Life Onboard Serenity: #43 – Moving Back As You’re Moving On

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Monday, September 14, 2009 4:37 AM


OoC: I'm going to assume that it's okay to time jump. If anyone objects, let me know and I'll fix it

The ship shuttered as it broke the atmosphere of Paquin. The landing was shakier than normal, and John knew that he or Kaylee needed to check that out. "You want to land at the dock on the carnival side," John told River, "We'll have to walk aways, but it's as close as we can possibly get."

"So where are we to meet this brother of yours?" the captain asked from his place on the bridge.

"He runs a front business telling fortunes of unsuspecting tourists. We go in that way. We'll need a few people, this town and get pretty shifty."

"All right," Mal replied. He leaned over and pressed the comm, "Listen up, folks. I'm going to need either Pain or Jayne to meet me in the cargo bay suited up and ready to go when we land. You can figure it out amongst yourself who goes. Zoe, I'll need to talk to you for a minute to."

Serenity landed smoothly in the dock and John followed Mal from the cargo bay. He hoped there wouldn't be too much trouble, knowing full well the blame would fall on him.



Monday, September 14, 2009 7:24 PM


OOC: You'll get no objections from me, John.

Pain and Ivy's bunk

Pain held Ivy close to him, an arm wrapped around her stomach as they napped in their bed. Pain nuzzled her neck and gave it a kiss, whispering something in her ear that caused Ivy to smile and snuggle up against him. They stayed like that, completely unaware of Serenity's entry into Paquin's atmo or her impending landing. It wasn't until the crackle and pop of the comm coming to life, that Pain opened up an eye and lifted his head slightly.

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Listen up, folks. I'm going to need either Pain or Jayne to meet me in the cargo bay suited up and ready to go when we land. You can figure it out amongst yourself who goes. Zoe, I'll need to talk to you for a minute to."

Pain sat up and yawned, before getting up and out of bed, trying not to wake up Ivy. She looked cute when she was naked and sleeping in their bed. She had the most serene look about her when she slept. Of course once she felt Pain no longer close beside her, she opened up her eyes and saw him pulling on his pants and getting dressed.

"What's going on?" she asked, propping her head up with a hand.

"The job." replied Pain, slipping on his ceramic plate vest and then his shirt over that. He turned to her and said as he buttoned up his fly, "We're on Paquin, babe."

"Oh." Ivy exclaimed, sitting up. "I didn't even feel the ship land, let alone enter the atmosphere."

Pain smiled, walked over to her, and ran a hand through her hair. He gave her a kiss and said, "We had a pretty good nap after our activities, baobei."

Ivy giggled a bit at that and said, "I do like those activities. Especially when they involve you."

Pain smiled and replied as he slipped his gun belt on and fastened it and the straps of the leg holsters, "I know."

After he got that done, he moved to the weapons locker and opened it up. He pulled out the usual twin, black .44 caliber semi-autos and slid them into their respective holsters. He made sure the magazine pouches had mags in them, made sure his knife was were it should be, and then took out a submachine gun and checked it. He slung it over a shoulder and grabbed a few extra magazines for it, stuffing them in one of his pants' cargo pockets as he closed the locker.

Ivy had watched him though all of that and took account of the number of weapons he equipping himself with. She sat up in the bed and as he put on his black leather duster, she asked, "Are you expecting trouble on this job, baby? I don't want you getting hurt."

Pain smiled and walked back over to her. He knelt down on his knees and said to Ivy as he looked into her eyes, "I always expect trouble on these jobs, darlin', but I promise you that I'll make sure to come back in one piece."

He got up and kissed her longingly before he turned around and started to head towards the ladder. He stopped as he got to it, turned to Ivy, and said, "If'n you need anythin', just hit the comm button. Someone aboard Serenity should be willin' to help with whatever you need." He gave her a smile and said before climbing up the ladder, "I love you, Ivy."

Fore Deck/Cargo Bay

At that, Pain disappeared up the ladder, the clang of the hatch signaling his departure. He spotted Jayne coming out from his bunk and the two mercenaries locked eyes. They stared at each other, their eyes narrowing into slits, before both bolted for the cargo bay. Each man wanted to be the one to go on the job and neither wanted the other to be the victor.

They pushed and shoved their way down the stairs that lead from the fore deck to the cargo bay. Both gained ground and lost ground. By the time they were almost in the cargo bay, Pain had the lead by half a foot. Jayne reached and grabbed Pain's duster by the collar, pulling the larger man back so he could get ahead. Jayne's actions however were met with Pain's elbow right below the sternum. The blow was hard enough that Jayne stopped in his tracks, doubled over and wheezing hard.

Pain let out a victory whoop as his combat boot wearing feet touched down on the cargo bay floors' metal grating. After he did a victory dance, Pain stopped and looked at those gathered in the cargo bay looking at him.

"What?" he asked them, over the sounds of Jayne coughing and trying to get his breath. "Is my fly open?"


Thursday, September 17, 2009 10:37 AM


During the trip to Paquin, Evelyn made sure to stay out of everyone's minds, though certainly not their way. She had a job to do, after all, but she tried hard to be nearly invisible as she went about it. The only person she couldn't and didn't avoid was John, which, as it turned out, might just come in handy. Purposefully striding through the ship, she finally found him in the cargo bay and walked up. It was clear she needed to speak to him.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Saturday, September 19, 2009 6:31 PM


Ivy was sad that Pain had to leave. She was tired, though. Her and Pain had been quite active. And she missed him.

She looked up at the Cortex terminal in their bunk. There was a light indicating a message. Slowly she got up and brought up the message.


TO: Ivy

Ivy frowned. Why would Grayson be sending her a wave? She played it. Grayson stood in front of it, his face skewed with worry.


"Hey, Toms. It's Gray. I've moved on. I still have work to do or I'll start to have problems convincing the brass that I deserve a paycheck."

He shifted in his seat a little.

"Staying on Serenity, even for just the amount of time that I did, was uncomfortable for your new friends, which in turn makes me uncomfortable. However, Pain has convinced me that he will do anything neccessary to keep you safe and I... Well... I believe him."

He gave her a weak smile.

"And as much as I wanted to whisk you away to someplace safer, even I couldn't ignore the fact that you were... happy. Happier than you've been since before the incident. And I'm not gonna stand in the way of that."

He got a serious look on his face.

"But I do still want you to check in every three days, just to make me feel better. And make sure that if you need anything, anything at all, you will wave me and I'll be there as fast as I can. Simon, The Captain and Pain all have the address."

He smiled again, albeit a little tentatively.

"Love you, Toms. I just want you to be happy and I can tell that you are, right there on Serenity. Don't forget about me, OK? I still love you.

"Well, we'll talk later. Three days OK?"

Then he disconnected the wave.

She had tears running down her face. She knew it was hard for him to go. She knew that the folks on Serenity made him uncomfortable. But he was letting her go. He was letting her go to live her own life and make decisions all on her own.

And for the first time in a few years, she got scared. It was hard not to have that security blanket right there. But she had friends, she had Pain and she wasn't dumb, so she figured her future seemed bright.

She'd prove that when she contacted Grayson in three days.

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Sunday, September 20, 2009 4:37 AM


John was slightly thrown off by Pain's enterance into the cargo bay, but brushed it off. It was nice to see the lightheartedness that used to thrive on this ship. He wanted to get back to that just as much as everybody else. "So I guess you're coming with?" he said to Pain as he finished grabbing what he needed. He had his typical two handguns holstered to his belt and a knife hidden just in case. This area of Paquin could be somewhat backwards and dangerous, but they shouldn't have much problem due to the visibility of their firearms.

He was all ready to head out when Evelyn walked up to him. "Can I help you?" was all he had to say to her.



Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:33 PM


Evelyn didn't exactly want to get into this in the middle of the cargo bay, but there didn't appear to be another option. She pulled her cortex link out, handed it to him. One of the wanted ads was open, "You know about this?"

She hadn't quite decided what she was going to do yet. Technically, she should capture the woman, but until recently, the same woman had been her superior officer. Evelyn knew she wouldn't get any satisfactory answers from her, but John seemed to know a lot, especially in a way that might be helpful.


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:25 PM


Cargo Bay

Pain sat on a crate as he waited for the job to start, but everyone seemed to be handling some sort of last minute detail. Pain decided to use this time to check and make sure he had everything he needed. He checked his guns to make sure they were loaded and operable, he checked to make sure he had enough spare magazines for them, and he made sure his knife was where it was supposed to be. He felt around for a bit and let out a sigh. He forgot something and needed to go get it.

"I'll be right back, folks." he replied as he stood up. "Forgot to get some grenades just in case. Y'all comm me when you're ready."

Pain ran up the stairs leading to the fore deck. He figured on getting a least two flashbangs and maybe a frag grenade. He didn't want to be too overly armed, but he didn't want to be under-prepared either. Once he rounded the corner of the stairwell that lead into the fore deck, Pain immediately set out for his bunk.

Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain opened the bunk's hatch and climbed down the ladder. As he closed the hatch from below, he could see Ivy asleep on their bed, the sheets not doing a good job of covering her up. As he tiptoed over to the weapons locker as quietly as he could, Pain couldn't help but look at her. She looked so peaceful sleeping, that he didn't want to wake her. He smiled at the sight of her face as she laid there with her eyes closed and a slight smile on her lips. Pain's smile faltered a bit as his eyes reached the scars on her back, but came around again when his eyes reached her thigh. She was a very beautiful woman and he was one lucky man.

As Pain reached his weapons locker, he opened the doors and scrounged up two flashbang grenades and one frag grenade. As he put them in one of his duster's pockets and closed up the locker, Pain could feel the warmth of Ivy's breath on the back of his neck, and her hand snaking around to where it shouldn't be right before a job.

Pain let out a low growl and asked, "Is this your way of sayin' I woke you up from you nap, baobei? If'n it is, then I'm very sorry for doin' so."


Tuesday, September 29, 2009 5:45 PM


Rated PG++ Beware!


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Is this your way of sayin' I woke you up from you nap, baobei? If'n it is, then I'm very sorry for doin' so."

"No, you're not," she whispered as she pulled his duster off his shoulders and laid it carefully across the desk chair. "I think you are really turned on right now."

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She reached around again and ascertained that that was indeed the truth. She removed his knife from his belt and placed it on the desk, then moved down over his hips to his first pistol. She unholstered it and put it on the desk as well.

"Bao bei..." he said with a sigh. "We are about to go out on a job..."

"You haven't exactly been resisting any," she pointed out in a most sultry manner. "And you guys haven't left yet."

She removed the second pistol from his other holster and placed it on the desk as well before unbuckling his belt.

"Now, how fast do you think you could get out of the rest of that stuff and take a little break to calm your nerves?" she asked.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009 2:39 PM


John looked at the ad. He wasn't surprised she has found it. "I do know about this, as a matter of fact. For now, I think we shouldn't do a thing about it. This is her business now." John looked at her as he was saying this and suddenly, the truth dawned on him. She didn't know who Doc really was. "Oh, you mean... I wouldn't worry about it. Let me just say that Doc has never been who she really is. So I'll handle it." He turned from her before she could respond.

"Alright, let's move, folks," the captain said from the door. "Wait where's Pain?"

"Calming his nerves," River said.

"Well he best calm his nerves on our way to this job."

"No, captain, you wouldn't want that," John said with a chuckle.

"Oh, he's...Gorramit." He walked to the comm link and pressed the button for Pain's room, "you best put your pants on and get down here, or we're leaving you."



Wednesday, September 30, 2009 6:16 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Warning: PG-13+++ Ahead....


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Now, how fast do you think you could get out of the rest of that stuff and take a little break to calm your nerves?" she asked.

"Shouldn't take that long." growled Pain as he looked at Ivy with hungry eyes.

Select to view spoiler:

Pain removed the submachine gun from across his chest and placed it on the desk with his other weapons. He then removed his shirt and undid his armor, letting both fall to the floor as he kicked off his boots and stepped out of his pants. Pain took Ivy in his hands and kissed her passionately as he sat down on the bed with her in his lap, and her legs wrapped around his waist. She moaned loudly as she slid down his length and started to kiss down his neck and across his collarbone, stopping at his shoulder to give it a little nibble.

"You feel so good." murmured Ivy, as she rocked slowly back and forth, her hands touching every muscle of Pain's that they could.

"Believe me, baobei." whispered Pain, as he nibbled on her earlobe and let his hands caress her body. "Once you fully heal, I'll feel even better."

Ivy let out another moan before her lips locked with Pain's and their tongues fought one another. He stroked her hair and cupped her breasts while she slowly moved against him, sending tingles of pleasure up her spine.

"Promises promises." she mewled as she tilted her head back and felt Pain's mouth on her throat.

"But one I intend to keep." murmured Pain as he kissed her passionately while laying her on her back.

He positioned himself so that he didn't crush her with his weight and started to move slowly inside her. Ivy shuddered and let out a moan as her hands glided over his muscular arms, his shoulder blades, down his back, and down his sides. He felt so good and she wanted more than anything to let him go full speed with her. But she knew that they'd have to wait and that wait would be infuriating for both of them.

Ivy's eyes fluttered as she felt Pain kiss that special spot on her neck and moaned, "Oh yes, baby. Oh God yes."

Pain moved his attention to Ivy's chest while he slowly thrust away inside her, and was about to worship her womanly assets when the comm came on and the Captain's voice spoke over it.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"you best put your pants on and get down here, or we're leaving you."

Pain groaned and sighed as he said, "Figures. I try to calm my nerves and I get interrupted." He looked at Ivy, gave her a long, slow kiss and said, "I've got to go, baby. I'd love to stay and attend to your needs some more, but I'm really needed for that job."


Thursday, October 1, 2009 5:57 PM


It didn't take much to convince Pain to shed his weapons, his shirt, his armor, his boots and lastly his pants. Plus he did it in record time.

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Ivy sat in his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. They rocked slowly together as they traded tender kisses.

Pain felt so good. Ivy couldn't keep her hands off him, but then again he was having the same problem. And if you thought about it, the two of them ALWAYS had that problem.

Mutual gasps and moans, passionate kissing and touching gave way to Pain gently laying her down on her back on the bed.

He moved inside her at a ridiculously slow pace, one that gave both of them groans of frustration, but he didn't want to hurt her. Her hands roamed over his body and she wished beyond all wishes that she was healed from the gunshot wounds she had received on the last job, but she wasn't so they both had to settle for what they could enjoy together.

And enjoying themselves they definitely were.

Between his ultra slow pace, his magical kisses and his tender touches, she was almost at her crescent.

"Oh yes, baby. Oh God yes," she moaned softly.

Then Mal had to go and ruin it. His voice came over the comm at the most inopportune time.

"You best put your pants on and get down here, or we're leaving you," Mal barked.

They both let out a frustrated sigh as they stopped moving.

"I got to go," Pain said as he kissed her soundly.

"Don't go..." she pleaded with him.

"I have a job to do, bao bei," he reminded her. "I need the coin if I want to take you out some day."

He withdrew and started to get dressed, replacing his weapons as he went.

"Come back safe, OK?" she told him.

"That's the plan," he said as he finished getting dressed and armed. He leaned down and kissed her again... slowly. "Now, you get some sleep, OK? i want you well rested when I return."

"I will," she said as he left.

Immediately, she missed him. She got up gingerly and slipped on one of his t-shirts, just to feel closer to him, then returned to bed and fell asleep.

But her nap would be short lived.

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Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:28 PM


Cargo Bay

Pain headed back down the stairs from the fore deck and into the cargo bay,checking to make sure he was all zipped up and none of his clothing was in an awkward position or missing. Everyone was ready and waiting for him as his feet touched the cargo bay's metal grating. He gave them all an apologetic smile as he joined them.

"Are your nerves calmed, Pain?" Mal asked, looking at the mercenary.

"Somewhat." Pain replied, a little embarrassed. "Would've liked to have more time though."

"Yeah, well you can have all the time you want to calm your nerves later." replied Mal. "Right now we got a job to do and I say lets get the show on the road."


Thursday, October 8, 2009 10:31 AM


Wolf ran up to the captain and the others, sword strapped to his belt and guns holstered.

"i'm coming too, its the only damn reason i've stuck around and, mate, if you think you're leavin me behind you got another thing coming" he said, somewhat out of breath.

"sure...wouldn't dream of leavin' you behind" replied Mal sarcastically, he turned and strode out of the cargo-bay, "lets hustle, people!"

Wolf stuck his tongue out at Mal behind his back, but took a deep breath and followed Mal out.

"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Monday, October 19, 2009 11:44 AM


Bumpity bump bump!

JTTF, if there is anything we can do to help get this job up and running, just give us a yell.


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Monday, October 26, 2009 7:26 AM


So sorry for my absence.

John lead the rest of the crew through the crowded streets oof Paquin. All around them spectators were gasping at acrobats, fortune tellers, and the occasional freak. John was both happy and annoyed at the crowd. Crowds make it hard to be noticed, but also easy to get lost. Add to this the fact that he was relying on his brother's directions to get the crew to the right place, and John was a little worried.

He found the building though, a small brick building advertising plamistry and tarot. "This is the place," he said to the captain.

"Doesn't seem like much. Your brother in the tourist duping industry."

"Among others. Someone should wait outside."

Without waiting for the assignment, John walked inside. The building was covered in pieces of expensive-looking, yet cheap fabric. A aroma puctuated the room where a number of women sat at various tables. At the back of the room, was a reception desk.

"Hi, tell Knives his brother is here."

"Who?" the receptionist replied looking confused, "we don't have a seer by the name of 'Knives.'"

"Of course you don't." John was not suprised that Knives had conveniently forgot to give him a password or other way in. "Could you also inform him that we don't have time to deal with his go se, and that if he wants our business, you best let us in."

A sly smile stretched across her face, "he said you were crabby. This way, but just you and Captain Reynolds."



Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:08 PM


Pain waded through the crowds along with the others, making sure to keep his valuables close and that no one accidentally bumpedinto him. He knew there were thieves lurking about in the crowds. It was a given for such a place as Paquin. Where there were bedazzled tourists, there was bound to be those willing to make an easy Cred by any means necessary. Being four inches shorter than seven feet tall, Pain had no problem scanning ahead over the crowds and taking in the buildings. There were a few people as tall as him and those who were taller were the jugglers on stilts, tossing bowling pins and flaming sticks to one another, awing those folks who were watching.

They came to a stop in front of a small brick building that advertised Palm and tarot card reading. Mal and John traded some banter and then John suggested that someone should wait outside. Pain took up the offer and leaned against the wall near the door, one leg propped against it as he scanned the droves of people walking by. He had his arms crossed against his chest with one hand close to the sub-machine gun slung across his chest and hiding under his duster. If trouble came up, he'd be ready for it. But for right now his mind was daydreaming about a certain blond haired, green eyed woman.

Warning: PG-13+ ahead...

Select to view spoiler:

Pain had stepped into Serenity's cargo bay to find that the place was overrun with tropical plants from dozens of planets. The air was humid and hung heavy with moisture. He hadn't even been inside for more than a minute before he had to shuck off his duster and soon his shirt. He traveled bare chested through the maze of plants with the feeling that he was being watched. He stopped a few times when he heard some rustling and the sound of female giggling echoing off the walls of the ship. Nonetheless Pain pressed on and found the stairs near what used to be the infirmary, but was now home to more plants of the tropical nature.

Vines snaked their way over the railing as Pain headed up the stairs. The humidity in the air seemed to be getting warmer and pretty soon Pain had to take off his boots and strip to his boxers. They weren't any plain boxers, but the ones Pain and Ivy bought that lit up and spelled an almost obscene word. He made his way into the aft deck and headed for what he knew to be the galley. Gone were the table, chairs, and floor. In their place was a lagoon of blue water surrounded by vine covered trees. Upon entering the former galley, Pain was pounced on by a leaf bikini wearing Ivy.

She had him pinned to the floor and was covering his sweat covered chest with soft and hungry kisses while straddling him. Pain tried to resist, but she was very persistent in making him moan and squirm in pleasure. When her mouth reached his, their tongues fought one another as Ivy's hands traced every muscle of Pain's chest and torso.

"Hi there, tall, dark, and sweaty." she said to him in a seductive tone. "Do you like what I've done with the ship?"

"Mmmm." Pain said between kisses. "It's uh very jungle-y. A little on the humid side though. Sort of makes it hard to wear much clothin'."

Ivy giggled as her hand reached the waistband of Pain's boxers, giving them a slight tug. She gave him a long passionate kiss before saying, "That's the point." She looked down at the boxers Pain was wearing and smiled. "I see you're wearin' the light up boxers we bought. Too bad you won't be wearing them for long."

Ivy looked into Pain's eyes and he became entranced with their hypnotic green hue. He felt his boxers come off and didn't care as Ivy straddled him. Her bikini bottoms disappeared as if by magic and she moaned as he filled her with his manhood. Pain found his hands running through her damp hair as she leaned down to kiss him and they roamed her body as she started to rock back and forth very slowly. Her bikini top seemed to disappear as quickly as her bottoms did at Pain's touch. As they each caressed and touched the others' body, both moaned as they experienced bliss and pleasure as they became one near the lagoon in the former galley of Serenity.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009 1:15 PM


Ivy's slumber was turning fitfull. She tossed from side to side, mumbling in her sleep. Suddenly she sat bolt upright, screaming.

"I need to get out of here," she muttered to herself. "Or the plan won't work."

She got up and looked around. She was confused.

"Where am I? How'd I get here?" she asked aloud. "No. no. no. This isn't right. Have I failed already?"

She thought for a minute.

"No... If I'm here then the room works just like any of the slave quarters do. I'll go forward as planned."

She went over to the vent, opened it and stuffed it full of any clothing she could find.

"That should slow it down. I'm not getting gassed before I escape this Hell hole," she muttered. "I hope she's ready."

Ivy walked over to the ladder and yelled up.

"Serena? You there? Are you ready?" she waited for a moment, then answered. "Good! I'm gonna start!"

She rifled through the drawers looking for something.

"I know I hid them in here..." she continued talking to herself. Her hand closed around what she needed. She pulled out a book of matches. "I'm starting it now!"

The vent door was still open and she lit the entire book of matches and placed them on the clothes. As they caught fire, she went and hid in the corner, covering her head.

"This better work..."

Meanwhile, in the cargo bay, River is sitting with Simon and Kaylee, keeping guard on the open cargo bay door.

She got a faraway look as her eyes got wide.

"Fire..." she whispered looking up to the top of the cargo bay.

Kaylee jumped up, following River's eyes.

"Where?" she asked.

"Ivy," she murmured.

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Saturday, October 31, 2009 3:50 PM


Aboard Serenity

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Ivy," she murmured.

"Where is she?" asked Simon as Kaylee went and grabbed a fire extinguisher.

"She's in the place where two becomes one." replied River, tilting her head to one side. She then looked at Simon and said, "She's scared. She's not living in the present."

River lead the way up the stairs with Kaylee and Simon right behind her. As the trio entered the foredeck they saw Jayne standing at the hatch to Pain and Ivy's bunk.

When Jayne saw them enter, he said to them, "Well I think Plant Girl's gone off her nut. I overheard her yellin' to someone who ain't even crew on this ship. Was just about to see what the fuss was when you three showed up. Don't rightly know what Pain sees in her. She's got some nice assets for sure, but she ain't too stable in the brainpan." He looked at the fire extinguisher in Kaylee's hands and rolled his eyes and sighed, "Great. Now she's one o' them crazies that likes to set things on fire. I always thought Pain had a thing for the crazy girls." He gave the doc a sly smile and quipped, "Better keep an eye on your sister, doc. Pain might want to court her next."

Kaylee, River, and Simon all shot Jayne a look. The one that shut him up was the one River gave him. It reminded him of what happened in the Maidenhead on Beaumonde and what she did to his man parts.

Jayne cleared his throat and said as Kaylee got up next to the hatch, "Right. Um perhaps we should get down there 'fore she burns the ship down."

Jayne then opened the hatch and followed Kaylee down while River and Simon stood by in the fore deck. There was a light haze inside the bunk from the smoke and they could smell the burning clothes. Squinting through the haze Kaylee could see where the fire and smoke was coming from and aimed the fire extinguisher the vent. As she squeezed the trigger on the extinguisher's handle, a sticky, foam like fire suppressing gel spewed out hitting the burning clothes and smothering out the fire.

The smoke still hung and the air and was giving both Jayne and Kaylee coughing fits even though they had their heads hung low. They were too focused on the fire to notice Ivy hiding.

"I'll go to the bridge to access the atmo controls to vent this smoke and then see if the fire caused any damage to the ship." Kaylee told Jayne. "Do you mind lookin' for Ivy? She's bound to be in here or somewhere on the ship. I sure hope she's OK."

Kaylee didn't wait for an answer as she scurried up the ladder with fire extinguisher in tow. As she left for the bridge, Jayne looked inside the vent at the charred and ruined remains of what looked like some of Pain's clothing.

"Whoo boy, Pain ain't goin' to be happy when he sees this." Jayne said to himself, coughing a little and not knowing that Ivy was in the room with him. "Reckon someone's goin' to be sleepin' on the couch tonight."


Monday, November 2, 2009 2:59 PM


And there he was. After all of these years, Knives was seeing John again. They had been close once, and it was one of the best times of Knives's life, but not they were distant. Perhaps it was better that way.

John didn't look happy about this reunion. In fact, he didn't look like himself at all. The John Knives used to know was always so in the moment, moving with the verse, not a thought in his head. This John was staring at Knives intently, and one could almost see his brain working, processing, trying to be one step ahead.

"I didn't think you'd actually come," Knives said dismissing Harry and Zhao, his guards.

"We try to make a habit of being true to our word," John replied. There was no joy in his voice. As a matter of fact, no feeling at all.

"You just wanted to see your big brother."

"I really didn't." A man behind him cleared his throught, and Knives for the first time really noticed him, who must be Captain Reynolds. Kives had heard of this man before he had known that John was flying with them. He had a reputation for trouble. But Knives had a fix for that.

"Captain Reynolds, nice to meet you. I trust your ship and crew will be able to asist me?"

"Depends on what it is we're assisting with. John mentioned it was a simple cargo transfer, but he seemed to have some doubts that you had shared with us all the tiny bits."

"Well, in my line of work, things are rarely simple." John let out a snort, the first sign of emotion he had displayed. "I'm sure you remember, John"


"Well, in any case, the cargo we'll be transporting is highly sensitive, so much so that I will not be so open about what exactly it is."

"We'll" John asked a look of dread crossing his face.

"Oh yes, I'm afraid I can't allow you to transport this cargo on your own, Captain Reynolds. I will be accompaning you."

"And what makes you think," Reynolds said, "that I will be okay with this."

"You need the money, and for what this entails, I pay well. You won't even be having to bring me back. You will be accepting my offer, Captain Reynolds, won't you?"

The man stared daggers at me, offending my accosting of his dignity, but reservedly offered his hand.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009 5:24 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Aboard Serenity"Whoo boy, Pain ain't goin' to be happy when he sees this." Jayne said to himself, coughing a little and not knowing that Ivy was in the room with him. "Reckon someone's goin' to be sleepin' on the couch tonight."

Unbeknownst to Jayne, Ivy had quietly stood up and slinked up behind him. With eerie calm and silence, she reached for his gun and slid it out of his holster; being on the ship, he didn't expect to worry about being jumped, let alone by a slip of a girl like Ivy. As she did this, River's hand went up to her temple, her heel lightly tapping on it.

"You should be askin' yourself where you might be sleeping tonight," Ivy hissed as she stuck Jayne's own gun into his back. "I have definite ideas for folk like you, but for now... I want to see any other weapons you have on the floor, way down there." (points to furthest end of the room)

"Listen here, Plant G-" Jayne started.

"I said NOW!" she screamed, sounding a little too unhinged.

Up on the foredeck, River had sunk to her knees then curled up in a ball.

"They weren't supposed to... He told them no... And now they're dead... dead... dead... dead..." she whispered. "Jayne... Jayne... Jayne... dead and on fire... boom!"

"River?" Simon asked. "River?"

"Jayne... Jayne... Jayne... dead... boom!" River repeated before losing all semblence of coherency, rocking and mumbling on the floor.

"Jayne?" Simon yelled down to him, thinking there may be some kind of bomb hidden. "Be careful! You might have another problem down there!"

Jayne was in the process of handcuffing himself behind his back. He only had minimal weapons. He had been in his room, removing them when he had heard Ivy's outburst. So basically it was his gun (which she had) and his knife, which was now in the opposite corner on the floor.

"You think?" he grumbled.

But Ivy jumped, pointing the gun most firmly in Jayne's direction. He could tell she had handled one before, so a quick strike would not be to his advantage.

"Who is that?" she asked forcefully as she waved the gun at him directing him to sit on the bed. "I counted four of you. There's too many guards. Not supposed to be four. Who are they and why are they here?"

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009 6:46 PM


Aboard Serenity: Ivy and Pain's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Who is that?" she asked forcefully as she waved the gun at him directing him to sit on the bed. "I counted four of you. There's too many guards. Not supposed to be four. Who are they and why are they here?"

"Gorramn girl, you've completely gone off the deep end." snorted Jayne as he sat down on the bed. "Don't know what you're gorramn goin' on about, but you're on Serenity with me Jayne, our other crazy girl River, her easy mark of a brother Simon, and our grease monkey Kaylee." He looked at his gun that she was pointing at him and then into her eyes as he chuckled and continued. "Pain is goin' to have a field day with this, I'll tell ya. That is if'n the captain doesn't decide to ditch your crazy pigu on Paquin first after he and the others get back."

Meanwhile: Outside of Knives' Place

Pain's daydream was briefly interrupted by some shouts as a passing by fire eater wowed an audience. Pain blinked away the fuzziness in his eyes and watched the fire eater for a moment, before he realized were he was at the moment. He cursed at himself silently and swore to be more alert. He hoped to God Ivy was doing alright. He wanted her so very badly right now. Pain hoped she remembered what he said about asking the crew who stayed aboard the ship for assistance. He didn't want her to spend all her time cooped up in their bunk.


Sunday, November 8, 2009 7:21 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Aboard Serenity: Ivy and Pain's Bunk
"Pain is goin' to have a field day with this, I'll tell ya. That is if'n the captain doesn't decide to ditch your crazy pigu on Paquin first after he and the others get back."

Ivy cocked her head a little.

"Pain?" she asked just above a whisper. Her brow scrunched together as if she was trying to remember something. "Pain..."

She shook her head, trying to clear the fuzziness that suddenly creeped in.

"Don't threaten to hurt me," she snarled at Jayne. She waved the gun at him. "I have the gun. I am in charge."

She watched him closely while she moved towards the ladder again.

"Serena?" she yelled up. "Are you there sweety?"

But no one answered.

"Serena?" Ivy yelled again. "SERENA!"

When she didn't get any response, she stepped forward and pointed the gun directly at Jayne's head.

"What did you all do to her?" she asked. "If you don't want to die right now, you'll tell me where she is."

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Thursday, November 12, 2009 7:04 PM


The last thing John wanted to come from this was Knives getting on the ship. He was not happy, but had to keep his mouth shut. He had suggested this job in the first place.

"I'll meet you downstairs once I grab the goods. I'd like to get going as soon as possible, Captain Reynolds," Knives said. John agreed. The sooner they left the sooner this would be over. He left with the captain and made his way downstairs.

"We're heading back, gang," he announced to the group. "As soon as Knives gets here with the goods."



Friday, November 13, 2009 7:11 PM


Aboard Serenity

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What did you all do to her?" she asked. "If you don't want to die right now, you'll tell me where she is."

"There ain't no one named Serena on this ship, Ivy. Never has been." growled Jayne, staring at the business end of his gun pointed at his face and at Ivy. "When are you goin' to get that in your crazy little brainpan of yours'?"

Jayne sighed and added, "Look, Ivy, you're aboard a transport ship named Serenity. Your boyfriend's name is Pain and you're in his bunk right now pointin' a gun at me, for God knows why. And for same unknown reason, you decided to burn some of his clothin' in the air vent. Now I don't expect you to believe me, but it'd be nice if'n you'd stop with the crazy and do just that."

With John and the Crew

Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"We're heading back, gang," he announced to the group. "As soon as Knives gets here with the goods."

"And how long will that take exactly?" asked Mal, hooking his thumbs in his belt loops. "We ain't exactly gettin' paid to stand here and look pretty now, contrary to what you've may or may not have heard."


Saturday, November 14, 2009 6:13 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Aboard Serenity
Jayne sighed and added, "Look, Ivy, you're aboard a transport ship named Serenity. Your boyfriend's name is Pain and you're in his bunk right now pointin' a gun at me, for God knows why. And for same unknown reason, you decided to burn some of his clothin' in the air vent. Now I don't expect you to believe me, but it'd be nice if'n you'd stop with the crazy and do just that."

"Pain..." Ivy echoed Jayne's comment, looking like she had something right on the edge of her mind she couldn't quite reach.

In the meantime, Simon had drugged River and put her in her room to rest. While he did, Kaylee carefully poked her head into Ivy and Pain's bunk to see Jayne handcuffed and sitting on their bed with his back against the wall and his legs stretched out straight. The thing that scared her most was the fact that Ivy had Jayne's gun and was pointing it at him.

Jayne saw her while Ivy was distracted, trying to remember and slowly shook his head, telling her to get back.

"Pain?" Ivy asked as she looked at Jayne. His memory was trying to push through the fog. She knew she felt immense love from and for the man. She had a fuzzy recollection of him. He was a big man, short haired and she shared this bunk with him. But it was all hazy. She looked at Jayne again and the pieces fit: big man... short hair... in their bunk... on their bed. Some semblence of clarity entered her mind, however skewed it was.

"Pain?" she asked him again. "Oh thank God you're back! I was having the worst dream!"

Without letting go of the gun, she crawled into his lap, straddled him, wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him passionately.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009 7:17 PM


Aboard Serenity: Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Pain?" she asked him again. "Oh thank God you're back! I was having the worst dream!"

Without letting go of the gun, she crawled into his lap, straddled him, wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him passionately.

Great now she was completely whacked out of her gourd and thought he was Pain. What really caught Jayne off guard was that she was now straddling him and shoving her tongue down his throat, while her arms were wrapped around his neck. He could feel her breasts press up against his chest and could tell she wasn't wearing a bra under the shirt she was wearing. His mind was screaming at him to tell her that he wasn't Pain, but she still had the gun in one of her hands, and Jayne had more than an inkling that she was still liable to use it on him. And he was still in handcuffs too.

He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but with it meaning the difference between life or death for him, Jayne had no other choice than to play along. Well just as long enough that she'd drop the gun and uncuff him. His tongue explored her mouth, a small moan escaping his lips as they kissed. She was very good at kissing and passionate about it too. Jayne certainly had to give her that. But while they kissed, his mind hoped Pain would understand once he told the other mercenary what happened and that he'd be lenient with him. He really didn't want Pain pissed off at him for kissing on his girl, but she did initiate it and she did have a gun on him. How could he resist?

"Ivy?" Jayne asked between kisses. "Could you please uncuff me so that I can hold you close while we kiss?"

He hoped she'd do it as well as drop the gun. Jayne really didn't need a hole in his brainpan as he was quite fond of living. He also hoped he could diffuse his current situation without straying too far from just kissing her. She was very attractive and a great kisser, but she wasn't his. Now if he could just tell that to a certain part of his anatomy.


Saturday, November 14, 2009 8:17 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Aboard Serenity: Pain and Ivy's Bunk
"Ivy?" Jayne asked between kisses. "Could you please uncuff me so that I can hold you close while we kiss?"

"I would," she said between kisses. "But I don't know where the keys are."

Her hand pulled his shirt out of his pants and she ran her gunless hand inside it, touching his every muscle.

"So I guess, we'll just have to make due," she whispered huskily. Still holding the gun, but not seemingly aware of it, she used both hands to pull Jayne's shirt up and over his head, leaving it entangled in his arms, but rendered him bare chested. "I want you, Pain..."

She started kissing him again and her hand slid south on his body to caress him in a very special way.

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Monday, November 16, 2009 7:18 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I would," she said between kisses. "But I don't know where the keys are."

"Rutt." Jayne thought as Ivy kissed him some more.

He wondered where Pain kept the keys for the cuffs around his wrists, and also wondered why he had handcuffs in the first place. Did he and Ivy have really kinky sex with them or did he just have them for the sake of having them? It was about that time that Jayne felt her lift his shirt out of his pants and run a hand of his abs and chest. He drew in a breath as she did so. He was definitely feeling somewhat uncomfortable right now.


"So I guess, we'll just have to make due," she whispered huskily. Still holding the gun, but not seemingly aware of it, she used both hands to pull Jayne's shirt up and over his head, leaving it entangled in his arms, but rendered him bare chested. "I want you, Pain..."

She started kissing him again and her hand slid south on his body to caress him in a very special way.

Jayne was very uncomfortable now as he felt her hand inch closer to his John Thomas as they kissed. Jayne's mind was going a million miles a minute about how wrong this was and why he shouldn't do it, but if he didn't, he'd wind up with a bullet in the brainpan. He also thought about what Pain would do to him if and when he found out about this. He hoped the man would be lenient with him and understand what he had to endure.

As Jayne felt Ivy's hand finally reach his manhood, his breath hitched and his mouth broke away from hers'.

"I uh.. think the keys are um.. in one of the desk drawers." Jayne nervously replied. He hoped to Hell they were as he continued, "Uh.. you know, baobei, I'm not really feelin' well. I think I might've ate a bad protein bar or somethin'. I really think I should go see the doc. Could you be a dear and get him on the comm for me?"


Tuesday, November 17, 2009 5:12 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I uh.. think the keys are um.. in one of the desk drawers." Jayne nervously replied. He hoped to Hell they were as he continued, "Uh.. you know, baobei, I'm not really feelin' well. I think I might've ate a bad protein bar or somethin'. I really think I should go see the doc. Could you be a dear and get him on the comm for me?"

Ivy backed away from Jayne a bit to look at him intensely, her brow furrowed as she studied the man in front of her.

"You... you didn't seem sick earlier when you were kissing me," she said not much above a whisper. "You even wanted me to undo the cuffs so that you could hold me..."

She kept staring at him like she was trying to figure him out. Finally she relented.

"I guess if you don't want to, you don't have to," she said as a fire grew in her eyes. She brought the gun up and tapped him on the chest like it was an extension of her hand. "But then again, Doctor Ivy is in the room... You look a little peaked..."

Select to view spoiler:

She pulled her top up over her head and tossed it onto the floor. She wriggled her hips a little.

"Looks like some mouth to mouth is in order," she whispered, pressing her nude body against his bare chest.

Then she began to kiss him, very, very slowly, but still with a lot of passion.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 2:02 PM


Aboard Serenity: Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Great now she was naked and kissing on him again. She did have a great body, Jayne had to give her that. He could definitely see why Pain and her had lots of fun time together, but he wasn't Pain. It didn't feel right to him to be doing this, to take advantage of another crew member's girlfriend while she was whacked out of her gourd. He was doing his best to get the hell out of this mess, but Ivy was so far shooting down his efforts. It didn't help that she still had his gun in her hand and pointing it at him. Jayne sorely wished that the crew would get back before things between him and Ivy turned from awkward to a whole lot of awkward.

"Um.. I really don't uh.. feel safe with you pointin' that gun at me." replied Jayne between kisses. "Could you perhaps put it down somewhere 'fore you accidentally shoot me or somethin'? 'Fraid I wouldn't be a very good lover if'n I were dead or bleedin'. And bein' uncuffed would be nice too if'n it ain't too much of a hassle."

Jayne sure did hope Ivy would put the gun down and uncuff him. Then he might have a chance to grab the gun, get the doc on the comm and have him drug her, before he actually had to have sex with her. He really didn't want to have sex with Ivy. Yes she was pretty hot and very tempting, but she wasn't his girl and wouldn't be very right of him to do so. Jayne wondered what in the gorramn hell was taking the crew so long to get back.

Elsewhere on the ship

After Kaylee had seen Jayne in Pain and Ivy's room, hand cuffed and with Ivy pointing a gun at him, she ran to the nearest comm, a million thoughts running through her head. The atmo processors had already vented the smoke from Pain and Ivy's bunk and from the scan she ran, there was hardly any damage done to the ventilation system.

Reaching the comm, Kaylee got a hold of the Captain's frequency. There was a hint of fear and nervousness in her voice as she said, "Uh Cap'n? We've got a situation here aboard Serenity. I dunno what happened, but Ivy started a fire in her and Pain's bunk. Jayne was able to put it out and there was hardly any damage done, but now she's holdin' Jayne hostage inside the bunk. I dunno how long Jayne can hold out, but it'd be pretty nice if you all could get back here lickety split. Especially Pain for the most part, seein' as she is his girlfriend and all."

With John and the others

As Mal waited for John's response, he received Kaylee's transmission over his earpiece. The news about Ivy setting fire to a part of his ship, holding a gun on Jayne and taking him hostage did not sit well with the man.

"Thanks for the heads up, lil' Kaylee." he replied back through his earpiece. He obviously wasn't happy, but it didn't show in his tone of voice. "Just sit tight and we'll be back as soon as we can. Have the doc get a tranq ready just in case we don't get there in time. He might have to drug her before she does anythin' stupid."

After he received Kaylee's response, he switched his frequency over to Pain's as he relayed what Kaylee told him, "Pain? Your girlfriend's gone crazy again. She set fire to a part of my ship and she's now holdin' Jayne hostage. Luckily there wasn't any damage done, but I do not like that one bit, you understand? Now if and when we get back to the ship before she does somethin' incredibly bad, you're goin' to have to do your best to get her calmed down as well as give me a hell of a reason to keep her on my boat. Dong ma?"


Pain's heart sunk to his stomach as he heard what Ivy had done. He surmised that she had another meltdown, but he had no reason as to why. He had specifically told her that if she needed something, that she could use the comm to ask someone aboard for assistance. Did being alone in their room cause this current meltdown? What was she going to do with Jayne? There was a million things going on in Pain's mind as he wondered what Ivy was doing.

The big mercenary sighed and said into his own earpiece, "Understood, Captain." He turned off his comm and muttered, "Son of a b*tch."


Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:08 AM


As she was kissing him, she suddenly started to feel uncomfortable. No... it was more like pain. A large amount of pain. She paused and pulled back, leaning the gun on Jayne's chest.

"I don't feel well," she whispered. "I hurt. Pain? Why do I hurt?"

She was looking at Jayne with scared, pleading eyes. Jayne looked back at her. Did she not remember getting riddled with bullets only a couple of days back?

Ivy suddenly felt very, very tired.

"Maybe a little nap? Do you mind if I take a little nap?" she asked him. "I promise I will sex you up like no other woman has ever done before when I am feeling better. M'kay?"

Jayne thought she might lay down on the bed, which would free him up a little so he might scoot off the bed and call for help. Unfortunately, Ivy had other thoughts. She turned sideways in his lap, leaned her head against his chest and fell asleep. Except the gun was now deeply entrenched in his gut with the wrong end facing the wrong way. One twitch from her and he'd be in a world of hurt.

He hoped Pain would get back soon, but then again...

How was he gonna explain the fact that Ivy, aka Pain's woman, was sitting very naked on his lap and his shirt was effectively off.

So he could get a bullet from Ivy OR he could get one from Pain.

He just hoped she wasn't wearing lipstick or anything like that. It wouldn't help his cause.

At least she hadn't gotten his pants off.

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Thursday, November 26, 2009 8:14 PM


OoC: John? Wolf? Where are you guys? Also I apologize if I'm stepping on anyone's toes by moving us ahead.

Aboard Serenity

After Knives had arrived with the goods, the crew headed back to the ship. As the hover mule landed in the cargo bay, they were greeted by Kaylee. She told Pain what had happened as he hopped out and immediately headed to his bunk.

His feet felt like they were filled with lead with each step up the stairs leading into the fore deck. He wondered what he was going to find once he reached his bunk. All of the scenarios that ran through his head were very unsettling for Pain. Once he reached the hatch to his bunk, Pain took a deep breath and quietly opened it.

He stepped foot into his bunk and his eyes immediately drawn to a naked Ivy sleeping on top of Jayne. He didn't like this one bit. She was on her side and fortunately for Pain, her woman parts were covered. What he didn't like even more was the fact that Jayne had his shirt off. Jayne saw Pain enter and tried his best to talk to Pain without waking Ivy.

"Pain? It ain't what you think man." he whispered. "She went crazy and got the best of me when I wasn't lookin'. She took my gun and cuffed my hands behind my back."

"I know that. Kaylee told the captain over the comm and he in turn told me." replied Pain, keeping his voice low. "Doesn't explain why your shirt's off and she's naked."

"She thought I was you, Pain." Jayne whispered, a hint of fear in his voice as he felt Ivy stir and poke his gun deeper into his side. He looked at Pain with a wide eyed look and whispered even lower, "She then started to kiss on me, Pain. I didn't know what to do other than kiss her back. She had my gun trained on me for God's sake. I tried gettin' her to free me, but she wound up takin' her shirt off, straddlin' me, and kissin' on me again. She's a very good kisser you know."

"Yeah, I know that." whispered Pain, shooting Jayne a look as he figured out how to get Ivy off of him without waking her.

First he had to get the keys for the cuffs from the desk drawer and free Jayne. That was definitely going to be tricky. He opened the desk drawer as quietly as possible and withdrew the keys from it before sliding the drawer closed. He then cautiously walked over to the pair on the bed.

"Can you get her to lie on her side without wakin' up?" Pain asked Jayne.

"I can try." whispered Jayne. He looked at Pain and asked, "You ain't mad at me for playin' along and havin' her think I was you are ya?"

"She had you restrained against your will and a gun pointed at you. I'm a little ticked off, but I can understand your predicament." whispered Pain as he looked at Ivy and Jayne. "Do what you can to get her on the bed so I can uncuff you and get the gun out of her grasp, but keep it in your pants and don't wake her up."

Pain hoped she didn't wake up. If she was having a meltdown and thought Jayne was him, he didn't want to know what she'd do if she saw the real him inside the room with her and Jayne.


Friday, November 27, 2009 8:53 PM


Move on... there is nothing to see here...


Friday, November 27, 2009 9:09 PM


Pain looked down, hoping to find something to cover Ivy's naked body with.

"Where is that-" he started to grumble to himself, but he was interrupted when he saw Ivy stirring. He froze, waiting to see what she was going to do.

Her eyes fluttered open, looking slightly confused. She looked at Jayne, then at Pain, but she didn't see either of them for who they were. She shoved the gun deep into Jayne's gut.

"If I were you," she snarled. "I would get rid of those weapons you have or your partner here will have an extra hole in him."

"Ivy-" Pain started but she cut him off.

"I MEAN IT!" she yelled.

She looked at Jayne with disgust. She slowly slid off of Jayne, keeping both the men in front of her. Not trusting Jayne's close proximity while Pain still had a gun, she neutralized Jayne for the moment by making a fist and hitting him hard in the family jewels. His eyes bugged out and a strangled cry was heard as he rolled over on his side, ending up in a pseudo-fetal position.

Unbeknownst to her, Mal was silently climbing down the ladder behind her. Ivy looked at Jayne and smirked.

"That's what you get for putting your tool where it ain't welcome," she growled. She trained her gun on Pain solely now. "And don't you be getting any ideas. Now PUT. DOWN. YOUR. GUNS!"

She kept a good eye on him as she yelled loud enough like she was talking to someone up on the foredeck.

"Serena?" she called out. "Serena honey? I'm gonna be up to get you in just a sec, OK?"

Now Mal had moved up behind her, close enough to touch her and luckily she had not seen him yet.

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Monday, November 30, 2009 7:13 PM


OoC: guys, I am so sorry for disappearing like that. I was taking part in NaNoWriMo and between that and real life I ended up neglecting this.

He didn't talk to Knives as they rode back to the ship. The boxes screamed to him to know what was inside, but he held this back. He would prefer if he could have as little contact as possible with his brother.

When he heard what was happening with the ship he was both worried and annoyed. This girl was trouble of a crazy variety and he didn't trust her even a little bit. He helped unload the mule, figuring Pain could handle it. Knives discussed where they were going with the captain,and John tried to ignore it. He couldn't stand hearing Knives order Mal around as though he owned the place. Oh would it be fun when Knives saw Doc again.

He felt it when Ivy snapped again. He toyed with the notion of going to try and help. He was worried that Pain would try and reason with her, when really they should just sedate her. Perhaps he should take matters into his own hands. He headed toward Pain's bunk and quietly entered. Unfortunately, quiet was a mite difficult when dealing with bunks. He was sure that if she was paying attention, Ivy would notice him.



Tuesday, December 1, 2009 8:07 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

What was going on with her? Pain wondered as she woke up and didn't recognize him or Jayne, who she had previously thought was Pain. She must've had a major meltdown, one that Pain had never seen before. He didn't know why she was acting like this. Did she forget what he told her about calling someone on the comm if she needed something? If he had just stayed with her and let Jayne go on the job, would this have been prevented? Pain felt both guilty and angry with himself for leaving her alone in their bunk while going out on a job. He had his gun trained on his girlfriend who may or may not have done something with a fellow crew mate who she mistook for him. Pain was definitely not having a good day right now.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"That's what you get for putting your tool where it ain't welcome," she growled. She trained her gun on Pain solely now. "And don't you be getting any ideas. Now PUT. DOWN. YOUR. GUNS!"

She had just punched Jayne in the nads, and the mercenary couldn't do anything about it as he still had his hands cuffed behind his back. Then Ivy mentioned something about Jayne putting his toll where it didn't belong. Did they have sex and did Jayne lie about it? Pain was very unnerved and angered at that possibility. Both at Jayne and Ivy. Was Tommy aware of Ivy's situation and if she was, why didn't she stop Ivy? Now Ivy had Jayne's gun trained on him now and she was backing up towards the ladder. Pain still had his gun trained on her. He didn't want to shoot her, but he didn't want her to shoot him.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Serena?" she called out. "Serena honey? I'm gonna be up to get you in just a sec, OK?"

Pain wondered who this Serena was and why Ivy was calling out to her. Was she someone Ivy knew from her past? He wanted to know, but he knew she wouldn't tell him. Especially not now with a gun pointed at him. He could see Mal silently coming up from behind her with a jet injector. Pain hoped it was filled with something that'd knock Ivy out. Perhaps he would have time for answers after she was brought into the infirmary. Pain was definitely in need of some.

Just then John had entered Pain and Ivy's bunk. That was just what Pain needed. Someone else to see Ivy going on a crazy streak while in the nude. John wasn't as quiet as Mal had been and Ivy started to turn towards him. Mal took that chance and jabbed the injector into the side of Ivy's neck. With a soft 'THUNK', the jet injector dispersed its contents into Ivy's bloodstream. The tranquilizer was fast acting and before Ivy could fire a shot or turn around to see Mal, she fell limp to the floor, the gun slipping from her hand as she did so. Pain immediately went to the desk drawer and grabbed the cuff keys. He then went over to Jayne and uncuffed him, but not before punching the man in the nads again.

"That's for sleepin' with my woman." he growled. He ignored Jayne's pained pleas that he didn't sex up Ivy and holstered his gun as he leaned down and picked her up. He laid her on the desk and picked up the shirt she had previously worn, putting it back on her. As he picked her up again, Pain looked at Mal and John and with an apologetic look in his eyes, he said, "I'm sorry. I'll get to the bottom of this, I swear. I'll take her to the infirmary now. If I knew this was goin' to happen, I would've stayed behind. I just.. I just don't know what to say or think now. Anyways, I'll just take her to the infirmary now and have Simon look over her. I'll stay with her as he does."


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 9:34 PM


Mal helped Pain get Ivy out of the bunk and down to the infirmary where Simon was doing a complete medical examination. John followed them down to learn more about what had happened. He needed to know more of what had went on.

Simon finally reported that everything seemed fine. Nothing to account for her behavior. No blood clots had broken free to cause a restriction of oxygen to her brain, no metabolic imbalance, just nothing.

"She might have been having a flashback," Simon offered. "That's what it seemed to me when I saw her earlier."

He covered Ivy with a warm blanket after Mal ordered for her to be restrained to the bed. Mal wasn't sure of her state of mind when she awoke and was not looking for a repeat performance of the situation with Jayne. But that didn't set real well with Pain.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help earlier," Simon added. "But River picked up on Ivy's predictament and it triggered an episode. I had to drug her. She's resting in her room."

That grabbed Mal's attention as well.

"River flipped out too?"

Simon nodded as Mal swore under his breath. His suspicions were being confirmed more and more. He looked over at Pain, who was standing in the corner with a troubled look on his face. Mal could tell that the events that took place between Ivy and Jayne were weighing heavily on him.

"Ivy's gonna be out for a few hours," Mal told him. "Let's go outside and let her rest. I want to talk to you about Jayne."

"I don't want to talk about that hun dan," Pain growled.

"Wasn't a request, Pain. It was an order."

Pain glowered at Mal, but followed him out of the Infirmary.

"Jayne didn't sleep with her. That comment about him putting his tool where it wasn't welcome was not directed at Jayne specifically."

"What do you mean?" Pain asked him, jaw still clenched.

"I agree with Simon. I think she was having some kind of flashback too. Whatever happened in your bunk happened a while ago."


"Think about it Pain..." Mal said, trying to bring Pain to the conclusion he had without blurting it out bluntly. "She did damage to Jayne's man parts stating the reason for it was because he had put his tool where it wasn't welcome. She then told you not to get any ideas either."

Pain looked at Mal, the situation not dawning on him yet.

"Think about it, Pain," Mal urged him. "Horrible things happen to folks who get sold into slavery. Especially for a woman."

Mal hoped that he was getting through to Pain. He just didn't know how the big man would react once he got the gist of what he was talking about.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009 7:13 PM


Outside the Infirmary

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Think about it, Pain," Mal urged him. "Horrible things happen to folks who get sold into slavery. Especially for a woman."

Pain mulled about what Mal said in his head for a few moments. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks dropped from the lower cargo hold of a ship forty feet off the ground. She had punched Jayne in the family jewels and told him that it was for sticking his tool where it didn't belong. From what he got from Mal, that could mean only one thing. It meant that she had been raped as a slave. Being alone in their bunk and not being able to get out due to her injuries, must've triggered something in her mind. Something that Tommy must've not seen. He let out a sigh and hung his head low as he slumped into the couch outside in the common area. He buried his face in his hands and then looked at Mal, the worry showing in his face.

"God that poor woman." replied Pain. "How could I've been so dense not to see it." He looked at the infirmary and continued, "I suppose I'll have to apologize to Jayne for hittin' him. And I definitely shouldn't be angry with her. I guess I'll have a talk with Tommy on this. See what she can tell me, if she'll even tell me. This definitely won't be an easy thing to get through, but I'm hopin' we can try."


Tuesday, December 8, 2009 5:15 AM


It was a welcome release when Mal drugged Ivy, for the muddle and mess that Ivy was projecting, which had only grown louder as he approached, was almost too much. He had followed the group to the infirmary, and let Simon do his work. When Mal took Pain out of the infirmary, John approached the girl.

She was trouble. Unstable little ladies proved to get people killed. Who would it be this time? At the same time, lying there asleep, he felt for the girl. She had been through hell, and she was trying. He wished River was more herself. This is the kind of thing her ability could help.

"Simon," John said turning away from the girl, "I need to warn you about something."

"Oh?" Simon replied, "what is it?"

"My brother is onboard the ship, and will be for a while. He's bad news. He's horribly charming, and will attempt to use as many people on this ship as possible to get what he wants, which is very different from what he says he wants. You'll be a target of his, cause you look rich and connected. Don't mention River, that'll be too appealing to him. He knows Kaylee too, so we need to watch her back."

"So you brought a sociopath onto our boat?"

"You brought all kinds of crazy onboard too. The things we do for family."



Thursday, December 10, 2009 6:11 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Outside the Infirmary
"How could I've been so dense not to see it? I suppose I'll have to apologize to Jayne for hittin' him. And I definitely shouldn't be angry with her. I guess I'll have a talk with Tommy on this. See what she can tell me, if she'll even tell me. This definitely won't be an easy thing to get through, but I'm hopin' we can try."

"Damn straight you need to 'pologize," Jayne growled as he came down the stairs gingerly. He was obviously still hurting from the punches he received from Ivy and Pain. "I told you I didn't rutt your gorram fong luh chāng fù girlfriend."

"Jayne..." Mal warned as he turned towards the man. "Watch your mouth."

"I'm tired of it Mal!" he exclaimed. "Everyone's always thinkin' the worst of me. She came on to me. She got naked all on her own. She had a gun on me! I just went along with it so the kuang zhe de xiǎo tí zi didn't blow my head off!"

Mal saw Pain rise from where he was sitting and knew that something had to be done before Pain took Jayne's head off his body and mounted it to the front of the ship. He looked up at John for some assistance.

fong luh = loopy in the head
chāng fù = slut, harlot
kuang zhe de = crazy
xiǎo tí zi = little wench

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Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM


Pain took that chance and hurled a fist in the direction of Jayne's face. Knuckles connected with jaw sending Jayne staggering back from the force of the blow, but not falling. He held his jaw in one hand as he narrowed his eyes at Pain.

Pain had his own set of eyes narrowed at Jayne as he growled, "Nobody calls my girl a slut, you ching wah tsao duh liou mahng. You're goin' to apologize to her or I'll beat an apology out of you."

Jayne growled and launched himself at Pain and the fists began to fly once more. The question was, how long would it take to break the two mercenaries up and who was going to do it?

Ching wah tsao duh liou mahng: Frog humping son of a b****.


Monday, December 21, 2009 7:59 PM


The constant back and forth between alias and fugitive was starting to piss Doc off. It wasn't the fact that her original life was now unattainable; she never really was the person that was expected. It was more the fact that now the only way for her to at least mostly be herself was by living lie after lie after lie. The bartender on Beaumonde was fine, until the feds caught up. Being a hired gun on a Dragonfly and a cattle rustler were both nice, as was owning a store on Ezra, until the feds burned it down.

But maybe she couldn't have truth either. The one place she had had to live the lie the least, and made the truest connection was the one that also came the closest to destroying her. She walked into the cargo bar, looking for a way to burn off all of her additional stress.

It is the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting


Monday, December 28, 2009 6:35 PM


John looked up as the fight started. This wasn't the best time for this at all. He knew for a fact that he wouldn't be physically able to pull apart the two men who were both bigger and stronger than he was. The fight was heated and intense for both men, so he needed to act quickly before one of them hurt the other.

"Hey!" he said exiting the infirmary, "Stop it." He said the words forcefully. "You need to get a hold of yourselves. I am fully understanding that the mental fuzziness of the girl lying over there is a cause for much controversy, but I doubt she wants to wake up to find either of you injured next to her."

"Man's got a point," Mal said, authority ringing clear, "we have a job and a client onboard. You need to settle or I'll leave the both of you here." Whether the captain or John would get through to them remained to be seen.



Tuesday, December 29, 2009 7:06 PM



Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Hey!" he said exiting the infirmary,

Pain landed a punch to Jayne's jaw as the two fought for dominance over the other on the floor. Pain went from being on top throwing punches left and right, to being on the floor and receiving punches in return. Both men were busy trying to either knock the other out or choke them into submission, that they didn't hear John as he exited the infirmary and tried to get their attention.


"Stop it." He said the words forcefully.

Pain was on the bottom with Jayne on top of him. Both men had hands on the others' face and a fist armed and ready. It was only then with both of their faces looking at John, that they paused in their fighting.


"You need to get a hold of yourselves. I am fully understanding that the mental fuzziness of the girl lying over there is a cause for much controversy, but I doubt she wants to wake up to find either of you injured next to her."

Jayne dropped his fist to his side, but still had his hand on Pain's face, a finger very close to poking Pain in the eye. They stayed like that while John spoke. Pain's chested heaved up and down as he listened to John's words, the adrenaline from the fight slowly fading from Pain's mind and allowing him to think rationally. He was right though. Ivy probably wouldn't like seeing him sitting by her all bloodied and banged up. She'd most likely be angry with him and withhold sex from him until he apologized to both her and Jayne as well as the Captain and whoever else had seen the fight. Of course with what happened with her today, sex probably wasn't even on her mind at this point.


"Man's got a point," Mal said, authority ringing clear, "we have a job and a client onboard. You need to settle or I'll leave the both of you here."

Pain and Jayne both looked at John and Mal before looking at each other. They sighed their defeat and silenty struck a truce with one another. Pain felt Jayne get off of him and offered a hand. After a silent moment, Pain took Jayne's hand and stood up off the floor. As they dusted themselves off, they hung their heads down and Jayne muttered, "We're sorry."

Pain added to that, "We let our words and fists get the better of us and cloud our judgment. Won't happen again."

"Best see to it that it don't." replied Mal. "Neither of you are of any use to me if y'all are laid up in the infirmary bruised and bloodied. Need all the help I can get for this job. Can't exactly have that if you two are knocked out and unconscious. Got that?"

"Yes sir." both mercenaries said, their heads still hanging low. They then looked up at both John and Mal and replied with their respective tails between their legs, "We're sorry."


Monday, January 4, 2010 7:50 AM


Years ago:
Of all the go se inns they had slept in, this was not the worst. Unfortunately, in awful situations, it becomes difficult to put things in perspective. For Knives, this was about as bad as it could get. He sat in the burning hot room. The gang took up their usual positions. Doc was sitting in a chair near the door, fiddling with the guns that she had finished cleaning and inspecting an hour ago. Juliet was sleeping, or at least pretending to sleep. And Knives had taken up his usual position near the window, cautiously looking out without being seen.

He hated the times like this. As necessary as he knew they were, he hated sitting still. He hated being stuck inside. He was ready for something to happen. He was finally getting used to the system. For them to do their work, they first had to find a job, and it was best if John just took care of it. Occasionally, Doc would join him, but not this time. Knives found himself studying her as she continued to fiddle. He loved to notice the little moves she made habitually. She went through the weapons almost as if it were some variety of ritual. There was something about watching her while she didn’t realize anyone was paying attention that he loved. In these moments she would stop being Doc. She would really be herself, the true person inside. He just wished she could see how beautiful that person was.

John suddenly burst into the room. On his face was a smirk, a look of triumph. “We have work?” Juliet asked from the bed, no longer feigning sleep.

“Yeah, we have a job,” John announced with a smirk, “and it’s a big one.”

And there she was. He had not expected her. The not Doc, the woman he had been in love with. This not Doc was different though. She was troubled, upset. She had let down her ruse for different reasons. Knives had seen the warrant. He knew she was troubled.

He quietly climbed up the stairs. On a better day, she would have heard him coming a mile away. Today, however, he could sneak right up to her and tap her shoulder. “Boo,” he said.

She whirled and punched him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground, cursing himself for actually being surprised. “Is that any way to treat an old friend?” he asked rising cockiness in his voice. He could see her realizing who he was. She stood, silenced by shock.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010 8:57 PM


Ivy was waking up. It was hazy. Her brain hurt to think, but she knew she had to. She felt this way before.

But when? The feeling was so familiar...


Then she remembered. He'd drugged her and many of the others multiple times before.

She forced herself to sit up. She shook her head trying to knock the haze out of her head. She had to wake up quick before he came back. She had to be ready.

She slid off the place she was laying on. Her legs held for a second before buckling. She tried to stop herself from going down, but just managed to knock a tray of instruments over on her way down. She winced when she hit the floor, but she fought to get up. She forced herself back up on her feet as someone came in .

"Ivy?" the voice said. "Get back in bed."

"N-No..." she ground out. "Not getting back in your bed ever again."

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Thursday, January 7, 2010 8:08 PM


Outside the infirmary

Pain heard the clatter of something hitting the infirmary floor. He turned his gaze over to that direction and saw Ivy struggling to get to her feet, a tray of instruments strewn across the floor. She had some trouble getting up, but she managed to stand on her own two feet.

Inside the infirmary

He went in to help her and asked her to get back in the bed. He thought she was back to normal, but somehow he knew she wasn't and that niggling suspicion was backed up by what she said to him.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"N-No..." she ground out. "Not getting back in your bed ever again."

It was tearing Pain up inside that she was still acting like this. Like she was still in her own little reality where everyone she knew on Serenity were strangers to her. Simon had come in and Pain looked at him, his eyes conveying to the doctor that she was still not well. The doctor quickly went to get another sedative as Pain tried unsuccessfully to get Ivy to recognize him.

He managed to get her back in the exam chair, but not without having to use physical force. She kicked, screamed and thrashed about before Simon was able to inject her again. Her body slowly became limp and the screaming and shouting faded as the drug took effect. Once she was sleeping again, Pain pulled up a chair and sat next to her. With his face resting in his hands, he contemplated his relationship with her and if she'd be better off in Grayson's care if she didn't snap out of it.


Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:08 AM


Rutting Hell...

"Move on... There is nothing to see here..."

Looks over at Pain and gives him a dirty look.

"Don't make fun of me. I can hurt you."


Sunday, January 10, 2010 10:11 AM


Inara came down a while after Ivy was sedated the second time. She saw Pain sitting next to her as she laid on the bed in the infirmary. It was nearly heartbreaking. Inara put on a sympathetic smile.

"How's she doing?" she asked, even though she knew the poor woman was not in her right mind."

"Not good," Pain answered quietly.

"I heard about the incident with Jayne and what happened down here," she said as she touched Pain's shoulder in support. "She must have gone through Hell when she was a slave. It's obvious that she was abused mentally, physically and..."

Inara paused for a second before continuing. She didn't know if Pain had accepted what else was done to her.

"and sexually," Inara went on. "I can tell you are questioning if you are helping her at all.

"I can tell you that I really think you are. She's had her bumps while here, but other than this episode, she's been happy. Very happy. She loves you very much.

"If you love her half as much as she does you, you have to be there for her. She relies on you as much as she does her alter personality. Tommy is it? You make her feel safe."

Inara rubbed Pain's shoulder.

"You'll get through this. She's a strong woman," Inara reassured him. "But perhaps you might want to give Grayson a call, just to tell him what you've found out. Tell him he's not needed here right now, but he should know."

Inara paused again.

"I have a friend who deals with women who have been abused sexually," she offered. "I could call her. Maybe she can help us help Ivy.

"Would you like me to do that?"

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Monday, January 11, 2010 12:04 PM


Ignore this






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