Firefly Conspiracy Theories, Vol. 2

UPDATED: Friday, May 28, 2004 04:47
VIEWED: 5809
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Monday, May 24, 2004 9:33 AM


The first thread really took off, so my hopes of adding Theory #2 in Thread #1 pretty much died on the vine.

Anyway, after watching the DVD's VERY closely.....................

Tim Minear says on the commentary for "Out of Gas," that he dropped a few lines in to Inara's dialogue about her backstory, what else was going on with her.

This, plus the syringe she produces in "Serenity." (I, too, guessed it was a suicide kit, but the commentary there says, while that was the common guess, it was actually something else)

The problem here is, during the scene with Simon in "Out of Gas," where Tim said he dropped a line in, her only lines were "I've loved this ship since the first moment I laid eyes on her," followed by, "I don't want to die." You can do what you want, but I'm placing MY money on that first line, not the second.

So here's the my conspiracy theory, and I really do believe I've figured it out and thus, ruined everything: Inara saw the ship, possibly lived there, before Mal bought it. I mean, it's a USED ship... it's led an interesting life... and so has Inara, but perhaps that's why such an esteemed companion would fly on such a piece of gossal? She has a history....


--------------- (Qs)


Monday, May 24, 2004 9:51 AM


I like your speculation on Inara having been on this ship earlier. Prior to Mal being Captain of it. Sounds viable. Things in life often come around full circle, yeah? The syringe now. I'm wondering if it's some kind of drug that stimulates/enhances brain activity. In all liklihood, it is not for suicide. Perhaps this is what is keeping her alive. When they ran into the Reavers, maybe she was contemplating on NOT taking the medication which is keeping her alive. By NOT taking the drug this would have killed her. It does give one pause why she needed to get an exam at an Alliance facility when she has an Alliance-trained wunderkind Doctor aboard that could have done this. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark. I think Joss was writing in a tragic love story ala Shakespeare for Mal and Inara. I guess I'm disagreeing with you on the "I don't want to die at all" line. This is foreshadowing things to come.

This is all just speculation on my part. Knowing Joss, he's going to "PLAN B" it all anyway.


Monday, May 24, 2004 2:14 PM


I like the idea of Inara having been on (owned?) Serenity before hooking up with Mal. That makes some sense.
'Course Joss probably has a whole other twist coming to make the whole story painfully tragic.

"The cosmic baker took us out of the oven a little too early, and that's the reason we're as crazy as we are..."


Monday, May 24, 2004 4:18 PM



Originally posted by HUMBLE:
(snip). It does give one pause why she needed to get an exam at an Alliance facility when she has an Alliance-trained wunderkind Doctor aboard that could have done this. Something is definitely rotten in Denmark. (snip>

This is all just speculation on my part. Knowing Joss, he's going to "PLAN B" it all anyway.

Ummm ... well, her wunderkind Doc is on the lam, and he's not a board-certified Companion-examiner. Either one of these things would make signing off on the status of her health tricky. Didn't she say her annual exams were required of *every* Companion? I'm guessing they won't accept a note sent in to the authorities by wave.

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Monday, May 24, 2004 5:08 PM


I find it hard to believe that Simon is incompetent to give a physical exam to a woman. Also improbable that the Serenity crew can forge Alliance ID's and infiltrate an Alliance hospital with two known fugitives from justice and yet seemingly are incapable of producing a medical document stating Inara's health and well-being.(A Board-Certified Companion Examiner? Does that require special classes? Ummmmmmm.)



Monday, May 24, 2004 5:20 PM


I have strong suspicions about Tim Minear's sense of fun


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:05 PM


I didn't think the Companion Exam was even an issue. She is a REGISTERED companion. It's not a car, where you can just take it to your local mechanic and they take care of the rest.

The way the alliance does things, it makes perfect sense for Inara to return to Companion Central for her yearly physical. And even if that weren't so... you think that woman would LET her papers be forged? She's much more proper than the criminals she hangs out with.

Besides, Simon is a criminal, too. "So, Inara, I see your check-up was performed by one Simon Tam. Know where we can find him? No? Boys, get the Storm Troopers."

I'm much more concerned with what Inara does the REST of the year. And no, I don't mean THAT.



Tuesday, May 25, 2004 1:26 PM


The exam struck me very much as the Guild checking to see if Inara was still in a fit state to work; if she didn't pass their test, they wouldn't let her be a registered Companion anymore.

As for her having been on Serenity before, it's possible, I guess, but it all depends on how similar Fireflys are to each other. How would you tell them apart if they all look the same? I was far more interested in the "Don't really want to die at all" line; there was a look that spoke volumes. It just didn't speak it in a language I knew...



Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:00 PM



I have strong suspicions about Tim Minear's sense of fun

It's probably safer that way.

"The cosmic baker took us out of the oven a little too early, and that's the reason we're as crazy as we are..."


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:11 PM


It's been my view that the check up was a standard procedure for Companions ( at least those of the Registered variety ) for things like drug use, STD's and perhaps even planet particular diseases ( Bowden's Malady ) that might have been picked up during a companions travel.

As to why it requires going to a particular place to be examined I can see two reasons for it.

One, to make sure the tests are conducted with standardized, and presumably high quality, equipment/facilities

And two, not that Inara would but, to make sure that the results haven't been 'polished' by the doctor(s) giving them in exchange for a Companions favour as repayment for hiding something that may otherwise disqualify them from qualification.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004 2:30 PM


Maybe Simon could sign someone else's name to the bill of good health instead of his own? Since we're on conspiracy theory, why is she so shy to have Simon check her out in OMR and again she avoids attention for the injury Early gave her in OIS? Also, maybe she has some quack doctor on Ariel that she bribes to provide her with the mystery medication she keeps in the syringe along with a bogus physical exam.

Just on the remote chance that Simon did discover that Inara had something wrong with her, wouldn't he be bound by his Hyppocratic Oath to inform medical authorities anonymously if Inara DID have some sort of disease? Simon being on the run with his sister does not immediately make him the scum of the universe odes it?

Just a theory. HUMBLE.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:05 PM


I think JK already answered your query, Humble, at least as far as whatever I was going to say.

'Tis still, to me, a silly argument to think that Inara could go to ANY doctor, like you'd take your car to ANY mechanic. It's a highly renowned, specific ... well, guild, to use someone else's word. Companions are trained for YEARS (and I can't even remember if that's Canon or Conjecture at this point) at this facility, so of course it makes sense they must return once a year to be inspected, psychologically evaluated, the whole nine yards. This ain't no simple blood test, I'd imagine.

As for Serenity... it's not like a Volkswagen Beetle, not all Fireflies look alike. Perhaps the closest parallel we have in the 21st century are private jets, or ocean liners. THOSE you can recognize, if you're in the industry. Besides, how many Fireflies could possibly still be flying, in the Joss-verse?

Hmmm, that gives me an idea for a fanfic....

--------------- (Qs)


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 1:45 PM


Depends on how they're made (or were made, in this case). If one company made them (or even if a number of companies made the parts for them and one assembled them), the likelihood is that they're all pretty standard with minimal variations (and, I imagine, much of that would be the internal workings).

Or, alternatively, they were kind of cobbled together from bits and pieces in times when pickings were slim. Which is pretty damn cool, because you'd never have two Fireflys looking the same.



Wednesday, May 26, 2004 4:06 PM


don't forget in The Train Job River tells Simon the class number of Serenity. it'd be like the vin number on a computer...everyone would be different and it wouldn't be too hard for Inara to figure out Serenity's past.

MAL: This is my scrap of nowhere. You go on and find your own.
SAFFRON: You can't just leave me here, on this
lifeless piece of crap moon...
MAL: Sure I can.
SAFFRON: I'll die.
MAL: Well, as a courtesy, you might start
getting busy on that, cause all this chatter ain't doin' me any kindness.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:03 PM



Originally posted by Quicksand:
...Besides, how many Fireflies could possibly still be flying, in the Joss-verse?

Well, I seem to recall some Fed/Alliance type saying something about there being 40,000 Fireflies cluttering up the black. Vaguely remember them being compared to cockroaches, too.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:14 PM



Originally posted by ljosalf:

Originally posted by Quicksand:
...Besides, how many Fireflies could possibly still be flying, in the Joss-verse?

Well, I seem to recall some Fed/Alliance type saying something about there being 40,000 Fireflies cluttering up the black. Vaguely remember them being compared to cockroaches, too.


The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.
Marcel Proust (1871 - 1922)

Indeed, he said there were 40,000 Fireflies flying around.

As far as it being the vin number I sorta disagree with that though, to me it sounded more like someone saying an "F-16C Block 40" as in pretty comprehensive knowledge of the ship. For example, a typical civilian could look at one and say,"Oh an F-16", someone who's a bit more in the know would say,"It's an F-16C" and an expert would say,"It's an F-16C Block 52". So they may all look (mostly) identical, in practice they're all (varyingly) different planes. That's the kind of knowledge River has there, down to submodels of submodels.

Book has some too, he doesn't just see a Firefly class, he also knows it's a -03 model with extenders. Most people would just see,"A Firefly."

If that makes any sense at all.

"Oh hey, I got an idea. Instead of us hanging
around playing art critic till I get pinched by
the Man, how's about we move away from this
eerie-ass piece of work and get on with our
increasingly eerie-ass day, how's that?"

My eerie-ass website:


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 5:15 PM


just a thought...this is what first popped into my head when I found out the "suicide kit" wasnt' a suicide kit.

what if Companions are also trained Assassins? I mean look at Safron...but maybe she was such a bad assassin that she couldn't be a companion...a failed trained assassin could still be a powerful and dangerous person...just not good enough to be perfect and never be caught.
so maybe the syringe...was something Innarra was either gonna use on her fellow crewmates to save them...or on the Reavers.

I really don't know how much I believe that...but ya never know.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:55 PM



Originally posted by Pselus:
just a thought...this is what first popped into my head when I found out the "suicide kit" wasnt' a suicide kit.

what if Companions are also trained Assassins? I mean look at Safron...but maybe she was such a bad assassin that she couldn't be a companion...a failed trained assassin could still be a powerful and dangerous person...just not good enough to be perfect and never be caught.
so maybe the syringe...was something Innarra was either gonna use on her fellow crewmates to save them...or on the Reavers.

I really don't know how much I believe that...but ya never know.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."

Wow ... now that's someplace I hadn't gone in my musings. It takes the whole concept of 'dying with a smile on your face' to a new level.

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Wednesday, May 26, 2004 11:40 PM



Originally posted by HUMBLE:
I find it hard to believe that Simon is incompetent to give a physical exam to a woman.

Competence has nothing to do with it.

Inara is the only legitimate business person on the ship. She is the only one who is legally 'clean' and the perception of her as an honest business person is of value to Serenity's crew.

So, you have a choice between just getting the damn exam the legal way, or have forged papers that put your career at risk, as well as, if discovered, mark you as a illegitimate and thereby no longer of utility to Serenity's other operations.

No matter how good the forgeries are, they are still forgeries. No matter how competent Simon is, he is still a fugitive. Its a risk that simply ain't worth taking.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:09 PM



Originally posted by JK:
Depends on how they're made (or were made, in this case). If one company made them (or even if a number of companies made the parts for them and one assembled them), the likelihood is that they're all pretty standard with minimal variations (and, I imagine, much of that would be the internal workings).JK

Though Joss could change this at any time, I think I'd like to imagine the Firefly-Class spaceship as a Volkswagen Beetle, ca. 1963-1969.

Yes, you still see them today. They are mocked, ridiculed... but very, VERY sturdy, and no two look alike anymore.

Who's with me?


Thursday, May 27, 2004 2:12 PM



Originally posted by Pselus:
what if Companions are also trained Assassins?

It has amused me, for a few seconds, to imagine that the syringe from "Serenity" would actually transform Inara into a muscle-bound, frothing, berserking whirling-dervish of death, destruction, and kung fu.

But that would just be a little TOO silly, wouldn't it?


Friday, May 28, 2004 4:47 AM



Originally posted by Quicksand:

Originally posted by Pselus:
what if Companions are also trained Assassins?

It has amused me, for a few seconds, to imagine that the syringe from "Serenity" would actually transform Inara into a muscle-bound, frothing, berserking whirling-dervish of death, destruction, and kung fu.

But that would just be a little TOO silly, wouldn't it?

heh...I actually meant along the lines of a nice quiet assasin.
Think about it...she is trained in MANY arts, she is meant to be adored by everyone of high class (and heck even low class), she can easily infiltrate political situations and can get access to high ranking individuals through her..."arts"...
no one would ever suspect the nice sweet companions of being deadly killers...
so I'm thinking, maybe the syringe was a powerful, fast-acting poison she planned on injecting in every Reaver she could get her hands on.

however, like I said, I don't know how much even I believe that.

"Big Damn Heroes sir."






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