The crew of Serenity...happily ever after-?

UPDATED: Sunday, February 1, 2009 19:23
VIEWED: 3473
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Saturday, January 31, 2009 3:12 PM


After the events of Serenity, do you see the crew having it easy, hard, or impossible?
Will the Alliance tear itself apart with recriminations concerning Miranda, or will it tighten security, getting somewhat more fascist in an attempt to hunt down our BDH's?

Not lookin' for fan fiction here, just a general concensus.

Personally, I think the Alliance is in for some shake up. Spin can't cover all that happened on Miranda, IMO. I think Mal & Co will have it easy for a time, then the work of looking for work will press them again. And SOMEONE in the Alliance will have it out for them... the 'interesting times' will not soon be over for our peeps.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, January 31, 2009 3:18 PM


I see Zoe getting angry (stuck in the anger phase of grief) and her misery effecting everyone....

Kaylee and Simon will hook up but make each other miserable because they are too much unalike... he'll despise her lack of education and she'll resent him....

Jayne will be lusting after Inara making her uncomfortable and making Malcolm antagonistic...

The ship will be coming apart at the seams with tension....

but River will be doing better than ever!

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Saturday, January 31, 2009 3:24 PM


Whoah, pessimism.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, January 31, 2009 3:30 PM


well I assume that Joss wrote with ideas in mind for Serenity 2, and so even though Zoe SAID she was fine, and it looked like Kaylee & Simon were happy, and Mal & Inara might have a chance...
I still figured that none of that was going to work out for long...

Joss does love to make his people miserable.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Saturday, January 31, 2009 3:36 PM



Originally posted by embers:
Joss does love to make his people miserable.

"Maybe that's why we lost."

Dark ain't the general audiences' cup of tea?

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, January 31, 2009 4:06 PM


Nah. Kaylee will bring Simon's spirit up to her level and they'll be as fine as any couple is. Simon needs the raw caring Kaylee gives him, Kaylee needs to mother her lover. Sounds like a match to me.

Inara and Mal, well, for a couple years maybe. Just too different. Unless Mal can unload his inner burdens and guilts.

River will learn (to learn) to grow, having such a huge inner strength making it possible. Hard to adjust what with spouting off whatever comes into her head, but doable.

Jayne. Well, Jayne. Mal may have purchased his loyalty with the only coin Jayne never saw before; loyalty. Seen more on missions, taking Zoe's place.

Zoe, pregnant, still heavily armed. Feral Mom and dangerous. For the first time she has someone else to think of, her child, and fades from the heavy gunning unless absolutely needed. Wouldn't mess with her.

An interesting crew of strong people. They can win out.

Now about a couple new crewmembers ....

"Shepherd always said, 'If you can't do something smart, do something right.'"


Saturday, January 31, 2009 4:14 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by embers:
Joss does love to make his people miserable.

"Maybe that's why we lost."

Dark ain't the general audiences' cup of tea?

The laughing Chrisisall

I never thought the movie failed because people didn't like it, in fact I thought the reviews were mostly good and the word of mouth was good...
there just wasn't enough interest (IMO) because there wasn't a big named star attached.

I always said that if we had ANY big name star in the show, someone with a little box office drawing power, someone who would have been invited on talk shows to promote the movie, then it would have made all the difference....

I always thought that most of the people who saw it really liked it....

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Saturday, January 31, 2009 4:20 PM



Originally posted by embers:
I always thought that most of the people who saw it really liked it....

Yes, there are really the two kinds of people- the ones who liked/loved it, and the ones who never saw it.
ALL of the peeps in my film class this semester didn't see it. I intend to remedy that.

The laughing Chrisisall


Saturday, January 31, 2009 4:48 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

ALL of the peeps in my film class this semester didn't see it. I intend to remedy that.

The laughing Chrisisall

oh I hope you do! And then let us know what people say....
because all my friends & family who watched it really loved it...

But getting people to watch something with no bankable 'stars' in it is a tough sell.

I was always hoping that Summer Glau and/or Nathan Fillion would become more high profile stars so that Universal would be motivated to put out our sequel....

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Saturday, January 31, 2009 5:19 PM


Much as I'd like things to be easy for them, there isn't much chance. Potential employers will have heard that most of their friends and contacts were killed in strikes from the Alliance. Either they'll have to find some brand new market, or money is going to be even scarcer. If it gets too scarce, they'll have no choice, and they'll have to separate. If that happens, as things are now, Mal won't make it through the year; he won't be able to give up the crime, and it's not a one person job.

But they'll stay together as long as possible. I don't think it'll be emotions that'll tear them apart; to cope, I see all of them coming together and relying on each other more.

Even Jayne, who lost a good friend in the preacher, he's going to need consolation. He's not all heartless, as Jaynestown proved, and I think he would grieve once things've slowed down and he has the chance. And I kind of got the impression, from that moment in the movie where Jayne passes Simon some whiskey before agreeing to the suicide mission, that he's willing to set aside the problems he had with Simon and River. He's realized there's more important things than his grudge. He'll be loyal, more part of the family, and in return he's also going to get more respect from the others. He'll still drink, be crude, be greedy, and go to whore houses, though, unless Book's death helped him find religion or something. o.0

There's pretty much only one way for Zoe to go for her character to develop, and everyone's already said it. Near berserker mode in a fight if not almost all the time, and a lot more emotional otherwise, when she's not pretending to be her old stoic self and that nothing is wrong. She's been broken, you see that in the way she initially refuses to comprehend that Wash is gone, and how she tries to commit suicide fighting the Reavers. The rest of the crew might be able to help her and bring her back some. Whether or not she overcomes her grief and anger, Zoe is tough, she'll survive. She won't take it out on the rest of the crew, that's just not her, except she'll question Mal's orders more and he'll let her. And pregnancy is also probably a distinct possibility, since Joss made it such a big deal that she was arguing with Wash about it.

River will still be crazy (her amygdala was removed, it's not going to grow back), will still have nightmares about the Academy, but with the hands of blue defeated and with the secret about Miranda no longer burdening her, there will be less fear. No way of knowing if she's stable enough to be pilot long term, but for now she's probably all right, so long as she's supervised. The task will probably help her focus and feel needed, useful. And Mal will watch over her if no one else will (i.e. they're busy with whatever).

Kaylee and Simon... Someone told me that in the Auzzie release of Serenity, Joss Whedon said their relationship is doomed. I hope not, it'd kind of be a tragic illustration of the 'verse if the two most innocent souls on the boat can't make it work. On the other hand, I've also heard someone say that Joss confirmed that the two of them really do love each other, so who knows?

Mal and Inara's relationship is interesting because they're always fighting. And I don't think they'll ever stop, they're two stubborn, rational people with very different opinions and approaches to solving problems. No idea if they'll ever get together, though I've heard Joss has commented "they're perfect for each other." As I've said before, if they do get together, I think it'll be on again, off again, depending on what they're currently fighting about and how furiously. I think Inara will stay with the crew to help them even if the fighting does get bad, filling the much needed role after Miranda of emotional/spiritual counselor. I also think she'll rent out the shuttle for work again, and Mal will go along with it. She's not about to stop working, especially with Mal being around, she's got something to prove. He can't handle her leaving again (both personally and for the sake of his crew), and will accommodate her so she doesn't. He'll probably stop calling her whore, since he's had to accept her profession, and was willing to try before she even left, if his attempt at confession at the end of HOG is any indication.

As for Mal, he's just going to get darker, even with Inara around. Scarce jobs + crew worries + guilt complex = yep, shorter temper. And he's not going to let anybody help him.


Saturday, January 31, 2009 6:05 PM


Okay, three takes:

First, by character:
Kaylee has the brightest future, and Zoe the worst, just based on the attitudes and actions: Humble and cowardly is a survival characteristic, heroic and harsh are going to get you remembered, but also dead. Jayne is looking like he's headed for trouble, but fortunately, he's in a work of fiction, which means he's on a redemption uptrend. Inara is on a downtrend. She relies on high social standing and is haughty, maybe even arrogant. Her continued betrayal of the society in which she stands is going to come home to roost. Mal seems hopeless. I think that his best destiny is probably to be a BDH and go down in a blaze of glory. The obsessive character caught in the past is a ship navigating a whirlpool. River's future is looking good. She's in her element. This world is about cut-throat, no nonsense, do whatever it takes, and she's an ace at it. Simon is somewhat on that end, but has trouble with social aspects, I assume he marries Kaylee, which saves him, and they adopt River. That probable makes the best surviving trio.

Okay, Storywise. I find it hard to reconcile BDM with the show. Events don't match up, or world concept. Their future is looking a lot brighter without BDM, but assuming that you can reconcile, then, it's looking bad. This team has just made a suicide move, for the sake of making the audience feel good ;) They've blown their cover, made themselves a huge blip on the radar screen, and they're up against a force of nearly infinite power. Mostly, they're doomed, unless they hook up with some other group. They need a rebellion. They can't go on a la Farscape forever. Neither could Farscape:

Select to view spoiler:

Without Scorpius they were doomed.

But a writer can make truly moronic things happen if they want to contrive victory (Buffy, season 7?)

Next, the bomb: As much as he tried to redesign it to be a standalone film, it didn't work. I saw it with a mixed group of fans and those who hadn't seen the show. The fans gave it a 10 and the non-fans a 7 or 8. The problem is that it doesn't work without the backstory. You need not only to know what reavers are and the alliance is, you really have to know these characters. I think to save it, there are two things he could have done:

1. Say screw the compromise and make it just a kick ass double ep., without the huge showdowns and exposition.
2. Focus. Don't try to cover the whole scope, just carry one element, and stick to it. Let the rest of the world around the action seem as a deep mysterious backdrop, as it plays in bladerunner, and a lot of good film noir.

If I took BDM and was handed the outline and told what to do with it to make it a success, I would say "Manchurian Candidate" that's the story here. My sister was into Firefly before I was, she had a TV, she's the reason... Anyway, she said right off "this story is about Simon and River. The whole show. It thinks it's about Mal, but it's not." As an author she was going by writers rules, and yes, according to fiction construction models, she's right: They're the pivotal plot element, the story begins with their introduction, because it's their story. If it were Mal's story, it would begin somewhere else. But more importantly: Who's hiding the most, who suffers the most, who has the most to lose, and who do key events really hinge around? Any kind of analysis IMHO leads to this conclusion.

So, one element of this story matters, and that's what needs to play out in the BDM, and he did that.

Here's where he lost the rest of the audience: He over-reached. He could have stuck to the manchurian candidate aspect. The big battles of reavers, or their explanation, the agent-mal showdown, this is baggage. If it drives the story forward, great. If it's in the way, cut it back, and focus on the story. Mr. Universe came out of nowhere. He doesn't help the film, and he doesn't connect to the show storyline.

I think I would have hopped from world to world, always showing the low seedy side, the insignificance of the characters, and contrasted that with the significance of River and Simon. I wouldn't have pulled back and tried to show off my big world, I would tease with shadows of it. But I would focus on the key element, and develop it, spend more time on flavor.

Then you would have had a film that had a coherent story, not too much for the newbie to follow, and a nice denouement of the central element of the show.

Just taking a random film noir: Nikita. We never really pull back and see the whole picture. We don't know why the targets are targets, and what the master plan is, we're not even sure of how the operation runs, outside of the training. What makes Nikita brilliant is the tragic nature of circumstance, she is not at all a believer in the mission. The TV show reverses this, we see a lot of the plan, etc., and the characters do believe, and the writers seem to also. The show was good, very well done, but the film was a masterpiece.

BDM was good fun sci-fi for the general audience, but confusing and discombobulated. If it had been focused, more attention to detail, less big picture, then it would have swept in the audience.

I don't think star appeal was necessary. In fact, I think it might have hurt. Depends. Gary Oldman as a villain always works, adding Whoopie Goldberg to your crew never does.

But really, I think film noir doesn't hinge on star appeal. Nikita was a hit, and it had people we had never heard of and was in French. Bladerunner had Harrison Ford and a bunch of basically unknowns. If you had stars, they'd have small roles, which would disappoint the audience.


Saturday, January 31, 2009 6:22 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
Just taking a random film noir: Nikita. We never really pull back and see the whole picture. We don't know why the targets are targets, and what the master plan is, we're not even sure of how the operation runs, outside of the training. What makes Nikita brilliant is the tragic nature of circumstance, she is not at all a believer in the mission.

EXCELLENT comparison, DT, but I believe Serenity is EVERY BIT the masterpiece LFN is for the same much is ambigious (for those not seen the amazing series) and you just getted plopped into it the same way.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:19 AM


Posted this a while back in another thread. I think it still applies.

Simon -After having lost his 'wanted' status Simon returns to being a doctor. A brilliant significant doctor who advances medicine no end. He has to leave Kaylee behind though. She just wouldn't fit in. So he settles for a straight forward marriage. It's not exciting nor full of adventure, but it's safe and his family love him.

River - River leads a solitary life for most of the time, but she remains close to Simon and his family. During the working week she is a teacher at one of the top universities where she is also able to conduct her research. Her fascination with psychic phenomena leads her to write many books on the subject for which she becomes well known for. She never marry's.

Kaylee - Returns to her home planet and hooks up with her first love! They marry and set up a business making Firefly styled space ships. It's very successful. She has about 5 kids and lives a long full family life. Her grandchildren are at her bedside when she final passes away at the ripe old age of 100 - the exact number of Firefly ships in service at the time.

Inara - Inara is the first to leave Serenity. She settles down on a guild certified planet - where her keen business savy has allowed her a happy retirement. She flirts with marriage with one or two gentlemen who pass her way over the years, but they all have the same problem. They're not Mal. So she sees out her days unmarried but fulfilled. She writes books on her days as a companion and even one or two fictional works about her more adventurous days on a firefly class ship, that sell well and bring her a certain amount of fame.

Zoe - Zoe after having twins settles down on a quiet non alliance planet and runs a farm with her partner. She never re-marries. On a number of occasions she is visited by Mal, and they spend days talking about their days in the army and reminiscing about the good old days until around the time of her 50th birthday; thereafter she never hears or sees Mal ever again. After Serenity, Zoe never ever stepped foot into another ship. When she finally dies - she leaves a loving family all of whom continue to run the family farm.

Mal and Jayne. Reluctantly these two end up racing around the 'verse together, doing crime, cutting deals, dodging the Alliance and undertaking just about every adventure imaginable. They're never rich, but they're free. The continue to fly Serenity with make-shift crews and ramshackled helpers who all fall to the way-side when the going gets tough. They soon traverse the galaxy through folktales and yarns. People love to talk about these two and their near death scrapes with the alliance and crime bosses has them celebrated across the 'verse as legendary hero's.
Their end is never confirmed however and their demise has to be left to rumours, when a report about the two men is picked up stating that almost an enitre legion of alliance soldiers were deployed to gun them down after a bank job went wrong off the moons of Calisto. The rumour was never verified but the two men were never seen of again. Years later an exploration vessel searching the outer rim for planets to be terraformed, discovered the wreck of a Firefly class ship drifing in space. It's crew were gone.

During his life Jayne had three children with three different women, but he lived his life unaware of his offspring.

Mal on the other hand ended up having one child with Saffron. Malcolm Reynolds would have gone to his grave swearing blind the boy was not his - had he not looked into the boy's eyes and seen the very defiance he so often recognized in his own face.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:31 AM


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Even Jayne, who lost a good friend in the preacher, he's going to need consolation. He's not all heartless, as Jaynestown proved, and I think he would grieve once things've slowed down and he has the chance. And I kind of got the impression, from that moment in the movie where Jayne passes Simon some whiskey before agreeing to the suicide mission, that he's willing to set aside the problems he had with Simon and River. He's realized there's more important things than his grudge. He'll be loyal, more part of the family, and in return he's also going to get more respect from the others. He'll still drink, be crude, be greedy, and go to whore houses, though, unless Book's death helped him find religion or something.

I like your characterisation of Jayne Bytmite.


River will still be crazy (her amygdala was removed, it's not going to grow back), will still have nightmares about the Academy, but with the hands of blue defeated and with the secret about Miranda no longer burdening her, there will be less fear. No way of knowing if she's stable enough to be pilot long term, but for now she's probably all right, so long as she's supervised. The task will probably help her focus and feel needed, useful. And Mal will watch over her if no one else will (i.e. they're busy with whatever).

True. Also I like the idea of Mal looking out for her a spell. Sounds like a Mal thing to do.


Kaylee and Simon... Someone told me that in the Auzzie release of Serenity, Joss Whedon said their relationship is doomed. I hope not, it'd kind of be a tragic illustration of the 'verse if the two most innocent souls on the boat can't make it work. On the other hand, I've also heard someone say that Joss confirmed that the two of them really do love each other, so who knows?

I have to say I don't think these two are 'true loves'. It's sad in a way because they look like they should be, but Simon is just not that sentimental. I think he has an inseperable attachment with reality. He's just not a dreamer. I always felt Simon was being pressured into feeling something for Kaylee.


Mal and Inara's relationship is interesting because they're always fighting. And I don't think they'll ever stop, they're two stubborn, rational people with very different opinions and approaches to solving problems. No idea if they'll ever get together, though I've heard Joss has commented "they're perfect for each other." As I've said before, if they do get together, I think it'll be on again, off again, depending on what they're currently fighting about and how furiously. I think Inara will stay with the crew to help them even if the fighting does get bad, filling the much needed role after Miranda of emotional/spiritual counselor. I also think she'll rent out the shuttle for work again, and Mal will go along with it. She's not about to stop working, especially with Mal being around, she's got something to prove. He can't handle her leaving again (both personally and for the sake of his crew), and will accommodate her so she doesn't. He'll probably stop calling her whore, since he's had to accept her profession, and was willing to try before she even left, if his attempt at confession at the end of HOG is any indication.

Mal and Inara... Hmmm. It would need a change of careers for the both of them. Mal would have to give up Serenity and Inara would have to give up being a companion. Maybe just maybe if the show took a twist and this actually occured, I'd give them a chance, as often strong conflicting personalities can work, but I think Mal's defiance would need to be tempered.

Nice insight Bytemite.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 6:18 AM


Kaylee: sweet, innocent (for a given value of "innocent") lovable - and in a show by Joss "shoot the puppy" Whedon: She is so dead. Sorry. (I'd put my money on Niska)

River: Obviously "bonding" with Mal at the end of "Objects" and the BDM, they become very close resulting in lots of tension between Mal and Simon. No icky stuff of course - Mal is very keen not to go to that special hell - although if they both survive another 20 years, maybe...

Simon: After Kaylee's sudden but inevitable demise, embarks on an immaculately planned campaign of vengeance, after which he becomes the new head of Niska's crime empire (he has, after all, shown considerable promise as a criminal mastermind). After that, its never quite clear who's side he's on.

Mal and Inara: never gonna happen, but there will be lots of really good fights along the way. Superfically, its because they can't accept each other's "professions". Deep down, they're both ashamed at their own professions, and feel that they're unworthy of each other. Plus, there's whatever Inara's Big Damn Secret is to figure in.

Plus, Mal has got to hook up with Saffron at some stage (even if its only part of a scam), which will really annoy Inara.

Zoe: She's inevitably lost friends and lovers before: she can deal with it. She will grieve, heal as best she can, kill reavers whenever the opportunity arises and otherwise get on with the job of being a good soldier until her number comes up.

Jayne: Just as Mal is about to sacrifice his life in a Big Damn Heroic blaze of glory, Jayne pushes him aside and dies in his place. He is buried, with great ceremony (and a hat, and a rainstick), under the statue in Jaynestown.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 6:21 AM


Like most people, I don't see things going particularly well for the crew post-Serenity.

First and foremost, they still need to EAT, and regardless of how much things change for the Alliance, it's not going to make it easier for a bunch of thieves to get paid. Indeed, with most of their contacts dead, jobs will be VERY scarce.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Mal come close to losing the ship, since, they'll likely spend quite a while only one step away from being on the drift, with no prospects, no money, and no fuel.

Even if their role in the Miranda Broadwave is public, it's not like anyone's going to thank them for it. A few people might find them interesting, but it'll be more in a "circus monkey" way than in a "Thanks for ruining everything in our society; here's a great, high-paying job" sort of way.


In terms of characters, this is Joss Whedon we're talking about, so nobody gets to be happy, do they?

Simon and Kaylee are a cute couple, but they're a couple based primarily on anticipation. Sure, there will be lots of sex for a while, but once reality sets in, they're doomed. While both of them are good people, other than fantasy, neither really provides something the other NEEDS. This is further compounded if , following Miranda, Simon has the possibility to be a doctor somewhere. Eventually, life on Serenity will not be fulfilling (not helping enough people), while Kaylee's life is on Serenity.

In the big picture, what they both want is too different.

Zoe, pregnant or not, is in a dark, dark place. She is, basically, where Mal was post-Serenity Valley. But Mal had Zoe to steady him, whereas Zoe has... well, the crew, sure, but they're all distracted by their own personal issues. Zoe's in for a rough time of it.

Jayne is Jayne. But the death of the two crewmembers he's arguably closest with (despite his bickering with Wash) is going to have some kind of impact on him. He'll probably be the crew member least affected, but once Kaylee and Simon, and even Mal and Inara pair off, that'll be another source of frustration for him. Poor Jayne, always odd man out.

Mal and Inara... I suspect they'll try it as a couple at some point, but, like Simon and Kaylee, they're a couple that really has little in common (as least as they are now). They might LOVE each other, but as things stand, they don't RESPECT each other enough to be a solid couple. In order for them to work, one or both will need to change significantly, and, really, that never works well in the long-run.

As for River, as has been pointed out, much of what's wrong with her is PHYSICAL in nature. Following Miranda, she might be slightly better, but no secret is going to fix PHYSICAL damage. Shiny end of the movie aside, she's a long way from normal (and will NEVER get there). Indeeed, I think Mal is a MORON for letting her fly the ship. :) "Here's how it might have been..."


Sunday, February 1, 2009 9:37 AM



Nikita. Did you the film?

I'm never sure if you're being sarcastic. Maybe instead of sarcasm brackets you [serious][/serious]

Re: character hookups.

Kaylee and River, Film it. Add Simon.
Inara and Jayne. I just don't see Jayne hooking up without coughing up, but I think he's spent too much time in his bunk. He needs to be more of a man, and River or Zoe would just kill him, and he and Kaylee just don't see it.

Joss seems to love destroying what he creates. It's a chronic theme. Willow and Tara, Xander and Anya. Given that, no, there's no happy ending.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 10:18 AM


After watching the series countless times, the movie included, and reading everything written by Whedon, and listen carefully to every interview and commentary on the verse available, and being fairly familiar with Whedon's other work and his literature influences here's my take, which is slightly twisty, of course:

Work is scarce, the Alliance is destabilizing and Mal has a poor reputation to boot (no one wants to die because of an association) he has no choice but to become involved with a resistance movement, Zoe makes the initial contact (remember the Dust Devils) because she has nothing else to live for, causing some tension between them, she's a renegade and may leave for a while. River pilots, Jayne mercs, Kaylee mechs, Simon doctors, Inara stays, she has little credibility left with the Guild, times are hard and she is a luxury item, work will be difficult to find for her also (she wasn't that successful out on the rim to begin with and Mal does back water moons), she assists the crew as best she can, when she isn’t slumming and having to choose Alliance planted raping clients, that beat on her.

The pairings:

Simon and Kaylee, sweet, but lack a life vision together, a good six months of sex will cure the infatuation. Simon will become fixated on finding cures and doctoring the wounded, because that's what trained professionals do. Kaylee will realize that although Simon's pretty to look at and polite, they really want different things out of life. Sorry shippers, this is a classic Whedon pairing that isn't going to work in the long run.

Serenity is Kaylee's baby, she'll keep her flying as long as she can or until she meets and marries a Captain of another ship and has as actual baby AND an engine to take care of too. She'll keep in touch with Mal and Inara. She's their sister after all:)

Simon, after not being able to cure River and adequately address Inara’s secret will find a medical position out on the rim and practice his beloved trade with success, marry a doable school teacher and have a few little ones, that read Twilight books all day:) River will visit and be the crazy aunt that the kids all imitate.

Mal and Inara, passionate, yes, they’ll fight and make up (who doesn’t?). They want the same thing out of life... to live and love another day, but, this is Whedon's tragic love story, after getting together, one will die, probably Inara (duh), but she will leave Mal with a child or two to raise alone, someone needs to inherit Serenity. She WILL struggle with her secret throughout their relationship, Simon (to repay Mal, he owes him) and her may leave and return at times to address her secret. It will be sad and tragic, no doubt. (see Roslin and Adama, BSG, Joss’s fav drama) and I’m trying to avoid spoilers here if that was too ambiguous. OK, she dies in childbirth like many frontier women, is that easier to consume? Mal will learn from the experience that the Independents are as trivial as the Alliance when it comes to valuing human life, creating inner conflict galore, and I like the potential of this storyline because Simon can make use of the cryo box again:) which I’ve always wanted to buy. Joss call me!

The others:

River, she is Mal's adopted protégée and is physically strong, but mentally unstable, where Inara is the opposite. She will pilot Serenity or another ship, because she can become a ship:) but not a significant other for someone, so no relationSHIP for her, except for the once in a while same sex encounter, although she is in love with Inara, boy does she perk up when she first sees Inara enter, in the BDM, or is it my wayward imagination? And you know she stole that vid from Mal when he was done:) River will have Blue Sun and the Alliance and her own demons to fight, but hey, that’s the plot of her story.

Zoe, she may get her own command and interim Captain for Mal while he is tending to Inara and family issues. I don't see a pregnancy for her because Wash had major reservations about their life style in HoG. And he witnessed her almost surrender in Better Days to violent Special Ops, so unless it was a failure of Birth Control, I don't see that happening. She’ll get back at the Alliance in her own kick butt way, when Mal’s not paying attention.

Jayne is a soldier of fortune; he is now loyal to Mal and will stay as long as he makes money to send home. He'll continue to drink, whore and count coin. And, will probably go out in style like a shootout.

In time, they'll all die off, or be killed; End of the Trail kind of stuff, but another generation will take over Serenity because she’s a cargo ship and things always need moving in the verse.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 3:17 PM


I would start a sequel 2 years after the events of Serenity...that is enough time to allow for the actors getting older and the franchise can cash in on more comics, books and even a game or two.

Obviously Blue Sun will be the baddies this time around, and a few visions and second hand hints from River will lead Mal and the crew on another 'against the odds' adventure to uncover their secrets.

Here is my take on how the crew has evolved in the lead up to the second movie.

Mal: Mal quickly learns that the relief that came after the events from Serenity are short-lived and times can become even harder when everyone refuses to work with the `hero' that the alliance want dead. The events of Miranda kick up a stir in some Independance fundamentalists...who seek Mal to lead them and help re-establish a rebellion. While initially interested and passionate, Mal has to come to the realisation that the war was over many years ago and Alliance just can't be overrun.
Mal finally makes a move at Inara...which leads to a endless fight over him demanding her to quit her job as a companion.
In his quiet moments Mal finds himself having intense arguments with the spirit of Book.. Is Shepherd visiting him from beyond or is a manisfestation of Mal's own self concious?

Jayne: The events of Serenity turn Jayne into a really loyal, un-Jayne like character. Gone is the ``Money was too good'' guy and in his place is the same hard ass, but now a true member of the crew with the occasional angry outburst. Expect a few more ghosts in his past to come back and test his new-found loyalty.

Zoe: I don't see Zoe getting preggos, but I would like the challenges a child of 1-2 years would bring up for the crew.
I see Zoe losing all the personality that Wash dragged out of her and going 100% back into 'warrior woman' mode.
A brief hope that Wash is infact alive pulls Zoe out of her state of anger.

Wash: How do you reveal Blue Sun as the evil corporation they are, while getting the crew of Serenity involved at the same time?? Answer = Wash. While its only a pipe dream of mine, I expect Wash to wake up in some cold, Blue Sun facility with a hole in his chest after being taken from Alliance control by Blue Sun. The crew would have thought reavers had got to him and assumed there was no body to speak of, while the Blue Sun were able to steal Wash away from an Alliance medical centre immediately after the end of Serenity. River uses her brainy powers to reveal the secret and help reunite the crew with their pilot.

Simon/Kaylee: Doomed.. It wont last long because Simon cant help but offend Kaylee every 4 seconds, but after a long and angry talk from Mal, the two learn to get along on the ship. Simon begins to ponder life off Serenity again and Kaylee continues to be kaylee looking after her girl.

Inara: Always linked to the ship against her better instincts, Inara holds onto hope that Mal will reveal his true feelings...when he finally does the two have some brief happiness before the fighting begins about her profession and role on the boat. The secret of the vile and her past is revealed by a curious Mal...the answers possibly mean a future is impossible for the two.

Serenity: Patched up and looking her best, the ship undergoes a few upgrades and takes on a weaponmount after one-too-many run-ins with bounty hunters.

Rivers feet: Continue to go without shoes and lead our heroine on her lovely strolls around the ship.

Make it happen Universal!


Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:12 PM


I love it all! Bringitback... but Wash resurrected stories always sound hokey to me, and I don't know if Joss would risk the plausibility of a sequel based on fans wanting Wash back, he's better left in Zoe's memories where I think we will see him in the Sequel.

And, the crew and viewers know that Reavers only take you if you are alive. We saw his funeral.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 4:21 PM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:

Nikita. Did you [like] the film?

It's one of the very few I believe might be Serenity's equal in terms of excellence.
Damn. I need to own it. Now I know what to ask for for my birthday!

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, February 1, 2009 5:07 PM



Originally posted by Bringitback:
I would start a sequel 2 years after the events of Serenity...that is enough time to allow for the actors getting older and the franchise can cash in on more comics, books and even a game or two.

Obviously Blue Sun will be the baddies this time around, and a few visions and second hand hints from River will lead Mal and the crew on another 'against the odds' adventure to uncover their secrets.

Here is my take on how the crew has evolved in the lead up to the second movie.

Mal: Mal quickly learns that the relief that came after the events from Serenity are short-lived and times can become even harder when everyone refuses to work with the `hero' that the alliance want dead. The events of Miranda kick up a stir in some Independance fundamentalists...who seek Mal to lead them and help re-establish a rebellion. While initially interested and passionate, Mal has to come to the realisation that the war was over many years ago and Alliance just can't be overrun.
Mal finally makes a move at Inara...which leads to a endless fight over him demanding her to quit her job as a companion.
In his quiet moments Mal finds himself having intense arguments with the spirit of Book.. Is Shepherd visiting him from beyond or is a manisfestation of Mal's own self concious?

Jayne: The events of Serenity turn Jayne into a really loyal, un-Jayne like character. Gone is the ``Money was too good'' guy and in his place is the same hard ass, but now a true member of the crew with the occasional angry outburst. Expect a few more ghosts in his past to come back and test his new-found loyalty.

Zoe: I don't see Zoe getting preggos, but I would like the challenges a child of 1-2 years would bring up for the crew.
I see Zoe losing all the personality that Wash dragged out of her and going 100% back into 'warrior woman' mode.
A brief hope that Wash is infact alive pulls Zoe out of her state of anger.

Wash: How do you reveal Blue Sun as the evil corporation they are, while getting the crew of Serenity involved at the same time?? Answer = Wash. While its only a pipe dream of mine, I expect Wash to wake up in some cold, Blue Sun facility with a hole in his chest after being taken from Alliance control by Blue Sun. The crew would have thought reavers had got to him and assumed there was no body to speak of, while the Blue Sun were able to steal Wash away from an Alliance medical centre immediately after the end of Serenity. River uses her brainy powers to reveal the secret and help reunite the crew with their pilot.

Simon/Kaylee: Doomed.. It wont last long because Simon cant help but offend Kaylee every 4 seconds, but after a long and angry talk from Mal, the two learn to get along on the ship. Simon begins to ponder life off Serenity again and Kaylee continues to be kaylee looking after her girl.

Inara: Always linked to the ship against her better instincts, Inara holds onto hope that Mal will reveal his true feelings...when he finally does the two have some brief happiness before the fighting begins about her profession and role on the boat. The secret of the vile and her past is revealed by a curious Mal...the answers possibly mean a future is impossible for the two.

Serenity: Patched up and looking her best, the ship undergoes a few upgrades and takes on a weaponmount after one-too-many run-ins with bounty hunters.

Rivers feet: Continue to go without shoes and lead our heroine on her lovely strolls around the ship.

Make it happen Universal!

I like your ideas but I just don't see Jayne being "goody-goody"crew member. Maybe a few rough edges are gone and a bit more ameniable, but he'd still be rude and especially crude.

I also see Inara being forced to quit being a Companion, either by the Guild or less likely, retiring voluntarily. Her floundering about emotionally would be so foreign to her and Mal would blame himself and so we go on another round of fights and makeups until her secret either cements them or drives them apart (the most likely scenario, considering Joss's track record with couples).

And Wash is dead but he still lives in Zoe's memories.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 7:23 PM


For most of the verse we've seen, there were several forces against our BDH.
Reavers, Alliance Hands of Blue, Alliance Lawforces.
Now after Miranda, we all - and every sensible person if the vere - know that these are all the same villian.
Too many sheeple in the Alliance will prevent long-term rebellion. The disruption will be brief. The Alliance will soon return to their normal shenanigans.
But will Serenity still be on their radar? What for?
Perhaps the biggest, and key question pertaining is this: Was Miranda the sole reason the Alliance was after River? For some time, it seemed they just wanted the weapon, the research subject. Will this aspect continue?
Will the celebrity of Serenity make them heroes among the thieves? Will they become pariah? Perhaps among the former independents who are now thieves, they are heroes, but among the pro-Unification thieves, Serenity's crew becomes too "better than them".
Will their celebrity make smuggling harder for them?
If Inara continues in her profession, perhaps she would be the only one to benefit from the celebrity.






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