UPDATED: Thursday, August 19, 2004 15:35
VIEWED: 2742
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Monday, August 16, 2004 7:02 PM


out of everybody on the ship, besides River of course, I think that Inara is the one Simon is most comfortable with, the reason for this is I think because they come from the same world

Inara maybe a companion but she understands and knows the world that simon came from, she knows the rules she knows how it works..I noticed on sernity 1& 2 they had an instant rappore

most everyone thinks that Simon is just so proper, but I suspect in his world he wasn't viewed as being proper or prim..but rather more authortive and calculating.. in some ways more like Mal is viewed on Sernity

I also suspect that some not all but some of Simons primness is a way to ward off Kaylee's advances cause lets face it... he could have had her seven ways to sunday if he had wanted...and probably would have if he had been in his world..but Kaylee can't be so easily disguarded on the ship..and Simon knows this.. its not a judgment against Kaylee..she's the most adorable and pleasing way thats just who she is, what you see is what you get

when Inara told Simon that Kaylee means alot to everyone on the ship..I think Simon got the message loud and clear...I think Inara sees Simon alot more clearly

all the charactors on FireFly are pretty interesting some more then others...I find Simon fascinating because there so much going on with him then just the surface stuff

also I suspect that mal came from a wealthy family before the alliance took over , does anyone else get this feeling ,in Mrs. Reynolds he talked about growing up on a ranch...

which also makes me wonder about zoey and mal..he told wash in war stories that he and Zoey went way back even before the war, Zoey and mal are really good friends they seem to understand eachother, even without that tidbit in War stories I had the feeling that Zoey and Mal knew eachother before the war..I'm wondering did maybe Zoey's family work for Mals..or were their family friends and they grew up being best buddies

always interested in seeing other peoples speculations and ideas


Monday, August 16, 2004 7:26 PM


I agree that they may have moved in similar circles. Upper crust, et al...

However I do feel that Simon's awkwardness with Kaylee isn't due to his superior priviledge. I think he just doesn't know how to hang out with women! He's not thinking, "Oh, I'll hurt her because she's base and easy, he's thinking "Now WHAT do I say here?"

He's inept. I think he would be that way to a woman of his own social stature as well. I think it's endearing most of the time. But other times I'm like "Just GRAB her and kiss her!"

I prefer the Captain Kirkness of Mal. It's not my favorite episode, but I LOVE his sexy scene in Heart of Gold with Inara's friend. Whew. He is just a natural with women. Simon could take a few pointers from Mal. (Although Mal WAS pretty clueless about Kaylee in Shindig. I think just because he doesn't really look at her that way. She's his mechanic, for cryin out loud...)

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Monday, August 16, 2004 7:55 PM



However I do feel that Simon's awkwardness with Kaylee isn't due to his superior priviledge. I think he just doesn't know how to hang out with women! He's not thinking, "Oh, I'll hurt her because she's base and easy, "

see on some level I do think simon thinks least as I preceive it..although I agree that he is also inept...but I think his ineptness comes more from a rigid code that he follows in his own world that doesn't apply out on the fringes of space and the outer rim planets(which are base and easy)in comparison to the core planets which are more rigid and stuctured

look at the men who Inara shares her company with the men on the Core planets ..they behave in a way that is set by society and social customs *(proper)..I believe that Simons approach is much the same ..I suspect that if Simon and when Simon was around women of his on social standing and society..he wasn't inept

I guess what I'm trying to say is Simon's ineptness wouldn't be considered inept if he was on one of the core planets or less inept

Because River is Simon's 1rst priorty..I think yeah on some level that Simon knows were he to let his male hormones take over..and give into Kaylee's advances..that he would hurt her


I agree that they may have moved in similar circles. Upper crust, et al...

although I get the feeling that Mal came from a wealthy family...I see it in terms of being wealthy in terms of land and lets say cattle..much like in the way that frontiersmen were weathlthy and their style of living and customs

as oppose to Simon and other Core people who are wealthy..I see it in terms as more of a nobility and more of a manufactured base wealth


Monday, August 16, 2004 8:11 PM



Originally posted by piratejenny:
I also suspect that some not all but some of Simons primness is a way to ward off Kaylee's advances cause lets face it...

Simon hasn't had an opportunity to run a blood test


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 2:31 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I agree that Simon and Inara have a bond of sorts as Simon sees in her a civilized person used to the lifestyle he until recently lived in himself. In Simon, Inara sees some culture and refinement which the rest of the crew lacks.

In regards to Kaylee, I do not think that Simon acts the way he does out of any attempt to avoid entangling himself w/ her, I think it is more out of uncertainty.

I do not think that Simon is very experienced w/ women. From what we have seen and heard of Simon's past, it would appear that most of his childhood and young adulthood were spent grooming him for his career as a doctor. What free time he did have was spent w/ River. Perhaps this is another reason that he & River are so close, because growing up they were all each other really had.

Simon genuinely likes Kaylee, he simply is uncertain how to court her. As we saw in Jaynestown & The Message he tries hard to be close to her, and he sees her attraction to him, but he is unsure of himself. I believe he also fears the conflict it may cause for Kaylee and himself as River will always be his first priority.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 5:52 AM


i also think that simon is vey comtorble with inara because they do come forom the same upper crust i also beleive that simon has toruble taking to kaylee because he likes her so much that he dosent want to say the wrong thing to upset her in any way


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 6:19 AM


Dude. *Surgeon.* He has very little experience talking to people who aren't under anaesthesia anyway.

I think Out of Gas shows that Simon and Inara at least like each other (sort of like "jacks or better to open"). I also think that Simon doesn't want to exploit the fact that Kaylee cares a lot more about him than he does about her.


Tuesday, August 17, 2004 8:44 AM


I agree that Simon and Inara are a more logical match for each other because Simon was a member of the elite and Inara understands and knows how to act around the elite. Kaylee doesn't and seems to want to change Simon, which is usually a mistake with a man. A case in point is their conversation at the end of Jaynestown where Kaylee says that she doesn't understand what's so important about being proper. It's so important to Simon because it's who he is and all that he has left from his former life that he wouldn't have left if River hadn't been in trouble.

I also agree that Simon needs to be very careful about getting into a relationship with Kaylee. The need for caution probably accounts for part of his akwardness. If the relationship goes foul, which given their mountain of differences it very well could, Simon may find that he has to leave Serenity. Why? Because if he has broken Kaylee's heart and everyone on board loves her and at best, tolerates Simon, being there might become too akward as everyone takes Kaylee's side.


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 9:32 PM



I think Out of Gas shows that Simon and Inara at least like each other (sort of like "jacks or better to open"). I also think that Simon doesn't want to exploit the fact that Kaylee cares a lot more about him than he does about her.

Ding Ding!!! you hit the nail on the head
...thats what I was getting at, thats why I said that I think Simon is less inept so in away he does try to avoid getting entangled with Kaylee because he doesn't want to exploit her feelings for him..she walks around all goo goo eyed if Simon were to give into her advances knowing full well that she likes him more then he does her it would be a mess..I'm of the opinion from watching the show that Simon's heart belongs to River, Kaylee nor any woman would never come 1rst with him.... he likes her but anything more he would be taking advanage of her howerver I do believe that Simon is honorable..but I also suspect that some of his honor concerning Kaylee has to do with caution they are on the same ship, if he were back on the core and some girl was throwing herself at him..I'd have to wonder would he be so honorable


i also think that simon is vey comtorble with inara because they do come forom the same upper crust i also beleive that simon has toruble taking to kaylee because he likes her so much that he dosent want to say the wrong thing to upset her in any way

Sure I think Simon likes Kaylee just fine..and the thought of taking her to bed is probably appealing..because he does like her..but thats about it...I mean Simon hasn't done anything to encourage Kaylee's adoration of him and she lets it be known all the time that she would serve herself up on a sliver platter to him..I mean he is a healthy red blooded male...but I don't think he has trouble talking to Kaylee because he likes her so much...I think he has trouble talking to Kaylee because she likes him so much!!


I do not think that Simon is very experienced w/ women. From what we have seen and heard of Simon's past, it would appear that most of his childhood and young adulthood were spent grooming him for his career as a doctor. What free time he did have was spent w/ River. Perhaps this is another reason that he & River are so close, because growing up they were all each other really had.

I too get the feeling that River and Simon spent the majority of their free time together, but I see it as more of a choice..after all they are genuis..they probably felt more comfortable in eachothers company then their own peer groups


Originally posted by BruisersMom:
I also agree that Simon needs to be very careful about getting into a relationship with Kaylee. The need for caution probably accounts for part of his akwardness. If the relationship goes foul, which given their mountain of differences it very well could, Simon may find that he has to leave Serenity. Why? Because if he has broken Kaylee's heart and everyone on board loves her and at best, tolerates Simon, being there might become too akward as everyone takes Kaylee's side.

yep ITA!!...also what you said about Kaylee trying to change Simon she doesn't understand who Simon is..I honestly don't think that Kaylee would be the right person for Simon..for one I think Simon would compare any and every woman he was involved in a relationship with to River..and well we know River is one of a kind...while I think that Simon likes Kaylee and would enjoy her company and find her amusing..he seems like he needs to be challenged and stimulated mentally in ways that I don't think Kaylee ever could..he would tire of her after awhile and what a mess that would be


Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:59 AM



yep ITA!!...also what you said about Kaylee trying to change Simon she doesn't understand who Simon is..I honestly don't think that Kaylee would be the right person for Simon..for one I think Simon would compare any and every woman he was involved in a relationship with to River..and well we know River is one of a kind...while I think that Simon likes Kaylee and would enjoy her company and find her amusing..he seems like he needs to be challenged and stimulated mentally in ways that I don't think Kaylee ever could..he would tire of her after awhile and what a mess that would be

I agree that Simon is the type of person that needs to be challenged mentally. The woman with whom he has a happy, long term relationship would have to be intellectually stimulating and challenging to him. Very much like River. Remember the light that seemed to radiate from Simon's face in the original pilot when he is describing River's intelligence. Kaylee doesn't seem to have it. Remember in Jaynestown when Simon talks about fermented bread in ancient Egypt being used as a means to control the working population and all that Kaylee can say in response is "Gee Simon, that's real historical." Simon drops the subject. I haven't heard them try to have an intellectually stimulating conversation since then.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:44 AM



Sure I think Simon likes Kaylee just fine..and the thought of taking her to bed is probably appealing..because he does like her..but thats about it...I mean Simon hasn't done anything to encourage Kaylee's adoration of him and she lets it be known all the time that she would serve herself up on a sliver platter to him..I mean he is a healthy red blooded male...but I don't think he has trouble talking to Kaylee because he likes her so much...I think he has trouble talking to Kaylee because she likes him so much!!

I think you have hit on something very important. I don't think that Simon likes Kaylee nearly as much as Kaylee likes him. That fact is reflected in Simon not encouraging her attraction to him when they're together. He steps back whenever she tries to advance on him. However, he is attracted to her a little. When Simon was drunk in Jaynestown, he told Kaylee that she was pretty. In the Message, Simon and Kaylee had that exchange in front of the cow fetus where Simon complemented her again on her appearance and on her positive outlook on life. However, remember Simon also said that Kaylee was literally the last woman on earth for him because everyone else on board was either married, professional or closely related to him. That statement makes me think that Simon isn't very much attracted to Kaylee. It's hardly a ringing endorsement of kaylee as the woman for him. If Simon ran into Kaylee on Osiris, where Kaylee isn't the last woman on earth because Simon has a much bigger pool of potential girlfriends, Kaylee probably wouldn't have even gotten as far as she has in her pursuit of Simon.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:52 AM



also I suspect that mal came from a wealthy family before the alliance took over , does anyone else get this feeling ,in Mrs. Reynolds he talked about growing up on a ranch...

I wonder how wealthy Mal's family was too. He mentioned that it had 40 hands working on it. I don't know if that is a lot of hands or not. It sounds like a lot.

I also wonder why Mal didn't stay on the ranch. Did his mother die and Mal decided ranching wasn't for him? Mal mentioned that his mother ran ranch and it sounded like his father was dead, leaving his mother to run it alone. Or, did Mal lose the ranch because he was an independent and hauling cargo became his next best alternative?


Thursday, August 19, 2004 6:57 AM



which also makes me wonder about zoey and mal..he told wash in war stories that he and Zoey went way back even before the war, Zoey and mal are really good friends they seem to understand eachother, even without that tidbit in War stories I had the feeling that Zoey and Mal knew eachother before the war..I'm wondering did maybe Zoey's family work for Mals..or were their family friends and they grew up being best buddies

I don't know if her family worked for Mal's mother or if he knew her some other way. Maybe, her family worked for another ranch or worked in town. Maybe, Mal met her in school on Shadow.

Hopefully, they will flesh out Mal and Zoe's pre-war relationship in one of the movies. I would be interested in hearing about it.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:46 PM


Whether Mal's family was rich or not depends on whether there were a lot of unemployed workers on Shadow or not--if there was a labor shortage, you'd have to be awfully rich to have 40 hands working on your place, but if there was a surplus, having 40 people "will work for food" just meant you could shoot a cow occasionally to feed them.

As to why he didn't just go back after the war, I always think of Captain Renaud in Casablanca speculating on why (seducing a Senator's wife?) Rick can't go back to the US.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:35 PM



Remember the light that seemed to radiate from Simon's face in the original pilot when he is describing River's intelligence.

yep!!lol that is one of my favorite scenes, Simone looks so happy in that scene..River always seems to put a smile on his face!!


I wonder how wealthy Mal's family was too. He mentioned that it had 40 hands working on it. I don't know if that is a lot of hands or not. It sounds like a lot.

I also wonder why Mal didn't stay on the ranch. Did his mother die and Mal decided ranching wasn't for him? Mal mentioned that his mother ran ranch and it sounded like his father was dead, leaving his mother to run it alone. Or, did Mal lose the ranch because he was an independent and hauling cargo became his next best alternative

40 hands does sound like alot I didn't catch that, there is just something about Mal that makes me think his family was wealthy.. also another thing that made me think that was how was Mal able to buy Serenity..... I doubt seriously if he had made that muc money in the miltary

the way Mal talked about that ranch he grew up on, seemed more in the past tense..I would speculate that maybe his family was killed off and the ranch confiscated and all its assets to the Alliance

maybe mal had a little cash secreted away and thats how he was able to buy Serenity

Where Zoey fits in..I don't know..Her and Mal are awfully close maybe the same thing happened to her family..






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