Buffy Season Finale... sorta really off topic

UPDATED: Sunday, May 26, 2002 05:33
VIEWED: 3982
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Tuesday, May 21, 2002 4:37 PM


I'm not going to rave... though these episodes certainly deserve massive amounts of rave-age.

I will simply say that it is the most satisfying season finale of Buffy ever produced. The Wish was good, but Grave succeeded in tying up every loose end of the season. *EVERYTHING* was addressed in an excellent manner. There was a little lightheartedness mixed with massive amounts of heavyheartedness. The ending, while expected, didn't come off as cheesy... it was executed perfectly.

The heavyness/drama of the season was addressed in a perfect Buffy-verse manner... with a laugh... with hysterical laughing.

Amazing episode here... one of the best ever written... having the story come full circle.

The season ends just as it began, with Buffy crawling from the grave. The only difference: she did it of her own free will. The season will go down in history as my favorite... even with the several bad episodes.


Tuesday, May 21, 2002 5:30 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

I'm so jealous. I don't get to watch the episode till tomorrow night.


Tuesday, May 21, 2002 6:57 PM


I whole-heartedly agree. What an incredible season finale! Really, one of the best mixes of humor/drama I've ever had the pleasure of experiences. I was on pins and needles the whole episode and still in, okay that metaphor got weird... anyway, you know what I mean.


Wednesday, May 22, 2002 5:38 PM



Whoa... I've had a big revelation in the Buffy fan community tonight. Apparently the folks over at The Kitten Board are literally torn to pieces over the death of Tara. They literally feel that Tara's death was the death of a real person. They are irrationally cursing everything related to Joss Whedon and the entire Mutant Enemy production staff, and while Stephen DeKnight was a mighty big prick on the topic, it is totally irrational and unreasonable. Plain and simple. I'm sorry if any devestated contributor to The Kitten Board is reading, but this is the truth. It may be more than a TV show to them... but these characters are ficticious. Their behavior is inappropriate and uncalled for.

Buffy is a privledge, Mutant Enemy does not owe you people anything. Get over it. Her death hurt me too... *a lot*... I'm very hurt don't get me wrong, but get over it! Move on.

Dylan Palmer, a.k.a. NoVaGrAsS,

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with Lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer


Friday, May 24, 2002 9:33 AM


The season finale of Buffy The Vampire Slayer made up for what had to be the worst season of this show I've ever seen.

Dawn was annoying and *not* cute

Anya...I was delighted when she turned back to a vengeful demon,even though she still has a tad of good in her.

Spike acting like Buffy did back in season two when she was head over heels for Angel.Was enough for me to want to see an Angel/Buffy crossover so Spike can be put out of his misery.

I think Willow with her ever going to changes every season was the only thing that kept me from throwing the remote at the television.

Xander:I hope one day will finally get some back bone which he showed a little in the season finale. was so good to see The Watcher again!

Buffy...Sarah Michelle Gellar is one bad &*) chick

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:40 AM


At the risk of being flamed, i've gotta say that Season 6 was by no means the worst ever, it had a logical progression, and was executed fantastically. I mean come on guys, if you can honestly give me a season on any show that has uber episodes every week then you're lying to yourselves.

The whole thing about S6 was that it was a somewhat different direction to what was expected. Sure we had 'monsters' of the week but the whole premise behind it, and indeed S5 was to show a natural progression of the characters as they grow out of the college life and into real life adulthoodness (spellcheck).

The best thing about Buffy is that it brings a sense of realism to a make believe world. If you don't want that, then go watch Dark Angel or Sabrina :-)

Roll on Season 7, and lets hope Amber Benson gets a comeback in some form or other.

Brit Bloke

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Ermmm. Unless they're incantantations and stuff.


Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:44 AM


Oh and if Mr Whedon does read this, and you do film in the UK, i'm available at a moments notice to be staked in any way shape or form.


Saturday, May 25, 2002 4:49 AM


I'm Waffling now, but with the Xander thing you mentioned up there Lauryn, wht do ya mean a little backbone, he saved the frikkin world, how much more backbone do you want ?


Saturday, May 25, 2002 12:26 PM


Xander is the only human male on this show that acts like a girl and excuse the pun fights like one from time to time.I'm not bashing the Xander character but it's time for him to stand up to the plate,and maybe just maybe,saving Willow was also a pivoting point in Xander.
For him to finally stop running from his own problems and constant whining.
Xander did save Willow and the world but I hope they can move let his character be stronger..finally!
I would like Xander to stop having the pity parties for himself,feeling sorry for himself and finally be a man.

Now,Tara is dead and I would like to see how Willow deals with her death and killing the another human being,that will haunt her throughout season seven.

Shows that have had bad seasons:
"The X-Files"..well they had several bad seasons

"Xena:Warrior Princess" season four and five

Dark Angel:Mid way through season one..and fans wonder why FOX cancelled it?

Buffy The Vampire Slayer:season six

After a heart wrenching season five maybe my expectations were too high for season six.Or maybe Joss Whedon was just a wee bit too busy with the Fray comic books,Giles spin-off,Buffy animated cartoon...dunno..but I will be glad when he returns in season seven because season six was definately missing the midas(Whedon)touch.

Happy Memorial Day

"Witchblade Series Fans Site"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Saturday, May 25, 2002 12:53 PM


The kitten board has been going nuts over this for months ever since the spoiler was confirmed.. the Wiccans are just as "unhappy" with the "wiccan scorned" and other statements about wicca and magic.

I only watch buffy this year out of habit but he finale made up for most of it.


Saturday, May 25, 2002 5:30 PM


Originally posted by Lauryn2000:

Shows that have had bad seasons:
"The X-Files"..well they had several bad seasons

"Xena:Warrior Princess" season four and five

Dark Angel:Mid way through season one..and fans wonder why FOX cancelled it?

Buffy The Vampire Slayer:season six

No kidding about Dark Angel! I *hated* it. Now, if Cameron had taken a more Joss-like position on the series, I imagine it would have been a really good series.

After a heart wrenching season five maybe my expectations were too high for season six.Or maybe Joss Whedon was just a wee bit too busy with the Fray comic books,Giles spin-off,Buffy animated cartoon...dunno..but I will be glad when he returns in season seven because season six was definately missing the midas(Whedon)touch.

Happy Memorial Day


I'm sorry... but I just don't understand why people think Joss didn't have much of a say in this season. On numerous occasions, he has said that he was just as into it as ever (except when shooting the Firefly pilot). The most recent of those comments can be found here...

I absolutely loved Season 6, and as I've said before, I've been watching from day 1. I think that everything progressed in a logical manner, and while there were some piss-poor episodes (As You Were, Dead Things, Wrecked), almost everything was amazing, IMO.

I think the reason a lot of people may have disliked S6 is that it deviated from the standard formula set forth in S1-S5. It was a big change, and not many people like change. I don't understand them not liking the changes, but I guess that's the joy of differing opinions!

(for the record, I have only disliked one season of Buffy... season 4. I can't believe people have forgotten that atrocity and claim that S6 is worse than S4... I mean, there were maybe eight decent episodes in season four... well... eight that I didn't cringe through, that is.)

Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer


Saturday, May 25, 2002 6:51 PM


I have to say, that although I only watched the first 5 seasons of Buffy intermittently and have not basis for comparison, I really liked season 6. This is the season I was really sucked into and began to love the characters. I watched the end of 5/beginning of 6... left for a bit till the musical episode (which I loved.... they ever releasing that soundtrack?) and I was in from there on in.


Sunday, May 26, 2002 1:52 AM


Change..mmmmm...change is good except when it is either too sudden or doesn't stay on track with the characters persona.

I feel bringing Buffy back from the dead was a big challenge for the writers,especially trying to write in about a character who was once dead and is back with the living,some feelings.In the beginning Buffy acted like the Buffy-bot.She felt that she was torn from heaven and returned back to hell.Where of course she got sexually hooked up with ole Spikey boy and didn't know if she was coming or going half the time.

But that formula was already used with Angel but taken to the next extreme to the point of endless sexual acts to Spike almost raping her in the bathroom.

And *as a parent with a teenager* that watches Buffy,there were a few episodes that had me cringing.

Dawn--last season she was the key

This season it seemed as though the writers were trying to figure what her purpose would be in season six.Which made the character come off *annoying*.At one point I was hoping she would be the one that died but was pleased with the direction of killing off Tara instead.
Not because I don't believe in the lesbian relationship.I think that was the only relationship in season six that was a real and loving relationship.

I do give the writers props for the direction they have taken with the Willow character.
She has always been the one taking a second seat to everyone else and their problems,but holds the most power out of all the players in this show.Even more powerful than Buffy The Vampire Slayer,which she displayed in the season finale.

But even with my semi-dislike for season five

Buffy is still the best sci-fi show on televsion and has stayed true a majority of the time,to the characters and mythology continuity blah,blah.

Unlike The X-Files,
which I'm still seeking therapy for after watching that hideous series finale.

Have a safe Memorial Day!!

Now,I must crusade over at the Witchblade forum to protest replacing actress Yancy Butler as Sara Pezzini.

"Witchblade Series Fans Site"

"Words that hate and criticize,open no one's eyes"


Sunday, May 26, 2002 5:33 AM


Originally posted by Jonwes:
I have to say, that although I only watched the first 5 seasons of Buffy intermittently and have not basis for comparison, I really liked season 6. This is the season I was really sucked into and began to love the characters. I watched the end of 5/beginning of 6... left for a bit till the musical episode (which I loved.... they ever releasing that soundtrack?) and I was in from there on in.

Apparently we aren't the only ones who loved this season! All the writers think it was one of their best! Listen to Jane Espenson's interview at to get a little more insight on the writers' opinion of the show. It may also give some insight to the people who didn't appreciate the season, who might understand a lot of the roads they during the season.

Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS

Of Star Wars Episode 2: "It's like CSPAN with lasers!"
-The Daily Show Movie Reviewer






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