Is there no pleasing you?"

"Never said anythin' about not bein' pleased, baobei." Pain replied sitting up. He gave her a kiss and added with a devilish smile, "Just said you needed to do more convincin'."

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With that said Pain turned the stakes and lowered Ivy onto her back. Getting a handful of chips, Pain placed them along her ribcage and a few millimeters from the panty line of her bikini bottom panties. Once they melted, Pain ever so diligently licked the chocolate away. First his tongue caressed each rib until the chocolate was gone. After that he kissed her passionately and repeated that with each rib. Once the chocolate near her ribcage was gone, Pain's tongue traced it's way across her abdomen, taking the chocolate with it ever so slowly. When he was finished he gave her a kiss below her navel and brought his lips to hers', giving her one long lasting, passionate, chocolate flavored kiss.

"So how was that?" Pain asked, smiling at Ivy.


Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:20 PM



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With him still hovering over her, she reached down and unbuckled his pants and started to push them away. Helping her out, he kicked off his boots shed the rest of his clothing. She turned him over and shimmied out of the remaining piece of her clothing.

She slid up his body, showering him with kisses as she seized his mouth with hers. Aggressive, passionate and burning hot kisses assaulted Pain.

She parted from him just long enough to straddle Pain and begin a different kind of sensual experience. Pain groaned in delight.

“Tommy…” he groaned as he gripped her hips.

Tommy leaned close to his ear.

“She was taking too long…” she breathed.


Friday, January 23, 2009 8:20 PM



Pain and Ivy's Bunk

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"Yes." moaned Pain as Tommy continued to ride him. He started to kiss and suck at her neck and murmured as his hands ran up and down her body, "She seems to like hoggin' me all to herself."

He moaned again and gripped Tommy's hips tighter, pulling her down harder on him as his lips met hers' with bruising intensity. As their tongues waged a spit swapping battle, Pain's hands roved over to her buttocks and gave them a lover's squeeze.

Breaking off the kiss, but keeping his lips close to hers', Pain said between moans, "Don't seem fair to you, her not givin' you equal time with me." He gave her a smile and added, "She needs to share. It's a lot more fun when you share."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, January 23, 2009 9:29 PM


WARNING... yada, yada, you know what we mean...

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“When I share?” she asked, kissing him. “I’m not sharing right now. You’re-”

Her mouth opened slightly as her eyes fluttered closed. She opened them back up after a second and continued.

“You’re right, she’s been monopolizing you,” she told him, her voice rising a bit on the last word. She ran her hands through his hair and pressed her body against his. “I might let her in later, but for now, you are all mine.”

Her kisses told a story of want and of need. She missed him, missed him greatly, but she wasn’t angry with Ivy at all. She enjoyed herself then too, just in a different way. She leaned her forehead against his, locking eyes.

“And I know a lot of ways to make you happy. Just relax and let me work. You won’t be sorry.”

“Never am,” Pain agreed, his eyes staring into her green ones, losing himself just a little in their color. “Not with either of you.”

He let go of her hips, knowing if he kept that up, neither one of them would last long. He let his hands slide up her spine, making her shudder a bit.

“I know,” she whispered as she fought to keep her eyes locked on his. It would be so easy to just let herself go, let herself get lost in him, but she wanted this to last and talking seemed to help a bit. “We really enjoyed ourselves earlier, you know, in the… oh… in the… oooh… dressing room. We should do that more often.”


Saturday, January 24, 2009 2:19 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

WARNING... yada, yada, you know what we mean...

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"I'm sure that.. mmmm oh yeah.. that can be arranged." replied Pain as he looked in her eyes.

Their mouths met once more, tongues dancing within each other as lovers' hands roamed over bodies every which way and back again. Tommy pressed her body closer to Pain's, the touching, her movements, and the tactile sensations that presented themselves made Pain want her even more. Their lips separated as Tommy arched her back and let out a moan. Bringing her head back down caused her blond locks to fall down and surround Pain's face. She gave him a sultry smile and slowly wiggled her hips some before bringing her lips back to Pain's.

Leaving her mouth, Pain's lips kissed their way up to her right earlobe as his fingers danced over her ribs. After giving her earlobe some playful nibbling, Pain moaned into her ear, "Baobei? Why don't... mmmmm... why don't you show me some.. ooh... some of the ways you can make me... oh yeah... make me happy?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 24, 2009 7:19 PM


Warning: Well, you know...

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“If I told you… mmm… what I was going to do, then it wouldn’t be… ah… a surprise, now would it?” she said as she smiled devilishly at him.

Not breaking stride, she stretched over him and grabbed the bag of chocolates. She reached in, grabbed a couple and held them tightly into her hand. After they had melted she spread the small amount of chocolate from his shoulder, up his neck to his jaw. Slowly, she kissed and licked the chocolate off, pausing every once in a while to let out a cry of delight. Then she continued her feast by nibbling on his earlobe.

“So do you make it a habit to sex… oh God… girls up in public places?” she asked as she rotated her hips just a little.


Saturday, January 24, 2009 8:15 PM


Warning: Do you even have to ask?

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She had changed her motions a bit and it felt good. Pain moaned in pleasure, turned his head to gave her a smile and answered, "Just the one's I'm.. oh that feels sooo good baobei.. in a relationship with and who need.. oh yeah.. sexin'."

He brought her mouth to his and resumed the tongue wrestling match. As they assaulted each others mouth, Pain slipped his hands between him and Tommy and cupped her breasts, giving them a gentle massage with his callused hands. Tommy broke off the kissing to let out a moan. Giving Pain a smile she arched her back once more and Pain took that opportunity to bury his face in her chest. Tommy let out a surprised gasp as she felt the tender touch of Pain's mouth working down there. He knew just what to do to make her eyes flutter up into the back of her head and moan again. She wished it wouldn't stop, but when it did she found Pain kissing up to her collar bone and up her neck, taking some time to add another hickey.

Moving to her ear, Pain nibbled on her lobe before whispering in her ear, "Did you like that?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 24, 2009 9:06 PM


WARNING... PG-13+++ ahead...

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Tommy locked eyes with Pain again as she continued her “work,” but her body was beginning to betray her. Her desire for longevity was being surpassed by the all consuming need for release. She gripped his ribs, pushing herself more upright.

“Not yet… oh… not yet… God!… But… it feels so… oooh… yes!… Pain!…”

She was rapidly nearing the point of no control and in doing what was feeling better and better, she could tell she was bringing him in that direction as well. She had to do something. She had to do something to slow herself down. She needed a break.

Just a quick break.

Her back arched as she flung her head back and her mouth opened to cry out only to have her body slow and her strokes lengthen. Pain moaned as she relaxed to her previous disposition. She came back to his lips and covered his mouth with hers, showering slow, deep kisses on him. Her tongue tangled with his, languidly, but oh-so-hot.

“Ivy…” he murmured as his hands fell to her waist and started to edge towards her hips. He grunted, seized her hips and pulled her down harder on him. “Oh God… Ivy…”

“Shhhh…” she shushed into his ear. “Be patient and listen to me… We aren’t done yet…”

Reluctantly, he let go of her hips again and let his hands roam.

“Where’d Tommy…” Pain started before his breath hitched. “Where’d she go?”

“She was going too fast…” Ivy said as she let out a low moan. “And I intend to go as slow as possible.”

Ad she did exactly that. She slowed even more, making her movements ever so deliberate, teasing Pain with the pleasure she brought.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 6:30 PM


WARNING... PG-13+++ ahead...

Pain and Ivy's Bunk

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"Mmmmm that feels good, baobei." moaned Pain as he nuzzled her neck, planting slow tender kisses along it. Moving upwards he brushed his lips against her ear and rasped, "That feels sooo good. Oh yeah don't stop, baobei."

Pain let Ivy take control as he focused his attention on her and let the world around them fade into oblivion. Mal and Isahiah could take their own sweet time getting back to the ship or not come back at all. It didn't really matter to him. In fact the only things that mattered to Pain were those going on inside their bunk. Time seemed meaningless as their bodies moved in synchronous harmony, mouths and hands moving and touching all over. It was so very intoxicating and extremely pleasurable to both of them.

Pain ran his hands through her sweat soaked hair as his tongue explored her mouth. Her movements down below caused him to moan while their lips were temporarily separated. As their lips locked back together, Pain freed one hand and grabbed the bag of Teeny Chips.

Bringing them to rest at his side, Pain broke off their kissing and suggestively asked, "So is there.. oh baby... there anywhere else on my.. oh God yes.. on my body that you'd like to.. ooh.. lick melted chocolate off of?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 25, 2009 7:28 PM


WARNING: yada... yada...

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“Anywhere else?” she asked as she shuddered a bit. She wriggled her hips again a little, eliciting a happy grunt from Pain. “I’m sure there is, but not… uuhh… not anywhere I could reach from this… (sucks in a breath) from this position… Unless you’d like me… mmm… to stop…”

She slowed to near stop, but Pain groaned at her ploy, grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down on him harder, using his hips to nudge her on.

“Don’t you even think about it,” he managed to say between moans.

She slid her hand into the bag and took out a handful anyway. Holding them for a minute to melt them. She rubbed her hands together then smeared the chocolate over his abs and chest.

“What are you doing?” he asked. “Even I… oooh… know you’re not that agile.”

She drew a finger in the chocolate down to his navel, then took the time to place it in her mouth.

“I just thought it’d be fun,” she answered, giving him a devious smiled. She leaned down and kissed him slowly, savoring the chocolate before sitting upright a bit again. Her eyes then fluttered closed, she arched her back and began to pant. “Pain… oh God… Pain…”


Sunday, January 25, 2009 8:12 PM


WARNING: yada... yada...

Pain and Ivy's Bunk

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"Ivy?" Pain grunted out as she moved up and down.

He could tell she was on the verge of losing control and letting the tidal forces of passion consume her. He also knew that he himself wasn't far off as well. Knowing that, Pain took some of the chocolate that she had rubbed on him and used it to rub on her chest using circular motions as he did so.

"Yes, Pain?" she moaned as she continued her motions, her head tilted to one side.

Pain drew in a breath and let it out before saying, "Perhaps you should... oh yes... you should let Tommy take.. ooh.. control now and lean down for me. Please?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:20 PM


WARNING: Ummm... definitely.

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Ivy was feeling the waves of passion rising higher and higher in her. She shuddered as they came closer to enveloping her completely. She vaguely heard Pain say something about Tommy and she let go, feeling herself start to fly as Tommy came forward.

Tommy leaned down and seized Pain’s mouth, running her chocolate covered hands over his chest and through his hair. A few tendrils of her hair, nearly soaked with sweat, stuck to her face. She wanted him, she needed him with every fiber of her being.

“There… oooh… you are,” Pain said. “Tommy, you feel so good.”

A moan escaped her lips as she pulled away from his lips. His hands slid up her body to her ribs as he gently lifted her torso away from him. She felt his mouth on her body, his tongue removing the chocolate from where he spread it just moments ago.

Her whole body trembled as he continued, she whispered his name between pants.

“I need you,” she moaned. “I want you.”

“Oh, Tommy!” he groaned as he flipped her over onto her back.

They continued, not breaking stride. Her legs wrapped around his waist and clenched tighter as he sped up. Together, their bodies danced, moving in synchronicity. Her arms wrapped around his neck as his hands ran through her hair.

“Oh… Pain… oh…!” she chanted as the volume of her cries increased slightly.

Pain wrapped his arms around her as they both rode the waves of ecstasy, their bodies seizing together, each offering their partner all the pleasure they could. Their mouths claimed each others until their bodies slowed, shuddering until there was nothing left to give.

Afterwards, Pain collapsed onto her, careful not to crush her even though he had no energy left. After a moment of gasping for air, he rolled over, bringing her with him to rest on his chest.


Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:03 PM


Grayson finished his search of the docks and found nothing. As he walked back, he came across Serenity again. His steps slowed to a stop as he looked inside. He couldn’t see anyone in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the cargo bay and he soon found his feet heading that way.

Meanwhile, River was in her room, drawing, when she felt him approach again. She bolted out of her room looking to ascertain Ivy’s whereabouts. She ran into Jayne.

“You know where Ivy is?”

“Yeah. Her ‘n Pain are going at it again. They’re like rutting bunnies,” he said as he brushed past her. “I’m gonna go lift some.”

He grumbled and groused to himself as he headed down to the cargo bay. As he sat down on the bench, he saw Grayson there, looking in. Jayne got up and walked closer to him.

"Hey!" he called out to Grayson. "You looking for somethin'?"


Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:33 PM


WARNING: PG-13++ (This is the last one, folks!).

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Once Pain had caught his breath, he smiled and ran a hand through Tommy's hair. She looked up and gave him a smile, planting a kiss on his lips before licking some of the chocolate off his chest.

"That was definitely fun, baobei." Pain said as he watched her. "Messy, but fun."

"Mmmmm I'll say." she replied, running her tongue around one of his shoulders.

She let out a little moan as Pain gave her a few teasing thrusts to which she slowly wiggled her hips in response. He gave her a few more before calling it quits. She pouted at Pain and sucked some chocolate off her right pointer finger.

"Believe me, darlin'." Pain said as he looked at the naked, sweaty, and chocolate smeared blond beauty on top of him. "I'd like to go another round with you, but we got a job about to go down and we need to get cleaned up lest Mal sees us covered in chocolate and pops a blood vessel. I figure we can use a wash cloth and the sink to get rid of most of the chocolate, but we'll have to use the shower to get the rest."

He was right. As much as Tommy wanted to smother Pain in chocolate and ride him some more, they did have more important things to do which required them to get cleaned up for. Lifting off Pain, Tommy stood and looked at herself. Parts of her were indeed chocolate covered. She watched as Pain stood up and followed him. She saw him pull the sink out from the wall and turn it on. She walked over and watched as he ran a wash cloth under the running water and give it a squeeze.

Pain turned to her, smiled and said, "Ladies first."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, January 26, 2009 7:53 PM


Pain and Tommy got as clean as possible by using the sink in their bunk. Pain had even got the chocolate out of his hair, but Ivy's hair was longer and it was going to take an actual shower to make sure it was gone.

"I'll be back," she told him as she threw on a pair of pants and a t-shirt of Pain's. "Could you get us some food while I am gone? I'm starved."

Pain leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

"Sure bao bei."

She grabbed her shower kit and disappeared up the ladder. River was sitting in the Galley, fidgeting a bit.

"Hey River," Tommy said happily as she walked by.

"Hi Tommy," River said, knowing exactly who was in charge. "Is Pain in your bunk?"

"He is," she answered, pausing by the door. "Is there something wrong?"

"Not anything you need to deal with," River answered cryptically. Then she saw that Ivy was going down the stairs that would lead her across the cargo bay to get to the passenger dorms. "Don't go that way."

"Why not?" Tommy asked, starting to sound suspicious. "Are you sure nothing is wrong?"

"Jayne went down that way," River said wrinkling up her nose. "He smells."

Tommy laughed while she changed directions to go down the stairs that would put her in the shower area via the dorms.

"Thanks for the heads up."

Once she was out of site, River made a beeline for Pain. She rapped lightly on the door.

"Pain! Pain!" she called out, keeping an eye out to make sure that Tommy didn't come back.

Pain opened the hatch and looked up into River's concerned face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, instantly knowing that something was.

"He's back," River said and quickly left.

Pain stood there for a second, letting what she said sink in. Who's back? Then it hit him. Grayson. And Tommy was headed for the showers near the passenger dorms and the cargo bay. He grabbed a gun from his locker, shoved it in his pocket, dashed up the ladder and after her. He needed to make sure she didn't go anywhere near the cargo bay. He had to make sure she wasn't seen.


Monday, January 26, 2009 8:16 PM



Originally posted by GraysonCornwell:
"Hey!" he called out to Grayson. "You looking for somethin'?"

This was someone he hadn't met on his first time around. He stepped forward.

"Actually, I looking for someone," he said as he put his hand inside his jacket and pulled out a picture of Ivy. He decided to play the concerned family member with this one. "I'm looking for this girl. She's a niece of mine. A bit unstable. Someone told me that she might have found passage on a firefly."

He handed the picture of Ivy to Jayne.

"I just want to take her home to get the medical help she needs," Grayson added.

Jayne took the picture out of Grayson's hand. A slight smile tugged at one side of his mouth.

"You say she's unstable? Like she's not all there?"

"It comes and goes, but she could be a danger to herself... or others," Grayson affirmed, making her condition sound a bit worse than it seemed. "Please tell me you've seen her."


Wednesday, January 28, 2009 2:06 PM


"Why should I help you?" the woman said to him coldly.

"Because we were friends once. And even though that fell apart, we have a past that, while it lasted was good I guess. And for the sake of that I need a favor that will take you about two seconds."

"We were never friends. Aquaintences. That's all."

"You're probably right."

"Fine I'll send someone. How long will you be docked."

"Not sure. Thanks"

"Whatever." She turned and walked away.

John walked back to the ship and saw the fed standing there. "What do you think you're doing here? Unless you have some reason to be here, leave. Now."



Wednesday, January 28, 2009 4:49 PM



Originally posted by GraysonCornwell:
"Please tell me you've seen her."

"She don't look the dangerous type," Jayne said. "What'd she do?"

"Nothing yet," Grayson answered. "Just trying to be pro-active."

13 walked out to where Jayne and Grayson were talking.

"What's up?" he asked.

Grayson pointed at the picture in Jayne's hand.

"I'm looking for that girl in the photo there," Grayson explained. "She's my niece and she's missing."

"He says she ain't all there," Jayne said as 13 looked over his shoulder at the picture.

13 got a wide smile on his face.

"Well, looky there..." he whistled softly as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. He was about to say something when John came onto the scene.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"What do you think you're doing here? Unless you have some reason to be here, leave. Now."

Grayson turned at the sound of his voice and faced John.

"I saw some new people, thought I'd ask. You never know what someone might have seen," Grayson said as he tilted his head just a bit. "But now you've gone and got downright aggressive with me, which makes me think you got something to hide."

He stepped back a bit so he could see all three of them and his hand fell on his weapon. No one was going to get behind him and get the drop on him.

"So I have to ask myself, are you all doing something you shouldn't be?" he asked. "Or do you know what happened to the girl? It's one of them... and I will find out."

He pulled a com out of his pocket and opened it, all the while keeping an eye on all three of them.

"This is Grayson with WPS. I checked in earlier. I need a landlock on a ship on the dock. Names Serenity. And I need some backup. I need to do a ship wide search."

Grayson closed the com and smirked at John.

"Now we will get to the bottom of this, won't we?"

Meanwhile, up on the bridge...

Alarms started beeping. Hearing them, Zoe went from her bunk to see what it was.


"Juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan," she muttered as she high tailed it down to the cargo bay.

*Juh jen sh guh kwai luh duh jean jan = This is a happy development (sarcastic)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009 7:09 PM


"! ! !" Pain mentally shouted as he ran after Tommy.

She had just rounded the corner in the aft deck hallway and started down the stairs that lead to both the infirmary and the cargo bay. Pain literally flew through the galley, clipping one of the chairs with his hip. The mercenary bit his lower lip and swore silently at the pain that shot through his body. He'd have a bruise, but right now a bruise wasn't high on his list of things to worry about. Right now number one on that list was heading down the stairs and towards the shower room. Pain had to distract and possibly divert her enough that if Grayson was already in the cargo bay, he wouldn't see her.

He rounded the corner and took the stairs two at a time. Once she was in arms reach about halfway down, Pain slowed his pace and grabbed her arm. She was about to protest as Pain spun her around, but his lips enclosed her's before she could let out a sound. Her hands wound their way up Pain's back, pulling him closer as he assaulted her mouth with fierce kissing.

As their lips separated, Tommy gave Pain a shocked look, then smiled and said, "Mmmm is that a gun in you pocket or are you just happy to see me?"

"Happy." Pain said, as he took her hand in his and lead her back up the stairs.

"Ready for another round already?" she asked quizzically. "My, someone's got stamina."

"Not now." Pain said, not looking at her. "Come on, we're goin' to get you a shower."

"Aren't we heading the wrong way for that?" she asked him, sounding confused.

"That's the passenger shower. I'm takin' you to the crew shower." he answered. Turning back, he gave her a smile and said, "It's closer to the bunks and it's more private."

"Ooh I like the sound of that." Tommy said with a sly smile.

Just then the alarms started to go off. Tommy stopped, but Pain kept going, pulling her along when he felt her arm go taut.

"What's going on?" she asked him. "Why's the alarm going off?"

Pain had a hunch that the alarm that was somehow related to Grayson. He wasn't sure enough, but he didn't want to risk anything by letting her go.

"It's nothin', honey." Pain replied. "Ship's just old is all. Things go off all the time. Come on lets get you a shower and some food, alright?" He gave her a smile and said, "I'll cook."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, January 28, 2009 9:24 PM


Tommy and Pain headed back towards their bunk, but passed by River going on her way down to the cargo bay.

“What’s going on River?” Tommy asked. “Something wrong with the ship?”

“No,” River started, looking at Pain directly. “We just might have an unscheduled inspection. Won’t let us go until they do.”

“That normal?”

“Things happen like this sometimes,” River said returning her gaze to Tommy.

“Should I do anything?”

“I’d just get your stuff stored,” she said as she returned to looking at Pain. “Make things neat.”

“What about my plants?”

“I’ll handle them. You always keep them fastened down sturdily,” she said as she looked back at Tommy. She reached up and touched Tommy’s hair where some chocolate was stuck in it. “You go take a shower and just keep out of the way.”

River looked back at Pain.

“You know what I mean, right?”






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