Dollhouse, Doom & Firefly

UPDATED: Friday, February 13, 2009 05:06
VIEWED: 1497
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:36 AM


Will watching “Dollhouse” get us more Firefly? I donno but I think it will get us more “Dollhouse”

Any opinions?


PS: I became a Joss fan because of FF. I’ve watched Buffy on Hulu and thought it was really good, but to me it doesn’t compare to the stories of the verse. So are the browncoats being asked to just be happy with a substitute or do I believe being hip deep in blood and guts in the trenches of Serenity Valley and holding the line doesn’t mean squat. In my way of thinking Malcolm Reynolds, Zoe, Wash, Book, Kaylee, Jayne Cobb, Simon and River Tam, Inara, Saffron, Badger and even Niska were some of the best characters created for television. Am I being asked to forget the struggle for independence and just accept defeat? To me that’s not how Joss sounded when he was asking the browncoats to keep the faith and hold the line during the bonus material on our BDM. Anyone have any insight on where the browncoats of 2009 are headed? Just wondering…….


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 5:33 AM


Well by "more Firefly" do you mean the show returning to TV? I think even Joss has been pretty blunt about that never happening. If we're going to get anything it sounds like we'd get more Serenity. Though of course the wind is always shifting and who knows what a TV exec may want tomorrow?

For now watching Dollhouse is most likely good for Joss in general. Unless it turns out to be a horrendous failure that ends up getting him tons of negative press. I doubt that will happen. So, if it can get a few seasons that should only help Joss's popularity and maybe springboard Serenity 2. Just don't hold your breath.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 6:33 AM


I have to admit, I wanted Dollhouse to fail at first, and that's without even watching it.

Cos if it's successful, it will occupy much of his time.

However having a history of cancelled shows is not the best PR for our fearless leader.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:09 AM


personally I think that if Dollhouse is a huge success then that could get us a sequel to Serenity...
because it could remind people that Joss tells great stories that make money....

something that Universal has been doubting.

Of course it is frustrating to me that Joss has always had 'fans' who want his current project to fail, as though that somehow means that he'll do more of the old project....

When Firelfy came out there were Buffy fans who resented the fact that Joss' attention was on Firefly and they refused to watch it (and of course years later they saw it and loved it)
But the fact was that Buffy's last season was going to be season 7 no matter what, not having Firefly wasn't going to make a difference one way or the other....

Similarly having Dollhouse is NOT going to make Joss somehow magically get to put Firefly back onto TV....
on the contrary, the more successful Joss is with Dollhouse,
and Nathan is with Castle
and Summer is with T:SCC
the more likely I think we are to get a Serenity sequel.

New Firefly fans should check this out:


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 7:19 PM



Originally posted by embers:
the more successful Joss is with Dollhouse,
and Nathan is with Castle
and Summer is with T:SCC
the more likely I think we are to get a Serenity sequel.


And once the ship gets built again...maybe some powers that be could be convinced to keep the sets Joss could film the Serenity comics and maybe some smaller stuff like you know as long as Dr. Horrible 42 minutes of new stuff...wouldn't be weekly...but would be new Firefly/Serenity every so often and we could tour it and have weddings and shindigs.

Look at Serenity: The Other Half Joss could film that without the ship even being built.

Look at Dr. Horrible as a example and experiment Joss did.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009 10:47 PM


Hey Z,

Good question.......hard to say what is going to happen to us, but I look at it this way:

This show, Firefly, died (actually it was strangled to death) and was heroically brought back to life by the love fans had for the story and characters. Really, think about it, Firefly was left for dead - it was revived in the form of a movie (similar in some ways to the story of the Star Trek) Serenity, which is unheard of in TV circles, or any circles for that matter.

Here we are, some 6-plus years after the fact, and we're still talking about a possible sequel. Just because movie and TV execs do not recognize this as the phenomenon that it is means nothing.
We have not let this truly unique story die, we will not go away quietly. The message that we want to pass on to the producers and gatekeepers is that we know what we want, and it's not reality tv, or game shows, or cooking celebrity shows. It is this particular story of 9 people hurtling through space in a used craft named Firefly.

What do we do about it? Where will we be in 2009?

WE HOLD! We hold until the Captain gets back. Write letters, postcards, buy Blu-Ray discs of FF and the BDM, purchase T-shirts, posters, watch our heroes on their other shows, tell folk about FF series and the BDM, talk about it on this and other sites. That's what we do. That's how we keep her flying.

In 2009 I see us getting more recruits and our numbers growing - that means more purchasing power (which is the bottom line for those folk over in La-La Land). Everytime I get a little discouraged I think about the Star Trek franchise and the success it's had over the years since it got canceled after only 2 seasons, and look where they are now - J.J. Abrams has reinvented the story.

Star Trek originally aired on TV 1966-69, Star Trek: The Motion Picture was released in December 1979, some ten years after cancellation of the series. It was kept alive by the fans of the show, they refused to be told what they "wanted" to watch. This is the only other time that a failed series was turned into a major motion picture. That gives me hope. We just have to hold, until the Captain gets back.




Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:23 AM



Originally posted by Anonymous1:
And once the ship gets built again...maybe some powers that be could be convinced to keep the sets Joss could film the Serenity comics and maybe some smaller stuff like you know as long as Dr. Horrible 42 minutes of new stuff...wouldn't be weekly...but would be new Firefly/Serenity every so often and we could tour it and have weddings and shindigs.

No offense or anything, but I think you just went off the deep end a bit there. You think a studio is going to leave a lot dedicated to Serenity and allow people to rent out the set to party at? I think that's reaching a long long way.

If anything some browncoat might be able to get a license to reproduce the set somewhere private for events and stuff. Might not even be a bad little business for someone. If they really put some effort into it I could see people paying to vacation there or what not. A movie studio is not going to get into that business IMO.


Thursday, February 12, 2009 6:24 AM


Fox has been hyping Dollhouse during advertising on American Idol. They're definitely promoting it well, but based on what I've seen of it, I don't know if it will be successful. Young people are not staying home on Friday nite to watch TV. Also I was pissed at Fox, 'cause they hype it as " From Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer." I was holding my breath the first time I saw that commercial waitng for "Firefly" to be spoken after Buffy....but no mention of Firefly from Fox. Surprise, surprise.


Thursday, February 12, 2009 5:52 PM



Originally posted by Jongsstraw:
Young people are not staying home on Friday nite to watch TV.

Don't forget



Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:10 PM


At this very moment, the Yahoo main page shows "Most popular searches" and number 1 is Eliza Dushku.


Friday, February 13, 2009 5:06 AM


I don't know how dollhouse would influence firefly but at the moment I don't really care. New Whedon is about to be released and it is time for my world to be rocked once again. Joss has a pattern when it comes to how I view his shows and I am hoping/dreading that he keeps it up.

Buffy = Loved it and was happy that it had a full life cycle/story arc.

Angel = Loved it much more than Buffy even though I got ripped off out of the final couple of seasons along with a completely satisfying conclusion to the characters and their storys.

Firefly = Best show I have ever watched, far surpassing all of my favorites. Only had half a season though and since I already know the magical places Joss can take a story and its characters it hurts me much much more.

Dollhouse = If this trend continues then likely Joss will blow my mind with the first episode, make me fall in love with it by the second and get me fantasising about the shows future by the third. At which point it will be cancelled and I will despise my fellow humans for the braindead mainstream zombies that they are and never watch tv again.

Ultimatly I hope this is a sucess. The more popular Joss is, the more shows he will make for me in the future.






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