What attracted you to the show?

UPDATED: Thursday, November 7, 2002 21:10
VIEWED: 5984
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Monday, November 4, 2002 7:28 AM


Did you start watching the show because you are a Joss Whedon fan or because you're a sci-fi fan?

There seems to be two camps. In general, those who absolutely LOVE the show seem to be Joss Whedon fans. Those who are disappointed in the show seem to be sci-fi fans. I place myself in the latter camp. I started watching the show because I give most sci-fi shows a chance...irregardless of who write/produces it. I've never watched Buffy, nor am I inclinded to...sorry, I have a thing against vampires...they're so...yesterday, overused, cliche, etc. :)

Anyway, just wondering why you started watching the show.


Monday, November 4, 2002 7:47 AM



Originally posted by UFO:
Did you start watching the show because you are a Joss Whedon fan or because you're a sci-fi fan?

There seems to be two camps. In general, those who absolutely LOVE the show seem to be Joss Whedon fans. Those who are disappointed in the show seem to be sci-fi fans. I place myself in the latter camp. I started watching the show because I give most sci-fi shows a chance...irregardless of who write/produces it. I've never watched Buffy, nor am I inclinded to...sorry, I have a thing against vampires...they're so...yesterday, overused, cliche, etc. :)

Anyway, just wondering why you started watching the show.

Whole reason I watched the show: My friend stopped a pool game to watch it. And she was actually winning! But I stayed with it, well, mostly because I haven't had any life-taking-over obsessions lately.

Sweet is love when all is sane
Sweet is death to end the pain
Cruel is death when all is well
Curel is love when all is hell


Monday, November 4, 2002 7:56 AM


I'm probably from the Whedon camp. I actually first became interested when I heard that Jewel Staite had gotten a new series (I loved Flash Forward when I was younger), then I heard the Whedon angle and I knew I had to watch it.

I probably would've watched it for the sci-fi anyway, though. I mean, the current state of TV sci-fi is not pretty. I think the mere presence of Enterprise is sucking all the life out the genre.


Monday, November 4, 2002 8:00 AM


I'm both a sci fi fan and a Whedon fan.
I'm also totally hooked on Firefly and annoying everyone I know into watching it.


I've never watched Buffy, nor am I inclinded to...sorry, I have a thing against vampires...they're so...yesterday, overused, cliche, etc. :)

I find most people who don't watch Buffy have some scrap of a bias they cling to in order to not give the show a real chance (the other one I hear all the time is "I just hate the name of the show... 'BUFFY the Vampire Slayer'... Eew). It's too bad because Buffy is easily the best written show on TV and it is about SO MUCH MORE THAN VAMPIRES. It's about good vs. evil and all the shades of grey in between. It's about family and loyalty. It's about growing and dealing with life in real terms (rather than in TV terms). The revisiting of the vampire lore (interesting in and of itself) is just the action dressing.

There's a reason so many people refer to Joss Whedon as a genius. You're getting a small taste of it from Firefly. Buffy (and Angel as well) is where Whedon's genius was cemented into fact.



Monday, November 4, 2002 8:49 AM



Originally posted by MollyBloom:
Sorry, I have to disagree with you, UFO. I started watching this show as a Sci-Fi fan and I love it. While I was familiar with Whedon's work, I was never a rabid fan of his other shows and I'm still not. I love the western and sci-fi motif and am not disappointed at all.

This fits me exactly, too. I was looking forward to the show long before I learned who its creator was...



Monday, November 4, 2002 9:23 AM


I'm a Whedon fan, that's it for me and TV series. He's not only a creative powerhouse, he's set a new standard for art on the television screen.
I'm not anti-television, I never was very interested in it till I saw my first Buffy. And just look at me now...


Monday, November 4, 2002 10:08 AM


I may be one of the few who came to the show because of the western parts. I was thinking last fall we needed cowboys on TV, and space cowboys (and girls) are close enough for me. Plus I was writing a story along similar lines, and I thought, "Hey! That's my idea! But BETTER!"


Monday, November 4, 2002 10:34 AM


Joss Whedon has ruined me for other tv. As of now, I only watch three shows. Whenever a friend forces me to watch something else... it's just so shallow. There is no substance to it. I do not mull it over. And I am therefore bored. I watch Whedon because he challenges me as a person to examine the world and what it means to be human. I'm sorry, but Star Trek and Sitcoms don't do that.

Besides, cops and lawyers are boring. You wanna talk over used, go to those shows. I mean, Law and Order is a good show and all, but geez. How many spin offs can you make?


At first it's just a place, and then you start to make memories and then it's like... that's where Spike slept, and there... that's where Anya and I drowned the Separvo demon and right here, here's where my heart got all ripped out... I really hate this place


Monday, November 4, 2002 10:38 AM



I am both an SF and Joss-fan...

And one of my favourite SF-books is Mike Resnick's 'Santiago'... So the SF/Western-mix suits me fine...



Monday, November 4, 2002 10:46 AM


I think Buffy is brilliantly written but also don't like the horror genre or the southern California youth culture setting. Since I am a huge fan of both sci-fi and Westerns, hearing that Joss was doing an sf-western had me a-tingle with anticipation, and I haven't been disappointed, except by the ratings. On the other hand, I have a friend who loves Buffy and hates sci-fi and he stopped watching after "The Train Job."



Tuesday, November 5, 2002 3:16 AM


I'm a sci-fi fan, and I like the science fiction on this show just fine. It's about as accurate as any other good show to come down the pike. Prey was terrific, but boy, the rubber-ball biology! for instance. I only knew about Firefly because Yahoo, bless their mercenary little hearts, inserted a mysterious ad into my e-mail screen.

I've watched quite a few eps of Buffy and a few of Angel, but concluded in the end that Buffy was just a little too silly for my taste, though it's certainly more together than most of what's on TV these days. But then I despise American comedy. Angel simply didn't interest me.

Inside every cynic there's an idealist desperately yearning to be let out, and when they are let out they're usually a real pain and cause all sorts of trouble. --Chris Boucher


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 3:29 AM


I'd never heard of Joss Wheldon before. I began watching FF because it is scifi.


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 3:30 AM


I've always paid attention to show content, never to writers or creators. I started watching the show because I thought the premise sounded promising. I might not have done so if I'd had any clue that the main person responsible for it was the same guy who'd given us that ridiculous Buffy drivel.


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 5:09 AM


I made it a rule to watch this show, because I'm a Joss Whedon fan. I had a feeling I might enjoy this show, because I've always been a pretty big sci-fi fan. I was one of those people who thought Buffy was only campy action until I actually watched an episode.

I tried to watch an episode of Xena just to see what I was missing. I couldn't get through the whole episode. It was that stupid.

I decided I'd try a Buffy episode after finding out my uncle really loved it. I also knew it had a cult following, and I'd been a fan of cult movies and shows. However, I'd never liked teen shows very much at all. The only exception was Saved by the Bell. So, I tried Buffy thinking it would be something stupid, although hopefully not as bad as Xena.

I was right in that it was not as bad as Xena. In fact, I was extremely surprised by how much I liked it. It was clever, cool, sexy, and extremely funny. I knew I had to see some more episodes. Since then, I have been hooked.

I think I would have been turned off by Firefly's western concept if I hadn't been a BtVS and Angel fan. The only western I really liked was Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Most of the others are downright boring. I only watched Firefly, because Joss Whedon had already made me an avid fan of a teen show.

Exerpt from My Genre Geek Resume:
~huge Odyssey 5 fan
~former Andromeda fan


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 5:20 AM


At first, I wasn't going to watch FF; I thought it was ridiculous. But as I saw ads and promos I though "This might be intersting". I started looking up sites on the show. I was realy looking forward to the pilot, but of course they didn't show it. I would have given it a chance even if I had not found interst in it; I like to watch the first episodes of all si-fi's, and other shows I think I might like later (I'm also a Whedon fan). I was also looking for a new show to love. The with my area's WB station gone(which they did without telling any one, it was just gone one day ) and with sitcoms and law shows taking over I was desperate. Before FF my only TV bright spot was Angel. Now everythings shiny.


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 6:55 AM



Originally posted by UFO:
Did you start watching the show because you are a Joss Whedon fan or because you're a sci-fi fan?

There seems to be two camps. In general, those who absolutely LOVE the show seem to be Joss Whedon fans. Those who are disappointed in the show seem to be sci-fi fans. I place myself in the latter camp. I started watching the show because I give most sci-fi shows a chance...irregardless of who write/produces it. I've never watched Buffy, nor am I inclinded to...sorry, I have a thing against vampires...they're so...yesterday, overused, cliche, etc. :)

Anyway, just wondering why you started watching the show.

Really? Who is disappointed with the show???

Anyway, I'm a sci-fi fan. I could never have watched anything called vampire anything, and so knew nothing about Joss Whedon.

The idea of a genuine western/sci-fi blend was intriguingly different. I wish there were aliens, but I get this universe that doesn't have them, and so far, I'm enjoying the show!


QueenTiye, Companion Academy, class of 2006


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 11:17 AM


I am not a sci-fi fan, or a westerns fan, not even a hard core J.W fan (although I have watched some Buffy eps in the past that I have enjoyed). I was reluctantly dragged into watching this show by my sci-fi freak husband and I remember being extremely annoyed at him when he refused to watch something else on tv. That Friday they aired "Out of Gas"... well, needless to say now you cannot unglue me from the tv set Friday nights at 8PM. My husband will not let me live this one down (besides he accuses me of having a crush on "Captain Tight Pants", which would not be entirely untrue). :)


Tuesday, November 5, 2002 11:35 AM



These are the kinds of anecdotes that need to show up in postcard form on the desk of a Fox executive.

Sponsors of the show need to hear this stuff from you as well.

Firefly fans, do yourself a huge favor and go to: right now. Unleash the geek activist that lies dormant within you.

Feed the collective unconscious some positive Firefly vibes!

Don't let this show disappear prematurely!

Stay gold, y'all.



Tuesday, November 5, 2002 5:28 PM


I sent off my postcards and i've got a letter going out tomorrow. I'm being a good fan.

But I think i'm probably unique in why I got into Firefly. I was raised a sci-fi fan, yes.. and so I was interested in that, but what really got me was seeing Alan Tudyk on the commercials. I have been in love with his acting since I saw 28 days.. and I saw the previous and shouted "it's gerhardt"

and once I turned on the show.. I was hooked. It appealed to all that sci-fi freak stuff inside of me. and to the alan tudyk fan.. hehe

~*Saint of Cheese*~


Wednesday, November 6, 2002 4:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I was walking thru the livingroom while "Out of Gas" was on...

I'm a scifi fan, my favorite book was Downbelow Station. this was the best of that book plus B5 plus a little Star Wars thrown in.

MORE! I want MORE!


Wednesday, November 6, 2002 11:42 PM



Originally posted by LivingImpaired:
Joss Whedon has ruined me for other tv. As of now, I only watch three shows. Whenever a friend forces me to watch something else... it's just so shallow. There is no substance to it. I do not mull it over. And I am therefore bored. I watch Whedon because he challenges me as a person to examine the world and what it means to be human. I'm sorry, but Star Trek and Sitcoms don't do that.

Um, what he said. I'd seen Buffy before, but not enough to be a fan until the fourth season when it suddenly took over my television joined quickly by Angel and now Firefly. The only non-Joss show I really watch is 24 and that's just satisfying my childhood crush on Keifer. Why JW doesn't get the kind of respect David E.(girls club canceled after two eps)Kelley gets is beyond me.

"I was gonna get me an ear, too." - Jayne


Thursday, November 7, 2002 3:35 AM


I do like "The Practice" by David E. Kelly. However, you make me chose between "Girls Club" and "Firefly" and, NO CONTEST, I think Firefly is a much more original series and the characters are much more interesting. We have enough lawyer series on TV as it is. I was begging ANY of the networks for something a little different (now that the X-Files is over, there was nothing holding me in front of the TV). Lets hope FF lasts!!


Thursday, November 7, 2002 9:10 PM



Plus I was writing a story along similar lines, and I thought, "Hey! That's my idea! But BETTER!"

Hey! Thats me too!
I've always like all kinds of science fiction. Though I never liked westerns (Bonanza bugged me, Dallas bugged me, Little House on the Prairie bugs me now, and Clint Eastwood has always bugged the hell out of me in anything except Paint Your Wagon!) the little cowgirl inside me screamed a big "yee haw!" when she heard of the new 'space western' show. Its about damm time!

I wish I was a jellyfish because jellyfish dont pay rent.






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