
UPDATED: Friday, August 21, 2009 03:11
VIEWED: 18179
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Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:29 AM


see below


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:31 AM



Originally posted by BookReader:
That's not quite what happened over there and you know it. Please don't start spreading falsehoods here as you did there.

There , second try does it .


You know that everyone over there are terrible , nasty evil little people .


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:32 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mal, I've already found that out. Two people have informed them I'm here, along with a link. I realize now I should have used an alias and not spoken about the problems I had there.

I pray this doesn't bring a stream of ugliness from there to here. I hope this thread goes on down the line and there are no further problems.

Thank you Oppyh, I hope I don't bring anything here that should have been left there, my apologies if it does and I'll do my best to see it doesn't.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:

Bookreader, would you do me the courtesy of telling me who you are on the OB, so that I know who I'm dealing with. I'm not spreading falsehoods; I suppose I should caveat what I say with "that was how I saw it", because it is.

One man's "that's how I saw it" is another man's "falsehood".

I can see why you'd no like to speak of it further, as you will be admonished for your deliberate misrepresentation of what occurred over there.

Both boards have a long history of mutual respect for each other; please do not further attempt to damage that relationship.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:42 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


I pray this doesn't bring a stream of ugliness from there to here. I'm not going to respond further in this thread in the hopes it goes on down the line and there is no further problem.

You've got backup. You're among friends.

If others want to bring the ugly, well, we can do ugly. As you'll no doubt notice at some point, I have a habit of responding in kind. If someone is civil to me, I try my utmost to stay civil with them. If they choose to walk a different path... well, what can I say. Sometimes violent outbursts really are cathartic. As John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) once said, "Anger is an energy."

People who come here with no purpose in mind but to be disruptive and ugly generally don't stick around too long. They tend to find themselves buried under swarm attacks at every turn, and there's no need to ban them, so it's never really even brought up as any kind of serious option; instead, they typically end up running out of here with their tail between their legs.



Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:46 AM



Originally posted by BookReader:

Originally posted by Niki2:

Bookreader, would you do me the courtesy of telling me who you are on the OB, so that I know who I'm dealing with. I'm not spreading falsehoods; I suppose I should caveat what I say with "that was how I saw it", because it is.

One man's "that's how I saw it" is another man's "falsehood".

I can see why you'd no like to speak of it further, as you will be admonished for your deliberate misrepresentation of what occurred over there.

Both boards have a long history of mutual respect for each other; please do not further attempt to damage that relationship.

Well put .
Too bad near all Nikki's self-incriminating posts have been deleted .


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:46 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I have no desire to damage any relationship; if people from there come here just to harrass me, THAT is a negative act. I am not going to speak of the issue further and have edited my posts to remove any reference to it. I can't do more than that.

I'd sincerely appreciate it if you and Digby wouldn't follow me here. There is no reason to; I've left and do not want to bother you there.

Please don't bring issues from there here; as I said, I will not refer to it further, I promise that. Please leave me alone, and leave this place free of your personal feelings about me. It would be much appreciated by all I'm sure.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:50 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Please don't bring issues from there here; as I said, I will not refer to it further, I promise that. Please leave me alone, and leave this place free of your personal feelings about me. It would be much appreciated by all I'm sure.


We're all just folk now, ain't we?



Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:50 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thank you Mike, but please, I don't want to be the cause of any battles or any ugly. I have edited my posts to remove any reference to what happened and will not speak of it again. Since deletion seems impossible, that's all I can do.

I sincerely hope any vendetta isn't followed here, it's totally wrong. If you could please just ignore any taunts or attacks on me, that would be great. Responding only makes thing worse.

Thanx for letting me know I'm among friends, all I want is peace and to be left alone to get to know this board and these people.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I have no desire to damage any relationship; if people from there come here just to harrass me, THAT is a negative act. I am not going to speak of the issue further and have edited my posts to remove any reference to it. I can't do more than that.

I'd sincerely appreciate it if you and Digby wouldn't follow me here. There is no reason to; I've left and do not want to bother you there.

Please don't bring issues from there here; as I said, I will not refer to it further, I promise that. Please leave me alone, and leave this place free of your personal feelings about me. It would be much appreciated by all I'm sure.

And yet your very first thread is dedicated to smearing the OB . You still don't get that people do not want to be told how to think or speak or debate .

You didn't like the style of the polis we have over there .
They are rougher here .

That's actually a good thing .

Now as to why I'm posting in this thread ...

Believe me , I harbour no desire to tramp throughout the intenets calling you out .

Don't want to be held accountable to false statements ?
Stop posting them .

It's as simple as that .

Always thought this was a shiny place here .
Lurked lots of times .
Keep flying .


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:56 AM


Starting a thread with deliberate falsehoods and telling everyone here what awful people there are over at the OB is a negative act. Trying to set the record straight is not.

"Please don't bring issues from there here; as I said, I will not refer to it further, I promise that."

You opened your thread introducing yourself bring issues from there to here. I'm sure it would be much appreciated by all if you can stop spreading falsehoods about the OB. As I said, both boards have a long history of mutual respect and your attempt to paint one board as the 'bad guys' in your little quarrel will be seen for the divisive action it is.

I've been a member here for four or five years. Although I do not post hardly at all, I lurk on both boards quite a bit. Please drop this pathetic 'woe is me, I'm so picked on, they are terrible people over there' bit. Neither board has had a peeing contest so please don't try to start one now.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 7:57 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Thank you Mike, but please, I don't want to be the cause of any battles or any ugly. I have edited my posts to remove any reference to what happened and will not speak of it again. Since deletion seems impossible, that's all I can do.

I sincerely hope any vendetta isn't followed here, it's totally wrong. If you could please just ignore any taunts or attacks on me, that would be great. Responding only makes thing worse.

Thanx for letting me know I'm among friends, all I want is peace and to be left alone to get to know this board and these people.

What you have done here is the real world equivalent of walking into a job interview and immediately bad mouthing your old boss and co-workers, only to find out that your interviewer is a relative of their's...*DOH*!

Yes, you edit away...not like over there where you can delete or have deleted the proof of your insanity.

Head's up people of fff, this one is plum crazy loco. No joke.

*heads out, totally disgusted*

PS. My only slight (yet sick) joy? You have NO IDEA who you were dealing with over there. lol. Can't help but giggle when I think of it.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:03 AM


Hey Saxon !


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:08 AM


Hiya Saxon!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Can you stop please? I am asking people to stop. I have done everything I can to remedy the situation and do not want this to continue. I am not going to respond to this thread further; hopefully if nobody else does it will sink down the line and peace can return.

I have done what I can to rectify speaking freely when I first came here; I repeat: it will not be referred to again. Continuing this is not helping anyone, and if you enjoy me not knowing who you are from there, I don't care.

WHY you people want to continue to harrass me here, and why you went to a mental-health website I am on to copy my text from there is beyond me. If you hate me so much, why not just let me leave the OB and let it go at that? I understand you were angry that I spoke freely here of how I felt about what happened there, but it's done, I can't undo it but I did what I could. Can't that be the end of it?


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I understand you were angry that I spoke freely here of how I felt about what happened there, but it's done, I can't undo it but I did what I could. Can't that be the end of it?

No, we were angry about the deliberate falsehoods you told about the OB and your attempt to stir things up between two boards that have a long history of peaceful co-existence.

If anyone from this board every came over there and started telling the OB how terrible FFN is, I'd call them on it as well, or at least look into it. The people here are some of the shiniest you'd ever want to meet. As someone over there said, I've partied with some people here and there alike and I for one do not appreciate the badmouthing you started right off the bat.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:28 AM


...WHY you people want to continue to harrass me here, and why you went to a mental-health website I am on to copy my text from there is beyond me. If you hate me so much, why not just let me leave the OB and let it go at that?

Because you posted untruths on that board as well .
You seem to lack an appreciation on this whole "public" posting thing .

Anyways , good luck from here on out .

I mean that .


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:33 AM


Whoa now. I recall she only said that there were four or five people over there who she was having trouble with, not that the whole board is bad. She even expressed regrets about having to leave. And then she said she HAD to because people were harassing her in OTHER places, like when she said they actually went to a website she ran for her job and tried to sabotage her.

She never said anything bad about the OB, besides it being not very active, and hey, there are boards here that aren't very active. I don't see that as particularly negative or unreasonable.

You come in this thread after four years, say you've been lurking at both boards, but then call her crazy and insane and tell us to watch ourselves. Why would you do this unless you've had a personal conflict with her?

Let us make up our own minds, please.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:34 AM


*Sends niki2 a virtual back massage applied during an HD vid of a virtual and graphic Mal/Inara sex scene whereby the culmination involves kewl cuts to Serenity going full burn*

Welcome n00b. Post well, post often.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:35 AM


Also, AdmiralDigby only just registered TODAY, presumably to post in this thread.

Frankly, I think you all are giving her story more weight, because it seems like the only drama here was when you guys showed up.

She wants a new start? Let her have it. If you guys are the slighted individuals from the OB, and I don't know what she did that made those five people over there so angry, but if you ARE, at the very least she will be HERE and not THERE.

Everyone wins, all right?


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:40 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Bytemite, thank you.

JUST to clarify: I said the General Firefly forum on the OB was quiet, not the whole board. I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. The Off Topics Forum is quite lively and there are wonderful people over there. I didn't want anyone to think the board is inactive, as so many other Firefly sites are these days.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:50 AM


]Also, AdmiralDigby only just registered TODAY, presumably to post in this thread....[/i

Guilty as charged .
Although I'm supposedly not one of the five .

( kinda Cylonish , non ? )

I have lurked here since Firefly aired , I just never bothered registering .

This place and the OB are a treasure trove of all things Firefly .



Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:52 AM


Didn't mean to italicise the entire post .

My bad


Sunday, August 16, 2009 8:54 AM


Okay, didn't mean to accuse. Seems like this is just one big misunderstanding, at least the part of this whole thing.

A welcome to you as well. I hope you'll continue to post, and permanently retire your lurker title.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:06 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Okay, didn't mean to accuse. Seems like this is just one big misunderstanding, at least the part of this whole thing.

A welcome to you as well. I hope you'll continue to post, and permanently retire your lurker title.

Now that the ice has been broken I suspect I shall endeavour to post more here .

Thanks .


Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:13 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

No, Digby wasn't one of the five. He's smart and we've had our disagreements, and sometimes I don't like the vociferousness with which he posts, but I'm sure that fits in here; any discussion of politics or religion gets heated. We've had our differences, but also similiarities, and I hope he does post more here, I respect him.

It's good to see you Digby, I'm hoping we can let bygones be bygones and start fresh here. I'm certainly willing. And maybe your being here can reassure those at the OB that I'm not referring to them in any way that upsets them, tho' I'm CERTAINLY not looking to you to do so if that's uncomfortable. All I ask is relative civility and will return same.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:15 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Thanx for the welcome, Cozen! I wish that backrub was other than virtual, I LOVE rubbing and being rubbed. But I take the kindness, and would love to see that vid...yum!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:24 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

While we would all expect Browncoats to try and get along, we know that's not going to happen in all cases. I have no idea what Niki2 was specifically referencing on the OB, and I don't care. Any disagreements there should stay there. I can understand where she's coming from because I experienced a lot of bad will on the OB myself from time to time, it's why I haven't visited in a long time, and it's the main reason I usually steer clear of RWED here.

I'm not going to cast any aspersions against any of those who have followed Niki here to complain, but there is one of them who I know was generally belligerent over there. I won't identify any more specifically than that.

Maybe it was wrong for Niki to say what she did in her first post, but she's apologized and it should be dropped forever. Can't we all just get along?

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:26 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

So we're all one big shiny happy, right?

I can tell SniperKitty to stand down?



Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:28 AM


Hey you!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:28 AM


Heya backatcha!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:35 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
Can you stop please? I am asking people to stop. I have done everything I can to remedy the situation and do not want this to continue. I am not going to respond to this thread further; hopefully if nobody else does it will sink down the line and peace can return.

I have done what I can to rectify speaking freely when I first came here; I repeat: it will not be referred to again. Continuing this is not helping anyone, and if you enjoy me not knowing who you are from there, I don't care.

WHY you people want to continue to harrass me here, and why you went to a mental-health website I am on to copy my text from there is beyond me. If you hate me so much, why not just let me leave the OB and let it go at that? I understand you were angry that I spoke freely here of how I felt about what happened there, but it's done, I can't undo it but I did what I could. Can't that be the end of it?

First of all, don't act as if you are an innocent victim when you brought this all on yourself.
Second, don't do the 'borg' thing where 'everyone' is acting as one...alot of people cut you wayyyyyyy too much slack over there, and that's why you thought you could get away with murder. It wasn't till you 'dared' 'everyone' to 'google me, see if I care'...and when that happened, suddenly you act as if you were set upon by private eyes who dug deep into your background, when in fact you listed that 'mental health' board in your profile. The ONLY things that were 'copied' from there were 'bad mouth' attacks from folks who weren't ON that board who couldn't speak for themselves. YOU are a trouble maker. YOU start crap and then sit back and delete your kindling but continue to fan flames and blow on embers.

As has already been stated, it won't take long for the folks here to see you for what you are.

Just a word of advice to those who post here careful what you say, it WILL be repeated elsewhere, embellished beyond belief. You are dealing with a pathological liar who doesn't see the world the way it is, but the overly dramatic way that entertains her fantasies.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:45 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Whoa now. I recall she only said that there were four or five people over there who she was having trouble with, not that the whole board is bad. She even expressed regrets about having to leave. And then she said she HAD to because people were harassing her in OTHER places, like when she said they actually went to a website she ran for her job and tried to sabotage her.

She never said anything bad about the OB, besides it being not very active, and hey, there are boards here that aren't very active. I don't see that as particularly negative or unreasonable.

You come in this thread after four years, say you've been lurking at both boards, but then call her crazy and insane and tell us to watch ourselves. Why would you do this unless you've had a personal conflict with her?

Let us make up our own minds, please.

No one 'went to' her 'work'. She posted the site in her profile. After a day of hissy fitting, she dared some to 'google her'. After someone DID visit said site (it's not OPEN to the public, she runs/is the mod of said mental health board), it was found that she was telling out and out lies about the goings on at the OB. She's managed to get people banned (who are now reinstated after the truth of he matter(s) came out. BUT she continues to get whole threads deleted after she starts trouble then goes crying to the mods when people call her on her crap. She's very good about editing/deleting the stuff that starts the trouble.

Now, be clear about this. The 'going to' the 'mental health' site, was READ ONLY. When too many people allowed her crazy to continue, a member did post the stuff she was saying over on HER site on the OB to prove that she was indeed lying about the happenings on the OB.

She lives in a fantasy world, twists truth, and starts problems. She will swear she wants the stuff to end, but then will START threads about the way she was treated and bad mouth those she sees as 'being mean' to her.

This is just a heads up to you all here. If you 'back her' and believe her crap, you should be okay...but as soon as you call her on stuff, even if it's in a very nice, civil, 'friend to a friend' way, she'll lump you in with the 'mean' people. I think the majority over there saw her for what she was, most just avoided the problems, alot got suckered in because they were trying to be nice to the new person, other's challenged her warped way of thinking and were immediately labled as 'hating her'.

Beware! You have been warned.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:49 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
Also, AdmiralDigby only just registered TODAY, presumably to post in this thread.

Frankly, I think you all are giving her story more weight, because it seems like the only drama here was when you guys showed up.

She wants a new start? Let her have it. If you guys are the slighted individuals from the OB, and I don't know what she did that made those five people over there so angry, but if you ARE, at the very least she will be HERE and not THERE.

Everyone wins, all right?

If only that were the case. She's STILL posting over there, STILL getting whole threads deleted. I can see you all being so nice, Browncoats and all...goes with the brand. BUT, please, know, the majority of those she's labeling 'the 5', were long time 'coats who just disagreed with her. Seriously. It would be nice if links could be posted to PROVE against her, but she's deleted or had them deleted. She's a manipulator, and yep, she's very adept at getting those to be sympathetic to her.

Just took some folks awhile to see through her, but it will happen.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 10:51 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I'm sorry...I thought you could tell superkitty to stand down. Is there ANY way to stop this? I tried not posting, but it's still going on. What "Saxon" is saying is how he viewed things, I understand that but I wish this could stop.

"Saxon", I deleted all my references to the problms at the OB...for you to continue to bad-mouth me here shows nothing good and no good intentions. I repeat, please stop. And has been requested of you and others, please let these people decide for themselves about me. You've given all kinds of warnings, don't you think you've done enough now?

Please go back to the OB where you can talk about me and call me all the names you wish without bringing unpleasantness to yet another board which has done nothing to harm you.. I'm not going to get into this with you, I'm going to ignore what I see as incorrect statements, I just want you to go away.

If you're who I think you are, this has become truly a personal vendetta, and it's not harming me, it's harming only others. There are messages all over like "I love freedom of speech just as much as you, but I hope that you will post messages that are at least somewhat civil and in good taste", can't you try?


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:01 AM


Keeping order in every verse

I will respond to her posts as I see fit.If I disagree I will say so.If she posts sensibly I will respond in kind.But what I won't do is sign on to a site,purely to get one-upmanship on a person I disagree with.This is a fans' discussion board.It is not gang warfare.If someone on here pisses you off,you have the option to ignore them.This whole thread has been hijacked by people who must have the last word.Frankly,I think you should have more important things to worry about.Leave the woman alone and take a chill pill.It's all got a bit sad!!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:18 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Niki2. May I make a suggestion and have a go at our Caption Tightpants thread.That will give you a little respite from all this animosity.I personally will take you as I find you,and up to now I see no problem whatsoever.And that is MY final word on the matter.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:25 AM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I'm pretty sure Saxon is a she, but in either case, I wish she/he would just stop and go back to where they came from.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:32 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yes...I have been exploring other threads and gone away from the computer, hoping this would die down.

I have an idea, dunno why I didn't think of it before. If you guys are willing to judge me as you find me, that's all I ask. I don't want champions to continue this idiocy, so how about everyone just stop responding to them?

Eventually surely they will get tired and leave; if not, there's no harm done, their and my words in this thread speak for themselves and anything they can say only reflects on them, not me. If nobody responds to them, they can bad-mouth me among themselves until they tire of it.

Does that make sense? I'm going to try (again) not to reply further here. I suggest anyone who isn't into this kind of thing do the same. Read all you want, they can't hurt me. Thank you.

Oh, there's a new person who "just" became a member at the OB who came straight to the thread about me and started in. I assume it's one of the members under a different screen name...they may show up here. In fact anyone who "joins" today and comes here pretty much marks themselves.

Just take me as you find me; I thank you for that and we'll get along fine. Stay shiny, Niki


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:39 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Fair enough.I now consider this thread reserved for peope who talk at the

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Niki2:
I'm sorry...I thought you could tell superkitty to stand down. Is there ANY way to stop this? I tried not posting, but it's still going on.

The way I see it, ignoring someone doesn't mean as soon as they post you throw your hands and immediately respond. I understand why you feel the need to defend yourself, but rest assured Niki - as much as some folks here can be opinionated jerks from time to time (I'm soooo including myself!) there's not a single person here who will judge you based on what these folks are saying.

So, if I may be so bold as to offer advice, do not pay your stalkers the compliment of posting to this thread again. Don't even reply to me. Continue as you are in other threads, discussing other things so we can get to know you. Harpies hate yelling into a void, so I'm sure they'll follow you, but keep ignoring them. If you show yourself undeserving of what they're saying, and stay above their bickering, you will get nothing but support from everyone here.

And to the harpies: this site has seen its share of nutjobs and the intellectually dishonest. If Niki is one of those, we're quite capable of figuring it out and dealing with her our own way. And I highly doubt that "our own way" includes harassing her across the world wide web.

Sheesh, I take back every bad thing I ever said about our RWED. (Well, mostly. ) I never saw anyone here carry things THIS far.

I'm done.

ETA to Niki: yay, you thought of the same idea at the same time I did!

Commencing with Plan Ignore...

hmm-burble-blah, blah-blah-blah, take a left


Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:53 AM


This is all very he-said, she-said. In the end, ultimately, whatever happened is not relevant here unless anyone wants to MAKE it relevant here. Which I sincerely hope not, because this board is a relatively calm place most times.

We appreciate your warnings, Saxon, and Niki, we appreciate your fears. I have been on the outside and in the center of a number of similar internet fights, and I have seen how nobody can really be at fault. A friend of mine who was very outspoken on political opinions and inclined to very strongly argue their positions was often seen as getting personal when he really wasn't, but the perception made someone go off to some of his wikipedia entries and vandalize them. Everything went downhill from there, moderators took sides, banned them from a message board I went to, deleted threads, it was hard feelings all around.

I see a similar situation here where there's just a lot of frustration, a lot of different ways of seeing what happened, and a general escalation of events that nobody could control.

So like I said, I'm going to make up my own mind. *shrug*

Edit: And I too will bow out now. :) All these other posts were put up while I was working on this in response to Saxon's last.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 12:20 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Posted by Niki2:

"Saxon", I deleted all my references to the problms at the OB...for you to continue to bad-mouth me here shows nothing good and no good intentions. I repeat, please stop. And has been requested of you and others, please let these people decide for themselves about me. You've given all kinds of warnings, don't you think you've done enough now?

Quite. You've said your "bewares" and your "warnings" already, Saxon. Anything more constitutes little more than stalking and harassment. We're adults; we can make up our own minds.


Posted by PeaceKeeper:
I will respond to her posts as I see fit.If I disagree I will say so.If she posts sensibly I will respond in kind.But what I won't do is sign on to a site,purely to get one-upmanship on a person I disagree with.

Bingo. Niki has done nothing here to give me pause. If that happens, I'll deal with it in my own way, on my own terms. As of now, Niki has offered repeated apologies and asked repeatedly to be left alone. At this point, you're not making YOUR case - you're making Niki's. Was that your intent?


Posted by PeaceKeeper:
Niki2. May I make a suggestion and have a go at our Caption Tightpants thread.That will give you a little respite from all this animosity.I personally will take you as I find you,and up to now I see no problem whatsoever.

PeaceKeeper, you have it pretty well nailed. You can speak for me anytime, at least when it comes to this issue (if you can call it an issue...).


Posted by Niki2:
Yes...I have been exploring other threads and gone away from the computer, hoping this would die down.

I have an idea, dunno why I didn't think of it before. If you guys are willing to judge me as you find me, that's all I ask. I don't want champions to continue this idiocy, so how about everyone just stop responding to them?

As you wish. It will die down, and we'll all move forward from there.


Mal4Prez posted:

So, if I may be so bold as to offer advice, do not pay your stalkers the compliment of posting to this thread again. Don't even reply to me. Continue as you are in other threads, discussing other things so we can get to know you.

Good advice. I plan on making this my very last post on this thread. Let's hope others do as well.

Niki, and all the newcomers: Welcome aboard our boat. Let's see if we can all keep a civil tongue in our heads and move in a vaguely forward-y direction. ;)



Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:12 PM


I agree, let it go.

Niki, I'm glad you found this place.
Please stop talking about the OB and start fresh here.



Sunday, August 16, 2009 1:40 PM


To all who addressed replies to me.

Please know those were friendly 'warnings'. I haven't been here in years, and I'm sure none of you (unless you were around at the VERY beginning) know me from Adam. I stopped posting at the OB over stuff alot like what this gal brought with her...just wanted to send out a wave to those who will want to steer clear. As it stand now, anyone who comes in will only see the edited version, so yeah, it looks very lopsided (this is her MO).

I will go back into lurk mode. I get my Firefly fixes from introducing people to the show (not many left out there who haven't seen it), and get the same kick as always when I can point myself out in the 'Beaumond' scene in the movie. heh.

Luckily I have real friends from all the years of Shindigs and Cons and such, so I don't need these boards to fill any 'fix'. I have Browncoats in my own family (one daughter shared the big screen with me, and all buy one kid got to walk that red carpet along side Adam).

I do miss the days when I could run to a board and share stories of the 'old days' (got a kick out having my photo taken by some very young kids at Comic Con when they heard my tale).

But, reliving the glory days is also a tad depressing.

I think, even if I'm not involved with the OB (since it too is past it's glory days), I still feel very protective of it. I never was a regular poster here, but I also feel nearly maternal about any of the 'old boards' who helped keep the 'verse alive all these years. I hate to see one destructive person cause the kind of strife this one did. Just trying to do my civic duty to set up a net to hopefully protect others from what my friends have gone through over on the OB.

I can understand your desire to be wary. Fair enough.

I will take no joy in thinking (won't come back to say it), "I told you so".

*was going to post a pic from the movie, but too much trouble.*


Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:24 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
I agree, let it go.

Niki, I'm glad you found this place.
Please stop talking about the OB and start fresh here.


Hi Rosie!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 2:24 PM



Originally posted by FireflyPassenger:
I agree, let it go.

Niki, I'm glad you found this place.
Please stop talking about the OB and start fresh here.


Hi Rosie!


Sunday, August 16, 2009 4:52 PM



Originally posted by Saxon:
I haven't been here in years, and I'm sure none of you (unless you were around at the VERY beginning) know me from Adam. I stopped posting at the OB over stuff alot like what this gal brought with her...just wanted to send out a wave to those who will want to steer clear. As it stand now, anyone who comes in will only see the edited version, so yeah, it looks very lopsided (this is her MO).

Don't remember your posts, but I do remember your name. No reason to go into lurk mode, stay a while share your thoughts with fellow Browncoats. After all if we didn't, this this site would have gone dark years ago.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 5:16 PM


Are you on FB or twitter? I chat with a lot of my Browncoat friends over there and it is 'safer'

As for the OB, I still stop by and say "Hello" because it was my first home. Just stay away from the political stuff and you will be okay.


Sunday, August 16, 2009 5:18 PM


***tackle hugs Saxon****

I miss the old days at the OB with Adam and you. You & I had some fun conversations over there!






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