The passing of 11th Hour...

UPDATED: Monday, April 29, 2013 05:28
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Sunday, July 31, 2011 5:29 AM


11th was a real class act & a joy to know. We shared a few good laughs at the OB & the official Drive forum. My husband and I still wear her T-Shirts & show off her coffee mugs. :-)

I will miss her. She was one of the first Browncoats who welcomed me to the family.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:31 AM


More details: Thank you all for your posts. Susan was a very private person but we felt it was fitting to share a few details of her last few days with her 'verse of friends. Susan was first treated for cancer (Hodgkins) in her late teens. She was in and out of remission a few time since but always kept herself focused on life and her art, not the cancer. About three weeks ago she asked her close friend Bret to take her in for some tests as she was not feeling well and having trouble swallowing. At the hospital the doctors ordered more tests which resulted in her being admitted that same day. After a few days and several more tests the doctors informed Bret that the cancer had spread through her body. Bret called me and another friend SLWade to the hospital for support, and informed Susan's beloved uncle in Virginia. Susan died that day with the three of us by her bedside. 

Since then, we, her uncle and mother converged in LA to support each other and help settle her affairs. Susan ran several websites including her Cafe Press site. Definitive plans for the sites have not been made yet as certain legal steps must be taken, but the hope is to keep her sites and her art alive. Please bear with us as we put her affairs in order and sort out the legal issues concerning her websites. 

Last, a few have asked about her cat, Rocko, now retired. I will be inviting Rocko to live with me and my two cats. I hope to provide him a comfortable pod befitting a very sweet, bona fide companion.

Thanks again for your posts, it has comforted us to realize how many lives were touched by 11th Hour as well as humbling to realize the extent of her legacy in the Browncoat community

Memorial: Susan's ashes were picked up today by friends and family. Her ashes were scattered at the 11th Hour in the hollywood hills high above any sign of life. There between the city lights and the stars, one may look down upon the city of angels (mudders though we be, beach wood right the left) and reflect on her life and art, guerilla posters and all the rest.

Her Friend, Valerie


Sunday, July 31, 2011 7:08 AM



Thank You for coming back & sharing more about your wonderful friend.
I was just reading the emails I exchanged with 11th a few years ago. She was one of the best Browncoasts.

Because of her we will keep flying......


Sunday, July 31, 2011 7:59 AM


Sorry to hear of her passing and thank you for the information.

I have her Inara trading card in print form and use it as an example of Nouveau Art for my Art History class, my students love it, comment on it all the time, try to duplicate it, she’ll be remembered.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 8:37 AM


When I think of Susan, I remember a woman who was always smiling, always friendly, always full of grace. She had an ethereal quality about her that showed up beautifully in her artwork.

Thank you so very much, Valerie, for sharing what happened the last few days. More than anything, I am reminded that 11th Hour Never Gave Up.

~ Kim


Sunday, July 31, 2011 8:54 AM


Thank you for sharing that with us, Valerie. It is good to know that she didn't suffer for long and that she had such good friends surrounding her right to the end. For those of us who are cat lovers, it's also good to know that Rocko will have a good home.

My condolences to you and her friends and family. I hope you are able to keep some form of her store open as her art deserves to be shared with newcomers to the 'verse.

CSTS Vancouver 2011 is Saturday, June 25th from 11am to 6 pm at the H.R. MacMillan Space Centre. Tickets are $15 ($16 via PayPal on our blog: ) Check out our shiny silent auction items and our online quote quiz!


Sunday, July 31, 2011 9:18 AM


thank you so much for the information, my heart goes out to all of 11th Hour's friends and family.

If there is anything we can do (speaking for myself but believing a lot of Browncoats feel as I do) to help please please let us know!

I would happily donate to keeping her online sites open
or donate to a charity in her name
or whatever would ease the pain of loss to all those who knew her and loved her best.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 9:22 AM


Thank you for letting us know, Valerie. I'm so very sad to hear about the passing of 11thHour. She touched so many people's lives with her art and her presence - both online and in person. I never got to meet her in person but we were friends back on the OB all those years ago, and she's one of those people who's gorgeousness just radiated from every post she wrote.

Jenski, d'you still remember sticking the stickers of her artwork up on the insides of toilet doors back in Sydney when we were there for the marketing screening? Happy days. She brought joy to us with her talent and her loveliness, and we'll never forget her.

Love you, 11th.



Sunday, July 31, 2011 9:44 AM


Thank you so much Valerie for notifying us and providing additional information.

Susan was much loved and we have suffered a great loss. My condolences to you and those who knew her best.

I was fortunate to have met her several times and she was dear to me. I am sorry I lost touch. She always seemed to pop up at the 11th Hour at many conventions and shindigs. She was generous to all and gave so much to our Browncoat Community. Browcoats are good at having your back. We are ready willing and able to help you in any way we can. Please let us know if you need anything at all.

Best wishes in sorting everything out.



Sunday, July 31, 2011 12:57 PM


She was an amazing person. Not just a gifted artist, but a thoughtful and intelligent human.

She will be missed.

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night."
-- Charlie Brown


Sunday, July 31, 2011 2:00 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

She sounds like a talented, kind and wonderful person, I wish I could have known her, wishing all the best to her loved ones who are now left to go on without her in a world that seems a bit dimmer.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Sunday, July 31, 2011 3:49 PM


Jeremy, that would be an awesome tribute. She was so quiet, so humble, yet a giant talent. I ordered one of her small buttons (Jessi puts 'flare' on the ceiling of her truck), then today, after watching Jessi and her friends perform the finale day of RENT, I saw that I had one of her larger buttons sitting next to other keepsakes on my shelf. Maybe I'm just old and sentimental and overly emotional, but knowing now that she'd been diagnosed years ago, so that when we met her she was 'unwell', yet putting out the most amazing work...just gets to me.

First Lux, then Odile, now 11th. Wow.

My prayers and good wishes go out to everyone hurting and mourning the loss. I think I will have Jessi introduce her friends to Done the Impossible. Good life lesson.

Suzi aka Saxon

(for those who may not do the 'twitter' thing, Chris B & AB have heard the news and expressed their sadness).


Sunday, July 31, 2011 3:53 PM


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayl!

Even if we're not all related, we're still all the Browncoat family, and losing one of our own is never fun. RIP 11th Hour

At the end of the day, it's love keeps you in the air.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 4:05 PM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Words can't express the loss the Browncoat community has suffered with 11th Hour's passing. She was a stalwart Browncoat who gave so much to try to keep our show in the air. She was always a welcoming soul here on the board to new people and an inspiration for all those that knew her.

She's out in the black now, flyin' free of all the woes of the mortal shell. Keep flyin' 11th Hour.

Holding the line since December '02!

X.O. / Battalion O.I.C.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 4:54 PM


I will miss you 11th Hour. Rest in peace. Thank you for all your good works.


Sunday, July 31, 2011 5:59 PM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

I don't really know where to start.

11th was the first Browncoat I ever "met" here on She was welcoming and supported (my comparatively weak) efforts in the graphic works I did here. She was the inspiration for my first effort. Arguably, she's the reason I am where I am school for Graphic Design and doing freelance graphic design works. Seems strange that I won't ever "see" her here again, only the footprints she's left us to follow in. She showed me what it meant to be a Browncoat before I even knew what one was. Simply put, she was an amazing woman, and she will be missed, though never forgotten.

From 10th to 11th, Stay shiny and Keep Flyin'.

You made the 'verse a better place, Susan...

John (TenthCrewMember)


Monday, August 1, 2011 3:27 AM


This is so sad - cancer takes too many, too soon. Her posts here always stood out with her Catwoman avatar, a reminder of how long she had been a Browncoat, and her artwork was so distinctive. I'm just going through some of her old posts now, including the one where Universal threatened her with legal action:

A cool alt DVD cover:

And who could forget the Llamas?

I didn't have any personal connection with her but I'm sorry for her loss and my thoughts go out to those who knew her.


Monday, August 1, 2011 5:19 AM


Woman, you are completely off your nut.

This absolutely breaks my heart. She has been a part of this community as long as I can remember. Her art was so incredible. This world is less shiny with her absent from it. My condolences to her family and those very close to her. I wish I had the chance to interact with her more.


Monday, August 1, 2011 5:26 AM


My sincerest condolences to everyone at, Browncoats as a whole, and most especially to the Tomb family. She was an asset to our community and she will be sorely missed. Rest in peace.

Søren Hough, AKA kimonoko
Administrator of the Cortex


Monday, August 1, 2011 5:26 AM



Monday, August 1, 2011 5:48 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Can't help but reminisce...

Susan was my introduction to the Browncoat society. When I first came to I was excited to see there was a community, and I spent an entire day just lurking to see what was going on, which is how I found her posters. I was immediately inspired to do a wallpaper for my computer and I contacted her to ask her permission to use her images in a design of my own. After explaining the idea, she was all for it, and well, here it is:

Thanks again, Susan, for selflessly supporting my efforts here, for welcoming me into a family I will always have, and for unknowingly changing my life forever :)

My utmost respect and condolences to the Tomb family, she was a light in our 'verse, and will always be. Thank you.

John (TenthCrewMember)


Monday, August 1, 2011 7:41 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by HerFriend:
More details: Thank you all for your posts. Susan was a very private person but we felt it was fitting to share a few details of her last few days with her 'verse of friends. Susan was first treated for cancer (Hodgkins) in her late teens. She was in and out of remission a few time since but always kept herself focused on life and her art, not the cancer. About three weeks ago she asked her close friend Bret to take her in for some tests as she was not feeling well and having trouble swallowing. At the hospital the doctors ordered more tests which resulted in her being admitted that same day. After a few days and several more tests the doctors informed Bret that the cancer had spread through her body. Bret called me and another friend SLWade to the hospital for support, and informed Susan's beloved uncle in Virginia. Susan died that day with the three of us by her bedside. 

Since then, we, her uncle and mother converged in LA to support each other and help settle her affairs. Susan ran several websites including her Cafe Press site. Definitive plans for the sites have not been made yet as certain legal steps must be taken, but the hope is to keep her sites and her art alive. Please bear with us as we put her affairs in order and sort out the legal issues concerning her websites. 

Last, a few have asked about her cat, Rocko, now retired. I will be inviting Rocko to live with me and my two cats. I hope to provide him a comfortable pod befitting a very sweet, bona fide companion.

Thanks again for your posts, it has comforted us to realize how many lives were touched by 11th Hour as well as humbling to realize the extent of her legacy in the Browncoat community

Memorial: Susan's ashes were picked up today by friends and family. Her ashes were scattered at the 11th Hour in the hollywood hills high above any sign of life. There between the city lights and the stars, one may look down upon the city of angels (mudders though we be, beach wood right the left) and reflect on her life and art, guerilla posters and all the rest.

Her Friend, Valerie

A very touching and beautiful memorial - thank you for sharing.
It's hard for me to think of Firefly without her art - hopefully, once you have some time, you'll be able to post how we can contribute (paypal, etc) to keeping her sites running for all Browncoats and for all the new fans.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Monday, August 1, 2011 7:49 AM


Now I am learning about scary.

I am so sorry to hear this news.

My deepest condolences to all of her family and friends.


Monday, August 1, 2011 9:23 AM


So sorry to here about 11th Hour. As others have mentioned, she was one of the first to greet me to the site. She will be greatly missed, but she has left us her wonderful artwork.


Monday, August 1, 2011 12:11 PM



Thank you for sharing those details with us. I know this must be completely overwhelming right now.

I am seconding what someone else has already said, if a tribute or a favorite charity is mentioned, I know the community would love to honor her by contributing to it.

She touched many of our lives, and it would be an honor to do so in her memory for others.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 12:29 PM


May the Black hold her soul.



Tuesday, August 2, 2011 2:58 PM


Hello all~

I am currently working with Valerie to setup a large fund raiser to honor the memory of 11th Hour.

Susan was kind enough to allow me to use some of her artwork for my own gorilla marketing campaign. Those that sent me shirts got them printed (Browncoat-ified as I like to say) free of charge. Them that wore the shirts were always stopped for inquiries. Those people have introduced so many more to the world of Firefly. I have printed hundreds and hundreds of shirts for people all over the world using some of her designs as well as my own.

We haven't gotten our TV show back or another movie but what we did find were amazing people like Susan.

Now, I would like to go back to the roots and do another even larger print run in Susan's honor.

More information will be to follow, in fact you all will probably be tired of hearing about it because I plan to spread the word far and wide. Right now November seems to be the month and Eugene Oregon the place.

We are the mighty ones,


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:05 PM


Susan will always be the heart of the Browncoats to me. She welcomed me to the verse and we had many late night chats on the OB. Her art was alive and spoke to my husband and myself. 9tiercel wears one of her shirts every single week, without fail. The world seems just so empty without her.

"dong ma"


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:06 PM


Please keep me in the loop with this..a fitting memorial for our friend.

"dong ma"


Tuesday, August 2, 2011 5:49 PM


This truly a loss. I had the honor of meeting Susan, who had shared her talents on the making of the Serenity Roleplaying game. She will be sorely missed.


"It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah"


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 6:46 AM


Would this fundraiser in November maybe be on 11/11/11? (As WHEDONesquer NYPinTA pointed out to me, that date seems fitting for something in honor/memory of 11th Hour.)

Just a thought in passing, not, of course crucial. The important thing is the fundraiser in 11th's name, and it's a great idea. I do look forward to hearing more about it in the weeks to come - thanks for letting us know.

(This date thing may seem duh obvious to everyone else, but when it was first pointed out to me, I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it myself.)


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 7:52 AM


I still wear the shirts that the Eugene Oregon Browncoats made and still get comments. The ones that 11th Hour designed are especially nice. I look forward to hearing what is planned.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 8:43 AM


Could you please contact me, over on the Browncoat Ball webpage? or better, thru the fb page.

We would like to do something to honor 11th Hour, at this Ur's Ball. I need some contact information, and we could also
And maybe we can help w/the ffundraiser in some way.
Thank you.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 7:50 PM


I sent Shelley or 'Dawnsister' a message through this site but I thought I would make it known that I will be doing the initial organization with those of the yahoo group EugeneBrowncoats(my Browncoat home). If you would like to add your two cents please feel free to join the group. I will also have a fund raiser site up ASAP. You can also contact me directly via e-mail misschiefm(at)

Keep Flyin'


Wednesday, August 3, 2011 8:13 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think that we at PDX Browncoats north of you guys would want to help and be involved if possible, are you who I think you are? Anyways let us know, I haven't seen anything announced on our site yet (, I think we would like to help.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Friday, August 5, 2011 12:20 PM


Such sad news. I loved her artwork though never had the pleasure of meeting her. Having lost my dear mum to bone cancer my heart goes out to Susan's family, friends and fellow Browncoats.

Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, August 5, 2011 1:34 PM


She will be missed, as will her unstoppable spirit and artistic talents. Goodnight, Susan.


Saturday, August 6, 2011 2:24 PM


Very sad news. Although we never met or really knew one another I still feel that I’ve lost a friend.



Sunday, August 7, 2011 4:57 PM


Damn. Just heard the sad news on Sending a Wave. 11th was such a treasure...I never met her and I never really posted on-line much anywhere, but I corresponded with her a bit, bought her stuff and used her guerrilla artwork everywhere. We made a lot of new browncoats.

Here's her last e-mail from '09. The joy in that woman always came shining through in her words. But that last line of hers has me crying now as i write this... :(

Sail on silver girl.

"Susan (11th Hour) Tombs 8/02/09

Howdy Roland,
I am honored that you recognized my design even without a hint... or a vowel... or a hint of a vowel. Very cool! It is exciting to have a t-shirt design out there that's all official and stuff, and a bit ironical considering the tussle that Universal's lawyers had with my Cafe Press shop a while back. Funny how situations can take a surprising turn after time has passed.

I appreciate that you check into my website to see any changes or updates, very nice to be remembered. Things have actually been rather quiet on my guerilla marketing and FF/S art websites. I've been very busy working on other projects, so the Firefly/Serenity sites have been quietly traveling in their orbits, but nothing much in the way of updates has happened in a while. The latest new FF/S fan art I added was a color depiction of River holding her axe and sword and standing in her Reaver slaying pose. But that's the last update of new art and it was earlier this year, I think. Even though my FF/S sites are quiet, I still keep them going. So many really great FF/S fansites of the past are gone, I have a whole bunch of bookmarks that go to "page not found" messages now... so sad! Keeping the websites going is part of keeping the 'Verse going, so I wish those sites were still there... refusing to give up!

Now that I'm working with QMx it's quite possible that we'll do more projects together, so that will help in getting some new art on the websites. I still have so many FF/S project ideas that I'd love to do, and having a way to do them officially makes it possible for the projects to be realized.

I'm so glad you are still enjoying the posters and cards, knowing that means a lot to me. All the Firefly/Serenity art I've created has been made with love for the 'Verse, and it's so cool to know the art connects with others who also love the 'Verse... and if the art is also drawing new folk to FF/S, then I'm a doubly happy Art Companion. ;-)

Thank you so much for your delightful message and words of congratulations... and for ordering one of my shirts, yay! I hope to be offering more official goodies in the near future!

Shiny days,


I scrolled down to read the previous emails... wow, it's like taking a time machine! The earliest one is almost 3 years old now, kind of surreal to go back and read about what was going on back then. So much was happening, and is happening, and is yet to happen. The story continues..."

(powerpopster here, there and everywhere...)


Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:26 PM


My thoughts and prayers go out to her friends and family.



Saturday, August 13, 2011 9:39 PM


I am hard-pressed to think of any Browncoat who made the words "Done The Impossible" more real and personal than 11th Hour; for I daresay she has done more for the 'Verse, with her pinky alone, than most Browncoats could accomplish in their lifetime using a full set of hands. And yet, day like this, first words that leapt to mind were that of Kaylee: "Sometimes a thing gets broke can't be fixed." :(

The 'Verse will continue to exist without her; 'Verses do that: moons and planets never halt their orbital spin, and stars never dim their light -- not even for a second. I often wish they would. We can, of course, stand still ourselves for a moment. And it does me good to see many folks do. It's moments like these that I'm proud to be a member of this Browncoat community.

From here on in we can sadly only reminisce about the many times she touched the 'Verse, in her equally many artful ways. Nevertheless, I'm glad I was here, to commemorate our finest Hour.

N.B. And a special thanks to my old friend FollowMal, who was kind and decent enough to inform me of this tragedy.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Wednesday, August 31, 2011 1:59 AM


I just found out about this. I haven't been to this site in years, but like most of you, have always been aware of her presence and most certainly her art. I never communicated with her directly, but she was such a prominent figure it was impossible not to know of her and her work. A great talent that will be missed.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 12:30 PM


Really surprised this hasn't been posted here yet... details of her Tribute (I'm just spreading the signal check the site for details):

[quote}Not only was 11th Hour (aka Susan Renee Tomb) a kind and giving person who made innumerable friends and acquaintances throughout the Firefly 'verse, she was also able to span the gap of Firefly fandom and transition into a licensed artist with Universal Studios. 11th Hour was an amazing artist and is an icon for Firefly guerrilla marketing. She gave us all outstanding posters to revel in our fandom and a means to seek a little bit more Serenity. She was kind enough to allow the EugeneBrowncoats to print those posters on shirts in 2005. People from all over the world sent us shirts to Browncoat-ify with her guerrilla marketing posters.

Now that 11th Hour has passed, we would like to honor her by returning to the printing presses and printing more shirts from those original images. We are going to have an amazing shindig in her honor and raise funds to dedicate in her memory!

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse <--my bluesunshop






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