Another possibility for Wash . . .

UPDATED: Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:15
VIEWED: 2629
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Thursday, July 16, 2009 1:27 AM


I've been thinking about this a little bit ever since reading the script for "Serenity" where wash DIDN'T die and then reading a fan-fic that recounted River building some type of time travel thingy.

While it was interesting to see that take on it, I started thinking that while I agreed with the possibility that Miranda was not the only secret the Alliance was trying to hide, I disagreed that it would be some form of time-travel.

My take on it would be that the Alliance had found a way to perfect human cloning. Their original concept would be to clone River due to her extraordinary grace and ability. She was, after all, their "star" pupil. They could essentially build an army of Rivers to not only put down the Reavers, but to also quell any uprisings. But after the events on Mr. Universe's moon, perhaps they saw how Wash flew, or even knew of him before that, since he was a "star pupil" at flight school. Perhaps they thought that they could use more pilots like him. And when they found his body aboard Serenity before moving in to bust the wall down, perhaps they saw their chance?

In their cloning process, they could have also found away to retain the basic memories and abilities of their subjects. They go ahead and clone Wash, just one to begin with to test their theory, and all goes well until something unexpected happens. He begins to "remember" things that they don't want him to remember - Zoe, the crew, Serenity. He escapes and begins the process of tracking them down.

Just an idea.



"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Thursday, July 16, 2009 3:21 AM


I love that idea! Seriously, someone should write it.

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.
Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Thursday, July 16, 2009 5:58 AM


Now I am learning about scary.

It sounds a little like Dollhouse, but I don't care ... I love the idea, too!

It's one of the more plausible ideas I've seen.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Thursday, July 16, 2009 6:21 AM


Does this thread need a spoiler warning? Just wondering.

Select to view spoiler:

I've actually thought something like this might happen as well, with Wash, Book, and River being cloned. I include Book because he is a super awesome Alliance whatever.

It'd be interesting to know just where Wash was with his piloting school. And I like Alan Tudyk's idea that Wash flew two missions before being shot down and taken as a POW during the Unification War. What missions might those have been? Could there have been a kind of mission that the Alliance might clone people before sending them out on? It'd sure protect them from legal liability! Good tactic for a futuristic military to use, too.

I'm not sure it would be where Joss would've gone, though... Bringing characters back to life might have worked in Buffy/Angel due to the supernatural qualities of that show, but in Firefly...? Maybe, but for me, the feel of Firefly makes me think he would leave the characters dead and make the crew work through their grief.

But it is a good idea, and I'd like to see someone do it. :) And who knows? I suspect Joss kind of regrets killing those two off, because the last two comic books were written with them in it, and the next comic book is Book's backstory.


Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:01 AM


Seeing as how I haven't really gotten into Dollhouse, I don't think my idea was taken from it. Besides, Dollhouse didn't center around clones, did it?

At any rate, after I re-read my post, I thought it sounded like Wash was the new River but the Wash clone wouldn't necessarily be a bit whimsical in the brainpan. He'd be himself, basically. Just with no clue who he was before he "woke up" and beleiving whatever lies the Alliance big-wigs were telling him about his past. Is there somewhere I can go to look up Alan's idea as stated above? That could certainly be used within my idea.

Perhaps I'll take a crack at writing this myself. I just don't know if I could infuse the humor and all into it that everyone would expect.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Thursday, July 16, 2009 7:29 AM


I think it was in one of the episode commentaries. Which was the one where Wash talks about Shadow Puppets? Was it The Message? In any case, the shadow puppet line is an idea Joss incorporated that Alan had about Wash's backstory. His idea was that Wash flew two missions, was shot down, then spent the rest of the Unification War performing shadow puppet plays in a POW camp.


Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:04 AM


Now I am learning about scary.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you took the idea from Dollhouse. It had a few elements that were a little similar (no idea of who he was, searching for his "past"), but the overall idea is yours and I like it.

I think you should give it a try.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:08 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I guess the problem area I see is, how do you clone someone to be the same age? I mean, typically, when you clone something, you have a genetic carbon-copy of that being, but it still has to be born and grow up, so it ISN'T the same being in the end, because the entirety of its life experience is now vastly different.

Just something to ponder...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...


Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:32 AM


Now ByteMite has gone and confused me - is the Alliance cloning Wash for his piloting skills or his shadow-puppetry skills? 'Cause I can see it going either way...


Originally posted by RIPWash:
Seeing as how I haven't really gotten into Dollhouse, I don't think my idea was taken from it. Besides, Dollhouse didn't center around clones, did it?

Give it time, give it time...

At any rate, after I re-read my post, I thought it sounded like Wash was the new River ...

I can kill you like a leaf on the wind.

...but the Wash clone wouldn't necessarily be a bit whimsical in the brainpan. He'd be himself, basically.

Yeah - whimsical in the brainpan...I mean, our namesake plays with dinosaurs, fercryinoutloud!...

Just with no clue who he was before he "woke up" and beleiving whatever lies the Alliance big-wigs were telling him about his past.

...i.e. size doesn't matter...the check's in the, that flight suit doesn't make you look fat...

Perhaps I'll take a crack at writing this myself. I just don't know if I could infuse the humor and all into it that everyone would expect.

And you have whatever passes with me for blessings! Writing always seems so easy to me...'til I actually go to do it. I suspect I have a patience deficit. I like your idea...better than my own that I posted a while back, about the Moustache Wash from Out of Gas being the "real" Wash and Non-Moustache Wash actually being his mysterious and shadowy, sounds even lamer now that I go to summarize it. Almost any way I can think of to bring Wash (or even a cheap knock-off) back fairly reeks of deus ex machina, but yours reeks less than any I've heard so far. And in this context, that's a compliment! To me this kind of thing always hangs on the delivery. I think the average audience member will buy - for the time being, anyway - the most outlandish and contrived situation you care to sell, as long as you sell it right. If the audience smells even a whiff of doubt, uncertainty, or your own incredulity...well, we've all seen it before, and it's never pretty!


Still...what would Rorschach do?


Thursday, July 16, 2009 8:35 AM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
I guess the problem area I see is, how do you clone someone to be the same age? I mean, typically, when you clone something, you have a genetic carbon-copy of that being, but it still has to be born and grow up, so it ISN'T the same being in the end, because the entirety of its life experience is now vastly different.

Just something to ponder...


Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day...
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college...

I thought about that, too, but I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the clones as "manufactureed" in The Island. Where they're made (somehow, I'm sure the Alliance could figure it out ) to be fully grown already with no memories of how they actually got there.


"It's okay! I'm a leaf on the wind!!!"
"What does that mean?!?!?!"


Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:15 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I have yet to see a single ep of dollhouse (hasn't screened on free tv in the UK yet) but I like your thinking... I wonder if they were retrieveing bodies and reactivating/resurrecting them in some way - perhaps with technology originally designed to minimise their losses in the event of another Independent uprising, but in the face of the kind of pr disaster they were facing following the Reaver v Alliance battle + the revelation that the Alliance had created them, they put their prototype into top gear to gain some plausible deniability on the whole 'Reavers destroyed the fleet' scenario. Perhaps in the confusion, Wash was resurrected as well, and there was an opportunity to 'infultrate' the dangerously subversive crew of Serenity so they kept him alive and healed him.

Just another possible scenario?

Mind you - I still like yours better, just thought I'd share mine as well!

CPT Magda Martin, CO of Golf Co. (Europe)






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