Browncoat Bar & Grill - Back in the Black

UPDATED: Thursday, January 21, 2010 15:46
VIEWED: 20300
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Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:12 PM



Originally posted by Navyseils

I've heard about your much loved Slytherin blanket many times, but never saw it till now. I'm not even a fan of the potter series and I have to admit that is pretty cool, you has talented friends.

And of course we need pics of the scarf... pics or it never happened.

First your non fandom hurts my heart :o(

This is my first knitting project EVER, so it’s not that pretty to look at. Pictures may not be worth it.

And yeah in about 5 years you’ll get that hat. Once I can master hat making you will be the first to get one though!


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Coveting blankets and posting good stuff

Noooooo mine!

Those were awesome. It was like flapper meets belly dancing meets a New Orleans jazzy feel. I liked the music from the first one.

Also I did a happy dance about the possible on line store. But you know, a cool, calm and cynical happy dance.... I have a reputation to keep >_>


Sunday, January 17, 2010 6:08 PM



Originally posted by averyfinecompanion:
This is my first knitting project EVER, so it’s not that pretty to look at. Pictures may not be worth it.

Common misconception.
Pictures are always worth it.
Do not challenge us on this point.

Noooooo mine!
((covet!!)) [/plot]

I liked the music from the first one.
Me, too!
It's "Spider Cider" by Man Man.
I actually purchased the album. O.O!!!

Also I did a happy dance about the possible on line store. But you know, a cool, calm and cynical happy dance.... I have a reputation to keep >_>
Oh, no no. I totally understand.
I imagine it was more of a slight shrug and minimal nod of the head, in a casual, far too cool for words sort of way. Kinda like the cool the beat poets would exhibit. Snapping instead of applause. ((nods coolly))


Sunday, January 17, 2010 10:07 PM


Uninterrupted Internets+Sleeping wife and kid+2 twelve ounce bottles of Blue Moon= Aaaahhhhhhh...

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn
Smarts are the brains that make America think.
-Will Sasso as Steven Segal, MadTV


Monday, January 18, 2010 8:01 AM


Shh... take the time while you can to internetz..

re: bellydancing.

I have finally stopped cackling with glee. They are wonderful.

Not exactly tribal, they've come up with their own fusion I think. The costumes take some inspiration from cabaret, and the rest is pure win.
You have got to respect a woman who can do body rolls in knee high boots and stripey over the knee socks with a straight face!

I used to move a little like that. I am definitely out of practice. It's amazing how the human body can move if you let it. Dancing is almost a hard-wired thingy or at least a very persistent meme.

HK: if you were here I'd know exactly where to send you to hook you up with a group to join. It's a good way to warm up in colder climes, so don't let that deter you. Bellydancing could save your life in a power outage/blizzard. You look a little silly shimmying and doing hip-drops in a parka, but it generates a lot of heat.


Monday, January 18, 2010 8:21 AM


I used to have a belly dance exercise tape but, it was a vhs tape. I got a new tv and it had a dvd player built into it so I had no use for them.

There's actually a lot of online videos that teach you. It's pretty awesome.


Monday, January 18, 2010 11:27 AM


@avery: Woot for first hat! and also, what the kitten says, pics are always worth it. Cause even if it's terrible... we can laugh! <_< ummm I mean, even if it's terrible, we're still proud, like parents might be, cause it's our wee avery's first scarf. Yeah.

@HK: Thankyee for the song details, tis rather awesome. I'm gonna have to go try and find 'spider cider' now... And perhaps play it for a friend. She's from the highland islands somewhere, so with her accent the words spider and cider are both particularly fantastic to hear. One day she had cause to say "there's a spider in my cider" and we almost died with laughter and it became a running joke.

@NVG: Sounds like some good times to me. Uninterupted internets especially. I hate my internets just now.

@everyone: Stephen Segal's Lawman show is great, have any of you peoples watched it yet? Maybe it's just me.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 9:04 AM


Ok totally love the show Navy and I think there should be a drinking game ( drink every time he mentions his" extensive martial arts training")
Also, I now have a new mission to get you to love Harry Potter( so you aren't souless and all)

LOL at NV's post... I snuggled up with the baby and we were both lights out.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 11:04 AM


Evening all,

taking a quick break from OU work, been reading a little but v busy over the last few days.

I would have weighed in on HK's banner dilema but she picked my favourite before I could get there (at least last time I looked). I'm just waiting to see what she puts up there, I've been needing something to wear round my neck since I broke my last chain.

Current obsessions, Amanda Palmer's album Who Killed Amanda Palmer and Alice Munro's collection of short stories, Runaway. Reading lots of them at the mo as looking to enter a short story comp and for once have nearly a final draft, just need to tidy up a couple of bits.

Haven't seen tv show, only just finding time for second series of Being Human, which has been awesome.

Must get on, catch you in a bit.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 1:28 PM



Originally posted by Navyseils:
[B]@HK: Thankyee for the song details, tis rather awesome. I'm gonna have to go try and find 'spider cider' now...

Can buy the MP3 on Amazon... otherwise, I could try emailing it to you... er... if you can accept a 7MB file... o.O

She's from the highland islands somewhere, so with her accent the words spider and cider are both particularly fantastic to hear. One day she had cause to say "there's a spider in my cider" and we almost died with laughter and it became a running joke.
You realize, saying this to an American is all sorts of funny, since *you're* the one with an accent... XD

Oh, also, I'd like to weigh in on this, too, Navy:

Originally posted by MsA:
I now have a new mission to get you to love Harry Potter( so you aren't souless and all)

((whispers))...: DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!!!
While the books are somewhat interesting, it's really the "secondary" characters that make it so. Harry himself is an arrogant, presumptuous, ignorant if not plain stupid, self-centered, undeserving, whiney, EMO bint. [/whisper]

You know.
In my opinion. ^__^

But aside from that... Slytherin is where it's at, yo. ((throws up a gang sign))


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 4:51 PM


"Yoyoyoyo! Down with A-Town, shorty!"

(Or something like that... I'm a lot square and a little out of practice..)


(Pretends nobody saw that and goes about the business of dusting a spotless pub.)


Tuesday, January 19, 2010 5:18 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

*Totally pwning that Potter kid*

I'm really glad someone else didn't like a "good" character. While I have no qualms with Harry, its Hagrid that pisses me off. He's a bumbling fool man-child who is always getting everyone around him nearly killed!

I was sort of hoping he'd get hit in the crossfire at um.. certain parts (I shall say no more)


But aside from that... Slytherin is where it's at, yo. ((throws up a gang sign))

Hells yeah! *shows "sly 4 lyfe" gang tats on knuckles*


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:37 AM


Shouldn't that be "sly4 deth"?


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:45 AM


Ok I didn't mean he should love Harry the character... I meant the books! Harry's not my favorite character either. For sheer enjoyment I'd have to say Fred and George( though occassionally Colin Creevy crakcs me up), but for depth of character and interest SNAPE!!!!!! it might be because Alan Rickman played him in the movies and there's some spill over, but honestly kinda have a crush on Snape.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:24 AM


I love him too!! I always knew about "that past thing". I didn't know the depth of it obviously, but even before that chapter came up. I knew there was something there. You know what I'm talking about...I really like Lucious too.

As for the good people, I love Hermoine and the twins. They're great. The movie twins crack me up.

Oh! I dressed up as Bellatrix for Halloween once. It was fun times, I was thinking of doing it for D*C. But maybe not, the hair took forever.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 11:28 AM



should be working but no energy.

Play guitar hero and go to bed is the plan.

Cool dancing HK, good distraction yesterday and I have no idea how they move like that, cool tattoo too.

Agree mostly with comments on HP although I tend to light side things sadly however, and hiding for those who might not want to know

Select to view spoiler:

I have a tendency to prefer heros to die and how much more effective would the ending be if Harry dies to kill the Horcrux and Neville kills Voldemort as well as Nagini (apologise for spellings. Mind you, I think this a lot, I loved Lord of the Rings, pretty much read it every year and still think it would be so much better if Frodo goes into the volcano with the ring and gollum. Not a lot of happy endings in my writing!

*magics up drinks for everyone*

*passes out in the corner*


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:01 PM


@HK: thanks for the offer, but I don't think I would be able to accept a file that large via email. I'm sure I'll be able to find it elsewhere though.

@all the potter peoples: I still don't really fancy reading it, I don't know what it is. It just doesn't grab my interest. And the movies put me off too. Though I'm almost certain that in the event I did read the books that a Slytherin fan I would be. From the little I've saw of the HP stuffs, they're definitely more interesting than harry and chums.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 1:39 PM



Originally posted by averyfinecompanion:
As for the good people, I love Hermione and the twins. They're great. The movie twins crack me up.

Heh, Avery, I could rant on about Harry and the stupid shit he did, far worse than Hagrid, but don't mean to devolve this Bar & Grill into the Potter B&G...

But...! So... Avery, based on this:

Originally posted by Navyseils:
Though I'm almost certain that in the event I did read the books that a Slytherin fan I would be. From the little I've saw of the HP stuffs, they're definitely more interesting than harry and chums.

Think we could make him some sort of honorary Slytherin or somethin'?

Navy, I didn't really care for the books, either, and I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. They were very predictable to me. Hell, I could have written the last few and been spot on... with a few obvious (better) differences. XD

As for the movies, I first saw them on TV (when there was nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon) before the 4th movie came out in the theatres. The *only* reason I liked them and continued watching was because of Alan Rickman. His portrayal of the character was, to me, fantastic. Also? He's hot. I think there are a few other cute things about the movies, but all in all, they're very rushed, they leave out a tremendous amount of important details, and they're ever so slightly condescending.... But maybe that's just me. [/perpetuation]

But you're right: we Slytherins are way more interesting. XD


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 4:58 PM


MSA said: eeeek retract that

Not knowing I was logged in. She was commenting on the hotness of Snape or some creepy such.

The country is making a big mistake not teaching kids to cook and raise a garden and build fires.
-Loretta Lynn
Smarts are the brains that make America think.
-Will Sasso as Steven Segal, MadTV


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:13 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
MSA said: eeeek retract that

Not knowing I was logged in. She was commenting on the hotness of Snape or some creepy such.


That is FANTASTIC! Is it sad I didn't even realize it wasn't under her sn??

That made my night.


@HK: I think that is doable. I don't know if he is sinister enough. We may have to give him a few lessons...

@Navy: Just don't wind up in Hufflepuff and you'll be alright.


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:22 PM



"...but I was a Hufflepuff according to a quiz..I was also a Gryffindor according to the same quiz... where's a sorting hat when you need one?"

Why does that house name always remind me of "Puffinstuff"? Ah the days of yore with some really whacked-out TV to warp a young and impressionable mind....


Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:27 PM


Heh. One of my closest friends is Hufflepuff and I always tease him for it. But he's happy to be in it.

He is also pro-werewolf whereas I am on the vampire side.

They should put us in a sitcom and make us roommates.


Thursday, January 21, 2010 1:30 AM


They've done that one. One guy was a neat freak, the other one was a slob, wacky hijinks ensued and they always ended up best friends again by the end of the ep....


Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:40 AM


pfft, not sinister enough... I can be sinister... >_> but yeah... I suppose I could be honorary Slytherin.

As for the sitcom thing... by coincidence, I watched the first few episodes of season two of Being Human. Which happens to be about a vampire, werewolf and ghost who share a flat. Hilarity and drama ensues.


Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:08 AM


LOl Avery... I kinda figured everyone would know it was me.. I mean like NV would ever say eeek

Navy- I shall post pics of Johnny when I get home. I got a few pics of him happily watching Steven Segal Lawman ( which, strangely, he loves) Any time it's on you can't change the channel because Johnny wants to watch it.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Thursday, January 21, 2010 3:46 PM


Is it Saturday yet????

Got sent to work with a power line crew all week. Problem is, the job site is 70 miles away and I have to be there at 7 AM!!!!

A week of getting up at 4 am (and two days last week too) and I'm toast.

Up at 4 am, out the door before 5, pick up my partner by 5:30, head north and get on site by 6:30 or so. Set up the sign packages and then sit in the truck until the power line crew arrives. Stand in the road for an hour. Pick the signs back up, move them another mile down the road. Set back up and repeat for 10 hours. Drive almost two hours home, get up and do it again the next day.

I'm beat.

Tomorrow (Friday) will be a "normal" day working with the "usual" phone crews close to home. Looks like I may be back up north next week though...








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