Forgive me, shepherd, for I have sinned.

UPDATED: Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:44
VIEWED: 6265
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009 9:59 PM


Would someone kindly yell at me for having not watched any firefly/serenity in quite a long time, please? Life went bibbeldy after january when my wife and I bought a new house in the grand ol' state of Texas, and we decided she'd stay there with our lil' browncoats, and I'd come back here to germany and finish my military tour. Reason I need a yellin' is that Ive had so much time on my hands, yet havent done any watching/posting on the threads.

So...If you feel so inclined to yell/had a bad day and just want to yell, please by all means yell your heart'll motivate me to start watching.

Zoë: Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again.
Mal: Why not?
Zoë: She shot you.
Mal: Well, yeah, she did a bit.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009 10:03 PM


Fool! I command you to inject a shot of pure, liquid Whedon into your starving veins! Do it now!


Thursday, June 18, 2009 2:03 AM


Followed by a shot of Mudder's Milk.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 3:56 AM



Originally posted by RiverDancer:
Fool! I command you to inject a shot of pure, liquid Whedon into your starving veins! Do it now!

But... but if you liquify Whedon and distill into the pure essence, how will he write?


Thursday, June 18, 2009 4:23 AM



Originally posted by stewiej84:
Would someone kindly yell at me for having not watched any firefly/serenity in quite a long time, please? Life went bibbeldy after january when my wife and I bought a new house in the grand ol' state of Texas, and we decided she'd stay there with our lil' browncoats, and I'd come back here to germany and finish my military tour. Reason I need a yellin' is that Ive had so much time on my hands, yet havent done any watching/posting on the threads.

So...If you feel so inclined to yell/had a bad day and just want to yell, please by all means yell your heart'll motivate me to start watching.

Hmmm...sounds like somebody needs to avail himself of Inara's special Whose Been a Naughty Browncoat? package...though I suppose Mrs. StewieJ84 would have something to say about that.


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Thursday, June 18, 2009 6:13 AM


tsk tsk! shame on you...

ok now that is done... what part of Texas did yall move to?

I'm in Houston

I hope the rest of your tour goes by quickly and safely so you can get back to your family

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Thursday, June 18, 2009 6:54 AM



Originally posted by artcat81:
tsk tsk! shame on you...

ok now that is done... what part of Texas did yall move to?

I'm in Houston

I hope the rest of your tour goes by quickly and safely so you can get back to your family

Ooh - good question. It's not Abilene, is it? I mean, I'm here, but oddly enough not many see that as a selling point...

Otherwise, what ArtCat said!

It watches Firefly / Serenity or it gets the hose!


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Thursday, June 18, 2009 8:37 AM


thank you all! I'm having a firefly-a-thon tonite. did anyone ever notice the copious amounts of 'priceless looks' in our mrs reynolds?

and yes, Mrs. Stewiej84 would definately have something to say about it. we're just like zoe and wash. she can, and has, taken me down with a pinky.

anyway i'm from good ol' austin texas.

Zoë: Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again.
Mal: Why not?
Zoë: She shot you.
Mal: Well, yeah, she did a bit.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:03 PM



Originally posted by stewiej84:
thank you all! I'm having a firefly-a-thon tonite. did anyone ever notice the copious amounts of 'priceless looks' in our mrs reynolds?

and yes, Mrs. Stewiej84 would definately have something to say about it. we're just like zoe and wash. she can, and has, taken me down with a pinky.

anyway i'm from good ol' austin texas.

Zoë: Sir, we don't want to deal with Patience again.
Mal: Why not?
Zoë: She shot you.
Mal: Well, yeah, she did a bit.

Gotta love Austin. Only place I know where you can walk into a hippy head shop wearing a concealed handgun.

Mercy is the mark of a great man.
Guess I'm just a good man.
Well, I'm alright.


Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:08 PM


Gotta love Texas. I spent 2.5 years at Ft. Hood, north north west of Austin and I loved it.

And "Wacky Waco" is close too. The only place where college students get drunk in town and they can't even play cards on campus.(at least when I was nearby).


Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:08 PM


:) well, if you haven't found them yet.... tell their fearless leader artcat sent you :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop


Saturday, June 27, 2009 12:33 AM


did anyone ever notice the copious amounts of 'priceless looks' in our mrs reynolds?[i/]

Did I? And How. Finally, somebody wants to talk about the 'priceless looks' in OMR. Book's line about the Special Hell would have little meaning without the 'PL' just before he scampers off to prepare Saffron's room.

Wash.....Wash's 'PL' when he says "Who is she again?" in the cargo bay, or Zoe after introducing OMR to the crew and Mal threatens her with latrine duty.

And who could forget Inara's look upon hearing the 'news' PRICELESS!

And my fav Mal's 'Okay, I'm outta here' look when Saffron offers to wash his feet. Say it with me children - PRICELESS!

(I feel like a kid in a candy store)

Ok, now I'm gonna need a little help here. Come on guys, I'm sure there's more......

Oh, almost forgot: OK SOLDIER, DROP DOWN (on the sofa that is) AND GIVE ME 50 (hours that is) OF WATCHING FF/SERENITY (He said in his most Drill-Sargenty voice).

How's that? Was that any good? I could never tell.

"It watches FF/Serenity or it gets the hose"
WnW is too muchhttp://




Saturday, June 27, 2009 12:35 AM


Sorry about the BOLD typeface above - gorram Puter is acting up again.




Saturday, June 27, 2009 4:02 AM


My favorite episode is Our Mrs, Reynolds, no Trash,Out of Gas anyone?, maybe War Stories? Awe heck, the whole series is awesome.


Sunday, July 5, 2009 5:46 AM


Well I may be the worst "sinner" on this whole forum, so go on and yell at me. So now for my confession -- oh, if any of you have cups of coffee or tea, cans of soda, glasses of juice or other spillables by your computers, please move them NOW before you read this:

I had vaguely heard of, but knew next to nothing about, and of course hadn't seen Firefly until LAST WEEK ! :-O

My best friend (er, well, my only friend, other than my boyfriend) gave me a present last week: Firefly on DVD (the whole series, plus the Serenity movie). Well now that I've seen it, I can't stop watching it (and looking up stuff about it on the Net, which is how I found this place)... I watch the whole series beginning to end, then the movie, then start back again at the beginning of the series. I'm in "Round 5" presently.

So, confession over, and now that I'm watching it at long last...

Favorite episodes: "Out of Gas" and "Ariel," with "Our Mrs. Reynolds" coming in at a close third (yes, because of all the Priceless Looks!)...

Favorite characters: River and Mal, but not necessarily in that order -- it depends on my mood of the moment. Since my RL is such a nightmare (medical reasons), I identify most up close and personal with River, which is why I picked her for my avatar here. However, I can't help but love Mal because he reminds me so much of my boyfriend, who is definitely a Browncoat in spirit.

Well, if you'll all forgive me my sin of ignorance (I'm repenting, I'm repenting, with all that obsessive watching it now!) -- hope you don't mind my saying that this forum looks to be a really shiny place!


"Call me if anyone interesting shows up..."


Sunday, July 5, 2009 10:22 AM



Originally posted by Yersinia:
Well I may be the worst "sinner" on this whole forum, so go on and yell at me. So now for my confession -- oh, if any of you have cups of coffee or tea, cans of soda, glasses of juice or other spillables by your computers, please move them NOW before you read this:

I had vaguely heard of, but knew next to nothing about, and of course hadn't seen Firefly until LAST WEEK ! :-O

My best friend (er, well, my only friend, other than my boyfriend) gave me a present last week: Firefly on DVD (the whole series, plus the Serenity movie). Well now that I've seen it, I can't stop watching it (and looking up stuff about it on the Net, which is how I found this place)... I watch the whole series beginning to end, then the movie, then start back again at the beginning of the series. I'm in "Round 5" presently.

So, confession over, and now that I'm watching it at long last...

Favorite episodes: "Out of Gas" and "Ariel," with "Our Mrs. Reynolds" coming in at a close third (yes, because of all the Priceless Looks!)...

Favorite characters: River and Mal, but not necessarily in that order -- it depends on my mood of the moment. Since my RL is such a nightmare (medical reasons), I identify most up close and personal with River, which is why I picked her for my avatar here. However, I can't help but love Mal because he reminds me so much of my boyfriend, who is definitely a Browncoat in spirit.

Well, if you'll all forgive me my sin of ignorance (I'm repenting, I'm repenting, with all that obsessive watching it now!) -- hope you don't mind my saying that this forum looks to be a really shiny place!


"Call me if anyone interesting shows up..."

*Hands Yersinia a virtual Browncoat*

Welcome! Somebody will start questioning the buffet in a little while or pass you some Mudder's MilK.

Lots of shiny stuff going on around here, discussions, fic in the Blue Sun Room and if you're brave, the Real World discussions.

If you have a chance, find a CantStoptheSerenity screening near you, support our Big Damm Heroes in their current series, or join one of the charitable efforts.

Lots of different ways to do penance.


Sunday, July 5, 2009 11:44 AM



Originally posted by ncbrowncoat:
*Hands Yersinia a virtual Browncoat*

Welcome! Somebody will start questioning the buffet in a little while or pass you some Mudder's MilK.

Lots of shiny stuff going on around here, discussions, fic in the Blue Sun Room and if you're brave, the Real World discussions.

If you have a chance, find a CantStoptheSerenity screening near you, support our Big Damm Heroes in their current series, or join one of the charitable efforts.

Lots of different ways to do penance.

Thank you ncbrowncoat

*puts on Browncoat*

Yeah, I did notice all the shiny stuff here...been lurking on and off for a few days before actually joining up this morning. But I'm so busy reading, this was the only place I felt "qualified" to post yet, about my sin of ignorance. Yeah, I already have favorite quotes and scenes I love, and ideas/speculations about the characters, but real coherent knowledge of the 'verse? No, not yet. So I'd probably just embarrass myself if I don't (mostly) just lurk awhile longer between bouts of watching.

Oh yes, I know I'll wind up spending a good deal of time reading in the Blue Sun Room, seeing how one of the first impressions I thought about Firefly was, "this is a universe I could see myself writing in maybe, once I know enough about it to be able to 'live it by instinct'." This from a person who, outside of Star Trek, had almost zero use for television, and even within the realm of Star Trek, only could see fit to write in the TOS timeline. I watched TNG, DS9 and VOY in addition to TOS (never stopped though, ended up getting all those on DVD), but writing them? No. Only TOS inspired me that way, up until now thinking maybe I might want to write some Firefly.

Still got a lot to learn before I'm anywhere near ready to try anything like that though, although I did sort of get a plot idea at least. I'm shocked because not only have I been derailed from writing for 3 years now (first due to distraction by something else, then illness), but if or when I actually get enough brain function back to write, I really need to finish the epic I left unfinished 3 years ago!

Mudder's Milk sounds good, actually. *bursts into song* "...the hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne..."


"Call me if anyone interesting shows up..."






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