Serenity VS. Star Wars Ep. III??

UPDATED: Sunday, July 11, 2004 16:42
VIEWED: 18647
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Monday, April 12, 2004 8:34 AM


Star Wars will do much better I think. Serenity may be a good film, but it won't top Episode III. However, it may be able to latch on afterwords as an intelligent science fiction film.


Monday, April 12, 2004 10:02 AM


I would like to see a line of space ships put out like the old Millenium Falcon. One of Serenity, the Fed ships rock (the small fighters I mean) and then a reaper ship with the grappling hook devices that really work!

How bout a Crazy 8 ball (remember those?) with River wisdom and predictions on it?

And the whole line of play guns..

Candy bars that look like the loot taken from the wreckage in Episode 1: Serenity

I do digress...


Monday, April 12, 2004 10:04 AM


As with so many others, I grew up with Star Wars. And with that came a love for the bad guys, their sweet armor, big guns, and great music. In school I was considered the go-to guy for SW info (but there were definitely others who knew more than me). And I am not afraid to say that overall, I was pleased with Episodes 1&2. That's not to say I love Jar-Jar (becuase I most certainly do not), or that I am too overly enthused by the fact that Boba Fett (my favorite less-than-five-lines-in-a-move-but-still-cool-as-hell character ever) is nothing more than a dumb clone. (most of all hate the use of the Death Star in Ep.2)

I say this so you will know that when I say "comparing box office takes of Episode 3 and Serenity are two similar but diferent things," you will understand where I come from. Comparing box office takes of Episode 3 and Serenity are two similar but diferent things.

True, they both share the same type of Sci-Fi fanbase, but as Zoid pointed out "our military men and women have found a resonance in Firefly's story and characters and will be at theaters in droves." However, at the same time, Star Wars still has that name-brand recognition, and the os-so-overused CGI aliens. Yeah, I'm using Firefly's lack of aliens (which I actually think is a cool idea) against it for sake of discussion. But let's face it, a kid looks at a trailer and sees some funny looking alien and therefore convinces his parents to take him to that movie. For every child there are 2 parents (roughly), that's at least three tickets. The average American Family has about 2.5 children. Thats about 5 tickets per home. Assuming the kids go with their friends (who will inevitably be escorted by parents) that could jump anywhere from 5 to 10 tickets per home.

Admittedly, us loyal Browncoats will most likely go en-masse to theaters multiple times. So that's probably 7 or 8 per group. Multiplied by however many times we see the BDM.

Long and somewhat pointless story short: If Serenity and Episode 3 share a release weekend, pray for Joss. If their openings are different, SW may take in the big bucks for a while but look for Serenity to be the sleeper hit of the year.

sorry if I ranted a bit

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're going to burn in a very special level of Hell, a level they reserve for child molesters and people who talk at the theater." -Book


Monday, April 12, 2004 11:48 AM


Speaking strictly for myself, I intend to have plenty of cash in my wallet for both, more than once. I think it would be smart of Universal to release Serenity a week or two (or three) before Ep. III.

Hopefully, they won't do what Paramount did with the last Star Trek movie, releasing it to compete with James Bond, Harry Potter and The Lord Of The Rings.


Monday, April 12, 2004 1:30 PM


Personally, I think a lot of the fear stemming from releasing "too many sci-fi films or shows or what-not" at the same time is based off of unreasonable assumptions by the big business types. Sci-fi fans will see both. The main question is about the non-sci-fi fan mundanes. Will people be intruiged by a general sci-fi advertising blitz into trying something they may never hav heard of, or will they feel like shelling out bucks only for the established cross-over franshise? I kind of think the former is not an unreasonable possibility.



Monday, April 12, 2004 1:43 PM


>Do we want to see Firefly action figures?? Legos?

I made a lego model of Serenity a while back. It evolved over a month or so, and it's almost certainly a sign of the on-set of dementia. But everyone I've showed it to has agreed that she's pretty shiny ship. The scary thing is that the engine pods have the full range of motion, the spinny thing near the firefly "abdomen" does its spinny thing, and the main cargo-bay door and the hatch that Jayne likes to hang out of both open up. Even scarier; the shuttles can detach. But the part that will really dot the "i"'s on my commitment to the asylum, is that even though you have to peer through the tiny gangway door, you can see that the cargo deck has wee balconies.

When I get a good picture I'll post it up here. It's harder to photograph than I would have thought.



Monday, April 12, 2004 2:17 PM


Diego wrote:

"I made a lego model of Serenity a while back. It evolved over a month or so, and it's almost certainly a sign of the on-set of dementia..."

Cool, I've got one made of Lincoln Logs! Of course it's only in my mind, on account of the way they've got my arms crossing my chest and tied in the back; but, it's really neat! I've even got a miniature Abe Lincoln in the dining hall, drinking cider and emancipating the mudders.


Still, 'idle hands' and all that... Just don't show it to any girls you pick up at the club; show 'em your pictures of "The Crucified 'Tash", instead. ('Tash, your cue) They'll be outta their outer garments in no time (or outta your house, one or t'other).

Respectfully, (if playfully)


"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence, Wilkins, Richard


Monday, April 12, 2004 2:38 PM


Stoppard (re)wrote the dialog??? Based on the first 2, I was planning to skip the 3rd one. I may have to reconsider...


Monday, April 12, 2004 4:39 PM



Originally posted by SamuraiX47:
Again as someone near the top of the thread asked Arcbeatle... Do you know of an actual release date for Serenity? All we've been able to do is surmise and assume and suspect when it will hit theaters. Timing wise... mid to late August may be the best... or maybe April...

In another month or so we should know for sure. Movie studios and directors don't like to start shooting a film and not know what their deadline is. Shooting begins in June.


The release is currently set for "late 2005." I am guessing that it will be released around November, definitely no earlier than August. No specific release dates have been set. And btw, most movies don't get release dates until months to years after they finish shooting.


Tuesday, April 13, 2004 9:01 AM



Still, 'idle hands' and all that... Just don't show it to any girls you pick up at the club; show 'em your pictures of "The Crucified 'Tash", instead.
I dunno, Zoid. That advise doesn't apply to geek chicks. My present girlfriend likes it.

I suddenly flash back to the PVP comic that features Firefly.



Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:17 PM


Diego wrote:


I dunno, Zoid. That advise doesn't apply to geek chicks. My present girlfriend likes it.

zoid smiles and pokes you in the arm...

What? You don't have to blow her up, do you?



"River? I thought she was a sweet girl. Of course, we were all sure she was crazy, too."

- Inara Reynolds, Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs
from A Child Shall Lead Them: A History of the Second War of Independence Wilkins, Richard


Tuesday, April 13, 2004 1:41 PM


What? You don't have to blow her up, do you?
Only when she asks me to. ;) And no, she is NOT made of plastic, Zoid.



Wednesday, April 14, 2004 1:55 AM



I'm looking forward to Episode 3. I liked Episode 2. After several more watchings I'm beginning to accept Episode 1.

I'm glad I'm not the only person over the age of 12 to like those movies. I'm definiatly gonna see Episode 3, even if it has absolutely no plot. Hopefully it'll include all of the historical stuff I'm interested in as a geek, and nothing that actively annoys me. I probably won't see it more than once, and I'll probably buy it on VHS at a yard sale instead of the super-platinum collector's DVD set. Of course, I'll probably see Serenity multiple times, and buy several DVDs.

I always imagined the movie would come out in the September-November timeframe. Not that I want to wait longer, but all the summer thrillers would be out of theaters, and people would be ready for intellegent characters and diaglogue.


Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:26 AM


You're not the only one, but there were too many things in Ep. 1 that made me cringe to like it TOO much. And Ep. 2 only got rolling after OWK went to the cloning planet (can't recall the name). I like the Gungan race, as a whole they are a cool alien species, but as I have said many times, the film would have been improved greatly with a 10 minute scene of the slow, agonized, tortured death of Jar-Jar Binks. I enjoyed the two prequels on certain levels, and I will watch the third hoping it doesn't suck lemur testicles, but "Serenity" I shall watch endlessly. I hope it is given some time between release and Ep. 3.

Jayne: "How big a room?"


Saturday, July 10, 2004 6:12 AM


I find it oddly creepifying to read that a lot of us were so close to projecting when "Serenity" would be released... and now that we know for certain that April 22, 2005 is the release date, I think the decision was the right one.


"Older men declare war, but it is the youth who must fight and die. And it is the youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow, and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war"
- Herbert Clark Hoover

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." - Martin Luther King Jr.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 6:52 AM



Originally posted by embers:
well personally I won't be standing in line for episode III of Star Wars! I was disappointed w/episode I, but episode II was a complete rip-off, I felt I should have had my money back...

so no way am I thinking of throwing good money after bad by bothering to see Star Wars III in any theater (and I don't think I'm alone in my disgust, I don't think he'll make the first week $ on this one that he has in the past).

In fact I think there should be an online campaign to get people to go to Serenity instead!

Make it clear that we actually want good writing and developed characters, and jokes that are funny!

All things Considered....

Ep. I : poorly Written but good story and beautiful visuals.

Ep. II : Better written, not quite as good a story, INCREDIBLY beautiful visuals.

Ep. III? : if it follows the trend.. Decent writing, poor story, Visuals that will burn themselves into the back of your retina.

now with all that said. I love Starwars and i always will. Empire was the first movie i EVER saw. The new breed of SW is in no way to be compared to the classics. But they have thier niceties and imo should not be bashed on so hard, their good out weighs their bad.

Empire held its spot as my favorite all time movie for 23 years. If you were to ask me today which would i rather watch on a whim, Firefly (any given episode) or Empire? My answer would be firefly. If this trend continues Serenity may replace it altogether.

But dont give up on SW just because its new incarnations are but a mere shadow. In all honesty, they were an incredibly Tough act to follow.

"Crime and Politics, little girl. The situation is always...Fluid."
"The only fluid I see is the puddle of piss, refusin' to pay us our wage." -Badger and Jayne , 'Serenity'


Saturday, July 10, 2004 8:55 AM


I hate to say this, but I think ep. III just might do better then we think it would. maybe the reason for the first two films to be as is is so that when ep. III comes out, it could be the most mediocre movie and fans would still worship it.

you really think that starwars would end up like back to the future? hmm... bad example, err... startrek movies? wait.. superman series? batman series? gorrammit.... think!!! the matrix series?

okay, nevermind... starwars ep. III is going to blow and there no saving it. That doesn't mean I'm not going to watch it. (I'm a sucker for marketing) But Serenity better get some marketing under it's belt, or history will be likely to repeat itself.

no matter how cool a lightsaber is, I think I'm at heart a browncoat before I am a Jedi.

of course I can always be a jedi wearing a browncoat.....

"Why? Is there blubber?"


Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:51 AM


I'm a Star Wars fan; I'll be seeing episode III opening weekend I'm sure, but I doubt I'll see it multiple times at the theater, unless it's **really** cool. I will probably see it twice, once with my geeky (did *I* say that?) Star Wars friends and once with my nephew.

I'll be seeing Serenity opening night and many more times (as much as I can arrange, probably on Friday nights) because I want it to do well and I'm SURE I'll be wanting to see it over and over!!! I'm sure I'll be dragging friends and family to it...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:03 AM


I was a huge fan of the original Star Wars. So naturally, I went and saw Episode I, and was mildly dissapointed. Then I saw Episode II, once... and never will again. I refuse to go see Episode III. I have no interest in it at all.

Which is the pure antithesis of my feelings towards Serenity. I'm pumped up for this movie, I can't wait to see it, over and over again.

So, I like the idea of "" Encourage people not to see SWEp3 based on the merits of it no longer being an engaging story, when it gets closer to the release date, put up the negative reviews, and sign people up pledging to not go see it (and perhaps another list to not go see it again). Suggest a list of alternatives that include, but is not limited to, Serenity.

Also, we browncoats should mobilize to go see Serenity en masse the weekend SWEp 3 opens. For example, suggest delaying a second viewing of Serenity until Star Wars' opening weekend. If we're successful enough, we might even trump Star Wars in a head to head matchup. Wouldn't that be shiny?

Firefly CCG Website
Firefly CCG Forum


Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:07 AM


The release dates are actually closer to being one month apart, and although a month may not seem like much, it is enough time that the two movies will not be directly competing for box office dollars, and financially, both films will be successful. The biggest difference between the movies is that one of them has the potential to effectively launch a franchise while the other has the potential to effectively lay a franchise to rest.
Serenity will likely have an opening weekend that, although not necessarily record-breaking, will be great enough to easily convince Universal to greenlight a sequel. After that, between fan buzz and positive reviews (yes - positive reviews. Joss has been given full reign which should quell any concerns that this film will succumb to Hollywoodization, and any educated film critic will recognize the blessing of a sci-fi action flick in which the spectacle of the movie, however magnificent it may be, does not supercede the plight and dynamic of its truly original characters,) the fan-base will most likely expand, and this will cause the B.O. receipts to not dwindle quite as rapidly as with other movies as the converts will continue to trickle in. The current fan base is truly phenomenal considering the opportunities given the show's survival by Fox, but there are still a large number of people who will be introduced to Firefly by happening upon a Serenity trailer before a movie, and keep in mind that good trailers can persuade somebody to give a movie a try. Plus there are all the folks who are being told to check out the best TV series they've never seen. For some, the release of the movie may be the push they need. Serenity will have a good box office run; it's sequel will have an even better run.
Star Wars will also have a good run - perhaps even a better run than Serenity, given the expanse of it’s fandom over the past 25 years, which, as hard as some people may try to resist, is still enduring. It won't break any records, including its own. The prequels have turned off more fans than they have engaged. A lot of people will see it, though they will have widely varying reactions, unlike Serenity, which will be largely enjoyed by most of its audience. A significant difference, though, is that people who had not necessarily planned on seeing Star Wars will not have their minds changed by the reviews or the buzz or the trailers. And although it is certainly established enough to draw in a huge crowd, nobody will demand that Lucas make another one. Nobody will miss new Star Wars movies, but the ever-increasing Browncoats will crave more offerings from Joss.

That's my peace. Please forgive me if this was long-winded, I'm a relative newb to internet forums; I just love Firefly too much to not get in on the action.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're
going to burn in a very special level of hell.
A level they reserve for child molesters and
people who talk at the theater."


Saturday, July 10, 2004 11:47 AM


Now the thing is that we need to start maing a website like that soon... It would be rather awesome.

Im willing to help write articles and or advertize.

If people only beleive wahts in a movie, their damn well sure beleiving Serenity.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 12:39 PM


i could care less about star wars III! episodes I and II were nothing special. they were okay to watch, ONCE. the new ones dont hold a candle to the older ones. and i am by no means a star wars guy, never was.

i just want serenity to do very well. i hope just crappy movies come out the same week as serenity.

-Soul Rebel-


Saturday, July 10, 2004 2:27 PM



Originally posted by SlayThis:
The release dates are actually closer to being one month apart, and although a month may not seem like much, it is enough time that the two movies will not be directly competing for box office dollars, and financially, both films will be successful. The biggest difference between the movies is that one of them has the potential to effectively launch a franchise while the other has the potential to effectively lay a franchise to rest.
Serenity will likely have an opening weekend that, although not necessarily record-breaking, will be great enough to easily convince Universal to greenlight a sequel. After that, between fan buzz and positive reviews (yes - positive reviews. Joss has been given full reign which should quell any concerns that this film will succumb to Hollywoodization, and any educated film critic will recognize the blessing of a sci-fi action flick in which the spectacle of the movie, however magnificent it may be, does not supercede the plight and dynamic of its truly original characters,) the fan-base will most likely expand, and this will cause the B.O. receipts to not dwindle quite as rapidly as with other movies as the converts will continue to trickle in. The current fan base is truly phenomenal considering the opportunities given the show's survival by Fox, but there are still a large number of people who will be introduced to Firefly by happening upon a Serenity trailer before a movie, and keep in mind that good trailers can persuade somebody to give a movie a try. Plus there are all the folks who are being told to check out the best TV series they've never seen. For some, the release of the movie may be the push they need. Serenity will have a good box office run; it's sequel will have an even better run.
Star Wars will also have a good run - perhaps even a better run than Serenity, given the expanse of it’s fandom over the past 25 years, which, as hard as some people may try to resist, is still enduring. It won't break any records, including its own. The prequels have turned off more fans than they have engaged. A lot of people will see it, though they will have widely varying reactions, unlike Serenity, which will be largely enjoyed by most of its audience. A significant difference, though, is that people who had not necessarily planned on seeing Star Wars will not have their minds changed by the reviews or the buzz or the trailers. And although it is certainly established enough to draw in a huge crowd, nobody will demand that Lucas make another one. Nobody will miss new Star Wars movies, but the ever-increasing Browncoats will crave more offerings from Joss.

That's my peace. Please forgive me if this was long-winded, I'm a relative newb to internet forums; I just love Firefly too much to not get in on the action.

"If you take sexual advantage of her, you're
going to burn in a very special level of hell.
A level they reserve for child molesters and
people who talk at the theater."

That was a good read hopefully most of it will come true.

I think its important to not turn the whole Serenity/Star Wars thing into to much of a competition. If its percieved as a competition by Star Wars fans we might find that a few of them boycott Serenity which would obviously be pretty disapointing from our point of view.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 9:53 PM



Originally posted by Kohan:
no matter how cool a lightsaber is, I think I'm at heart a browncoat before I am a Jedi.

of course I can always be a jedi wearing a browncoat.....

Wow. That just inspired me to come up with an entirely new signature. Thanks, Kohan!

Oh, and for all those who might be curious in setting up that website, drop me an email at (just take out the _nospam_ part ). I've got pretty decent coding skills, if we want to actually get this project rolling.

Ben Kenobi was a browncoat.


Saturday, July 10, 2004 10:08 PM



Originally posted by arcbeatle:
acording too the approximate release date of Serenity, and the release date of the last star wars movie, Wont serenity be coming out just a week or two before StarWars?? There are two ways to take this:

1.Serenity will catch the Market, and get the starwars audiance ahead of time, cutting into star wars's gross

2. Serenity wont take in much money, as many people will be waiting for their long awaited Ep. III, going with the old favorite instead of the new guy.

Comments? Questions?

There's almost a month between them, so the one won't really affect the other.

News Editor / Movie Reviewer / Talentless Hack


Sunday, July 11, 2004 1:53 AM


Well, I'm all right. - Mal


I think its important to not turn the whole Serenity/Star Wars thing into to much of a competition. If its percieved as a competition by Star Wars fans we might find that a few of them boycott Serenity which would obviously be pretty disapointing from our point of view.

I couldn't agree more trask43.
I am Jack's username
FTL in Firefly? <>
Support our shiny bunnies.


Sunday, July 11, 2004 3:27 AM


It's really not much of a competition. Firefly will likely pull in good ratings it's first week. Most sci-fi movies do. The difference would be the following week. A lot of sci-fi movies drop 50-75% of their audience the following week. Serenity, if it holds true to form, will likely hold steady, or increase, the following week with good word of mouth. In any case, the main goal here is to make the kind of movie which makes people want to see twice in a theater, then buy the DVD.

Look at Gattaca. Came out the same year as Alien 4. Which DVD is more likely to be on your shelf?

Star Wars is a different thing completely. There *isn't* a competition when it comes down to it. Star Wars is going to slam the box office when it is released. Firefly is going to be compared to it and the comparison is likely to be in Serenity's favor when it comes down to story, plot, and just being a bteer movie. But, Star wars is going to be much more commercial a movie.

And then there is the other point: Does anyone ever save up two weeks to spend $7 on a movie ticket? If there is a really good movie showing that week, you go see it. Another movie in two weeks makes no difference, at all.


Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:12 AM


I still think it well do relatively well. I myself have already convinced my husband (A devout SW fan of umteen years) to watch the BDM at least 3 times before we step foot into a dollar theater to watch SW.

I believe SW III will be a commercial success to a point. It won't be the huge blockbuster that Lucas wants. It won't be breaking any box office records.

Of course SW has had decades to build a loyal fan base. But many of the fans no longer "love" Lucas because of all the crap he's done to the series. I, myself, a former SW fan.

And with any luck, Lucas will crawl back under the rock from which he came and think about what he's done to, the once wonderful, Star Wars Saga.

Afterthought: Yes some people do have to save a few weeks in advance to go a movie. Family of four to a movie? You are talking almost 50 bucks for a matinee with popcorn and drinks to keep the kiddies quiet. 50 bucks aint cheap. That's a month's worth of gas.

I, myself, will probably spend 50 bucks in tickets ,in one month, just for myself.


"Small is the number of them that see with their own eyes and feel with their own hearts" -A. Einstein


Sunday, July 11, 2004 3:04 PM


lol... ^^

"Why? Is there blubber?"


Sunday, July 11, 2004 4:42 PM



Originally posted by gnoc:
Unfortunatly, I don't think Serenity has a chance vs Starwars. Star Wars is a kid/young person moive.. that is what lucas turned it in to. He has the toy market, the cartoons on Cartoon Network.. it is very popular with the kids.

Now, that said, I want Serenity to be geared for an older popuation. I don't see a reason that the older star wars fans (me included) cannot enjoy both movies. I can assure you , I have taken the day off from work to stand in line for the midnight showing of Ep 1 and Ep 2 (of which I loved both) and I will be in line for Ep 3. If they have a midnight of Serenity, I will be there also.

I don't see why we should boycott SW, you might turn away some of the die hard sw fans who might really like Serenity.

I hope Serenity does well with all of the Sci Fi popularity that grows during a star wars release.

My 2 yen

Very well said. I for one will be in line (actually I'll buy tickets over the web so I won't have to wait in line) and see it at the midnight showing of Ep III. When I saw Ep II at midnight, I had the funnest time ever seeing a movie (with the other Star Wars fans). It was great.

I'm a fan of both and think that the older Star Wars gen will really like Serenity. With it opening up early it should geek up the Star Wars fans for Star Wars and make a boatload of money. That's what I'm hoping for anyway.






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