Browncoat Bar and Grill- enough whiskey in the world?

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 1, 2010 15:40
VIEWED: 21933
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010 9:57 AM


that's cool MsA, I think the other problem is that I also get incredibly grumpy when anyone rings me or knocks on my door who's not a friend, probably a product of having a job that involves a lot of help it's broken phone/call emails, including 24/7 cover one week in three and frankly, when I'm home, I want to be left alone.

Wow, that came out of nowhere, hope everyone is having a good Tuesday.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010 2:08 PM



AAAAAAAAaaaaaa (did I mention the two exams are back to back first thing tomorrow morning and I have a lab report to finish tonight as well?) aaaaaaaaaa.......!!!!!!

How did the tests go, Rosie?


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 5:53 AM


Well first we need to know what you consider fun...
'cause I think it's fun to play four square at night with a glow in the dark bouncy ball, but it's not to everyone's liking

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 6:16 AM


Ya... my idea of fun might not quite live up to your standards of "Whoopee! Let's do that again!"


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 7:15 AM


Cleaning, packing and hoping the loan goes through

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:04 PM




Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:05 PM


Oh hey! This gang's PERFECT!

The statement "Intolerance will not be tolerated".. irony or oxymoron?

I'm teaching a course in human sexuality and it's going in the syllabus.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 3:27 PM


Cleaning house and doing laundry and thinking about going out with a guy I met on a dating site.(and eating leftover Halloween candy at the stress of possibly going out on a date).


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 4:31 PM



(What would Zoe do?)

Shoot something.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010 5:22 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by stinkingrose:
The statement "Intolerance will not be tolerated".. irony or oxymoron?

Irony. I would definitely say irony.


Originally posted by beatupplenty:
...what are all the cool kids doing?

Looking for jobs, reading tvtropes, and playing Robot Unicorn Attack. Wooo

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Thursday, November 4, 2010 7:48 AM


Oh I totally forgot the most important thing I will be doing this weekend

Celebrating Johnny's 1st Birthday!!!!!!
There will be cake...and the cake is not a lie

Also I will be desperately hoping the seller for our new house grants us an extension and the IRS gets off their asses and actually bothers to look at the documentation we provided in a timely manner so we can close on the loan

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, November 5, 2010 8:14 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Happy birthday, Johnny!

I hope to get him a gift, so when you guys get the loan all worked out and move, please get me the address.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Saturday, November 6, 2010 4:28 AM


Speaking of gifts (blatant plug)...

I, um, kinda made a cafepress shop.

It's not FF related, but I figured there's enough of a subset of suitable outside interests here that it would be a good place to tell people about it.

For your entertainment and holiday shopping, may I present SpiikGiik.

(No purchase neccessary, void where prohibited, tax tag and title extra.)

If you know someone who might think this stuff is funny, please pass the word along. If nothing else I can make people or lol!

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Pub Crawl.
(Shuffles off in search of the buffet.)


Monday, November 8, 2010 8:04 AM


Johnny's birthday was awesome... He ate a lot of cake and ran around and had a ball. HE was so cute
The house on the other hand not so much.... the seller has canceled the transaction. He wasn't willing to wait for our clearance. So in a month or so when we clear and his house is still on the market ( it had been on the market 9 months and we were the only offer he it's the holidays when house sales drop to almost nothing) we will make another cheaper offer on the house and he'll have to take it.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 8, 2010 9:10 AM


Yep. Seller can stick it. Maybe there's a reason and you're destined to find an absolutely wonderful place you love even better. Next door.
And his place can sit there and rot as he drops the price while nobody wants it.

(Sorry, I tend to get a little touchy around real estate having been both a buyer and seller a few times.)

Glad to hear cake was applied liberally internally and externally!


Monday, November 8, 2010 1:25 PM


It was mostly an external preparation. he kept patting the frosting and then kissing his hand like he couldn't believe his good luck

Oh I know we're getting that house, we'll just save a few thousand 'cause the seller lacked patience. Even his realtor was angry with him and kept pointing out the no other offers, going into real estate dead zone of holidays, that we were a valid offer and just needed a few extra weeks because we had to drop the first loan we qualified for because his house didn't qualify due to being in a flood plain, etc...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 8, 2010 1:48 PM



Originally posted by MsA:
It was mostly an external preparation. he kept patting the frosting and then kissing his hand like he couldn't believe his good luck

Too cute! I feel the same way.

Now I want to go make a mug brownie.

This is paraphrased from Instructables website: ("Cooks Sourcing" bad!)

4Tbsp sugar
4Tbsp flour
2 Tbsp cocoa powder
2 Tbsp water
pinch of salt

Mix dry ingredients in mug. Add wet stuff and stir. Nuke 1-2 min or until done.

I like to drizzle heavy cream over it to make it almost inedibly rich and gooey.

(Mixes up a mudslide.)


Tuesday, November 9, 2010 6:11 AM


I do love that mug cake. It's perfect for a crappy day:)

So how's the schoolin' going???

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010 8:48 AM


Turkey Day break is coming up. I am veryverylookingforwardto about it.

Just another 4 weeks to Finals.

on so many levels.

But the class for Spring's a "go", and I'm waiting for the hiring paperwork in the mail soon(ish).


Tuesday, November 9, 2010 10:28 AM


Oh man, work is a grind at the moment, second day in a row on my own.

Had an ace weekend with niece and nephew, hope Johnny had a good birthday.

Glad to see the schooling is working out SR, I think...

Anyone mind if I collapse in the corner and have a sleep.

Just caught up with the Monday night football, man my Bengals suck, or at least weirdly schizophrenic in play well, bonehead moment, play well, rinse, repeat, lose.


*collapses in corner*


Wednesday, November 10, 2010 3:45 PM


(Covers Gee with +3 blankie of snugness.)


Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:14 AM


Goofy Bard & Storyteller

**stumbles in**
Oh! Finally found it...

Hey all!

Bartender! An Irish Carbomb and a Taxi, please....

quick question from the n00b:

Is there a thread or site or something about Shindig-Etiquette, as in what mistakes and pitfalls should a N00b try to avoid, ect. and other helpful hints and tips, like cookies and punch are enuff for the first time if you don't know how many are coming or so.

Thanks all!


It's a strange World, Charlie Brown

I <3 Darth Whedon


Friday, November 12, 2010 6:45 AM


Oh my dear and fluffy lord... sorry guys been insanely busy
I now teach all 7 periods with no consultation or prep. A bit hard to manage since each of the 7 is a different subject so I have to prep lessons for kids with different abilities for 7 different subjects. I'm having to make around 28-30 lesson plans per day

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, November 12, 2010 8:20 AM




(Proffers strong drink.)


Friday, November 12, 2010 8:32 AM


Yeah but if I start drinking now, the kids will overtake me...

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Friday, November 12, 2010 8:34 AM


I get to drink lots tonight!!!!!

I can't wait!


Friday, November 12, 2010 8:38 AM


What would happen if you hid under your desk and pretended you weren't there?


Friday, November 12, 2010 10:00 AM


Whooo's DEW-Tequila for you:)
Happy Birthday oh fabulous and amazing Avery!!!

LOl Rosie- oh I think they'd massacre several kids and tear the room to shreds...they are " unique"
It's an ED( emotionally disturbed) classroom for students whose behavior is so severe they cannot be allowed in normal classes.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Saturday, November 13, 2010 11:23 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Somebody please explain to me why I always find men with serious emotional damage. How do I do that? What is it that makes me so magnetic to the people who just can't actually function or commit in a relationship, but really want to?

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Sunday, November 14, 2010 3:09 PM


Hugs Rose... I'm sorry sweety that sucks

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:06 PM


That's a puzzler PR, for sure...

If it's just men that you have trouble with,then that still leaves roughly half the planet's population wide open for success... provided you've got an open mind about that sort of thing.

I'm teaching a human sexuality course next semester. It should prove interesting.
I'm hoping I won't have to spend most of the three hour lecture playing referee. I'm going to have to be pretty good at playing ring-master depending on who signs up. It's intended to foster discussion in a non-judgmental setting.
So far the most often asked question about it is how much work will be involved.
It's a three credit 200 level course sooo.. answer: "Some. But I'm not trying to kill anyone, including myself. The more people enrolled the lower the likelihood of term papers!"
(I am NOT reading 50 of those suckers on top of my own 14 credit course-load.)

MsA- The pics of the munchkin are sooo cuuuute. He sleeps too!


Sunday, November 14, 2010 5:16 PM


I can't explain it, but they find me, too. There is one I like in the news singles meetup group I joined, but his ex left him for another woman, so now he wants all new prosepective girlfriends to take lie detector tests just to make sure they're not going to turn out the same way...he doesn't want to be a "lesbian starter kit" for someone new...

Maybe when one gets to a certain age, damaged goods come with the dating territory...


Sunday, November 14, 2010 11:02 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by stinkingrose:
provided you've got an open mind about that sort of thing.

You know I do. Sadly, I haven't had much luck with the ladies, either. It's proven quite difficult to find mutual interest. Lipstick lesbians are only a small percentage of the population. I dated one for a little while about seven years ago. She also proved to be a bit damaged.
Now, no denying that just about everyone has some baggage and issues and things, including myself. I was just hoping that as people grew and matured, it would start being less of an obstacle.
Ah well. I'm gonna try going out with this guy who seems to have a really sexy brain, even if I'm not immediately attracted to him. Sexy brain seems to be the way to go. Plus my oldest friend has been selling him to me for a few years, now; maybe she knows something I don't.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Monday, November 15, 2010 1:09 AM


I tell everyone: "Date the Geeks, they try harder."

I married an Alpha-Nerd. (I <3 my Doctroid!) 15 years of married and counting without any major complaints on either side SFAIK.
Plus one year of some really hot sex before that.
(Nerds try harder there too..)

Everyone has baggage, it does NOT improve with time you just upgrade to bigger bags. That lie detector test guy is a little over the top though.
1)fresh breakups
2)serial victims (fifteen boyfriends later and it was always his fault they broke up...?)
3)and prowling at support group meetings (let's play "who's more fucked up?"!).

If your friend's been after you to give him a try for years, they're probably on to something.
Looks aren't everything. You can have sex with the lights off or your eyes closed if you need to, but after things go all "Saggy-Baggy-Elephant" and the colors fade to grey you still want someone who you like/can talk to/remembers how you like your tea.

Chin up, tits out.. and remember there's nothing wrong with serial monogamy, dating around, or waiting until you're in your thirties to settle down IF EVER.


Monday, November 15, 2010 7:51 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I've dated nothing but geeks since I was nineteen. It's at the very top of my criteria list; I don't know how any geeks deal with dating non-geeks.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Monday, November 15, 2010 7:58 AM


It doesn't really come up that often, which is part of why I encourage people to Seek The Geek.


Monday, November 15, 2010 10:56 AM


Thanks Rosie ...I think he's the cutest ever
Rose all I can say is " date grown ups" Life is too short to waste time on people who haven't worked hard on dealing with their own issues and have a decent understanding of how to be a true partner in a relationship

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Monday, November 15, 2010 12:11 PM



Originally posted by MsA:

Rose all I can say is " date grown ups" Life is too short to waste time on people who haven't worked hard on dealing with their own issues and have a decent understanding of how to be a true partner in a relationship



Monday, November 15, 2010 6:30 PM


If they had speed dating at Comic Con, I'd consider buying a ticket.

Of course, I wouldn't be wearing a cat suit or bustier, so I probably still wouldn't be anyone's geek dream.


Monday, November 15, 2010 6:32 PM



Originally posted by stinkingrose:

Originally posted by MsA:

Rose all I can say is " date grown ups" Life is too short to waste time on people who haven't worked hard on dealing with their own issues and have a decent understanding of how to be a true partner in a relationship


Thirded! Don't mind a bit of milage on a man one bit as long as he's learned some common sense along the way..


Monday, November 15, 2010 7:19 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Guys, I appreciate it, but it's not like I've made an effort to not date grown-ups. Frank was in his thirties. And yeah, that went really well, and we're still on fantastic terms, and I like that, but he still had that whole emotional damage thing. And it's not like anyone just comes out and says they're a man-child, or that they've been traumatized, or that they're still in love with someone who died six years ago, or that they've been suicidal. That's the kind of shit that I'm talking about. It's a rare thing that I find out about such issues this early on. Usually it takes close to a year, when I'm already invested. And that's if I ever actually find out the root of the problem at all.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 1:02 AM


see what happens with a +3 blankie of snugness, you miss all the fun.

Alternatively, work has been hell, managed to be on my own again yesterday and late home again and was shattered in the morning despite two 13 hour nights over the weekend, I need things to calm down in the office, I'm still broke people.

As for main topic of conversation, not sure it's just one side of the divide hear people, in fairness I was mainly used as safety blanket support rather than boyfriend material but had plenty of the, 'why does he treat me so bad?' (he's a cock, a fact you acknowledged previously but then went back to him anyway), a personal maths/science tutor (my fault that I didn't apply myself and do something properly academic myself but maybe I could get a percentage of her doctor wages?) or just plain crazy (being unfair here, one had good reasons to be messed up after what happened to her folks as a kid and no one chooses to be obsessive compulsive).

Think I'm drifting here but the point is to me that generally people are odd, I have to be careful as happily coupled off for nine years now (yes there are problems but what ever runs smoothly) so people in glass houses and all that.

Hopefully, the right person is just round the corner PR and my only suggestion is, and I don't know the full situation so as ever, feel free to tell me to mind my own business, is to try to meet people via a hobby or interest. Always better to have something to in common other than being single.

*magics up a round of drinks for all*

*collapses in corner again*


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:40 AM


This is why I think truth in advertizing ought to apply to people as well. We should all come with a little disclosure packet.

Hmm ok mine would read
Pros- good cook, very loyal, loves to read, good parent, able to support self, reasonably smart, good sense of humor
Cons- Tend to obsess over welfare of child, a bit neurotic when it comes to my mother, easily frustrated, often repeats stories already told, talks too much and too fast, a bit of a know it all,

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 9:54 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah, that's a good idea! You're more than 'reasonably' smart, though, you know that right? How many degrees do you have, again?

Ok mine would read
Pros - honesty, genuine interest in how the world works, will geek out, affectionate and loyal, good memory for random stuff

Cons - takes things too seriously, just now getting some handle on career and the future, moderate to serious anxiety issues requiring plenty of reassurance, not always good at staying in touch, will probably be in school for a very long time

Heh, thanks Gee. I have tended to date people I have common interests with. In the fairly distant past I had some first dates with people I couldn't really talk to, and that was basically hellish. Like I said, I don't know how geeks date non-geeks without going bonkers. I just wish I had a way to spot the ones who had some serious unresolved issues (other than the fact that they seem to be attracted to me, and I to them, because that's not too helpful, ya know? )

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 4:41 PM


For a while there I'd swear I got my radar crossed with my gaydar.
Me: "He's cute!"
Reality: "Gay."
Me: "Oooh.. how about that one?"
Reality: "NNnope, Gay with a big G."
Me: "Him?!"
Reality: "You really suck at this, you know?"
Me: "Apparently so does that one too. Frak!"

My disclosure statement would probably need an entire desk drawer all to itself..
(Good thing I let Doctroid think he was signing a warranty. The marriage license was carefully slipped into the stack.)

(Stalks over to Gee. Firmly readjusts +3 blankie of snugness and adds sound dampening Fluffy Pillow of Nappage.)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010 7:41 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by beatupplenty:
Are you sure about the man whose wife died six years ago?

Well, it wasn't his wife, it was a little more...complicated than that. He said they were engaged, but I suppose that's not really the important part.


I will always love my late husband and remember him with love but it doesn't mean there isn't room to love another man now in the present. Is it possible your analysis of his feelings for his late wife was a little excessive?

Well, I kind of said the same thing. I said that I understood loving and missing someone, but that it didn't mean he couldn't be happy with anything else, ever. He said that he mourned the life they had planned out, and that when he thought about moving forward it still gave him pause because he didn't want to give up more of this fiance. He is clearly far from over it and gives me the distinct impression that in his heart of hearts he wants no one else, and I don't think I can really manage to compete with a ghost. There are some serious unaddressed issues here, issues which have apparently crippled him for years. Maybe I am wrong, but I did have to ask if he was really in a place where he wanted to be dating at all. I'm a very different person. I can't offer him a single thing that they had 'planned.' He seemed more than a little unsure about it. I haven't stopped talking to him, but I smell emotional damage. I know that smell. My most recent relationship was with someone who I had a lot in common with, could easily talk to, formed strong attachments with, and he was seriously traumatized, a trauma that ultimately broke us up. And he appreciated me. He still does. He didn't want anyone else, he had other demons to fight. It only worked as long as it did because he ultimately wanted me around. He's the only lover I've stayed close friends with because he ultimately wanted me around. If someone doesn't truly want me around, I think it's pretty pointless for me to date them, hoping for some change in their emotional landscape. As Lila said, life is too short. I can't waste any more of mine on people who might not appreciate what I have to offer because they actually want something else. I've done that, and it's rubbish.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:45 AM


I feel like I should apologize for taking one of the apparently last decent men available.... but here's the thing.... I'm not sorry and I'm certainly not giving him back

(Nelson voice) Ha HA!

I shall now smile slightly over the fact that my awesome husband(NV) is, at this time, home lovingly feeding our baby breakfast and then reading him stories, cleaning, and doing laundry.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 11:22 AM


ah man, I wish I had more brain cells to contribute to conversation and often feel incredibly lucky to have met my other half.

Situation does sound crappy for you PR, clearly the men of America are dumb, don't understand how they're not beating a path to your door to do battle for your affection but then I do score highly on the geek scale.

Sleep is getting worse, went to bed reasonably early last night and then had a nightmare that works me up at half four this morning and poor other half when I elbowed her in the ribs. I guess that one goes in the cons column?

Man, my sports teams suck, Bengals are 2-7, Chelsea lost at the weekend and have no cenrebacks, England loosing 2-0 to the French and getting a football lesson to boot.

Going back to try SRs adjusted +3 blanket, with beer - non alcoholic of course.

I'm sure I've missed people out but brain cells work, I aplogise, have a drink on me, the wands waiting at the bar.

*collapses in corner*


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 12:35 PM


* puts a pillow under Gee's head and a blanket over him* Poor guy:)

I sympathize on the sleep thing. For reasons known only to his peculiar little internal clock, Johnny keeps waking up between 2-3am and being up for an hour or so. Not hungry or sick, just restless. I think he's growing again.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others.
--Francois Mauriac
It's fuzzy-minded liberal thinking like that that gets you eaten.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010 6:14 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by gee:
clearly the men of America are dumb, don't understand how they're not beating a path to your door to do battle for your affection but then I do score highly on the geek scale.

Heh. It's unfortunately not restricted to just this country. That's very sweet of you to say, though


Originally posted by MsA:
For reasons known only to his peculiar little internal clock, Johnny keeps waking up between 2-3am and being up for an hour or so. Not hungry or sick, just restless.

That sounds un-fun
Wish I could offer advice. My mom claims that I always slept through the night, but there didn't seem to be any secret to it. Guess I've always had an excess of naturally-occurring brain tranquilizers.

Just because something can't be explained doesn't mean it becomes yours.






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