Life Onboard Serenity #44: Who We Were (NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME!!!)

UPDATED: Friday, October 29, 2010 12:45
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Wednesday, January 13, 2010 9:07 AM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic. Don’t worry about being behind and having to catch up. It’s easier to write in character if you only know what your character knows.

Here are the links to the past LoS threads for those who are inerested:

Previously on LoS:
The verse is changing. Unification, once believed to be final, is crumbling in the wake of new knowledge regarding the alliance and their activities on Miranda. The Browncoats, once believed to be defeated, are re-emerging. For those in the know, the verse is on the brink of a second war. The Browncoats are waiting for a hero to rise and lead them and many believe that hero to be Malcolm Reynolds. All Mal wants, however, is to keep flying. The battered surviving crew from the Miranda incident, plus some old and new friends, are just trying to fly, clear of a war that’s desperately trying to suck
them in.

A few years ago, John approaches his gang, mysterious Doc, his brother Knives, and the as of yet unknown Juliet with a job. A big one.

Now, John, who came to Serenity to put his old life behind him, has been reunited with first Doc and later, his estranged brother who has a job for Serenity. Mal has agreed to help Knives out, despite the fact that this means welcoming him along on the ride, and now the ship is preparing to leave Paquin for the cargo drop, despite being in the dark on the details.

Meanwhile, Doc finds herself back on the lamb when her latest alias is revealed. Her problems worsen when she comes face to face with her old lover, Knives.

Ivy is getting worse. She seems to be unsure of where and when she is and the crew is unsure of how to handle this. Pain is even contemplating calling Grayson, the closest thing Ivy has to a father. Mal has asked John to keep an eye on her.



Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:16 PM


OOC: John? The link to this thread in the previous one doesn't work. It might be due to the "[/i" at the end of it.


From last thread:
"I have a friend who deals with women who have been abused sexually," she offered. "I could call her. Maybe she can help us help Ivy.

"Would you like me to do that?"

"Yes. Please? Thank you, Inara. For everythin'." replied Pain as he looked up at the other woman.

Inara gave Pain a smile and a hug before leaving the infirmary to go back to her shuttle and wave her friend. As she did so, Pain got up and went over to the comm on the wall and punched in Grayson's frequency.

There was a slight lag as Pain waited for Grayson's mug to show up on the screen. When the screen told Pain that Grayson wasn't available at the moment, Pain then left him a message.


Message from Pain:
I know what happened to her durin' her time as a slave. Everythin' is fine for now. No need to worry. Just thought you should know that I know what happened to her.


Pain turned the comm off and then went back to Ivy and sat back down next to her. He brushed her hair from her face and placed a kiss on her hand, before he watched her breathe as she slept in a drug induced slumber. He wondered just what was going through her head now and if Tommy knew about it.


Sunday, January 17, 2010 8:27 PM


In Ivy's mind...

The armored area where all of Ivy's pain and secrets and forgotten memories had grown bigger. Plates of armor fell off just as fast or faster that they were being replaced.

Fire raged in one section, pouring out of every crevasse. Sounds of a single gunshot replayed over and over and over reverberated at a painful volume throughout her head.

In between the sounds were wails of anguish and a man's maniacal laughter.

At the base of it all, sat Ivy. She was screaming as the inside of the armored mound was trying to suck her in. It already had one of her arms up to the elbow and she was trying to wrench it free, but all she had to push off of it was the armored plates, which were shifting and unstable.

"NO! NO! I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!" she was screaming. "TOMMY HELP ME!!!"

Ivy's alter ego, Tommy, lay motionless a few feet away. Her hands burnt from trying to put the plates back on. She couldn't help now. Ivy got sucked in further, now up to her shoulder. Desperate sobs filled the air, as the sounds got even louder.

She looked behind her and sensed someone there.

"HELP ME!" she screamed. "PAIN! HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!"

She focused a little more.


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Monday, January 18, 2010 7:54 PM


The chaos of Ivy's mind was not something John was used to. Despite his limited ability, he could see clearly. When she called to him, he was unsure of what to do, but then, he came up with something.

"Ivy," he called, "I'm here, but I'm not just going to let you hide again. This is your chance. I think I can help you get through this, let's learn together, I can help you carry it." He hoped that she would finally let herself deal with her past. He was unsure how the whole mental realm worked, but he was sure that he could guide her through without it driving her mad. Of course, this was literally just a figment of their imaginations.



Monday, January 18, 2010 10:18 PM


John had offered her help, but no to end her torment, but to open it up completely.

"NO! NO! I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER!" she screamed at him. The area she was struggling in, pulled her closer inside. She screamed in terror as she tried to extricate herself. "PAIN! PAIN! PLEASE HELP ME!"

In the infirmary, Ivy started to talk softly and was obviously agitated.

"Pain..." she whispered, nearly unintelligbly. "Help me Pain..."

But inside, she was screaming.


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Wednesday, January 20, 2010 5:51 PM


Grayson came back to his ship and saw the 'missed wave' indicator blinking. He sat down and retrieved it. It was a message from Pain. He was immediately concerned that something had happened to Ivy.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:

Message from Pain:
I know what happened to her durin' her time as a slave. Everythin' is fine for now. No need to worry. Just thought you should know that I know what happened to her.


He sat there dumbfounded. Pain knew what happened. Had she told him? At the same time, he was elated because maybe he could get her a specialized program tailored to help her get better. Immediately, he waved Pain back.

"Pain? It's Grayson. Tell me what you know."

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Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:19 PM


In the Infirmary

Pain had somehow fallen asleep watching Ivy and waiting for a response from Grayson. His head rested near her side while he still held her hand in his. He was still in a period of light sleep when he felt Ivy stir a bit. Pain opened his eyes and lifted his head up just in time to see her lips move to mutter something.

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
In the infirmary, Ivy started to talk softly and was obviously agitated.

"Pain..." she whispered, nearly unintelligibly. "Help me Pain..."

"Baobei?" he asked, nearly jumping to his feet. "Baobei? I'm right here for you. If'n you need help, I'm right here okay? You got to fight this baby. Whatever it is that you're goin' through in your mind, you got to fight it. You need to be strong, not only for me, but for yourself and Tommy. I'm here for you, baobei. I'll be your strength and your rock."

There was a beep coming from the screen telling Pain that he had received a message. He swore under his breath. He really didn't want to leave Ivy's side. Not while she was muttering for his help. He looked for something to gently throw at the screen so he could see what the message was. He looked on the ground and found some medical instruments laying around near his feet. Not letting go of Ivy's hand, Pain bent down and picked up a few of the instruments. The first one he threw at the monitor missed completely. Pain swore and threw another at the monitor. It hit it, but bounced off the 'Play Message' button with no effect. The third time was the charm as Pain chucked the small metal whatchamacallit at the screen and hit the button. Fortunately the message was displayed in text. Pain would've been somewhat embarrassed if he had gotten that message in video.


Originally posted by GraysonCornwell:
"Pain? It's Grayson. Tell me what you know."

Deciding to answer Grayson's message later and hoping the other man would understand, Pain leaned over and whispered into Ivy's ear, "Baby? Be strong for me. I know you can be strong. I want you to fight whatever it is that you're dealin' with inside your head. If'n you need help, you know that there are those here that'd provide it. You have one of them here already. Come on, baobei, stand up and fight. I got your back."


Wednesday, January 27, 2010 9:17 AM


Wolf sat in the Cargo bay legs dangling from the catwalks highest point, an old revolver, red with rust, being fingered lightly in his one organic hand. As the memories came flooding back, so did the anger, the regret, the crushing sense of loss. But that was behind him now, he had tried to make a new start with the resurgent Browncoat faction.
They had tasked him with bringing in Malcolm Reynolds, by any means necessary were the actual instructions, but Wolf had gone down that road before, already betrayed the man once, and he didn't think he could do it a second time.

The *clomp* of boots awoke him from his daydreaming, Jayne was coming to sit next to him.

"Now theres the look of a man with a set of trouble" rumbled the bulky merc, "you ain't thinkin' of doin' anythin' stupid now are ya?"
"What ever gave you that idea?" replied Wolf.
"Well, as I remember it, last time your past came back to haunt us, there was an attempted mutiny that ended with me getting to beat you round the head with you're own arm." He grinned at the memory.

Wolf was taken aback, he had never assumed that the grizzled gun-nut was that astute, he had apparently been mistaken.

"Fair play I suppose, but this isn't a scuffle with augmented pirates, we are on the sword-edge of 'verse politics, my employers really want Mal, and I'm not sure what my options would be if he refused to come peacefully." the british pilot looked worried, " I really don't want to stir up any bad feeling, but at the same time, I have a job to do, a job that I agree with."
"If it were me, I'd just take that fancy ship o' yers an' boot, keep flyin' in what direction takes a fancy in that sick little head of yours," the merc stood up, spat on the floor and turned to leave, "we don't need no-more trouble than we can bring down our own selves."

Then he was gone.

Wolf realized that he had been expecting a heart-to-heart, maybe some advice, from Jayne?
He was clearly letting the ship get to him, but if he could just let Mal see one of the Browncoats military bases, even a smaller one, he might be convinced that they have a chance, it was worth a shot at any rate, for all hat was at stake, anything was worth a shot.

He holstered the inoperable firearm and got to his feet, tried to shake some courage into his head and went off to find the captain.

"of course i've gone mad with power, ya ever tried going mad without power? its no fun, nobody listens to you!" The Simpsons Movie


Thursday, January 28, 2010 2:15 PM


John was a little disappointed, but at the same time, he understood. She just wasn't strong enough. Unsure of how this worked, he reached out for her and grabbed her. Instantly he felt what she was, she was being yanked away with a force unlike any John had faced in reality.

He pulled, hard. He was unsure of how this would go, but the harder he pulled, to less and less avail, the more he felt Ivy being pulled away. He was afraid that soon, whatever was chasing Ivy would suck them both up.

"Ivy, one of these days you have to face this. Why not do it on your own time? Don't make it pull you in, go willingly. I'll come with you. And if not, I think we both may be going in anyway.



Thursday, January 28, 2010 7:16 PM


Ivy screamed again as the sound of a gunshot reverberated over and over in her mind. Her eyes pleaded with John to help her and finally, he grabbed her hand and pulled. It wasn't helping, but he still tried to get her to face what was waiting on the other side of the unstable armor. To where her blocked memories lived. To where she didn't want to revisit.


Originally posted by johnthetheatrefreak:
"Ivy, one of these days you have to face this. Why not do it on your own time? Don't make it pull you in, go willingly. I'll come with you. And if not, I think we both may be going in anyway."

She stopped screaming, knowing her was probably right, but tears of terror still streamed down her face. Then she heard a soothing voice, someone she really wanted right now. Someone who had pledged to stay by her side. Pain.


Originally posted by DrPain:
"Baby? Be strong for me. I know you can be strong. I want you to fight whatever it is that you're dealin' with inside your head. If'n you need help, you know that there are those here that'd provide it. You have one of them here already. Come on, baobei, stand up and fight. I got your back."

Ivy nodded so so slightly and then there was movement behind John. It was Tommy, she had found her way to her feet and came over to John. She had a piece of the armor in her hands and as he barely registered that she was there, she clocked him with the armor, effectively knocking him out.

"She ain't ready to face it yet, nimrod," she said as she looked down at his prone body. "I can't have you forcing her when she ain't ready."

Tommy reached over and grabbed Ivy's hand and effortlessly pulled her out of the danger she was in. Once Ivy was free, the armor clicked back into place and chaos was put at bay again.

"It's OK, Ivy," Tommy said. "Everything will be OK. Now, go back to Pain. He'll protect you."

Outside the infirmary, John collapsed to the floor as Ivy regained consciousness. She swallowed as she opened her eyes.

"Pain?" she asked. "What am I doing here?"

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Monday, February 1, 2010 5:58 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Pain?" she asked. "What am I doing here?"

Pain was elated that Ivy was fully awake, yet disappointed that she didn't know why she was in the infirmary. He chocked her forgetfulness to her meltdown playing merry hob with her memory. He remembered it happened once before when they were leaving the infirmary to her plant room to get Simon something. He wondered how many of these meltdowns she'd be having and if they'd get any worse than the one she just had. Pain certainly hoped they wouldn't, but he was unsure about that. He hoped Inara's friend would be able to shed some more light on what Ivy was going through. He certainly needed all the help he could get.

Pain wasn't sure if he should tell her the complete story or just give her the bare minimum. He certainly didn't want to lie to her. He kissed Ivy's forehead and stroked her hair, before looking into her eyes and saying, "You um.. had another meltdown, baobei. It happened in our room this time while I was away. The doc wound up havin' to sedate you and I had to carry you here when I got back."

He held her hand and gave it a squeeze. He certainly was worried about her and it probably showed.


The captain sat on the bridge staring out into the Black as Serenity traveled closer to its destination. He was contemplating on the events that had happened today, both on and off the ship. His contemplating was interrupted when he heard footsteps echoing off the stairs that led up to the bridge.

Mal turned in his seat and saw Wolf standing in the doorway. The captain eyed the man's demeanor and then asked, "What can I do you for, Wolf? You got the look of man who's somethin' on his mind. Care to get that somethin' off your chest?"


Thursday, February 4, 2010 6:24 PM


Grayson paced back and forth by his Cortex Terminal. Pain had yet to answer his wave.

What happened?

He was almost excited to hear what Pain had to say. It was the first breakthrough they had regarding what happened while Ivy was enslaved. Another part of him was dreading to hear what kind of horrific event had transpired.

It has to help, right?

He sat down at the pilot's seat and was tempted to set an intercept course for Serenity, but Pain had said that he didn't need to be there. Plus Captain Reynolds was a little twitchy whenever he was around.

Why hasn't he waved back? You can't drop a bomb like that and then not wave back.

Unable to wait, Grayson waved Pain again.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010 7:17 PM


Jacey heard the chime indicating an incoming wave. She answered it and was delighted to see the face of Inara Serra greeting her.

"Inara!" she exclaimed. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Too long," Inara agreed.

Jacey took a look at Inara. She looked somber. Inara's eyes were an open book to her soul.

"This isn't a social call, is it?"

Inara shook her head.


Jacey got a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"You?" she asked, bracing for an answer. She hoped to God that Inara hadn't been... hurt.

"Thankfully, no," Inara said. "I have a friend though. She's been through serious trauma. I was wondering if you had time for a visit..."

Inara spent the next few minutes piecing together whatever bits of information she had learned about Ivy. Jacey listened intently, then nodded emphatically.

"I'll be there," she informed Inara. "I'll just need to pack."

"Thank you, Jacey," Inara said. "I'll see you soon."

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Thursday, February 4, 2010 8:01 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You um.. had another meltdown, baobei. It happened in our room this time while I was away. The doc wound up havin' to sedate you and I had to carry you here when I got back."

"I don't remember," Ivy said as she tried to think back to what may have happened. A sound of a gunshot rang out in her head. She shook her head like she was trying to clear the cobwebs. "Was it bad?"

By the way Pain was looking at her, she knew it had to be. She got a pained look on her face.

"What did I do?" she asked. She set her jaw and looked intently at Pain. "I want to know what I did. Exactly what I did. Tell me."

She pushed herself up to a sitting position.

"And let's get out of here. I hate these kinds of places."

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Sunday, February 14, 2010 2:44 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What did I do?" she asked. She set her jaw and looked intently at Pain. "I want to know what I did. Exactly what I did. Tell me."

She pushed herself up to a sitting position.

"And let's get out of here. I hate these kinds of places."

"Alright, baobei. I'll tell you everythin' once we're out." replied Pain as he came to Ivy's side to help her off the exam chair. "I don't think the doc will like you not bein' here when he returns, but if'n you need to get out, then I'll get you out. How about the cargo bay? Is the cargo bay good for you? I can tell you what happened in there."

Pain figured he might as well tell her what exactly happened. Tell her about the clothes of his that she stuffed in their bunk's vent and set on fire, what she did to Jayne, and what she was about to do with him. She did ask him and she'd probably get mad if he lied. He wasn't feeling too comfortable about telling her, but she wanted to know and she had the right to ask. Pain also made a mental note to contact Grayson again and apologize for not getting back sooner.

"The cargo bay is fine. As long as it's not the infirmary it'll be fine." replied Ivy as she let Pain help her to her feet.

She pulled herself close to him and wrapped her arms around his stomach, resting her head on his chest. His heartbeat was soothing and she welcomed the warmth from his body, as well as his arm around her waist. As they made their way out of the infirmary they stopped as they saw John laying face down on the floor of the common area just outside of the infirmary.

"Oh God! Is he okay?" asked Ivy as she saw John on the ground, clinging tighter to Pain now than she was before.

"I don't know." replied Pain as he looked at the fallen man named John. "But I'll check it out. Just stay calm and don't you worry none, baobei."

Pain lead Ivy to the couch outside and sat her down as he knelt next to John and checked to see what happened. He was breathing which was good. Pain turned John over and looked at his complexion. His complexion was slightly clammy, but otherwise good. Pain didn't know how long John had been laying there on the floor, but he sure as Hades didn't hear the man fall.

"John? You alright?" Pain asked, snapping his fingers in front of the man's face. When that didn't get the man's attention, Pain slapped John a few times and asked again, "John? Johnny Boy? You there? The floor ain't such a good place to be takin' a nap unless you like havin' your face look like a waffle."


Mal talked to Wolf on the bridge while Pain waited for a response from John. A confused and worried Ivy sat nearby on the couch, wondering what she did to end up in the infirmary and if John was okay. Somewhere in the 'Verse a lawman was waiting anxiously for Pain to contact him.


Monday, March 1, 2010 11:41 AM


Almost if on cue, Simon emerged from the passenger dorms as Inara arrived from the catwalk.

"What happened?" Simon asked as he knelt down next to John.

"John!" Inara exclaimed as she gracefully flew down the stairs and to his other side.

"We found him like that," Pain told them. "Been in the infirmary the whole time, but didn't see nor hear him fall. We just found him that way."

Simon glanced up and saw Ivy sitting there.

"She shouldn't be up," he merely stated as he went back to working on John. he looked up at Pain. "Help me get him inside."

Once they did, they ran an entire diagnostic scan on him, but didn't find anything wrong. Simon was perplexed.

"Guess we'll just have to monitor him and wait," he told them all.

"That's what he gets for interfering," Tommy whispered under her breath. She had slid forward, ready to defend Ivy at any time. Ivy slid back in charge. "Pain? Can you take me back to our bunk? We have a lot to talk about."

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Monday, March 1, 2010 6:12 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"That's what he gets for interfering," Tommy whispered under her breath. She had slid forward, ready to defend Ivy at any time. Ivy slid back in charge. "Pain? Can you take me back to our bunk? We have a lot to talk about."

"I suppose we do, baobei." replied Pain as he stood by her side. "I'll carry you there like the knight in shinin' armor I am. Well less the armor."

Pain then picked Ivy up and carried her up the stairs near the infirmary in his muscular arms. As they traversed the stairs, Ivy held her head close to Pain's chest, listening to his heart thump in his chest. It was a most soothing sound to her ears. Once they reached the galley, they saw the eyes of those that were in there gaze upon them. Pain made sure that the shirt of his that Ivy was wearing covered up what needed to be covered, but that didn't stop Jayne from boring his sights on Ivy. It wasn't a lust and jealousy filled gaze that Jayne fired at Ivy like usual, but one of anger and hate. Pain caught the man's look and reprimanded him with a look of his own.

Once they made it through the galley and stood at the hatch to their bunk, Pain repositioned Ivy so that she clung tightly to his back with her head resting on his shoulder. Once Pain kicked open the hatch, the couple descended into their private sanctuary. The hatch closed shortly after their heads disappeared into their private sanctuary. When Pain's feet hit the floor, he knelt down and let Ivy off. He held her hand as they made their way to their bed and sat down next to her on it. He wrapped an arm around her and pulled Ivy close to him, giving her head a kiss before looking into her eyes.

"Where should we start and who wants to go first?" he asked her. "I believe there's the matter of someone owin' me some new clothes, but we can get to that later. There's more important things to discuss than clothin' I wager."


Monday, March 1, 2010 6:25 PM


Ivy was well aware of the looks she got from some of the crew who were in the galley. Most of all, she saw the look that Jayne gave her. Her heart started pounding.

What did I do?

She let Pain carry her down to their bunk as her mind searched for a thread of memory of what had happened. But she got nothing. It was all tucked away.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Where should we start and who wants to go first?" he asked her. "I believe there's the matter of someone owin' me some new clothes, but we can get to that later. There's more important things to discuss than clothin' I wager."

She looked at him blankly.

"New clothes?" she echoed.

She caught on to what Pain was doing. He was holding her, trying to make her feel good. Something bad happened. She wrenched herself free from him and stood up, turning to look at him. Her arms tightened around her middle, tears welled in her eyes and she trembled a bit.

"What did I do, Pain?" she asked. "Don't hold back. Tell me what I did. I don't remember what happened. None of it and by the way you're acting, what I did was bad."

She looked at him desperately.

"Just tell me, Pain. If you love me, you'll just tell me."

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Monday, March 1, 2010 6:48 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
She looked at him desperately.

"Just tell me, Pain. If you love me, you'll just tell me."

"I do love you, baobei. Very much so and I will tell you." replied Pain as he looked up at Ivy from his seat at the edge of the bed. "So here it is."

He stood up and cleared his throat as he began to recount what Ivy did that she didn't remember doing. He then looked into her green, tear filled eyes and said, "I wasn't here when it happened, but from what I was told you started a fire in the vent usin' some of my clothes. Kaylee and Jayne entered once they heard the alarm go off and once Kaylee left the bunk, you attacked Jayne, took his gun, and managed to cuff his hands behind his back at gunpoint. Then you hollered for someone named Serena before threatenin' Jayne who you thought wasn't Jayne, but someone who was holdin' you prisoner."

Pain sighed, took a breath, and continued, "Then for some reason you then thought he was me and proceeded to try and sex him up while he was still cuffed. By that time you were naked and straddlin' his lap. Not wantin' to get shot, Jayne played along up until me, Mal, and the others returned. Kaylee told me what happened and when I found you in Jayne's lap, I didn't know what was goin' on. When I tried to get you off of him, you reverted back and thought I was of the same ilk tryin' to keep you from escapin'. You held me at gunpoint as well up to the point where the doc was able to tranq you from behind. From there you went to the infirmary and while you were there, I got into a fight with Jayne, Mal told me what happened to you after the fight, Inara offered to contact a friend of hers' for help, and I waved Grayson, who I really need to get back to."

Pain stood closer to Ivy now as he looked down into her eyes and said, "That's pretty much what happened. Tommy wasn't very helpful in tellin' me what went on. The only thing I know is that if I had stayed with you instead of goin' with the others', this whole incident probably wouldn't have happened."


Monday, March 1, 2010 7:00 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Then you hollered for someone named Serena before threatenin' Jayne who you thought wasn't Jayne, but someone who was holdin' you prisoner."

Serena... What did that seem so familiar?

A sound of a gun shot rang out loud inside her head. She flinched.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Then for some reason you then thought he was me and proceeded to try and sex him up while he was still cuffed. By that time you were naked and straddlin' his lap..."

She knew Pain had continued to talk but she couldn't get past that revelation. Her hand flew up to her mouth and she gasped. She shrunk back away from Pain and his touch.

"I didn't... I don't remem... I would never..." she tried to verbalize. "You have to believe me, Pain. Not ever and definitely not with Jayne."

Then her eyes got wider.

"I didn't have sex with him did I?" she asked, her heart pounding so hard she thought it would fly out of her chest. "Please tell me I didn't have sex with him."


Originally posted by DrPain:"I got into a fight with Jayne, Mal told me what happened to you after the fight, Inara offered to contact a friend of hers' for help, and I waved Grayson, who I really need to get back to."

"What do you mean 'Mal told me what happened to me? And what does this have to do with some friend of Inara's?"

Her eyes searched his, darting back and forth, obviously panicked.

"What happened to me?" she yelled, almost losing control. "Tell me!"

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010 2:10 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What happened to me?" she yelled, almost losing control. "Tell me!"

"I think you know, but you don't want to remember." Pain said to her, trying his best to calm her down. "Bein' alone in our bunk must've triggered a meltdown and caused you to think you were somewhere back in your past. Judgin' by what's happened, I think you were tryin' to escape from wherever you were bein' held. When you punched Jayne in the jewels once you realized he wasn't me, you mentioned that's what he got for stickin' his tool where it didn't belong, although you two definitely did not have sex. You then pointed the gun that you had at me and said not to get any ideas and to drop our guns. That was right before you got tranquilized from behind."

Pain let out a sigh, obviously pained that he had to recount to Ivy what she did and fearing that it might cause her to have another breakdown. Nonetheless he continued to tell her what happened. She did ask him to do so.

"In the infirmary once the tranq wore off and Mal had stopped me and Jayne from fightin', you woke up still not knowin' where you were. The doc asked you to stay in the bed, but you told him that you weren't gettin' back in his bed ever again. I had to hold you back while the doctor drugged you again." replied Pain. He looked into her eyes and continued, "Baobei? What Mal told me is that you were a slave and that you probably were raped by your master and I'm guessin' whatever goons they might've had. I saw the numbers on your wrist. The ones covered up by your tattoo on your wrist. My chat with Grayson was to tell him that I knew. And Inara's friend who's comin' to help? She specializes in sexual abuse cases. Ivy? I love you with all my heart and I'm willin' to do whatever to help you get through this. Even if it means havin' to call in others for assistance."


Tuesday, March 2, 2010 6:03 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Baobei? What Mal told me is that you were a slave and that you probably were raped by your master and I'm guessin' whatever goons they might've had."

"Raped?" she echoed softly as she sat down on the floor. She was searching her mind, looking for a shred of evidence. It took a few minutes. "Raped."

She paused for a second.

"It started with my Master. He apparently liked me," she said, her lip trembling. "I kicked him in the jewels the first two times he tried, but then he whipped..."

She got a far away look in her eyes.

"And the others... the others..." Ivy started, but Tommy slid forward, standing up and casting a fiery gaze at Pain. "What in the Hell are you doing? She don't need to know this! She don't need to know how many times a day they..."

Tommy set her jaw.

"She just doesn't need to know. Dong ma?"

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010 7:33 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain listened as Ivy spoke. Her words confirmed that the scars on her back where from a whip and not some fall from a tree. He was sad and heartbroken that she had to go through such an ordeal like being sold into slavery and sexually abused by her master. However he was angry that someone would do something so heinous to woman like Ivy. She didn't deserve any of what happened to her. Not one bit. He learned that there were others too and it made his blood boil, but before he could voice an opinion, Ivy stood up and glared at him. Pain knew it was Tommy doing the glaring, he didn't need the following tongue lashing to tell him that she had slid forward.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What in the Hell are you doing? She don't need to know this! She don't need to know how many times a day they..."

Tommy set her jaw.

"She just doesn't need to know. Dong ma?"

"I apologize, Tommy." Pain said to her as he looked into her blazing green eyes. "Ivy wanted to know what happened to her today and demanded that I tell her. I figured I wouldn't beat around the bush and gave her the truth. Again I'm sorry, but she needed to know and I didn't feel like lyin' to her."


Friday, March 5, 2010 6:27 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk"I apologize, Tommy." Pain said to her as he looked into her blazing green eyes. "Ivy wanted to know what happened to her today and demanded that I tell her. I figured I wouldn't beat around the bush and gave her the truth. Again I'm sorry, but she needed to know and I didn't feel like lyin' to her."

"But did you have to tell her that she'd been raped? Couldn't you have just left it at the fact she thought Jayne was you? You've just opened a gaping hole where she could just walk through at any time!" She said as she started to pace and talk to herself. "This is going to take a while to close... To hide... To bury... So she won't know."

It was a strange side of Tommy. One that actually almost made her look unhinged and Tommy was usually the calmer one of the two.

"Can't talk about it. She needs to forget or everything else will come up too," Tommy muttered to herself as she paced manically. "Can't have anyone poking around in her head, especially no one like that hun dan John. The things he could've done... He had to be stopped..."

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Sunday, March 7, 2010 6:20 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Can't talk about it. She needs to forget or everything else will come up too," Tommy muttered to herself as she paced manically. "Can't have anyone poking around in her head, especially no one like that hun dan John. The things he could've done... He had to be stopped..."

"That may or may not be true, baobei." replied Pain as he watched Tommy pace around in circles, muttering incessantly. "But the way Ivy was acting when I returned, scared the go-se out of me. I only did what I thought was right. I'm sorry, babe. Really I am. Is there anythin' I can do to make you stop wearin' a circular hole through the floor gratin'?"

He was really worried about Tommy and sorry that he had told Ivy what he did, even though she did ask him to. He was willing to do whatever it took to calm Tommy down and get her back to a more rational state of being.

He followed her around as she paced about and pleaded, "Please, baobei. Is there anythin' I can do to say or show that I'm sorry for tellin' Ivy what I told her? Anythin' at all?"


Sunday, March 7, 2010 9:57 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk"Please, baobei. Is there anythin' I can do to say or show that I'm sorry for tellin' Ivy what I told her? Anythin' at all?"

"Not mad at you, Pain," Tommy whispered as she paced. "Just have to keep everything together. I need to keep her safe. Safe. Safe. Yes, I need to make sure she's safe."

Tommy went back to mumbling as she began to pick at the hem of the shirt she was wearing. Her pacing continued.

"Keep her safe. She can't find out. Finding out will kill her. Can't. No can't."

Tommy suddenly froze and turned around to look at Pain.

"You can do something..." she finally said. "Make love to us. Remind her what sex is supposed to be like before she falls into the depths where only abuse lives. Don't let her backslide and forget that one key concept."

She stepped closer to Pain and tilted her face up until her lips neared his.

"Don't let us forget..."

OOC: Joooooohhhhnnnnn! Where are you?

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010 2:16 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
She stepped closer to Pain and tilted her face up until her lips neared his.

"Don't let us forget..."

"I won't let either you of forget, darlin'." Pain replied back as he wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist.

He gave her a passionate embrace that seemed to stop time and melt away worries as their tongues slowly danced about inside each others mouth. While they were still engaged in stealing their partner's breath, Pain picked Tommy up and carried her to their bed. They kept on kissing as they got in, laying our their sides face to face.

When their lips finally departed, Pain brushed a few errant strands of Tommy's blond locks from her forehead and said as he looked into her eyes, "But you're still healin' from the injuries you received from our last job. Perhaps we should hold off on the sex until you're fully healed, baby. I know we had sex earlier, but I don't want to strain you. We can still make out and feel each other up though." He gave her another kiss and added, "I promise to give you really, really awesome sex when you're one hundred percent recovered. I'm talkin' the 'not leavin' the bunk for a whole week' kind of lovin'. Does that sound like a fair deal?"


Wednesday, March 10, 2010 6:55 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"But you're still healin' from the injuries you received from our last job. Perhaps we should hold off on the sex until you're fully healed, baby. I know we had sex earlier, but I don't want to strain you. We can still make out and feel each other up though. I promise to give you really, really awesome sex when you're one hundred percent recovered. I'm talkin' the 'not leavin' the bunk for a whole week' kind of lovin'. Does that sound like a fair deal?"

Tommy's whole body tensed. She pushed away from Pain and sat up.

"You can't do it can you?" Tommy asked. "You can't make love to her now that you know."

She looked at him like she was studying a specimen under a microscope.

"Or is it about the fact she almost sexed up Jayne?"

She very carefully got up off the bed.

"I was there, Pain. I couldn't do anything to stop what was happening here, but she wasn't the only guilty party. Jayne kissed her back and he was more than mildly stimulated, if you know what I mean."

She walked over to the ladder leading out.

"Think about this, you knew she was broken when you got into this relationship. Don't crush her even more. I don't think we could take it."

Tommy turned to try to leave, but winced visibly when trying to climb up the ladder.

"Perhaps you should leave for a while. We can't."

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:00 PM


Grayson couldn't take it any longer. He needed to know what Pain had found out. He had set course for Serenity, but decided to wave Pain first. If he didn't get satisfactory answers, he'd head out to make an intercept course.

So he placed the wave and waiting for Pain to answer.

"Come on, come on, come on, Pain," he whispered as he waited. "Answer the gorram wave."

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:38 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain let out a frustrated sigh as Tommy left. He shook his head and was about to go follow to set her straight when he heard the little chime that he had a new wave. He swore under his breath and went over to the Cortex screen in his room. He called up the wave and saw that it was from Grayson. Pain felt guilty for not getting back to the lawman sooner and decided to answer the man's wave.

"Hey, Grayson." he said to the screen. "Sorry for not gettin' back to you sooner, but Ivy had a little episode in the infirmary that had to be taken care of. In fact our Companion onboard has even agreed to call up a friend who can help Ivy." He pulled up the chair from his desk and sat in it as he continued, "I know she was raped by her Master, Grayson. Tommy mentioned it and Mal figured it out from the incident that happened today. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go get Tommy. She stormed off when I more or less refused to have sex with her. I'll go get my CorPad so you can talk to me from there. Pain out."

Pain turned off the Cortex screen and rummaged through his desk, finding his CorPad. He slipped it into his pants pocket and went to go find Tommy to apologize and set things right. Hopefully he'd be able to find her before she had another incident.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 5:23 AM


So Ivy was having some episodes. Grayson's brow knitted together in concern. But he kept quiet. He wanted to hear what Pain had to say, no matter how much it would sadden or anger him. He just wanted Ivy to be safe and get better.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I know she was raped by her Master, Grayson. Tommy mentioned it and Mal figured it out from the incident that happened today."

Raped? Ivy was raped? Grayson closed his eyes and wanted to cry. His little Ivy, brutalized and raped. He set his lips in a tight line. He should have known though. It was a common practice for a lot of slave owners, but he denied it all earlier, hoping he was wrong.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go get Tommy. She stormed off when I more or less refused to have sex with her. I'll go get my CorPad so you can talk to me from there. Pain out."

Grayson grimaced a bit. Pain provided a little too much information.

So what had happened today? It must have been a large episode. Grayson wanted more details. He wanted a lot more details. But he had to wait. Ivy needed Pain more than he needed to know right now.

But his anger was growing. More and more as he let his mind imagine the atrocities Ivy might have been subjected to.

He got up and punched the wall. As everyone who ever did that knew, it really didn't help, it just made your hand hurt. He sank back into his chair.

Please let it only be once. Only once she was raped, he thought.

He was quite certain that it was more than just once, but he hoped anyways.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010 7:40 AM


Tommy was surprised that she managed to get up the ladder and out of the bunk. It hurt a bunch though, but she didn't feel any weaves pull beyond their limits.

She didn't know where to go though. So she just walked. She did it as though she had purpose, even though she didn't beyond wanting to put space in between her and Pain.

Her jaw set as she thought back to their conversation. He had turned her down. He told her that Ivy had been raped, then turned her down for sex. And under the auspices that she was still healing.

But that didn't stop him the times they been with each other since the accident. It was an excuse. He had lied to her. He didn't want her anymore. Now that he knew she was... that she'd been...

I was raped Tommy, she heard Ivy say to her.

"You're not ready to deal with that."

Are you sure?

"We open that door and more will come," she said.

Pain pities me, doesn't he?

"Looks like."

Do you think he still loves me?

Tommy's gait faltered.

"Does it matter?"


"I don't know what his feelings are."

Maybe if I just deal with this one part. I can deal with the rapes. John said I should confront my fears.

"John doesn't know you like I do and he shouldn't try to interfere."

Perhaps, but maybe if I could just try to remember...

"No!" Tommy exclaimed as she felt Ivy trying to pull back the layers Tommy worked so hard to cover up the truth. "No!"

But Ivy pushed Tommy aside, like Tommy had done to John earlier, pulled off a piece that covered her inner secret and peered in...

Her eyes widened at what she saw and she started to scream, but Tommy managed to come back, pull her away and seal up the hole.

"You get too close and it will suck you in, Ivy," Tommy said as Ivy cowered in the back of her own mind. "Don't forget that."

Tommy stood up straight as she rounded the corner and ran straight into Jayne.

"Where you goin' little girl?" he growled at her. "Trying to leave?"

"W-What?" Tommy stammered, the startle causing her to begin loosing grip on the reality she was struggling to maintain.

In an instant, Jayne's form was replaced by one of the guards that were in charge of her cell. One of the ones that... Fear crept up, but Tommy managed to keep control and Jayne returned.

"You!" she glared at him. "You might have told Pain that everything you did was for self preservation, but I was there!"

Her hands formed tight fists as she held them at her sides.

"You kissed her back a little more passionately than you needed. You had certain... reactions. I could feel it!"

She narrowed her eyes at him, then her gaze softened.

Leave him alone, Tommy. He isn't like them. He meant no harm.

Tommy clenched her jaw, glared at Jayne, then purposely strode past him and deeper into the ship.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010 12:45 PM


Serenity wasn't a big ship, but she did have some places about her where someone could hide. Pain scoured the those places looking for Tommy and coming up empty. He had a look of frustration on his face as he stepped out of the small, closet sized storage room that was near where the starboard shuttle was docked. The mercenary then made his way from the catwalk to the stairs leading to the front hall. As he rounded the corner to the stairs, he saw Jayne enter the galley a smirky sneer on his face.

Pain walked over to him and asked, "Have you seen Ivy by any chance?"

"Have I?" he snorted. "Hell, she just bumped into me not that long ago. Talkin' 'bout herself in the third person like a loon." That got Jayne a look from Pain shot at him, but the mercenary shrugged it off and continued, "Went down the stairs in a huff."

Pain moved past Jayne as he headed towards the stairs in the aft hall, bumping his shoulder into Jayne's as he left the galley. Jayne watched Pain disappear down the stairs and then shrugged before going to the pantry to get something to eat.

"Don't rightly know what that man sees in them crazy chicks." he muttered to himself. His eyes widened as he spotted something to nosh on and exclaimed, "OOH! Fruity Oaty Bars!"

Pain took the stairs two at a time, hoping to catch up with Tommy. He felt sorry for blowing her off and wanted to apologize. He didn't mean to deny her sex, but she was healing from her gunshot wounds and he didn't want the weave keeping her wounds sealed to break. That was the only reason why he didn't want to have sex with her. Because he was afraid he'd cause her some harm.

Pain caught a glimpse of blond hair heading towards the passenger dorms and rushed down the remaining stairs after her. He saw Tommy enter Ivy's plant room and managed to get an arm in just as she shut the door on it, causing Pain to muffle a pained moan.

When the door opened, Pain pulled his arm out and clutched it with his other hand. He stood in the doorway rubbing his arm as he looked down at Tommy and said, "Look I'm sorry for turnin' you down for sex. I was just worried that you'd pull your stitches and we'd have to pay a visit to the doc and I'd get a lecture from him while he patched you up. I didn't mean to do that. Not to you or to Ivy, but seein' as you've made it out of our bunk without tearin' anythin', I can see that the stitches are holdin'."

He got down on his knees and looked up into Tommy's scorned eyes and pleaded, "I love you and Ivy no matter what. I'm a moron for turnin' down an offer to show that love and I'm deeply sorry for that. Will you and Ivy look deep into your heart and please forgive this love struck fool for bein' foolish and/or whatever else choice word or words you'd call him? I am willin' to do whatever it takes to make it up to you both."


Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:27 PM


She knew it was an obvious place for Pain to look for her, but Tommy went there anyway: Ivy's plant room.

"I still don't trust him, Ivy," Tommy said as she walked down the hallway. "He has that... look."

Inside her mind Ivy sat in the corner rocking back and forth as she looked at the place where she peeked in. She was afraid and she was shaking. She could barely hear Tommy talking.

"...he reminds me of the big one..."

She only saw part of what was inside and it terrified her. She also knew it was just the tip of the iceberg.

"...we'll just have to watch him..."

Tommy? I can't deal with all this...

"...I told you..."

The way they touched me... And now Pain doesn't...

"...I know. Just calm down..." Tommy said as she shut the door to the Plant room.

I gotta go.

"Wait... Ivy?" Tommy said, now getting quite alarmed. "Where are you going?"

Tommy watched in horror as Ivy faded into the shadows.


Tommy jumped as Pain spoke to her.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Look I'm sorry for turnin' you down for sex. I was just worried that you'd pull your stitches and we'd have to pay a visit to the doc and I'd get a lecture from him while he patched you up. I didn't mean to do that. Not to you or to Ivy, but seein' as you've made it out of our bunk without tearin' anythin', I can see that the stitches are holdin'."

He got down on his knees and looked up into Tommy's scorned eyes and pleaded, "I love you and Ivy no matter what. I'm a moron for turnin' down an offer to show that love and I'm deeply sorry for that. Will you and Ivy look deep into your heart and please forgive this love struck fool for bein' foolish and/or whatever else choice word or words you'd call him? I am willin' to do whatever it takes to make it up to you both."

"Ivy?" Tommy said aloud as she looked around. She couldn't see her. She turned and looked down at Pain. "Pain! She's gone! Ivy's gone! I can't find her anywhere!"

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Saturday, March 20, 2010 1:29 PM


Ivy's Old Room (aka Ivy's Plant Room)

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Ivy?" Tommy said aloud as she looked around. She couldn't see her. She turned and looked down at Pain. "Pain! She's gone! Ivy's gone! I can't find her anywhere!"

"What do you mean you can't find her?" asked Pain in a worried and concerned tone that matched the look on his face. "You both share the same brain and body. Not like she can go far."

Pain was met with a glare from Tommy and he immediately apologized to her.

"Sorry, baobei." he said to her, wiping away a tear from Tommy's face that had left a trail down her cheek. He looked into her emerald green eyes and continued, "I'm sure if'n we look hard enough we can find her, or perhaps she'll find her own way back. Either way I'll do my best to help and pray that she comes back soon."


As Pain held and comforted Tommy in Ivy's old room, John was making a recovery from his psychic attack, Wolf and Mal's chat had a positive effect on the former, and Knives and the rest of Serenity's crew and miscreants got themselves ready for the job that was most certainly anything but run of the mill.

OOC: Wolf? John? Bueller? Are you out there????


Sunday, March 21, 2010 12:51 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Ivy's Old Room (aka Ivy's Plant Room)

"Sorry, baobei. I'm sure if'n we look hard enough we can find her, or perhaps she'll find her own way back. Either way I'll do my best to help and pray that she comes back soon."

"But Pain... I've never been here and her not be," Tommy said looking up into Pain's eyes. "I'm not the main personality. I;m here to help her. I'm not here to be in charge. If she is gone, I don't know what to do!"

Tommy buried her face into Pain's chest.

"She looked... She looked Pain. I told her not to and she looked anyway," Tommy told him. She looked back up at him. "She saw it all. All of it. And she couldn't deal and now she's gone."

She started to tremble.

"What am I going to do?" Tommy asked him. She shuddered. "I don't feel good...I want to lie down."

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Thursday, March 25, 2010 5:55 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"What am I going to do?" Tommy asked him. She shuddered. "I don't feel good...I want to lie down."

"Alright." replied Pain as he stroked Tommy's back while she kept her face buried in his chest. "I'll carry you back to our bunk so you can lie down in the bed. I'll stay with you til you feel better and then stay with you some more."

Pain kissed the top of Tommy's head and added, "The others can go on the job. I'll stay aboard here with you."

And with that Pain scooped Tommy up into his arms and carried her out of Ivy's old bunk. He closed the door behind him and then proceeded to carry her up the stairs near the infirmary and towards his and Ivy's bunk. He didn't want to leave her alone again after the day's events.


Wednesday, March 31, 2010 3:51 AM


Tommy laid her head on Pain's shoulder, melting into him. She closed her eyes and looked deep for Ivy.

IVY! IVY! COME BACK! she yelled inside her head. IVY!

A resounding silence was all that greeted her.

IVY! Please come back! she called out. I don't know what to do! I'm not supposed to be here all alone!

She listened again. Nothing.


Only Ivy's voice was heard.

He'll hate me. He won't want me. Broken beyond repair. What I did. It's too much.

NO! He loves you!

Take care of him Tommy. I can't bear to have him know. Be strong Tommy.

"Ivy!" she whispered. She opened her eyes and found that they were already down in their bunk. "She was there for a moment. Her voice. She knows everything and can't deal. Thinks she's too broken..."

Tommy looked at Pain in the eyes.

"We have to make sure she doesn't disappear. And we have to do it fast! She needs to know you love her. She needs to believe she is worth saving."

A tear slid down her face.

"We have to do something right now."

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Thursday, April 1, 2010 4:36 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
A tear slid down her face.

"We have to do something right now."

Pain wiped away the tear that ran down Tommy's cheek. He felt bad for what Ivy had been through in her past. The traumatic horrors she saw and experienced. What happened to her was something Pain wouldn't have wished on his worst enemy. And now he was faced with a possibility that his love would be gone forever just because she thought he didn't love her, due to the fact that he didn't take her in their room moments before.

Well he was going to do something about that now. Something to show both Tommy and Ivy that he loved them both. Pain looked into Tommy's eyes, saw the worried and lost look in them, and brought his lips to hers'. He kissed her longingly, slowly, and passionately. Things would only progress from there as the kissing became more heated and Pain moved towards the bed.


Saturday, April 3, 2010 10:30 PM


Rated PG+++++++++++, yada yada...

Select to view spoiler:

Tommy kissed Pain back with a hunger and desperation never felt before. Tongues tangled and clothes were shed in an almost violent way. She needed him. Needed him like the air she breathed. But most of all, she needed him to help her find a piece of herself. The piece otherwise known as Ivy. The one who is stronger than she gave herself credit for and the one whose absence would mean catastrophic change.

Tommy needed Ivy. She needed her more than Ivy needed Tommy. For Tommy was support for Ivy and without her? What would Tommy do? Could she exist just on her own?

"I love you, Pain," Tommy murmured to him. She always called him Pain. Ivy called him by his given name, but that wasn't her right. "Oh God! I love you."

She pulled Pain down onto the bed until they lay side by side. As they continued to kiss, their hands began to roam each others' bodies. She touched his chest and stomach, trying to memorize every ripple of muscle. She felt his arms around her, stroking her back, making her feel safe.

Pain was a good man.

She hooked a leg over his hip as he ran his hands over her soft skin, taking in every curve and swell of her body as she moaned in response.

"You feel so good..." Pain whispered in her ear before moving to nibble on her earlobe and neck then back to her lips.

She gently rolled onto her back, Pain following her, ending up above her, his eyes searching hers for any glint of Ivy or of any kind of fear that may have been fallout from earlier revelations about her abuse at the hands of her captors.

She opened herself to him and urged him to continue, partly wanting to selfishly experience him for herself, but overwhelmingly wanting Ivy to see that he loved her.

"Please..." she begged, noting his pause, knowing exactly what he was worried about. "I'm not afraid..."

Pain nodded just barely as he kept his eyes locked on hers as he slid himself in. She really did feel good and he almost didn't even hear the groan that emitted from his own mouth.

They laid there for a moment, just coupled and looking into each other's eyes.

"Please..." she asked again as her lips met his and their tongues began their dance together again. "Slow... Just like she likes it..."

Pain set the pace, a languid, almost excruciatingly slow, tempo. He used long deep strokes as he moved in combination with showering her with kisses and following the slopes of her body with his hands.

They went on like that for what seemed like an eternity - a beautiful, sensual, soul melding eternity - not realizing or caring about a goal in mind.

Things had progressed to only wanting to enjoy each other while they poured out their love to one another. And if it took all night, then all night it would be.

After a while, she began to mirror his movements, her hands running through his short hair, over his strong shoulders and down his muscular back. They were both yearning for each other as they fell deeper into the throes of passion.

She whimpered as each new sensation brought her closer to him and hopefully closer to Ivy as well.

Ivy, please come back, she thought. How could you not know this man loves you.

She urged Pain to quicken his pace, gasps coming quicker now as she let herself be enveloped by this man. This man called Pain. Moans and groans of his own mixed with hers in a symphony of souls, bodies and minds becoming one.

Pain placed his forehead on hers and looked into her eyes as the two experienced rapture beyond all description. And while they watched each other, Tommy's expression softened and her characteristics seemed to change.

As their cries of passion waned, they slowed until they came to a stop, both struggling for air but not willing to let go of each other. She clung to him for an extended hug, then whispered into his ear, telling him that she loved him.

And she called him by his given name. The name only she used when they were alone together. And then she laid her head back down in the pillow.

"Maybe..." she said so softly, Pain had to strain her hear her. "Maybe..."

She closed her eyes, exhaling deeply, then opened them again.

"Ivy..." Tommy gasped. "She was here."

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Monday, April 5, 2010 7:38 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Ivy..." Tommy gasped. "She was here."

"GAH!" replied Pain as he nearly jumped out of the bed, naked as the day he was born.

He had drifted off to sleep after making love to Tommy and cuddling her. He was startled when she gasped, but managed to get himself under control. Pain took a few breaths as he calmed his nerves and then turned to Tommy who was next to him.

"Sorry about that, darlin'. You nearly made me jump out of the bed. The love makin' made me sleepy." replied Pain. He gave Tommy a smile and then kissed her. As their lips departed, the smile was gone from Pain's face as he asked, "Did she say anythin' to you? I could've sworn I saw her a few times while we were makin' love."

He propped himself up on an elbow and traced the curves of Tommy's body as he asked, "Should I continue to show her how much I love her in hopes of gettin' her to reveal herself? Cause I do love her with all my heart and I am willin' to do whatever it takes to show her that."

OOC: Where is everybody? Is it just me and EnglishIvy here?


Wednesday, April 7, 2010 1:15 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Did she say anythin' to you? I could've sworn I saw her a few times while we were makin' love."

"Yes," Tommy said quietly. "She did show up a few times, especially near the end."

Tommy pressed herself as close to Pain as she could and buried her face in his chest.

"She wants you, Pain," Tommy told him. "She is just unsure of what to do. I can tell she's started to compartimentalize what she saw, pushing it away from her memory, but she knows that something is wrong and is afraid."


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Should I continue to show her how much I love her in hopes of gettin' her to reveal herself? Cause I do love her with all my heart and I am willin' to do whatever it takes to show her that."

Tommy smiled weakly.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she teased half-heartedly. She raised her head up towards his face. She slid herself up his body until her lips could reach his. She gave him a passionate kiss. "It's the only thing I can think of to do right now. It worked for a bit earlier. I think we should try again."

Pain and Tommy didn't waste any time either.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010 3:50 AM


OoC: Sorry about that, RL was crazy. Post will be sporadic, but I'm hoping I'm back. We'll be moving this forward soon.

John's eyes fluttered awake. He was laying on the infirmary bed, and had the biggest gorram headache he'd had in a long while. He slowly attempted to push himself up, but was stopped by a "whoa now" from across the room. In a moment the blur he could identify as Simon was by his side. "Easy now, John, you've been out for a while." John allowed himself to be cared for.

"Do you have any idea what happened to you? You show no sign of any physical..."

John cut the doctor off "Tommy. I was finally getting in to help Ivy, when... I'm done with her, Simon. I'm done trying to help that girl. Next time, I'm leaving her to deal with her own go se. I have more important things to deal with and I'm more than ready to put her down when her problems become ours." He let the doctor do his routine checks knowing he wouldn't find anything. He wanted to get out of here and go find his brother.



Friday, April 9, 2010 7:16 PM


OOC: We were just about to send out the rescue team for you, John.

Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain and Tommy laid under the sheets in a tangled mass of bodies, arms, and legs after their second round of trying to get Ivy out of the shadows. It worked a little better than the first time, but Ivy was still not out of the woods completely. Pain wrapped an arm around Tommy's waist and held her close to his body. She smiled and wriggled in response, eliciting a low growl from Pain as he nuzzled her neck.

"I think we're gettin' close to her." he said to Tommy while kissing her neck. He left trails of kisses up Tommy's neck and nibbled on her earlobe as he continued, "I could definitely tell that Ivy was out and about a little longer this time. Do you want to wait before goin' again?"


Monday, April 12, 2010 3:30 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I think we're gettin' close to her. I could definitely tell that Ivy was out and about a little longer this time. Do you want to wait before goin' again?"

Tommy's entire body tensed up, then relaxed, then tensed up, then relaxed. It was going back and forth, almost like a seizure.

Pain turned her around to face him, concern etched on his face. What he saw scared him and also brought him relief. He could see the two women that he loved rotating in and out of control.

When Tommy was in control, she had the look of determination in her eyes as she was obviously shoving Ivy to the forefront.

"Talk to him!" she growled at her other self.

When Ivy was in front, you could tell she didn't want to be there. She looked terrified.

"No!" Ivy would murmur.

"Talk. To. Him!" Tommy ground out.


"He loves you!"

"He wouldn't... wouldn't... No!"

Tommy looked up at Pain, her eyes pleading.

"Help me!"

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 11:33 AM


A ship came by and docked with Serenity. A friend of Inara's boarded the ship with her bags in tow. The other ship undocked and went on its way.

"Jacey!" Inara cried, happy to see her friend. "You look wonderful!"

They embraced.

"You do too!" Jacey said as she parted. "I just wish this reunion was on better terms."

Inara's face sobered.

"Yes, I wish that as well."

"So how is the patient?"

"Unstable," Inara told her. "She had some excitement today. Took a couple folks hostage here on the ship. Everything is fine now though. Well, as fine as things could be."

"Things are bad then? Worse than when you called me?"

"Seems like."

"Can you show me to my room and I'll get settled. Then maybe you can show me around."

Inara nodded and took Jacey to one of the open passenger dorms.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010 5:21 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Help me!"

Pain looked into Tommy's eyes with a piercing gaze as he took her in his arms and said, "Ivy? I love you with all of my heart. You know that, Tommy knows that, and I know that. Ain't any other woman on this boat that I'd rather be with than you."

Tommy's eyes glazed over and Ivy surfaced, the look that she didn't want to be there still in her eyes. She averted them from Pain's as she murmured, "No you don't. I'm too broken. You don't want someone like me."

"Fei hua and I'll prove it." replied a defiant Pain.

To show that he did indeed love her with all of his heart and had no intentions of ever leaving her, Pain brought Ivy closer to him and embraced her with a fiercely intense and passionate kiss before she could fade into the background once more.

<< Fei hua: Nonsense. >>


Thursday, April 15, 2010 5:25 PM


Ivy put her palms against Pain's chest and attempted to push him away, but he held her close, kissing her with fierce passion.

"I love you," Pain murmured between kisses. "I want you."

Ivy relaxed a little as Pain continued to tell her how much he loved her as he covered her in kisses.

He was about to believe that she wasn't believing him when her arms snaked around his neck and his kisses returned with a fiery passion.

She whispered his name as their embrace tightened, each trying to merge themselves into one entity.

Their tongues tangled together as the kisses became slower and deeper, each one needed by both of them like the air they needed to live.

"I love you, Ivy... I want you so badly right now and I don't care if you're whole or broken or whatever. I just know I love you," Pain whispered to her. She looked at him, searching his eyes for anything contrary to what he was telling her, but found only sincerity. "Just let me show you how much I love you."

She paused and then nodded as she hungrily attacked his lips, kissing him with wild abandon.

"Yes... Yes... I love you too," she whispered as she and Pain went about showing each other just how deep their relationship had become.

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Monday, April 19, 2010 7:59 AM


Jacey was settling into her room in the passenger dorm. Inara sat on the bed, briefing her on Ivy's condition.

"We know she was a slave and she escaped somehow. We also know from a newsfeed that she was the only one found. The plantation she was at had been totally vacated by the time she was found. One building was found completely burned to the ground. A couple of bodies were found inside, but they weren't able to be identified."

"She also had been raped, hadn't she?" asked Jacey. "It's very common."

"Yes," Inara said somberly.

"Know how much?"


"What else?"

"She's developed an extra personality. Her name is Tommy. Very protective."

"Probably a coping mechanism."

"She had an episode earlier," Inara told her. "It was like she was reliving the escape or something. Haven't heard much about the details."

"Who was there to witness the event?"

"Jayne was there the longest. She had tied him up and held a gun on him the entire time. Then Pain was down there. Simon and Kaylee also had brief interactions with her during that time."

"Pain is her boyfriend?"


"I want to talk to him."

Inara smiled a bit.

"I must warn you... Jayne is a bit... crude."

Lovely, jacey thought.

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Friday, April 23, 2010 7:09 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk: 1 Hour Later

Ivy rested on top of Pain, a finger tracing lazy circles across his chest, he damp hair hanging to the sides and hiding Pain's face. He smiled at her and she returned it. Then Pain ran a hand through her hair and brought her lips to his, attacking them with a passionate embrace.

It seemed like an eternity before their lips departed and Pain murmured to Ivy, "I love you, baobei. Forever and ever." He kissed her again and continued as his hands caressed her sides and rested on the small of her back, "God, that was fantastic, baby. You were fantastic. If it were possible, I'd never ever leave this bunk."

Pain then gave Ivy a smile and went back to kissing and caressing her, like a man who cared and loved her dearly and was willing to do whatever it took to protect her.






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