I really miss this show...

UPDATED: Wednesday, August 5, 2009 22:54
VIEWED: 2714
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:02 AM


I got this show on DVD and have never watched the "Special Features" section until last night, when it occurred to me, "Hey, I should join the fan site!"

After having watched all of the special features and listening to the commentaries, I got the impression that the networks really never wanted this show to succeed in the first place, and it was doomed from the start.

The story lines were great, and the show was just amazing. I equally enjoyed every episode (save for the Nishka "torture" scenes), and just as soon as I felt like I really started to get to know the characters, BOOM, the show was axed.

"Serenity" is my favorite movie. I loved it. It was incredible...but it just doesn't quench my thirst for more Firefly. I still miss the show a great deal, and would have loved to see what happened with all of the characters.

It would really be nice to see a network, or even HBO or somebody pick up this show to continue where it left off.

Gorram the networks for canceling this show.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:10 AM


Welcome to the fold, and we hear and understand your pain. :(


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 4:33 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Welcome to the fold, and we hear and understand your pain. :(

Thanks for the welcome! There were so many good shows that didn't make it just because of a close-minded or paranoid network. I just don't understand it; how a network can give a show so little time to not only give the characters a chance to develop, but to develop a fanbase. For me, it normally takes at least 6 or 7 episodes to really "get into" the characters and get to know them.

Firefly is something special, and I really hope that 25 years from now people are still talking about it, just like they still talk about the ORIGINAL Battlestar Galactica series; another good series that was shafted after just one season.

Joss is a genius, and if the network doesn't already realize it, I hope they certainly do in the future.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 5:02 AM


Welcome to the party.


Originally posted by MasterOfTheGalaxy:

After having watched all of the special features and listening to the commentaries, I got the impression that the networks really never wanted this show to succeed in the first place, and it was doomed from the start.

This concurs with a theory of mine. Joss was successful with Buffy and Angel. I'm not a fan of those, so I don't remember which network, but Fox saw that, decided to steal him from the competition, and so offered him a chance and a budget to do something he wanted to do. Once they hooked him away, they figured they had him locked down, so they didn't really support what he was doing-- that explains the bad time slot, bad promotion, frequent pre-emptions, almost everything. Then the show got bad ratings, ( Well, Duh!), and they could cancel it, leaving him tainted with a failure, and still contracted to THEM. The DVD sales and on-going fan base have kept the idea alive, got us the BDM, which of course was not a big success, but wasn't bad enough to get them to release the rights, or big enough to make them commit to more.
Now Dollhouse is in the same boat- Joss has an interesting idea, but different. They'll fund it, hot help it, watch it die slowly, and then use the fact that he's now a 2 time loser to beat up on Joss.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 6:18 AM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Welcome to the party.


Originally posted by MasterOfTheGalaxy:

After having watched all of the special features and listening to the commentaries, I got the impression that the networks really never wanted this show to succeed in the first place, and it was doomed from the start.

This concurs with a theory of mine. Joss was successful with Buffy and Angel. I'm not a fan of those, so I don't remember which network, but Fox saw that, decided to steal him from the competition, and so offered him a chance and a budget to do something he wanted to do. Once they hooked him away, they figured they had him locked down, so they didn't really support what he was doing-- that explains the bad time slot, bad promotion, frequent pre-emptions, almost everything. Then the show got bad ratings, ( Well, Duh!), and they could cancel it, leaving him tainted with a failure, and still contracted to THEM. The DVD sales and on-going fan base have kept the idea alive, got us the BDM, which of course was not a big success, but wasn't bad enough to get them to release the rights, or big enough to make them commit to more.
Now Dollhouse is in the same boat- Joss has an interesting idea, but different. They'll fund it, hot help it, watch it die slowly, and then use the fact that he's now a 2 time loser to beat up on Joss.

Joss can't seem to catch a break, despite the hugely successful "Buffy" series. I was never really one for either Buffy or Angel, but they certainly have their fan bases.

Everybody seems to want to shaft this poor guy (Joss). In my opinion, Joss's ideas are not only fresh, but also creative.

I'm not sure if it was this thread, but I mentioned my wife and I moved back in November 2008, and have not even bothered to get any type of TV service such as cable or satellite. There just isn't anything on TV warranting the expense.

I am so sick of these lame "drama sitcoms" like Boston Legal or Desperate Housewives. While I've watched a few episodes of Boston Legal, the show didn't tickle my fancy one bit. It was the same thing every week; a few courtroom scenes, and one horny 70 year old lawyer. As for "Housewives," I've been "forced" to sit through 2 or 3 episodes, and I found it to be an absolutely stupid show. After having watched each show, I felt dumber afterwards.

For some reason, and I guess because people are watching them, networks don't want to air anything but these boring, trendy shows. Give me a good show with some action, fantasy, and interesting characters who I can relate to. Firefly really hit the mark for me, and I'm hoping that after checking out Dollhouse, I'll feel the same way.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 6:57 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site and the ranks of the browncoats MasteroftheGalaxy. Glad to have you aboard.

Ain't hardly a day goes by I don't miss Firefly and think what could have been if she were still on the air. *sighs*

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / Battalion O.I.C.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 7:14 AM


Howdy and welcome I'm a bit new to this site myself but can tell you it's full of some mighty shiny and hospitable folks!

I know we all pine for more Firefly but there are some other sourced to get a Firefly Fix. Dark Horse has put out two, three part comic mini series that take place just before the movie and there are rumblings of a Shepherd Book origin series in the works. I would also highly recommend the Firefly visual companion books they're full of fun verse tid bits, interviews, etc. Lastly there are quite a few exceptional fan fic stories, I admittedly haven't read that many here (yet fully intend to) but have been hooked on the stuff I've found at It's all written in a tv script format and is pretty spectacular.
Hope that helps ease the withdrawals, it's kinda like nicorette for our addiction. Not to ween us off, just to help us cope til we get more of the real stuff!

-Mal, your dead arm buddy's on the bridge!
-He ain't dead.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 9:31 AM


Thanks for the warm welcomes, everyone. I'm happy to be aboard.

I'll have to look into some of these stories, and it would be awesome to see some spin-offs of some of the characters if we can't get the "full dose" of Firefly.

Maybe if enough of us write the network, they'll re-think their decision and give Firefly another season, but that would only happen if Joss and the original (or at least some of the original cast) was on board for it.

If only...


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 9:55 AM


Hello MasterOfTheGallaxy:

It is always great to here from someone who has discovered Firefly. I glad you have enjoyed and have joined us here.

Your Fellow Browncoat;


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 1:32 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

This concurs with a theory of mine. Joss was successful with Buffy and Angel. I'm not a fan of those, so I don't remember which network, but Fox saw that, decided to steal him from the competition, and so offered him a chance and a budget to do something he wanted to do. Once they hooked him away, they figured they had him locked down, so they didn't really support what he was doing-- that explains the bad time slot, bad promotion, frequent pre-emptions, almost everything. Then the show got bad ratings, ( Well, Duh!), and they could cancel it, leaving him tainted with a failure, and still contracted to THEM....
Now Dollhouse is in the same boat- Joss has an interesting idea, but different. They'll fund it, hot help it, watch it die slowly, and then use the fact that he's now a 2 time loser to beat up on Joss.

Definitely makes a lot of sense. The studios/networks like to own things that compete with their mainstays and then stick them on the shelf.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009 1:54 PM



Originally posted by traveler:
Hello MasterOfTheGallaxy:

It is always breat to here from someone who has discovered Firefly. I glad you have enjoyed and have joined us here.

Your Fellow Browncoat;

You hit the nail right on the head. Competition is never a good thing...


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 4:55 PM



Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Joss was successful with Buffy and Angel. I'm not a fan of those, so I don't remember which network...

Buffy was on UPN and Angel was on WB. the time, Joss had 3 different shows on 3 different networks.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 10:54 PM



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:

Joss was successful with Buffy and Angel. I'm not a fan of those, so I don't remember which network...

Buffy was on UPN and Angel was on WB. the time, Joss had 3 different shows on 3 different networks.

But now he is just on Fox. Maybe a deal with the Devil kind of contract? Can't do anything for anybody else?






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