Joss back to TV

UPDATED: Saturday, August 14, 2004 14:17
VIEWED: 3203
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Thursday, August 12, 2004 11:36 AM


For all the naysayers, Joss has said he would like to go back to TV and has some ideas, because it allows him to do the small stuff as well. His concern is that he wants to a show that "goes" and it reads as though Firefly has knocked him a bit as to whether he knows what the audience wants (hopefully Joss doesn't have the necessary lobotomy and all the bongs in the 'verse to get to that level).

"I threw up on your bed"


Thursday, August 12, 2004 1:04 PM


Could you rephrase your message? I don't quite understand what you are trying to say.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 1:13 PM


i get what your saying. you don't want joss to go to mainstream coz then he wouldn't be any fun if he did the same ol crap everyone else does.
i would watch nearly anything with whedon on it!!

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Thursday, August 12, 2004 1:47 PM


I would hope that whenever Joss starts to hesitate over whether or not his ideas will be respected/ well received by network suits, he would, in the next moment think of the incredible response of his fans. He knows that we understand his work, and that we'll write letters, take out ads, and yell from rooftops to help him keep creating and telling the stories he wants to tell. I also think that he likes television because of its potential for long term character development and the kinds of interweaving story-lines at which he excels. I also hope that when Serenity hits big next spring (notice that I say WHEN), that the networks will be eager to sign him up again. Maybe with the help of new Whedonites who join the cause due to the BDM, we'll be able to spread the word a bit faster with the next series and show the networks that letting Joss do his job without interference is in their best interests.

The woods are the only place where I can see a clear path.


Thursday, August 12, 2004 5:31 PM


Hmm, I find it odd that Joss is starting to get gunshy now...I mean, he's proposed 3 tv shows (no counting animated series or series for the BBC), all 3 were picked up and 2 of those enjoyed great success. The third was critically acclaimed and generated enough fan base to make it to the big screen. Any other writer/producer/director would be ecstatic to have these kinds of results.

The problem w/ Joss's shows as I see is not that they are out of touch w/ fans, but rather out of touch w/ networks. If firefly had been on cable, i have no doubt it would have been successful. The only drawback to that is the cost. If Joss can find a way to tell similar stories that have lower special effects cost, I don't think he'd have a problem from the suits and would possibly rival the other big writers (Kelley etc) on success.

That's the only reason that we as viewers get what we get ....cop shows, CSI, law shows, comedies etc are all incredibly cheap so long as they aren't shot on location where crews have to be transported to etc...not as cheap as reality tv crap maybe, but cheaper than hours of CGI, explosions, etc. So when we find semi-decent writing in one of those shows, we like it and it clones and then we have nothing but the same durn thing on TV.

So Joss, if you read these boards, please don't give us what it appears from networks that we want. Go to cable, do something different, edgy and good....hell, might even break down and pay comcast's outrageous rates myself:( or wait for the first season of DVDs. Just please......don't give us a teen drama, don't give us the same old cop show, please no lawyers (unless they work for WolfRam and heart or similar employers), and pleaaaaasee for the love of god, if you give us a comedy, don't give us one in which a fat, ugly man is married to a skinny somewhat attractive woman w/ plastic surgery!!!!!!

Better yet, give us another space western!

The Strawberry Monkey


Saturday, August 14, 2004 8:10 AM



Originally posted by karenkay99:
i get what your saying. you don't want joss to go to mainstream coz then he wouldn't be any fun if he did the same ol crap everyone else does.
i would watch nearly anything with whedon on it!!

Actually, I've no problem with Joss going back to the mainstream - that's where he was all along. Buffy was pop culture done well - it had a reach a lot longer than its viewing figures suggested.

I think what Joss was saying was that he has a number of ideas for TV shows, but he has to be sure that he will get the time to play them out over a few years. I'm sure if a network gave him a season commitment that would help, but then they could still bury the show and I doubt Joss has the pulling power (yet) to demand the slot his show runs in for 22 episodes.

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, August 14, 2004 8:18 AM



Originally posted by jebbypal:
So Joss, if you read these boards, please don't give us what it appears from networks that we want. Go to cable, do something different, edgy and good....

Does anyone know what Carnivale is made for per episode - haven't seen any of it yet, but it has had rave reviews for parts of it, and isn't bound by the usual network rules - strikes me that this and Jeremiah show that you can do such shows on a decent budget (albeit you have to run the ship tightly)

"I threw up on your bed"


Saturday, August 14, 2004 12:01 PM


HBO is subscriber supported rather than ad supported, so a whole different set of rules apply to them. That's why they can spend money to make really high quality series and movies/miniseries -- not to mention those that are not hindered by censorship because of broadcast standards. The downside is how few people can afford to subscribe to premium cable.



Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:05 PM


I remember the quote. Basically Joss was saying that he wants to see what the market is. And if the market fits the projects he has in mind. I think he should give up on the networks and find a pay channel willing to put up the money for his genius.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 2:17 PM


Hey Cardie,

I believe the HBO has around 30 million subscribers. So it wouldn't take much to please them. They prefer is their shows can make media outlets because that can add to potential subscribership. Maybe it could work, maybe not. It all depends on how much channels like HBO are willing to shell out.






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