Browncoat Bar & Grill - Laughs and giggles and stabby stabby

UPDATED: Friday, August 28, 2009 03:40
VIEWED: 13462
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Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:18 AM


Morning all! The other Pub seemed a might long in the tooth so I figured I woudl set us up a nice fresh one!

(whipes down the Bar one last time)

(to lazy to link the old Pub)

So ya ever notcie how different boys and girls are at well really any age? The boy is real stingy with the kisses (daughter not so much at that age) and the other day after his bath he belched while the wife was taking him to his room for his jammies and he decided that it must have been awesome enough to share cuz he started giving her kisses like crazy... stinky belchy kisses. Laughing the whole time even!


Well Belly up to the Bar Boys and Girls and lets have a good thread!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:23 AM


Well there's a glimpse of the future I wasn't even prepared for... giggle

Morning all... still happy as can be about the clean bill of health:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:38 AM


*grabs a heat pack for the neck, a cup of coffee from the breakfast bar*

*does another snoopy dance for MsA* ^_^

mornin all, how's things?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:38 AM


*does the dance of joy*

I knew it had to be okay!!

How are we all on this disgustingly hot morning?


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 4:56 AM



Originally posted by averyfinecompanion:

How are we all on this disgustingly hot morning?

Surprisingly cool. Seems that the heat has moved over to you and has left me only slighty in the warm. High in the mid to upper 70s today and the humidity has broken mostly.




oh and ....

(Before she can eviserate me for gloating GLOMP!!!)

And Yay for MSA passing her test!!!

EDIT: and just cuz I am on a role with 1 possible eviseration...... Brett Favre!!!

two point conversion is good!!!



Tuesday, August 18, 2009 5:12 AM


We're having a really crap summer over here. Cool and cloudy, with unpleasantly humid interludes.

yay MsA, so glad things are ok.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 7:35 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
EDIT: and just cuz I am on a role with 1 possible eviseration...... Brett Favre!!!

((musses Kel's hair))
You poor dear.
Senility must be setting in already.


...perhaps you need bifocals to read the news now?

((scampers off in search of a nice walking cane and a pair of spectacles for Kel))



Tuesday, August 18, 2009 8:06 AM


Didja get his autograph when his plane landed in your twin cities Sneaky Lass?

Cuz um, live on Sports Center he is on site at the local football team's training facility.

But I would gladly accept some bifocals and a nice walking cane if they are products of your "Art" tinkerings!!!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 9:08 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Didja get his autograph when his plane landed in your twin cities Sneaky Lass?


One of the manufacturing engineers JUST told me.

...I hate this fucking state.

Cuz um, live on Sports Center he is on site at the local football team's training facility.
Maybe he's just visiting.
It's been quite a lovely week so far... mid-70s, low humidity, blue sky......... ((shifty eyes))

((notes the training facility is just a few short miles away from her apartment))...

But I would gladly accept some bifocals and a nice walking cane if they are products of your "Art" tinkerings!!!
Eh? Wotsat? I can't hear you...

And here you are, a married man...!
((out of context game!)) \o/


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:31 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
alot of denial and weeping

Well it is official Sneaky Lass. He is expected to start on Friday's preseason game .

Maybe you could get tickets and wear a Pack #4 with a bag on your cheezehead.

No? Well maybe you can save it for November 1st then?

(should concider stopping while he's still alive)


And here you are, a married man...!
((out of context game!)) \o/

I tried and tried to retaliate and all I could do was laugh at this...

(leaves a -1.11C Victory Dew in the shadows)


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:46 AM


Normally I do not particpate in these football moments, but may I say I would like to wish that the Eagles have the worst season in history, lose all their sponsors, and end up kicked out of the NFL:)

I am congratulating myself on my will power.. when a teacher ( who I'd just watch berate and belittle the kid for 45 minutes) asked me what she could do to fix the kids behavior I didn't say " Have you tried not being such a bitch to him?" but it was a very near thing... I went with " I think more positives would help"
However her principal is about to receive an email detailing the unbelievable way she treats the kids in her class ... also these kids are 8 years old...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 12:08 PM


Hey all,

Stupid arm!

*holds up forearm with lovely weeping astroturf graze/burn*

complete pain in the arse and still no hot water as wrong part of boiler replaced grrr, not the engineer's fault, sometime you have to work up the chain of parts but why he can't have the lost and work his way up rather than order each one individually, at this rate we're going to go a week without hot water!

Still, first viewing went ok this morning and we have one tomorrow as well

Now, onto footbal, I cannot believe he of the indeciseve nature (how does he ever chose which WR to throw to?) is back but guess I shouldn't be surprised.

As for your comment MsA, I hear what your saying but I also believe that the guy has served time, is broke and is now putting his life back together and if, and it's a big if, he does the actual good work that's being rumoured could be in the works with PETA etc then maybe he can do more good being a contrite, "I was a complete ftard and this is a terrible thing to do," example than disappearing into obscurity and who know what. Obviously, it is better for him not to have done it all and it is one of those things I cannot comprehend why anyone would want to but equally some people do. I do believe that if you can rehabilitate someone and make them a useful member of society then you should try. He'll have to carry the weight of what he's done for the rest of his life, it's not like he can escape it and nor should he so let him try to make amends and stop people making the same mistakes he did.

Not sure if I'm making sense so I'm going to bed, long day and another coming up tomorrow, living in a flat that has to be ready for viewings is something of a nightmare, I have to get on with some maths at some point!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 1:41 PM


Where'd this one come from? I just posted in the old one, not seeing any linky things.. oh well.

The Berrymans have put out what should be the Wisconsin official state song "Snow and Beer and Cheese". It's amusing. If you're easily amused like me.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 2:21 PM


[ /lurk ]
Hello all...

ANJL! *bounce* *ahem* So nice to see you online again. *bounce happily*

HK: Good to see you too ninjakitty. Everything but the drumsticks are yours...but I'll share a drumstick with you if you're hungry for one...(but you already have ice cream sammiches...)
I didn't let you know? Shared it with my mom (she of the various craftiness) and she do great work. *note to self: need to share mini-picture story with ninjakitty*
As for booty--only the pirate-y food type...other types...nope.
Oh...I know Evil and Awesome are not mutually exclusive, (and come Evilly Awesome is worshiping and massaging your feet...*sighs in jealousy*) but usually they're not hanging out together...

MsA: No!! No bills! Evil things they are....*blinks* mean you're healthy. Yay!'s too early in the school year to be berating students of any age horribly. While it might be the teacher's style to scold (sorta like a coach -- if they're scolding you when you're doing wrong they care, if they ignore you, they gave up on you -- deals), but yeah, doing it to an 8 year old is a bit too young to do that. (Or is it my old age showing how we had that kind of teacher who scared us but we knew cared a great deal?)

*ducks any and all glompage -- really, I get Ranma 1/2 nightmare visions* Kel, you're never going to want to move here where I live during the summer....90's happen a lot, and humidity can be insane (but we usually have breezes so it's not so bad).
Otherwise I iz alive....

As for Michael Wotshisface, I think it would be *ahem* interesting if fans didn't really change their attendance behavior, except to cheer the opposing team every time that Wotshisface gets tackled (or even sacked). Then the news can't play up his controversy, and everyone can roll their eyes at him whining about being hit hard. Gives him a chance to prove himself supposedly like how he wants to...

*offers to kiss gee's owie* Cold showers?! Ewww... *shudder* Glad to hear the showings went well though.

*waves to Avery* Hiya Avery.

*hugglebombs for NVG and RIMG when they come on (even if it's to lurk)*

SR: Yay on the new job working out so far. (I shoulda been so smart as to do that...job overlap would've been of teh good...oh well.)

Just added the linky...Bad Kel (for not adding the link)! On behalf of your mistress, I demand another round of goodies (properly shined and chilled can-o-dew, red liorice whips, ice cream sammiches, red bull, and including my drumstick cones).
[ lurk ]


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 3:23 PM


HUGS Gee I'm all for him getting a regular job, but going right back to the NFL and making millions sends a clear message... do whatever you want to cause pain and suffering and as long as you have sports skills we'll forgive you. So really I guess it's the NFL I'm mad at

Anyway enough of that...

HUGS Neko yeah they're 8 and she uses a mean tone of voices, makes fun of them with unkind nicknames about their little flaws, and basically acted like this kid was a terrifying monster in front of the whole class ( evacuated his entire table when all he did was sit sulking while saying " you're just not safe" to the kid in front of his peers ) and this while being observed... which makes me wonder how she treats them if this is how she'll do it in front of others.

HUGS and HUGS Anjl:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 6:19 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
{all sorts of mean, horrible things!}-edit by HK

((sniffles, trying to hide her tears)) 8(

Piffle, I say to thee. PIFFLE. =P
Dood changes his mind more than Nitinol changes its crystal structure when subjected to variable loading and unloading stresses.......




(should consider stopping while he's still alive)
((makes stabby stabby motions wiff her hands))


I tried and tried to retaliate and all I could do was laugh at this...

(leaves a -1.11C Victory Dew in the shadows)

I ((heart)) you. ^^

Originally posted by gee:
Now, onto football, I cannot believe he of the indeciseve nature (how does he ever chose which WR to throw to?), the one that's at least partially open?

XD ((sneers at Gee))

but I also believe that the guy has served time, is broke and is now putting his life back together
Aaaaah, now I understand what you two are talking about.... I agree, Gee. Time served. Every other sort of paroled criminal is allowed to rebuild their life after serving their time, but people who pit dogs against one another can't? Oh, wait, is there a cap on their allowed income, now? Not exactly a just point of view....

if, he does the actual good work that's being rumoured could be in the works with PETA etc
Pardon my language, but...

...fuck PETA up their crazy little asses with all their dead fucking animals. They do more harm than good, hiding behind their absurd baby seal's eye tears: "Oh... boo hoo!... save teh aminalz...!" all the while snuffing out the animals they claim to want to save. But who cares if they destroy years of medical research that could lead to saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of newborn babies, when you can save the lives of a few dozen fuzzy wuzzy bunny rabbits? You should find some of the articles the Humane Society has published on PETA....




Um. It's way past my bedtime. Clearly.


Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:21 PM


NVG here:

Agree. A deplorable human being, after paying his debt to society is entitled to resume their life after serving time for their crimes. He is entitled to resume his profession within the restraints of his parole/probation. I could see not allowing such a person to return to their veterinary practice or working with children. But the man plays football. The most one could hope for is karma to come about with separated testes and/or bloody injuries normally seen in gladiator sports. I think it is a worse punishment to be an ugly abusive asshole with no way to hide it.


...fuck PETA up their crazy little asses with all their dead fucking animals.


To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 3:27 AM


Morning all!

(catches up on the nightly postiness)

(deftly dodges some stabby motions)

Wow reallly Neko? Ranma 1/2? I am that annoying? :( QQ

(Glomps Neko anyway!!!)

Gee - He throws to whom ever the hell he chooses. They don't call him the last Gunslinger for nothing.

HK - Open reciever Sneaky Lass? Really? Have you not watched his career? He doesn't care if the guy is open!!! He just magically puts it there and the reciever better catch the f-in ball!

On to the other football related topic....

I have been trying really hard to ignore this topic of late cuz it really, really got under my skin.

Everybody is so concerned about #7 and the fact that he gets to play football again. Why? He paid his debt to society (23 months of incarceration) and is still suspended until at least game 6 for what he did.

Where were these protests when Pac Man was allowed to play after being charged with how many different offenses? He paid one of his lackies to shoot people for fuck sake! Yeah it was never proven. Mainly because he used his money to pay people off.

How about Stallworth? He killed a man driving under the influence (2 times over the legal limit)!!! Again a pay off. He paid off the family before his criminal case even went to trial so the judge gave him 30 days. Really? Yup that's right people 30 days if you kill a human being but if you fight dogs you get 23 months. He ponied up an "undisclosed" amount of money to the family of the victim so the judge took pity on him. Pity? Was he a fucking victim here?

There are more examples but you get the idea.

As far as I am concerned the only reason why #7 even served 1 day of jail is because he refused to let his money do the time for him. He manned up and took his punishment for the wrongs he did and he is trying to rebuild. These other fucks think it is their right to be players. And that right (and their huge bank rolls) let them break the law and get away with it.


So how goes Humpday Y'all?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:18 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
HK - Open reciever Sneaky Lass? Really? Have you not watched his career?

I believe the term I used was "at least partially open".
((continues her search for spectacles for Kel)) XD

Everybody is so concerned about #7 and the fact that he gets to play football again. Why? He paid his debt to society (23 months of incarceration) and is still suspended until at least game 6 for what he did. {other evidence of more detrimental assholes being forgiven)--edit by HK
Preach on, Brother!

So how goes Humpday Y'all?
Today sucks.
((avoids instinctual rant about the lack of ethics in the medical device companies))
How about you?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:51 AM


Afternoon all,

I love you guys!

As a Bengals fan I'm more than aware of the press reaction to some really dumb decisions a few of our young guys made, we still get loads of jibes about the lawlessness of our players and our crappy personnel department but whilst I'm not defending all of it, Mike Brown, our much derided owner comes out and just says he believes in giving people second chances and how can you not like that?

I believe Stallworth got a lifetime ban from the NFL though didn't he? Not saying he shouldn't have got more time than he did because obviously that's a ridiculous sentence but I think Goodell at least manned up for that one.

I wonder what the Farve thing will do to the young QB of the Viking, sure your our franchise qb, we just got this old gunslinger from our hated rival, who only wants to play to stick to his old team and who will definitely stand up to the rigors of a full season.

Off footbal, gah, work manic, my five mins are up, write later after second flat viewing in two days!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 6:12 AM


Whoa, lotsa...quote filled posts.


Originally posted by MsA: when a teacher ( who I'd just watch berate and belittle the kid for 45 minutes) asked me what she could do to fix the kids behavior I didn't say " Have you tried not being such a bitch to him?" but it was a very near thing... I went with " I think more positives would help"

I would have paid to see that inner struggle take place before you found something nice to say. bravo on the willpower.

she told the *kid* he's not safe? wtf? Yeah, that's good to teach kids. "this kid isn't safe, don't play with him." she shouldn't be talking down to kids at all. If she doesn't like kids (which seems like the case), she shouldn't be a teacher...


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 7:08 AM


Hmmm Kelkhil.. see I think this is why I am more mad about the NFL and other sports agencies.. they have this tendancy to say "felony, what felony" about all kind of stuff. Like the player who attacked his coach, the drunk driving etc... I'm disturbed by the general oh well he's a celebrity/sports figure etc... AND?? the rest of us , if we commit felonies have screwed up our lives for a very long time if not forever and if you're a celebrity or a sports figure it's all's forgiven. I do appreciate Vick manning up and taking what was coming, but I just don't care to have that discribed as a " mistake"... um it was pretty much on purpose. I have the same feeling about all the baseball steriods issues, as I am reasonably sure you can't inject illegal steroids by mistake, and all the other fine upstanding celebs and sports guys who act like whatever they do is excused by talent.... and I really think the governing bodies ought to consider the message they send kids. If one of my students got busted for a dog fighting ring or steriods or whatever he wouldn't just get his life back after jail. he'd be marked for life. he'd have difficulty getting a job or housing as most places ( except low paying jobs and low income scary housing) won't allow felons. He'd struggle the rest of his life and probably never recover for his " mistake"( I know several people with low level felony convictions and it has made their lives hell for decades) and yet these sports figures and celebs just pop into rehab or do a few year and go right back along as if nothing ever happened... just bugs me is all.

Ok I'll stop ranting

( except to add that PETA is the most evil, stupid, nasty, short sighted, asshole filled den of wretchedness EVER!!... and we should be much more concerned about them than all the other terrorists!!!)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:32 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Morning all!
Wow reallly Neko? Ranma 1/2? I am that annoying? :( QQ

(Glomps Neko anyway!!!)

No, I have that reaction to any glompage, I...
*shrieks at the glompage, does Ranma's arm-waving reaction when Shampoo glomps him, then sends Kel into Kuno Tatewaki's low-earth-orbit*

On to the other football related topic....

I have been trying really hard to ignore this topic of late cuz it really, really got under my skin.
[ rantage snipped...other examples of sucky behavior by other athletes]
There are more examples but you get the idea.

As far as I am concerned the only reason why #7 even served 1 day of jail is because he refused to let his money do the time for him. He manned up and took his punishment for the wrongs he did and he is trying to rebuild. These other fucks think it is their right to be players. And that right (and their huge bank rolls) let them break the law and get away with it.


I dislike what he did, really would like to have him fade into history, but also think that 23 months for what has been said he's done was an awfully small punishment, (and that's including 6 game suspension). He does have the right to "prove" himself to the playing public, which is why I suggested that things kinda go back to the status quo...with the exception of cheering if he gets tackled/sacked. Going to the games 'cause you hate him and want to boo him gives the NFL more money (and lets them think the controversy is a good thing), boycotting punishes folks who aren't involved and allows Vick and others to claim people are unfairly judging him....

Speaking of which....where are teh goodies for your mistress ninjakitty I *ahem* requested on her behalf?!? No wonder she and I are getting crankier by the moment!

Anywhos...Thirded (fourthed) on the PETA stinks group. They're great at getting young (privledged) teens to swallow their philosophy blindly and parrot it like mindless bots. Add to that the already listed stupidities, and the cluelessness and vandalism of anything that doesn't look like it's old-style faux (side note: there are fabric manufacturers that are making really impressive faux fur items that look real and feel almost real)...I'm less than impressed. (Let's not forget the hi-lariously hypocritical behavior of the spokespeople "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" appearing in public in fur items? REALLY?)

Okie, I think we're all getting a bit stressed (well, a bit more than usual here), so can we have the FF crew-clones sent out to soothe and pamper us NOW GORRAMIT??!!


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 2:47 PM


* sets up a chocolate fountain with fruit, sponge cake, cookie bites and other stuff for dipping

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:10 PM


*grins* I think Neko wants to dip Mal in chocolate by the sound of it...

Hoo, boy, am I glad I don't have a clue what you folks are on about. Sport makes my brain glaze over.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:02 AM


Morning all! Hope that Thursday is nice and pleasant...(choke) (gag) (cough)....

Sorry, don't know what came over me for a second there.


Originally posted by gee:

I believe Stallworth got a lifetime ban from the NFL though didn't he? Not saying he shouldn't have got more time than he did because obviously that's a ridiculous sentence but I think Goodell at least manned up for that one.

Nope gee. He was suspendend this season without pay and then will be allowed to play again. But hey, at least it was something besides a 30 day joke eh?


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Today sucks.
((avoids instinctual rant about the lack of ethics in the medical device companies))
How about you?

Rant away... not like most of us would understand anything except the swearing, but it would still be a fun read I bet! Oh and yeah my day pretty much went to the sux after I posted yesterday. Another last minute pick up the slack for "someone" and drive for 5 hours round trip.... GAH!

Yeah and it is looking more and more like I will be doing it yet again next week. This one might be more interesting though. Might have me traveling to the dairy state.... Meet some co-workers I only know through phone and e-mails. We'll see.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:24 AM


OK well that statement isn't making me calm HK... you must rant now!!! ( and include anything device wise I should know about) HUGS

HUGS Anjl:)

Morning Kelkhil HUGS

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:11 AM


*teleports in before stomach implodes*

*takes a moment to glomp Kel before cozying up to bar*

wow, reeeeeeeal hungry all of a sudden barkeep. some breakfast variety eats please?

how's everyone this hot, humid, sunny thursday?


Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:29 AM


Fourteen days...

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn


Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:02 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Fourteen days...


Some day......

Well just make sure you drink one for me! And gawk at all the scantily clad con-babes a little longer

(goes into the corner and pouts some more)


Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:16 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Fourteen days...

I didn't think it was possible to be this nervous and excited at the same time...


Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:38 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Oh and yeah my day pretty much went to the sux after I posted yesterday.

That's just karma bitch-slapping you, Kel, for your post. XD
You know. Making me cry and all. ((innocent))

Originally posted by MsA:
OK well that statement isn't making me calm HK... you must rant now!!! ( and include anything device wise I should know about)

Heh... sorry, MsA, didn't mean to worry you.
The medical industry, like so many others, is Corporate America.
Need I say more than that? There's just too much to say and too few characters allowed in a single post....

And people wonder why there's a health care "problem"... a goddamned band-aid wouldn't have fixed the Titanic, either.

Originally posted by freelancertex:
how's everyone this hot, humid, sunny thursday?

My Thursday is cold, rainy, and cloudy. =(
((misses the hot, humid sun))


Thursday, August 20, 2009 6:59 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Fourteen days...

Some day......
Well just make sure you drink one for me! And gawk at all the scantily clad con-babes a little longer

(goes into the corner and pouts some more)

Done and done.

Hopefully we'll have the Mac running in the room party Thursday night. With a bunch of luck we will have a teleport ready for those who can drop in for a few hours but need to be home for real world stuffs.

(Manhug for Kelkhil)

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:09 AM


Aw HUGS Kelkhil.. we'll take loads of pics and totally keep fingers crossed that next year is your year ( that way all our kids can play together)...if it'll make you feel better NV's gonna get pics or a video of me slapping people at the PETA table(

LOL HUGS HK don't mind me I have medical paranoia now ( stupid books that tell you in excrutiating detail all the horrible things that can go wrong...argh)

NV 14 days YAY ( 6 am flight so at the airport by 5 am less yay, but still happy)

Oh come on Zero I said I was kidding. I'm not really planning on drugging you and bartering you to hot chicks for cute shoes

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

That's just karma bitch-slapping you, Kel, for your post. XD
You know. Making me cry and all. ((innocent))

Na-Uh! Oh wait...


Originally posted by MsA:

Oh come on Zero I said I was kidding. I'm not really planning on drugging you and bartering you to hot chicks for cute shoes

Yeah Zero! Mainly cuz all the hot chicks would just take you and you would like it!
Now the less hot chicks...yeah... drugging and bartering for shoes might just work MSA!


Originally posted by nvghostrider:

Done and done.

Sweet! Oh and NVG.....
That one over there --->(points at the Sneaky Lass) Go all paintball sneaky and sneak up behind her. Then when she is completly unawares press a -1.11C Dew to the side of her neck and make her all jumpy for me.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:30 AM


Yeah Zero and Navy are a bit concerned at my obsession with surrounding them with hot chicks.. but I think they'll get over it:)

I even got pics of HK last time and will again this time( but in keeping with the rules I do not post them, share them, or allowed them to be viewed by anyone but HK without prior consent so you'll have to ask her if she wants you to see them:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 8:50 AM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Sweet! Oh and NVG.....
That one over there --->(points at the Sneaky Lass) Go all paintball sneaky and sneak up behind her. Then when she is completly unawares press a -1.11C Dew to the side of her neck and make her all jumpy for me.

NVG? Sneak up on me?
Simply not possible.

Originally posted by MsA:
I even got pics of HK last time and will again this time

Highly unlikely. The other crowd you'll be hanging out with has made it very clear to me that I am not welcome. So unless you make it over to the Photo Op area, you'll probably not see me.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:04 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Sweet! Oh and NVG.....
That one over there --->(points at the Sneaky Lass) Go all paintball sneaky and sneak up behind her. Then when she is completly unawares press a -1.11C Dew to the side of her neck and make her all jumpy for me.

NVG? Sneak up on me?
Simply not possible.

Alrighty then Plan B.....

Navy!!! Front and center!!!

Ok Navy - You walk up and start a nice harmless chat with the Sneaky Lass.

NVG - While the Sneaky Lass is swooning over Navy's bitchin' accent you go ahead with Plan A!

Any questions? Good! Move out!


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:32 AM





Anyone know about any fun things to do in Madison Wi?

Seems that on Tuesday(maybe) I am heading that way to pick up some gear. Be there 2 nights (maybe again) depending on how long the meet and greet takes after I get there.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:40 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by MsA:
I even got pics of HK last time and will again this time

Highly unlikely. The other crowd you'll be hanging out with has made it very clear to me that I am not welcome. So unless you make it over to the Photo Op area, you'll probably not see me.

This is not acceptable, I do not like this.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 9:45 AM


*walks in from more money spending* can i tell you how much i hate the school year?

gear, Kel?

barkeep, late lunch foodz please ^_^


Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:03 AM


Oh it's possible, just not logical. I'd do quite a bit to make a friend happy Kel, but losing the use of valuable limbs and appendages really does not play into my life plan.

I'll be throwing some good stuffs in the mail for Thursday night soon.

Surely have to have some this year.

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn


Thursday, August 20, 2009 10:21 AM


Sir yes sir!

I'll see what I can do kel...


Thursday, August 20, 2009 12:29 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Anyone know about any fun things to do in Madison, WI?

((just wants to take this moment to point out that she did not respond to this question with a simple, succint "me"))

Whenever I stop in Madison, I try to get lunch or dinner at Ella's Deli ( Good food and lots of interesting things to stare at. Hee. Had lunch with Neil Gaiman there a few years back. Hee.

It's been years since I've wandered around Madison, but I recall State Street being a good place to wander... so close to campus... lots of nifty stores... Erm. And stuff. I have to imagine, though, that since it is a college campus town where folks like their beer, you should be able to find some good bars with good entertainment. (?)

Originally posted by zerokiryu:
This is not acceptable, I do not like this.

You can ignore that.
We can negotiate. XD

Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Oh it's possible, just not logical. I'd do quite a bit to make a friend happy Kel, but losing the use of valuable limbs and appendages really does not play into my life plan.

Such a smart, wise man. ^__^
After all, in a parade, you're just a very slow moving target. ^__^

Originally posted by Navyseils:
Sir yes sir!

I'll see what I can do kel...

((adds Navy to The List))


Thursday, August 20, 2009 1:36 PM


Oh no no no HK.. you are completely and totally welcome wherever I am and anyone who says different will be soundly smacked!!!!
Navy, Zero, Avery, and Roxie all love you.. so does Rose. Can't think who else I'll be around much... you are very welcome!!

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:04 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
((adds Navy to The List))

I hope this is a good list... like... well I can't think of a good list. But I hope it is. Schindler's maybe? that was a kinda good list to be on I guess...

Ok, so maybe I'm just doomed then.


Thursday, August 20, 2009 5:07 PM



Friday, August 21, 2009 3:04 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Kelkhil:
Anyone know about any fun things to do in Madison, WI?

((just wants to take this moment to point out that she did not respond to this question with a simple, succint "me"))

NONTramp!!! XD


Whenever I stop in Madison, I try to get lunch or dinner at Ella's Deli

Cool, cool! Interesting places for good eats are a staple of roadtrippy funness!!


Had lunch with Neil Gaiman there a few years back. Hee.

And I am sure he still brags about it to this very day


since it is a college campus town where folks like their beer, you should be able to find some good bars with good entertainment.

Win!! \o/

Er... I mean ... um.. no.... it is a trip for work afterall!

Well if ya think of anything else drop me a PM eh?

Alrighty then...

Pay-Friday!! Woot!

Lets have a good start to the weekend!
Anyone have any interesting plans? I need to live vicariously since I am on-call til Monday.


Friday, August 21, 2009 4:19 AM


I'm betting Neil Gaiman starts many a conversation with... remember that gorgeous, brilliant red head I had lunch with a few years back...

Morning all... and yay for Friday.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, August 21, 2009 6:38 AM


Good Friday bar patrons!

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn






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