Browncoat Bar & Grill - In memory of the best bartender ever!

UPDATED: Thursday, December 10, 2009 09:37
VIEWED: 11319
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009 5:52 AM


*waves* Busy with work and stuff, glad you're doing well!

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Police Squad


Tuesday, November 17, 2009 8:00 AM


HUGS Gorram hope work is treating you well:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009 5:23 PM


*ditto's MsA's comment*

How's the little bundle doing? I gather from the above posts he's quite excitable about the prospect of food. Hilariously adorable.

Rosie: I know this a bit late as you posted it on Friday, but when I saw it I just *had* to comment*

Originally posted by StinkingRose: He had written "I seen two police cars.."
I had most definitely NOT said that, so I said "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but I think (pointing) that should be saw, not seen". (Poor, poor duckling.. do you think they saw me coming?)

Yes, I grammar policed a cop trying to take a statement about an accident I'd just been in.

That is awesome.
Sorry about the accident, though :( glad you're ok.

grammar police ftw


Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:18 AM


Wow ...awful quiet....

Sorry we aren't about more it's just busy with the angel, but he is a very good baby:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, November 19, 2009 1:14 PM



sorry about the quiet, been mad busy and such, will catch up properly soon, take it little one is doing good? I'm sure it (unsure of sex rather than wishing to be insulting!) is absolutely wonderful and I hope you are getting the best out of one of life's most amazing journeys.

I'm not dead! At least not yet...


Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:12 PM


*deflates* no more classes till after thanksgiving break, FINALLY. had sooooooooooooooo much stuff due the past couple weeks ><;; yikes. Now I can deflate, lol.

glad the little one is well, MsA ^_^

Gee: glad ur not dead O_o please don't die.

so who's doing what for Thanksgiving? anyone traveling? who's going to whose family? etc?

*pours self a small glass of eggnog, as the stuff can only be tolerated in small quantities*


Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:22 PM


HUGS... He's doing fine Gee... and if it helps his name is John:)

How are you holding up?

Sorry I've not been on much and neither has NV, but baby's still adjusting and he's too little to be schedule ready

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:48 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm so glad the little angel is doing so well, Lila ^_^ And I hope you're healing.

Well here we can see my own personal Catalyzer

Something involved in turning the timing belt in my car, actually. Being in two pieces like that allowed it to tear up said belt, and do some damage to my oil pump as well. Had I not stopped driving after the onset of grinding and squealing noises, the belt would have snapped entirely and my motor would have suffered massive and widespread damage. Good thing I'm terrified of grinding and squealing in my engine. And yes, I did recently have that belt replaced, less than 40,000 miles ago. The garage I took it to failed to replace this little moving part that I didn't even know existed, let alone what a problem it could be. So instead of having that piece of maintenance taken care of for eight-ish years like I thought I did, it all had to be done again. I've become loyal to my dealership service center at this point.
And oh yes, it's now nearing the end of the semester, and my darling teacher decided it would be a cute idea to add an extra project to our workload. Or rather, as she puts it, 'expand' a project we were going to do, one that would have taken an afternoon at the most, into a group effort full-scale marketing package... thing. As per usual, the most useless people in the classroom get to work with me. Fortunately, I also snagged one of the most brilliant. It's still taken up most of this last nine days or so, with the whole experience tied up with a nice shredded timing belt bow.

*deep deep breath*
Okay. Sorry. Horrid week from hell rant now over.



Thursday, November 19, 2009 7:50 PM


Anybody know an OB-Gyn/NP/CNM who is looking for a job in Syracuse?

We just found out today that one of the docs has decided not to come back from maternity leave (long and sad story which I do not feel at liberty to discuss), so we've got an opening opening. I only met her the once and she seemed quite nice, everyone else really seems to miss her.

It's cold and snowy here for six months of the year, never really gets that hot but it's muggy, and we are neck and neck with Seattle for average cloud cover. If you know any albino doctors, or one who REALLY LOVES WINTER, point them in our direction.
PS: We're in a depressed economy here *all the time* so the pay probably won't be what you're used to in Atlanta, SanFran, Long Island, or even Cleveland. OTOH: less than a quarter mill can get you a really sweet place with acreage!

The day went OK at work. Then I found out boychild got all his work done ON TIME! Then I went dancing all dressed up for someone's daughter's college film project. Then we went out to dinner and I had a beer. Now I will sleep.
Not a bad day at all, really.

You beat me to the post PR. Sorry about the suckitude...
The insurance adjuster is coming out tomorrow to peek at our car, if that makes you feel any better.


Friday, November 20, 2009 5:52 AM


Ick, sorry about the car trouble, PR. And the working with sucky people on a project ><;; (though it's good you snared at least one capable person).

Yay on the boychild getting all his work done, Rosie! Bet that made you proud.

Anyone else been having super screwy weather lately? O_o I dunno what the atmosphere thinks it's doing in this part of the Verse, but I'm used to snow by now and we got torrential buckets of rain this morning, followed by temperatures near the sixties (not that I'm complaining, but it's not really characteristic for this time of year...normally. Still, as much as I hate the cold weather, I do like me some fluffy white flakes of doom every now and then [provided I don't have to drive through it])


Friday, November 20, 2009 7:12 AM


aw HUGS Rose sorry about the car suckage.. I'm a big fan of dealers and their work. At least it's done right

I'm ok but healing keeps getting complicated by other stuff ( got food poisoning yesterday.. doing a bit better today) Still he's so wonderful it's all worth it

HUGS Rosie.. you can't have mine.. nope nope nope. He is really fantastic and so so wise ( also can do a full c-section extremely well in 45 minutes with minimal complications.. I left the hospital comfortably a full 2 days before the other doc's c-section patient and my scar is healing perfectly)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:57 AM




Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:45 PM


Finally mending again... ok seriously there is some sort of cosmic kick me sign involved when I get surgery.... this is the 4 time I've had surgery and then gotten food poisoning.

HUGS to all

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 23, 2009 6:04 AM



To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 23, 2009 8:39 AM


So, slow time in the bar I see .. glad you're getting better MsA! && I hope your bundle of joy is being good :)
As for me .. I'M SO GIDDY RIGHT NOW! I just got an interview for my preferred university! EEK! EXCITING TIMES :)
Hope everyone else is OK too :)

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.
Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Monday, November 23, 2009 10:31 AM


HUGS WuS that is really exciting... when will you know if you've gotten a place??

He is a wonderful baby ( check out the photo thread for pictures)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 23, 2009 10:53 AM


I saw, he's adorable, I must agree XD
&& the interview is next week, and I could receive an offer anytime before January, but won't actually know if I can accept it until I get my results next August! Unless I manage to get an unconditional offer, which means I can go no matter what XD

This is not my signature, I have to write this every time I post.
Smile && Nod, it makes it seem like you know what's going on.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009 10:36 AM


niiiiiiice *crosses fingers for WuS* wish you much luck.

So, who (for those of you in the US) is ready for Thanksgiving? I know it's only Tuesday, but it's close. Also, who's hosting, who's traveling? One of my aunts always provides the gravitational center for all holiday celebrations so I've never (to the best of my memory) actually spent a Thanksgiving at my parents' house :P

Happy holiday season, all *pours eggnog*


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 1:38 AM


Tonight begins the cooking! (Oh dearie, dearie me...)

I can't believe this thread is only 63 (64 now) posts long and it's as old as it is. The bar is definitely not a swinging location lately.

Bumping anyway.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:41 AM


oooooh cooking. Are you cooking the whole meal or contributing to a "pot luck" family dinner? (that's how our thanksgivings run, due to the large family) In any event, what are you making? :D *hops up and down*


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 10:54 AM


I hope of you who celebrate Thanks Giving have a lovely Turkey stuffed, football filled day!

has been quiet in here, sorry about that I've been manically busy, so much so I have given myself a fairly crappy IBS flair up, as a consequence think I'm going to step away from bands for a while. Not even doing a full OU course at the moment and not enough hours in the day, I have finally realised something has got to give and given that I hate playing in rented rehearsal rooms on somebody else's kit that the gig on the 12 the of Dec wil probably be my last for a while (unless I change my mind but I doubt it).

Hopefully, this should give me enough time to stay on top of housework, ou and get more writing done (more than a trickle), I might even enter a competition I found if I can think of the right short story!

John looks gorgeous MsA, hope everything is going well.

I'm off to apply wheat bag to gut and drown in lemon and ginger tea, it's become something of an obsession!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:32 AM


Ba business always drops off at the holidays when everyone gets busy with families and shopping and such

Oh sucks on the IBS Gee.. hope you feel better soon HUGS
Oh and thanks he is just gorgeous( just like his daddy)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, November 27, 2009 8:05 AM


Hey happy after Thanksgiving day.. hope none of you are out braving the shopping nightmare...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, November 27, 2009 12:41 PM



Originally posted by MsA:
Hey happy after Thanksgiving day.. hope none of you are out braving the shopping nightmare...

I didn't have to but Rose sure did. She works at the local Walmart. She normally does overnight stocking so she doesn't have to deal with customers (Did that enough when she was a department manager)

Last night the store was open overnight and the company I work for provided extra uniformed security guards (I work for the Traffic control division)

She said it was a zoo last night. People were camping out waiting for the 5 AM stuff to go on sale.

Since it's getting towards winter for real around here, I might have to do some security work too. I'll probably take the next available class.

It is strange, if I flag traffic, I get $13.00 an hour (As a crew chief). If I work a security gig, I get $9.00. The flagging class is 8 hours. Security guard certification is 40 hours.

Go figure...



Friday, November 27, 2009 2:06 PM


It never pays to become optimistic and even happy.

The agency called at 5:15 to let me know that Women's Wellness Place had advised them they had to cut a nurse's position and mine was the one they were getting rid of. I needn't report for work on Monday.



If I'd known even the end of last week I could have cancelled getting the driveway done. That's $4,000 I would most definitely have put off spending if I'd had even the tiniest clue they weren't keeping me after all.
Or even if they'd let me know around 4:30 I could have cleared out my stuff and handed in my parking pass before I left.

But NooOOOooo...

I'm going to stop now before I end up ranting for seventeen paragraphs.


Friday, November 27, 2009 5:20 PM


Aaaaw sorry Rosie. :( that really major sucks, with major bad timing and all *hugs*


Saturday, November 28, 2009 9:51 AM


Will you all come back if I stop bitching and moaning?


Saturday, November 28, 2009 5:56 PM


Oh Rosie honey I am so so sorry. I am sure that you will be able to find something really quick since you are such an amazing nurse ..hey you could move here if you want. I can definitely guarantee there are openings here:) HUGS and more HUGS

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Sunday, November 29, 2009 4:24 AM


But do you have a particle accelerator and my family there..?

Thanks for the sentiment, though.

Technically I'm still employed because I was working through the agency, but I'm not bringing in any income. Let's face it when the doctor who started the practice says to you "we're keeping you" and then they decide they don't need that nursing position after all (after 12 weeks but before the contract with the agency is up) it really makes you wonder. I'm going to accept the "The doctor who was out is not coming back, so we don't need that nursing position anymore" at face value. It may have been a case of staff reduction due to budgetary considerations, but it feels like "sucked so bad they canned your ass".

I mean, think about it: you say to the entire staff one day in November that the doc's not coming back and we all know that another doc's leaving in May, but you'll be replacing them ASAP (the day after you had head hunters in the office) and that you're not planning on laying off staff. You give out longer term projects, the next week ask someone to speak on one at a staff meeting, then decide you don't need them after you've spent 12 weeks training them and get rid of them by the end of the week? What here doesn't make sense? Are you really having that much trouble financially that you can't hold on to a productive team member because they're not one of yours officially for another four weeks? What about the other nurse you hired four weeks ago? Are you keeping her? (I have no idea) Are you reducing you MAs? (Probably not, as they're more cost efficient). You wanted to get another Lead RN in there to take some of the load off the only other RN you have (who is off Fridays). Guess you changed your mind about that one too.

My mom (Did I mention I was on my way out to dinner with my mother when I got the call about 45 min after my shift ended?) said that they're probably not going to have to pay the agency's fee now that I'm not needed. (She's been a manager with fairly good sized businesses and understands how MBAs think.)
She says her company is currently laying off people by forcing them into early retirement 2-3 months before they'd get full medical coverage with the pension.

(Oh the bastards are greedy, yes indeedy..)

******** CAUTION: RANT AHEAD*******

I WORK in healthcare and I'm still a supporter of the principle of everyone in our society getting medical care at low to no cost to them (socialized medicine/universal healthcare coverage/whatever you want to call it) if for no other reason than bullshit like that wouldn't matter so much.

Imaging yourself at 65-70 years old saying "In five months I'm retiring and while money will be tight I won't have to worry about my healthcare" then are given the option of taking what you can get (sans coverage for medical expenses) or getting fired and losing everything. Hmm... either way sucks but you're not going to say "fuck you" unless you've already got a sizeable nest egg tucked away and don't really need the income anyway. Which is, let's face it, not even true of most of the middle management let alone the rank and file.

**********END RANT*********************

Sorry, that came out of nowhere. I've flagged the grouchy bits for those who want to avoid it.

So anyway, I'm definitely going with "Temp position/suddenly overstocked with nurses" when asked at the next interview why my employment ended.

Did I mention how much I hate going on interviews? Or how much I hate that probationary period where you feel like you don't know a fucking thing and you'll never get the hang of it? Or how pissed I am that the job which was going to mesh perfectly with my plans to return to school has suddenly evaporated and now I don't know what I'm going to be able to do or when I can do it?

I'm hoping for another job in OB, but I'm going to have to take what's out there that I'm actually qualified for no matter what it is.

Did I mention I never did the full 6mos/year on the hospital floors because the 6 weeks I spent on one I was not ready for fresh out of school left me hating hospitals, and I haven't had to go back and do the grind? That means I haven't officially "proved myself" and don't have a year in acute care on my resume, which is what you need before they'll let you work anywhere interesting/fun in the hospital, which is where most of the jobs are. (Man, I do NOT want to have to go work with ostomies and trachs...)

Okay, the nursing homes will take just about anybody but I hate seeing all the depressed and confused/demented elderly people just waiting for family or death to visit.

People who don't get better and go home make me sad.

Home health is a little better but you spend a lot of the day driving, and it's the same sort of care you'd be doing in the hospital, and when you're an RN you've got LPN and HHAs working under your license WHILE YOU'RE NOT THERE and that makes me nervous.

I'll get over it all eventually, it's just still a little fresh right now.

It was like I found the Magic Employment Lamp and *poof* exactly what I wanted was right there, then *poof* the Job Fairy took it all away just when I was starting to settle in and relax a little.

Hey, it was what I needed when I needed it and I shouldn't complain. I got paid what I should have been making for the last two years. I learned more in those three months than I did in the last three years, I got 2/3 of a HepB series and both flu shots out of it, plus being spoiled rotten in a beautiful office where drug reps still bring lunch and talk to you about exciting new meds or new ways to use old ones, and scored a great pair of nursing shoes for what I'd have paid for a crappy pair otherwise. Plus I got to do work I really loved.
Ride's over and I'm waking up in my bed in black and white in Kansas. (Still got the shoes, though!)

In the books Dorothy got to go back to Oz. Maybe I will make it back to a happy place too someday.

"SOOooommmWHEEEERRE Ooover the Beeedpaaaaann..."


Sunday, November 29, 2009 7:31 AM


Oh HUGS HUGS and more HUGS sweety. It's always so disappointing when you find a job you love and it poofs on you, but I'd believe them. They may have thought that they were going to get another doc and then when they had the end of year budget meeting realized they couldn't afford it or the nurse that went with it. Or maybe the person they thought would buy in, went with another practice ( which happens all the time)
and yes we do have particle accelerator and you could bring your family. Plus compared to what you're used to , it's nice and warm here

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Sunday, November 29, 2009 12:12 PM


Oh poor SR, that's SO crap!

I really hope you find something quickly, surely good nurses are hard to find?

There is no end to what a company will do if it thinks it can save itself a bit of money.

I really need to back at the chores, lots to do, been to two awesome gigs in churches in five days. Saw an awesome country/folk singer from America on Thanks Giving, which I reckon has got to be the weirdest Thanks Giving he's been to, (didn't get a chance to ask him but he did sign the two albums I bought!) and then was at a choral recital last night.

I'm even sort of on pace with my current OU course, if the house wasn't such a bloody mess! Still, get the covers gig out the way in a couple of weeks and hopefully everything should shake itself out!

Catch you all tomorrow, hope it comes good for you SR and that MaA gets more quality sleep from John!


Sunday, November 29, 2009 2:22 PM


Which musician did you see? (I am folkie, hear me squee...)


Sunday, November 29, 2009 11:48 PM


The guys name was Bob Cheevers, and I thoroughly enjoyed him and he apparently comes over to the UK every year so I shall definitely make sure I catch him when he does.

In unrelated new, it appears from all the fuss and discussions that despite having v little interest and the only audio clip I have heard of it was awful, that at some point I am going to have to investigate this Twilight thing for the good of my slowly appearing vampire novel. Luckily, as I have decided to get off my arse and enter a short story competition early next year, I have an excuse to delay and I like vampire books/films but v confused...


Monday, November 30, 2009 10:00 AM


oh no do not corrupt yourself with Twilight Gee. Avoid at all costs( ok it's not that bad, but it really does feel like you've stolen a whiny emo high schooler's journal and reading it)

HUGS again Rosie...stupid economy

Morning all...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 30, 2009 12:31 PM


lol - MsA, I hear you, it's not out of choice but been working on things for years and it now appears to be too big to ignore, having said that, I might choose to just imagine a world in which it doesn't exist, heard like a 40 second soundbite in a podcast and it sounded awful, bad dialogue, bad acting, bad wolf sounds...

Been bad, no writing, not enough washing up, need to get on, my bed is calling.

I mis Kel... and Hk and Jimi and Mavoureen and lots more...

*sits in corner like petulent child and sulks*

see, just talking about twilight makes you mope


Monday, November 30, 2009 12:59 PM


I think it's the holidays... loads of people are super busy during the holidays. I am sure HK will pop in eventually. I'm hoping Kelkhil will come back and everyone else will as well

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 30, 2009 7:01 PM


[ /lurk ] *peers around carefully*

Yay! I haz internet right now.

Sorry all, am working on a couple of personal projects right now (amongst the running around and trying to get stuffs for folks wilst on a very limited, tight budget). You'd think I'd get started on these things earlier in the year, but *shrug* what kicked me "in the butt" was this very cool gift a friend gave me...and now, I'm busy trying to live up to the gift.

Been having my share of dramas (both being directly involved, and being indirectly because I'm apparently a "go-to" for certain types of crises.

SR: Gah...that is of teh suckage. Can't say I had the exact same situation, but I've had a few that are close enough. (Hired, told work would be for at least 4 weeks, possibly longer...everyone working the same job as I was was let go after about 2 weeks...we were so efficient, we worked ourselves out of work.)

MSA: Imma hoping that ninjakitty will show up sometime...

*wanders into a warm comfy spot*
[ semi-lurk ]


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3:59 AM



(Sits down to lurk, conformist that she is.)


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 6:42 AM


ok people less lurking more posting

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 7:48 AM



Hi everybody (hi Dr. Nick)

I'm just doing as I'm told, delurking, making with the posting. I've been reading regular as I usually do, just haven't really had much to say I guess.

Too busy killing zombies or daydreaming about killing zombies. L4D2 is fun.



Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:06 AM


oooooh L4D2. the bf has been contemplating that game (he finally caved and got an xbox, and borrowed L4D from a friend). I personally am more of a gears of war person :D *evil grin* Enjoy L4D2, Navy. Dead Rising 2 will be coming out shortly as well.

sooooo cannot waaaaaait for the end of semester. Week and a smidge before finals; though, one of my finals is next week (professor is leaving for spain finals week to see her husband's family), at least 2 if not three are take-home (all english classes), and the other one shouldn't be too *too* hard, I hope, though I'm doing relatively well in that class so *shrug*, i practically don't have a finals week, lol. Cheers for another set of classes under the academic belt!


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 11:09 AM


*Insert witty post full of jokes and cheerful stories here*

Sorry that's all I got, unless you want me to play proud poppy and gush about my kids.

Sorry about the job loss, SR.

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Police Squad


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 5:05 PM


*streaks through*


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 5:48 PM


Gush away! It gets lonely without the voices in my head.

(Hits a moving target with fluorescent spraypaint. Stops to consider the mobile night light for a moment. Giggles.)


Tuesday, December 1, 2009 6:36 PM


Hey I go on and on about my kid... why shouldn't you:)

Hugs Rosie

eeeeeek naked Nico ( hey try saying that 5 times fast...gigglesnort)

Ok must brag that Navy is doing exceedingly well in all his classes!!

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:11 AM


I'd say "Go Navy!" but it would sound like a college football rally...

Aw heck. GO NAVY!!!

MsA, you're not bragging incessantly about LittleJohn. In fact I haven't heard about him in days! Has he outgrown all his clothes or "christened" anyone yet? (Changing diapers is a whole different experience with little boys and may require evasive maneuvers.)

I'm just waaaaiiiiiting to heeeear from the Agencyyyy....

I'm teaching a First Aid class tonight. I'm a volunteer so it's productive but not lucrative. C'est la vie. I've arranged to teach my other three classes to meet my volunteer obligation, then I can think about charging for my services. (Hopefully by then I'll have employment and won't have to stop the volunteering part of teaching.)

I now return you (and me) to your regularly schedueld first cup of coffee.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 4:40 AM


Yay Navy!!

teehee, you called MsA's kid Little John XD that's cute, funny and cute.

Fingers crossed on the job hunt, SR.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 2:10 PM


Yup he has outgrown the newborn stuff Rosie. You'd be so proud in 4 weeks he's gone from 6 pounds 15 ounces to 8 pounds 15 ounces:) Obviously a good eater ( which is making for some pumping problems, but still good)
He's in the 0-3 month stuff now and you should see him smile. He has the cutest crooked smile like his daddy.... mind you it's hard to catch him smiling so we haven't a picture just yet.
Got my fingers crossed for you on the job front

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, December 3, 2009 4:56 AM


Thursday morning bump.

Wow, growth spurt for the little one already?


Thursday, December 3, 2009 9:16 AM


morning all:)

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.






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