Life Onboard Serenity: #41 - Changeable Weather

UPDATED: Sunday, February 8, 2009 18:48
VIEWED: 27974
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Thursday, January 29, 2009 1:18 PM


"Why are you so intent on finding this girl?" John said controlling the agression in his voice. He was angry. This man had came into his home to find a girl who had promised no one was coming. "Tell I just may help you. Don't and you won't find her. Not that I know where she is, but I know she wants to stay hidden and there's someone who'll make sure of that. You're a smart guy, you've figured out we know something. But I can get around a landlock. And if you want the girl, you need to talk. One chance."

His plan wasn't mapped out yet, but he needed info, now.



Thursday, January 29, 2009 6:47 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
And if you want the girl, you need to talk. One chance."

Grayson clenched his jaw. These people knew where Ivy was.

Quicker than you would expect, Grayson had drawn on John all the while keeping his eyes on the others, who had visibly stiffened.

"You listen to me right now. Are you paying attention?" he growled.

"Yes," answered John, his jaw set just as hard.

Both were probably angry enough to want to killed the other and both of them had just about reached their limit.

"Before he passed, her father trusted me to take care of her and she's already experienced more than a person should have to. You should have easily figured that out if you talked to her for just a while."

He heard the cock of a gun coming from the cargo bay. Zoe had arrived just in time to catch the display.

"I'd put that down right now mister," she said as she stepped a little closer. Jayne was about to reach for a firearm that was affixed to the back of a crate when Grayson's backup arrived. Five or six young Alliance soldiers, all armed. So there they were, all with guns pointed every which a way.

"Now before we all get bullet happy, I'd like to finish," Grayson said very slowly and and clearly. "I promised her father and I mean to keep up my end of the bargain, especially after what happened. I want you to tell me right now, everything you know about where she is. She need help. Medical help. She needs to go back to the life she had before. She needs to be in a stable environment. A safe one. One where either I or someone else that I trust can keep a good eye on her.

Now you said that she wanted to stay hidden and there was someone who would make sure of that. She did tell me that she had met someone, but that someone doesn't know what could happen with her. Someone qualified should be watching her. Now, start talking before I really get angry."

River had circled around until she was standing off to the side of the cargo bay doors. She had heard everything Grayson had to say. He had good intentions and she could tell he cared for her very much, but the life he was describing for Ivy could also be called another thing.



Thursday, January 29, 2009 7:42 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“You know what I mean, right?”

"Yeah." he said to the reader. "I do.

After he had said that, Pain showed Tommy where the crew shower was located. Once she stepped inside and after the two exchanged some kisses, Pain headed off to their bunk to stow her stuff away somewhere where Grayson couldn't find them.

Now - Pain and Ivy's Bunk

On the bed, Pain had her clothes and things stuffed into a duffel bag, careful not to break anything of hers' that could be broken. Zipping it up, Pain scanned his room for a place to hide it. There was the air vent, but Pain bet that would be the first place Grayson would look. There were the lockers, but again Grayson was sure to check them as well. That brought another can of worms to the table. Pain had some guns and things that were not-quite-so-legal. Mostly his assault rifles, submachine guns, grenades, and that assault rifle with the grenade launcher mounted underneath. He was going to have to hide those as well and do it in a certain amount of time.

Pain remembered he had the secret storage bin underneath his bed, but it wasn't big enough for both Tommy's clothes and his illegal guns as well as the heavy weapons that were stashed in it. Swearing to himself, Pain thought of only one place that he could think of to stash their stuff. He opened his weapons locker and took out another duffel bag. Opening it up, Pain quickly stuffed every illegal piece of weaponry he had into it. Upon finishing, he closed up the duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder. Picking up the duffel holding Tommy's things, Pain headed up the ladder and out into the fore deck.

Kneeling down, Pain removed the deck grating and slipped down into the passageway, taking the duffel bags with him as he crouch walked through it. Once he found a good enough spot for the two bags, Pain hid them the best he could and hurried back to the fore deck. Pulling himself up, Pain placed the deck plating back and headed off back to his bunk. Sliding down into it, he took off the blankets and stuffed them into the dirty laundry duffel hanging on the hook on the wall. Once that was accomplished, he hurried back up the ladder, closed his bunk's hatch and ran over to the crew showers to get the next thing to hide.


Thursday, January 29, 2009 9:38 PM


While she was in the shower, Tommy faded back and Ivy slid back in control. She smiled and hummed while she got any trace of chocolate off of her body. The chocolate was a good idea and quite fun. She was glad they had quite a bit left. After she was done, she stood there under the hot water for a bit.

"Where has Pain got off too?" she whispered to herself. "Maybe there is something wrong with the ship."

Wanting to help out with whatever might be going on, Ivy stepped out of the shower and started to dry off.


Friday, January 30, 2009 5:09 PM


Doc couldn't believe the nerve of that man! Coming up to her after all these years, and asking her for a favor... Her day had been crappy from the start. First the lieutenant has bulluxed-up the supply order, and she had to come planetside to fix it herself. Then the girl at the supply shop was a complet idiot, and it took 2 and a half hours to fill an order that should have been done a week ago. Finally not only 5 minutes ago who should show up and demand things from her but him! The self-centered, heartless, backstabing, je..
"This is Grayson with WPS. I checked in earlier. I need a landlock on a ship on the dock. Names Serenity. And I need some backup. I need to do a ship wide search."
The com interupted her thought, who the hell was Grayson, and what the fu*k was he doing calling in a landlock and running a ship search in my jurisdiction! Doc turned around, and stalked back to THAT ship!

It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting


Friday, January 30, 2009 5:31 PM


"Boys you better drop those guns or your wives will be really disappointed when you get back to that heap of go se you call a home planet."

'Doc. Here. Gorrammit.' John thought. The soidiers dropped their arms.

"Grayson whoever you are I'm of superior rank so you better get off this ship and get off my planet."

"Your planet. Daddy buy it for you" John said before catching himself. She was being all help-y and they kind of needed it.

"John you got a friend in the Alliance?" Zoe yelled from above.

"More an aquaintance really."

"Oh that's rich mocking MY family cause you have room to do that." Doc said stepping toward him gun still trained on Grayson

"You're on my home Doc." John said stepping toward her.

"You know I forgot something earlier."

"What's that?" She socked him square across the jaw. He took the force of the blow and landed on the floor. He picked himself up as she continued to talk. "Grayson you've got exactly 30 minutes to get off this ship and report to me about what you're doing here and what delusion of yours made you think you had the authority to come into my jurisdiction and put a ship under lock down. If you can't make it on time or I find out you harmed one of these not so fine people, I will be shooting you. Move it out boys." The soldiers followed her as she left the ship.

John stood facing Grayson. The man had nothing of value for him. "We don't take kindly to people trying to lock up our crew mates. And as much as you think you can take care of her. we've got it covered. Leave."



Friday, January 30, 2009 6:33 PM


Outside the Crew Shower door

Pain skidded to a halt as he got to the door and rapped on it a few times. Trying his best not to sound like he was a mix of nerves, adrenaline, and fear, and worry, Pain said to the shower's occupant, "Baobei? You still in there?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, January 30, 2009 8:46 PM


Grayson could feel his blood starting to boil when he got the “this is my sand box” speech from the Alliance woman. Then she had the nerve to collect the soldiers he had called for before even getting the details of why he was there.

And she also had the nerve to order him to her office to explain himself afterwards. He didn’t answer to her. His division reported directly to the big brass. And he personally knew the Director. The Director would go to bat for Grayson, especially since he had done some favors for him before. The Director owed Grayson a couple. But he knew he would also get his pi gu handed to him afterwards for using the Division’s name for a personal reason.

One thing he did know was that he was now alone and against at least one other gun. He looked back towards the cargo bay and saw the other merc (Jayne) had retrieved a weapon as well. It was probably a certainty that the third person that was standing there was armed as well. If he was dead, he couldn’t help Ivy at all. She would be alone in the ‘verse and surely she would lose control on reality, becoming lost in the literal sense of the word.

What made him even more angry was the fact that he was completely certain that these people definitely knew exactly where Ivy was and they weren’t going to talk. He didn’t know them and all sorts of scenarios were playing out in his head, none of them pleasant.

“It seems I am at a distinct disadvantage in this situation,” he said to John as he set the safety on his gun and returned it to his holster. “I can’t help her if I’m dead and believe me, she will need help sooner or later.

“I want her to wave me. Today. That way I can ascertain the level of safety she has. The faster that happens the better.

“I will warn you that if she comes to any harm. Any at all, I will personally seek you all out and kill you dead where you stand. Am I clear?”

He didn’t wait for an answer.

“I’ll just have a seat over there and keep an eye on you in the meantime. Just to make me feel better about this whole situation.”

With that, he walked across the docks, found a crate to sit upon and watched.

Although he was watching the ship, he didn’t see who was watching him.


Friday, January 30, 2009 9:02 PM


Ivy was walking around looking for the others when she rounded the corner by the infirmary which entered onto the cargo bay. She saw who was standing there and saw everyone's guns drawn. She froze and ducked back behind the door jamb.

It was Grayson and he was too close to finding her. Ivy loved him very much; he was a loyal family friend. But she didn't want to go back and she knew that would be exactly what he'd make her do. She wanted to stay on Serenity... with Pain.

She saw the standoff play out, with no casualties, but noted the fact that Grayson wasn't leaving.

Her heart pounded in her chest and she almost couldn't breathe. Silent tears started the run down her face.

The Captain would definitely not be happy with this most recent development. He would put her off the ship for sure. She knew it.

She heard the footsteps of someone behind her. She knew it was Pain.

"I don't want to go back," she softly said. She turned around to face him, face streaked with tears. "He's gonna make me go back. I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you."

She paused for a second before continuing.

"Mal will put me off the ship for sure. What am I going to do?"


Friday, January 30, 2009 9:50 PM


Outside the Crew Shower door

After not hearing a response, Pain knocked again and raised his voice a little, "Baobei? You in here?"

There was another moment of silence and Pain pressed his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything. When he couldn't hear a peep, he opened the door slowly and stepped in. It was vacant with no one inside, but him. Pain saw the damp towel on the rack and the condensation on the shower door. That meant only one thing to him. She wasn't there. She had finished her shower and had gone off against his warnings as well as River's.

"Ta ma de!" he muttered to himself as he walked out of the room and closed the hatch behind him.

He wondered where she could have gone and then it hit him like a ton of bricks. The cargo bay. Pain felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and felt the adrenaline kick in. He automatically took the pistol out of his pocket and quickly made his way to the cargo bay, passing though the galley, and slowing as he got to the stairs that lead from the aft deck to the infirmary and cargo bay. He had his gun halfway raised when he saw her trembling. She was obviously scared and he couldn't blame her. Putting the gun away he made his way towards her.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I don't want to go back," she softly said. She turned around to face him, face streaked with tears. "He's gonna make me go back. I don't want to go. I want to stay here with you."

She paused for a second before continuing.

"Mal will put me off the ship for sure. What am I going to do?"

He wiped the tears from her eyes and face and wrapped her tightly in his arms, holding her closely to him and placing a kiss on the top of her head.

As he caressed her back, he said soothingly, "Now now, baobei. No one's tossin' you off this boat without goin' through me first, dong ma?" More tears came and she sniffled as he wiped them away and continued, "As far as what you're goin' to do, you're goin' to come with me to the galley where I'm goin' to fix you up somethin' to eat. Afterwards there'll be some cuddlin' and more of me holdin' you close." He looked down into her eyes and gave her a smile. As he rubbed her back some more, he asked, "Does that sound good to you?"

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 31, 2009 5:35 AM


"Close the hatch, Jayne." Zoe said relaxing. Jayne moved and did so, if he wanted to watch it would be the door. As he did, John turned to River.

"Where is she?" he asked. River simply pointed. John stalked toward her.

"He didn't take the ship off ruttin' landlock," Jayne commented.

John made it to where Ivy and Pain were standing. "Ivy you need to wave that man. Quickly would be better. And then you, Zoe and I are going to have a chat and if you can convince us not to tell the captain about this, we won't." John began to walk away not convinced on texactly what to do.



Saturday, January 31, 2009 11:31 AM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Ivy you need to wave that man. Quickly would be better. And then you, Zoe and I are going to have a chat and if you can convince us not to tell the captain about this, we won't."

As John talked, no... threatened her, Ivy moved around to hide behind Pain, her hands gripping parts of his shirt. Pain could feel her tremble, than stiffen and stand tall, then tremble again. He knew what was happening. She was cycling between Ivy and Tommy. Ivy trying to keep in control and Tommy wanting to protect her.

After John stormed off, Pain turned around to look at her and saw Tommy looking past him at John's exit.

"Tommy?" he asked. "Are you allright?"

Her jaw was clenched and she acted like she didn't hear him.

"Is she allright?" Pain added.

She started to tremble again and she looked up at him with tear streaked eyes.

"I thought he was my friend," she cried softly.

Pain started to reach out for her, but 13 came around the corner, catching his attention. She took a couple steps back, then bolted, running away from them all.


Saturday, January 31, 2009 5:45 PM


Pain glared at Bot Boy who was standing in front of him with a grin on his face and his hands behind his back. As he started to roll back and forth on the balls of his feet, Pain muttered something to him and stormed past on his search for Ivy. He was angry at them. Not all of them, but some of them. In fact he just plain out ignored those in his path. He was a little mad at Ivy for not staying put in the crew shower, but he was sure that would soon wane.

He decided to check their bunk to see if she was there. As he opened the hatch he climbed down only to see that the bunk was empty. He growled and stormed up and out of the bunk, closing the hatch behind him as he decided to check her old room. 13 was there standing in the galley, but Pain avoided him as he headed down the stairs that lead from the fore deck to the cargo bay. Traversing the cargo bay's expanse, Pain made it to the passenger dorms and checked the one filled with plants. After some peeking through the numerous plants and getting smacked with a few springy leaf covered branches, Pain muttered once more and stepped out of the room, sliding the door shut behind him.

As he stood outside Ivy's former residence, Pain rubbed the back of his neck and tried to figure out where she could be. 13 appeared in the doorway, still grinning from ear to ear.

Pain turned towards his direction, sneering at the cyborg and growling, "Don't start anythin', I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, but I am." 13 replied in a chipper mood.

"Don't." Pain growled again. "Neither me nor Ivy are quite in the mood for whatever the rutt you have to say, dong ma?"

Without waiting for a reply or remark, Pain stormed off to search Serenity's every nook and cranny for Ivy.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, January 31, 2009 8:33 PM


Grayson got even more angry when the residents onboard Serenity closed up the ramp and closed the door, shutting off any good view he had of the inside of the ship. He clenched his jaw and tried to think of what to do.

After 10 minutes, he saw the door to the left of the cargo bay doors open and a girl, toting a duffle bag nervously sneak out. Grayson slid off the crate and eyed her as she walked swiftly away from the ship. He quickly ascertained it was the girlfriend of the big man he had observed earlier. She was the one that wore the blue poncho. What was her name again?


He ran after her.

"Inara!" he called out, but she didn't answer. "Inara!"

He finally reached out and grabbed her by the shoulder and gently turned her around to face him. Luckily, he was still in view of Serenity.

"I'm glad I caught up with you," he said as he smiled at her. Aiko looked back at him with a scared look in her eyes. "Can I ask you a question?"

"I don't know anything, mister," she said shakily.

Grayson looked at the sizeable duffel.

"You leaving?" he asked warily. Aiko nodded and turned to walk away, but Grayson stopped her again. "You have a fight with your boyfriend?"

"Not my boyfriend," Aiko said. She thought about Ivy and how she had been nice to her. She quickly added. "Anymore."

"Do you know of the girl I was asking about? Her name is Ivy. May have been called Tommy as well?"

"I don't know anything, mister," she repeated. She pulled away from Grayson and scurried off as fast as she could.

This woman was spooked. By what, he didn't know, but he let her go. What kind of people were onboard this firefly? More scenarios played out in his mind. Again, none of them were pleasant.

One thing that he noticed was that she had left the door open. Smiling, he set up "residence" in a new location so he could see in, but made sure he was hidden from their view should anyone peek out.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 11:46 AM


John walked back into the cargo bay. He saw Zoe and joined her.

"What was that?" she asked him.

"Man coming for Ivy, seems to think she's going to breakdown. I'm giving her a chance to explain to us. If she can I don't think we should tell Mal."

"He'll kick her off."


"Is that really a bad thing?"

"I really don't know. I don't know who to believe. Her or Grayson."

"She's hurt." River walked over to them.

"Of course she is," John replied, "But she brought him down on us."

"Did she?" River said walking away.

"I agree with your idea to have her talk to us," Zoe said. "But she better be real convincing."



Sunday, February 1, 2009 6:27 PM


In search of Ivy

She wasn't on the bridge. Pain checked both levels thoroughly and not a trace of her. He checked all the bunks in the fore deck even Jayne's, in which he voiced his concern about Pain's unannounced visit with some choice words. He then checked the space below the deck plating, retrieving the duffel bags he stowed and returning them to his bunk. It didn't help that 13 had decided to tag along, following Pain and grinning like a gorramn fool all the while. Pain did his best to ignore Bot Boy as he walked into the galley and continued his search.

He first checked the pantry, making note that there was a space on the shelf where he could store the sweets she bought. He thought that over and decided against it, knowing either Jayne or Kaylee would find them and get into them. No, he'd probably be better off stashing them in Inara's shuttle, with permission of course. Getting back to the searching, Pain closed the pantry and checked the surrounding area.

"Nothin'." he muttered as he left the galley and headed for the engine room.

"Ya lookin' for somethin', Pain?" asked Kaylee.

Pain looked at the mechanic, but said nothing as he resumed his search. Nothing in the infirmary, nothing in the other passenger dorms, although he did notice Aiko's room was cleaned out and her stuff was gone along with her. He noticed John, Zoe, and River in the cargo bay, but paid them no mind as he walked of the stairs and headed for the shuttles. He paused and noticed the open door, but then resumed walking. Hopefully Ivy would be in one of the shuttles. Otherwise he'd have to venture outside and deal with Grayson.

"Hmmmm." he mused to himself as he made his way to the second shuttle. "Maybe Grayson could use a sometimes annoyin', but ocassionally useful cyborg."


Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:25 PM


Ivy ran upstairs and into Shuttle 2. She closed the door behind her and went up to the console. She sat in the seat in front of the cortex screen and waited a bit for her hands to stop shaking and the trembling to pass. If she looked like a wreck when she waved Grayson, it wouldn't help one iota. It would only make things worse. After a couple of minutes, she finally was ready and she waved him.

Grayson answered all too quickly.

"Ivy! Thank God! Where are you? Tell me and I'll come get you," Grayson started. He looked so happy to see her, but that was not the case for her.

"What do you think you are doing?" Ivy asked him with an even voice.

"I'm getting ready to come get you. I'm taking you home."


Grayson did a double take at the screen.

"Excuse me?" he asked.

"I said no."

"Ivy, you know you need to be somewhere safe, somewhere someone can keep an eye on you, make sure you are OK," Grayson told her, talking to her like she was a child.

"No, Grayson," she repeated. "I am 26 years old. I think I can choose my own path in life."

"Can you, Ivy?" Grayson asked her. "Did you forget what happened 2 1/2 years ago? Did you think anything was going to be normal again after that?"

Ivy swallowed thickly.

"I am well aware of what happened," she growled at him, full well knowing that she really didn't have all the pieces. "Something like that just doesn't go away. But I have to put it in the past. I am not going to let that event define my life. I have to move on."

"But, Ivy, you're not safe."

"I am. He will keep me safe."

"This man you've met? How much do you know about him? Give me a name and I'll run down his history..."

"I know all I need to know. I care for him and he does for me. He makes me feel safe. I haven't felt this safe for a very long time," she told him. "Not since Daddy was around."

A tear ran down her face.

"And Daddy left big shoes to fill," she added. "I have people around me that I have become friends with."

She thought about John and how he had been so angry with her. She thought he was her friend. Could she be wrong about any of the others? But then Kaylee popped into her mind. Kaylee was her friend. River too.

"Why don't you just tell me where you are? Let me see for myself."

"No. You'll just try to muck things up," she told him. "You've already done enough for one day. You've made my friends on Serenity quite nervous. It's not every day they get a trigger happy fed beating down their back door."


"Grayson, go home," she told him firmly. "If I start to feel bad, I promise that either I or Tommy will contact you. And if neither of us is available, then I will have him wave you."

"Just give me a name, Ivy," Grayson pleaded. "And the location where you're at. Please."

"No. I am going to make it on my own. I have to stand up on my own two feet. I can't spend my life afraid and I won't. I refuse to. Not anymore."


"Go home Grayson."

Grayson sighed. He knew he wasn't going to win. She did seem more like her old self than he'd seen in a long, long time. Maybe she was right. Maybe she did need to try this whole thing on her own.

"Ivy, does this man know about Tommy?"


"And he hasn't tried to take advantage of that?"

"He's been great. He doesn't try to change me. He doesn't push me. He just let's me... be me."

"Are you sure everything is OK?"

"I'm sure," she told him. She smiled brightly. "If it make you feel better, one of my new friends is a doctor."

"A psychiatrist?"

"No, but he knows as well. He'll be able to help me if needed."


"I'm fine, Grayson."

"OK," he finally gave in. "I want you to wave me... often. Every three days. If you don't I will hunt you down."


"And Ivy?" he asked her. "If this man hurts you, I will kill him. Make sure he knows that."

"I'll tell him," she giggled. "Now just go home. You have charges that are in more need of your help than I am. Spend your time where you should be."

Grayson nodded his head in defeat.

"I will," he told her. "Just remember, EVERY THREE DAYS. I mean it."

"I will; I promise."

"I love you Ivy."

"I love you too Grayson."

He gave her a weak smile before cutting off the wave. Ivy leaned her head back on the backrest of the chair and breathed out a sigh of relief.

Now she just had to convince John and Zoe not to let Mal throw her off the ship.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 8:06 PM


Starboard Shuttle

Pain stopped at the hatch to the shuttle, turned to face 13, and said flatly, "Leave. Now."

13 rolled his eyes and said, "Fine. Whatever."

As 13 headed down into the cargo bay, Pain turned back to the shuttle and opened the hatch. Immediately as he stepped foot into the shuttle, he was pounced on by Ivy. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him hugs and kisses. He returned the kisses and the hugs, but she knew his heart wasn't fully in it.

"Are you mad at me?" she asked as she looked into his eyes.

"A little." he replied as he let her down. "You should've stayed where you were in the crew shower."

"I'm...I'm sorry." she replied, her voice starting to hitch. She wrapped her arms around him and could feel the tears starting to well up as she pressed the side of her face into his chest.

Pain placed a hand on her back and gave her a slow soothing rub. He tilted her head up after a while and wiped away the tears on her cheeks with his free hand.

Giving her a honest and sincere smile, he said to her, "It's alright, darlin'. I can't stay mad at you for long." Leaning down, Pain placed a kiss on top of Ivy's head and added, "Your hair smells nice by the way."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, February 1, 2009 8:55 PM


Grayson sighed as he disconnected from Ivy's wave. He didn't feel good about the whole thing, but at least the scenarios that had been running through his head were now less horrific in nature.

As much as he wanted to stay and watch Serenity's inhabitants, he had promised Ivy that he would leave and go on with his own business.

But she was his business. Well, she used to be. Now he had been replaced. By a man he didn't know a single thing about nor had he even seen before.

He stood up from his hiding spot and walked a few paces forward so that Zoe and John could see him. Once he was sure, he gave them a sarcastic salute and went about his way.

As he walked towards his ship, he sent a message to the port authority to make sure the landlock he put on Serenity was lifted. Then he wondered whether or not he really needed to make a visit to the Alliance official who had demanded that he come to her office.


Monday, February 2, 2009 2:34 PM


John watched Pain enter the shuttle from his position in the cargo bay. "She in there River?"


"Now or never," Zoe said walking toward the shuttle. John followed her and they entered the shuttle. "Pain," Zoe began , "We need to talk to Ivy, whether you stay in here or not doesn't matter butyou have to let us talk to her."

John felt a twinge of pain from Ivy, betrayal more like it. It made him feel bad. He hadn't meant to throw her to the Reavers, but she said no one was coming. "I'm sorry if what you saw hurt you," he told her, "But I was just trying to protect my home."

Zoe took over from here. "I need to know who that man was"



Monday, February 2, 2009 8:29 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
Zoe took over from here. "I need to know who that man was"

"He was my father's best friend," Ivy told them as her hand slipped into Pain's. "He promised my Dad that he would keep an eye on me if anything ever happened to him. I guess he was just doing what he promised, only he was using a very bad method."

Zoe seemed unconvinced.

"I told you that no one would be coming to look for me, except maybe Grayson," Ivy said as she looked at John. "I just didn't expect him to actually take my Dad's request quite that much to heart.

"I think he would have been fine if my Dad had passed by natural means, but he didn't..."

Ivy's voice trailed off, her eyes taking on a far away expression.

"But he didn't..." Ivy tried to finish, but she was lost in her memories. "I just can't quite remember what..."

"Can't remember what?" Zoe asked. "Why was this man so bent on finding you? He pulled a gun on John!"

"Let me think, maybe I can remem..." Ivy said as her eyebrows scrunched up, looking for a reason.

Pain leaned over and put his arm around Ivy.

"Don't look Ivy," he whispered into her ear. "Don't look."

"Don't look," River echoed from across the room.

"K..." Ivy said as she blinked and Tommy slid forward, her demeanor becoming more aggressive. "He's just a family friend who basically used his position to try to find her faster. Ivy hasn't done any wrong."

Tommy paused a second.

"You know, none of this would have happened if your yú chǔn Captain hadn't taken away her Portable Coretex Link. If she still had that, she could have just waved him back when he would check up on her. Ivy's just a girl, not some kind of outlaw."

Tommy turned to John.

"And you should know that."

Zoe narrowed her eyes a bit.

"Her?" she asked. Ivy had referred to herself in third person. "What the Hell is going on?"

yú chǔn = silly/stupid


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 1:13 PM


"I'm sorry, but why is he so intent on taking her. Like she said he pulled a gun on me, he played the fed card. I can't simply believe he just cared too much. He was desperate to find her." John said.

"Her?" Zoe repeated.

"She has a split personality. We're talking to Tommy," John whispered to her.

"If we give you back your cortex link will that make it more likely that this won't catch up with you?" Zoe gave her very little time to answer. "Good. I won't tell Mal." With that she turned from the room.

John remained standing there, however. When she was gone he spoke. "I don't like the idea of Ivy having all these dark secrets. Dark secrets killed two of my best friends. Dark secrets killed her husband. And to be honest this makes me uneasy. I just had a gun pulled on me and if that woman hadn't had shown up. Either we'd be dead or you'd be gone. Maybe both. Why?" He figured she wouldn't respond with the whole story, and that would be okay he just needed something more.



Tuesday, February 3, 2009 5:32 PM


OOC: Sorry guys, I got hammered by the RL train.

The storm had long since withdrawn to the east by the time Mal and Isahiah emerged from a meandering alley and into the ever abuzz marketplace that adjoined the docks, with the captain holding his fellow man at gunpoint.

"Captain, is this all really necessary?" asked Isahiah. "I still fail to see what I have done to incense you so."

A sour-faced Mal butted the blunt end of his gun against Isahiah's back, urging him forward.

"Oh, don't be like that. I got you your money, haven't I?"

"I suppose that's one way of putting it," Mal said in a stiff voice.

"Then, if I may ask, why is it that I once again find myself at the pointy end of your weapon?"

"I don't recall going on a thuggery binge as being part of our agreement," Mal growled.

"I see. Well, let's call it a tacit clause then."

Mal couldn't help but chuckle at the man's sheer nerve. "You're lucky there's a crowd about else..."

"...I expect I'd be sorry. Now would you please put that thing away? You're gonna get us looked at."

Mal grudgingly complied. They marched on in silence, Mal's eyes drilling holes into Isahiah's back as they went. He considered the stout leather pouch that hung at his waist and thought he would readily forsake its content for a chance to smack the smug smile off Isahiah's face. "You just wait 'til we're in the air," he murmured for his ears alone as they came within sight of the ship.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 8:34 PM


“Grayson is what he is and that is all,” Tommy growled at him, hopping mad. “He sees Ivy like a daughter. If you had a child and you didn’t know where she was and whether or not she was safe, wouldn’t you be a little on the desperate side? Perhaps do some crazy things?

“And as for her ‘dark secrets’?” Tommy continued. “You’ll not be asking her relive anything from that whole part of her life. She’s come very far in the last two and a half years and I won’t let her get lost inside herself again. That’s why I am here. That’s what I do. I protect her.”


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 9:04 PM


Aboard Serenity


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
“You’ll not be asking her relive anything from that whole part of her life. She’s come very far in the last two and a half years and I won’t let her get lost inside herself again. That’s why I am here. That’s what I do. I protect her.”

"That's my job now." Pain corrected Tommy.

He had listened to John as he pushed and forced Ivy to remember something that she didn't want to remember. He even went as far as to threaten her, which Pain didn't like one bit. That was the key reason why Tommy came out and why she was mad. It was also why Pain was starting to get a tad defensive about the whole situation that she was being put in. If John pushed too far, it would most likely send Tommy over the edge and have Ivy go into another meltdown.

Turning away from Tommy, Pain shifted his focus on John, a hint of anger in his tone as he took up a defensive position between her and the empath, "John, buddy ol' pal. You're pushin' and proddin' a little to deep for comfort here, don't you think? I'd reckon you back off a little and give my girl a chance to calm down a bit before things turn from good to worse. And right now things ain't lookin' like they're goin' so good."

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, February 4, 2009 3:00 PM


"Fine," John replied, "but don't think this takes you off the hook. You're right Pain about things getting worse cause that's what happens. You let things go, you let things fester, and next thing you know you're fighting for your life on some gorram planet because these secrets come out. You wouldn't know. You weren't there. I won't let the ship go through Miranda again. Maybe I'm being melodramatic and maybe I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, but I can't handle that again. And I won't let it happen." John had said his peice. It was time to step back and hope for the best, yet prepare for the worse.

As he was about to step out of the room he turned. "I won't tell the captain, but you both need to realize something. Hiding from your past doesn't make it go away. For Ivy to really get past this, she going to have to except whatever happened." He left the room and walked to the stairs and had a seat. He felt like a hypocrite and he was tired. Almost getting shot takes a lot out of you.



Wednesday, February 4, 2009 5:00 PM


Evelyn Forester walked purposefully toward the Firefly. She'd been ordered to come here, and from as high up as the order had come, she hadn't been able to refuse even if she'd wanted to. When she reached the ship, she didn't bother with knocking, just walked right in. Her contact knew she was coming anyway, at least that's what she'd been told.

As luck would have it, he was right inside the cargo bay, sitting on some stairs. She walked over to him and said what she'd been told to, "She sent me."


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Wednesday, February 4, 2009 7:17 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Hiding from your past doesn't make it go away. For Ivy to really get past this, she going to have to accept whatever happened."

Tommy clenched and unclenched her fists as she heard John talk then leave. Pain still stood in front of her, looking a bit on the angry side as well. After a moment, Tommy started to fume.

"Just accept what happened? What does he know? He doesn't know what she's been through," she exclaimed, more than a little annoyed. "She tried accepting it and all it got her was almost a year of Hell. I won't let anyone take her back down that path. Not if I have anything to do with it."

Then the next part she said chilled Pain to the bone.

"I'd almost rather see her dead than go through that again."


Thursday, February 5, 2009 4:34 PM


He had forgotten about his request to Doc. But as she had said she had sent someone. "Oh," he said rising. "I don't really need you anymore, but if you've come all this way why don't you just give me the info and leave"



Thursday, February 5, 2009 6:00 PM


Evelyn sighed. She'd known this was going to be harder than just saying that.

"She wants me to stay," she told John, and as expected, just to make her life that little bit more difficult, he said no.

"She told me that you owe her," Evelyn continued, hoping that this time it would work. It didn't.

"Why does she want you to stay?" John asked.

Keeping her face perfectly blank, she said, "She didn't say. She just told me to stay."

"You're lying."

There was a slight, surprised reaction to that statement, but Evelyn quickly quelled it. "So?" she questioned.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Thursday, February 5, 2009 6:19 PM


In Shuttle #2


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I'd almost rather see her dead than go through that again."

"You don't mean that, Tommy." Pain said to her, gripping both of her shoulders in his hands. "That's just your anger talkin' and you don't mean that." He looked her square in the eyes and he repeated, "You don't mean that." A beat passed between them and he asked, a hint of worry in his voice, "You don't, do you?"


Thursday, February 5, 2009 7:09 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You don't mean that." A beat passed between them and he asked, a hint of worry in his voice, "You don't, do you?"

"You weren't there, Pain," Tommy said as she calmed down some. "After she got back, there were months when she didn't do anything but sit there and stare out the window or cry. She didn't talk, she wouldn't eat, she barely slept."

Tommy sighed and sat down.

"Then I was there. I helped her. I pulled her out of that Hell hole she was trapped in," she continued. "There was a time that I seriously thought about that option. I really did. It was just..."

Tommy put her hands over her face. Ivy slid forward.

"I begged Tommy for it, but she wouldn't let me. She told me I was strong. She promised I wouldn't be alone ever again," Ivy told Pain as tears started to run down her face. "What happened... Well, I just know it was really, really bad."

Ivy stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I am strong," she said resolutely. "I might not know all the pieces, but I think I'm doing OK. A lot of people think how I am is wrong, but it works for me.

"And no matter what John thinks about getting things out in the open, I'm not going there. I don't think I could survive it again."


Thursday, February 5, 2009 9:14 PM


Shuttle #2

Pain found it hard to speak after what she had told him. The words were there in his head, bangin against his brainpan to be let out, but they wouldn't. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get his brain to form something coherent and get it conveyed to his mouth. So barring some reassuring words, Pain did the next best thing and wrapped his arms around Ivy, squeezing her tight in a warm embrace that seemed to provide the words he wanted to say, but couldn't. He rested his head on hers' as he held her, not wanting to let go as he breathed in the scent of her shampoo.

Finally letting go and finding his ability to speak returning, Pain kissed Ivy's forehead and said, "We should probably go back to our bunk to change and get ready for the meetin' whenever the captain gets back."


Friday, February 6, 2009 11:53 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"We should probably go back to our bunk to change and get ready for the meetin' whenever the captain gets back."

Ivy nodded as she leaned up and gave Pain a long kiss. When they broke, she smiled at him.

"I want to be ready for this job. I have something to prove to this crew. I have to prove that I can be of use here. That I can be trusted," Ivy told him. "I want to fit in here."

"You will," Pain assured her, his hand gripping hers as they starting walking across the catwalk towards the galley.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. The silence made her heart hurt. She had freaked him out. She knew it deep down. She had tried to share something with him, but in the process, she freaked him out.

What if he changed his mind about wanting her there now? It wasn't enough to be broken, but throwing that whole situation in the mix just compounded it.

Don't think that way! He said to ask him first. Ask him before you start to jump to conclusions.

"I will," she whispered to herself.

She followed him down the ladder into their bunk. Pain immediately went over to get out the correct clothing for the event. Watching what he pulled out, she noted that she didn't have any T-shirts that fit, besides the very clingy one from earlier and she was sure that Pain wouldn't want her wearing that one, nor did she own any camo pants with the little pockets in them.

Maybe I need to go shopping again...

"I'm not suicidal," she stated softly and quickly as she studied the wall furthest away from Pain. She didn't want to look, didn't want to see his face, just in case. If he wanted her to go, she'd rather hear it than see it in his face.

"Shén me?" Pain asked as he stilled from what he was doing.

"I'm not suicidal," she repeated a little louder.

"Tiān xiǎo de, Ivy. I know that. It was in the past. And just like Tommy said. You'll never be alone. You got her and now you got me."

He turned her around to face him and the look on his face was anything but what she had feared. He still looked at her the same; he still wanted her there. She smiled in relief.

"I was worried that I freaked you out with what I told you. And that you..." she paused for a second. She held tight to the fact he asked her to talk to him rather than make assumptions about their relationship. "I thought that you might have reconsidered our relationship here, seeing that I was most notably more broken than you thought before."

"Reconsiderations never even entered my head, bao bei," Pain told her as he pulled her into his arms.

"So I didn't freak you out?"

"You did... Just a little," he admitted. "But like I said, it was in the past. It's a part of you that you can't change. I like it that you felt you could share it with me. I would be there to listen to the whole gorram story if'n you wanted me to, but I ain't gonna force you. And I'll make sure no one else does either. That you can count on."

She smiled widely, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his lips to hers, giving him a slow, languid kiss. His arms encircled her body and he returned it eagerly.

She wanted him. Wanted him right then, but knew that they needed to be ready for the job. She groaned softly and pulled away from him.

"We need to get ready. I don't want to be late," she told him. "I wish we did have the time. I'm nervous. Can't think of any other way I'd like to take my mind off it all."

She gave him a quick peck on the lips and turned to where she usually stored her stuff. She was surprised to find it empty.

"Pain? Where's my stuff?"


Friday, February 6, 2009 8:50 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Pain? Where's my stuff?"

"In hidin' like you were." he replied. Giving her a quick smile, he continued, "I'll go get them."

Without waiting for a response, Pain gave Ivy a quick peck on the forehead and ran off to fetch the duffel bag filled with her clothes as well as the one filled with his not-so-legal guns. He made it out of their bunk and lifted up part of the deck plating, descending into the crawlspace below.

The mercenary hunched over so as not to hit his head on the low ceiling and made his way over to where he stashed the two bags. Once he found them, he grabbed one in each hand, turned around and headed back the way he came. Plopping the two bags onto the fore deck's floor, Pain pushed himself out and slid the panel of deck plating back into its original position.

Grabbing the bags again, Pain headed back to his and Ivy's bunk with the bags slung over his shoulders. As he climbed down the ladder and closed the hatch, Pain set the bag of guns on the desk and the one filled with Ivy's belongings on the bed.

Embracing her with another hug and a kiss, Pain said as he released her, "You clothes and things are in the duffel bag on the bed." He gave her a smile and added, "I'll turn around now, so that you can change. Promise I won't peek."


Friday, February 6, 2009 9:40 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I'll turn around now, so that you can change. Promise I won't peek."

Ivy smiled at him as she went through her things. She knew he would look, even if it was just a glimpse.

She put away everything but what she was going to wear. She chose the new outfit she had just purchased. The brown button up shirt with the matching cotton pants. She slid her trousers off and put on the new ones. After that she removed the t-shirt of Pain's she was wearing and threw it at him, hitting him on the back of the head.

"Hey!" Pain exclaimed as he turned around. She had turned her back to him as she stood there fumbling with the tag on the shirt.

Pain studied the four elongated scars that covered a good portion of her back. The more he thought about them, the more he didn't believe that they were from a fall from a Cutlass Tree.

She had gotten the tag off and was starting to put the shirt on when he spoke.

"Are you gonna tell me where those scars are really from?" he asked.

Ivy froze for a second, not moving, her shirt not quite on. Then she finished sliding it on and started to button it up.

"I can tell you what it looks like, bao bei," Pain told her softly as he walked up behind her and placed a hand softly on her shoulder. "It looks like-"

"They're from the tree," she interjected sharply, interrupting him. "The Cutlass Tree. I told you that already."

Pain paused for a second as she finished buttoning her shirt. He didn't want to push her, so he didn't pursue it any further. And based on what he found out today, he was moving quickly to the realization that they were definitely NOT from a tree.

"That's right," he said to her. "You did tell me that."

She turned around and gave him a hug, glad that he seemed to be dropping the subject, but just to make sure it stayed dropped, she decided to make a retreat to the galley.

"I'm gonna head up to the galley and get something to drink," she told him as she moved towards the ladder. "You come on up after you're done getting dressed, OK?"


Saturday, February 7, 2009 5:29 AM


"Fine," John replied, "I'll talk to the captain, but I need you do do domething for me." John knew that no matter what Doc had needed her to do, she would be smart. He could use this. "I've totally alienated myself from someone on this ship that could cause me problems later. I don't want her to leave, but I can't exactly trust her. While I try to build up our relationship again; however, I need someone to keep and eye on her. Can you do that? If so, I'll convince the captain that you should stay. Can you cook?"



Saturday, February 7, 2009 6:58 AM


Isahiah walked up the loading ramp, looking uncharacteristically pale. His soaking wet sweater clung to his skin and siphoned the heat from his body. He would need to procure another one, leastways until this one had dried up. He looked over at Mal, but the captain quelled him with a black look.

"Worth a try, I suppose," he mused. With a sigh, he readied himself for the incumbent tongue-lashing that was sure to come next. Mercifully, something else seemed to attract Mal's notice. A woman, one whose face he didn't recall seeing around the ship before, stood halfway up the set of stairs leading to the catwalk, talking to John. While the room's flawed acoustics prevented him from spying on their conversation, he could sense that it had serious overtones to it. Mal hurried past him and made a beeline for the duo. Smiling at his good fortune, Isahiah beat a hasty retreat.

BigWolf18 "Way i remember it, you said you was leavin', dare say that saved us a whole peck o' trouble. now i gotta wonder what could spur on a fine disreputable man like yourself to show your fine disreputable face here again."

...Dust monkeys...


Saturday, February 7, 2009 12:40 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I'm gonna head up to the galley and get something to drink," she told him as she moved towards the ladder. "You come on up after you're done getting dressed, OK?"

"Sure thing, love." he replied. "See you topside."

He gave her a smile and watched as she climbed up the ladder, the hatch closing a short time later. Picking up the shirt she had thrown at him, Pain placed it in the dirty clothes bag hanging on the wall near the ladder along with the clothes Ivy had changed out of. Now it was his turn to change. Stripping off his own clothes, Pain put them into the bag and walked over to the footlocker at the end of the bed. Opening it, he pulled out a pair of camouflaged cargo pants, slipped them on, and buttoned them up. Next he took one of his black nylon belts and snaked it through his pants' belt loops, sliding the end of the belt through buckle and fastening it.

Pain then put on a pair of clean socks and followed them with his black combat boots. Walking back over to the footlocker, Pain fetched a black shirt and slipped it on. He figured Mal would give the crew the standard mission spiel and then give them enough time to gear up before they set out to do whatever it was they were going to do. Satisfied that he was fully dressed, Pain exited his bunk and made his way into the galley.


Pain saw Ivy standing near the counter in her new clothes with her drink in hand. He gave her a smile and walked over and into the pantry, browsing the shelves for something to quench his hunger. Ivy looked stunning in her new clothes and Pain made a note to tell her that as he continued his search for a snack.

Not being able to make up his mind on what he wanted, Pain stuck his head out of the door and said to Ivy, "Baobei? Could you come over here for a moment? I need some help in the pantry."


Saturday, February 7, 2009 1:48 PM


The captain approached John in the cargo bay. Unfortunately the woman had no time to answer.

"Get what needed doing done Captain?" John said.

"Yeah, who's this?"

"An old friend of the completely trustworthy variety. She needed a place to stay so here she is. She's willing to cook for us."

"Fine. She causes trouble, I shoot you both." Mal was obviously in a foul mood. "Anything happen while I was out."

"No sir," John lied, "Nothing at all."

"Good, find River and tell her to take us up."

"Yessir." The captain walked away, and John prepared to do as he asked. As he went up the stairs, he stopped. "Welcome aboard, screw me over and I'll take the burden of shooting you off Mal's hands."



Saturday, February 7, 2009 7:36 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Baobei? Could you come over here for a moment? I need some help in the pantry."

“Looking for something to eat?” Ivy asked as she started looking on the pantry shelves at the various products. “I don’t think I could eat right now even if I wanted to.”

Pain looked over at her and she was wringing her hands slightly as she kept her attention on the things on the shelves.

“You nervous?” Pain asked her.

“A little,” she answered him, looking over at him. “Well, OK, a lot nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Just stay with me, bao bei, and everything will be just fine,” he reassured her, placing a hand lovingly on her shoulder.

“How about these protein bars?” she asked as she picked up the box and showed Pain. He shook his head at her. She shrugged and replaced them on the shelf.

He moved away from her by the front of the pantry and kept looking. Again finding nothing that appealed to him, he looked up at Ivy. She was standing there, nibbling on the fingertips of one of her hands as the other one was wrapped closely around her middle.

“You really are nervous, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she admitted. “Did I tell you I heard the Captain is back.”

“He is?”

“Yep,” she confirmed as she kept looking on the shelves. She didn’t know what she was looking for, she just knew it was a welcome distraction, even if it was a tiny one.

She was trying really hard to concentrate, that she didn’t hear the soft click of the pantry door lock being engaged.

“So you really wish you had something to take your mind off things?” Pain asked as he moved closer to her. “Even if it is just for a little bit?”

“I would love that,” she answered. "But I don't think that will happen anytime soon."

She was about to reach out and pick up another box of unknown content when she felt Pain’s hand encircle her wrist. He softly turned her around and kissed the pulse point there.

“Pain-” she started.

“We'll get to the job soon enough. Let's just relax a little for now,” he told her as he moved closer. “Did I tell you how pretty you were today? I really like that outfit.”

With that, he picked her up, leaned her against the shelves and kissed her. She returned the kisses with passion and the knots that were forming in her shoulders started to slowly melt away.


Saturday, February 7, 2009 8:41 PM


Evelyn didn't have time to answer as the captain walked over, but if doing this for John was what was needed to keep her on the ship, she had to do it. She didn't exactly have a choice.

John took care of the captain for her and, as he turned to leave, spoke.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Welcome aboard, screw me over and I'll take the burden of shooting you off Mal's hands."

Evelyn gave a slight incline of her head, indicating her understanding. "Who am I watching?" she questioned. 'For you at least,' she added mentally.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Saturday, February 7, 2009 8:53 PM


Grayson blew off the snippy little Alliance woman and made his way back to his ship. The Sanctuary was a sweet ride. It had a top of the line engine, handled like a dream, three sleeping cabins and made the best office away from home a guy could ever need.

He worried about Ivy, but knew he had to let her go. She was right. She was an adult. But he just didn't like the situation at all. It made him nervous.

He checked his messages and looked at the case files that were pending. There was one not too far from where he was, maybe a day out, so he decided to go about his job in order to take his mind off of Ivy.

"The is Grayson Cornwell of the Sanctuary," he called in to the Port Authority. "Need clearance to launch."

Grayson took a deep breath and hoped he was doing the right thing.


Saturday, February 7, 2009 10:10 PM


Warning: PG-13++

In the Pantry

Select to view spoiler:

Pain's hands started to roam over Ivy's body as hers' did his while they continued to engage in a bout of rabid tongue wrestling. He found one button on her shirt and started to unbutton it. Then he found another and another until the very last one became undone.

"Pain?" Ivy rasped as she felt his hands on her breasts and his mouth on her neck.

"Yes?" he whispered in between kisses.

"Won't there be people coming by any minute?" she asked, her own hands running down his ribs.

"Most likely." he said as his lips found hers' again, his tongue probing the inner confines of her mouth. Breaking contact ever so briefly, he smiled and continued, "But I locked the door, so no one can bother us while we relax. Don't worry, we can still get out."

"Smooth." she murmured, before their lips locked again, in a show of white hot, slow burning passion.

As they continued to kiss and roam, Ivy's hands lowered themselves to Pain's hips and followed his belt until she found his belt buckle. With one hand she unbuckled his belt and started to unbutton his pants while she slid the other into them and found what she was looking for. Pain's eyes rolled back into his head as he tilted it back and moaned as he felt her down below.

Opening his eyes, Pain gave Ivy a devious smile and pulled her closer to him, bringing his lips back to hers' and letting his hands roam up and down her athletic body. Her hands roamed again too, moving up his shirt and feeling the muscles of his chest, sides, and back. His hands responded in kind, resulting in Ivy letting out a series of moans in between the kissing, groping, and fondling.

Outside the pantry

Jayne was hungry and made a bee line over to the pantry. He was feigning for some Fruity Oaty Bars and knew there were some in there. He walked over to the door and tried the handle.

"What the hell?" he asked, trying the handle again. "Why's the gorramn pantry locked?"

He fiddled with the door some more, cursing loud enough that both Pain and Ivy could hear him. They looked at each other, then at the door, and back at each other again.

"Guess we'll have to finish this some other time, baobei." Pain whispered to Ivy before giving her another kiss. "Are you relaxed?"

"Very." she whispered back, giving him a smile and another good grope.

The jiggling of the door handle became more incessant as Jayne became more frustrated.

"Gorrammit! Whoever's in there better unlock this door or I'm a-blastin' the ruttin' lock off!" they could hear him yell.

When the door finally unlocked, Jayne opened it and saw Pain and Ivy standing inside, looking at the shelves. Their clothes had a disheveled look about them and Ivy's hair was all messed up. Jayne could've sworn her shirt was a little crooked. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they had been doing in there.

"Can't ya two do that in your own gorramn room for Pete's sake?" he asked, looking at them. "Ya two should be ashamed of yerselves. Cap's settin' up a meetin' in the galley and ya two are busy feelin' each other up and suckin' face. Anyways ya two better get 'em clothes straightened out 'fore he shows up."

Pain and Ivy were both blushing and embarrassed. Ivy was trying her best to hide it by looking at the ground. Shaking his head at the two of them, Jayne grabbed a few FOBs off the shelf.

Looking at Pain, Jayne shook his head again and added, "Pain?" Pain looked at Jayne who grinned and added, "Yer fly's open."


Sunday, February 8, 2009 10:53 AM


OOC: We need to start a new thread. Perhaps the first post should start with the actual meeting to discuss the job, so if you have anything to handle before that, please do so.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 10:57 AM


Warning: Just a very, very slight mention of partial nudity.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Pain?" Pain looked at Jayne who grinned and added, "Yer fly's open."

Jayne scoffed at them as he left the pantry, closing the door behind him.

Pain looked down and noticed that Jayne was correct.

"Aw, man!" he exclaimed as he turned and took care of zipping it up.

After he was done, he looked up to see Ivy's shirt half undone again, she had buttoned it crooked and was trying to redo it so it was correct. Pain caught a glimpse of the swell of her breast and tilted his head.

"What?" she asked, frantically trying to fix her shirt.

Pain let out a low growl and quickly crossed the pantry until he was against her, again resuming their mutual relaxation technique.

Tongues sought each other and bodies pressed against once another as their passion flared.

"Pain," Ivy said between breaths. "The door is not locked."

"I know," Pain said softly as he nibbled down her neck as she let her head drop back and a small moan escape her lips.

That's when they heard Mal's voice over the com announcing the meeting in the galley to go over the job. They both groaned as they let their foreheads touch.


"Yes, Pain?"

"When we get back from this job, I don't plan on leaving our bunk for a while," he told her. "If you are OK with that."

"More than OK," she answered as she gave him a quick peck on the lips.

When they parted, she finished fixing the order of the buttons on her shirt, combed through her hair with her fingers to counter the mess it was in. Then they tried to casually leave the pantry and take a seat at the table.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 4:05 PM


OoC: I'm ready after this.

"Her name's Ivy, the one you have the info on. Don't hound, just watch."

The captain's message came across the com system.

"You should probably help with this job. Cement your space here. I'll see that file afterwards,"

John walked into the galley and took a seat ready to get to work.



Sunday, February 8, 2009 5:07 PM


“La shi,” Cate cursed quietly, watching the blood well over her right finger. It wasn’t the first and it wasn’t the last time to happen. Getting up from her seat, she headed for the infirmary for a band-aid or anything to cover it.

She stopped dead when she saw she wasn’t alone.

Izzy was searching through the draws, presumably looking for clothes of some sort, seeming that he’d lost his shirt somewhere.

“You don’t mind red do you?” Cate asked amused at the man’s search seem to become more frantic.

He jumped a foot in the air, looking at the young woman who’d asked the question, who was, oddly, sucking a finger. “Pardon?”

“Well, unless I'm mistaken, you really don’t wanna go on this think with only pants… I’ve got a spare shirt that should fit you… even if it is a little bulky.”

“I'm not much into women’s clothes, but thankyou-”

“Qiong cangn fu zi wo…” she muttered, “I accidently packed one of my dads shirts, you can have it if you want I've got no use for it.”

Izzy blinked, not entirely positive what to reply with. “I'd appreciate that.”

“Shiny, wait there a moment.” She disappeared for a few moments and then came back with a maroon shirt that did indeed fit, but was loose fitting. “Ugh, you need more weight on you… what you need is coffee.”

That seemed to be the magic word as the man’s head snapped up.

“Right, so, we’ll get coffee, and nit out this little job, and go over things so I generally don’t screw up.” Cate said, leading the way to the galley.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 6:48 PM







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