'A Shepherd's Tale'... Long time coming?

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 08:45
VIEWED: 4561
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Sunday, February 8, 2009 3:45 AM


I found this on Whedonesque today... Scott Allie of Dark Horse had this to say about Serenity Comics at the NYCC:

In response to a Serenity comic question someone asked - Scott explained that "Joss is so busy with the stupid Dollhouse thing" (in jest, of course) "it's kind of taking up a lot of his time". Allie went on to say, "Buffy is so demanding for Joss. He edits every script, every page of atwork goes through him, every cover concept...cover concepts often come from him. He has a Shepard Book outline in his head but he has to wait until there is time to work with Joss properly. He just agreed to write something that he probably should've said no to, but that's the kind of stuff that pushes Serenity back."

So.... "A Shepherd's Tale" isn't even down on paper yet, Joss is busy with Doll House, and has agreed to do another Comic Series of some kind, but it's evidently not Serenity!

Grr, Arghh....

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Sunday, February 8, 2009 4:07 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...

Thx for the info. Of all the 'Verse stories that's one I am really looking forward to!


Sunday, February 8, 2009 5:48 AM


I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, like any Firefly fan, I REALLY wanna know what's up with Book. On the other hand, since his history (along with Inara's secrets) is one of the last "big reveals" left for the original series, it'll feel kinda like the end of an era once those secrets are revealed. "Here's how it might have been..."


Sunday, February 8, 2009 6:23 AM


I know what you mean, Gwek. But we need some continuance, more stories of the 'Verse. It looks very likely that we might not ever get new Stories on Film, at least not for an unreasonably long time. So we need the Comics. This will make three Trilogies, when it's done. In hardback, that will make a nice little addition to anyone's bookshelf.

You're right; That will leave Inara's backstory as the last remaining "Big" mystery from the Series itself. There were new potential stories indicated in the BDM and the Comics, though, so there are several directions Joss can take this, in a variety of mediums. Online Animated Serenity, anyone?

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:11 AM


Thanks for posting, this is disappointing, I can understand Joss not wanting to divulge Inara's secret in Comic Book form, because she's still alive and well at the end of Serenity leading one to believe that he needs that storyline for a sequel if there is ever to be one. It will directly affect Mal and can create inner conflict for his main character that he’s so fond of. I’m guessing that must be on his “A” list of story premises.

But, please, an outline for a dead redeemed Shepherd, how complicated can it be to put to paper and let other qualified writers indulge. He can maintain artistic control by the rejecting and editing process.

This makes no sense, especially in light of Better Days being recognized by an award.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:29 AM


"This makes no sense, especially in light of Better Days being recognized by an award."

I was thinking the same thing myself. The way the article read, it's hard to tell if Joss has the idea in his head, or if it's Scott who does, just waiting for Joss' approval. Either way, it's a head-scratcher as to why there is no outline in writing. Ron Glass spilled the beans about this in December of 2007! I should know; I was there when he did.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Sunday, February 8, 2009 12:47 PM


Well, dare I say it; I'm beginning to think that Joss impedes the process, unnecessarily. He may be all concept and ideas (and that's all fine and dandy), but doesn't follow through with implementation. That's why he needs to turn it over to a trusted writing staff that he doesn't micro manage and unintentionally interfere with their creative process.

And just think he could do his part to stimulate the economy by providing new writers with narrative frameworks. That is if he is smart and does it before others hijack his ideas.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 10:20 PM


This is incredibly frustrating..

I understand that he is busy with other projects, but I feel like he is killing off a franchise here by starvation.

There is either one of two possibilities here..

1) He just flat out doesn't care anymore and Firefly is the last thing on his list of to-do's

2) He doesn't want to tell secrets and spill story line that he hoped could be used in sequels.

I, like many here, don't expect the world, but some minuscule effort here and there to treat your thousand of fans with respect would be nice


Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:02 PM


Now, I can't wait for Shepherds Tale just like everyone else, but:

"I, like many here, don't expect the world, but some minuscule effort here and there to treat your thousand of fans with respect would be nice "

Come on!

He does Q&A things with people on forums, he's given us 2 Serenity mini-series comics, he's still giving people Buffy in comic form, and he's making projects like Dr. Horrible and releasing them for free to us fans. He's spending his own money and risking it simply to give us more entertainment. Just because he wants to make sure that all things Firefly are quality products, doesn't mean he doesn't respect us. If anything, it means he respects us more, as he doesn't want us to just buy anything Serenity that didn't have his approval and thus disappoints the fans. I mean, sure, Online Animated Serenity could be awesome. But then he could say "yes, that could be a good idea...YOU THERE, go take care of it" and BAM we end up with a Firefly version of THe Clone Wars (I haven't seen it myself, but I've heard it's awful), or the Star Wars Christmas Special.

He's working hard on Dollhouse because he wants it to survive. Firefly is over. I'm not saying it won't come back, I'm simply saying that for the time being, it didn't work out how he wanted it to, and so he's trying to make sure Dollhouse does. It makes complete sense that Firefly isn't the top of his list right now, doesn't mean it isn't important to him.

I'm sure this was a fairly pointless rant as people trust Joss, I just wanted to remind everyone that Joss doesn't live simply to provide us with more shiny Firefly things.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:07 PM


I can't remember where, but Joss already said that Book's back-story wouldn't be needed in a sequel. And that's why we were to get A Shepherd’s Tale.

I doubt if we will ever understand the whys and the whats of Inara's secret without a sequel. Joss likes to punish his characters with emotional pain and inner conflict and that's only going to work on screen with the actors playing those roles, especially if her story was originally intended as a major series arc. He can make it as big as necessary, like what he did with Miranda in the BDM.

And, that's why he needs to turn over these smaller writing projects, which can be told in a smaller verse, to his trusted writing staff, and keep the biggy for the sequel.

I would hope in all honesty that Joss hasn't abandoned his interest in this franchise. He can apply universal themes to any genre, but the characters in this verse were fascinating. I will be a supportive fan and watch Dollhouse, but I doubt it will lesson my interest in Firefly.

All we're asking for is one stinking comic book about a Shepherd. I've lost track of how many Buffy they've done. I'm thinking the number coorelates with the amount of people she's slept with by now:) Like, I'm so done with that Joss!


Sunday, February 8, 2009 11:56 PM


First of all, Joss loves Firefly. That is a given. In numerous articles and interviews he has stated this. Remember, he was "heartbroken" when the series was canceled and when that happens to anyone you proceed with caution.

I agree with other posters here that say he wants to get it right, FF that is. And Dollhouse, I feel, is extremely important for him to hit a homerun with, mainly because it could mean more leverage for him in future negotiations regarding our heroes. I agree also that he can have his staff of writers come up with something for him to edit and approve in regards to Book.

As far as an animated series goes, that may take years to develop. If its anything like Final Fantasy or Titan, A.E. we would not be happy. Really good animation takes years of prep work and design. Knowing Joss he would want it to be perfect quality work. I would prefer that he put Buffy on hiatus for a while to give us Shepard's Tale, then later give us Inara's story as part of a miniseries or in the BDS. But he needs to build momentum going in, along with the actors who need to become household names to attract the casual viewers that will produce huge revenues for the BDS.

Nathan has Castle, Summer has Terminator, Alan has an upcoming series on ABC (that may replace a show in the fall) so good things are happening to our heroes. We must keep our ranks strong for the long haul. Me, I'm hoping for a 6-part miniseries on Sci-fi channel.

Its all a chess game.




Monday, February 9, 2009 8:42 AM


A 6-part mini-series would be so incredibly awesome that I can't even express it in words... Little bummed that A Shepherds Tale is going to be put on hiatus as of now... but I'm even more bummed that I'm working on the Friday that Dollhouse is set to air... anyone know of any plans to put this show online or something? I mean, I REALLY wanna see Josses new stuff


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 12:05 AM


Listen...i love Joss just as much as the next guy/girl here...but we all have to take the blinkers off..

2 comics since 2005 does not represent someone who is actively trying to keep a franchise alive.

2 comic books in 4 years is more representative of someone who has the franchise well and truly LAST on his list.

I'm not blaming the guy for attacking other projects and I know how much firefly meant to him...but he has to take some blame for not letting the franchise grow.

He is way too micro and its hurting us all.

For those of you who think the actors are too busy to get together for a take an average of 40-60 days to shoot a movie these days..
Im sure they could all find time.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:30 AM


I believe already has plans to air episodes. So look for that possibly the next day or two after it airs Friday. We should all contact Hulu, as well as Fox, and let them know how we feel about Dollhouse.

We gotta support it strongly, it will pay off in the long run.




Wednesday, February 11, 2009 8:45 AM


For those of you who think the actors are too busy to get together for a take an average of 40-60 days to shoot a movie these days..
Im sure they could all find time.

You're right about that. A movie can be shot in that period of time and broadcast in mini-series form, or go straight to dvd. But I always forget that Fox has the TV rights and I'm guessing that they would want to be compensated.

My hope is that Fox and Universal collaborate in a joint venture to make it happen and split the proceeds; they know they can make a fortune in DVD sales (perhaps even setting new sci-fi sales records) - Is anyone paying attention to this? - Hello Fox and Universal execs! We will do our part as always - spread the word to those who have yet to experience the 'verse.








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