Had to go buy supportive tenny runners for my back and achilles tendon. Down in San Anselmo, small town on whose border we live, to little shop. Parked..."/>


We are freakin' EVERYWHERE!

UPDATED: Friday, December 4, 2009 17:04
VIEWED: 5088
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:13 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Had to go buy supportive tenny runners for my back and achilles tendon. Down in San Anselmo, small town on whose border we live, to little shop. Parked behind the shop in a teeeeny little parking lot, maybe ten cars.

As I was driving out, the word "Wash" caught my eye. License plate holder--not a bumper sticker, mind you, but a license plate holder. Top: "Leaf on the Wind"; bottom: "Wash is my copilot".

We're hard core and we're freaking everywhere!!!

I love it...


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:33 PM


Great story Niki2.….here’s another,

This past weekend the wife and I happened to be off at the same time. We decided to take in a movie. 2012 was playing and we went to see it (not a bad movie btw). Before we left I pulled out a shirt to wear. It was too wrinkled Mrs. Z told me.

“ You’re gonna force me to wear my Serenity shirt.” I told her and we laughed.

Later after the show we went to a nearby restaurant. We were enjoying our meal when a different waiter other than the one who took our order came to our table and asked how our food was. “Fine” we told him.

“Excuse me sir but the real reason I came to ask was to tell you that I really enjoy your shirt.” He said.

I was knocked down!! The young man seemed to be in his mid to early twenties. I shook his hand immediately. Thanked him and told him that I new the feeling.

There really ARE no strangers when it comes to browncoats and Firefly fans.

That’s the truth, we hold!!



Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:39 PM


I've had similar things happen to me when I wear me Firefly/Serenity T shirts. Its always great to know where your fellow browncoats are!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 3:59 PM


A couple of times now I've gone for Halloween as Jayne (Flying Elves shirt, military pants, big gun, fingerless gloves, cunning hat http://www.flickr.com/photos/idesignyoureyes/4058903521/). A few years ago I went to West Hollywood, where every Halloween there's a huge party/parade/concert/riot on Santa Monica Boulevard.

As I was pushing my way through the crowd with my friends, suddenly this enormous gay man walks right up to me and gives me a bear hug. He said he was a huge Browncoat, and the previous year he had gone as Jayne himself.

He was the only person who said he recognized my costume that year. (A previous year, I went as The Bowler from Mystery Men, and about a half dozen people knew who I was supposed to be.)

Erik David Even
Zoic Studios


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 4:42 PM


You'll like this one then.

I happen to reside pretty close to Canton, Michigan, and as some of my business takes me through there often, I do stop at one of the stations there to fuel up.

So, I pull in, start pumpin, and the filter musta been a bit clogged cause it was pumpin slow, so to pass the time I start whistling "The Hero of Canton" as an ironic thing to pass the time.

The guy pumping on the other side joins in, making it a duet, till the pump cuts off and I pull my receipt and put the cap back on - I turn to get in the car and grin, he grins back, and on my merry.

Not a word was exchanged, but it didn't need to be, did it ?

I suspect there's a LOT of Firefly Fans in Canton, MI - there almost have to be, right ?



Wednesday, December 2, 2009 4:48 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

I suspect there's a LOT of Firefly Fans in Canton, MI - there almost have to be, right ?


The laughing Chrisisall


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 4:51 PM


The other day on campus I was bored so I decided to take the bus. Never had taken the bus before so I wanted to see where I could go. Ended up heading towards Target. The only other two people on the boss started talking about Firefly out of the blue. I joined in. We talked for a good 20 minutes until we made it to Target. As I was leaving the bus the bus driver who wasn't part of the conversation said "Stay Shiny." I was in shock and just replied, "Thanks, you too." I was surprised.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009 11:01 PM


Hey Frem,

Not a word was exchanged, but it didn't need to be, did it ?

You got that right -:)

Here's my story (which I may have posted before, but it's worth repeating):

I'm on my way to work some OT at work on a Saturday several months back, and when I get near the street-level door of my building the security guard notices my Serenity T-shirt and says great show.

I stopped briefly to exchange pleasentries and go on my merry. Unfortunately I was on my way to work and couldn't stop too long to get his name and such. I felt great the rest of the day though. It felt like I found a new friend, but not much was said other than great show and I said something about Browncoats being great people.

Anyways, this spring and summer I'm breaking that puppy out more often. Who knows I may find me a mate (stranger things have happened). I'm planning on getting more Firefly T-shirts for this coming summer.




Thursday, December 3, 2009 1:44 AM


I was posting as a newbie on a True Blood forum and mentioned that I liked Nathan Fillion. Another poster said "another Browncoat huh?"

I was really surprised when others chimmed in that they liked Firefly too.



Thursday, December 3, 2009 4:53 AM


Unfortunately I don't seem to ever have any run-ins with Browncoats in random places :( but last New Years I did find out that a friend of a friend (I had just met her once before, so I knew absolutely nothing about her) was a Browncoat.

I was going to my friend's New Year's party and Amy (Browncoat) was already there. When I walked in the very first thing I noticed she was wearing a very familiar hat, and said "Jayne Cobb, huh?" she LEAPT off the couch and gave me a tackle-hug "OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!" It was a Firefly quote-fest for the rest of the evening XD

Wish I could share a more interesting and candid story, but there it is :P

EDIT: Oh! Almost forgot. A little while back in the semester I was emailing with one of my professors about Star Wars in concert, because I'd overheard her talking about it to another student. I use my personal email because my school email is forwarded to it anyway, so I have a signature that is predominantly Firefly quotes. I usually remove this signature when emailing professors just to be a little more professional, but the second time emailing her I forgot to----didn't realize this until I get a reply saying "You like Firefly???" (mind you, nowhere in my signature does it say that any of the quotes are from Firefly. One is a Mal quote [sans name], one is a Wash quote [again, sans name] and another is part of the theme song). I was so thrilled and surprised at that moment I couldn't stop beaming.


Thursday, December 3, 2009 5:38 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

I was at the shooting range on Sunday with a friend of mine, and I was wearing my "Serenity" logo tee. There was a father and son on the next lane, father teaching his son (maybe 15 or so) how to shoot. I was standing back, loading up a couple magazines, trying to stay out of the way, when the kid, who was doing the same thing, looked at my shirt and said, "Nice shirt!" I looked at him (we were both wearing hearing protection, so neither of us could hear each other very well) and said, "Browncoats!" He gave me a big thumbs-up and a grin, then we went back to shooting.

Yes, we really ARE everywhere.


Work is the curse of the Drinking Class.
- Oscar Wilde


Thursday, December 3, 2009 7:19 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Fantastic. I'ts always so heartening to know we're out there keeping it alive, makes me feel good. I've had several run-ins with Browncoats, from the bag boy at the market to a couple in See's Candies store...but probably because I live in shorts, T-shirt (and halter top in Summer), it being CA, so I wear one or the other of my five different colored (!) Serenity/Firefly Ts or my husky Ts every day! Nothing like a little good advertising...had people like just the shirts and ask about them, too, and always enthusiastically sent 'em to Firefly!

But I might as well re-post what happened a while ago, just for those who missed it or get a smile out of it. It happened to my husband, who'hs a 71-year-old Admin Assistant, works in the same office room as the Accountant, who has the unpleasant habit of bringing his pre-teen son to work (they play video games loudly on his computer).

One day I'm on the phone to Jim and said something, I forget what, about Firefly. Jim responded (at 71 he was INSTANTLY in love with Firefly...would watch only one epi a weekend to make it last longer, and has re-watched all of 'em). He told me that after he hung up, the accountaint's son turned to him with a big grin and said "Browncoat?" Jim responded not really, his wife is, but a big fan. Kid replies "yeaaah, wow, great show!" This kid isn't yet 12--wonder where he saw it???

We're not only everywhere, we cover all age ranges, apparently! Shiny!


Thursday, December 3, 2009 3:39 PM


If you find yourself on southern Oregon and see that same license plate frame on a Rav 4 it'll be me :)

Had someone with a custom plate "FIRFLY" come up beside me on I-5 a few months back honking and waving. Even in a small state like Oregon there's tons of Browncoats.


Thursday, December 3, 2009 6:53 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.

This is a kinda similar story--About 2weeks after D*C I was in line behind a family of 4 at the grocery store. The mother was humming something familiar, but I couldn't immdiately place it. After a few seconds I realized she was humming "Where Do We Go From Here" from Buffy "Once More With Feeling". I smiled and waited till she got to the part where Giles says "TELL ME!" then sang it a little too loud. They started laughing and we got into a conversation about all things Whedon including Firefly. Turns out they too were at D*C and we had gone to several of the same events. We exchanged email and talk every once in a while and are planning to meet up next year.


Friday, December 4, 2009 12:58 AM


I was in my math class a couple of months ago, and me and my friend (a fellow browncoat of course) were chatting, and I threw into the conversation wash's "leaf on the wind" quote.

My teacher pauses, turns around and says "gorram shiny."

I was completely stunned, it had never even entered my head that he would watch firefly!

it was just so brilliant-- we refer to each other as 'fellow browncoats' now :D


Friday, December 4, 2009 8:05 AM


My school is full of Browncoats.

"Mom, he has her chip. He has her."
John Connor,"Born To Run", TSCC EP 2x22


Friday, December 4, 2009 3:55 PM


Last year, I was working a temp job in the warehouse at a coffee roasting company. One day I wore my CSTS shirt (08 logo) As I sat with a few of my co-workers, One (Brian) says, "Is that Serenity as in Firefly?"

Well boy howdy, I said yes and then Amanda who was also at the table chimed in with "I love that show!"

Hence, two more Browncoats.

At my current job, we got talking about TV shows and Doug mentioned he liked Chuck. Adam's Character in particular. I said, it's pretty close to another he played and his reply was Jayne wasn't that smart...

Yet another Browncoat.

My Boss had seen serenity so I loaned her my Firefly DVD's... Been a month and I ain't seen em' back yet.

I take that as a good sign.



Friday, December 4, 2009 5:04 PM


Briglad, man you need to try to get your Firefly back, i mean a MONTH!!! Dude when does the withdrawl come on. My dvd player started to act up, would not work for days, and i had major Fly withdrawl. Man how do you do it?

"Mom, he has her chip. He has her."
John Connor,"Born To Run", TSCC EP 2x22






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