Did anybody watch Star Runners???? Notice any similarities

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:24
VIEWED: 6440
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Sunday, June 14, 2009 2:36 AM


I AM SO TICKED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! There are so many similiarities between Star Runners and Firefly it is stupid.
The smart alec captain.
The frozen nnaked girl popping out of the box.
Going to the outskirts of the galaxy.
The big bad goverment after them.
The frozen naked girl is a space cadet that blanks out and goes into her own world. She picks up a gun and doesn't know what is going on.
They discover a government coverup on the planet.
There is a video recording of a government official "confessing" so the rest of the world will know what the government has done.
All of this in the first half of the show!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009 2:43 AM


A "Sci-Fi original movie"?
Just put that money into more Firefly, PLEASE.

The laughing Chrisisall


Sunday, June 14, 2009 2:54 AM


If that was a movie I made, I would be so embarassed at the blatant rip-off. But maybe Joss will consider imitation as the sincerest form of flattery. It works for network TV. Having Serenity on right before it HAD to be somebody's plan.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:03 AM


Ok, so it is a rip off.

Is it any good? Worth watching?


Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:09 AM


Honestly it isn't worth watching. The only reason I am going to finish watching is to see if ther are anymore similarities.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:12 AM


If it didn't make me so mad at first, I would have enjoyed it more. But it wasn't as awful as "Sands of Time" for instance. The actual story, no surprises here, was very good. The acting was fine, and seeing Connor Trinear doing a Mal Reynolds imitation was nostalgic. It was probably the best original sciffy movie they've had, mostly because it wasn't original at all. If someone saw it who never saw Firefly or Serenity, they would think it was great and want more.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:21 AM


Did you notice the coats at the start? Unfreaking believable. The acting was ok. It was just a ripoff that ticked me off. There is a scene where the goverment is trying to get info from a guy that has a chip so they put a machine on his head. They were in a place with a round area in the middle. The bad guy was standing off to the side. They put something on his head that looked just like the thing they put on River's head at the start of Serenity. The goverments clothes were very similar to the alliance is Serenity. Geez. I have NO imagination and could come up with a story that was less of a rip off.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:33 AM


America loves a winner!

I opted to watch some DVDs instead. But isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery ? Even if it's a crappy SciFi original doing the imitating ?

And the fact it was played right after SERENITY, It think was kinda the point.

I dunno.... seems kinda funny to me.

The T.Rex they call JANE!


Sunday, June 14, 2009 6:34 AM


*sigh* now if Firefly comes back people will hate it even more....

And lemme guess this new show is run by a company with half a brain...


Sunday, June 14, 2009 6:50 AM


I know I'm gonna catch Hell for this, but I enjoyed it. The comparisons to SereniFly were blatantly obvious, true. Most of the sci-fi "original" movies have been copycats of other franchises. It's flattering to our 'verse, and fortunately wasn't toally awful. I think the big bugs theme was tacky, but was also a distraction to keep Star Runners from being too much like our BDH. To me, this just shows that Serenity is a good, viable franchise. We should e-mail skiffy to thank them for showing Serenity, and suggest that instead of Copying it they should produce MORE of it.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal


Sunday, June 14, 2009 10:35 AM



Originally posted by TDBrown:
I know I'm gonna catch Hell for this, but I enjoyed it. The comparisons to SereniFly were blatantly obvious, true. Most of the sci-fi "original" movies have been copycats of other franchises. It's flattering to our 'verse, and fortunately wasn't toally awful. I think the big bugs theme was tacky, but was also a distraction to keep Star Runners from being too much like our BDH. To me, this just shows that Serenity is a good, viable franchise. We should e-mail skiffy to thank them for showing Serenity, and suggest that instead of Copying it they should produce MORE of it.

"Might have been the losing side, still not convinced it was the wrong one." -Mal

It was actually pretty good. Although it "borrowed" heavily from Firefly, I still enjoyed it.
Plus it had Tripp from Star Trek Enterprise.


Sunday, June 14, 2009 11:36 AM



Originally posted by InpedendantLissa:
Did you notice the coats at the start? Unfreaking believable. The acting was ok. It was just a ripoff that ticked me off. There is a scene where the goverment is trying to get info from a guy that has a chip so they put a machine on his head. They were in a place with a round area in the middle. The bad guy was standing off to the side. They put something on his head that looked just like the thing they put on River's head at the start of Serenity. The goverments clothes were very similar to the alliance is Serenity. Geez. I have NO imagination and could come up with a story that was less of a rip off.

Let us not foret that it's quite common in Hollywood to recycle props and costume. The Purple Bellies battlesuits, for instance, were from Starship Troopers.

Similarly, producers in Copywood always want to know, "What movie your movie is like," so they can assess whether it's likely to make money. The evidence here is that Firefly is a bankable commodity therefore we should jump on the "e-mail scifi for more Firefly" bandwagon now and jump hard. - my life


Sunday, June 14, 2009 12:50 PM


I made mention of this in the posted thread “Serenity on Si/Fi NOW” . Getting in late Saturday evening I just happened to catch the BDM halfway through. After it was over I left the tv on the same channel because I was playing a card game on the computer. When I heard the two guys reviving the girl out of cryo I said “ No way!! They wouldn’t just do something that obvious!!”

Truth is they did, and they did it again and again. Of course no one that is a browncoat or a Firefly fan would ever notice it would they??

Z, the laughing browncoat

“Life is just a box of chocolate covered Fireflies…….”


Sunday, June 14, 2009 1:56 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I made mention of this in the posted thread “Serenity on Si/Fi NOW” . Getting in late Saturday evening I just happened to catch the BDM halfway through. After it was over I left the tv on the same channel because I was playing a card game on the computer. When I heard the two guys reviving the girl out of cryo I said “ No way!! They wouldn’t just do something that obvious!!”

Truth is they did, and they did it again and again. Of course no one that is a browncoat or a Firefly fan would ever notice it would they??

Z, the laughing browncoat

“Life is just a box of chocolate covered Fireflies…….”

I am just glad someone else noticed. I thought I was loosing my mind!!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 14, 2009 2:17 PM


I prefer this one much more,

Not as long and a hell of a lot funnier…..



Sunday, June 14, 2009 3:32 PM


Hello Zetta13:

That was worth the effort to check out this thread.



I noted that on IMDB, the people who posted their also saw how much they stole.

I think SciFi ought to make it clear what they mean by original.

Also, the large bug thing kind of reminded me of something. Not sure what it was. LOL


Sunday, June 14, 2009 6:49 PM


I did not see it. I do, however, find some small satisfaction that F*x did not reap any rewards from this scifi movie, when they could very well have spent the last 6 years making a quality, profitiable show. If it gives them a kick in the pants, all the better.
Wish the BDH were in it, anyhow. For those who have mentioned they would like more Firefly/Serenity even without the original cast, this was your dream come true, was it not? Your calls being answered?


Sunday, June 14, 2009 8:59 PM


I caught a few minutes of it and said to myself - "Self this is Serenity lite"

I quickly changed the channel, but now I think I might want to watch it to see how much was ripped off from the BDM.

I'm thinking that perhaps this was Sciffy's way of paying homage to our BDH, giving us (Browncoats) a wink and a nod, or, horrors of horrors, trying to cash in on a great story. I'm all for Sciffy doing whatever it takes to revive the Firefly series. My guess is that Universal thinks it could comeback and be as strong as ever, especially now with the fanbase growing by leaps and bounds.

So I say good on ya' Sciffy/Universal for leading the way (of course if they make large stacks of cashy-money that couldn't hurt). They were trying to give us something to go on without violating the TV rights owned by Fox. Besides the success of the 'original' film on Sci-fi could lead to furthering the Firefly/Serenity lore. So next time this original film is on, let's make 'em sit up and take notice. Anything to get back our heroes.

As a side note: speaking of ripoffs. There was mention on another thread of a story that was similar to Firefly. I can't recall which thread it was but the person mentioned an anime program called "Outlaw Star". I watched the first episode on Youtube and thought it was pretty good.

Here's the premise:
Outlaw Star follows the outlaw Gene Starwind and his eleven year-old business associate, Jim Hawking. Together they run a small jack-of-all-trades business on the backwater planet Sentinel III. After the two take a job as bodyguards for a mysterious outlaw, they find themselves the owners of the XGP15A-II, a highly advanced prototype spacecraft, and the caretakers of a bio-android named Melfina. Through the course of the series, the crew grows to include the assassin "Twilight" Suzuka and Aisha Clanclan, a Ctarl-Ctarl and former Ambassador of the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire.

So far not too similar to FF but.....

Melfina - is a bio-android created by Professor Gwen Khan using ancient biotechnology found within the Grave of the Dragon ruins. The complexity of the information was so vast that even a great mind like his couldn't understand it all. Some time after she was created, both Melfina and the Outlaw Star were stolen from the Kei pirates by the outlaw Hilda who intended to use them to find the Galactic Leyline.

it gets better..........

Melfina's appearance is of a petite and slender young woman with shoulder length black hair and large brown eyes. While her physical age appears to be seventeen, her real age is that of only two. She has no recollection of her past or why she was created, which very often troubles her throughout the series.
At the end of episode 1 our heroes - Gene Starwind, and his partner Jim Hawking, an 11-year-old computer wizard, come upon a box which they are hired to retrieve. Guess what's in the box?
Our lovely, and naked, Melfina.

Imitation is the highest form of flatery, indeed.
This series was created and aired on TV Tokyo from Jan - June 1998. An edited version aired on Cartoon Network's Toonami in 2001.

Interesting, you bet.




Monday, June 15, 2009 1:25 AM


Morning browncoats,

Traveler……I’m glad that you enjoyed the You Tube link to Mosquito. I had heard about the little clip satire and only stumbled upon it two or three weeks ago. Very cunning! Wish they’d do more…I would surely watch.

As far Si/Fi pulling a FF tribute with Star Runners, I would like to believe that that is the case. My feelings are divided for the moment though.

First I can find myself pleased that a network that calls itself Si/Fi is actually putting out programming that qualifies as science fiction. Also if this is a tip of the hat to the browncoat community and the Joss fans and to Joss himself then “Bravo” to them. Yes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, however…..a cheep imitation of a show created in order to draw high viewer numbers hoping that the imitation will become a success is kinda like showing that the original wasn’t really all that special and can easily be simulated. This angers the hell out of me.

Firefly is/was special! I think that the dedication of the fans proves that. For anyone interested in watching “Star Runners” I will say, give it a shot and see what you think. I may tune in myself from time to time to see what is happening but I don’t think I will pin it to my calendar. For anyone thinking that this is being used as a springboard to test the waters to see if an entertainment company should bring FF/Serenity back, well I think that you are mistaken. Star Runners is not and won’t ever be FIREFLY…..that’s just plain silly.

I don’t think the Si/Fi channel will come out and say that this is what they’re doing one way or another. With the success of Nathan’s new show and the continuing success of Adam’s, also with the upcoming “V” on ABC staring Morena and Alan has shown companies that these actors are loved. Not only for what they do now but for what they’ve done. I do wish and hope to see Summer and Jewel in more work, and if Gina, Sean and Ron end up with a regular series somewhere I hope to find out (my dream is that it’s more FF)

Lastly, for any wondering entertainment companies hoping to cash in on the vast numbers of devoted FF and si/fi fans well let me say that there is no substitute for the original. Pool your money and make a three or four part mini series. That should tell ya if a show is worth bringing back. Promote it well and have the original talent brought back for it. I don’t think you will find yourself disappointed.



Monday, June 15, 2009 10:01 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

It's FF Fanfic, with name changes. Even SciFi Channel is changing its name to SyFy for Idiocracy.


BTW Star Runners just signed a contract with Fox for five seasons as a new series.

Just kidding.


Monday, June 15, 2009 10:43 AM


caught the last ten minutes of this drek, and even that was shockingly similar to Firefly.

only crappier to an exponential degree.

as much as i want more of the Cap'n and our favorite crew, i fear that if sy-fy gets their grubby tentacles on it we'll end up with something that more resembles their Flash Gordon than Joss' Firefly.


Monday, June 15, 2009 9:17 PM


On F*x? Syfy will need to not copy the western parts.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009 11:24 AM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I’m glad that you enjoyed the You Tube link to Mosquito. I had heard about the little clip satire and only stumbled upon it two or tree weeks ago. Very cunning! Wish they’d do more…I would surely watch.

Go here: - my life






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