Journal of a Browncoat's experiences on the Serenity set

UPDATED: Thursday, June 24, 2004 06:02
VIEWED: 1430
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Thursday, June 24, 2004 1:51 AM


Rosie aka Fireflypsngr left the following report on the OB of her experiences on the Serenity set:


Serenity Report - No spoilers

The following is a journal I kept of my experience on the set. I wanted to capture everything and report back to all. I had to be on my knees or sitting back on my feet. Physically it was exhausting but I am so over the top thrilled by the experience. It was the realization of a dream and I really was getting all misty eyed at my great fortune. So here goes, no spoilers aside from who is there which is the crew:

Serenity Day 1 June 21, 2004 –

So I woke at 4 am my alarm was set for 4:15 am. My brother was also accepted as an extra and we needed to leave by 5:30 am. Our call time was 6:45 am sharp! We arrived at Universal Studios at 6 am, there was very little traffic. We parked and made our way to Stage 18. There was construction going on. We were directed to where the trailers were setting up. Saw the wardrobe trailer and then we saw Gina Torres walking to her trailer. I didn’t try to stop her I let her take care of her stuff. When she came out again she was looking my way so I introduced my brother and myself. She was very kind and directed us to whom we needed to talk to then she went into another trailer to get ready.

My brother and I made our way to the Back Lot Café waiting until 6:45 to get into wardrobe. Got into wardrobe and then I was waiting and saw Cappy drive by he was just getting in. I was very good. I did not shout or scream. Finally I was sent to hair and Kim was my hairdresser. She kept fiddling with it trying to figure something out. She put it up in with two ponytails braided and rolled up. She stuck in lots of pins and curled the edges. She also created vertical curls, ringlets on my bangs. Afterwards I went to make up and had my eyeliner removed and some dirt was put on. Once I was done I headed back to the stage to wait. I think I just saw Barbara Streisand get into a cart. They are filming Meet the Fockers across from Serenity. It is now 8:03 am and we are now waiting.

10:14 am We just finished rehearsing. So far I have seen Zoe, Mal and Jayne walk by. I was sitting down then I look up as they are walking past. They are tall folk. Then Joss walked by. I did not try to stop them. I did get a chance to say hi to Joss on his way back in. Haven’t said anything to Adam or Nathan yet. It is so unreal. I am on the set with Cappy, Jayne, Zoe and Joss this is so cool! I feel like this is perfectly normal, I am sure that is due to all the prayers and shiny thoughts. Thank you !!! They are rehearsing and we are once again waiting.

11:36am More rehearsing. This time I got the chance to talk to Adam. I told him I was from the board. He said what I great community the board is and I agreed. I told him about my first shindig experience. He said he received the shirt that says I’m first in line for the Firefly Movie it has shindig photos on the back. He said he gave Nathan one. I asked if he had a Happy Father’s day. He said it was very nice. Earlier I saw Morena walk by but did not have a chance to say hi.

2:15pm We’re just coming back from lunch. Now I saw Summer. She is in the scene now. Nathan & Summer are so funny, very playful. At one point Nathan and Adam got into a hand fight a la Laverne and Shirley, very cute. Adam spoke to me more asked it I was thirsty and then brought me a bottle of water. He is very kind and considerate. Still haven’t spoken to Cappy he is busy concentrating and not next to me. I am next to Gina and Adam. Gina is great and also playful.

Serenity Day 2 June 22, 2004-

6:10am We finished yesterday at 8:15pm. Got home by 9 pm and took a shower and went to sleep. I did manage to cal TLACook and Pip to post a teaser about my day. Here’s what happened after lunch. The scene was more focussed on Zoe and River. So many angles to shoot and the lighting so carefully created. I did get a chance to speak to Affablechap Chris Buchanan. I wanted to thank him personally. I missed him that morning so I walked over to him. He was speaking to Cappy and was just about to leave. I stopped him, introduced myself and identified myself as from the board. When I began speaking to Chris, Nathan kind of stepped back out of the conversation. Once he realized I was a fan he stepped back in and asked my name and said, “Nice to meet you”, shook my hand and smiled. I was thanking Chris for this opportunity and emphasizing how much it meant to me. I didn’t approach Cappy because I did not want to invade his space so it was very cute the way he stepped up, asked my name and shook my hand. I of course told him he was doing a great job. It was time to get back in place so I left them. It was just so very cool.

Later, on a short break, I stepped outside and found Adam sitting on the rail alone. He greeted me saying, “Hello Gorgeous” and I was cool and said “Hello Handsome” He asked how it was going. He is so sweet and considerate. I finished drinking my bottle of water and told him I had to get back inside. He said he would see me there.

Near the end one of the production assistants, Audrey, said she had asked Adam if he would be willing to take a picture with Rosie. She said Adam replied, “Anything she wants.” So once I was on another break she mentioned Adam was outside and willing to pose. She told me to be discreet with the camera. You are not aloud to take pictures on the Universal lot. So my brother took my picture with Adam. Then Adam said, “Now a head shot.” He is 6’ 4” and I am 5’ 2”. Adam realized he needed to come down for this so he stooped to be next to my head. I thanked him and went to give him a hug and received a smooch on the cheek. Very sweet and made my day! I wrote thank you cards for the cast. I gave Joss his card when I said hi that morning. I gave Adam his card then after taking our pictures.

I went back inside and Summer was sitting there waiting. They were going to change lighting and re-shoot a scene. I took the opportunity to give her her card. I told her I was a fan and was honored to be a part of this movie. She felt bad my first experience as an extra involved being on my knees all day. I told her I was having a great time. I also told her I thought she was doing a great job. River is a complicated character and she is doing great. Summer is such a sweet young girl.

Gina and Nathan wrapped up (means they are done). Then it was Adam’s turn with Summer. I wasn’t in these shots but I stayed around to see what was happening.

I was finally released at 8:15pm. I was tired. I do have to say though that Joss works very hard. 12 hour days of constantly directing the actors, the cameramen, and in general everyone. We all wait our turn but Joss is ceaseless in his action all day. Joss is great!

Now we start on the activity for Day 2.

7:45 am Checked into wardrobe, went to hair and makeup. Came to the stage and grabbed some breakfast. Gina came by looking for a muffin. Chris Buchanan walked by later as I was eating. Then Adam came by to get something to eat. Adam stopped to chat as he was walking back. He said, “ Hi Rosie”. He asked if I posted. I said no, too tired. He said he went home to play with his kids. I gave him a little gift that Flyhead had given me. He thanked me for the card. Such a very cool man, completely down to earth and real.

Summer walked in and saw me and waved hi, came over and gave me a hug and thanked me for the card. She said her mom was in town and thought it was very nice. Summer is such a doll, very gentle and graceful.

A little later I am still waiting to go on the set. Adam walks by with Nathan. I am speaking to the production assistant Audrey. They walk by to get some food. On their way back I see Adam with Nathan following. I hand Nathan his card. I included the triangle Firefly patch. He is walking back and raises the patch and shouts, “I love this.”

This has really been a wonderful experience. All I need now is a chance to get on the ship!

12:30pm Finished shooting and now I am waiting. I was able to get Summer’s autograph before she left. She wrapped early. Later Nathan, just before we were going to shoot a scene shouts, “Rosie, thanks for the card and the patch.” Gina is standing next to him and says, “You got a patch? All I got was a card. Guess you’re her favorite.” Nathan just smiles and says “Yeah”. I smile back and say, “He’s the Captain.” Gina says “And who’s the one who keeps saving him. Post that on your message board.” Then I laugh and we begin shooting the scene. All was said in teasing fun. It was great. Once we are done, Nathan, Adam and Gina go off to shoot another scene. It looks like we are almost done for us extras. I ask Gina for her autograph. She is signing just as they call for rehearsal. Not able to get Nathan or Adam’s yet. I tried when he was coming in but no time. Then they left for a break. I am still waiting.

2:44pm OK, now I am fully satisfied. Audrey, the production assistant let me on to the set of Serenity, our beautiful and beloved ship. It is still under construction but the hallway where the crews quarters are is whee we entered. She asked eprmission from the head guy and he lead the way. I touched the top ring of Cappy’s quarters. Then I saw the kitchen. They have the stenciled vines. Then I walked over to the bridge. Still finishing painting but the guys in there said I could go in. Nothing but paint but oh so sweet. I stood right where Wash sits. No pictures but an experience I will never forget. As I touched the top ring of Cappy’s quarters, I was facing the bridge and looked down. I thought of all of you on the OB and wished you were here. Then we were directed to the Cargo hold. Not able to go in but I was able to see the doors to the infirmary, they were closed. I am thrilled beyond belief. Really I have no words. I really wished you were here from the bottom of my heart.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

As I was waiting I did get another opportunity to talk to Joss and I told him he is a hard worker. We wait but he is constantly working. Joss said, “It is harder to wait than to work.” Later as they were coming back from break he was walking with some folks and said to some guy with him, “I am a hard worker.” he smiled and nodded to me.

I wrapped around 6pm. I did not get a picture with Cappy or Gina. I decided to go back onto the set and see if they were still there. They were all sitting together waiting. I went over to say good bye to Adam and told him I was wrapped. He gave me a hug and another smooch on the cheek, so sweet and sincere. I told him I was truly honored to be a part of this and had a great time. Chris Buchanan was sitting next to him and I told him I even got to go on board Serenity and how cool that was. I asked Nathan for his autograph. Then asked if he thought it would be OK to ask Nathan he said sure. So I thank them both and walked over to Nathan. He was playing with Adam’s daughter, a beautiful young girl. I interrupted and told her I was a big fan of her dad and had already gotten his autograph and I showed her. Then I ask Nathan for his. He said sure and wrote a little something, thanking me for coming and playing with them. He was very cool. Adam’s daughter asked Nathan if he played scrabble and Gina said she likes making words up and dares people to challenge her. Nathan made up a word and said I don't think so Gina. I said good bye to both Nathan and Gina and told them it was a great experience. Then I walked off the Stage.

I walked back to my car very tired and completely overwhelmed. This truly was the realization of a dream. It was so much better than I could have hoped for. I did not act like a weird fan girl. I was able to restrain myself, though it was a conscious effort. As I was driving back thinking about this experience I just shed tears of joy. How often do dreams come true?

I love Firefly, I love Joss and everyone on the crew of Serenity. They are doing such a great job, working very hard. I was truly floored from the experience. I was overwhelmed and awed and transitioning back to this reality. It makes me feel good knowing that where I have been still exists and they are continuing to work on the BDM.

I called TLACook and she gave me the great news that more Browncoats are going in Yeah!!! Just remember Audrey, the production assistant. I hope everyone enjoys themselves as much as I did. I am still flying high right now.

Rosie aka Fireflypsngr


Thursday, June 24, 2004 3:14 AM


I can hear the jealous screams from here... one of 'em's mine

Sounds like you had a great time and the cast's a bunch of friendly, shiny folks.


Mal: "We're not gonna die. We can't die, Bendis. You know why? Because we are so... very... pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die."


Thursday, June 24, 2004 5:28 AM


Awesome. Truly awesome. Adam sounds like a prince among princes. It's so wonderful that the fans get to be part of the experience, and that the actors are so receptive of the fans. It feels magical even reading it.


Thursday, June 24, 2004 6:02 AM


I know, from writing convention reports, how much work it is to get online and post a long report, and yours is absolutely great!
You really made me feel like I was there experiencing it all with you! You have a real talent for writing, and express yourself well.

And you have all these wonderful memories and cool souveniers (autographs & photos!)

So now we will all be looking for you when the movie comes out...braids, curls, on your knees all day...LOL!

Now of course we have to get a patch sent off to Gina!

Oh, and Rosie, that was so great that you represented the Browncoats as such a polite & considerate fan, I really think your notes and your behavior impressed and pleased everyone around you!

thanks again, embers

PS did your brother have fun too?






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