Firefly to Serenity. . .blessed evolution. . .

UPDATED: Monday, June 21, 2004 04:10
VIEWED: 6315
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Saturday, June 19, 2004 11:25 AM


You know. . .

I've not heard much of it HERE, per se . . .but I've heard enough of this stuff to merit raising my voice.

Folks. . .April, 2005. . .Our beloved crew will climb aboard that beautiful flying tub once more and grace the BIG screen. Since we first learned that the movie had been greenlighted, we've had it presented to us that there are going to be a few things that are slightly different. Serenity herself will look a bit different. . .Wash's flight suits look a bit different. . .Kaylee's coveralls. . .Jayne's t-shirts. . .

These slight changes have some of our more die-hard and perhaps short-sighted fans up in arms. . .lamenting the changes. . ."Ooooohhhhhhhh, woe is us. . .the horrible corporate execs at Universal have forced them to get rid of the EVER CRUCIAL suspenders!!! Book with a beard?? Book doesn't wear a beard!!!! Wash's flight suit looks too 'official'! What are they thinking?"

Folks. . .get the heck over it. Our beloved Serenity is FLYING AGAIN. Don't you get it?


Please don't lose sight of the fact that Joss is STILL the man in charge, and NEVER was there a TV writer/producer/director/CREATOR who was better in touch with his audience.

Will you folks quit crying and TRUST that the movie is going to be wonderful? For chrissake!

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Saturday, June 19, 2004 11:33 AM


Right on, Static! Heck Serenity underwent some changes during the course of the series (stubby to long), and we (those of us who were compulsive enough to notice, that is) got over it without missing a step. Indeed, there are those of us who have tried valiantly to reconcile the exterior with the interior -- and found that it couldn't quite be made to happen without some portions exposed to vacuum-- may see our concerns addressed...

In short, I'm with Static on this one. The changes will be evolutionary, and with Joss at the helm, I'm altogether confident those mutations will be adaptive ones.

Most importantly, we will rise again!!. At the end of the day, that's what REALLY matters!

Keep flyin'!

Department of Redundancy Department


Saturday, June 19, 2004 11:42 AM


I'm sorry but I'm still gonna miss the tightpants.

No but seriously I couldn't agree with you more.


Please don't lose sight of the fact that Joss is STILL the man in charge, and NEVER was there a TV writer/producer/director/CREATOR who was better in touch with his audience.

Will you folks quit crying and TRUST that the movie is going to be wonderful? For chrissake!

This is what I've been trying to tell people about the animated series but nobody believes me. I think it applies here too even more so:


if there's one thing I've learnt over the last seven years it's TRUST JOSS. I doubted him when I heard about the Dawn storyline I thought it would be really weird to fit in a new character but whether you like the character or not I think Joss fitted her in perfectly. I doubted him when I heard about the premise for Firefly and we all know how that turned out.
I don't think Joss would do anything to compromise the quality of the Buffyverse.

Joss would never, could never do anything crappy. The movie is gonna be great and I personally can't wait.

Well, my sister's a ship... we had a
complicated childhood


Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:12 PM


Good post I am a little worried that when the movie comes out theres gonna be a bit of a backlash over all the tiny changes which there is inevitable going to be. Its also important to remember that it is just a movie. While this is probably the most excited Ive ever been about a film Ive seen plenty of bad experiences in the past by people getting so hyped up about something that it cant possibly match everyones expectations.


Saturday, June 19, 2004 12:50 PM


For a simple reason (my son was taking me out for my birthday, and I forgot to turn OFF the VCR to make the timer work) I didn't see "Ariel" until the DVDs came out. I think it's safe to say that "Ariel" is the episode least like the others that were broadcast (in the US). Simon is in his element, a hospital in the Core, where much of the episode takes place. We get our first up-close and creepifying look at the Blue-Hands. And the crew goes from lifting cargo from derelict ships and avoiding the Alliance whenever possible to raiding a reasonably secure, guarded facility. For me, it changed how I saw the interaction of the characters in the later episodes having finally seen the episode I missed. Especially my view of Mal, in light of his confrontation with Jayne.
But it was still Firefly! It added to my understanding of their 'verse. And personally, I'm sure the BDM will do the same. Maybe the dining room will be blue, maybe the hand rails will be chrome, maybe Wash saved up and got a new pilot's chair... but it will still be our Serenity. I don't think Joss is capable of screwing up enough to alienate any of us. He may shock us and even anger us, but it will still be our Serenity. IMHO, of course!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..."


Saturday, June 19, 2004 1:03 PM


I'm not worried about what the ship or characters will look like. My house hasn't looked the same from one year to the next; I've bought new clothes--why would Serenity and her crew stay static? As long as the characters and plot are true to the series and its creators inimitable vision, I think "Serenity" will make me very happy.

All my life I wanted to be somebody. I guess I should have been more specific.


Saturday, June 19, 2004 1:20 PM


As I posted in another thread on this topic:

Personally I feel strongly that what we see on the screen THIS time will be Joss' vision...
the TV show involved constant compromises Joss had to make w/the suits at the network,
but the movie is his pure vision (or so I believe) and there fore I will embrace and rejoice in any changes Joss makes!

It is possible that the Studio suits might interfer, but that is NOT what we are hearing,
from all the leakage from the 'Serenity' shoot that I've heard this is 100% Joss' baby...
not like the nightmare he went thru at Fox:
'Mal needs to be nicer'
'use fewer horses'

So I am VERY happy to put up with any changes that bring 'Serenity' in to Joss' original vision for the show...

(I'm so excited)


Saturday, June 19, 2004 1:32 PM



Originally posted by Static:
You know. . .

I've not heard much of it HERE, per se . . .but I've heard enough of this stuff to merit raising my voice.

Folks. . .April, 2005. . .Our beloved crew will climb aboard that beautiful flying tub once more and grace the BIG screen. Since we first learned that the movie had been greenlighted, we've had it presented to us that there are going to be a few things that are slightly different. Serenity herself will look a bit different. . .Wash's flight suits look a bit different. . .Kaylee's coveralls. . .Jayne's t-shirts. . .

These slight changes have some of our more die-hard and perhaps short-sighted fans up in arms. . .lamenting the changes. . ."Ooooohhhhhhhh, woe is us. . .the horrible corporate execs at Universal have forced them to get rid of the EVER CRUCIAL suspenders!!! Book with a beard?? Book doesn't wear a beard!!!! Wash's flight suit looks too 'official'! What are they thinking?"

Folks. . .get the heck over it. Our beloved Serenity is FLYING AGAIN. Don't you get it?


Please don't lose sight of the fact that Joss is STILL the man in charge, and NEVER was there a TV writer/producer/director/CREATOR who was better in touch with his audience.

Will you folks quit crying and TRUST that the movie is going to be wonderful? For chrissake!

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


“but I’ve been sane awhile now and change is good” …Wash


Saturday, June 19, 2004 2:07 PM


Okay, I got the message :-) Now, for a little twist in this thread . . .
Here are the things I dislike about (gasp!) Serenity, the ship, and would like to see upgraded or just made more believable. It's a short list.

1. The twirly thingamajig that appears to power the butt end of Serenity. Mygawd, but that's an ugly and risible contraption, like that flying car in that old Disney movie -- ooops, just remembered Chittty Chitty Bang Bang! Yeah, it's got character and Kaylee can make it run but I can't conceive for a second how that could power anything other than a threshing machine. ETA: Forgot to offer solution. I'd like to see some power structure -- fusion reactor? -- that looks and sounds eerie and powerful.

2. When Serenity powers away from the Reaver ship in the pilot, just where does all that exhaust come from. There ain't nothing there to make that rocket-y smoke, other than the sidepods, which strike me more as manoeuvring jets, although quite powerful. Something on the butt of Serenity has to justify that kind of power. Mind you, the sight of that escape was a thing of beauty. Zoic rules!

3. When Wash's fingers dance over the controls, it's always over the same controls (the three magic switches, for example) and the setup tells me they haven't established too much of a layout. The designers need to work on that so whatever Wash does in -- I'm going to call it -- Serenity 2.0, the "dashboard" should be a little more convincing. And if you've ever seen an airliner cockpit (I know Static knows his way around a cockpit!), there's an eyeful of switches and gauges, partly because of the need for redundant controls. So there should be a secondary control station on Serenity, say to the right of Wash's.

Anyone care to comment or add to this? Or should we start a new thread?


Saturday, June 19, 2004 2:45 PM



Originally posted by Static:

Will you folks quit crying and TRUST that the movie is going to be wonderful? For chrissake!

Okay I'm probably just overanalyzing that statement and I agreed with the rest of your post but I'm not going to judge a movie until I've seen it. Besides it's better to keep your expectations low that away you can't be disappointed.


Saturday, June 19, 2004 5:28 PM



Originally posted by makerofpaths:
2. When Serenity powers away from the Reaver ship in the pilot, just where does all that exhaust come from. There ain't nothing there to make that rocket-y smoke, other than the sidepods, which strike me more as manoeuvring jets, although quite powerful. Something on the butt of Serenity has to justify that kind of power. Mind you, the sight of that escape was a thing of beauty. Zoic rules!

There is a engine cone looking things:
[url=] (Gorram how do you post a link!! Right click that X then go to that link and look around PG 10 for what I'm talking about)
that could have created that full burn explosion. Now according to the DVD extras Serenity has a Fusion Engine IE an "Orion Drive". Now for those who don't know the basic princeable is that a large Nuclear Explosion accures and is focused (maybe by the pannel things) sternwords providing a massave burst of thrust.

Now I assume the "Spinny Part" is some kind of Power Genrator/Nuclear Blast Creator.


3. When Wash's fingers dance over the controls, it's always over the same controls (the three magic switches, for example) and the setup tells me they haven't established too much of a layout. The designers need to work on that so whatever Wash does in -- I'm going to call it -- Serenity 2.0, the "dashboard" should be a little more convincing. And if you've ever seen an airliner cockpit (I know Static knows his way around a cockpit!), there's an eyeful of switches and gauges, partly because of the need for redundant controls. So there should be a secondary control station on Serenity, say to the right of Wash's.

Well I like the Dash Board the way it is. The Simplicty of it kind of indcates how common place space travel is. The lack of back up displays shows thats Serenity isn't brand new. They've all been scraped for other ships.

Or that other dash board to the Port Side is a back up helm.

The Firefly CCG Yahoo Group:
My Other Site:


Saturday, June 19, 2004 6:38 PM



"She took the box! Show her, what's in the box!"--Kuni


Saturday, June 19, 2004 7:10 PM



Originally posted by Static:
These slight changes have some of our more die-hard and perhaps short-sighted fans up in arms. . .

And let's not forget that the fans' behaviour over Serenity may have an effect on potential investment in other prematurely cancelled TV series. We may be at the start of a consumer revolution, let's keep it positive.

I still want all the crew to die in the movie, but I'm prepared to make sacrifices


Saturday, June 19, 2004 8:09 PM



Orignially posted by makerofpaths:
Here are the things I dislike about (gasp!) Serenity, the ship, and would like to see upgraded or just made more believable.

Joss has stated many times he is not a techie person and doesn't want a techie show. This is not Star Trek, with constant technobabble explainations (that change the next episode anyways). Joss doesn't want the show to be about the technology but about the characters and the story. The ship flies because the story calls for it, the engine works because they said it does, the engine explosion/dustcloud was there because it was dramatic and looked cool, the 3 switches make a good clicky sound, that's all, nothing more. Watch the show, enjoy the action and drama and laughs and quit obsessing over nitpicky little details that have nothing to do with the story.

"...we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Saturday, June 19, 2004 8:39 PM



Originally posted by FlyinFree:

Orignially posted by makerofpaths:
Here are the things I dislike about (gasp!) Serenity, the ship, and would like to see upgraded or just made more believable.

Joss has stated many times he is not a techie person and doesn't want a techie show. . . . Watch the show, enjoy the action and drama and laughs and quit obsessing over nitpicky little details that have nothing to do with the story.

We pretty much agree, actually :-) For the Big Damn Movie, though, where the image on the screen is 17 feet (see above :-), Wash, e.g., can't just be grabbing at imaginary switches and buttons. Every detail of the people and hardware is right in your face and so are the flaws. None, of course, will be found in Serenity :-)

Anyway, I certainly prefer Cap'n Dummy talk to Scottie/Jordie technobabbling at me.


Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:18 PM


I will trust in Joss to do the shiny thing.

The Real Me

Got Mudder's Milk?


Sunday, June 20, 2004 12:25 AM


I'm grateful Serenity is flying again but if the movie version has significant changes, it would be nice if fans were thrown maybe just one line explaining that it was overhauled or something.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 2:03 AM



Originally posted by Barry:
I'm grateful Serenity is flying again but if the movie version has significant changes, it would be nice if fans were thrown maybe just one line explaining that it was overhauled or something.

I agree. Im not one to get too hung up about changes the important thing is we are getting a movie but if there are big changes it would be nice if there was a small mention of it for us fans.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 3:45 AM



Originally posted by makerofpaths:
For the Big Damn Movie, though, where the image on the screen is 17 feet (see above :-), Wash, e.g., can't just be grabbing at imaginary switches and buttons. Every detail of the people and hardware is right in your face and so are the flaws.

When making a TV show you have less time and less budget so shortcuts are always taken, with a movie you've got the time and the money to do it right. Joss commented on the DVD commentary of the first Buffy episode (his first TV making experience) about the constant shortage of time and money and the many shortcuts they had to keep taking and how different it was from working with movies. Every scene is just so in a movie and is redone many times if it isn't, the things that are wrong in a movie are mistakes made by the editor, etc. rather than shortcuts taken (well most movies anyways, not talking backyard low budget here). I'm sure Joss will make sure Alan is holding the yoke and Morena isn't holding it upside down or anything like that.

"...we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Sunday, June 20, 2004 4:31 AM


well the way i see it i put my faith im the genius of joss he won't let us down and nither will they, you have to rember they want this to be great as much as we do.


Sunday, June 20, 2004 11:06 PM


There's little that could be done in the movie to ruin it for me, only replacing Joss or one of the cast members.
Remember- things are always darkest before the dawn- when the movie is released, all those doubters and critics out there will be singin' a different song.

"BADGER: You think you're better than other people.
MAL: Just the ones I'm better than." -Shindig.
"MAL: Gotta say, doctor, your talent for alienatin' folk is near miraculous.
SIMON: Yes, I'm very proud." -Safe.
Writing at: [url] [/url]


Sunday, June 20, 2004 11:26 PM


i'm one of those that are worried about the little things. Including what a movie format might do to it. But I'm hoping for a success so the show will come back (even if it comes back on cable and I have to wait to buy it on DVD). As much as I worry though, I remember I watch it for the characters (River and Jayne in particular) and those likely won't change (though I still want the Hawian shirts!). Anything else can be forgiven as long as we got the crew (which from my understanding we do, so I'm happy).

"No power in the 'verse can stop me."


Monday, June 21, 2004 2:30 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I think it is safe to say that most of us would like to see things appear on the big screen just as they were on tv, but the truth of the matter is that they are two different animals.

As Joss himself said, he is looking for a bigger, more epic telling of the story on the big screen. People expect more from a movie than they do television. Joss has to capture more people w/ the movie than the current fanbase, to do that he will have to make some small changes. I don't see a problem w/ this reality.

Like Nathan said over at the OB, Serenity is home. We have all been away from her for nearly two years now. Let's go home.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Monday, June 21, 2004 3:20 AM


Hello all,
I agree with Browncoat1
We must not forget that this movie almost never happened!
When the show was cancelled I had not seen any episodes, but my friend had been following it from the beginning.
I remember her deep state of loss at the possibility of no more Firefly..ever!

Now are prayers have been answered and the creator and original cast have been reunited, folks, this is what we have been waiting for.

Lets not forget this. We will see changes, that is a fact, but don't forget that Nathan, Adam, and all the stars that have commented on the script says it is the best one Joss has written, I am pretty sure that if the script sucked or it was going to be a totally rushed and poorly produced movie, they would not be singing it's praises so highly.

I am confident that this movie will be a triumph.



Monday, June 21, 2004 4:10 AM


To BrownCoat1 I say... Amen and I second that opinion!!

They're all back

They're still flyin'

And it's all gonna be SHINY!!!

Being a hero doesn't mean you succeed in saving the day.... it just means you tried.






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