Firefly Musicians?

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 08:23
VIEWED: 10969
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Sunday, April 4, 2010 6:58 AM


I'm currently in the process of writing an entire album as a "hidden" tribute to Firefly. Each track focuses on one character's point of view. Every single person on here should be able to tell me which song is sung from whose point of view based on title and lyrics alone (which makes me REALLY happy!)

Anyway. The genre is rhythmic/ambient... kind of electronic. So far it's been described as having "Imogen Heap vocals, Shiny Toy Guns/New Order synths, and The Postal Service/Playradioplay beats". Not sure if anybody's into that... but it's what poured out of me this time around.


Facebook link:

This will be updated frequently, but at this very moment the first song is the only one that's completely produced and mixed. The rest are just ideas... but you'll get it! I know you will!

I'm really curious to see if this idea could take off in the Firefly community. I'm going to try to get it on TV first (commercials probably). My dream is to get it played on Chuck so Adam Baldwin can hear it. :D

Leave me feedback!

EDIT: I'm completely open to album name suggestions! Although, I'm heavily leaning towards "tragic space dementia". Hahaha!


Sunday, April 4, 2010 9:47 AM


What you have so far is awesome! I don't know about the New Order comparison, but I do think a more dancey New Order style track would work well for Jayne.

Do you have a website or mailing list (other than the links above which require third party site membership)?



Sunday, April 4, 2010 10:07 AM


You definitely need to contact The Signal podcast ( so they can play a song or two on their show. Real good stuff so far!

Visit for The Signal podcast


Sunday, April 4, 2010 10:11 AM


Wow. I was only going to listen to the first song, since (as you said) it is the only one that's "finished." I then listened to all the songs you loaded and I'm shocked.

But really, I shouldn't be. I'm used to fan-made music and film and stories and countless other things from a few different shows. I always go in with a closed mind, because, I'm sorry to say, it usually sucks. When it comes to Firefly, I have never been disappointed. Every fan-made endeavor I've experienced has been amazing. From Marian Call (whose voice sounds very similar to yours, btw) to the Bedlam Bards, and even the Done The Impossible documentary, they are all fantastic!

I love that you've taken a different route than the other Firefly musicians I've listened to. You've taken some piano, but left out the twangy country/folk vibe, which I've never seen done before. I love it. I also like how everything you've done is taken from the most depressing stuff that happens in the show. You have a beautiful voice, and I can't wait to hear more lyrics mixed in and packaged so I can buy this. Until then, is there an mp3 download of this somewhere? Really awesome stuff here.

P.S. I can honestly see this getting on Chuck - at the end of an episode where all the characters are conflicted and/or sad (which is almost every episode). Also, Chuck likes to use lesser-known artists, so you may have a shot. Keep up the good work.


Sunday, April 4, 2010 12:50 PM


You should be proud that you're still doing 'good works'. Really love that this is flown right under the Alliance radar...

Things like this keep 'er flying , makes her a home...

Thank ye kindly , keep sending the post , 'cause we love getting post...


Sunday, April 4, 2010 1:22 PM


I really like this. I've been picky as to some of the "songs from the black" but I really like the way these are going. In particular, the beginnings of "I didn't start this..." the chord progressions mirroring the music style we heard in Out of Gas. Giving a heavy Firefly and more specifically Mal feel. I'm looking forward to more of your work.

"...we need a hood ornament..."


Sunday, April 4, 2010 3:37 PM


"In particular, the beginnings of "I didn't start this..." the chord progressions mirroring the music style we heard in Out of Gas."

YOU NOTICED! :D I'm so glad I posted this here!


Sunday, April 4, 2010 3:48 PM



Originally posted by anarchangel:
I don't know about the New Order comparison, but I do think a more dancey New Order style track would work well for Jayne."

Do you have a website or mailing list (other than the links above which require third party site membership)?

I've been picturing a more MGMT type feel for Jayne. I really like the song "Of Moons, Birds & Monsters".. I think I might try something with that kind of structure. But yeah, definitely more dancey! I think his theme is going to be focused around how "the money was too good" not to tell the feds about Simon and River!

No website yet, and no mailing list, but maybe you can PM me your e-mail address and I can send over produced mp3's as they come?


Sunday, April 4, 2010 3:53 PM



Originally posted by Staples:
I also like how everything you've done is taken from the most depressing stuff that happens in the show.

You're so right! I never saw it that way! Each song idea was triggered by an emotion I could relate to between characters... and considering I just recently went through a little rough patch, it ended up working out. :D

It's so interesting that you noticed that, because on the other end of this, there are electronica artists and producers who have never HEARD of Firefly calling my work "tragic, cold, and hurt".


Sunday, April 4, 2010 4:08 PM


My days of takin ya seriously are certainly comin to a middle

Very Shiney!

I really enjoyed listening to your music. You have real talent and I think you'll do well with this! Keep up the good work!

If I was going to nitpick to give you some constructive feedback, I would have to say keep an eye on the "repetitive" nature of the style of music you chosen. It uses repetition to create a mood/feeling in those listening. My "nit-pick" is that the characters/plots/storylines in Firefly are not repetitive. That's why I like it so much, it constantly throws curve balls to keep the audience off-guard. And learning/looking for all those nuances is what keeps us coming back.

When I first started listening to your first track, I was engaged and was really enjoying myself, seeing Kaylee's yearnings/frustrations with Simon. But by the end of the track, the music started moving into the background and, although I was still enjoying the music, it was pushed to the side as I started thinking of something else.

Throw some curve balls, mix it up a little, take us on a journey beyond the single feeling that you effectively establish at the beginning of the song. The majority of your inspiration for "They Fall Right Out of the Sky" was from "The Message" and "Safe"; episodes which show Kaylee trying to overcome Simon's stubborn reserved nature. Your song can take us farther than those episodes can.

For example, at the end of "The Message" Kaylee takes hold of Simon's hand when they deliver the body to the parents showing a journey and change of those two characters from the beginning scene. Could your music/lyrics make a subtle change to show a journey as well?

Sorry if I seem preachy or long-winded. I give critiques on artistic work for a living and I tend to fall into that "mode" sometimes.

But I really do like your work and wish you all the luck in the 'verse.

Keep Flyin'


Sunday, April 4, 2010 4:29 PM



Originally posted by Techtrekker:
My "nit-pick" is that the characters/plots/storylines in Firefly are not repetitive. That's why I like it so much, it constantly throws curve balls to keep the audience off-guard. And learning/looking for all those nuances is what keeps us coming back.

When I first started listening to your first track, I was engaged and was really enjoying myself, seeing Kaylee's yearnings/frustrations with Simon. But by the end of the track, the music started moving into the background and, although I was still enjoying the music, it was pushed to the side as I started thinking of something else.

Throw some curve balls, mix it up a little, take us on a journey beyond the single feeling that you effectively establish at the beginning of the song. The majority of your inspiration for "They Fall Right Out of the Sky" was from "The Message" and "Safe"; episodes which show Kaylee trying to overcome Simon's stubborn reserved nature. Your song can take us farther than those episodes can.

For example, at the end of "The Message" Kaylee takes hold of Simon's hand when they deliver the body to the parents showing a journey and change of those two characters from the beginning scene. Could your music/lyrics make a subtle change to show a journey as well?

Sorry if I seem preachy or long-winded. I give critiques on artistic work for a living and I tend to fall into that "mode" sometimes.

No apology necessary. I'm glad to get a critic's words this soon.

You're right, this isn't exactly the perfect genre for conveying a Firefly character's true personality; but that wasn't my goal at all. I just wanted to take one particular set of emotions, one moment in their life, and make it completely my own. Don't think of Kaylee singing the song. It's me singing about the guy that could never accept my lifestyle, even though I was the one person that made him happy. Or, another perfect example: a friend of mine stationed in Iraq, without ever seeing or even knowing it was Firefly related, related to it. He didn't feel at home; he felt far from civilization. I want these songs to be interpreted by everybody in their own way. Firefly fans will just get a better experience. :D

It's all a tribute. There has to be a perfect blend of extreme fan and normal electronic artist for it to appeal to both sides and take off, I think.

Although, you're not the first person that's basically said "uhhh, this song doesn't go anywhere", so maybe I should look into writing a bridge for it. >_<

You nailed my lyrics, btw. I didn't think it would be that easy. Firefly fans are just too good.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010 2:49 AM


My days of takin ya seriously are certainly comin to a middle

Thank you for being such a wonderful person!

With your explanation of your goal and the examples you've given, the song makes much more sense. And you're right, I did think of Kaylee singing the song when I listened.

I love that you're trying to "secretly hide the Firefly" to give us Browncoats more of an experience by seeing the hidden meanings.

Marian Call does that too with a couple of her songs (It's Good To Have Jayne On Your Side) and I listen to her stuff all the time and love every minute of it.

Keep us posted on your progress! And submit your work to the podcast "The Signal". They put out an album once one year with Browncoat music and would love it as well. I personally can't wait till the other songs get finished.

Thanks for keepin' us flyin'!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010 6:34 AM


This is very interesting and rather shiny.

And yes, please do contact us as we'd love to feature some of this on The Signal (ta for the plug folks!) - we're always interested in new Firefly inspired music. If you can send us fully produced mp3s, so much the better.

We have to date made 2 albums available of Firefly inspired music that has aired on The Signal. Songs From The Black in 2006 with tracks aired in Season 1 and 2 of The Signal and The First Rule of Flying: Songs from the Black II last year with stuff from seasons 3 and 4. So not exactly one a year, but we are hoping to do a third collection at some point with stuff from Seasons 5 and 6, so stuff aired this year (Season 6) would be eligible for inclusion.



(These are the links with the hi res copies of all the individual tracks and the album's artwork to allow you to make your own CD album, not all of which has been ported to the new site just yet)

Will be interested to see how these tracks develop!
(PM sent)


The Signal <>


Monday, April 12, 2010 7:19 AM

LYLIAN do some amzing stuff. i so want a copy when it's completed...

crazy, determined, stubborn...BROWNCOAT


Thursday, April 15, 2010 4:28 AM


What you're doing is remarkable. It should be commended. I love the feel of each piece, and the fact that you incorporate the show's dialogue into the lyrics furthers the storytelling aspect that is so prevalent in the Firefly saga.

What I especially like is that you've taken a different tact to the Firefly music, making it your own without totally destroying the essence.

I look forward to hearing the finished project.

Thanks for sharing.




Thursday, April 15, 2010 10:29 AM


What I like most about your work is that it breaks the mold of Firefly fan music, while standing right beside everything which came before. You accomplish, in your own words and in your own way, a love and a nod that deserves a place on the shelf with all of the good, inspired works that have come along since the fandom was born.

Don't stop now. You've struck a chord. Pander to us.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 6:10 PM


I have a facebook page now if any of you are interested!



Wednesday, April 28, 2010 8:23 AM


This is not the style of music I generally listen to, but I like the lyrics. I can't understand everything you're saying, but I like what I can decode of it
Oh, and I definitely hear the Out of Gas feel in Mal's song, which I'm eager to hear finished.






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