Anybody I used to know still post around here??????

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Monday, December 5, 2011 4:35 PM


I'm 32, so you may or may not be younger. Don't know why I thought you might be older than me from previous posts, but I'm just as faulty a barometer of that stuff in-the-skin, since I assumed my neighbors with a 2 year old child were older than me until the wife had her 10 year reunion about 3 months after I moved in.

Oh well.... Age is always a factor in this day and age, and I guess I'm still ahead of the game since Chris Matthews hasn't knocked at my door yet and told me my 20 year old liaison was really only 16.

Sorry to hear about whatever it is you have. It seems that MS and cancer run rampant in my family, so fun times ahead for me, I'm sure. At least I'll have a full head of hair when I die early and there's no hereditary heart problems in the history.

I might think differently if I ever got married and had children, but I've already told my old man and my brothers to shoot me if I ever had to wear a diaper. If they wont, I'll do it. I've got a compact 45 that is just about the size of my brother's .22 if you were not looking at the barrel. From the barrel view, his looks like a BB gun, and mine looks like a hand cannon. To this day, I've never fired a real gun. I just want to have some stopping power in case of a man-made zombie apocalypse, or the ability to end it all IMMEDIATELY. My Uncle tried that once, but it didn't work out so well with his John Wayne six shooter and he "lived" for about 5 hours in the hospital before his job was done.

My ideal death.....?

House is clean, hard drives are clean, and I'm wearing fresh and clean clothes from head to toe when I go out. Even better, I've got so many friends and family interested in my own life at that point that they find me before the neighbors complain about the "stink"

Totally grusome, I know, but a guy who lives alone needs to think about these things. Without a wife around to make sure some basic things are attended to, who's going to do it for him.

Like "Tracy Jordan" said....

1) Live every week, like it was Shark Week.

2) Dress everyday like you are going to be murdered in those clothes.



Nope... no luck in the job search dept...... I've got some influential feelers out at Aldi and a Pipe-fitter union test coming up in late January. Hopefully something pans out :)

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 5, 2011 5:14 PM


hi...long long ago in a place far far away ...

you and other fans of old try out new website ? I through some ideas out to start brainstorming for Serenity next 2 hr episode ... perhaps y'all would jump on board and carry on ... ?

Babylon V ... and thereafter ... through the looking glass.


Monday, December 5, 2011 5:27 PM


rezident owtsidr

Chris Hanson. I like that show. Gonad guided missilez getting themselvz in big trouble.

Sorry about your health problemz, Wishy. Hang in there, maybe they will find a fix soon, or at least hang on for the Big Dam Sequel. (Hopefully befor the zombie apocalypse, wich everybody apparently agreez iz immenent)

Ah, 32. I remember being 32. The good old dayz. I'm nearly 52 now! I'm now wun uv thoze geezerz who tellz you that time flyz and you'll be az old az me befor you know it!



Monday, December 5, 2011 5:37 PM


To JACK: Well, assuming you don't have a b-day for the next 4 months you'll have me beat by a year, old man

Hmm, my thoughts on death. I've had some time ta think on this subject in the last year...

I have this theory that a drug overdose is a bit like riding on a tilt-a-whirl. First you get a little dizzy and a bit of a headache, then your arms and legs get heavy, you get nauseous and then want to go to sleep... and that's how I'd like to go. But I'll have to find someone who's tried and failed to know fer sure...sure ain't gonna jump in front of nothin' and screw up a poor schmucks day.

I also have this bizarre idea of having my skull bones bleached, and sent to a celtic mystic for tribal decorations, so I can be passed down the generations. I never said what was IN my skull now was entirely sane

BTW, I'm not plannin on bein' dead for a long while, so nobody worry. I just get the crap inconvienenced outta me until I get there


Monday, December 5, 2011 5:56 PM



Originally posted by morrisondnltprln:
I through some ideas out to start brainstorming for Serenity next 2 hr episode ... perhaps y'all would jump on board and carry on ... ?

Welcome back from wherever you went hon! I think most of us are waitin' till Castle gets done, but if'n ya wanna chat about ideas, you might get better reception if you start a new thread, this one is MIGHTY long. We had one a while back but it seems(like me!) everyone has their own agenda for what they'd like to see happen. Most of the guys just wanna see Christina Hendricks mostly unclothed. I'd take ANYTHING. I don't care if the whole cast is nekkid, or wearing burkhas...

I swear by my pretty floral burkha, I will end you


Monday, December 5, 2011 7:55 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Hi Jack, its cool that you are stickin with the eight months and more to come thing, good for you.

Wish, it sounds like whatever you have causes you quite a bit of physical pain. In my state people are allowed to use mk for pain management when what they have is notable. I've heard it can be quite helpful. If I ever get in a situation like that though I'll have to find another sollution because marijuana plus mental health challenges equals uh oh most of the time, I only know of one or two exceptions, other than that just say no. But if you're neurotypical you're probably allright to try it if you can, I doubt Indiana allows that though?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, December 6, 2011 7:59 AM



Originally posted by RionaEire:
I doubt Indiana allows that though?

Yeah, and not about to. The general public here is massively ignorant. Hubby has a saying about it- either you are Apple Pie smart or Circle PI smart. Apple pie smart means you know when to hunt and when to plant,i.e. yer typical county bumkin, and pi smart means you have a circle that encompasses many things ... Oh, what it's like when worlds collide...


Tuesday, December 6, 2011 7:35 PM


Hey morrisondnltprln,

I went there once, but since I don't remember my password and it's already a cookie in this computer, I just keep plugging away at the blue border version. What's the difference besides the red border?

You probably don't want to hear my ideas for the next Serenity epsisode. My thoughts were that the show was cancelled so damn prematurely and the movie fastforwarded through about 9 seasons of great stuff.

I'd love to see the first movie entirely erased from existence, give everyone who acted on the show a non-existent youth potion to put them back at 2001 age and keep the show going.

Same thing for Arrested Development. Although it sounds awesome that they're actually going to bring the show back soon since NetFlix bought the rights from the idiots at FOX, everyone is so much damn older than when the show was awesome. I'm afraid it will be like the short-lived Spice Girls reunion. lol.

Sadly, I think the only previously canceled FOX show that has a chance in the long run is Futurama because it's a cartoon. :(

Hey JO753,


I've never actually seen the show, but I'm aware of it because of two things.

1) one of the funniest episodes of South Park ever where probably 50 guys shot themselves in the head all episode long when Chris Matthews entered the room. and...

2) The episode of 30 Rock when Tina Fey was hooking up with the "Mayhem" guy again until she saw him on an episode of Dateline trying to hook up with a 16 year old.

"Let me tell you about 20 year old women. Half of them are 16." lol

32 is pretty sweet man, but I have the same nostalgia for 22 that you probably have for 32. Funny thing is, all through my teens I couldn't wait to be in my 20's.

20-something is surely the sweetspot, but I couldn't pinpoint that day. Seems like the grass is always greener elsewhere.....

Hey Wishimay,

Well... I'm sorry for whatever it is keeping ya walking enough to push self propelled mower. I figured you were young with the way you talk about your daughter, but I didn't know. I'm still hella-strong, but my endurance is for shit and my joints hurt a lot. I long for the days where I used to be able to run 5 miles a day and I wasn't even getting tired until after 3. Even though I've lost nearly 60 lbs, it hasn't been because of any cardio.

I'll go as far as to say that I look pretty damn awesome these days with a shirt off, but my 76lb Junior High self would kick my ass to next week in a Cross Country race. It would be over before it even started.

F-ing cigarettes. I LOVE them, but I HATE them. :)

If you have time to think about the means of your own death, my advice is to do more home improvement or find a few other hobbies to take up the time. Hypocritical thing for me to say, I know, but I don't like hearing people I like putting too much time into it. I've had three people very close to me in my kind-of short life successfully pull it off. Some after several attempts. (One of them, I've already mentioned, was my uncle who I lived with at my Grams for a few years when times were bad.... he was like a brother to me).

In the end, they say you're only hurting yourself, but I don't believe that for a second. Maybe I'm just more empathetic than most other folk, but those three deaths are crosses I'll have to bear for the rest of my life.

There's almost absolutely nothing I could have done to change things, but I hate admitting how often I think about what I could have done had I known beforehand.

Trust me.... If you ever tried and failed, said poor schmuck, if they're anything like me, is going to have a much better day than if you succeeded.

Besides.... you have a beautiful daughter who needs her strong willed Mama around.

Nothing weird about the bone bleaching thing. I'd love to have my ashes shot out of a cannon by Johnny Depp like Hunter Thompson did.

I'm not really worried about you, and I know we're just discussing things. Actually, when I thought back to what I wrote the other night and saw so many out-of-the-ordinary replies, I figured there were 3 or 4 people here giving me the speech I'm giving you right now. Glad to see that that wasn't the case.

I'm in no hurry to bow out. For the first time in my own life I'm pretty damn content. Having put myself in the position I'm in now, I can't think of another way, short of winning the lotto, that I could have put myself in a more Mal-like way of life.

Besides... I've still got a fairly long bucket list to check off first. :)

Hey RionaEire,

Thanks for the support there. It's still not easy. I'm a very addictive personality and that's why I'm glad I never got into anything really hard. I finally broke down and tried coke on my 24th birthday, and had partaken in it maybe 5 times since then, and honestly, I think my daily urge to do a drug again is stronger for that demon than it is for pot.

Thank God I had the wherewithal to never make friends with a dealer of any sort. I have two contacts to get bud through, but they're not dealers, they're just people who know people who can get it. Neither of them do coke either, although I'm sure they could get if if they needed too. Since I'm not around that scene anymore, I'm happy to say, it would be damn near impossible for me to ever do coke again unless I was possessed by a demon and lost 24 hours of my life in the search for it.

Bud..... I could make a call today and have an ounce by Friday. I've just found something in me to say no finally. I still drink way too much beer and smoke way too many cigarettes, but until I find other things to take over those urges, It's the best I can do at the moment. There was a time where I quit everything except for 6 smokes a day for about 2 years and I gained 60 lbs of muscle an could run 5 miles straight, but that required being at the gym nearly 40 hours a week while I was on unemployment, and subsequently, living off saved cash.

Money's what it's all about, I think. If I never had to think about money again, I'd be your local gym-rat... yanno, the guy who is always there anytime of day you decide to show up.

Hehe... forget about it in Indiana.

I have a cousin who was talking about starting a medical MJ clinic in Michigan that would also be able to ferry the goods to Illinois and bypass Indiana altogether. I don't believe it will be very long before both IL and MI submit to the demands of their own squalor and suddenly say "Hey everyone, we were wrong!!!! MJ is the best thing ever invented for sick people!!!!!" even though the smart people will know it's because they need new tax revenues because they can't keep taxing gas and smokes when gas is 4 bucks and smokes are 90 bucks a carton. Even beer is ridiculous these days.

Don't let anyone tell you any different. There are no Protestants here in IN that are going to keep it illegal. It's just that there is no Chicago or Detroit in Indiana bringing the rest of the state down. Somehow, in all of the bullshit going on, Indiana seems to still be running a surplus when most other states are begging, borrowing and stealing just to pay for programs that will further bankrupt the state when the elected officials calling for them will be out of office.

"Mitch the Bitch" I heard a Gary Police officer call him at a party I went to. Seems he's not too popular with the State paid people these days. But when I'm living 15 minutes away from Crook County and my property taxes are 1/3 of what they'd be there, my sales tax is over 3% less of what it is there, and my income tax is nearly 2% of what they just raised it to there, I'm happier than a pig in shit with Mitch as my man.

Sure.... cheap booze is about 4 bucks more a case here, but then again, we have less reason overall to indulge in these blissfully mind-numbing activities than our IL and MI counterparts, given the circumstances. (At least, state/government/tax related reasons, anyhow).

I'm always going back "home" anyways and I always pick up a couple of 30 packs on my way back and save myself nearly 8 bucks doing so.

Hey, don't blame me man. I'd LOVE to be living in the same neighborhood as my parents do. But as a store sign for a boarded up ex-computer store on my way to their place says "TAXED OUT OF THIS LOCATION!!!!!"

Hope they survived and they're doing well in Indiana.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, December 6, 2011 8:07 PM


Don't know if anyone liked the Zelda Rap link, but I guess those guys have been popular enough to make SNL skits. This one has Steve Buscemi, one of my all time favorite actors.....

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Wednesday, December 7, 2011 4:41 PM


Hey Wishimay,

Washer and Dryer run like a dream! Four loads done so far. Feels good to not have to go to my Mom's to do it anymore finally!

I'm going to have to call that guy who sold it to me on Craigslist and tell him thanks for the awesome set. I totally trusted that they were good when he and his family came along for the ride to drop it off at my place (40 miles, round trip) but it's nice to see that there are good and honest people out there. If that set even worked in the first place has been nagging at the back of my mind through all this work.

Right now, I'm really glad I gave him that big tip after the agreed upon price for the items and delivery. It was really cool how he called his son over and gave the money straight to him. He was probably too young to be spending it on a little girlfriend, but I hope he enjoyed whatever he spent it on.

Incidentally, I'm using some Arm and Hammer detergent that was pretty cheap at the market. Not sure if my clothes are cleaner than when I was using Tide on sale, but They sure smell great afterward. It comes in a green bottle. You should give it a shot. We might all be paying more for Tide, just for the sake of using Tide.

Got a ton of carpet ripped out today too. All the carpet going downstairs is gone. Unfortunately, the wood underneath is neither hard-wood, nor is it in any condition to stain and varnish. It's definitly high enough qualty to have done that, but the person who put it in knew they were putting carpet over it and used drywall screws all over the place to install the boards. Plus, he was a little staple crazy and I spent my entire morning pulling out about 500 staples on about 6 stairs. I'll just fill it all in and primer and paint them like the rest of the exposed basement for now, but that will probably look like shit when the real remodeling starts and I'll just replace it with some nice oak.

I've been a little slow to get up to work this week because I'm just so bored of the basement work and doing things nobody will see when it's all said and done. It is so-the-opposite of instant gratification, working down there day in and day out.

After exposing the stairway this morning, I took a break from that and did two pretty awesome things today.

First, I finished decorating the Christmas tree that my Mom and Step-Dad gave me. It's their second one they no longer have the energy to put up (the one that is probably as old as I am :)). Got a bunch of generic red balls, gold drums, multi-colored lights and gold garland they gave me up on it, but got about 25 unique ornaments my mom had bought every year for me while I was growing up. It really looks nice. I didn't think I'd do it this year, but I'm really glad I took a time out to put it up.

I may be cheap as hell, but there's no Scrooge living here....

Second, I ripped out all of the carpet, staples, and those wooden tracks used for the carpet in the second bedroom. WOW!!!!! does that oak hardwood floor underneath it look amazing. Eventually it will all have to be sanded and refinished because the first 1 1/2" or so were slightly damaged from the carpeting, but..... just ...... wow....

It's nice to be excited about something in the house again. I've spent more time than I care to admit catching up on TV shows this week rather than working. That boring, monotonous, mind-numbing work in the basement was really starting to wreck my calm.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Wednesday, December 7, 2011 8:02 PM


Yep, I think keeping someone chained up in a basement is right up there on the level of hell chart...I went through a period last spring when it JUST>>>>KEPT>>>>RAINING and I was just not able to go in the basement for a month or so. Just dealing with it, and the not knowing when I wouldn't was too much for a spell. It's all good now. It took a while ta catch up on laundry, though...and yes, Arm and hammer ROCKS. I like the purple kind... I used Wisk for a million years and A@H is the only other thing that don't make me itchy.

BTW, my dad also passed this spring from a long damn battle with prostate cancer. Thus the morbid thoughts...You may not havta go ta mom for your laundry anymore, but be thankful she was there, you never know when she won't be...


Wednesday, December 7, 2011 9:46 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

I think I remember you mentioning your dad passing away earlier this year, I'm sorry. I didn't know you as well at the time so that's why I didn't remember it. You've still got your mom living right?

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:32 AM


Yeah, but that's not sayin' much. Ironically, she moved away pretty much the minute I got preggers, and has been on a quest to find ulimate independance and a man ever since(see the irony??) She's seen her grandkids a handful of times, mebbe.

All I have left is my 87 year old gran, who has macular degeneration and is going blind and senile. Cancer wiped out everbody else years ago, though I do have extended family that I'm pretty sure don't know I exist, and a couple people who are for all practical purposes dead to me. I guess that's why I'm here so much, gets pretty boring in the evenings when hubby's at work. His family??

You got a lot of family?


Thursday, December 8, 2011 12:01 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Yeah I've got lots of family, two parents whom I love dearly, couldn't have asked for better. An older brother with 3 and a half, technically four but no. four isn't done in the oven yet, a little bro (my little dude, aged 9) Aunts uncles cousins, some of which I really like and some of which I'm neutral about, my grandma, my mother's husband's family, I like his parents a lot but the rest of them I'm kind of neutral towards. I think you can never have too many relatives, yes, I'm one of those people.

Are you an only child Wish, sounds like you are.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, December 8, 2011 1:07 PM


I have an older bro, who has a wife(she's allright) and a kid, but they don't live near. We get together once a year or so or we did while dad was alive, but were never close (for various reasons I shant post here).

You'll have to come in and tell us when ya get the 4th level auntie update...Babies is nice


Thursday, December 8, 2011 2:11 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

My older bro and I have never been close either. Mostly its because he has a difficult temperment, always has. His children do too but the oldest, age 8 is learning to work around it and has grown out of some of his more irritating pissinesses. Plus I'm auntie and everyone likes aunties that like them and spend time with them. The other two are babies so they are still forming their personalities. I'm close with the kids even though my bro and I aren't close. My little brother on the other hand is the part of my family I always felt wasmissing, until he came along, we're very close.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Thursday, December 8, 2011 4:07 PM


rezident owtsidr

Still keep fooling me with the avatar, Rionaire! Yoiure a girl!

6string, Chrs Mathews iz the political comentator on MSNBC. Hanson iz the perv hunter. My fave episode wuz in the 1st seazon. He caught a rabi trying to meet a 12 yir old boy. Turned into a bigger catch for the cops wen it turned out he wuz part uv a gay pedofile rabbi club.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, December 8, 2011 8:30 PM


I am a big advocate for gettin' rid of the pervs. It's hard for me to watch that show, even though they catch 'em because it makes me so mad I mostly I just wanna em.

What is the point in which an adult says doing that is ok? How do you get there to that point? Do they intend to be evil, or is it mostly just opportunistic? Why do so many women that have kids live with convicted child molesters? Why does such a large segment of the population have a faulty judgement center?
I just don't get it. Can't wrap my head around it...

BTW JO...half the people here have avatars that are not the same sex they are. I've been hanging around here 6 or 7 years and I still can't remember who is what half the time...


Thursday, December 8, 2011 9:36 PM


rezident owtsidr

Goram jender bender preverts!!!!!! I'd be scandalized...if I hadnt dun it myself sum yirz back! (tricked a frend uv mine that he wuz IMing with a really hot chick for a month. hehehehehe)

"Therez a special place in Hell just for men who take advantage... and thoze who talk in theaterz."

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, December 9, 2011 4:03 AM


So what did this friend of yers do when he found out? Did you tell him or did he put 2 and 2 together?


Friday, December 9, 2011 6:04 AM


rezident owtsidr

Hard to say wut he did. we stayed 'frendz', but he wuz alwayz an assclown, so seperating out any new assclownish attitudez or activityz iz impossible. I suspect, for example, that hez been working against The Nooalf Revolution all along, but he wuz against it before also.

The whole thing wuz actually an effort to fix sum uv hiz flawz. He wuz completely incapable uv lissening to anybody - he woud think he knowz wut youre going to say and interupt mid sentence - so the fake chick wuz designed to be sumwun he woud 'lissen' to. The original plan wuz that she woud get him to realize (it wuz all AOL instant message) wut hiz problemz were and he woud hav a chance uv fixing himself.

I bungled it though. I went to alot uv effort to create the girl and tricking him wuz way too much fun. I made her too perfect for him and he fell in luv with her! I accidently tipped him off sum how during an excessively long IM. It wuz halarious, really, he & hiz brother were calling me on the fonez, asking for Jenny, 'wut are you wearing?' 'wut color are your pantyz?' etc.

He did improve a little, at least for a while. Its a strange malady, since he can lissen to people on TV with no problem, but its like he thinks real people are idiots or lying, so he cant pay attention for more than a few secondz. Makes it hard to hav a decent conversation wen hez spouting off sum shallow crappola frum the History channel or Fox 'News' and then wont lissen to my opinion on the subject.

One can alwayz hav hope that people can improve, if only they know wut their flawz are.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Monday, December 12, 2011 4:51 PM



I won't even get into my family dynamic. I could write a very long and (probably) very uninteresting book about it (to anybody outside of my family).

I do admit though, now that most of my cousins are grown ups and a few of us sometimes get together without the parents around, I do get a totally different vantage point than I ever did as a kid growing up in a messed-up-yet-no-more-messed-up than the average American family. I've got about 20 cousins, but I really only keep in touch with about 4 of them semi-regularly either in person or via email. It really amazes me how much of our DNA is similar, yet there are so many wildly different personalities in my generation of the family.

Things are strange, and people (especially), can be VERY strange.

It's actually quite comforting to know about some of this stuff that people I grew up around, who spend what must be a lot of their effort throughout their lifetimes to come off as they've got it all together and they don't have any issues. Kinda lets you off the hook for your own shortcomings and demons.

Far be it for me to judge anyone's behaviors though, particularly when they "KNOW" nobody is watching. I grew up with a lot of anger and hateful vibes that developed as a child and solidified as a punk teen well into my 20's. No good can come from any of that. In fact, I consider myself very lucky to be in the position I'm in today with the road I was traveling down, and the companions I chose to keep company with. I've seen that behavior all but destroy several people I care about, both inside and out of my family tree, and I've seen that behavior do others in.

Bah.... I don't want to talk or even think about family issues too much. As much as I hate the futures laid out in 1984 and Brave New World, the more I delve into my family history and pettiness, the more I am inclined to say that Orwell's Brave New World is a better alternative, and I hate thinking that way.

Anyways.... I got that plug outlet in the second bedroom taken care of. Such a small thing in actuality, but it was DANGEROUS work.

There were a couple of problems....

1) the outlet box behind the ghetto outside-the-wall crap they installed was not what I thought it would be. It was a smaller than normal sized box, and I was completely unable to re-install the outlet inside of it after removing the whole shitty patch job.

2) There are, I kid you not, two layers of drywall on the outside walls of the bedroom. That in itself wouldn't be much of a problem, but the first layer is a type of drywall I'm not familar with. It's not the concrete stuff you'd put in a bathroom tub to prevent any mold buildup or a breakdown in overall structural integrity from the moisture, but it's wrapped like regular drywall but more like stone than powder between the sheets. Cutting through it with a drywall hand saw takes ages. Unfortunately, after cutting 12 inches of it with a woodcutting blade on my sawsall, the blade was destroyed.


3) The electric in my house is so messed up I don't even know how to figure it out. I mapped out breakers months ago and I verified that the outlets I was working on were not live before I worked on them. I only turned that breaker off. Cutting the live wire in the box for what I needed in the future went off without a hitch. Cutting the negative wire though (white wire) there was nothing but sparks. I ran downstairs and shut off the main. As far as I can tell, nothing was burnt up this time...... whew!

The bad news though, was it was about 3:30PM and I had to figure out a way to do this before it got dark. That didn't happen. I spent an hour with my flashlight powered by the same 18V batteries my drill and sawzall uses. I had a backup tiny flashlight in-case that died. Eventually I had to wrap it all up and just cap the wires before I lost any auxiliary power.

I'm glad I did too, because when I tried using that backup flashlight the next day it died after two minutes.

I would have to have driven to my parents house for the night without any heat. That would probably be a really fun excercise too since the garage door opener wouldn't work and I'd have to try to climb up and detach the opener from the door in pitch black just to be able to remove my car.............

Um...... yeah..... I probably would have had to call my parents on my cell and have them come and pick me up, or bring the generator just so I could safely wrap up the electric so I could turn the power back on.

The good news is, yesterday I spent about 2 1/2 hours updating that electrical box and I think I'm good. It was SCARY work!!!!!

Because the existing wires were solid copper, there was barely any play at all. There was no way to shove them back in the conduit so I could safely cut the conduit on the top and bottom back 1 1/4" so the new box would fit.

There was also no way to take a hand saw to it because there was no room with the stud there.

I don't know if any of you have ever used a very powerful sawzall with a metal blade to cut conduit away before. Not only that but.....

1) the conduit was not braced to anything because I had already removed the previously secured tiny junction box. So, the conduit moved all over the place with just a little touch.

2) The pos/neg/ground wires needed to be protected and not cut accidentally, or that's just a situation I wouldn't want to even think about today.

3) The LARGE and relatively heavy sawsall unit, which is normally a 2-handed tool, needed to be used with only one hand, and balanced on the knee, while using the other hand to brace not only the conduit, but the 3 wires themselves as not to cut through them on accident.

I'm so glad it's done now, but.....

WTF was I thinking??????

I can't even tell you how lucky I am that I still have both of my thumbs!!!!!!

In the end, I did strip a portion of the neutral and on the top portion, but no wires were cut completely. Fortunately, I was able to pull that wire down a little bit more and wrap the crap out of it with electric tape. I would have been probably cried had I risked sacraficing my limbs like that and ruined the whole thing in the process.

Today, the outlet works fine. I just now need to figure how I'll remove the first 1 1/2' high of drywall about 4 feet on the right of the outlet to the other wall and about another 3' of wall on the other side so I can get a right angle drill in there and put real conduit back there.

I still have a spare blade and a half for my rotary saw. They're "masonry" blades. Should cut through that weird drywall without any issues and not damage the studs too much if I'm careful.

Hey.... I knew what I was getting into when I bought this place. These issues are the only reasons I got such a great place for so cheap. I know I have a ton of work to do to get it to my standards. I'm just hoping that the days of risking life and limb to do that are over.




"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 12, 2011 6:44 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I won't even get into my family dynamic. I could write a very long and (probably) very uninteresting book about it (to anybody outside of my family).

2) There are, I kid you not, two layers of drywall on the outside walls of the bedroom. That in itself wouldn't be much of a problem, but the first layer is a type of drywall I'm not familar with. It's not the concrete stuff you'd put in a bathroom tub to prevent any mold buildup or a breakdown in overall structural integrity from the moisture, but it's wrapped like regular drywall but more like stone than powder between the sheets. Cutting through it with a drywall hand saw takes ages. Unfortunately, after cutting 12 inches of it with a woodcutting blade on my sawsall, the blade was destroyed.

I'm so glad it's done now, but.....

WTF was I thinking??????

I can't even tell you how lucky I am that I still have both of my thumbs!!!!!!

I still have a spare blade and a half for my rotary saw. They're "masonry" blades. Should cut through that weird drywall without any issues and not damage the studs too much if I'm careful.

Post eaten..
My family thinks I'M the wierd one, and I'm thinkin' "Pot callin' who??? black?"

Does your drywall have and colors to the paper, or layers of plaster or impressions?? Sounds maybe like rock lath... Never know whats under the surface, in people or in houses

And fer chisssakes, be careful. Might wanna call someone before you get started and say "If I don't call you by such a time, call and see If I'm still kickin','eh?"

The other day a gal tried to cut off her man's Jimmy with a sawzal and I thought "Use the right tool for the right job hon, maybe a electric turkey carver?..."

No more tofurkey for me
Where are we going? And just why am I in this handbasket????


Monday, December 12, 2011 8:41 PM


Beir bua agus beannacht

Six, I'm glad you're okay, electrical can be really dangerous if you haven't had the training for it.

Wish, that is so weird that your mom isn't excited about the grandkids, really weird person she must be, grandkids are just about everyone's favorite thing.

A Joe a chara, I'm about as female as they come, I don't think I could fool anyone into thinking I was a boy. I'm getting better at playing male charactors in pretends though, but its slow going.

"A completely coherant River means writers don't deliver" KatTaya


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:05 PM


Hey Wishimay,

If your posts get eaten, seriously, just hit the back button and it should still be there. Then, select all, copy it, and go back to the thread. Hit reply, paste it and hit post and you should be good.

It happens to me here all the time. I think it has something to do with the amount of time between when you click reply and you actually post. It never happens when I make a short post, but let's face it, how often do I make a short post here?

Pot calling the kettle black... hehe... Reminds me of an awesome shirt I saw online a few years ago.

Yeah, it seems to be real drywall. I can't tell about what color the paper is on the stone stuff, but it seems like the paint is on paper and there is a clear deliniation between the two sheets. I could be wrong though. I've never seen this stuff before in any of the remodels I've done. I have seen plaster put on wood lathe before, at my grandma's house before, but that house was pre WWII and built originally in the 20's. From my understanding, unless somebody had a specific affinity for plaster and lath and paid extra to have a builder do it, everything in the US built after the troops came home from WWII was some sort of drywall/sheetrock. This house was built in '59.

I always used the words drywall and sheetrock interchangeably before, but I may have to reconsider that now. The top layer of whatever it is I need to remove truly deserves the title sheetrock over what we commonly refer to as drywall. (Although, I'm just as consumerised as the next American, and without even researching it, I'm betting Sheetrock may just be a brand name brainwashed into the proletarian lexicon like Band Aid is almost always incorrectly used for a bandage, or those weirdos who call every type of brown syrupy pop/soda "Coke").

Great idea about calling somebody first. I'll definitely keep that in mind next time. I'm just imagining how hard it would be to dial a number on my cellphone without a thumb.

A sawzall for the Bobbit treatment! You got to be kidding me!!!!! Throw the book at her! There is no way that that wasn't pre-meditated.

Turkey carver.... lol. Maybe you should be put on a watch list too.

Isn't there about 18 different tools that could do the job much more quickly, quietly, and effectively in the Miracle Blade set? Hell... even if you were a sloppy household and only did dishes once a week, you should still have about 5 or 6 spare blades from that set in your kitchen if you were at least considerate enough to use a clean blade to get the job done.

I know "Uncle" Ron Popeil would totally use that as an aside in his infomercials as a selling point if mentioning that you could remove your philandering husband's offending appendage with this knife as if slicing through warm butter, even after you spent all day cutting tomato cans in half with it would net more money than he'd loose by mentioning it.

Sawzall.... geez.

I thought it was just men who always seem to have a desire for bigger and more powerful machines than they'd ever need to get the job done. I wonder what else that beast of a woman is hiding under her flannel or her mullet.

Hey RionaEire,

Thanks! I'm glad I'm okay too.

Yeah, I haven't had any official training or certification in electric, but like most things I know how to do today I didn't learn it in school. I learned on the job or taught myself.

I mentioned here before, if you weren't reading when I posted it, that I fixed a sabotaged furnace about 2 months ago doing research online and speaking with a licensed HVAC guy on a DIY site. I didn't even know how to light a pilot one day, and three days later I made 4 critical fixes to get her up and running that would have run me in the vicinity of 400-600 bucks to pay somebody else to do, depending on if he was a "parts-thrower" or not. In the end, it only cost me 8 bucks to fix it.

When I asked the HVAC guy on the DIY site if he thought it was safe, he told me that he wouldn't comment on that and that I should hire a pro to verify that for me. Haha... yeah, right! It's been two months and I haven't blown up yet!

I will admit that what I did with the electric box was very dangerous though, and I would never recommend that anybody do what I did. I'll even go as far as to say that the only reason that my idiocy in this situation doesn't match the stunts pulled on Jackass is that I was at least doing it for a purpose. (Although, if I ever saw one of their paychecks compared to any job I've ever done in my life, I guess I'm the real jackass).

Thankfully the end result is that I'm safe, the electrical wiring is safe, and I have a legitimate outlet there now.

The fact remains that the electric in this entire house has been rigged not-to-code and there has been patchwork after the fact, but I don't believe that any of it is inherantly unsafe. I just know now that whenever I'm doing any electrical work inside the house, I'm going to be looking forward to reseting all the clocks because the entire power has to go first. In a perfectly wired new house, you would be able to just turn off the circuit you were working on, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. When everyting is running and you're not messing with the wires, I'm confident that it's 100% safe in the house, but the wiring makes that untrue if you're trying to work on any of it without the Main shut down.

I'm actually quite proud that the only 2 circuits in this house I know would be 100% safe to work on without shutting down the main are the two that my Step-Dad and I installed in the garage.

My only regret now about the work we did in the garage is that we didn't just run very low gauge wiring and install an entirely separate breaker box in the garage off of that. Unfortunately, with the price of copper today, the 2 circuits we ran out there already cost me nearly 100 bucks and I don't really have the cash to just go re-doing it now, especially since I'm only using barely any electric off of one and the second is not even in use yet.

Who knows though.....? Down the road I may get into engine repair or find some other way of making my garage a workshop, and I'm going to wish I "used a Sawzall instead of a Miracle Blade" in the first place.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 2:59 PM


rezident owtsidr

Wish I had a garage!

I also hav a Milwaukee Sawzall and am not a big fan uv the tool. Very well made, good old fashioned pride uv workmanship company, but the tool iz not very ergonomic and haz a limited range uv applicationz in which it iz the best option.

Had a great idea today - bild a house that looks like a Firefly. And not a cheezy standard construction pile uv wood & plaster tornado snack crappola! Make it like it will really go into space! Haf inch thick M5 steel, completely air tite, az many real moving parts az you can manage, etc. Then wen the teknology exists, you can convert to really be a Firefly!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 4:30 PM


Being the first one I've ever had, I have to say that garages are awesome!

I haven't even had more than a 1/16" of snow yet, but I know the bad times are coming.

The blades are Sawzall, but the company is DeWalt. Please tell me what, yet again, I've been brainwashed to call a tool by its brand name.

It wasn't until early this year that I called it a Rotary Saw instead of a Skilsaw......

Ummmmm Sure dude. Build a Firefly. Sounds awesome. Just don't ask me to esplaine to wife where all the money is going, mmmmmmmmmmmm-kay? lol

Maybe, in the mean time, epsecially if she is a fan, you could turn one room in your house into a room on Firefly?

That just gave me an awesome idea man......


I think I'll turn my "game room" in the basement into a complete replica of the dining room on Firefly!!!!!


Originally posted by JO753:
Wish I had a garage!

I also hav a Milwaukee Sawzall and am not a big fan uv the tool. Very well made, good old fashioned pride uv workmanship company, but the tool iz not very ergonomic and haz a limited range uv applicationz in which it iz the best option.

Had a great idea today - bild a house that looks like a Firefly. And not a cheezy standard construction pile uv wood & plaster tornado snack crappola! Make it like it will really go into space! Haf inch thick M5 steel, completely air tite, az many real moving parts az you can manage, etc. Then wen the teknology exists, you can convert to really be a Firefly!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:09 PM



Originally posted by RionaEire:

Wish, that is so weird that your mom isn't excited about the grandkids, really weird person she must be, grandkids are just about everyone's favorite thing.

Yeah, tell me about it. I told her my kids B-day was last month, and she said "Oh, well I guess I'll have to send her something..."
To date she has recieved nothin
Not that we care about the junk, but damn....

Ironically, my dad who wasn't really interested in parenting when I was little was a better grandparent than she could ever attempt to make up for. Damn cancer...


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:09 PM


rezident owtsidr

Awesum idea! Haz the advantage uv not costing 30,000,000$.

Garage...ggggggggg(the sound Homer makes wen he'z thinking uv sumthing delicious)

I coud hav bilt a garage, but the roof deck project had a big inspiration advantage, and I didnt know my line uv work wuz going to fall off a cliff, so thought I coud do it a year or so later.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:23 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Hey Wishimay,

If your posts get eaten, seriously, just hit the back button and it should still be there. Then, select all, copy it, and go back to the thread. Hit reply, paste it and hit post and you should be good.

This house was built in '59.

A sawzall for the Bobbit treatment!

Yeah, I didn't seriosly know how ta cut and paste(really not much of a 'puter person!!) when I first came here, but I've gotten so used to pareing down and reposting. Gives me a second chance on the brain delete button, yanno? Strangely enough, the sawzall story made it both times, hah. Don't go overthinkin' that too much, just a sick joke...I find I do those more when I'm tired....But yeah, good sharp steak knife would be more'n enuff, says I **Jack winces again

I think I need a bumper sticker of that pot 'n kettle, yep....

Hey, half my house is a 59, Good vintage!

I did nothing today but go to the dentist, booo!


Tuesday, December 13, 2011 8:32 PM



Originally posted by JO753:

I coud hav bilt a garage, but the roof deck project had a big inspiration advantage, and I didnt know my line uv work wuz going to fall off a cliff, so thought I coud do it a year or so later.

I'm always worried about that, It would be hard to sell our house half finished and you never know, right??

BTW, We turned a small room into a big closet and we call it a dressing room, anyway, it is kinda FF themed as in to say east-meets-west, beige with gold and burgandy accents and asian decor..Inara would approve..

Also, tonight I was watchin NCIS and the gals name was Lt. Reynolds and the one of the first thing she said was "Wish like hell I was elsewhere" She even sounded like Mal...except she was preggers, lol....


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:29 PM


I could see where you're coming from on the garage JO753. Lived my life without one to this point. I love it though. I don't plan on ever not having one again.

Any ideas about how to get the goods to make a Firefly room? Short of making every little thing myself, I can't imagine it wouldn't cost a fortune to have somebody make all of that custom.

Hehe.... My step-dad does furniture restoration and has just branched out into custom woodworking in the last few years to try to expand the business and keep it afloat in these bad times. Maybe we could make a template and be the first to put together sets for people who want a Firefly dining area in their own house.

Do you think that would be copyrighted?

If it was, do you think it could still be advertised online as a "MalRen" Dining room or something like that without being sued? I'm sure we couldn't use the words "Firefly" or "Serenity" to advertise it, but there should be a way to replicate a set. I know there are replications of Mal's jacket and other costumes available online.

Hey Wishimay,

How come it's all fun and games when we all make jokes about "Bobbitig" the goods, but if the tables were turned and I started making jokes about using a sawzall to shave off a few boobies as an update to Jack the Ripper's MO with new tech, I'd be the bad guy?

'59 certainly seems to be a good vintage, overall. I love the hardwood floors on the first and second floor. I bet the electric was pretty decent when it was first made, but with 3 or 4 owners before me, it looks like there's been a lot of cheap and easy "upgrades". I'm sure if I was a real electrician, I could really map down every wire to the nitty gritty, but it seems that that is beyond my scope. I really thought I had that all figured out until the "dead" outlet I was working on when I shut the power off to the second bedroom, as well as the master bedroom and the entire finished attic, and sparks flew when I cut the negative wire.

LOL.... I also noticed that the one outlet in the Master Bedroom that my alarm clock was plugged into wasn't controled at all by this breaker since the clock was still on. If I had to guess, it's on the Living Room breaker.

It's all rather moot at this point though, since I don't think I'll ever do any electrical work inside the house without turning off the main after what happened the other day.

I'd love to update it all, but I'm not in the mood to gut the entire 1st and 2nd floor to make the electric right. It is what it is....

Haha... I love that Pot'n'Kettle shirt :)

Just make sure you're cognizant of what neighborhood you're driving through if you put it on your bumper.

I never put anything on my bumper, be it a joke or a political statement. You never know what crazy out there will take it the wrong way and try to knock you off the road.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:50 PM


rezident owtsidr

Making the Serenity dining room for yourself will certainly require you to upgrade your capabilityz. But thats how you get better at thingz - take on challengez.

Duzn't seem like a commercial opportunity to me, but wut do I know?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 5:39 PM


I'd think you could get some of the different chairs at flea markets, goodwill, or furniture resale places. Paint the walls a yellow squash color, and I know I have seen stencils for sale online just like Serenity's. Maybe cabinets could be the color of the lockers, not necesarily lockers. The table would be a don't see many like that. Tell visitors that you are a fan of a style called homespun shabby chic...

I have also seen instructions for making the candle basket on the table here just this year, should be in the thread listing somewhere's...

I wouldn't mind having the sitting room with the table. Provided people could keep from throwin' that table around... Not so sure visitors would understand the safety harnesses, either...

Oh, and Jack?... if ye want my boobs, you can have 'em...I want bigger ones anyway

Hubby nods approvingly...


Wednesday, December 14, 2011 7:46 PM


Just logged in for the first time in years, I think... the netflix news brought me back, and I want to check out what I can do to participate.

I think most of the veterans kinda lost interest (I mean, most of us have been extremely active in trying to bring Firefly back for years, to no avail) and were replaced by the next generation of people who discovered Firefly.
I'm quite sure we'd all be back if need be. Browncoats 4 Life! ^^

"Dude, you never wanna f*ck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith


Thursday, December 15, 2011 7:07 PM


Yep, all Joss has to do is say the word. NOW SAY THE WORD ALREADY, DAMMIT!!!


Friday, December 16, 2011 3:41 PM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
I'd think you could get some of the different chairs at flea markets, goodwill, or furniture resale places. Paint the walls a yellow squash color, and I know I have seen stencils for sale online just like Serenity's. Maybe cabinets could be the color of the lockers, not necesarily lockers. The table would be a don't see many like that. Tell visitors that you are a fan of a style called homespun shabby chic...

I have also seen instructions for making the candle basket on the table here just this year, should be in the thread listing somewhere's...

I wouldn't mind having the sitting room with the table. Provided people could keep from throwin' that table around... Not so sure visitors would understand the safety harnesses, either...

Oh, and Jack?... if ye want my boobs, you can have 'em...I want bigger ones anyway

Hubby nods approvingly...

Thanks for the brainstorming, but if I did this...

"This has to be PERFECT, Miss Lemon"

Sorry, I've been catching up on 30 Rock, and Tracy Jordan is on of the best comedy TV characters ever made, even though I didn't like any of Tracy Morgan's skits on SNL before I stopped completely watching it altogether.

SNL has suffered from bad writing for at least 20 years now. Adam Sandler is funny, Mike Meyers is funny, Tracy Morgan is funny, and Tim Meadows was the red-headed, black, stepchild. As amazing as these, and other SNL vets are, the material seemed to drag a 1 1/2 hour show to to 4 hours of torture because it sucked so much. We'd all just stick around every week and watch a billion commercials for that time to see the 20 seconds of comedy we needed for the week.

Speaking of Tim Meadows... forget about the Ladies' Man.... this was his best skit....

Anyways, good suggestions about the Firefly dining room there, but if I do it, it has to be perfect, otherwise people might ask why I have a second, weird looking, dining room in my basement :)

As far as the table goes, I bet my step dad could make it possible. I could work with him to make it when he has some down time at the furniture restoration shop and I'm sure he'd only charge me for materials. He'd get a thrill out of building a table from scratch with me for my new house.

But... That's all just a spur of the moment pipe dream. In the end, I probably won't do it. If I did, I'd have two dining rooms and a pool table would be out of the question. The room I'm talking about doing this in, until a few days ago, I already had other plans for.....

A big screen TV mounted in one corner, high on the wall, like at a sports bar, a pool table, and a MAME arcade cabinet monster that would support 4 player action for games like TMNT and the Simpsons, as well as a trackball in the middle for supporting Golden Tee games. Oh yeah, and at least one kegerator, but probably two so I can have cheap beer and good beer on tap at the same time for when company comes over.

Haha.... Boobies. My step-mom always talks about how she wants new boobies too. My dad, who's 20 years her senior, could sure as hell afford them in his retirement, but if he believed there was anything wrong with her he would have done it already. I know how women are about self image and stuff, but not every guy in the world wants a Lara Croft wife.

Everything is cyclical in life, and I think natural boobies are making a comeback. Katrina Bowden from 30 Rock was voted Esquires 2011 sexiest woman of the year by the readers. She's hella fine, for sure, but compared to previous winners Scarlett Johannson, Meghan Fox and Angelina Jolie, she's severely lacking in that department. I'm sure in real life she could reduce me into a drooling, bumbling moron in less than 30 seconds, but that still doesn't change the fact that she's a large B cup at best.

Besides, agree with the guy or not, but when Mancow was still on the radio, he swore that when a wife wants a boob job, it's not really for the husband, and a boob job in the end likely ends up in a divorce when the wife sees how much new attention she gets in her low cut shirts. :)

Hey JO753,

Hellz yeah I would have to upgrade my personal skillz 2 do it!

You're right though.... There's probably not a commercial opportunity here. I forget how old Firefly was. I hadn't even been introduced to it until 2006, and it was already quite old then. (Has anybody watched Adam Baldwin on Chuck and seen how much has changed?????..... Don't get me wrong, as strong as I am, I'd still be afraid he could kill me with 2 moves if I ever wronged his daughter :))

Hell.... I know the true believers in the resurrection of Firefly would hate to hear this, and any rabid bra-burner Firefly fans out there would stick me on a cross for saying it, but the youthful and playful nature of Kaylee and Inara probably don't exist anymore either. They're still beautiful, no doubt, but they're more like MILFs now than the early 20-somethings when the show came out.

(Seriously, I'm crouched in a ball and protecting my head while saying that, and also wearing a metal cup......) Ladies... please don't hate me. Hate biology or father time or whatever it is that only gives us a peak of about 10 years. I admit that I peaked myself about 4 or 5 years ago :)

Besides all of that.... Shepard Book was the character I felt I always most related to, even having never read about his background that my brother says has been spelled out in a way he's comfortable with in some comics that Joss made. But "THEY KILLED HIM OFF FOR NO REASON!!!!!!"

I'm not saying he shouldn't have died at some point, but had Joss had the support from "The Network Who Shouldn't Be Named", it would have been an honorable death, a "Klingon Death", if you really want to be a dork about it.

To sum it all up, Shephard Book's death in Serenity was absolutely meaningless and complete bullshit. It's not only why I hate the movie, but it's also why I hate the network who controlled the story for not letting Joss and his writers fully tell the tale.

I'm especially pissed at them now now, since I just watched the entire (9 season!!!!!) run of the X-Files.

Overall, there were so many good episodes, but to milk out the cash cow, they consistently threw in the "freak of the week" BS episodes written by nobodies instead of focusing on what mattered. Eventually when David Duchovney was out of his contract he bowed out and the show just dropped off a cliff. (Thankfully, either because of his regard for the fans or the assumedly enormous "consulting" fees he got to make an occasional appearance after that, it was still somewhat interesting.) The only episodes in the last two seasons that were moderately engaging were the ones he came back, or the ones where he was mentioned. Who wants to watch an X-Files show when the only time Mulder is present is in the opening theme when he's falling helplessly into an Iris?

I've got to say though, that the final 2 hour episode was breathtaking. Especially bringing Willam B Davis back as Cancer Man, only to kill him again.... when everyone had assumed he died nearly two years prior.

Still.... overall, such a let down after investing all of that time watching the full run. That entire 2 hour finale show could have been an entire season of the show if they didn't spend years filling it with all of the BS like "Batmen" or a Cher-loving dual headed beasts that jacked off to "Mask" religiously or the guy who ate Doggett's dead body and regurgitated him into living again or the retarded guy who got struck by lightning and torched a-then-unheard-of Jack Black or the families of Texas Chainsaw Massacre types that lived in a small ho-bunk town where the sheriff's name was Andy. (And because I remember those episodes enough to point them out, those are likely the best of the best of the BS filler episodes).

F-The Fox Network. They stand for everything that is wrong in this world, and their blatant disregard for fan favorites like Firefly and Arrested Development just prove how out of touch the financial elite are with the proletariat.

The only reason they named him "Fox" in the first place was to get some more subliminal advertising.

Hey Agatsu,

Browncoats 4 life!

Just hope you believe that that phrase is more than just an outdated sound byte when you say it, and you say it with pride!

Really, it's not a "cool" thing to be, in many regards. Life ain't easy for a Browncoat. To truly be a Browncoat by nature means that you forsake a lot of things most folk take for granted every day.

It takes a hell of a man, or woman, to turn their backs on all of the plus sides of the double-edged sword of modern technology and convenience because they're fully aware of all of the negative implications that come of it. I'm no monk, but I struggle with that everyday.

There's no A/C on this ship.... I would have loved to bought a house in the South so I could say the same about heat too, but I can't move away from my family and friends. So... as to not burn down my house with a bonfire in my living room, I regrettably have to pay out the ass to the man for heat. I keep it at 62 degrees though, unless company is over.

If you already know what I'm talking about with all of this mindlessness though, I apologize for making a point of it. You are already well aware of what I mean.

As for the show and the Movie...

Joss is the man...


I was never a fan of any of his other work, but this show was really something special.

God bless Joss for exposing questions that THEY don't want us to answer, let alone question in the first place.

For some of us, many ideas he posed were questions we've been asking for years. For a majority of the others, this is the first time that their attention has been piqued in a media format, and he used that time slot to expand their minds and make them ask questions.

There was nothing wrong with Firefly as far as ratings. It got millions of viewers a week, although it might not have broke the 10 million viewer status.

There's plenty of nights where nobody watches TV but they would have tuned in for Firefly if even for a lack of nothing better to watch.

The truth about Firefly, I believe, is that it made a generally complacient public ask questions in their own minds and yearn for something more than the status quo. The fact that this site is getting an upgrade and even still exists 10 years after the cancellation of the show is a testiment to that.

I don't believe that there is a "Stand by Your Man" fansite online today, or ever, after Fox cancelled it.

Love your signature by the way.....

Kevin Smith was the only thing that made Die Hard 4 paletable. Die Hard 3 was one of the most awesome movies ever. I love Timothy Olephant for Deadwood and Justified and even Dreamcatcher, but he's your ideal American Posterboy good-guy. To think that somebody thought it was a good idea to make him the successor to Jeromy Irons as John McClain's nemesis... well... whoever made that choice should be delivering pizza now.

Don't get me started on the Mac guy either. I'll admit, he has some charisma, and he did the best with the role in a crappy movie he was given, but he, like Timothy, had to succeed a characther close to McClain in the previous movie. Normally, that might not be a big deal for somebody of his caliber, but in this case it was Samuel-L-F*ing-Snakes-on-a-Mother-F*-Plane-Jackson.....

In short, Die Hard 4 sucked big time. Thanks to Kevin Smith and his awesome surprise cameo for making me feel like I didn't waste that hour and a half for nothing.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Friday, December 16, 2011 3:56 PM


Oh, BTW.....

Thankfully, I'm in much better spirits tonight than I as last night.

I didn't want to be a Debby Downer before I needed to be, but when I was removing drywall on the 2nd floor to make the electric stuff good, I removed a 2 1/2 foot section (only 1 foot high), and there was black mold on the drywall where ti came into contact with the tracks. I freaked out that it was up that high.

Mold Remediation 101......

Figure out where the mold is coming from before you "fix" anything.

I was at a loss.

I told my mom and step dad about it last night, and today my mom asked me if any of the previous owners had dogs or cats. What a good question!

Given the materials used, I'm quite sure I'm removing stuff that was installed when the house was built. For instance, why would use nails to install drywall today when you have superior drywall screws that are rust resistant?

Sure enough, when I removed the other 8 feet of drywall that had to be removed there was no evidence of mold.

NOTE TO SELF: If you ever plan on owning a dog, a cat, or a child, don't have carpeting in rooms they are allowed in.

As a side note, holy shit those studs, tracks and insulation is ancient. My gramps wasn't home from WWII for 8 years before that was all put up. I can't even imagine how much asbestos I've breathed in yesterday removing that drywall with a power saw.

If I didn't smoke, I'd probably give a shit.

Tomorrow, as an encore, I will be eating the paint chips off the wall.

I've read Marvel Comics when I was a kid. That kind of shit give you super human powers.

I'm LEAD MAN!!!!

Iron Man ain't got nothing on me bitch!

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Saturday, December 17, 2011 9:55 AM


rezident owtsidr

So youre a 'boob chick', eh, Wishy?
I'm a 'boob guy'!

Pandora Peaks iz my fave.

I met her in person & got a pik uv her sitting on my lap!

6string, If they bring back anybody frum the original cast for a movie or a new show, they coud just place the time 10 or 20 yirz beyond the Firefly period.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, December 21, 2011 3:39 PM


Grandpa Mal... lol

Maybe bring on Shia LaBouf too and make a spin off after Mal hands down his jacket.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Wednesday, December 21, 2011 9:46 PM


rezident owtsidr

Shia Labouf and sam Worthington!

Their contracts state that they must be in all action/fantasy/syfy moviez until further notice.

About your no carpets where the pets are idea - where are they suppozed to barf then?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Thursday, December 22, 2011 10:09 AM


Haha! Sam Worthington though....? He might be able to be Mal's slightly younger bro, but he's got a few years on me. Wouldn't piss me off so much if he was the guy getting face time with Megan Fox in the Transformers movies :)

At first I thought you were talking about Sam Rockwell, who it turns out is over a decade older than me (I can't believe that!). You should check out his movie Moon. It's AWESOME. I saw it twice. Once at my dads on an old standard TV and then again on Blu Ray at my brothers house. The movie is entirely different in 1080. It's as if you were right in the room with him.

Dogz and Catz aren't supposed to barf if you're feeding them right. I suppose though, if I had a cat today that took care of the mouse problem that has just popped up, I wouldn't hold it against the cat if it barfed up mouse bits on the hardwood.

Got my traps today. Going to set them tomorrow.

I hate hurting any animals, but this is MY house


Originally posted by JO753:
Shia Labouf and sam Worthington!

Their contracts state that they must be in all action/fantasy/syfy moviez until further notice.

About your no carpets where the pets are idea - where are they suppozed to barf then?

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Thursday, December 22, 2011 11:58 AM


rezident owtsidr

Sam Rockwellz contract stipulates that he gets to show hiz ass in all hiz moviez. Naturally he wuz the star uv Moon!

I saw that this year. Great movie!

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, December 23, 2011 2:26 PM


Yeah, Moon rocked!

LOL... about ass shots in every movie. When I saw moon it was killing me the whole time because I knew I saw Rockwell before but couldn't place it. It wasn't until I watched MADE a second time, John Favreau and Vince Vaughn's Swingers-type mob followup that I remembered that's where I saw him before. He was the poor schmuck bellhop that Vince humiliated and threw his drink on for no reason (just Vince being his usual D-bag self ) As far as I know that was the only other movie I've seen him in, and he didn't get to show his ass in that one. It must have been before he got a better agent to get him a sweeter deal.

I remember the days when Bruce Willis had the ass-shot-in-every-movie contract. Guess I missed the memo that it was bequeathed to Sam.

I like Moon because it's one of those movies that you're like "WTF is going on" the entire time, but when it's over you pretty much get the gist of it. Two other movies I can really recommend if you liked that one are Ink, and Total Recall. You've probably seen Total Recall by now if you weren't living in a cave, but Ink is something almost nobody has heard of. It's in my top 10 movies of all time and it's probably the best damn movie that nobody has ever heard of. Oh.... eXistenZ with Jennifer Jason Lee and Jude Law is pretty sweet too. (That one took a bit of contemplating after watching it the first time, but I'm pretty sure after the second viewing I don't have any unanswered questions).

I also like those movies where you're like "WTF is going on?" the entire time, but at the end of the movie you're like "WHAT!!!!???? THAT'S IT!!!!!???? WTF DID I JUST WATCH!!!!?????".

My top three in that category are "Donnie Darko" "Mullhulland Drive" and "Event Horizon". Every few years I watch them again, and to this day, I still don't know what the hell they're about. One time I thought I finally got Donnie Darko, but when I watched it again the next night to verify my opinion I realized that I just had more questions I didn't even think to ask before.

Pretty frustrating movies overall, but if you got a mind like mine they make for some pretty heavy pondering.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 26, 2011 4:30 PM



Romex can be a tricky mistress.....

She lures you in with that siren's song of (I'm so much easier to install even though I'm against code), but if you're anything like me and have no desire to burn your house down, you better do it right.

I was working later than I should have (again) on the circuit a few days before Christmas and I thought everything was perfect before nightfall. I flipped on the switch to the main in my almost completely dark basement and I saw a spark that nearly made me shit myself. (I hear that those sparks happen all the time when a breaker goes, but I've just never been in front of the box in near-dark when it happened before).

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. It's Romex, to an outlet.... not even a switch. It should be "Electric for Dummies".

After a little bit of internet research I found another person who had the same problem as I ended up having. I'd like to refer to it as Herculitis.

This ain't conduit son... no need to tighten down those screws so tight that you could make the wires bleed copper.

When I loosened the connectors and pulled some of the cable through, my Romex was just as burned as hers was. After removing the yellow sheathing I discovered that the neutral (white) leads were pinched so bad that the copper was exposed.

It's all good. I had an extra 5 feet of it for the length I needed in the first place, and rather than be a cheap bastard about it and thinking I could use that 5 feet somewhere else someday, I just left it behind where teh drywall will go up. I just had to pull about 6-7 inches more through each side and start again.

Now I got me 3 working outlets in the secondary bedroom.

BTW... does anybody know if it's kosher to drill 3/4" holes through ceiling joists to run conduit? I want to move a light switch for the bedroom so it's actually in the bedroom and not across the hall. The current switch, which is about 3 feet away from the room, is wired over the joists and under the carpet of the finished attic crawl space. I'd much rather rip up the ceiling drywall and drill through joists than rip up finished carpet and the plywood beneath to get the outlet where it should be.

If you've got any thoughts....


I can't wait until that's done and I can primer over the hideous colors on those walls in that room.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 26, 2011 4:56 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Now I got me 3 working outlets in the secondary bedroom.

BTW... does anybody know if it's kosher to drill 3/4" holes through ceiling joists to run conduit?
If you've got any thoughts....

Giggles...You roll with it yer own bad self Whatev you can get to work, and not look too outta place, right?

I asked hubbs, who had to take a wiring course for ADT, he said 3/4 in IS kosher, as long as it is in the middle of the joist, and as long as any low voltage wires like phone, cable are not run with it, they have to be a couple inches away at very least...

Hope at least SOME of yer weekend was relaxing


Monday, December 26, 2011 5:17 PM



The last few days were very relaxing.......

Too relaxing, in fact, so my new unpaid tenants, the mice would tell me.

I hadn't cleaned my kitchen for a few days with the holidays and I was mortified when I woke up this morning and saw all the mouse poop on the kitchen counter. I had a brand new loaf of bread out there that I had to throw away. From the front it looked good, but they chewed right through it and ate about the size of 3 of them right out of the bag.

And what thanks do I get for the free food?

About 30 pellets of mouse crap on my counter that are smaller than any respectable ant's body, that's what......

Seems they're either too tricky for the traps I set this morning or they're too aware of me stomping around. Hopefully I get a few of those bastards and I'll start again tomorrow.

I HATE the idea of killing any animal. In fact, I'm the guy who will trap a spider in a cup and a piece of cardboard and let it outside. I just know there's no other way to rid oneself of mice, and this is my house Gorram it.

Tell hubby thanks for the electrical/joist tip. I probably have only 5 joists to drill through from the look of it (without actually removing the drywall, that's my guess).

This is good news. I was hoping I didn't have to either rip up carpet upstairs or tear down half of my ceiling just to get this run an alternate way.

I hate Romex, and I wanted to do any new electric to code, but the existing structure wouldn't allow me to do it for the 2nd outlet. It was either seal it all back up without an outlet and call it a day or use the Romex.

You could ask your husband this.... but my thought is that properly wired Romex is completely safe, it's just not up to code because if anything ever dies there's no conduit to snake new wire through.

From what I've seen so far, I bet half of this house is Romex anyways. Was there even electrical code back in 1960?

If you want a house that's perfectly up to code, you better build it from scratch yourself or buy a new house. Even then, do you trust that the guys building it didn't cut any corners?

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Monday, December 26, 2011 6:56 PM


We don't really have building codes here. It's kinda like red lights are just a suggestion People here wouldn't follow 'em anyway. You think I'm kidding. We don't really even have building permits, nobody notices or cares if you hammer away the night...

A part of out house still has old fiberglass sheathed wiring. I talked to an electrician that says some in the area still have knob 'n tube wiring, sheesh.

It's nice here, but I sure wouldn't mind having something to do, that's not of my own making...

Egh, mice...We had some here when we first moved in(house was empty for 6 months), I can't sleep when I know one is in the house... See if you can figure out where they are gettin' in at, and if you can find any holes behind cabinets or baseboards or in closets and nail them shut!!!... Putting in new trim helped a lot here. Ours were in the attic, little bastards. One was a fancy rat, had creepy little hands instead of furry paws, *shudder. 4 boxes of poison dribbled in various locale and (knock on wood) we haven't seen 'em since. Couple even had the decency to die IN our trash can, heh. Just remember, if you get a pet or have kids over TO PUT THE BOXES AWAY. We forgot when we puppysat and just barely remembered in time, whew! A little won't hurt most, but if they eat alot they bleed to death internally, ick...


Tuesday, December 27, 2011 2:18 PM


Haha... I bet you're right about the code down there. I hear in Illinois if you drive about an hour south of Kankakee the only time the un-Constitutional smoking ban in is ever enforced in any of the bars or restaurants (outside of Springfield) is if the owner doesn't like smoking and gets enough non-smoking patronage or the bartender just doesn't like you. It's only by the really big cities/suburbs that these things ever seem to be taken seriously.

We're probably a little too close to Cook County where I'm at though. It's got its plusses and minuses. It's nice having a bit more of a country feel and privacy here than back home, but at the same time having a White Castle, Pizza Hut, KMart and Menards all within walking distance ain't half bad either.

I've heard from a neighbor or two that Romex for new electric probably wouldn't fly around here, not that they give two shits about code themselves. The way I figure it so much of this house is wired up sub-code that unless I was going to gut every interior wall I'd not really be accomplishing all that much by making the small amount of electric I'm doing up to code. Chances are, even if I somehow managed to devise a way to use conduit to the 2nd outlet, there's no chance I'd ever be able to fish back to the box from the 1st outlet.

As long as it's all safe, that's all I really care about. If I wire it up right the first time, it will be just as good 60 years from now as the day it was installed, right?

Ah... the mice.....

Got two of those little bastards while I was sleeping last night. Must have got them right away because the food looks untouched. These plastic Ortho traps seem to be so much better than the old wooden/metal traps. No mess at all... not even any punctured skin. And the same tab that you depress to "lock" it into the ready position is the same tab you press to release the mouse in the garbage.

My grandma said that once you use a trap you can't re-use it... but she was talking about the old wooden ones that make a mess. These things look perfectly clean, so I don't see why they wouldn't work a second time, even without washing them and putting new bait inside.

That being said, I didn't wash them and I just put them right back where they were and reset them. It's been almost 24 hours since I've caught anything.

So, either:

A) I'll have to wash the traps and re-bait them.
B) I only had two mice in the house.
C) My mice are a mouse/raptor hybrid and they're not about to fall for the same trick twice, no matter how much I clean the traps.

I'm hoping for B

I saw my first mouse about 10 or so days ago, and I had two other times where I've seen them clumsily trying to scurry away behind the stove or the kitchen as I entered the kitchen (they really aren't graceful creatures at all, are they???)

I guess it's possible that if I only spotted 3 mice in 10 days that there were only 2 here. Some lady on the Lowes website who reviewed these things said that she caught about 7 of them in a few hours with these traps (and she was mortified that there had been a "gang" of mice in her house before).

Anyways... got the drywall up over the two outlets I was working on today. Going to mud them tomorrow. I hated having to use my 1/2" mold resistant drywall up on the 2nd floor, but because the outside walls in that room were two sheets of drywall that was 7/8" thick I had to improvise and use a dual layer of my 1/2" greenboard and 3/8" regular drywall. It's not that I'm sweating the 2 bucks more a sheet price, but I don't have a pickup truck yet and when I run out of drywall I'm going to have to ask another favor to pick up more.

The light switch is going to be such a bitch however. It's gotta be done though. I couldn't live with myself if I just skipped over that completely and started painting that room knowing that I could have spent a while getting that switch in the room like it should be.

Man... I always thought I loved working with electric. Turns out I only love working with electric when I'm putting new stuff in, not trying to alter it with a finished structure.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned." ~Shepherd Book


Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:57 PM


I saw an article the other day that said rats will free other rats if given the option...don't underestimate the critters...

Oh, and I get the 200 POST goodness!

Wanna go for 3?

I wonder what the longest post on this site IS??






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