Scenes that bug you in The Dark Knight, and Iron Man.

UPDATED: Friday, January 30, 2009 07:41
VIEWED: 5807
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Friday, January 23, 2009 8:06 AM


The Dark Knight:

Bug me part-Batman and Rachel fall roughly 1000 feet from a penthouse rooftop, land on a car and they don't even have the wind knocked out of them.
Later in the film Batman drops a bad guy 20 feet, and breaks his legs.????

Iron Man:

Bug me part-Iron Man busts through a wing of a jet, and doesn't break a bone in his body.

Suspend disbelief my ass.


Friday, January 23, 2009 8:23 AM



In terms of Batman, I still have trouble with the way Bruce's voice goes all gravely and deep. I know this is par for the course when it comes to superheroes and the wearing of costumes - but it irks me!

Iron Man... Well much like you were saying about Dark Knight and the lack of realism when flung from great heights, I think the moments in Iron Man when he's testing out the boots and he shoots into the wall or roof and just kinda winces a bit. The velocity he hit those things with would have killed him. But that's nit-picky, I realise it's for laughs... and I must confess I did.


Friday, January 23, 2009 11:42 AM


Well, I figure Batman hasn't "grown into" his voice yet. Ironically, Bale has a perfect Batman voice (gravelly, distinct from his normal "Bruce Wayne" voice, yet nowhere near as "enraged" as the one he uses now). He used it in Howl's Moving Castle.

The only real "implausibility" problem in TDK for me was that Two-Face could still speak clearly without half his lips.

Well, and Commissioner Gordon having a son, but that was more of a "WTF" moment (I only ever knew about Babs, and thought it would've been much cooler to have her hero-worshipping dad and wanting to be a cop when she grows up [and then having her life saved by Batman]).

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, January 23, 2009 11:51 AM



Originally posted by OPPYH:

Bug me part-Batman and Rachel fall roughly 1000 feet from a penthouse rooftop, land on a car and they don't even have the wind knocked out of them.
Later in the film Batman drops a bad guy 20 feet, and breaks his legs.????

That, and when Rachael dies. Just stupid. Lame anger-producing plot device.

Bug me part-Iron Man busts through a wing of a jet, and doesn't break a bone in his body.

I had less trouble with that than him landing face first in that sand at flying speed in a cobbled-together suit with no emergency-inflate pads in it (Iron Man air-bags, heh heh).

The laughing Chrisisall


Friday, January 23, 2009 12:50 PM


Both had plenty of unbelievable moments.

Dark Knight: Come on cell phone sonar? Are you kidding me? That's just plain ridiculous. The joker went into a hospital during it's off hours to plant tons of explosives? What time do hospitals close again? Same with the ferries. At what point did he sneak tons of explosives in those? And no one looks in the cargo hold before setting out for the day? That's just dead space that they built into the ships for grins?

Ironman: Apparently Tony Stark is immune to inertia. How many times did he go from flying speed to dead stop without a problem? His first suit was also far from believable. I'm not really buying that there are enough parts in missles to put together a suit full of hydraulics. I think we pretty much have to suspend belief for his technology though otherwise it wouldn't make much sense to go to that movie in the first place.

I liked them both, but there were clearly parts that could have been handled better.


Friday, January 23, 2009 1:07 PM



Originally posted by OPPYH:
The Dark Knight:

Bug me part-Batman and Rachel fall roughly 1000 feet from a penthouse rooftop, land on a car and they don't even have the wind knocked out of them.

Exactly. All I can say is, that must be one mother of a cape. The voice issue is also an...issue, but one I've come to be at relative peace with. Coulda done without the ferry-foo. And those were among the most symmetrical third-degree burns I've ever seen. Maggie Gyllenhaal. But really, my only true gripe with Dark Knight was the whole VerizonVision deal ("Can you see me now?")

Can't remember any gripes about Iron Man. I'll grant pretty much everything that everybody else here has mentioned about it, but somehow I was able to sail over all of it on a wave of sweet credulity...

It was like landing face-first in the sand at 500 miles an hour and walking away without injury happens to me all the time when we got here!


Friday, January 23, 2009 1:20 PM



Originally posted by WASHnwear:
like landing face-first in the sand at 500 miles an hour and walking away without injury happens to me all the time


It is kinda depressing how much of my knowledge about the quantity of "survivable" damage a human body can endure comes from personal experience.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, January 23, 2009 1:34 PM


There are plenty of "thedarkknightsucks" websites out there that cut the film to ribbons over minuta. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Firefly itself has plenty of flubs. My fav being the scene when Alan is pretenting to fly the ship in the pilot episode. Watch it with the commentary running, it's great.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 7:52 AM



LOVED the Dark Knight.. BUT:

The voice!! Like fingernails on a blackboard

Fix: Just tone it down.

As someone alluded to: When did the joker have time/ability/resources to plan one major attack after another after another after another after another after another? I would like to have actually SEEN the Joker doing a a little planning and testing before hatching all these diabolical plots.

Fix: A 30 second scene showing some behind the scene's planning by the joker. Don't have to give away what he is planning.. only that he is up to no good. Could even have showed more how crazy and evil the joker is by haveing him kill any of his cronnies who say the plan won't work.

Cellphone vision: Stupid and totally unneccesary plot point. I don't mind that Batman has gadgets.. but I prefer them not to become major plot points. That's what I didn't like about the first movie. I LOVED the look and idea that the Batmobile is a abaondoned military skunk works project. It makes perfect sense... but just leave it at that.. a cool looking armored car for batman to get around in. The moment that it started jumping from rooftop to rooftop is when the movie went from a potential 8-9 to about a 4-5 for me.

Fix: Just cut it out (the cellpone vision)


Loved the movie.. BUT:

Let's see... Tony Starks major new weapon that he has to go all the way to the middle east to demonstrate to the military is basically just a cluster bomb? THEN the terrorist attack him to kill him only to find out it's Stark so they keep him alive and want him to build this cluster bomb for them with a few scrap parts, some duct tape and some bubblegum. Hmm.. let's see.. WTF?!?!? Why not just wait two weeks when you will be able to buy them from Stark industries under the table from Jeff Bridges!!!

Then... Stark takes said scrap parts, bubble gum and duct tape and a hammer and is able to put together a robosuit!!! Meanwhile the terrorists never once really go in to check on what the heck he is doing... they only look at a video monitor and once in a while and ask each other "does that look like a missle to you?"

Fix: Make the "cluster bomb" a more formitable weapon. Have the terriorist simply hold Tony for ransom. Jeff Bridges has no reason to pay ransom, since he wants Tony dead. Tony teases terrorist by saying he can build a better weapon than the "cluster bomb" he was there to demonstrate. Tells them if he doesn't deliver they can kill him, and or still try to get the ransom. Tells them what he needs. So he gets all of the tools and parts he needs to build a mark I ironman suit. Uses suit to escape.

Then Jeff Bridges... umm... what exactly was his motivation to off Tony???? We're supposed to imply from one shot of a time magazine cover that Jeff Bridges is jealous of Tony enough to want to kill him? Hello.. Jeff, as second in command has tremendous power, influence, money, success, etc. So what's his brilliant plan? To off his main idea guy?????!?!? WTF???? He's so jealous he's willing to cut off his own head??

Fix: Simply give more backstory of why Jeff Bridges would be jealous of Tony. Maybe Jeff used to be married and was goign through a rough time with his wife. Maybe they seperated for a time, but Jeff really wanted to work things out, Maybe Tony being the a-hole he is, slept with Jeff's ex-wife during this time which totally broke up the marriage for good, and all for what was just a sport f*ck for Tony? Jeff says it doesn't matter to Tony and forgives him.. but obviously doesn't. Ok.. that was better than what they showed (or didn't show), and that was the first idea that came to my head with about 2 seconds worth of thought.

Oh.. and then not to mention that Jeff is able to immediatly hop into his own robosuit and fight as well as Tony who has been practicing for weeks/months with his own.

Fix: Does every superhero movie have to end with a hugh battle sequence? I would like to have seen Tony and Jeff just duke it out man to man with NO suits!!!! How about THAT for doing the unexpected????

Artifical intelligent robot assistant: Totally unessisary.

Fix: Have Tony design the Mark III with the help of evolutionary computing. This is a technolgy that is believable becuase it actually exists TODAY as we speak and is in use.

Oh.. and Tony practices with his ironman suits while being only feet away from a half dozen million dollar sports cars???

Fix: Tony may be a rich a-hole.. but doesn't mean he is stupid. Maybe they were trying to show to us that he is so incredibly rich that a $200K sports car means no more to him than a wheelbarrel. But how about his assistant pointing out to him that he's about to demolish a couple million dollars with of cars if his makes the smallest mistake?

I could go on.. but I will just stop there.

And the thing that is so frustrating is that ALL of these things could have been easily fixed AND actually made the movie even BETTER


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:06 AM


TDK - Scanning the bullet for fingerprints. And the voice (which I like in intent, and was fine in begins, but was too over the top this time).

Iron Man - Well, half the stuff he does in that suit should kill him instantly, but I guess you just have to roll with it. The whole "throw the old heart away" subplot was so predictable as to almost insult my intellegence.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:47 AM


I don't mind that Obadiah hated Tony. I think it made sense from the exposition about him taking over the company after Tony's dad died. He'd probably been working his whole life to move up the ranks and finally get to run the company. Then Tony comes out of no where and takes over because of his family history. That would tick me off too. Obadiah probably feels like Tony doesn't deserve to be head of the company and he's just a spoiled brat who parties too much. He clearly thought scientists were interchangeable cogs in a machine cause he assumed other people could figure out the same tech Tony did.

I agree that he shouldn't have known how to use the suit from the first minute he put it on, but I'll let it go so that we didn't have to sit through 20 more minutes of Obadiah going through the same process Tony already did.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:00 AM


What about scenes that bug you in The Incredible Hulk?

Like when....

That's right, there ARE none.

The Banner Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:20 AM


Well, really when it comes down to it, the Stark scene at the end was totally unessesary. And I fle the story was a bit too trunucated.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:28 AM



Originally posted by Smaug:
Oh.. and then not to mention that Jeff is able to immediatly hop into his own robosuit and fight as well as Tony who has been practicing for weeks/months with his own.

Fix: Does every superhero movie have to end with a hugh battle sequence? I would like to have seen Tony and Jeff just duke it out man to man with NO suits!!!! How about THAT for doing the unexpected????

No. Because then it wouldn't be Iron Man, it'd be Generic Action Movie #169874.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:44 AM


Chris... Is there a reason he turns green? Was that ever explained?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:47 AM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:

Originally posted by Smaug:
Oh.. and then not to mention that Jeff is able to immediatly hop into his own robosuit and fight as well as Tony who has been practicing for weeks/months with his own.

Fix: Does every superhero movie have to end with a hugh battle sequence? I would like to have seen Tony and Jeff just duke it out man to man with NO suits!!!! How about THAT for doing the unexpected????

No. Because then it wouldn't be Iron Man, it'd be Generic Action Movie #169874.

That, and after spending a whole movie showing how he becomes Iron Man, to have him toss it aside at the end would have been anti-climactic, at best.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:47 AM



No. Because then it wouldn't be Iron Man, it'd be Generic Action Movie #169874.

But it would be unlike ANY other comic book movie that has been made before it.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:02 PM


I dunno if someone's mentioned this, but here's mine. It's from the same scene you mentioned (when batman and rachel drop 1000 feet). Once batman jumps out the window to save rachel, he just LEAVES the joker and his henchmen in there with all those people. What are we supposed to assume? That the joker was just like "oh, darn," and just left?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:28 PM



Originally posted by somaholiday:
I dunno if someone's mentioned this, but here's mine. It's from the same scene you mentioned (when batman and rachel drop 1000 feet). Once batman jumps out the window to save rachel, he just LEAVES the joker and his henchmen in there with all those people. What are we supposed to assume? That the joker was just like "oh, darn," and just left?

I've heard others make that complaint, but it seems really nit-picky. To me, it was clear that the whole point of tossing Rachel out the window, was so that The Joker and gang could get away.

Sure, it may have been clearer if they'd had a shot of the gang running out the door. But still, I thought it was pretty clear.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:23 PM



Originally posted by Storymark:
Well, really when it comes down to it, the Stark scene at the end was totally unessesary. And I fle the story was a bit too trunucated.

I would have liked it to be longer myself.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:25 PM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Chris... Is there a reason he turns green? Was that ever explained?

Silly silly British man. Gamma rays are sort of a greenish colour.

The laughing Chrisisall


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 5:52 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

DK movie censored the plot from DK2 graphic novel, published 12 Sept 2001, where Batman assassinated the president, secretary of state and chairman joint chiefs of staff by intentionally ramming his robot Batjet into a skyscraper, to stop the US Govt from perping false-flag terrorist attacks by bombing Metroplolis (NY City) using killer robot drones. Batman killed the Joker using Thermite and controlled demolition. The Joker was Robin, a mind-control slave of the president of USA. DK2 also included a Police State under martial law, with all citizens as "slaves", including heinous human experiments by the Govt. All these plots were censored from the movie, though the movie never admitted who the Joker really was (Robin).

Obviously, DK2 was some kind of real-world psyop, using Pentagon's Operation Northwoods, declassified in 2000. But which spy agency versus which spy agency?

The official DK movie website included Flash animation of Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, as seen in the above video. But now that website has censored that fact.

The official DK movie poster included Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, but that scene was censored from the movie plot. Still, it's an intentional hint at 9/11 Truth, for those who dare read between the lies.


"Welcome to a World without Rules"
-DK movie poster

"There's no rules!"
-President George W Bush, Yale Skull & Bones

Batman founded Skull & Bones and 9/11 Truth

"It gets even weirder. I turned in the second book on Sept. 12. And there are events in it that... people are going to think I did the whole thing after the attacks."
-Frank Miller, The Onion AV Club, December 5th, 2001

Frank Miller was featured on History Channel's "Comic Book Superheros Unmasked" in 2003, for Batman assassinating "dictator" President George Bush Jr as Lex Luthor. Miller looked very scared in his interview about prior knowledge of 9/11.

The Dark Knight for 9/11 Truth



Tuesday, January 27, 2009 6:28 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
What about scenes that bug you in The Incredible Hulk?
Like when....
That's right, there ARE none.

Bravo. We have a winner. The only superhero movie I have seen with no complaints.

Incredible Hulk kicks ass. It's safe to say it's in a class by itself.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:55 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Smaug:
The moment that it started jumping from rooftop to rooftop is when the movie went from a potential 8-9 to about a 4-5 for me.

But... it was designed to jump. That was the whole point. It was supposed to be an all-terrain bridge-building war machine. Much like the suit, it was too expensive to put into production, but as Fox said, it works just fine.
I only have to assume that the batcycle ejector seat was built in at some point, since I can't see how that would help in an all-terrain bridge-building war machine. Plus that batcycle was just wicked cool. Think he'll get a plane next?

A lot of people take issue with the voice. I understand it was raspy and a bit grating, but the man's trying to disguise his identity, he has to sound as little like himself as possible, have you ever tried to do that? It's really hard on the voice, and it sounds unnatural. Some professional voice actors can pull it off, but even they often sound at least somewhat like themselves, and Bruce Wayne trained himself as a fighter, not a vocalist. It seemed more realistic to me. I know we're talking about a comic book movie where nothing is really realistic, but the things that can be might as well be.

The main thing that bugged me about it was the ending. The Joker can't win, so blame me? No, dude, the Joker can't win and he's been running amok this whole time, blame him! Easy peasy. Of course then you don't get the poetic lead-up to the title of the movie, but really I think it could have been worked a different way.

I think anything that bugged me about Iron Man has been mentioned. Well, except that Tony Stark is kind of the opposite of a super hero, he's really kind of an asshole who knows he's about the most brilliant guy on the planet and can do whatever he wants. He's put in a bad situation, sure, and it could be said that it results in him doing something noble to make up for his mistakes and get revenge on the people who almost killed him, but he's still kind of an asshole.
That auto targeting to take out all the baddies at once, that was awesome. And assuming the physics of the realm would hold and I wouldn't die, I totally want a suit like that to fly around the world in.



Wednesday, January 28, 2009 6:27 AM


Originally posted by chrisisall:

Silly silly British man. Gamma rays are sort of a greenish colour.

Ha, ha. Gawd bless ya guvnor, gawd bless ya.


Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:30 PM


Most of the things in The Dark Knight I could push my believe button for, but not when he bent that guy's gun barrel. Not going to happen. Sorry. Even if he was strong enough, the moron holding the gun would have to be trying to bend it at the same time. It just really bugged me.

"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion


Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:50 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:
DK movie censored the plot from DK2 graphic novel,

That's because The Dark Knight was not an adaptation of The Dark Knight Strikes Again. There are no simmilarities between the plots, at all.


The official DK movie website included Flash animation of Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, as seen in the above video. But now that website has censored that fact.

The official DK movie poster included Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, but that scene was censored from the movie plot. Still, it's an intentional hint at 9/11 Truth, for those who dare read between the lies.

That is utter bullshit. There was never anything of the type on the site, in the script, or filmed for the movie. That's just a flat-out lie, ya psycho.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:59 PM



Originally posted by micjwelch:
Most of the things in The Dark Knight I could push my believe button for, but not when he bent that guy's gun barrel. Not going to happen. Sorry. Even if he was strong enough, the moron holding the gun would have to be trying to bend it at the same time. It just really bugged me.

"It’s frickin’ great." - Nathan Fillion

He didn't bend it bare handed, he had a hydraulic claw apperatus on his forearm. Just before he grabs the barrel, he snaps his hand out, and you can see the whatever-it-is snap out over his palm. I forget what it's called, but they talk about it in the special features. It's the same thing he rips through the side of Scarecrow's van with. But it's only on the "old" suit, which is why you don't see it again in the movie.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, January 29, 2009 2:32 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!


Originally posted by Storymark:

Originally posted by piratenews:
DK movie censored the plot from DK2 graphic novel,

That's because The Dark Knight was not an adaptation of The Dark Knight Strikes Again. There are no simmilarities between the plots, at all.


The official DK movie website included Flash animation of Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, as seen in the above video. But now that website has censored that fact.

The official DK movie poster included Batman crashing his Batjet into a skyscraper, but that scene was censored from the movie plot. Still, it's an intentional hint at 9/11 Truth, for those who dare read between the lies.

That is utter bullshit. There was never anything of the type on the site, in the script, or filmed for the movie. That's just a flat-out lie, ya psycho.*/*

Then how come my video of TDK website shows the official movie poster animated by WB looking very similar to the WTC on 9.11, with a big flaming hole from the Batjet crash into the side of the building? Why is the Joker (Robin) never IDed in the movie? I DARE YOU TO WATCH THE DK2 VIDEO FOR YOURSELF:


"Welcome to a World without Rules"
-TDK movie poster

"There's no rules!"
-President George W Bush, Yale Skull & Bones

If they'd gotten any closer to 9.11 Truth, they'd be dead. For real. Just like Heath Ledger. Coincidence?

TDK writers WANT folks to see the movie, then buy TDK Strikes Again. But since 90% of Amerikans cannot read or think, TDK's 9.11 secret is safe from the sheeple.

That's why I didn't waste my money on the movie, but I did buy the book from Amazon. Effin amazin.


Thursday, January 29, 2009 3:06 PM


Guess the concept of allegory is beyond you.

Yes, the poster is meant to invoke thoughts of 9/11. Both of Nolan's Bat-flicks have been alegories for the "war on terror".

But there was never a bat plane, and there was never an animation of it hitting the building on the site as you claim. That's bullshit. And this film and DK2 have nothing in common besides the main character.

I know you are incapable of looking at anything without seeing some conspiracy, but this is just flat-out stupid.

And sorry, but I'll pass on your dare. I can't get through an entire post of yours, I'm sure as hell not sitting through an hour of your paranoid bullshit.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Thursday, January 29, 2009 8:08 PM



Originally posted by piratenews:

If they'd gotten any closer to 9.11 Truth, they'd be dead. For real. Just like Heath Ledger. Coincidence?


Bigfoot is real. Apparently 200 of them or so inhabit the remote forests of Northern California, and British Columbia.

I'm setting up an expedition sometime in 2010. I will be the most famous person on the planet.

Alien abductions are also real. The kicker of it is they are us. That's right, mutations of what we will be someday. They are from roughly 30,000 years in our future. They travel back through time via wormhole to experiment on us.


Friday, January 30, 2009 7:19 AM



If they'd gotten any closer to 9.11 Truth, they'd be dead. For real. Just like Heath Ledger. Coincidence?

I have to say this to ANYONE who believes in ANY kind of possible 9/11 conspiracy.

What you are tying to tell me is that possibly one of the most incompentant adminstrations this country has every seen... managed to pull of a conspiracy of unimaginable size, complexity, and scope right under our noses? So which is it? An incompentant adminstration? Or the most brilliant evil conspiratist that ever lived?

Use a little Occom's Razor here... an incompatent admistration is 100000000000 times more likly that master conspirators.


Friday, January 30, 2009 7:41 AM


Two words: pencil trick.

No, really. It's horrifying and disgusting! But, if you really wanted to establish The Joker as being completely psychotic, then that's the way you want to go.






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