Life Onboard Serenity #45: That's A Load Of Bull

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 17:53
VIEWED: 12374
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Friday, October 29, 2010 12:23 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a text based RPG, anyone can play anyone can join.

No killing of other author’s characters or of canon characters. In that vein, try to keep canon characters acting like themselves.

Please try to post with consideration for fellow authors and with some consistency to current story lines.

Sub-plots are great and we welcome them, but please try to make them fit into the current stories as much as possible.

Oh, and please keep things as close to PG as possible. If you have a more adult scene you'd like posted, post it as a spoiler.

NEW CHARACTERS WELCOME! but try to keep it realistic. Don’t worry about being behind and having to catch up. It’s easier to write in character if you only know what your character knows.

Here are the links to the past LoS threads for those who are inerested:

Previously on LoS:

Lots of drama with Ivy and Pain. A job that got stalled and one that popped up in its place. Some bandits tried to prevent Mal, Pain, Zoe, and Jayne from returning to Serenity with a case of cryogenically frozen bull semen that was meant for Sir Warrick Harrow so he could breed some of his prized cattle. The four managed to get the case back to the ship, but not without the hover mule getting shot up and Jayne getting wounded in the process. Now that Ivy is momentarily better for the time being, both her and Pain plan on being together for the three days that it'll take to deliver the goods.


Kaylee had managed to find enough scrap metal to patch up the hover mule's bullet holes, but the shot up port engine needed parts that she just didn't have at her disposal. She had worked on the mule all night before succumbing to fatigue and crashing in her hammock in the engine room.

Serenity sailed through the black as her clocks noted the passing of the first day and the birth of the second. Sometime during the wee hours on the ship, there was a short in some of the wiring and the atmo controls malfunctioned. Instead of having a constant temperature throughout the ship, some places were slowly getting colder while others were slowly getting hotter. Things were fine for now, but as time wore on, the crew would begin to feel the effects of the malfunctioning atmo controls.


Friday, November 19, 2010 1:25 PM


Mal's Bunk

Mal awoke to find himself soaked with sweat. He slowly got dressed and wondered why it was so hot in his room. Wiping off his brow with the back of his hand, he got dressed and made his way over to the comm while slipping his suspenders over his shoulders.

He buzzed the engine room hoping that Kaylee was there and said into the mic, "Kaylee? Is there somethin' wrong with my ship? I near drowned in a lake of my own sweat while wakin' up."

As Mal waited for a response, he wiped his brow again and muttered to himself in Chinese. He wondered if it was a ship-wide thing or if it was some prank being played on him. He was about to ask Kaylee if it were when her voice come over the comm.

"Looks like the atmo controls are actin' wonky, Cap. Don't know when or how it happened, but I'll get right on it." replied Kaylee, her teeth chattering a bit. "Just as soon as I get me a jacket or a warm blanket though. It's a mite chilly in here."

"You get on that as best you can, mei mei." replied Mal wiping his brow once more. "I'll assemble the rest of the crew in the galley. Hopefully it'll be a little more comfortable and forgiving then my bunk or the engine room."

Clicking off the comm, Mal walked over to the ladder and pressed the button on the wall mounted control panel to open the hatch to his bunk. As he climbed up the ladder, he could hear some of the others already up and walking about outside. As he stepped out of his bunk and into the forward hall, he spotted Jayne and Zoe already in the galley.


"Good gorramn, Cap. Whaddya do? Wet yerself from head to toe?" snickered Jayne as he watched Mal enter the galley.

"Ha ha." replied a sarcastic Mal to Jayne. He looked at both Jayne and Zoe and asked, "How come you none of y'all are sweaty or chatterin' up a storm?"

"Didn't know I had those options, sir" replied Zoe. "Got up as usual, went into the galley, and made up a pot of coffee."

"I slept like a champ myself." replied Jayne, still giggling a little at Mal's dampness. "Got up, smelled the coffee, and came in to investigate. Why is there somethin' wrong?"

As Mal walked over to the sink and splashed his face with some cold water, he dried himself off and said, "Kaylee says the atmo controls are wonky. Doesn't know when or why they're like that, but she'll be gettin' on it soon. I was about to issue about to issue a ship-wide meetin' here in the galley, but with you two already here that means I've got two less people to wake up."

Mal made his way over to the comm and opened up the ship-wide channel. Undoing a few of the buttons on his shirt to help cool off, Mal hit a button and said into the comm, "Attention all crew and passengers. This is the Captain speakin'. If y'all would be so kind as to wake up and make yourselves presentable, there'll be a meetin' in the galley in twenty minutes. That is all."

Mal clicked off the comm and waited along with Zoe and Jayne for the others to come into the galley.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 8:02 AM


Ivy awoke to the fact that their bunk was freezing cold. She pulled closer to Pain, relishing in the feeling of his skin against hers. She shivered and Pain woke up.

"It's cold," she said, her breath visible in the air.

"You think?" he answered.

"Fix it," she pouted.

"Hide your eyes," he told her. She looked at him strangely. It wasn't like she hadn't watched him walk about the cabin in the buff before. She must have had a bewildered look on her face. It was his turn to pout. "There will be shrinkage!"

Ivy rolled her eyes and covered them with her hands. Begrudgingly, Pain hopped up and looked at the climate controls in their bunk. They read normal.

"Says normal," he shrugged as he reached down and grabbed a thick blanket from one of his footlockers. He threw it on them, climbed into bed and sighed.

"What do you think it wrong?" she asked.

"Don't know. Don't care," he answered as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her as close as possible. He leaned down and kissed her before hearing Mal's announcement.


Originally by DrPain
"Attention all crew and passengers. This is the Captain speakin'. If y'all would be so kind as to wake up and make yourselves presentable, there'll be a meetin' in the galley in twenty minutes. That is all."

"Should we go?" Ivy asked as she returned his kisses, getting more and more passionate. "I mean, we should go... shouldn't we?"


Wednesday, December 1, 2010 7:42 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by ENGLISH_IVY:
"Should we go?" Ivy asked as she returned his kisses, getting more and more passionate. "I mean, we should go... shouldn't we?"

"Theoretically we should." murmured Pain between kisses, while both he and Ivy were nestled under the thick blanket on their bed. "But gorrammit I seem to be too cozy under this nice, thick, and warm blanket with you to even bother havin' to put on clothes and see what the Captain wants."

Pain began to kiss and nuzzle Ivy's neck as he continued, "Besides we're more than a little busy at the moment." With a devious look on his face, Pain said slyly, "Or we soon will be if'n you know what I mean."


Sunday, December 5, 2010 11:04 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk
"Besides we're more than a little busy at the moment." With a devious look on his face, Pain said slyly, "Or we soon will be if'n you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean," she said with a matching devious smile. "But you should answer the Captain's call. Else he or someone else will be sent down to invetsigate."

Pain didn't relish the reality of having to step out of bed again, but he knew he had to. He slipped under the covers, touching a very sensitive part of Ivy's body as he did, and burrowed underneeath until he came out at the foot of the bed. He barely reached the comm, but managed to. He put it on shipwide channel.

"Mal, it's freezing in here. We ain't getting out of bed," he announced. He started to end the comm, but added. "So we'll be keeping warm."

Ivy giggled in the background as she joined in the under-the-cover shenanigans, which caused Pain to gasp in surprise.

"If'n you need to know, Kaylee. The atmo controls read normal."

Then the comm was unceremoniously dropped, hitting the wall and causing a ship wide feedback screech.


Thursday, December 30, 2010 1:25 PM



Everyone with the exception of Pain and Ivy were hunkered down around the table in Serenity's galley. It's temperature was stable for the moment, which meant that those who had been unlucky enough to wake up shivering could take off the jackets or warm blankets they had on. For those who had awaken in a pool of their own sweat, the galley's temperature gave them a chance to cool themselves off.

Mal was at the head of the table, surveying those who had gathered around it. When he was sure he had the attention of everyone present, Mal then began to speak.

"The way I see it, we've got a few options on our side til 'Lil Kaylee here figures out what's causin' the atmo controls to go haywire." replied Mal to those assembled in the galley. "The first option is to stay where the temperature is normal, such as the galley, and move around once it starts getting too hot or too cold. The other option is to use the shuttles. They've got their own life support systems that are independent of Serenity's. I figure half of us can stay in the starboard shuttle while the other half can use Inara's."

Mal looked over to Inara, who was dressed glamorously for an occasion such as this, and quipped, "That is if it's alright with you, Inara."


Tuesday, January 18, 2011 2:04 PM


Plot Progress (since no one's posted in the last 19 or so days)

Half of those in the galley went with Inara to stay in her shuttle, while the other half took the unused starboard one. While Pain and Ivy kept themselves busy trying to stay warm, Kaylee was busy trying to assess the problem of why the atmo controls went bonkers, when they went bonkers, and how to go about fixing them so they wouldn't go bonkers again.

During the twelve hours it took for Kaylee to try and diagnose the problems with the atmospheric controls, the temperature fluctuated inside Serenity. Those parts of the ship that had been shivering cold were now basked in sweat inducing heat, and the opposite was true for those places that had been hot. Pain and Ivy's bunk was one of those places that were now getting warm, not that the couple had noticed as they were busy getting each other hot.

After much sweat, blood, and frustration, Kaylee still hadn't figured out why the atmo controls were going berserk. Sighing heavily, Kaylee could think of only one way to fix the problem once and for all. She was going to have to find a replacement unit. Money was a little on the scarce side, so more than likely she'd have to scrounge for a slightly used one at a junk or scrapyard. Hopefully she'd be able to find once they landed at Persephone. Otherwise they were going to be screwed.

OoC: I wouldn't be too surprised if this was the last fg thread in this series. There's only two players (if that) left and posts have slowed to a pathetic fg crawl.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011 7:03 PM


Ivy and Pain lay with each other in their bed, utterly oblivious to the world around them. Sure they knew there was an atmo issue, but outside that, they really didn't care until it became dangerous.

Ivy lay on her back in bed. She didn't know if it was his touch that made her skin burn or if it was something else.


She moaned as she ran her hands down his sides. He felt so right. She knew ever since she met him that Pain was the man for her. A point often punctuated by the fact that they spent a lot of time in their bunk.

The climate seemed to have changed in the bunk, but Ivy and Pain were ignoring it, intent on their own activities. Was it warmer?


The heat. She finally realized that it was no longer cold, but it was hot. Not a humid heat like on her home planet during the growing season, but a dry heat. She searched her mind for a reference, but couldn't quite remember.


"I love you," she whispered as she exploded inside, her body glistening with sweat.

Afterwards, the two of them lay on the bed, sheets drenched, heavy covers on the floor and their bodies entwined. As they tried to recover their breaths, she became very aware of the heat again.


It was dry and hot on her face. And it wasn't his breath. The incident in her mind broke free and her eyes widened.

"Fire," she said with growing alarm. She looked at Pain. "Come on, we gotta go! There's fire!"

She slid out from under him and onto her feet. She ran around the room seeing flames licking up the walls and across the ceiling. Any furniture was quickly becoming kindling.


"The fire! We can't stay here!"

But she was no longer there in their bunk.

Because their bunk was not on fire.

Her mind was.


Sunday, February 27, 2011 1:16 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

Originally posted by ENGLISH_IVY:
"Fire," she said with growing alarm. She looked at Pain. "Come on, we gotta go! There's fire!"

"Fire? What fire?" asked a confused and bewildered Pain, as he looked around and watched Ivy run about the room like a chicken with its head cut off. "I mean yeah, there was a fire between us as we were doin' you know what, but I ain't seein' any flames here."


"The fire! We can't stay here!"

Ivy hadn't heard him of course and now Pain was getting worried about her. He put on his pants and picked up his shirt from the floor. He actually had to restrain Ivy upon approaching her as she was still being a frantic, hallucinating mess.

He held onto Ivy and turned her around so that she could face him. Looking into her fear filled eyes, Pain replied in a clear tone that would hopefully pierce through her paranoia, "BABE! Listen to me. There is no fire. It's all in your mind, baobei. The only fire in this room is the one we create ourselves when we make love, but other than that, there is no physical fire in this here room. Now are you listenin' to me or am I goin' to have to ask Tommy to come out and do some damage control?"


Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:04 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Pain and Ivy's Bunk"BABE! Listen to me. There is no fire. It's all in your mind, baobei. The only fire in this room is the one we create ourselves when we make love, but other than that, there is no physical fire in this here room. Now are you listenin' to me or am I goin' to have to ask Tommy to come out and do some damage control?"

Ivy looked wide-eyed into Pain's face, looking for an explanation.

"Damage control?" she questioned.

Another couple of moments passed before an absolutely terrified look came over her face.

"No. No. No. No," she pleaded, trying to get away from him by digging in her feet and using her arms to attempt to push away from his chest. When it was useless, she changed plans. "No. I can be good Master. I can. See?"

Then without a thought, she pressed her naked body against his.

"I was just teasing, Master," she said seductively. "I want you to make *gulp* love to me. You are the best I ever had."

She began to kiss his neck and then nibbled his ear.

"Let's go to your bed," she whispered into his ear. "And I will show you how much I want you and how happy I can make you."

And if you were really listening, you would have picked up on the stifled whimper that escaped her mouth.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:11 PM


Pain and Ivy's Bunk

She wasn't acting normally and this didn't feel right. Ivy was obviously having another meltdown and didn't know it. Pain was beyond worried now as Ivy thought he was her master and did his best to fend off her advances. Using his hands he created some space between the two of them and held her at arms length.

"I'm not your Master, Ivy, and you ain't my slave." replied Pain as he looked into her eyes. "I am your boyfriend and you are havin' another meltdown. We are in our bunk and there is no fire. The atmo controls are just actin' wonky."

His eyes bore deep into hers' and he let out a hefty sigh as he continued, "Tommy if you are listenin' I really need your help now. Ivy's lost it and I don't know if I can snap her out of it on my own."

There was a long and awkward pause before Ivy's eyes closed and her head fell forward. When she opened her eyes, Pain knew that Tommy had managed to step forward.

"This is bad, Pain." replied Tommy as she looked into Pain's eyes. "I'll try my best to do what I can, but I don't know how good it'll work. I'm really scared here."

"Me too." replied Pain as he rubbed Tommy's shoulders. "Just do what you can while I see what the progress is on gettin' the atmo controls back online and in workin' order. Dong ma?"


Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:58 PM


River felt them all from down in her dorm. Even from that distance, it hurt. It wasn't just Ivy. Sure she was having an episode, but her pain was fueled by Pain's inability to help and the helplessness he was experiencing. Then to add to it, Ivy's other persona was trying to break through, but having trouble. That wasn't helping.

She knew they needed help and she got up a little unsteadily and went to where the help was.

She didn't even bother to knock. She went straight into Inara's shuttle where she found Inara and Dr. Garner having tea. They looked up in surprise, but that surprise went quickly into concern.

"Ivy's in trouble. Brainpan's going boom. Burning. Burning. Burning," River said. Realizing that the emotional pain was making her words cryptic, she knew there was a chance they didn't understand. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Pain needs your help."

Upon hearing that, Jacey was to her feet, grabbing her bag and beginning to head out the door. As she got alongside River, the girl reached out and stopped her.

"Tommy can't help. Only Serena can," she said hoping that she was making at least a little bit of sense. Then she added another warning. "No guns."

Jacey nodded, getting the jist of what River was trying to tell her. It was difficult to understand, but Inara had told her in very brief detail that River was unique in some way. She hadn't gotten far on that explanation, but obviously River had some communication problems.

She ran towards Ivy and Pain's bunk. Inara, hearing the comment about guns, ran to find Mal. When Jacey arrived, she did the same thing as River did. She entered unannounced.


DrPain wrote:
"This is bad, Pain." replied Tommy as she looked into Pain's eyes. "I'll try my best to do what I can, but I don't know how good it'll work. I'm really scared here."

"Me too." replied Pain as he rubbed Tommy's shoulders. "Just do what you can while I see what the progress is on gettin' the atmo controls back online and in workin' order. Dong ma?"

Jacey put her hand on Ivy's back. It was obvious that Tommy had broke through. She looked at the fear etched on Tommy's face. Then she told them what they probably didn't want to hear.

"From what I can gather and from the interviews with you all, you know this isn't good," she said as she looked at Tommy. She then looked at Pain. "The episodes are getting worse. If they keep happening, they will kill her."

She turned back to Tommy.

"And she'll take you down as well."

Tommy closed her eyes and sighed deeply in defeat.

"I know," Tommy whispered. "I can't help her like I did before. I am scared."

Jacey nodded at her.

"Then tell me who Serena is."

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Monday, July 18, 2011 12:42 PM


Pain rushed to put some clothes on Tommy. It was kind of obvious to him that Dr. Garner and River had already seen her naked, but if there were going to be any more people showing up unannounced then it'd be better if she were clothed. He really didn't savor the idea of Jayne seeing his woman buck naked as the day she was born.

Pain also didn't like the idea that these episodes Ivy was having were becoming detrimental to her health. He loved her very much and didn't really feel all to keen on losing her. His whole plan on going to check on what was happening with the atmo controls took a back seat to Ivy and Tommy's ordeal. There was the comm in the room, so he could always check in that way instead of physically heading out.

As Dr. Garner waited for a response from Tommy, Pain did his best to comfort her by being at her side. He was ready and willing to do whatever was needed in case a meltdown should occur or if she just needed a hand to hold and some soothing words to be spoken to her.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 1:06 PM


Oh wow it's still here, hey everybody, havn't been around so much for the past.....years. Hi Pain! Who's hanging around here these days? Ertia? John? Fly?
I'm so psyched to get back into FF RPGing, and Life Onboard Serenity was the first love :-)
Should i head over to I kinda failed last time I tried to RP on there but I had a lot going on and I find myself pretty much free for the next 2 years so.....What do you guys reckon?

Just...Chillin' for a couple'a years I guess


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 5:46 PM



Originally posted by bigwolf18:
Oh wow it's still here, hey everybody, havn't been around so much for the past.....years. Hi Pain! Who's hanging around here these days? Ertia? John? Fly?
I'm so psyched to get back into FF RPGing, and Life Onboard Serenity was the first love :-)
Should i head over to I kinda failed last time I tried to RP on there but I had a lot going on and I find myself pretty much free for the next 2 years so.....What do you guys reckon?

Hey Wolf! Long time no see! I'm afraid it's just me and EnglishIvy here. Everyone else seems to have ran off or disappeared. I'm sure they'll welcome you back at the BDV with open arms if they haven't done so already. You could also come over to [url][/url] too if you want. They don't have as many ships as the BDV has, but they could always use more players. I'm a moderator there and it's where I spend most of my time posting, though I still do a little bit of on the BDV. But anyways, it's nice to see that you're alive.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011 5:53 PM


Inara finally found Mal talking to Jayne in the cargo bay. They were making sure that all the sensors on the cargo were running nd keeping things cool. Mal didn't pay Inara any direct attention until he saw the look on her face.

"Ivy?" he asked.

Inara nodded.

"Where?" he continued.

"Their bunk?" she informed him. With a deep breath, she added. "River said 'no guns'."

Mal looked at Jayne and made a beeline to Pain and Ivy's bunk.


Originally posted by DrJaceyGarner:
"Then tell me who Serena is."

"Serena..." Tommy sighed, a sad look on her face. "She was a slave along with Ivy. They became friends and..."


A gunshot reverberated though Ivy/Tommy's skull and she visibly flinched.


"Let's just say that things didn't end well for her," Tommy tried to explain, but Ivy came screaming back into the forefront... literally. "AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Ivy's body gave way, sending her towards the ground.

"No... no... noooooooooo..." she wailed as she sobbed. She looked like she was getting some clarity as she looked deep into Pain's eyes then Jacey's. "F...Fi... FIRE! So much f-fi-fire!"






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