
UPDATED: Friday, July 23, 2004 11:18
VIEWED: 10672
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004 7:31 PM


This thread - - about a Firefly MUSH in the making has me wondering..

How many of the Browncoats out there are also RP'ers? I was surprised to see so many responses go up so fast, and I always love to 'meet' people with similiar passtimes.

Do you play RPG? If so, what sort? How long? What genre? Heck, if you want to, list the games and characters. Maybe we'll run into old buddies masquerading under different names. ;) What draws you to it? Do you prefer one form to another?

For my part, I'm a online RPG'er who's done MOO, MUCK, and MUSH. I've been playing Anne McCaffrey's Pern (on Harper's Tale) for nearly 5 1/2 years, and my other primary game is a movie-verse X-man game - X-Men MUCK.

I look forward to the promise of a Firefly MUSH!


Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:31 PM


I've been roleplaying for a while now (not sure how long) in the D&D universe, as well as running my own firefly roleplay which I created the ruleset for (link at the bottom of my post)

In the D&D one I play a half-elven cleric (just prestiged into War-Priest) called Erun. I'm in a group of four, Taine a half-elven druidic ranger, Eruthar a human who's class I don't know, and Garukah a half-orc barbarian. We've saved the world... A little. Also, I'm told by the DM I'm the hero of the story which is nice!

The firefly roleplay is interesting, we're just coming up on the season finale. I have a very disreputable crew on a firefly called the Daisy. Crew details can be found at
Since I posted that Crystal and Morgan died, and have been replaced with Thomas Webb a preacher, and Anita LeStrange a gunslinger.

check out my WIP firefly roleplay system at


Wednesday, June 30, 2004 9:05 PM


Firefly clearly has a strong pull with gamers, specifically roleplayers. I think it was quite inciteful that they created a Role-Playing forum at the Universal site.

I hang out at sometimes, and there the response to Firefly there has been phenomenal.


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Wednesday, June 30, 2004 10:39 PM


We have a group here on FFFn that has been playing the original crew since January 1st.

It was actually started by ZachsMind, who played Wash. Myself was 'steerign' Simon and just a 'coupla months ago I was given Mal and the direKtorship. It has been VERY fun and rewarding, I can tell you.

It is a 'freeform' RP that mutated into a slightly structured and directed RP. It has been very fun and instructive on a 'posting type' RP. To the casual reader it can be a tad confusing, but it has been EMMENSLY fun and gratifying to play.

Note to the curious: I have archived all the ACT threads and the OOC threads {Out Of Character commentary}

If your are interested in taking a peek at our ongoing experiment - here are some links:


ACT 17:


Tools and tricks for the hip RPer.

Storyline work and a place for the acKtors to hang out.
OOC 16

Includes episode synopses and links to all the threads for prior acts

Guest DireKtor - DragonflyDireKtor { AIM, MSN }
Guest Asst. DireKtor - MercedesTroy { AIM}
GameMaster - Geezer { }
Co-Director - FrauDirektor {, MSN, AIM: MissAstriana, Yahoo!: MissAstriana, ICQ: 9592266}
Co-Director - Channain {; AIM}
Minion - DirektorsSmeagol { } , MSN, AIM)

If any of ya get to read the current stuff and become interested in seeing it from the beginning, shoot me a request email. Caveat: each .mht file (web page archive file, I think it is called) is just a tad over 1M each ... and there are 18 Acts+ Teaser and 18 OOC threads! So dialup users BEWARE! **evil direKtor grin**

"Remember, there is only ONE absolute - There ARE NO absolutes!!!"


Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I still do some roleplaying, though not nearly as much as I once did say in college. I pretty much just play the Firefly RPG that a friend of mine whipped up. Fairly simple to play, and a lot of fun.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, July 1, 2004 7:55 AM


I've played tabletop for... well, more than 2/3 of my life now (about 18 years in total), mainly D&D, some Marvel, GURPs, Cyberpunk, and other games. Currently playing in a Dragonstar campaign (D&D in space) where I'm playing a Wizard/Mechanist named Griffin who names all his guns after girls (haven't used Vera... yet), and running a GURPs world-travelling campaign where the PCs are humans from modern day Earth, currently suddenly thrust into a fantasy world.

Online, way back when in Toronto I used to run a local RPG Bulletin Board System. When that folded, I had already switched to MUSHes, mainly superheros. Children of the Atom mostly, really, and then X-Men: End Times, with dabblings on other games.

Currently I am MUSH-less though, so hoping the Firefly one comes through.

Star Pilot Grainger
"Remember, the enemy's gate is down."


Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:21 AM


i've played in a few tabletops but actually my first game was a LARP. i haven't done the on-line gaming thing.
Anyone here play/has played Fading Suns? i'm in a game now and the feel of it reminds me of Firefly (there are aliens however).

i still LARP and tabletop... but it's getting harder to stay up late


Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:39 AM


Firefly has a strong appeal to RPers due to the fact that:

1. We have 9 different characters on the show.
2. Character development on Firefly is phenomenal.

With those two things, you have yourself an instant RP Universe.

Translate using StarWars and/or D&D D20 (gag).

Mal - Soldier/Scoundrel/Officer
Zoe - Soldier
Jayne - Soldier/Merc
Wash - Pilot
Book - Cleric/Officer
Simon - Doctor (think pre-d20 SW RPG)
River - Force Adept/Psion
Kaylee - Scoundrel/Mechanic
Inara - Noble

That is if you wanted to use Character Classes (gag).

Probably the best system to merge Firefly system in is Fading Suns (non D20):


Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:41 AM


I've been an RPG'er since 1982 with every genre from Fantasy to Superhero to Sci-fi. I've both played in and mastered for groups although my participation over the last few years has dropped considerably due to the difficulty in getting a group together on a regular basis. Those of us who play anything nowadays typically do it online.

Funny thing, the last tabletop game I 'mastered was in 1999-2000 where the players were the crew of a wandering freighter picking up jobs and money as they went along. (Who knew?)

Never done Moo, Muck or Mush so I'm pretty interested to see how they work out.


Thursday, July 1, 2004 8:58 AM


have been a rpg`er for 20 odd years mostly rolemaster(middle-earth) or spacemaster. both are
very old and of of print systems made by I.C.E

I am currently writing a full rpg system based on the Firefly verse. currently about half finished.
but it`s playable and hopefully will get it published ( with the permission of Joss etc)

have converted all of the main characters using the system


Thursday, July 1, 2004 9:56 AM


Yeah, I've played since, well, college. so about 15 years. Started with mostly AD&D 2nd ed. occassionally mixed in some Paranoia, Champions, Call of Cthulu. Played some Legend of the Five Rings(since some friends wrote it.) Helped playtest SpyCraft. But I'm pretty commited at this point to great game of Rifts, which I hear they also have plans to make into a movie. It's a great system that allows you to play just about anything you can imagine in a post-apocyliptic Earth.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live


Thursday, July 1, 2004 10:55 AM


*Feels really little* I'm 12, I've never gotten the chance to play any tabletop games. It depresses me...but I've played online games, mostly a really freaky one called Furcadia. I wander around play-by-post message board RPGs when I can.

Yeah. *Nod*

"'s kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Thursday, July 1, 2004 1:45 PM



Originally posted by ChozSun:
Firefly has a strong appeal to RPers due to the fact that:

1. We have 9 different characters on the show.
2. Character development on Firefly is phenomenal.

With those two things, you have yourself an instant RP Universe.

You know, that's a really good point. I wonder if most of the role-players FF attracts are those who are used to character-intensive games rather than point-intensive games. I know I, myself, am a fanatic for a well-done character, and I get quite attached to mine (point in fact: I'm still playing the very first character I ever created, over 5 years ago). I also know that of the M* friends I've gotten hooked on Firefly, those who seem to me to be the best at character development also seem to be those who find themselves hooked the fastest.

I'd also like to submit that Firefly is a spectacular and unique /universe/. It offers something that's never been done before in quite the same way. It's close enough to home that it's easy to get the general idea, but it's far enough away to bring up some really interesting points and possibilities. And just as importantly, even in the few episodes we have, Joss and Co laid out a vague 'route' - a description of how they got from here to there. Which means that for role-playing purposes, you can hypothecize a lot of stuff logically.

I think that, done right, Firefly could be very successful as a MUSH - I see some things that are problematic in 'community building' (which I think is key), but the main points of an interesting, decently defined world and a show that pushed recurring characters, plot, arcs, and character development are definite plusses in its book.


Thursday, July 1, 2004 1:55 PM


a friend of mine runs a Firefly RPG that i don't get to play as often as i'd like. when i can, i play a Companion who's 'working' career has been cut short by an unfortunate incident that left her with a nasty scar and a whole moon being blacklisted. she travels as a passenger with my friend crew as she searches for new girls for her house on Ariel.


Friday, July 2, 2004 5:45 AM


I'll put in a mention of Nightfire: Neverwinter Nights Firefly.

It's not a MUSH format right now, but we have created an NWN-based online method of roleplaying Firefly. Several games have been run, all refereed, and they worked great.

It's Traveller rules, but T20 (d20 rules for traveller). Traveller really captures the feel of Firefly, I think. All converted over to NWN, all working great! So if you want to make a MUSH using the NWN engine, you can certainly do so, and the Nightfire system is designed to be a base for that sort of thing.

- Forrestwolf
Nightfire: Neverwinter Nights Firefly


Friday, July 2, 2004 7:46 AM


I used to tabletop Star Wars back in high school. Kinda grew out of it 'cause I got tired of only ever being able to find four people who cared enough to play.

Broke my teeth on West End's D6 system though --D20 just doesn't appeal to me. Too many rules/classes trying to define what you can and can't do. Plus the whole "one rule for Heroes and one rule for NPCs" just seems kinda elitist to me.

Also, RPing out gunfights (roll for accuracy, roll for dodge, roll for damage, roll for strength) kinda sucked all the fun out of it.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, July 2, 2004 8:31 AM


Ah, Star Wars. I really liked that ruleset, though I never played it. As for D20, I'm using it because NWN is already D20. Mind you, I'm not using D20 Modern - I found that very general...too general to have any feel to it. Thus Traveller T20 - compatible with NWN's game engine, but the feel of D6 Traveller.

I agree - I don't really like the D20 trend in RPG's. I enjoy the vagaries and provencial nature of various roleplaying systems (I read through these things for fun!). But I had to do D20 for NWN.

Besides, when it really comes down to it, system isn't the big deal - a DM can overcome that.


Saturday, July 3, 2004 5:22 AM


Have been gaming for longer than I care to remember. Started on D&D and have been hooked ever since. Right now play EverQuest online and play and run Firefly using the Cyberpunk 2020 system slightly modified. I prefer it to D20 because it doesnt seem to breed epic characters. Players can make really powerful characters, but by doing that they automaticly have big weaknesses.

Very soon I will be opening a gaming store in Dallas Tx. Hopefully people will come in to play and buy stuff.

I am not worried about the bullet with my name on it. Just the thousands marked "Occupant".


Saturday, July 3, 2004 7:38 AM


Yep, D&Der here (tabletop) -- actually I was just sitting here thinking about fun ways to take my character tonight. I'm currently part of a campaign that's been going on for over a year -- I only got to join in April -- so everyone else's characters are well-established. We just got a website up for the campaign, complete with maps, some character drawings, character blogs, the whole 9 yards.
I haven't had the chance to play all that often, but I've hung around D&Ders for about 15 years.
There are two other people in our group that are also Browncoats, and, just for the record, we are all girls.

"Well personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon."


Saturday, July 3, 2004 3:20 PM


Been RPG'ing since the powder-blue wizard-and-fighter-facing dragon D&D days. Since I don't have a group locally that I know, I've been running NWN (D&D NWN, not Firefly :) each week for over a year now, and it's been a lot like tabletop RPG'ing. Great stuff.

LARP'ing is something I like, too - played in one LARP for years, but just don't have the time much now (2 kids makes that tough).

As for women in gaming (you're sorta bringing it up, as an aside), it IS hard to find a balance in most groups. I've been lucky enough to have a wife who games (sometimes), and I've found myself in groups with as many as half women. But RPG'ing has had its roots in a male-dominated club for a long time, so things have changed slowly. I think we're getting there - a lot of women RPGing these days - and some argue that online RPG's have been instrumental in getting women involved.

- Forrestwolf
Nightfire: Neverwinter Nights Firefly


Sunday, July 4, 2004 10:46 AM



Originally posted by Forrestwolf:
As for women in gaming (you're sorta bringing it up, as an aside), it IS hard to find a balance in most groups. I've been lucky enough to have a wife who games (sometimes), and I've found myself in groups with as many as half women. But RPG'ing has had its roots in a male-dominated club for a long time, so things have changed slowly. I think we're getting there - a lot of women RPGing these days - and some argue that online RPG's have been instrumental in getting women involved.

There are four chicks and three guys in our group. It still gets a little manly sometimes, even though me and the DM's wife (who is my best friend) have played with him as DM and another campaign member before. The first campaign we all played together --probably 10 years ago-- me n her found it hard to even get the freakin' DM's attention,so we would start sidebrawls between ourselves just to prove the point that he wasn't listening to what we did.
He's gotten much better, and we're having a blast. although we will do things referred to as "girl D&D" by the guys, as in asking "Is he hot?" everytime an NPC is introduced. We have a ship, and one of the crew members looks awfully like Jayne, in our heads. Wait. Now one of them looks like Mal.
And no, we don't all play frilly elven mages. :)

that last bit sounded a little defensive, didn't it? heh

"Well personally, I kinda want to slay the dragon."


Sunday, July 4, 2004 2:50 PM


I'm a gamer :) My mom bought me the old Basic D&D set with "The Keep on the Borderlands" module back when I was 8 years old. Granted it took me a few years before I really got to do much beyond rolling up characters and trying to convince my father and little brother that playing two dwarven brothers named "Pete and Repete" was not REALLY roleplaying.

Now I'm all grown up with a Rabid Gamer for a husband, and the sweet accomplishment of having one of the developers of Rolemaster tell me that my Vampire game was his favorite game he ever played in. *blush* I never thought I was a very good GM.

My hubby made a version of Firefly out of the D20 Star Wars rules that he called "Frontier Space". It worked pretty good, we had fun, but we really only got to play it once.

I play in a Yahoo Firefly RPG, as Inara. It's pretty fun, I wasn't sure I could handle Inara, but I'm having a blast. I'd like to play in a Firefly 'Verse game, playing just my own character, but I haven't found the right game.



Sunday, July 4, 2004 4:05 PM



RPG'ing has had its roots in a male-dominated club for a long time, so things have changed slowly. I think we're getting there - a lot of women RPGing these days - and some argue that online RPG's have been instrumental in getting women involved.

- Forrestwolf

That's interesting. The game I grew up on (online, Pern-based) is /definitely/ female-heavy. As a matter of fact, I can only think of.. maybe 3 players who are male RL. Maybe part of the shift has to do with the wider variety of themes available, or the shift in 'types' of RP?

Granted, I've never played tabletop, so I may be speaking nonsense. ;)


Sunday, July 4, 2004 4:55 PM


I wonder what the statistics look like for women on the Internet in general. Perhaps there's something about lots of women going online, and thereby intersecting with the RPG world?

I don't know what the numbers are - just a thought.


Sunday, July 4, 2004 5:16 PM


D6 is the way to go. I know there are a lot of d20 players around, but can't stand the D20 version of Star Wars- you can take my six-siders from my cold dead hands.

OTOH, i had considered using Call of Cthulhu for my Firefly game (AKA MFG, Firefly: Epiphany or The Firefly Fomerly Known As Epiphany 8-), but one player was violently opposed to CoC, which was too bad. I used a set of homebrew rules (Independents Rule!) which were heavily influenced by Star Wars and I'll be switching over to D6 Space if they ever get it out to my local hobby/gaming shop.



Sunday, July 4, 2004 7:41 PM


Actually, I agree. I LIKE the D20 Star Wars system, but I'd RATHER play the d6 version. I have just about every book they put out for the d6, and I just love it.

The D20 system has it's good points. I am DYING to play the Farscape game, but unfortunately, I don't have a group for it.



Monday, July 5, 2004 6:13 AM


I've been playing RPGs on the computer for years. Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 with expansions, Icewind Dale 1 and 2 with expanions, PLanescape: Torment, Arcanum, Uru, Knights of the Old Republic, Arx Fatalis, Soulbringer, Neverwinter Nights with Expansions, Return to Krondor, and Fallout 1 and 2 (finishing 2 right now). I also played through Fallout: Tactics but it really wasnt an RPG. Those are the ones I can just pull of the top of my head and I've finished all of them. NO table-top games though I wouldnt mind it and I did a Star Wars LARP at a convention once but they lost my acount and I'm not going to pay for it again no matter how fun it was. I dont really do online RPGs either except for Uru but that got canceled before I had to pay.


"Dont ask me silly questions.
I wont play silly games."
"Somebody tries to kill you you go ahead and try to kill them right on back!"
"I'm gonna kill you with my tea-cup."


Monday, July 19, 2004 11:30 AM


Anyone who wants to discuss or possibly play some Firefly feel free to stop by my new store in Dallas. We are just opening and my plan is to play an episode of Firefly every night. The name of the store will be familure. :)

I am not worried about the bullet with my name on it. Just the thousands marked "Occupant".


Monday, July 19, 2004 7:08 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Well first, let me point out this is my first stop on the threads here. I signed up yesterday, and have been awestruck by the size and depth of this site and the number of fans. (boy, was Fox a bunch of idiots to cancel Firefly!)

Now then, as for RP and experience...well began at age 5 playing D&D (oh, about 28 years ago). I currently play White Wolf's Vampire LARP and I am running a Deadlands game.

I have been thinking that Deadlands: Lost Colony (which is Pinnacle's "Weird West" gone to the "final frontier") would be a good system for a Firefly RPG, especially with Reavers being an antagonist.

Other than that, I am a gamer through and through. RPGs, LARPs, card games, board games, video name it. My favorite RPGs of all time are, in order, Deadlands, Paranoia, Star Wars (D6 system only!), and Cartoon Action Hour by Z-man Games.

I've had some thoughts on writing an original RPG system for Firefly...but until now I hadn't thought there'd be enough interest for one. Guess I should grab a pen and start writing... :)

Keep flying!


Monday, July 19, 2004 8:19 PM


I've played D&D 2nd ed, 3rd didn't impress me, but perhaps I'm just and old D&D guy who doesn't like change Also played a bit of Shadowrun which, IMHO, is quite good. Got a few sessions of Cyberpunk under my belt and one day look forward to some Calling of Cthulhu.

"Canada being mad at you is like Mr. Rogers throwing a brick through your window." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 5:23 PM


I have RP'ed for years. Everything from table tope star wars, rifts, shadow run and the whole line of white wolve games. I mainly larp now and then but there is nothing in York Pa. I have recently finished a LARP system for firefly and have it all written. Now if only I could figure out how to put it on the Web. I am a complete putz when it comes to Technology and the internet. Anyway if any one is in the York Pa, or Baltimore Md. area and would be interested in gametesting the LARP let me know. ( already got plenty of costumes.)

God created Mudder's Milk so the Independence wouldn't take over the 'verse.


Thursday, July 22, 2004 2:06 AM


I am just getting a D20 Modern Firefly campaign off the ground. I've got 7 players (!), all male, who've put together a pretty interesting set of characters. Two of them INDEPENDENTLY made characters who escaped from Alliance lockdown two years ago... Perfect.

I understand objections to the D20 system, and I'm not a fan of class-based systems. However, I like D20 Modern for exactly the reason someone mentioned above for not liking it: It's general. It doesn't need to have flavor, because Firefly's the flavor, and it's so general that you can do what you want. You can "build" any of the characters on Firefly using classes and professions in D20 Modern. I'll figure 'em out and post 'em if you don't believe me, don't think I won't!

I've had to modify some of the skills and feats to fit the world... if people are interested I'll post the final list of changes.

Of course, it remains to be seen how this actually goes.

As an aside, I'd have to say my favorite roleplaying system is Godlike. It's a WWII super-power roleplaying game with a d10 system, but one that rolls for matches rather than successes... long story short, it determines initiative, to-hit, hit location, and damage from a single roll of 2-10 dice. That makes combat quick and clean. I know some people who are converting all their games to the Godlike system, and I can't say I blame them... if I feel like doing some work, perhaps I'll adapt it for Firefly.

My main problem with this Firefly RPG is figuring out the overall campaign. Not so much coming up with ideas as narrowing it down. I would discuss my dilemma here, but I don't know for sure my folk won't check this...

"You're mean. Firefly's making me reconsider my lifelong devotion to Star Trek." --My mother


Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:02 AM


It's been a long time since I played table-top but that's where I started. Original D&D boxed set, AD&D, Traveller/MegaTraveller in high School, a bit of AD&D in college along with one short-but-fun Champions game.

Online I've mostly played LP-Muds (more hack-n-slash-ish than Moos, or Mushes): original Dartmud and the revivified one, New Moon (was a creator for a couple of years), Discworld, a host of others (but none for long).

In high school I wrote my own rules for a game based on Sheri Tepper's True Game books, but I never got enough people to help me play-test it and get all the kinks worked out.



Thursday, July 22, 2004 6:15 AM


Since this thread has popped up again, I'll respond promptly this time before it dissapears on me again.

I've been a gamer (wargaming, classic Avalon Hill games) since 6th grade, and an RPGer since 9th grade (which was all a long, long time ago).

Started RPGing with D&D (white box set), then a few of our D&D group got into Traveller. About a year into RPGing I stopped playing and started to GM (since all of my friends got tired of my lousy die rolling killing their charaters). Good move on my part, as people seemed to really enjoy the games I ran, and I was now making my friends happy rather than angry.

Eventually I moved on to running Twilight 2000 and MSPE, but that was just a summer thing. Since the end of college I've been more of a wargamer again, moving more into minies as well (alway did a little bit of that going back to high school, but putting it asside when RPGing was what all my friends wanted to do.

Got back into Traveller (CT, MT) a couple of years ago when an old friend gave me all his old stuff that was taking up space in his place. Been working on a CT/MT Firefly campaign setting off and on for a little bit now, and hopefully will have something to share by the end of the summer with anyone who wants to take a look.

Traveller, if you go to Sparta, tell them you have seen us lying here as the Law commands.


Friday, July 23, 2004 11:18 AM


Well, I've been roleplaying myself for well over ten years. Currently I'm in a university with an active roleplaying club, so it's easy to find players & games. I have never really played any online RPGs of any kind and I still don't feel much of an attraction for them. Firefly online RPG might seem like something to try, though. I've also been doing some LARPing recently. Actually I'm scheduled for a scifi LARP in early August which is more like Babylon 5 without aliens.






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