World of Warcraft

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 1, 2011 05:25
VIEWED: 10650
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Monday, January 24, 2011 1:52 AM


Does anyone here play WOW?


Monday, January 24, 2011 3:01 AM


Death to Wow! May it burn in hell! I used to play Wow but I am retired.

[Inara: It's all right. I mostly keep to myself. When I'm not whoring.]


Monday, January 24, 2011 4:15 AM


Used to, off and on, up till they shoved everyone onto the notoriously insecure - which not only exposes their game account, but entire financial data...

Worse is that upon finding that out (thankfully before any damage was done) despite Blizzards endless blame-the-customer attitude and protestations, I discovered exactly how that was done in seventeen minutes flat, and had I wanted to could have sat there collecting logins at my leisure.

Their only answer to it so far is to offer to sell folks an "authenticator" for six-eight bucks, which runs to a tidy profit with a subscriber base that large, and they'll not tell you it's not an actual RSA key and the algorithm was cracked even before any were delivered.

So in answer to your question, no.

But if you happen to be asking this question because you have been "hacked" and are extremely, extremely suspicious of how that happened - do a little homework, and consider that if whole guilds are being jacked, member by member, what the possibility really is of every single member of that specific guild having the exact same trojan, at exactly the same time...

Versus a security flaw at the SERVER end, which Blizzard will not, can not, admit, because of the tremendous legal liability exposing not just game accounts, but personal financial data of potentially millions of people.

And then you tell me, which is more likely.



Monday, January 24, 2011 4:48 AM


Yeah, account standardization is one of the more stupid decisions Blizzard made for WoW. On top of that, the ridiculous patches, some of which have topped out at 11 GB, and which sometimes end up corrupting your old game data so boy-oh-boy good thing they have the full client available over the accounts for download.

I've had to do that four times since November. At least it's free. And to be fair, Blizzard actually had decent costumer support before WoW, but an MMORPG inevitably drags all of that downhill.

As for trojans, the only ones that are a bad deal for your WoW account (which might by proxy let someone get your financial information) is a keylogger. And luckily, it's pretty easy to tell when you have a malware and just not do anything security compromising until you run software to get rid of it. The server-side issue is a bigger problem, I think the only way around that is to periodically change your passwords and pin numbers and stuff. Which I've also had to do.

But yeah, If I didn't have far away friends who I only ever see anymore on WoW, I wouldn't play anymore either.


Monday, January 24, 2011 5:11 AM


I've been playing WOW since 2004 and never been hacked or caught a Trojan, or any of those things some of you suggested.


Monday, January 24, 2011 5:19 AM


Never been hacked, but I have caught some keyloggers before they did any damage. Like I said, it helps that the symptoms are really obvious.

Since then, I got a no-script add-on for my browser and that seems to stop them.

Aside from the technical issues, I do think the game is well made.


Monday, January 24, 2011 6:09 AM


Blizzard is evil. Wow is Satan's spawn.

[It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get]


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:19 AM


I don't know. I've never had any of those problems and the authenticator is free if you have an iphone. So far since 2004 I have a level 85 Death Knight, a level 85 warrior, a level 80 priest, a level 40 warlock, and a level 72 hunter.

BTW you can now go from level 80 to 85 with the new expansion that came out on December 7th.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:42 AM


81 Shaman. I've been playing since WoW came out, but this is the first time I've ever had a high level character. I don't get a whole lot of time to play. Which is maybe good, since it can be addictive.

I hear Vashjr is something to see. I've been hanging around Hyjal, thought now with the Lunar Festival I thought I'd go get some of the holiday items for my lower level characters.

Done any raids?


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 10:39 AM



Originally posted by Bytemite:
81 Shaman. I've been playing since WoW came out, but this is the first time I've ever had a high level character. I don't get a whole lot of time to play. Which is maybe good, since it can be addictive.

I hear Vashjr is something to see. I've been hanging around Hyjal, thought now with the Lunar Festival I thought I'd go get some of the holiday items for my lower level characters.

Done any raids?

Vashjr's pretty fun. I think this is the first new content area a level 80 can enter. It's all under water. With my level 85 warrior I shot through all the new content. Matter of fact I reached level 85 in only 5 days, but that involved not getting any sleep for those 5 days lol!

As far as raids go my guild has done many.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:09 PM


What about WoW do you like? What keeps you playing?

A friend of mine asked me about a week or two ago to help him on a new online game he's designing. I haven't played WoW. The time investment scared me off (I bailed on Final Fantasy on the time investment) I'm busy, anyway.

So, he asked me because we've designed some tabletop stuff together, and I've done design for a lot of different formats, including a lot of video games, plus the more obvious, I'm know how to program.

So, on our discussions on design, we largely agree on the direction we want to go, so this will be a different type of game, but we're trying to pick elements of games that we like, or are successful.

Anyway, neither of us play WoW, so any input on what is awesome about it, what elements of the game make it the most fun would be greatly appreciated.

As for Blizzard, small world.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:23 PM


One of the things I like most about WoW is the exploration and the attention to detail. Back in the beginning when some of my friends wanted to play Alliance but I always liked Horde, I divided my time between climbing all the mountains in Dun Morogh as a gnome or doing the same in Durotar or Barrens. There was always something to find.

And I also liked when I would see something that made scientific or geological sense. They put a lot of time and thought into the world, though the zone transitions are still just a little too abrupt. They've made them better though.

With the new expansion, things have changed a lot so it's interesting to see how much now.

The other really good thing about WoW is that it's very streamlined, so there's almost no learning curve, and just about anyone can jump right in. The quest system helps make the level grind not seem so much like a level grind.

My guild raids a lot, but I'm always lagging way behind in levels so I've never been able to join them. I just spend my time doing the regular quests. It'd be neat to raid sometime, one of the big 40-mans.


Friday, January 28, 2011 8:56 AM



Originally posted by dreamtrove:
What about WoW do you like? What keeps you playing?

A friend of mine asked me about a week or two ago to help him on a new online game he's designing. I haven't played WoW. The time investment scared me off (I bailed on Final Fantasy on the time investment) I'm busy, anyway.

So, he asked me because we've designed some tabletop stuff together, and I've done design for a lot of different formats, including a lot of video games, plus the more obvious, I'm know how to program.

So, on our discussions on design, we largely agree on the direction we want to go, so this will be a different type of game, but we're trying to pick elements of games that we like, or are successful.

Anyway, neither of us play WoW, so any input on what is awesome about it, what elements of the game make it the most fun would be greatly appreciated.

As for Blizzard, small world.

I like the questing aspect of the game more so than the dungeons, arenas, and battlegrounds. I love getting a whole bunch of quests at once and spending a few hours completing them. I also like the professions part of the game. With all of my different characters combined I've maxed out mining, leather working, skinning, alchemy, jewel crafting, blacksmith, cooking, and first aid, and I make a lot of gold in the auction house because of the crafts I sell.

I love being able to ride horses and flying mounts, and I really like the feeling, and environment of the World of Warcraft universe. I really like that creepy feeling you get when you just entered a new area that you've never been in and you don't know what to expect, but you DO know that the area is a high level area and any creature can show up and chase you around till you throw up and die.

I like the fact that the game is very social, and you can make cyber friends and go on quests with them, and fight creatures with them. After a while you really get to know these people and it gives one a sense of connection.

WOW is fun and it IS very addictive, but that's what I play it for because it's very involving and can make you forget your real life problems for a while.


Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:02 AM


Byte, River

Thanks for the insights. This deserves a longer response, which I won't get to until Monday. I have to head out to my sisters. She's on weekend break from Chemo and Radiation, and she needs someone there who understands the importance of slushies and Dr. Who, and not just macrobiotics.


Monday, January 31, 2011 5:12 PM


Okay, I'm back


The game we're designing is a little more chaotic, an don't think it will make sense on that sort of level, see my comments below. But what sort of things do you like finding when you explore, I don't mean cools stuff for your character, like what makes you say wow about WoW.

Good point about the learning curve. I also want to curb the power ratio of experienced players. I've heard a lot of people say about various MMORPGs "I couldn't compete because I wasn't at that level. I want people to be able to jump right in and play along, with a decent chance, but not enough that someone could just create characters to do damage. We have a mechanism that's going to do this, but I don't want to post details of the game to a public forum. I've had too many game ideas stolen from me already by other designers.


I'm always lagging way behind in levels

This is the sort of thing I hear a lot on other games. Usually in three forms:

1. I joined too late
2. I don't play as much as they do
3. I didn't buy in enough real $

I want to make sure that doesn't happen here.


When you say questing I think of a sort of mission or treasure hunt. Is this what it is? I was planning to set up much of the game in this manner, though there are a lot of people who will want to just build kingdoms, or maraud the landscape. We're building in a lot of different forms of play. Just trying to get a picture of WoW questing, and what draws you to it.

Also, yes, I'm a big fan of creepy. Very much. This game is going for new levels of creepy. It's so tempting to spill details, but I'm not going to do it, suffice it to say, we're aiming for a phantasmagoria level of creepy, and we want to make sure that no one is really comfortable in the world outside their little corner.

On the social aspects, do you like a global social, or would you prefer it local to where you are on the physical map. I've been wondering about these two options. It seems kind of like barbarians with cell phones. I want to work this in as a dynamic, but also it might be nice to have people interact with the people physically close to their location. I'm gnawing options.


Monday, January 31, 2011 6:38 PM


I've never minded that much about finding cool stuff for my character, since I don't raid (I do like my gear to look good but I pay for it at the Auction House). Often my gear is way behind in level because stats aren't a priority for me and I can usually function okay against the computer AI with not much time investment.

What I really like is 1) scenery. Even back when my computer processor was almost nonexistent, I liked being able to climb up a mountain and see a view of a colourful and stylized horizon, sky, clouds, stars, etc., with distant terrestrial objects, trees and hills and such. All with lighting elements and a colour palette to really set an atmospheric mood. It made the game feel open to me. I'm a little artistic, so it appeals to me, but it doesn't even have to be ultrarealistic, just interesting and eye catching.

2) on a smaller scale, I like running across little details when I'm not expecting it. I'll be running along, there's a colourful boulder I'm going around, and then I realize it's the ruins of a statue, fallen over, carved to look like one of the enemy creatures I might be fighting but with "tribal" decorative accents. Or maybe I find an abandoned building somewhere very remote, and look inside, and I get an idea of who the last tenant to occupy it might have been like. Or I'm running around on a salt flat and I find a fossilized sea turtle partially exposed and realize some time in the ancient past the entire area was probably under water. Or sometimes I admire how the biomes are represented, there's birds and bugs and larger fauna everywhere that complement each other, the world feels like a plausible living world. Except for the dinosaurs, but that's more the genre, kitchen sink fantasy, everything is tossed in.


Good point about the learning curve. I also want to curb the power ratio of experienced players.

That's what I love about the one game I was telling you about. Won't go into specifics in case you're thinking the same thing and don't want the idea stolen.


2. I don't play as much as they do



I'm a big fan of creepy. Very much. This game is going for new levels of creepy. It's so tempting to spill details, but I'm not going to do it, suffice it to say, we're aiming for a phantasmagoria level of creepy, and we want to make sure that no one is really comfortable in the world outside their little corner.

Ooh, this sounds neat. I like a little bit of morbid creepy, but I have to admit I like a lighthearted morbid, like a Tim Burton movie or something. Whimsical, with and without a sense of sinister malice.

I have a friend though who's got me a little into HP Lovecraft and such.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011 5:25 AM



When you say questing I think of a sort of mission or treasure hunt. Is this what it is? I was planning to set up much of the game in this manner, though there are a lot of people who will want to just build kingdoms, or maraud the landscape. We're building in a lot of different forms of play. Just trying to get a picture of WoW questing, and what draws you to it.

Also, yes, I'm a big fan of creepy. Very much. This game is going for new levels of creepy. It's so tempting to spill details, but I'm not going to do it, suffice it to say, we're aiming for a phantasmagoria level of creepy, and we want to make sure that no one is really comfortable in the world outside their little corner.

On the social aspects, do you like a global social, or would you prefer it local to where you are on the physical map. I've been wondering about these two options. It seems kind of like barbarians with cell phones. I want to work this in as a dynamic, but also it might be nice to have people interact with the people physically close to their location. I'm gnawing options.

Yes questing as in going on mission or a whole string of missions to solve a larger, common problem for some quest-giver in the area. I love doing this because it takes a lot of time, and you get to see and learn a lot about the game. I like having to fight my way everywhere I go, or having to try to sneak through an area that has higher level creatures than me without getting mauled. Questing gives me a sense that I've actually accomplished something even though it isn't real, and sometimes this is a plus if you're depressed or not feeling good about your real life situation, so for me WOW is half therapy half fun.

As far as collecting gear I love doing that as well. The better armor and gear you get the more powerful you are, and the better your chances if you run across some pvp clown who wants to gank you.

The social aspect of the game is good. You can be globally social or you can limit your social interactions with just a few people, and this is what I do. I only interact with the people in my guild, and my friends. we go on quests and do dungeons together and we are yapping away the whole time on TeamSpeak. It's fun and makes you feel like you are in a home with a lot of people. The social part of WOW is very important too me and with out it I don't think the game would be as fun as it is.

Oh, BTW here's my main character:






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