Original Pilot? New Pilot?

UPDATED: Thursday, May 30, 2002 08:04
VIEWED: 10440
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Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:25 PM


The pics up on the site are from the original pilot? So did Joss get frustrated and just decided he needed to reshoot thet whole thing? Can anyone fill me in?


Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:40 PM


From what I heard (and Haken or someone else can probably confirm this) it was because Fox felt it was a little slow, or unexciting or something, and they wanted it a little more action-packed, thus the re-write.

Hope it helps, I'm kind of in the dark too.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Thursday, May 23, 2002 12:50 PM


Firefly SUCKS A BIG ONE!!! FOX canceled Dark Angel for this piece of ?? I swear they are idiots!!!! And you are all idiots for watching. Of course some of you didn't have the pleasure of seeing DA. Well it's was--IS a thousand times better than Firefly!!! you FOX!!!

Dark Angel lover for ever


Thursday, May 23, 2002 1:05 PM




Thursday, May 23, 2002 2:39 PM


Originally posted by DarkAngelRules:
Firefly SUCKS A BIG ONE!!! FOX canceled Dark Angel for this piece of ?? I swear they are idiots!!!! And you are all idiots for watching. Of course some of you didn't have the pleasure of seeing DA. Well it's was--IS a thousand times better than Firefly!!! you FOX!!!

Dark Angel lover for ever

Wow... ummm... irrational much?

Anyway... back to the topic...

The original pilot will be used at a later date... and get this! It's going to be released as a feature film in England! Damn you lucky limey bastards

Dylan Palmer, a.k.a. NoVaGrAsS,

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with Lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer


Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:44 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Where did you hear that it was going to be released as a feature film in England?


Thursday, May 23, 2002 3:48 PM


Fox is "saving" the "original" two hour pilot for a... "Tonight on Fox, A Very Special Two Hour Firefly... The Origin" kinda thing.

I also heard that the "new" one hour pilot is not a "rewrite" and is more or less the next episode of the show post "original" pilot -- everyone is already on the ship. Fine, but it would be nice to see the freakin' back story. I might as well go watch Dark Angel...


Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:18 PM


A sci-fi show getting two pilots is hardly a new thing. The original pilot for "Lost in Space" sold the show, but Irvin Allen decided to re-shoot the opening episode to add new characters, like the Robot and Dr. Smith, to provide more intrigue. Footage from the original pilot was later incorporated into several of the first season episodes.

CBS rejected the vampire detective pilot "Nick Knight," so the writers and producers spent a couple years reacquiring the rights and rewriting the story for the syndicated market, where, as "Forever Knight" the remake sold and did quite well.

Another CBS program that had two pilots before going to weekly series was, of course, "Gilligan's Island."

The most famous two-pilot show was, naturally, "Star Trek."


Thursday, May 23, 2002 4:35 PM


I figured they would do something like that. I'm glad we'll get to see the pilot eventually. I kind of like getting the backstory later, actually. First episodes can be kind of weak that way, introducing the characters and what not. They never used to do that in series. Before they used to jump right into the middle of the action and fill you in as you go along. So I like that. I think it'll make a strong first episode.



Thursday, May 23, 2002 5:52 PM


Originally posted by Jonwes:
I figured they would do something like that. I'm glad we'll get to see the pilot eventually. I kind of like getting the backstory later, actually. First episodes can be kind of weak that way, introducing the characters and what not. They never used to do that in series. Before they used to jump right into the middle of the action and fill you in as you go along. So I like that. I think it'll make a strong first episode.


That's something I'd like to see. The episode roars along and you've got all these characters and you don't really know who they are but a little is revealed as the episode, and subsequently the series, goes on. If JW can skip the "meet and greet" in the first episode I can live with that.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Friday, May 24, 2002 1:54 AM


Originally posted by Jonwes:
I figured they would do something like that. I'm glad we'll get to see the pilot eventually. I kind of like getting the backstory later, actually. First episodes can be kind of weak that way, introducing the characters and what not. They never used to do that in series. Before they used to jump right into the middle of the action and fill you in as you go along. So I like that. I think it'll make a strong first episode.

I could go either way. I always thought with "Welcome to the Hellmouth" on Buffy Joss did a great "introductory" episode that still had plenty of action. It introduces the basic concept and characters in a very economical way. Joss has spoken about how he knew there would be some viewers who'd seen the movie and some who hadn't - so he deliberately made it light on the whole Slayer backstory stuff - he alludes to a lot without saying it. Later of course more details come out.


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into to her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Friday, May 24, 2002 2:04 AM


Originally posted by malcolm:
I also heard that the "new" one hour pilot is not a "rewrite" and is more or less the next episode of the show post "original" pilot

Where did you hear this - because I'm still hearing from ME interviews that Joss was doing a 're-write'. Maybe it is the second episode that he's re-writing to add a little introduction.


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into to her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 1:45 PM


I heard from a well placed agency assistant that the "new" pilot was essentially episode one and not a rewrite of the "original" pilot. hopefully, we'll get to see both!


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 1:47 PM


Originally posted by malcolm:
I heard from a well placed agency assistant that the "new" pilot was essentially episode one and not a rewrite of the "original" pilot. hopefully, we'll get to see both!

BTW... I'm sure JW will do more wqork on the "new" pilot up until he shoots it. Good scripts are never finished... they're abandoned.


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:53 PM


While we're on the topic of pilots...

I had the opprotunity to view the Buffy pilot sever months ago. It was utterly awful. I am really surprised that it was accepted by the WB network for consideration, it was *that* horrible.

If that has anything to do with Firefly, I think that the pilot may very well have been "bad." However, seeing how much better Welcome to the Hellmouth and Harvest were than the Buffy pilot, I don't think we have *anything* to worry about with the quality of Firefly.

Anyway... just thought that was interesting

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:54 PM


Originally posted by Haken:
Where did you hear that it was going to be released as a feature film in England?

I can't remember the *exact* site I saw it at... but I'll try looking for the direct info.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 11:06 AM


To clear up a few things: the so-called "new pilot" is in fact the first episode. The original pilot -- which, by the way, is awesome -- will likely air as a two hour "event," as has been stated here. A kind of "origins" piece. When Joss and I broke the story for the first episode, we kept this in mind. I got to co-write the new script with Joss, and it's the same show. There has not been some major "retooling."

The new script also works as a good introduction to the show, in my opinion.

The pilot, "Serenity," was a big part of why I wanted to do "Firefly." It does a thing... a thing that I adore (but the very thing that I think makes the network nervous to air it as the public's first exposure to a new series on their airwaves...) What I mean is, it works on you. It gets under your skin. At least, it did to me. It unfolds. Reveals itself to you. That's a thing Joss is great at. It stayed with me the day I saw it, and I woke up the next day thinking about it. I got a little obsessed with it.

Then, maybe a week or so after I saw it, Joss visited me on the set of "Angel" and asked me to come and make more "Firefly" stories with him. Uh... yeah. Ready for the ride.

Tim Minear


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 1:14 PM



Welcome to the board!

Is there any truth in this rumour about the 2-hour pilot being released as a movie here in the UK?

All the best in any case - I've a feeling this is gonna be great


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:06 PM


*passes out*

Wow! Our first *very* important poster!

Welcome to the boards, Tim!

Originally posted by TimMinear:
To clear up a few things: the so-called "new pilot" is in fact the first episode. The original pilot -- which, by the way, is awesome -- will likely air as a two hour "event," as has been stated here. A kind of "origins" piece. When Joss and I broke the story for the first episode, we kept this in mind. I got to co-write the new script with Joss, and it's the same show. There has not been some major "retooling."

The new script also works as a good introduction to the show, in my opinion.

The pilot, "Serenity," was a big part of why I wanted to do "Firefly." It does a thing... a thing that I adore (but the very thing that I think makes the network nervous to air it as the public's first exposure to a new series on their airwaves...) What I mean is, it works on you. It gets under your skin. At least, it did to me. It unfolds. Reveals itself to you. That's a thing Joss is great at. It stayed with me the day I saw it, and I woke up the next day thinking about it. I got a little obsessed with it.

Then, maybe a week or so after I saw it, Joss visited me on the set of "Angel" and asked me to come and make more "Firefly" stories with him. Uh... yeah. Ready for the ride.

Tim Minear

That's all *VERY* good to hear! I love how Joss can craft the very affective material... and I think it's great that Firefly is so good that it's scaring the network producers. While admitedly, I'm not all that versed in all things Tim Minear, I'm glad he chose you to co-produce!

This is *so* exciting! Be sure to tell Joss to stop by! We're not the biting type. Or at least tell him that the fans are totally psyched for the show to debut! There is a *lot* of great stuff going on in the show... and I think it may be one of the most innovative shows ever aired (well, maybe not as innovative as Cop-Rock or Twin Peaks... but that is yet to be seen )

By the way, if you are planning on stopping by here more than once, you should probably contact the webmaster ( to verify your IP address or something... don't want any imposters!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--

who is loving Tim Minear right now!


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 2:29 PM


I really hope it's Tim Minear, the real one. We'll see if Haken can verify it for us. If it is the real Tim Minear, a big welcome to you.

It's written very well and it would not surprise me in the least if it is.

That's all I'm saying for the meantime.

"How will this end?"
"In fire."
--Babylon 5, 'The Coming of Shadows'


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:05 PM


Originally posted by Ringwraith:
I really hope it's Tim Minear, the real one.

Well he's using the same email address as when he posts on - so I think it's him.


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:12 PM


Originally posted by NoVaGrAsS:
This is *so* exciting! Be sure to tell Joss to stop by! We're not the biting type. Or at least tell him that the fans are totally psyched for the show to debut!

Yeah - you can avoid all those disgruntled Will/Tara fans and come be abused by annoyed Dark Angel fans instead!



Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:15 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Welcome to our humble Firefly site, Mr. Minear!


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:23 PM


Now I'm worried. If the orginal pilot gets under your skin, I can hardly imagine what it will be like once things get developed and we get used to the characters. Considering how Buffy and Angel can get to me after a couple of years, what will Firefly be like in a couple of years.

It sounds like it isn't a case that the second pilot is better, but maybe just that it is 'easier' to take. It will important for the general audience to like the show, so maybe letting them in easy will be better. Now, us diehard nutzoid fans, we don't care. we want it ALL.

sharing a with everybody

ps. Take a deep breath NoVaGrAsS, then think about who may be reading all of your posts.

/:>Cannot find REALITY.SYS...Universe Halted.


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 3:36 PM


Originally posted by Tieka:
Now I'm worried. If the orginal pilot gets under your skin, I can hardly imagine what it will be like once things get developed and we get used to the characters. Considering how Buffy and Angel can get to me after a couple of years, what will Firefly be like in a couple of years.

Oh... I can only hope that I will feel the same attachment to Firefly as I do to Buffy. *prepares for a brutal next few years*

ps. Take a deep breath NoVaGrAsS, then think about who may be reading all of your posts.

*takes soothing breaths*

I know... the big guy could be watching us. *prepares for the idea of Joss reading my words*

Oh... who am I kidding! I am freaking out!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 4:02 PM


Sweet! Tim Minear posted. You've arrived, Haken. I hope he won't be too busy not to make this regular thing.

--- Joe


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 5:34 PM


It's always great when someone from a series posts at a website. Hi Tim! I've never even seen Buffy or Angel, so I don't know what I'm in for! How exciting!



Wednesday, May 29, 2002 6:33 PM


I like to see the pilot and the new pilot. I would love to review the two hour pilot for my Enterline site

Yep i think FIREFLY will rock and I do love Dark Angel too, but I wish disgruntled DA would get over it and stop bashing FIREFLY. Complain to FOX and don't bash FIREFLY. Watch it and complain if you don't like it. Just don't complain by bashing the show because you miss Dark Angel. I miss Dark Angel and it would have been a good painring with Dark Angel, but complain to FOX and leave FIREFLY bashing out of here.

Be Seeing You,
David Blackwell


Wednesday, May 29, 2002 9:34 PM


I'd like to say that I realize that most Dark Angel fans are not Firefly-bashers. I was just making a joke.


Her lips were saying 'No' but then I looked into her eyes
... and her eyes were saying 'read my lips'
- Niles Crane


Thursday, May 30, 2002 8:02 AM


And in no way am I referring to all Dark Angel fans being Firefly bashers. It's a few angry DA fans that are out to DA. Go and look at any message board for Dark Angel and you will see a few who bash Firefly while most of them don't

Be Seeing You,
David Blackwell






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