Life Onboard Serenity #44: Who We Were (NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME!!!)

UPDATED: Friday, October 29, 2010 12:45
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Thursday, April 29, 2010 5:28 PM


Pain and Ivy slept after they mode love all afternoon. Ivy did not sleep well though. She tossed and turned, mumbling in her sleep. In turn, Pain got even less sleep. He was listening to her, trying to get a better glimpse into what had happened to her. That didn't pan out, but he was there to hold her tight and whisper to her that she was safe and that he loved her.

Finally, she drifted off into a deep sleep and Pain followed quickly.

The next thing he knew was that she was poking him in the side.

"Get up you sleepy head!" she said extra cheerfully as she pulled on her pants. "Gonna sleep all day?"

Pain looked at her in a slightly confused way. Was this the woman who had withdrawn almost completely away in the past 24 hours? One that had held a crew member at gunpoint? Had started a fire in their bunk? Who needed to be sedated?

"C'mon, Pain!" she said pouting a little as she slipped on a shirt as well. "Aren't we landing on that planet soon? Mal will be needing you to go to the meeting he has set up, won't he?"

She kneeled down and kissed him softly.

"Do you have any nerves that need soothing?" she said seductively, running her fingers down his chest.

Pain looked at her completely confused. Didn't she know they were in the black and not due to make planetfall anywhere for a while?

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Sunday, May 9, 2010 4:10 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Pain gently took Ivy's hand in his, preventing her from trailing her fingers lower, and looked her in the eyes with a concerned look. Her smile lingered before it faltered and was replaced with a look that matched the one Pain was giving her.

"Baobei?" replied Pain as he continued to look into Ivy's eyes. He stretched out an arm and ran it through her blond hair, before stroking her cheek and continuing, "We're in the Black. We're nowhere near landfall yet. The meetin' you're askin' about already happened a day ago."

Pain sat up in the bed, swinging his feet over the side, before sliding out of it and kneeling down next to Ivy. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight, stroking her back with his hands as she took in what he told her.

"We just spent the afternoon makin' love, babe." Pain told her. He pulled back and looked into her eyes as he asked, "Don't you remember?"


Tuesday, May 11, 2010 7:19 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"We just spent the afternoon makin' love, babe. Don't you remember?"

Ivy just stared at him for a moment, her eyes blank. She couldn't comprehend what he was talking about. So she lied.

"Oh... Where was my head?" she said as she plastered a smile on her face. "Must have been all out of kilter with the mind blowing sex we've been having."

Then she faltered.

"It has been mind blowing for you... hasn't it?"

She furrowed her brow again.

"Maybe I should go get us some snacks, I'm famished."

She backed away from him and slid on one of his huge T-shirts and started towards the ladder.

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Friday, May 14, 2010 4:33 AM


Dr. Jacey Garner and Inara found Jayne in the galley cleaning one of his guns.

He glanced up at them.

"Hello I-nara," he greeted them. "Who's your friend? She a companion like yerself?"

Jacey snorted a little.

"No, I am a psychologist. I am here to talk about Ivy. Would you mind telling me exactly what happened with her in the bunk?"

"A psycho-ologist?" Jayne said mispronouncing her title. "Good thing yer here 'cause plant girl is definitely psycho."

"Plant girl?"

"Yes, she's some kinda bot.. botan.. Hell, she's some kind of plant expert," he said. "Got a whole gorram greenhouse going on in the passenger dorms."

"Show me," Jacey asked. "You can tell me about her on the way."

Jayne shrugged as he slammed the magazine into place.

"If'n you want," he said as he slipped the gun into his holster. He stood up and looked Jacey up one side and down the other. He sighed. "Too bad yer not a companion."

Yep, Jacey thought. Definitely crude.

Then they exited the galley headed for Ivy's old bunk.

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Monday, May 24, 2010 4:41 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk (Yet again..)

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
Ivy just stared at him for a moment, her eyes blank. She couldn't comprehend what he was talking about. So she lied.

"Oh... Where was my head?" she said as she plastered a smile on her face. "Must have been all out of kilter with the mind blowing sex we've been having."

Then she faltered.

"It has been mind blowing for you... hasn't it?"

She furrowed her brow again.

"Maybe I should go get us some snacks, I'm famished."

She backed away from him and slid on one of his huge T-shirts and started towards the ladder.

"Yes, it was mind blowin' for me too, baobei. It always is with you." replied Pain, giving Ivy a smile as he rose from their bed. While he got dressed, he continued, "And speakin' of bein' famished, I could use somethin' to eat too. I'll join you in your quest for food."

He was worried about her very much Pain was. He hoped she'd be able to get a hold of herself before going into another meltdown or worse. He'd of course do everything he could to help her. Pain loved Ivy very much and didn't want her spiraling down into craziness. He wanted her to be happy and whole. He wanted her to have a life that was taken away from her by the hun dan or hun dans who had made her their slave and raped her. She deserved a second chance at life and Pain wanted to be the one to give it to her, even if he did need help in doing so.

After he had donned on a pair of pants and a shirt, Pain followed Ivy up the ladder from their bunk and into the hallway. He closed the hatch behind him and wrapped an arm around Ivy's waist, giving her a loving squeeze and placing a kiss on the top of her head as they made their way to galley.

"I love you, baobei. Very very much." he said to her as he looked down at her and smiled. "Now what do you have a hankerin' for or will we be doin' a general raid on the pantry?"


Monday, May 24, 2010 4:41 PM


Double post.


Monday, May 24, 2010 4:43 PM


Triple post.


Monday, May 24, 2010 4:45 PM


Quadruple post.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010 11:27 AM


Jayne walked behind Jacey all the way down to Ivy's "greenhouse." He didn't say much other than to grunt which way to turn.

She knew from his demeanor that he was actually checking out her backside the whole way down. Inara was right when she described Jayne as crude.

Once they arrived at her greenhouse, Jacey opened the door and felt the humidity inside. She was surprised at the tightness of which she had arranged her terrariums. Very few people could have maneuvered their way to the back recesses of the room, it was so tight. Matter of fact, very few men could do it.

"Interesting," Jacey commented as she moved into the room and inspected the plants themselves. They were impeccable. She had to have the greenest thumb of anyone that Jacey could have encountered. She turned to Jayne who was indeed checking out her rear and glared at him. Luckily he changed his focus, however it moved to other parts of her anatomy. Jacey ignored him. "Does she come down here if she gets upset?"

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Tuesday, June 1, 2010 11:36 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I love you, baobei. Very very much." he said to her as he looked down at her and smiled. "Now what do you have a hankerin' for or will we be doin' a general raid on the pantry?"

Ivy was still troubled about the fact she was missing time. She almost didn't hear Pain's question. She had only mentioned going for food because she needed to think, but he came with her.

And to tell the truth, Ivy wasn't hungry. She was more like nauseous.

"I... I think I will go check on my plants," she said absentmindedly. "Why don't you get us something. I'll be back in a bit."

With that, she raced through the galley and down towards the Greenhouse.

(btw, Ivy is only wearing a shirt of Pain's.)

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Sunday, June 13, 2010 4:28 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I... I think I will go check on my plants," she said absentmindedly. "Why don't you get us something. I'll be back in a bit."

"Will do, baobei." replied Pain, giving Ivy a smile. He watched as she ran off and added, "I love you!"

Pain was still concerned about her as he walked into the pantry to fix them something to eat. As he looked over, pondered, and gathered this and that, he began to wonder if she would ever be whole again. Bringing out what he had gathered from the pantry, Pain wondered what a life with a whole Ivy would be like as he began to prepare both of them some snacks.


Ivy's Greenhouse

Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"Does she come down here if she gets upset?"

"How should I know?" replied Jayne, as he shrugged his shoulders and then wiped his brow due to the humidity. "All I know is that she's crazy and likes to sex up her boyfriend." Jayne heard footsteps coming down from the stairs by the infirmary. Poking his head out the door, he grinned and then said to the cute doctor lady, "Well speak of the Devil. Here she comes right now."


Sunday, June 13, 2010 5:04 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Ivy's Greenhouse
"Well speak of the Devil. Here she comes right now."

Ivy's eyes widened and a look of fear came over her face.

"Who..." she started to ask, but didn't get the full question out.

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she looked at Jayne and the woman with vehemence.

"Who the rutt are you?" Tommy directed at Jacey in particular, then directed the next one to both of them. "And what are you doing in Ivy's greenhouse?"

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Sunday, June 13, 2010 5:23 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Who the rutt are you?" Tommy directed at Jacey in particular, then directed the next one to both of them. "And what are you doing in Ivy's greenhouse?"

Jacey watched as she saw the shift from who she assumed was Ivy, to the one called Tommy. She put her hands up in a neutral position.

"Are you Tommy?" Jacey asked.

"I asked you a question first saobi," Tommy said angrily.

"I am so out of here," Jayne said as he started to walk away. He stopped as he passed Tommy. "Well, Miss Fancy Pants Doctor, here's your patient."

And then he left to go get something to eat. He'd already been interupted once.

"Doctor?" Tommy asked. "Someone send you here to help Ivy?"

She crossed her arms over her chest.

"They've tried to help her before and it didn't work," Tommy informed Jacey. "All you arrogant doctors do is drug her up and make her remember things she don't need to remember. She doesn't need your help. She has ME!"

"And how did that work for you yesterday when Ivy set the ship on fire, held Jayne captive while she almost sexed him up and then didn't even recognize her own boyfriend?" Jacey shot back. "She could have hurt someone badly."

"Well... She didn't," Tommy shot back. "So go on home. You all start messing with her head and that's when things go really wrong. Just leave her alone and the stress will go away and she'll be fine.

"We don't need you."

"I beg to differ," Jacey said firmly and evenly as Tommy started to turn away. "She could have killed someone yesterday. She could have shot the only she truly loves. What would that have done to her?"

The sound of a bullet rang out in Ivy/Tommy's head. Then again. And again.

Tommy rubbed her head like she was in pain.

"Don't look Ivy," she murmured. "Don't look. Things go bad when you look."


Jayne walked into the galley and looked at Pain.

"Your girlfriend just met the doctor that came on board," he said as he sat down and acted like he was expecting Pain to serve him. "Or shall I say, girlfriends. That Tommy is a real spitfire, ain't she? I think she might just take off the head of that fancy head doctor. I normally would've stayed to watch, but I was hungry. What'cha making us?"

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010 12:04 PM



Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"Your girlfriend just met the doctor that came on board," he said as he sat down and acted like he was expecting Pain to serve him. "Or shall I say, girlfriends. That Tommy is a real spitfire, ain't she? I think she might just take off the head of that fancy head doctor. I normally would've stayed to watch, but I was hungry. What'cha making us?"

Pain growled and glared at Jayne as he said, "I ain't makin' you anythin'." Motioning to the food, he continued, "This is for me and Ivy. If'n you're hungry, you go ruttin' fix somethin' for your own gorramn self. You're a big boy, I'm sure you can handle such an easy task."

Pain then took the food that he had prepared for himself and Ivy and put it onto a wood serving tray, along with two cups of Ng-Ka-Pei. Without saying another word to Jayne, much less looking at the man, Pain left the galley and headed down the stairs that lead down to the infirmary and the passenger dorms.

Ivy, Tommy, and Dr. Jacey

Pain made it down the stairs just in time to see and hear Tommy murmuring to Ivy. He placed the serving tray with food and drinks on the near counter in the infirmary and Rushed over to Tommy.

Pain wrapped his arms around Tommy's waist and pulled her close He gave her a kiss on the top of the head and said as he began to rub her back, "I'm here, baobei. Everythin' is goin' to be alright."

Turning his attention to the other woman present, Pain gave her a smile and stuck out a hand as he said, "You must be the doctor friend of Inara's the thick headed Sasquatch known as Jayne was talkin' about. My name's Pain and I'm Ivy's boyfriend."


Saturday, July 3, 2010 6:51 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"You must be the doctor friend of Inara's the thick headed Sasquatch known as Jayne was talkin' about. My name's Pain and I'm Ivy's boyfriend."

Tommy stiffened in Pain's arms, then in an unlikely move, forcefully extracted herself from Pain's grip.

"You knew she was coming?" Tommy said obviously hurt. "And you didn't tell us?"

Then Ivy slid forward as tears filled her eyes.

"How could you?" she asked in disbelief, tears running down her face. "We... I trusted you!"

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Saturday, July 3, 2010 7:03 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"How could you?" she asked in disbelief, tears running down her face. "We... I trusted you!"

"Now Tommy..." Jacey said looking closely at her new patient. "No... Ivy... Inara told him about me, but he didn't know I was coming. But I would like to talk to you... Perhaps see what we can do for each other?"

Tommy slid back forward.

"What do you want from me?" she asked while giving Jacey the dirtiest look she could muster.

"I just want to talk," Jacey said her. "I've never met anyone like you. I am quite excited. Call it the researcher in me."

Jacey smiled friendly at her.

"Can we just talk from time to time?"

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Monday, July 12, 2010 6:39 PM



Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"Can we just talk from time to time?"

Pain was glad that Jacey explained to both Ivy and Tommy that he didn't know about her visit. It was true, he didn't know. He also didn't blame either Ivy or Tommy for being mad at him, but he did tell them about Inara's friend.

He watched as Tommy gave Jacey a rather nasty stare-down, hoping that she didn't rip the doctor a new one or shoot her. He made his way cautiously over to Tommy and said, "Give the doc a chance, baobei. You can yell at me all you want, but just give the doctor a chance to talk with you and/or Ivy. Please, baby? I'll seriously make it up to you in any way, shape, or form, darlin'. Just give the nice doctor a chance."


Monday, July 12, 2010 6:55 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Give the doc a chance, baobei. You can yell at me all you want, but just give the doctor a chance to talk with you and/or Ivy. Please, baby? I'll seriously make it up to you in any way, shape, or form, darlin'. Just give the nice doctor a chance."

Tommy turned and stared Pain down too.

"So you didn't know she was coming, but since she's here, you think Ivy and I want to become her... guinea pig?" she asked him. "Give her a chance... It's only for research... Do you think I am stupid?"

Tommy set her jaw as she thought out the next part.

"You think she's unhinged now? You should have seen what the last bout of 'therapy' did to her," Tommy was upset, but Ivy slid forward again. "You said you loved me no matter how broken I was. Now you want me to see a shrink? Why do you want to change me?"

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010 4:03 AM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"You think she's unhinged now? You should have seen what the last bout of 'therapy' did to her," Tommy was upset, but Ivy slid forward again. "You said you loved me no matter how broken I was. Now you want me to see a shrink? Why do you want to change me?"

Dr. Garner jumped into the conversation.

"Ivy? Ivy?" she asked as she gently turned her to face her. "Tell me... what happened during your last therapy sessions?"

Tommy slid forward.

"None of your gorram business," she growled before turning and leaving the area.

Jacey then turned to Pain.

"We need to talk," she said as she directed Pain to the passenger lounge. "Care to sit?"

Pain did, although he really wanted to follow Tommy.

"So we know she was raped while she was captive, probably repeatedly, maybe even several times a day. You realize that right?" Jacey said to him blunty. "How is your sex life? Do you have one? Is it healthy?"

Before he could answer, she continued.

"I know it seems like a very personal question to ask, but I need to know," she explained. "Plus I believe that there was something else that happened while she was there. Something that was... worse."

She gave him an apologetic look.

"Do you get that same feeling? Has she mentioned anything?"

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010 4:33 PM



Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"Do you get that same feeling? Has she mentioned anything?"

"If she mentioned anythin' to me then there wouldn't have been a need to have you here, doctor." replied Pain, sighing heavily. "But yes I do get the same feelin'."

He had screwed up something major and betrayed Ivy's trust in him. Pain was certain she wasn't going to want to talk with him ever again, much less sleep or have sex with him. He was pretty sure that it was going to take all manner of begging, pleading, pigu kissing, and apologizing on his part just to get her to look at him again. He wished he had the ability to turn back time or had just stayed behind with her instead of going with Mal and the others to meet with Knives. If he had done that, then none of this go-se would've happened.

He took a breath and then turned to Dr. Garner and said, "We're both very sexual and physical creatures. We usually have sex between two and six times a day. Our sex life is phenomenal or used to be before that little confrontation back there. I'll probably be sleepin' alone on the couch after this. Anythin' else?"


Monday, July 26, 2010 5:18 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"But yes I do get the same feelin'."

Good, she thought. The boyfriend is the detailed kind.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"We're both very sexual and physical creatures. We usually have sex between two and six times a day. Our sex life is phenomenal or used to be before that little confrontation back there. I'll probably be sleepin' alone on the couch after this. Anythin' else?"

As to her question about their sex life, she was flabbergasted that he answered so frankly. That was good too. He wasn't shy about answering her questions. And that question was part of a test. That info, while being useful to gauge her behavior lately, really had nothing to do with any diagnoses.

"This isn't going to be easy... er... Pain?" Jacey started. What an odd name. "Is that actually your name?"

She shook her head and went back to the subject at hand.

"This isn't going to be easy, so I want to know if you are in for the long haul. I don't want to deal with someone who turns tail and runs when things get really bad. And believe me... things will probably get worse."

She looked at him closely.

"So which one are you?"

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Monday, July 26, 2010 6:05 PM


On the Bridge

Ivy and Tommy were arguing. It was something quite odd to watch. Or feel. River felt "them" coming and it was painful.

She didn't know if John was feeling any of it or if he was wrapped up with the fact his brother was on board.

"Captain..." River said softly into the shipwide comm. "Galley."

Saying anything else was just too difficult. She put her hand on her temple, drew her feet up against her body and rocked back and forth in the pilot's chair. She hoped that the fighting would stop soon.

In the Galley

Mal recognized the tone of River's voice and high tailed it to the galley. There stood Ivy in the middle of the room, arguing with herself.

"He betrayed you, Ivy!"

"Maybe he just wants me to get better."

"He said he loved you for who you were."

"I know Tommy... I don't understand why..."

"It's because he LIED to you."

"He just..." Ivy couldn't think of a come back.

"He lied, Ivy."

"Maybe I should try the doctor..."

"Do I need to remind you of what happened before? Do you want to go through that again?"

"No... but..."

"It nearly killed you!"

"Why? What was so bad? What did he do to me?"

"I'm not so concerned about what your master did; I am more concerned about what you did!"

"What did I do, Tommy?"

"It's nothing, Ivy," Tommy snapped. Tommy accidentally said too much.

"Now you are lying to me too?" Ivy asked with a small voice.

Tommy knew that she wasn't helping. She thought about what had happened to Ivy. She had to appease her with something. Get her thinking about something else. Even if that something was painful.

So Tommy went over to one of the "tiles" that covered the secrets in Ivy's mind and lifted it.

Ivy's eyes went wide and her legs buckled. Mal caught her before she hit the floor. Ivy looked into Mal's eyes.

"He... he..." Ivy said, trembling.

"He what, Ivy?" Mal said softly, trying not to spook her.

"He... and some of his guards..." Ivy started again.

Mal's heart sank.

"I know, Ivy," he said as he scooped her up. "I know what they did to you."

He carried her towards the infirmary. When he got to the top of the stairs in the cargo bay, he yelled out.

"Pain! Ivy needs you!"

Then he added.

"And bring that fancy doctor of Inara's too."

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010 7:10 PM



Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
She looked at him closely.

"So which one are you?"

"I'm in this relationship with Ivy for the long haul." replied Pain, giving the doctor a smile. "I'm almost thirty nine for Buddha's sake. I'm too old to be datin' girls left and right. I'm ready to settle down. I know I've got my work cut out with Ivy, but I love her very much. And for the record, Pain is a nickname, not my real one."

He was about to tell her what it was short for and its orgins, when he heard Mal's yell at the top of the stairs leading down to the infirmary.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Pain! Ivy needs you!" "And bring that fancy doctor of Inara's too."

Pain felt a lump form in his throat and his stomach turn to lead as he got up. Taking the good doctor by one of her hands, he said, "Come on." Looking up the stairway, Pain shouted, "I'm already down here with Inara's friend! Go ahead and bring Ivy on down, Captain!"

Pain wondered what had happened and the worry shone on his face like a bright neon sign. He cared and loved Ivy a lot, even though she didn't think he did right at this moment. It always pained him whenever she had a meltdown or wasn't acting right. He hoped that she'd give Inara's friend a chance to help get better and become a little more closer to being whole.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010 1:42 PM


About halfway down the cargo bay stairs, Ivy looked up at Mal.

"I'm OK," she said softly. "I think I can walk on my own."

She smiled slightly.

"That is if you don't mind me holding your arm."

Mal looked at her for a few more steps and then gently put her down. She hooked her arm around his and he stayed on the ready to catch her if she was to fall again.

"I don't mind at all darlin'," Mal said with a smile of his own. This was different. She wasn't incapacitated as before. "Pain is just right downstairs. He's waiting for you."

"I know," she said casting her eyes away, therefore stumbling a bit. Mal steadied her and the kept going downstairs. "He kinda blindsided us with the doctor thing."

"There is no us, Ivy," Mal told her. "There is just you. You're strong. Stronger than you think.

"He meant no harm. He just wants to see you well. You set my ship on fire the other day and almost killed a couple of folk."

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are, but don't that kinda warrant some concern and maybe some medical intervention? He's scared. As scared as I ever saw."

"I know."

"So no holding grudges."

"But Tommy-"

"What did I say?" Mal reminded her. "There is no Tommy and you. There is just you and you're strong."

"I'm strong," she echoed.

When Ivy got to the bottom of the stairs, she ran to Pain and hugged him fiercely. His arms wrapped around her quickly as some of the tension fell away.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010 2:22 PM


Jacey stood off to the side as she watched the exchange between Pain and Ivy. After a moment they parted and Ivy turned to the doctor.

"Would like your help," she told her, straightening her back and trying to act strong even though she was a mess underneath. "I would like to be whole. To function as a normal person."

Ivy turned to Pain.

"I don't need to go to the infirmary," she told him. "I just got caught off guard."

Jacey motioned them over to the couches nearby. They all sat down.

"What caught you off guard?" Jacey asked sympathetically. "Can you tell us?"

"I remember... I was raped while I was a slave. At first it was just the master. The guards were told not to touch me, but they did anyway. He did this to several of the girls for a while, then there was just two of us. Me and Serena. We were kept in the master's bedroom nearly all day, just waiting..." she choked back a sob. "Just waiting for when he had a hankering. Sometimes it was just once. Sometimes it was more."

She looked down at her hands.

"I remember talking to my other doctor about it. I know it wasn't my fault. There was nothing like love involved. It was about power and his own satisfaction. Truth is, he was just a twisted, sadistic man."

"How does that make you feel? And now that you remember these events, how are you feeling overall?"

"I put this behind me quite some time ago. I have the love of a good man, who shows me what healthy relations are like. I don't know why I repressed this memory."

She got a far away look as the name 'Serena' echoed over and over and over in her head.

"Serena..." Ivy whispered.

Then she flinched as she heard a gunshot reverberate through her mind.

"That's enough for today," Tommy said gruffly as she slid forward. "Pain... Take us back to our bunk."

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Saturday, July 31, 2010 6:27 PM


Pain hugged Ivy back tight, resting his head on the top of hers' as their bodies pressed against one another in a warm embrace. As they continued to hug each other, Pain gently stroked Ivy's back until the two of them finally departed.

Pain stood close to Ivy as she talked to the doctor about wanting her help. It brought a smile to his face that she did indeed want the doctor's help. He was very proud of her for taking that step. He wondered if the Captain had given Ivy a pep talk before they entered the cargo bay. He was sure that the man did.


"I don't need to go to the infirmary," she told him. "I just got caught off guard."

"That's good." replied Pain, giving Ivy a small smile. "I was worried that you had somehow gotten hurt."

As directed by Inara's friend, both Pain and Ivy sat down on the couch with her. Pain sat on Ivy's right while Dr. Garner sat on Ivy's left. Pain sat close to Ivy, putting an hand on her lower back and giving her small back rubs.

He listened intently as Ivy answered Dr. Garner's question. It made him angry and mad as he learned what happened to her, but it made him happy that she was able to tell it. He wanted to do very bad things to those who had both put her into slavery and raped her. He had no sympathy for slavers or rapists. If he ever met up with Ivy's former master and his goons, he'd make them regret what they did to her something fierce.

Pain then smiled as Ivy mentioned what a good man he was. It gave him a warm tingly sensation inside of his body. He loved Ivy very much and cherished their relationship equally. Then he watched as she began to get that far away look in her eyes and knew that something was about to happen. He hoped it wasn't something major to offset the breakthrough in clarity that Ivy had.


Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"That's enough for today," Tommy said gruffly as she slid forward. "Pain... Take us back to our bunk."

"As you wish, baobei." replied Pain as he got up off the couch. He smiled at Dr. Garner and shook her hand as he said, "Thanks for your time, Doctor. I'm sure we'll chat some more at a later time."


Thursday, August 5, 2010 7:11 PM


Ivy slid back forward as her and Pain walked back to their bunk. He held her by the shoulders, making sure she stayed upright. She seemed tired from the talk with the doctor, but Ivy thought she felt a lot better. Less fragmented.

It was nice.

But something in the back of her mind still evaded her. Something big.

"Just so you know," she started. "I'm OK. Actually I feel pretty good. Talking about it really helped."

She looked down at the bed briefly.

"I am a bit tired, though," she told him.

As she stood there in from of Pain, she disrobed completely, folded her clothes into a neat pile and slid beneath the sheets. She looked at him.

"Hold me?"

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Thursday, August 5, 2010 8:49 PM


Jacey was very encouraged by the progress they made today with Ivy. She had remembered part of her past. A really difficult piece of her past and stayed pretty much intact.

She was pretty sure that this Serena person Ivy mentioned was somehow linked to the most difficult memory of all. She'd have to breach that subject very, very carefully.

She went back to her bunk and wrote down some notes. She needed to talk to some of the other crew. Gather more information.

So she set out into the ship to see who she could come across.

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Sunday, August 8, 2010 12:45 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Hold me?"

"Of course." replied Pain, giving Ivy a smile.

Pain disrobed just as Ivy had done not too long ago, leaving his clothes in a pile next to hers'. He then lifted up the sheets and got in next to Ivy. He wrapped an arm around her stomach and pulled her close to him. He placed a kiss on top of her head, the smell of her shampoo and conditioner wafting into his nostrils, making him smile.

Pain rested his head on Ivy's shoulder and whispered, "I love you, baobei."

Elsewhere on the ship...

Kaylee ran into Inara's friend after just coming out of the engine room a few moments later. She had a bit of engine grease smeared on her chin and a few stains on her jumpsuit. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail, but some of it had escaped and hung loosely around her forehead.

"Hi!" she exclaimed in her cheerful as usual tone as she extended a hand out to greet the woman. "You must be Inara's friend. My name's Kaylee. I'm Serenity's mechanic."


Tuesday, August 10, 2010 4:23 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"Hi! You must be Inara's friend. My name's Kaylee. I'm Serenity's mechanic."

Jacey shook the perky girl's hand.

"Yes, my name is Dr. Jacey Garner. You can just call me Jacey though. I'm not the formal type."

She looked at Kaylee.

"Are you busy?" she asked. "I'd like to ask you some questions... about Ivy."

"A little, I have part of the engine disassembled and need to get it back together in case the Captain needs to go to full burn," Kaylee explained. "But let's get a drink and we can talk while I work."

"Fair enough," Jacey responded.

They got a drink and headed back to the Engine Room. Kaylee seemed so at home there. Even had a makeshift hammock. She wondered how much time she might spend there, even when something didn't need fixing.

"Were you here when Ivy had her episode?"

"Yeah, I was," Kaylee answered, her face getting serious as she slid under the engine. "She set a fire in the vent in her and Pain's bunk. It was scary. She didn't seem to know where she was. Was instead doing this thing like she was acting, but she weren't acting. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, I do. She was acting out a repressed memory and from what I understand, she also transferred some attributes of this traumatic experience to the people around her."

"Something horrible happened to her, didn't it?"

"I believe so," Jacey answered solemnly. "So can you tell me everything you can remember about the incident?"

Kaylee talked for quite a while. About the fire, the thinking that there were too many guards around, her asking for someone named "Serena," how she took Jayne captive and calling the Captain for help.

"One of the weirdest things she did was to freak about about there being more guards than were supposed to be there and she kept calling out for someone named Serena."

"Hmmm..." Jacey said. Then she had an idea pop up.

It was like Ivy had a plan of some sorts. She knew how many guards there were supposed to be. She created a sort of distraction. She called out for someone named Serena. Could it have been an escape plan? She had mentioned someone named Serena before. Who was this Serena?

"What exactly did she say about this Serena?"

Jacey was now getting the feeling that everything had to do with whoever Serena was.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010 2:25 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I love you, baobei."

"Me too," she answered quietly.

She laid there close to him for a good ten minutes before she spoke.

"Do you want to talk?" she asked him, not turning at all to see the look on his face. "I know it was a lot to take in."

She waited for a moment.

"So now you know that I am broken and sullied," she said to him. "How do you feel about that?

"I don't know how I would feel if I were you," she confessed. "I fought for a while, but after the whip, I just had to let them.

"I probably should have fought more. Maybe even died to avoid it all, but I was weak. I wanted to live. I wanted to bear it all until I could see a way to escape.

"So I just let them... any of his people... I just let them have me."

Then she was done. She had talked about it enough today.

She heard a voice inside her head. Tommy's voice. One that reminded her that it wasn't her fault and she only did what she did to stay alive.

She knew that. She knew that she wasn't responsible for what they did. She just felt a sorry about the way she let them after a while.

But hers and Tommy's opinions were one thing. Pain's were a whole other story.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:39 AM



Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"What exactly did she say about this Serena?"

"She was callin' out to her. She called her Serena 'sweety.' She obviously cared for whoever this was," Kaylee relayed to her. "She got real upset when she didn't answer us back. Whatever it was, River was pitching a fit by that time and Simon had to drug her to calm her down."

Jacey slowly digested that last comment.

"Who's River and why was she so upset that she needed medication?" Jacey asked. Kaylee froze under the engine. "Do you think I could talk to her?"

Kaylee forgot that Jacey didn't know River's background. She just wanted to help Ivy and in the process told a total stranger about River.

"River is Simon's sister," she said evenly. "You'd have to ask him for permission."

She slid out from under the engine and quickly wiped downher hands.

"Uh... I uh... I have to go," Kaylee said before she made a hasty exit, leaving Jacey standing in the engine room alone.

"Interesting..." Jacey mused. Something was off when it came to this girl named River. Maybe she could find out more about Ivy by talking to River.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:34 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
She laid there close to him for a good ten minutes before she spoke.

Pain rested his head against Ivy's shoulder as they laid there in bed cuddling. They didn't say anything to one another for what felt like an eternity and then finally Ivy spoke.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Do you want to talk?" she asked him, not turning at all to see the look on his face. "I know it was a lot to take in."

"It was, darlin'." replied Pain, giving Ivy's shoulder a kiss. "But if'n it'll help make you feel better, then yes, I'd like to talk."

Pain then waited anxiously for Ivy to respond.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"So now you know that I am broken and sullied," she said to him. "How do you feel about that?" "I don't know how I would feel if I were you," she confessed. "I fought for a while, but after the whip, I just had to let them." "I probably should have fought more. Maybe even died to avoid it all, but I was weak. I wanted to live. I wanted to bear it all until I could see a way to escape." "So I just let them... any of his people... I just let them have me."

Pain listened intently as Ivy spoke, letting each word settle into his brain. When she was done, Pain hugged her tight and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"It wasn't your fault, baobei. You did what you had to do in order to survive." he told her. "I'm very grateful that you escaped that monster and his men. Otherwise I wouldn't have you in my life. What they did to you and the others was terrible. And believe you me, if'n I ever get my hands on them, I'll make sure they'll never hurt anyone ever again. You have my word on that."


Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:21 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"It wasn't your fault, baobei. You did what you had to do in order to survive. I'm very grateful that you escaped that monster and his men. Otherwise I wouldn't have you in my life. What they did to you and the others was terrible. And believe you me, if'n I ever get my hands on them, I'll make sure they'll never hurt anyone ever again. You have my word on that."

"But do you still want me? You know... in an intimate way now that you know about what I had to do?" she asked, dreading the answer if it was not to her liking.

His statement bothered her though. She had never thought about them ever getting close to her again. Were they still looking for her? If they found her, what would happen? She never really thought about it. She shuddered a bit.

"You don't think they'd be looking for me, do you? My master and his people?" she asked him in a small wavering voice.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010 8:50 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"But do you still want me? You know... in an intimate way now that you know about what I had to do?" she asked, dreading the answer if it was not to her liking.

"Yes, of course, baby. Why wouldn't I be?" replied Pain in a genuine tone. "You are my goddess and I am you worshiper."


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"You don't think they'd be looking for me, do you? My master and his people?" she asked him in a small wavering voice.

"I wouldn't worry about them." replied Pain as he did his best to soothe Ivy's nerves. "They've probably forgotten about you already."

Pain hoped that last bit was true. He really didn't want her worrying about and going into a meltdown over it.


Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:08 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk
"Yes, of course, baby. Why wouldn't I be?" replied Pain in a genuine tone. "You are my goddess and I am you worshiper."

"I'm glad," she said turning towards him.


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I wouldn't worry about them. They've probably forgotten about you already."

She wasn't convinced of his assessment about her Master, but she went back to the first part of their conversation.

"If you believe that I am your goddess," she started. "Then I want you to worship me... right now. Can you do that? I'd understand if you won't."

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Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:44 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"If you believe that I am your goddess," she started. "Then I want you to worship me... right now. Can you do that? I'd understand if you won't."

Pain didn't even answer Ivy as he leaned in and began to kiss her passionately. It didn't take long before his hands began to roam her body and then position himself over her while they kissed. As their mouths departed, Pain murmured with a smile, "I sure hope you've got the time for this, cause I ain't goin' anywhere for a long while, baobei."

He then uttered a guttural growl and went to work worshiping Ivy like the goddess she was.


Sunday, August 22, 2010 4:47 PM


Rated ADULT: yada yada... you know the rules.

Select to view spoiler:

Pain began to kiss her passionately, their tongues exploring the depths of each other's mouths. Ivy already began to breathe harder, Pain had stirred longings in her.

But when he started too nudge her legs apart, she stiffened. Pain stopped immediately and rolled to her side, continuing to kiss her jawline and neck.

"Don't be afraid. I won't do anything unless you want me to," he whispered into her ear. "I just want you so much. And Ivy?"

He lifted his head and brought his eyes to hers.

"I love you bao bei," he told her. "You know that, right?"

Ivy nodded and they touched and kissed tenderly and slowly. Pain was so patient.

"Just tell me when," he said. "It's OK if you changed your mind. I won't be mad. We are on your schedule."

Ivy nodded as his hands roamed her body, when she was ready, she rolled him onto his back and straddled him.

She nodded again and she slowly began to make love with her man.

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Friday, August 27, 2010 6:13 AM


Jacey wandered back towards the galley and was met face to face with a young girl in the doorway.

"I am the pilot here," she simply said. "Follow me. I am better, Simon needs not get involved."

"O...OK," Jacey said as she followed the girl up and into the bridge. "Are you River by chance?"

"Yes," she saimply said. "You want to know about Ivy."

She didn't address it as a question. It was simply a statement of fact.

"I know things. Simon has called it perception in the past," she admitted. "It is more. But I know you are Inara's friend and based on your past together, you would give her complete loyalty."

Past together? Jacey thought.

"And it is unfortunate what happened to you," River continued.

"Inara told you?" Jacey asked, astounded. She had sworn Inara to secrecy. She was both shocked and angered that Inara would do such a thing.

River smiled at her.

"Inara didn't tell," she reassured her. She tapped her brain. "Perceptive remember?"

Jacey smiled a bit, it was a little forced, but she still did it.

"I tried to connect with Ivy once, but she wouldn't share what happened. It was big though. Far worse than what she endured in the hands of her... Master," Rivers words dripped disdain at the mention of the man who defiled Ivy. "I did manage to... get... that it had to do with fire... and gunfire."

"Fire? There was a burned out building on the compound where she was found," Jacey mused aloud. "And gunfire? Did she say anything about someone named Serena?"

River smiled again at the notice that Jacey thought she was talking about a conversation, not that there was a possibility of her psychic powers. She got a haunted look on her face for a moment.

"Serena... she was a friend," River said. "Ivy was very protective of that fact and Tommy was angry when I found out. Tommy is very strong. And dangerous..."

She rolled her eyes.

"And it seems that Pain and Ivy have made up," she giggled. "Eewww."

Jacey turned towards the hallway. She looked down toards their bunk a bit confused.

"How did you know...?" she started. "I didn't hear anything..."

She shrugged, thinking that River found out about that earlier. Perhaps she saw them heading into their cabin?

"And what do you mean about Tommy being dangerous? Do you mean violent?"

River nodded.

"She and John had an... altercation," River revealed, but didn't allude to how or John's abilities either. "But I doubt he'll talk to you now. He's got his hands full with his brother."

River was silent then and went to check the controls.

"Ivy... horrible... horrible what happened... Confusion and horror. Memory very clear, Elephant hiding from a mouse..."

Jacey was profoundly confused now about River's comments. But River was silent after that. She could tell by her body language that she wouldn't talk more. River seemed haunted too. There was a story there as well. One she thought she could help with, but one patient at a time.

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Friday, September 3, 2010 12:42 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk: Much much later..

Ivy rested atop of Pain, their bodies entwined as they rested from the proclamations of their love. As Ivy listened to Pain's heartbeat through his chest, he gently stroked her back and sides.

Time was meaningless to them as they laid there in their bed, cuddling and being close to one another. They didn't care that they had reached their destination and landed on the ground. They didn't even bother to listen to the Captain's voice over the comm asking for Pain.

Pain was content on staying in his bunk with Ivy. The others could handle the job well without him. His only focus right now was the beautiful blond haired, green eyed, naked woman that he loved dearly who was resting on top of him.

"I love you, Ivy.." he murmured with a smile while continuing to caress her sides and back.


Thursday, September 9, 2010 6:45 AM


Adult content... yada yada...


Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk: Much much later..

"I love you, Ivy..."

"I love you too," she said, but she included his given name, which he had told so very few people in his life.

They lay there for a while, basking in post coital bliss until their hatch was rudely opened.

Pain quickly covered Ivy and was about to yell out a string of obscenities when he heard Jayne's voice.

"Gorramit Pain!" Jayne bellowed. "Stop rutting your girlfriend and get your pigu down to the cargo bay before Mal has a hissy fit. We have work to do and even though something like this is probably more fun, you probably would like to have a place to do it in. Dong ma?"

Then the hatch slammed close.

"Probably?" Pain said with a chuckle.

"At least he didn't insult me," Ivy added. She sensed Pain's apprehension about leaving though. "Go ahead and go. You do have a job. We wouldn't want to be homeless would we?"

"Ivy, I'm not leaving," Pain said.

"No. I'll be alright. I'll go find Jacey or River or anyone else on the ship. Go on or I'll kick you out of bed for a night."

Pain sighed and then turned to her.

Select to view spoiler:

"It can wait for just a moment, though," he said as he rolled her onto her back and brought himself above her.

They kissed each one getting more and more passionate and their tongues waged war with each other. It didn't take much time for her to wrap her legs around his waist and for him to gently drive home.

It didn't seem rushed, but it was. However, it was quite pleasurable. The two worked themselves up to the brink of no return and passed that while looking deep into each others eyes. Their moans quiet but meaningful.

Ivy's eyes said to go and that she'd be OK while Pain's reflected his apprehension. Afterwards, they still didn't want to part from each other.

"I'll be waiting when you get back," Ivy said. "We can continue then. I have plans for you."

Pain smiled widely, then reluctantly got up, got dressed, armed himself and disappeared through the hatch.


Mal waited impatiently as Pain took a while to show. He was muttering something about deciding if he should fire the man, being oversexed and making them late.

When Pain finally arrived, he was still a bit flushed. Mal glowered at him.

"Don't keep me waiting again," he growled. "That's the second time you've been... busy when it is time to leave."

He turned to the group in general. It was a small away team: Mal, Zoe, Jayne and Pain.

"Seems John and his brother are having some troubles lining up their job, so we are going to take one in the meantime," he explained. "We need to ship a load of..." Mal paused knowing it would get a snicker. "A load of bull semen to be delivered at a breeding farm."

Jayne did indeed snicker.

"He said load..." Jayne whispered to Pain as he snickered some more.

"Guess it is a mite valuable. Good breeding stock and it needs to be carefully watched," Mal continued. "I don't see any trouble, but I want to be careful. Let's get mounted up."

As Mal walked towards the mule, Jayne snickered again.

"He said mounted," Jayne whispered again before bursting into laughter as he climbed into the mule.

"Jayne... Shut up," was all that Mal said.

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Friday, September 17, 2010 6:05 PM


Cargo Bay

Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Don't keep me waiting again," "That's the second time you've been... busy when it is time to leave."

"Sorry, sir." replied Pain to Mal. "I'd say it wouldn't happen again, but it probably will."

He gave the man an apologetic smile before the captain turned to the others.


"Seems John and his brother are having some troubles lining up their job, so we are going to take one in the meantime," he explained. "We need to ship a load of..." Mal paused knowing it would get a snicker. "A load of bull semen to be delivered at a breeding farm."

Jayne did indeed snicker.

"He said load..." Jayne whispered to Pain as he snickered some more.

Pain rolled his eyes and shook his head from side to side at Jayne's snickering and comment.

"What are you, seven?" Pain asked in a whisper.


"Guess it is a mite valuable. Good breeding stock and it needs to be carefully watched," Mal continued. "I don't see any trouble, but I want to be careful. Let's get mounted up."

As Mal walked towards the mule, Jayne snickered again.

"He said mounted," Jayne whispered again before bursting into laughter as he climbed into the mule.

"Jayne... Shut up," was all that Mal said.

Pain rolled his eyes and shook his head at the other mercenary as he stepped into the hover mule and took a seat in the back. He checked his guns to make sure they were loaded before everyone on the team got aboard the hover mule, buckled up, and set off towards their destination.

During the trip

The hover mule sped across the prairie-like landscape, wind whipping through everyone's hair, berating their ears, and blasting against their protective goggles. Zoe was driving and the captain was in the passenger seat. Pain sat behind Zoe on the driver's side, while Jayne sat opposite of him.

Pain leaned over, tapped the captain on the shoulder, and asked over the wind, "SO HOW MUCH ARE WE GETTIN' PAID FOR THIS EXACTLY?"


Earlier on the ship

Before they landed on the planet, Mal had gotten a wave. He had it transferred to his bunk where he answered it.

"Howdy. To whom am I speakin' to?" Mal asked the man on the other side of the screen.

The man had slicked back black hair, wore a lab coat, and had some goggles resting on his forehead. He was a white man in his 30's and stood about five foot ten inches tall. In the background was a lab with all sorts of scientist-y gizmos and whatnot.

"My name is Dr. Kalvin O'Hare. I specialize in artificial insemination of livestock at the Institute here. One of our well known clients, Sir Warrick Harrow has informed us of you." replied the good doctor. "He has asked us to contact you once you were within range and offer you a job."

"A job you say?" asked Mal, wondering just how Harrow knew him and his were going to be on this planet. He shrugged it off and continued, "So, Dr. O'Hare. Just what kind of job are you offerin'?"

"Pick up and transport of a case of cryogenically frozen bull semen. Sir Harrow has some heifers of high pedigree that he would like to breed." replied Dr. O'Hare. "You will be paid on delivery at Sir Harrow's estate and your fuel expenses paid for, Captain Reynolds."

"So why me specifically? You must have a gaggle of other folks that you could've asked." replied Mal over the Cortex.

"Sir Warrick Harrow spoke highly of you, Mr. Reynolds." O'Hare said over the wave. "We've had a problem with bandits in the past and no one else will take the job. You on the other hand have been known to take such jobs."

Mal smiled at that and replied, "Well that is true. My crew and I have been known to live life on the edge a few times. Alright, I'll take the job."

"Splendid." replied a relieved O'Hare. "The coordinates have been sent to you. I wish you a safe journey and will meet you and whoever you bring along at the Institute."


Back in the hover mule



Jayne shut his mouth and the four of them continued their trip to the breeding facility without saying a word.


Thursday, October 7, 2010 1:16 PM


Overlooking the Pass

Through a pair of binoculars a hundred or so yards away, a pair of eyes watched as a hover mule with four people seated inside it zoomed towards the breeding facility. The owner of those eyes tracked the hover mule with those binoculars watched as the hover mule came to a stop outside the breed facility's main entrance. Green numbers on the edges of view in the eyepiece ticked off numbers such as range and direction as the wielder zoomed in on the foursome and Dr. O'Hare.

A grin formed on the mouth of the man holding the binoculars as he took them away from his eyes and looked back down the hill to his two cohorts. The leader of the trio of bandits stood about six feet tall even, had weather worn tan skin, long black hair, and more than his fair share of scars. He wore a pair of heavy duty jeans, a tank top with a black leather jacket over it, and a pair of steel-toed boots. A yellow bandanna covered his nose and mouth from the dust.

"Well hombres, looks like that gringo doctor found another group of folks to haul away more of what we're here to steal." replied the leader to his two comrades leaning against a sidecar equipped motorcycle with all-terrain tires. He placed his hand on the butt of the chromed semi-auto pistol holstered on his spiked black leather belt and continued, "Looks to be three guys and a woman. All appear to be armed. Whether or not they're dangerous remains to be seen."

The man walked over to his own vehicle, a heavily customized hover chopper with a side mounted turret wielding dual machine guns, and took out a crinkled pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket.

While he pulled down the bandanna from his face, the man stuck a cigarette in the corner of his mouth, and said while lighting it, "We'll wait for them to leave and then make our move. You hombres know the drill. We take them at Bandit's Pass and we hit them hard and fast."

Meanwhile at the Breeding Facility.

"This place smells like a gorramn farm." replied Jayne, making a disgusted face while covering his mouth.

"It kind of is, Jayne." replied Mal as he looked over to the mercenary. "Or did you not see the pastures and livestock grazin' as we rolled up."

They entered the main building and shivered from the coldness inside. The others working inside had on the same type of white lab coat and environmental gear to deal with the cold as Dr. O'Hare had on, in addition to the sterile gloves on their hands and protective booties over their footwear.

"I apologize for the temperature inside here." replied Dr. O'Hare to the foursome beside him. "We like to keep it as cool and sterile in here as possible. Speaking of which I must ask the four of you to stay here while I fetch you your cargo."

The man turned to Mal, Zoe, Jayne, and Pain and gave them a smile as he gestured to the decontamination chamber that was set into the transparent plas-steel wall that separated where the doctor, Mal, and the gang were standing. The foursome watched as Dr. O'Hare stepped through the entrance to the decontamination chamber and get blasted by jets of compressed air. They then watched through the transparent wall as he grabbed a bulky container and made his way back to them, walking through the chamber once more.

"Here you go, Captain Reynolds." replied a cheerful Dr. O'Hare as he handed Mal a formed composite box that was a foot in length, width, and height. As the four looked at it, with Zoe smacking Jayne's hand away, the doctor continued, "Inside is one hundred and twenty vials of cryogenically frozen bull semen. The box itself has a self-contained power source so you don't need to worry about having to hook it up to anything. It'll keep the contents at a stable temperature until you arrive at your destination."

"Well then.. I.. uh suppose we should get goin' then." replied Mal as he stared at the box. His eyes finally managed to look at Dr. O'Hare as he handed the container to Pain and said, "It's been a pleasure doin' business with you, Dr. O'Hare. We'll be sure to see that Sir Harrow gets his delivery."

The two men shook hands and exchanged pleasant goodbyes before Mal, Jayne, Zoe, and Pain left the facility and headed back towards the hover mule. Once they were seated inside it, Pain secured the container between him and Jayne, making sure the straps were nice and tight.

"So what happens if somethin' goes wrong and this stuff spoils?" asked Jayne as he looked at the container and then to Mal.

"Well then I suppose you'll have to refill all those vials, Jayne. Each and every one." replied Pain with a smile as Zoe powered up the hover mule. "Don't worry, I have faith that you could do it. Might be a little tirin' though and painful, but I've got faith in you."

"You're a ruttin' comedian ain't ya?" snorted Jayne as he looked at Pain.

Pain just smiled and replied as they took off and headed back towards Serenity, "Yep. I'll be here all week."


Thursday, October 7, 2010 7:25 PM


Bandit's Pass

The foursome hadn't seen it coming and by the time they heard it, it was too late. They were being chased and shot at by two bandits on a motorcycle with a sidecar. The motorcycle bandits were weaving and dodging the shots fired at them by Pain and Jayne, while Zoe was doing her best to dodge their gunfire. They were too focused dealing with the two bandits behind them, that they didn't see the lead one blocking the road up ahead with the turret mounted dual machine guns mounted on his custom hover chopper aimed right at them.

"Sir?" shouted Zoe over the gunfire and the hover mule's engine.

"Yes, Zoe? What is it?" shouted Mal as he joined in on the firefight.

"We may have a slight problem up ahead, sir." Zoe shouted back just as the lead bandit opened fire on the approaching hover mule.

"Whoa! Hey!" spat Mal as a bullet went through the windscreen, whizzed past his ear, and missed taking out Pain my a quarter of an inch. "Evasive maneuvers, ma shong!"

Zoe didn't need to be told twice as she swerved a hard right to avoid the machine gun fire. The motorcycle with the sidecar behind them stayed on their tale as the leader on his hover chopper took off after them. The bikes were fast and were gaining on the hover mule. The two groups continued to trade gunfire with another as Zoe looked for a way to at least half the number of bandits on their tail. She spotted a boulder and tapped Mal's shoulder as a bullet cut through the air between them.

"Head for it!" shouted Mal as he tapped Pain and shouted, "Pain! We're coming up on a rather large boulder! See what you can do with it and that motorcycle!"

Pain nodded and checked his ammo before aiming his gun at the motorcycle with the sidecar. He braced himself as Zoe swerved to avoid the boulder and then fired off the remaining rounds at the motorcycle, striking its rider in the chest and throwing the man off it. The bandit in the sidecar had a wide-eyed look of horror as the motorcycle slammed head on into the boulder, flipping end over end before coming to a rest on its side. Two bandits down, one to go.

Jayne cheered at the sight of the motorcycle crash, but that excitement was short lived as he caught a bullet in the shoulder. Jayne swore as he clutched his shoulder and hunkered down in the back of the hover mule as Pain reloaded and fired at the hover chopper. The bandit leader cackled and gunned it while dodging the shots fired at him. As he did so, he fired at one of the hover mule's engine and growled in delight as the high powered machine gun rounds ripped through it. With only one engine running, the hover mule's crew could only fly at half the speed they were going.

"That hun dan's gainin', Zoe!" shouted Mal as he reloaded his pistol.

"I see that, sir, but with only one engine runnin', we won't be able to outrun him for long!" shouted Zoe over the wind, engine noise, Jayne's cussing and yelling, and gun fire.

The hover chopper closed the distance between it and the injured hover mule with ease, even with the gunfire being directed at it and its rider. With a grin behind his yellow bandanna covered mouth, the leader of the three bandits, now reduced to one, activated his hover chopper's auto-pilot as he eased up on the hover mule's left side. The man stood up and jumped into the hover, immediately kicking Jayne in his injured arm and punching Pain in the face hard enough to send the gun that he held in his hand flying out into the prairie below. Mal tried to fire his gun at the man, but the bandit connected his boot with Mal's face, knocking him out cold.

Zoe was doing her best to zig and zag, trying to dislodge the man from the hover. She received a few shots fired at her, but none hit her. The man then spotted the cryo container strapped between the two mercenaries and went for it. He fired a few more shots Zoe's way striking the console in front of her. He had just managed to undo one of the straps holding the case down, when Pain pulled out his backup gun and fired it into the man's left knee. The man screamed and staggered back a little before Pain fired again, aiming higher up. The second shot made the bandit leader stagger back towards the side of the hover mule and the third and forth shots caused him to go over the edge, tumbling into the dirt and brush below.

"Go, Zoe! Go! Go! Go!" shouted Pain as the foursome was free of their bandit problem.

Pain re-secured the cargo and took off his shirt to use on Jayne's shoulder wound. Mal was still out of it, but managed to come to halfway back to the ship. With an injured hover mule, a wounded mercenary, and two roughed guys, the group of four eventually made it back to the ship, but a half hour late.

Aboard Serenity: Cargo Bay

The smoking and battered hover mule came to a stop inside the Firefly's cargo bay. Upon it coming to a stop, Kaylee saw the condition that it and the crew driving her was in. She stopped what she was doing and rushed over to them.

"Oh my God! What happened!" she asked as she surveyed the damage done to the hover mule and the crew.

"Bandits." replied Mal, slurring a little and swaying a bit. "Tried to steal our cargo, but we were triumphant at the expense of a few gunshots to our girl here."

As Mal gripped the side of the hover mule to steady himself, Kaylee ran around the back of the hover and her jaw dropped at the sight of the shot up engine.

"A few? The port engine looks like it got chewed up by an industrial wheat thresher!" she exclaimed. "It ain't exactly a cheap part to fix neither!"

"We have faith that you can fix it, darlin'." replied Pain, giving the mechanic a smile before grimacing at how much smiling hurt. He helped Jayne out of the hover mule and added while taking the man over to the infirmary, "Right now the important thing is to get the doctor to patch up Jayne here, so he don't bleed to death on the cargo bay floor."


Friday, October 8, 2010 5:08 PM


Ivy hated it. She hated it when Pain was on a job. She had personally seen and felt the way a job can go horribly wrong. She had the bullet scars to prove it.

"How did you feel when..." Jacey was saying as she met with Ivy.

But Ivy wasn't particularly listening.

"Ivy? How did that make you feel..."

Ivy was nervous. Very nervous. What if something went wrong? What would she do?

"IVY!" Jacey exclaimed firmly.

Ivy whipped around.

"What?" she asked.

"I asked you a question."

"I'm sorry. I'm just a little distracted," Ivy explained. "Things can go wrong when you are on a job. I just worry."

"I'm sure everything will be OK," Jacey tried to assure her. "Don't they do this kind of thing as their job? I mean this is a transport ship. They pick up cargo and take it from point A to point B. Doesn't sound too hard."

Ivy smiled at Jacey. She obviously didn't know much about the crew's doings.

"Well, even in the best planned out job, things here on the rim don't always follow the plan," she said as she lifted her shirt enough so Jacey could see the one bullet scar that she had. "I went on a job once. Things did not go well."

"Is that a bullet wound?" Jacey gasped. "How did you get shot?"

"I got shot three times," she said. "I almost died... Actually, I did want to die. It would have been so easy to just let go..."

Jacey looked at Ivy intently.

"So what stopped you?"

"Zoe," Ivy said. "She reminded me that you shouldn't get the chance to pick whether or not you want to live. If you have folks that love you, you can't just leave.

"You see, her husband died not to long ago and he didn't get the choice I had."

"So you came back?" Jacey asked.

"For Pain," Ivy said. "And for me, I guess. I loved him and Zoe's words just connected with me."

"Do you like Zoe?"

"I don't know her as well as some of the others, but yes. Yes, I do."

"That's good," Jacey said as she jotted some notes into her CorPad.

"So did you have any friends while you were in captivity? Anyone you connected with?"

"Sure. There was S-" Ivy started, but she didn't finish. She looked at the time and got up from her seat and began to pace a little. Not a super overt pacing, it looked more like nervous energy. Ivy shook her head a little. "Tommy was around. She wasn't as loud then as she is now."

"You were about to mention someone else. Someone who's name started with a S?"

Ivy was distracted again.

"The person who's name started with a S? Who was she?" Jacey probed again.

The sound of a gunshot rang through Ivy's mind and she stumbled a little. She put her hand up to her temple and shook it off.

"I don't want to talk about it anymore," Ivy told her.

Jacey nodded. She didn't want to push her. She wanted to gain her trust and make her feel comfortable enough that she could feel safe talking to her.

Ivy looked at the time again.

"Is there something wrong, Ivy?" she asked.

"They're late. Something must have gone wrong."

"Things just might have gotten delayed, I'm sure everything is OK."

"They're late," she repeated.

That's when she heard the not-so-right sounding and the equally not-so-right smelling mule arrive back in the cargo bay. The hair pricked up behind her neck. Then she heard Kaylee.


Originally posted by Pain:
"Oh my God! What happened!"

And Ivy bolted for the cargo bay, just knowing that Pain was hurt.

Her heart was pounding so hard that if she were paying attention, it probably would've been painful.

Simon was already in the infirmary. She looked off to one side and saw Mal leaning up against a crate, still looking a bit dazed. Zoe was tending to him. Kaylee was on top of the mule, swearing colorfully at the damage to the mule.

Where in Pain? she thought frantically.

Then she saw him coming out of the infirmary with his shirt thrown over his shoulder. His bloody shirt. And he had a bloody nose too.

"PAIN!" she nearly screamed as she ran to him and collided with him. She put her arms around him and held on for dear life, like everything in her world depended on him. In a way, it did. "Please don't be hurt bad! Are you OK? Did they shoot you?"

Her scared, tear filled eyes looked up at his.

"Are you OK?" she asked. "Please tell me you're OK."

Like Firefly? Like online role playing? If so, check


Friday, October 8, 2010 5:33 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
Her scared, tear filled eyes looked up at his.

"Are you OK?" she asked. "Please tell me you're OK."

"I'm fine, baobei. Really I am." replied Pain as he held Ivy in his arms. He used a hand to wipe away a tear that fell and continued, "I'm not shot. I just got punched in the face while in a movin' vehicle. Jayne was the one who got shot. I just used my shirt to help stop the bleedin'."

Pain began to stroke Ivy's back trying his best to soothe her fears away. He leaned down and gave her a kiss before saying, "Everythin' is goin' to be fine, darlin'. We got the cargo and arrived back in more or less one piece." He looked into Ivy's beautiful green eyes, smiled and said, "I missed you, beautiful."


Friday, October 8, 2010 6:13 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
"I missed you, beautiful."

Ivy beamed as she realized that Pain was fine. Just a little banged up, but nothing that wouldn't heal up quickly.

"Missed you too," Ivy said as she wiped some of the blood off his face. "I hope you killed the bastard that messed up that pretty mug of yours."

She smiled and hugged him again. Firmly.

"You scared me," she said. "I don't like being scared."

She willed herself not to think of what could've went wrong.

"Let's go get you cleaned up, then," she said as she pulled him by the hand away from the area. It was too crowded. "Is Jayne OK?"

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Friday, October 8, 2010 6:27 PM


Jacey followed Ivy to the cargo bay and watched from a distance. She was surprised at the state of the away team. They were battered. One was shot. Jayne. The big crude guy she met when she first came on board. Their mule actually took on a good bit of damage as well. She shook her head, amazed by it all, but one thing that bothered her was the fact that most of the folks there treated this kind of thing like it was an usual occurance.

She'd think more on that later, but in the meantime, she watched Ivy.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I hope you killed the bastard that messed up that pretty mug of yours."

Was she serious? Or was she joking? Did she actually think that? And did he? Would he?

She was a bit alarmed by the cavalierness of their conversation.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"You scared me," she said. "I don't like being scared."

Jacey wasn't real sure Ivy would be strong enough to handle Pain getting hurt or killed. It may have to be something she might have to introduce into their conversation. She wouldn't want Ivy blindsided by something like that, especially since this may be a common occurance.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Let's go get you cleaned up, then."

Jacey watched puzzled as Ivy led Pain away. She hadn't asked about anyone else. Was Pain literally her whole world? Was she focusing so much on him that she was excluding most everyone else on the crew? That could be dangerous too.


Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"Is Jayne OK?"

Jacey smiled in relief as she heard Ivy ask about Jayne. That was one little thing she would need to explore, but other things were more important at the moment.

She watched Ivy and Pain disappear, probably heading somewhere like their bunk. Jacey retired to her room and made notes on Ivy's file in her CorPad.

Like Firefly? Like online role playing? If so, check out


Friday, October 8, 2010 6:41 PM



Originally posted by EnglishIvy:
"I hope you killed the bastard that messed up that pretty mug of yours."

"Last I saw of him, he was fallin' off the hover mule and tumblin' in the dirt." replied Pain with a smile as he continued to hold onto his girl.


"You scared me," she said. "I don't like being scared."

"I'm sorry, baobei. Scarin' you wasn't my intention." replied Pain apologetically.


"Let's go get you cleaned up, then," she said as she pulled him by the hand away from the area. It was too crowded. "Is Jayne OK?"

Pain let Ivy take him into their bunk and closed the door behind them. He watched as she grabbed a wash cloth and ran it under some cold water in the sink. Then she instructed Pain to sit on the foot locker and began to wipe off the dirt and grime that was on Pain's arm's and face.

"Jayne's fine." replied Pain as Ivy wiped off a cheek with the damp washcloth. As she ran it under the sink again, he continued while watching her, "He just got shot in the shoulder. He should be fine and dandy in no time under Simon's care."

Pain stood up and walked over to Ivy as she wrung the washcloth out and used a hand to turn her face so that she was looking at him. Pain smiled and then brought his mouth to hers', giving her a slow yet intense kiss that seemed to last for an eternity.

When Pain's lips finally departed from Ivy's, his hands were resting on her sides as he looked into her eyes and said, "I really really missed you, Ivy."

Pain then leaned in and kissed Ivy again, his hands beginning to caress her sides while their tongues dueled with passion inside their bunk.


Friday, October 8, 2010 6:55 PM



Posted by Pain:
"I really really missed you, Ivy."

Ivy melted into Pain's body as they kissed, each one getting more and more heated. She put her hands against his chest and pushed lightly. Their lips parted and she looked longingly into his eyes.

"Me too," she admitted. "But we still need to finish getting the blood off you. It's kind of a... turn off."

Pain nodded and let her finish his face. Then she wiped the washcloth over his chest and shoulders to rid him of the blood that had settled there from the shirt he had lent Jayne. After she was done, she ran her hands over his broad chest before bringing his head down to her lips. As she kissed him, she sighed contently.

"Now where were we?" she purred as their passion was turned up.

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