A New Browncoat!

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 08:18
VIEWED: 4963
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Friday, July 23, 2010 3:10 AM


Hi all, you’ve got a newbie here! I just discovered Firefly/Serenity a few months ago when my friend handed me the Serenity DVD and said “you must watch this!” and have been watching both the series and movie over and over again since :)

I got lucky enough that it was in time for me to meet Summer at the Aussie Supanova! She is the cutest thing ever, as I’m sure most of you agree! Best 2 days of my life, within a few feet of Eliza Dushku, Summer Glau and Dichen Lachman. Couldn’t believe how tiny Summer is! Hugging her was like hugging a twig!

Anyway, I just wanted to get to know you all as my fellow Firefly fans. I’ve been lurking in the forums for the last day or so just looking around and getting used to the white on black!

So let’s have it! Tell me all about yourselves!

Who’s your favourite Serenity/Firefly character?
How did you find the show? How did you find the site?
What’s one of your favourite scenes?
What’s your favourite Joss show apart from Firefly?
What’s your favourite part about the community here?
Any tips for a new girl?
How many Aussies are here?

As for me, I am in love with River and Kaylee (I’ve spotted a few people who think she is boring, but I think she is just plain adorable!). I’ve already mentioned how I found the show, and I came across the site when googling Firefly.
My favourite scenes are anything with someone picking on Mal, cos its just so much fun. I love Mal, but he’s just so great to pick on!
Mal: “Do you want to run this ship?!”
Jayne: “Yes!”
Mal: “Well... you cant!”
Not a fan of Jayne, but he does have some funny lines! And my favourite other Joss show is Dollhouse. Eliza and Dichen are two amazing ladies!

I also have a cat called River :) Not an intentional naming, but awesome nonetheless. I adopted her a few weeks back and when I saw her name, I knew it was meant to be! She’s gorgeous, just like her namesake :)

So anyway, help a new girl out! I’m still exploring the Browncoat world and I have much to learn!


Friday, July 23, 2010 6:19 AM


Keeping order in every verse

Hi SJ and welcome aboard. May I be one of the first to offer you a nice new browncoat from the virtual cupboard. it's agood bunch on here and I was made to feel very welcome when I first arrived. Like yourself I arrived late.It was the BDM first followed by the series.
Fave ep; thats easy---Ariel.Love the ep and think it's a perfect ep to describe the series to a newbie.Jayne is my fave(as you will find he is a firm favourite around here.

My best tip; contribute as much as you like and be nice to folk.We're from all over;I'm a brit myself. Only warning is, if you want to participate in RWED, have astrong constitution and be prepared to argue hard.Coz one or two will rip you a new one.But it's still fun and informative.Wear your coat with pride and keep flyin'.

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Friday, July 23, 2010 6:31 AM


Hello there, good to see new recruits! I was first introduced to the series in 2005, after seeing Serenity. That movie made so many new Browncoats, it's hard to overestimate the impact it had.

As far as a favourite character. This may sound like a cop out, but I don't think I have one. I think what makes the show work is the chemistry and diversity of the crew. The fact that they're like a family. I really find Mal fascinating, and multi-layered, Kaylee is also very endearing, but I like them all.

The best thing you can do is to introduce as many of your friends to the show as possible, keep active on these boards, and just enjoy yourself as part of the community. Welcome aboard!

"Governments exist to get in a man's way." -Mal


Friday, July 23, 2010 6:35 AM


Hmm, there's a few other Aussies around here. Magonsdaughter is the one I know about. She spends much of her time in Real World Event Discussion, which has a caveat warning involving sharks and blood in the water in the best of times, and in the past few months has been upgraded to flying shark hurricane status.

But she might be interested to hear another body from down under has joined up, so I'll give her a poke in case she misses this.


Friday, July 23, 2010 7:05 AM


Welcome, SJ!


Friday, July 23, 2010 9:40 AM


Take good care of that virtual coat, SJ, and wear it in good health and misbehavior.
We also hand out strawberries and big mugs of mudder's milk, and that's before you get up to the galley to question the buffet.
Go easy on the shimmerwine until you develop a tolerance.
Enjoy this very shiny forum.

goodness, I think we'd better build another bunk


Friday, July 23, 2010 10:31 AM



Originally posted by SJ:
Couldn’t believe how tiny Summer is! Hugging her was like hugging a twig!

DIAF you lucky bastard!! *ahem* I mean welcome. I'm in no way extremely jealous.


Originally posted by SJ:

Anyway, I just wanted to get to know you all as my fellow Firefly fans. I’ve been lurking in the forums for the last day or so just looking around and getting used to the white on black!

So let’s have it! Tell me all about yourselves!

Who’s your favourite Serenity/Firefly character?
How did you find the show? How did you find the site?
What’s one of your favourite scenes?
What’s your favourite Joss show apart from Firefly?
What’s your favourite part about the community here?
Any tips for a new girl?
How many Aussies are here?

As for me, I am in love with River and Kaylee (I’ve spotted a few people who think she is boring, but I think she is just plain adorable!). I’ve already mentioned how I found the show, and I came across the site when googling Firefly.
My favourite scenes are anything with someone picking on Mal, cos its just so much fun. I love Mal, but he’s just so great to pick on!
Mal: “Do you want to run this ship?!”
Jayne: “Yes!”
Mal: “Well... you cant!”
Not a fan of Jayne, but he does have some funny lines! And my favourite other Joss show is Dollhouse. Eliza and Dichen are two amazing ladies!

I also have a cat called River :) Not an intentional naming, but awesome nonetheless. I adopted her a few weeks back and when I saw her name, I knew it was meant to be! She’s gorgeous, just like her namesake :)

So anyway, help a new girl out! I’m still exploring the Browncoat world and I have much to learn!

I was a Buffy/Angel fan and saw the ads on Fox for a new show from Joss. I was there from day 1.
After cancellation I found the site looking for any news of a potential revival.
Jayne patting Saffron on the shoulder when Kaylee is comforting here. Took a lot of viewings for me to even see it and it's just hilarious.
Angel it's just so much more mature than Buffy and they seemed to just be going all out with the dark plots.
The community here is just so friendly. It's very rare that you see any flaming going on here.
That depends on whether you're single or not
12. OK I made that up. I have no idea.

My cat's name is Kaylee. It just fits her so well. She's the sweetest little thing.


Friday, July 23, 2010 7:49 PM


Thanks a bunch for the welcome guys! I’ll try to jump in as much as possible :)

Peacekeeper – I don’t know what RWED is, but my sister sure taught me how to argue! It’s almost impossible to win an argument with her lol

Cleburne61 – I can see why you would say that :) I love all the characters and how they interact with each other, especially Inara/Mal. Not Jayne though.... (sorry Peacekeeper!) Jayne just gets on my nerves, although the more I watch the more tolerable he is.

Bytemite – thanks for the heads up! I’m still exploring the forums so haven’t really had the chance to get around much. I’ve got a few Firefly fans as friends although I don’t think they would be on here... might have to ask!

Malachite – thanks!

Floralbunny – I’ll take very good care of it! Mmm strawberries... I just finished off a punnet last night ;) Jewel keeps making me want more... that woman can sure eat a strawberry!

Zeek – It was a totally awesome weekend and I feel awesomely privileged. I hadn’t finished seeing all of Firefly then so I didn’t know as much about her, but on meeting her I immediately liked her! She is such a sweety! River the cat however... gorgeous creature but wont get off my damn laptop!!!
I’m not single I’m afraid! I have an amazing gorgeous girlfriend who is also a Firefly fan :) not quite as big a fan as I though lol.

Tollkeeper – sounds lovely... River is definitely gorgeous!

I guess I’ll go start posting! Heh :)


Friday, July 23, 2010 11:45 PM


Keeping order in every verse

Look forward to your posts SJ.RWED(Real World Event Discussions).And, before he gets to much of a pain, Trollkeeper is just my own personal nemesis, he is most definitely not my son.If he is nice to you, then I'll forgive him, otherwise, just take him with a pinch of salt!!

Peacekeeper---keeping order in every verse!!!


Saturday, July 24, 2010 12:15 AM


Id like to welcome you 2:p even tough im new here just like you.So ill guess ill go introduce myself just like you Ausie :p


Saturday, July 24, 2010 2:23 AM


Peacekeeper - don't worry, I have a lot of experience with that sort of person so I know how much salt to use ;) how did this nemesis thing start?

Hedgehog - welcome! you should definitely still introduce yourself since I don't know you ;)


Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:15 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by SJ:
Hi all, you’ve got a newbie here! I just discovered Firefly/Serenity a few months ago when my friend handed me the Serenity DVD and said “you must watch this!” and have been watching both the series and movie over and over again since :)

So anyway, help a new girl out! I’m still exploring the Browncoat world and I have much to learn!

Welcome SJ *blows vuvuzela*

Here are 2 kinds of more Firefly for you to have a look at and enjoy:

A script that was written for the show but never filmed:

"Dead or Alive"

It would have made a great ep imho, and still is even if you have to read it and imagine the images.

Also: more Firefly from very talented fans, an imagining of a completed season 1 and even a full season 2, the comics/graphic novels and other Joss/canon being the inspiration for both, but full of new twists and turns too. Great reads, the crew at did some amazing work.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:33 AM


Well, there's also three official comic books (Those Left behind, Better Days, and Float Out), one internet comic posted at Dark Horse (The Other Half), the companion books for the series and movie, a new companion book Still Flying that has some official short stories, semi-canon merchandise from Quantum Mechanics (QMx), and the Serenity RPG. :)

Also, more fanworks, such as fanmovies like Browncoats Redemption, and there was a really cool serial production a while back called Courage, if not sure if it's still going.

And lots of people are trying to make some MMORPG computer games.


Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:43 AM


hey SJ, welcome to this wild and wacky world we call "this site".

fav character: can't go past the main man himself: mr malcolm reynolds. though also partial to wash

found this show, like you, from a friend

gotta stick with the original and say buffy

tips: DON'T listen to anything piratenews says and stay out of the real world forums unless you are thick-skinned. people are less civil there.

and i'm glad to see another aussie on here. the only other one i can think of is boris.

again, welcome.

"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"


Saturday, July 24, 2010 6:25 AM


Welcome to the boat...

You're late !

Well , later than I'd like...

What has you flying with us brigands ?


Saturday, July 24, 2010 10:38 AM


Well, greetings, hedgehog.
Enjoy the edibles, won't you?
And have a coat!



Saturday, July 24, 2010 3:48 PM


thanks for all that guys :) I'd better not start looking at those things until I've done all the cleaning... otherwise I'll never get there (I shouldn't be here even now but I'm procrastinating!)

I look forward to checking it all out though :) I don't think I'll be heading to RWED just yet! I'm too busy enjoying all the FF stuff! I've watched the series twice in the last month lol. not sure how many times I've watched Serenity though lol

DMAAN - lovely to meet another aussie! what state are you in? I'm in WA! Soon to be NSW though! Just have to get the money up... lol

Out2theblack - I came as soon as I could! That said, it's mostly boredom that brings me here. I work in a call centre so in between calls we can usually mess around. I thought spending it among firefly fans would be a great way to spend it :)


Saturday, July 24, 2010 8:03 PM



Originally posted by SJ:

I also have a cat called River :)

Welcome to the party! Engine brew over there, and here's some wife soup and fresh bao...

I also have a cat named River. She was abandoned, and when we got her she wasn't even 6 weeks old. Mrs BC bottle-fed her, and the darling girl, now about 5 years old, is still convinced the wife is her mother. But even then, small enough to fit inside a coffee cup, she was a fierce fighter. She coulda killed you with her brain, which was good because she couldn't have with her paws or teeth, but she sure tried.


Saturday, July 24, 2010 8:26 PM


awww BC thats so sweet :) My River is about 15 months old and I only got her about 3 weeks ago from the shelter.

She's the most gorgeous cat ever and she's very cuddly :)

She loves to climg the flywire though.... She definitely wants to be an outside cat!! She's getting sterilised and microchipped today so once she's recovered she can be an outside cat


Monday, July 26, 2010 2:56 AM


im over in sydney and im glad that you plan to get out of wa...

"I really am ruggedly handsome, aren't I?"


Monday, July 26, 2010 3:13 AM



Welcome. *passes the Mudder's milk*

Hey! I didn't spill it! OOOOPS!!

The laughing Chrisisall


Monday, July 26, 2010 3:40 AM


DMAAN - I can't wait to get out of WA! I'm thinking that any Firefly fan is welcome at my "Sara is finally in Sydney" party, so when I get there, you're invited :)

Chrisisall - why thank you! *drains the whole lot*


Wednesday, July 28, 2010 8:18 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the ranks of the browncoats SJ. Good to have you with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

X.O. / Battalion O.I.C.






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