Zazzle removing Serenity products??

UPDATED: Saturday, September 18, 2004 07:53
VIEWED: 18769
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Saturday, August 21, 2004 5:59 AM


When I tried to check the products page at Zazzle for my retro poster items, I couldn't log in and a search of the public products found none of the items I've posted over the past week.

I'll try to log in again later today to be sure, but I'm guessing the gig is up. I wonder if the posters that make it clear it's a modern movie and not just a recreation of an old poster tipped them off. ~ sigh ~

I hope they at least ship the orders already made...

I noticed other Serentiy items by Gojiro and some others, and I wonder if they're next.


Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:21 AM


What? That's weird! I thought you could use these companies to put anything you want on a shirt!

Why would they discontinue when Universal doesn't have anything out there to compete with it? I just don't get it...

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:47 AM


I logged on today and found only one Firefly/Serenity related item :(

I had previously emailed Zazzle to ask them for clarification of their sizes. They replied yesterday, and I replied to that email today asking me what had happened to

I'll let you know what they say.

btw, can they do this? It's your own work, it's not as if you have ripped of a (c)image??

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Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:58 AM


In the shipping email they sent me, they said that mine was shipped on Thursday, and I could check on my order. I followed the link they provided and sure enough, my shirt was shipped.

But when I tried to follow the original link you posted to buy the shirts, all I got was an error message.

Hmmm. Curiouser and curiouser...

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:59 AM



Originally posted by Tiger:

I hope they at least ship the orders already made...

I have confirmation of two t-shirts on their way to me: one today (Saturday, 7:55 a.m. EDT) and one on Wednesday.

That'd be a drag if Zazzle removed your darn fine designs. Maybe it was the phrase "In Theatres, Spring 2005" that gave it all away?


Saturday, August 21, 2004 10:06 AM


That would truly suck, since I just now finished creating tees and posters of my teaser poster images.

For those that want to get while the gettin' is good, try this link:




Saturday, August 21, 2004 12:33 PM


I hate to post a big downer kind of message, BUT, here's a possiblity of whats going on with Cafe and Zazzle.
Some, not all, of the images that are being created to sell on their sites have the Universal logo on them. I can see a huge legal issue with that. For one, it makes the item appear to be endorsed by Universal. You're putting their name on this product. The BDM is also Univ.'s product. It could be that is an issue as well. Universal might be afraid of someone misrep'ing their movie.

So, most likely Cafe P. and Zazzle are covering their @sses, not only can Univ. sue you, but them as well. Logos are property and very touchy subjects to toy with.

Regardless, I LOVE everybodys work.
As much as I wanted a few t-shirts myself, I dragged my feet on ordering, so I'm SOL. :{
Perhaps offering designs up for people to print their own t-shirts might be the safer route.

Anyhoo, just my thoughts on the situation.

edited cuz I have a new keyboard that makes me forget how to spell. :{

Keeper of Jayne's goggles. 8)


Saturday, August 21, 2004 12:54 PM


I'd avoid zazzle like the plague, in their License Agreement you essentially turn over all rights to them. Don't like the smell of that.


Saturday, August 21, 2004 4:36 PM



Originally posted by FlyingTams:
I'd avoid zazzle like the plague, in their License Agreement you essentially turn over all rights to them. Don't like the smell of that.

That's not exactly true. It was one of the first things I looked into. Zazzle clearly states that the Content creator retains all ownership rights. The content creator does give Zazzle the non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide rights to distribute the content anyway it pleases, as long as it doesn't violate the user agreement. In otherwords, you still keep the copyright, but they can use your image (or words, or whatever) to promote their site around the world. As I understand it.

Then again, legalese makes my head spin, so I might be totally misunderstanding that. But I've had some experience with publishing law, and it doesn' t seem like they're trying to rip anyone off. Well, besides only paying then 10% of the cost of the item.

I think the sticky wicket is the fans' use of the images associated with the show, which are inherently copyrighted. I'm not sure what the law is on that score. I guess I'll find out if they take my stuff off the site.



Saturday, August 21, 2004 4:58 PM


I got my shirt today....very, very cool! And for those who were asking in another thread about the quality vs. CafePress, they seem about equal.

Zazzle's using a Hanes Beefy-T for the standard shirt, I think CafePress uses Anvil for most of their standard items. I have two CP stores, and haven't had any issues with shrinkage, as long as you don't get some of the junior-size shirts; those - from anyone - seem to be like tissue paper these days. The standard size tees are ok. I think Zazzle's print area is a bit larger than CP, just from eyeballing the shirt, and that's nice sometimes. I just wish both co's. would put the images a bit higher up on the shirts...they always seem too low for my taste, and makes it hard to tuck them in (you lose part of the design).

As far as the copyright issue goes, I guess it was only a matter of time. Copyright is such a gray area sometimes, but I would certainly never encourage anyone to use anything that has a copyright or trade mark on it, or Universal's/Fox's logos, or is an exact duplicate of the show/movie logos. I personally don't have a problem with people using photographs, as long as they're used as "reference" material only, and you're not simply duplicating the image "as is". Warhol art is a perfect example of this issue...Campbell's and some celebs, I believe, took him to court over the use of their images, and lost. However, other courts have ruled that derivative images are copyright violations, so, here we are back in the gray again....

If only there was some OFFICIAL merchandise we could buy now....golly...willing fans, ready to spend money to promote a movie that's not even out yet....seems like a marketer's dream to me!

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."


Saturday, August 21, 2004 5:37 PM


Well, I'm glad somebody got a shirt! I was so busy making designs and modifications of the posters for people that I didn't get to order one for myself!

I'll keep looking for another printer, but so far all those I've checked either have outrageous prices or the same type of C.Y.A. legal policies as Zazzle.

I'm sorry more people couldn't get a poster or shirt. It was fun making a contribution to Firefly/Serenity fandom, even if it was only for a week.


Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:39 PM


Did Zazzle send you any kind of notice or explanation? If not, maybe (fingers crossed) it was just a glitch.

Okay, I'm fooling myself. Tiger, if you do find another printer, let us know. Zazzle hasn't cancelled my account yet, but I'm sure it's coming.



Saturday, August 21, 2004 6:54 PM


They didn't send me anything before my stuff disappeared, so I sent an email asking for an explanation and if there's anything I can change about the images to make them "zazzle-kosher". I'm still waiting to hear back.


Saturday, August 21, 2004 11:07 PM


Tiger, um, what about seeing if Hell's Kitten can help? She's producing some mighty fine stuff too, perhaos she can include your designs too?

Sorry HK if I am putting you on the spot.

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Sunday, August 22, 2004 4:55 AM


Or perhaps Hell's Kitten could share where she gets her shirts done. I know I would be interested.



Sunday, August 22, 2004 5:13 AM


Does anybody know if the designs that were removed from Cafe Press are available anywhere else online? I absolutely adored them and they were removed JUST before I was ready to order. For the record: Cruddy things come to those who wait. =)


Sunday, August 22, 2004 6:54 AM


Hey, kids (term of endearment, don't get tetchy ) -

Originally posted by britchick:
Tiger, um, what about seeing if Hell's Kitten can help? She's producing some mighty fine stuff too, perhaos she can include your designs too?

Sorry HK if I am putting you on the spot.

No worries.

Zazzle and Cafe Press are removing these images because they blatantly infringe on the legal Rights Owners' stuff. It's right there in all those links to laws they have on their pages, in black and white, which is why I never considered going through them for my stuff. If you need help in translating that lawyer-speke, I'll be happy to oblige. For now, suffice it to say that you are very much infringing on both the Copyright & Trademark areas:

-you're using an actor's image
-you're using material from a show wholly owned by someone else
-you're creating you're "new" image using material that is wholly owned by someone else
-you're producing material related to a movie which could be confused with licensed material (because you're stuff looks that damn good)

All without permission. And you're selling it. That's the worst part: Rights Owners bow to the Almighty Dollar, and they're not gettin any play from what you're selling. If you made this stuff for yourself and maybe a few friends, there's not a whole lot anyone could do to you. But here, with Zazzle & Cafe Press, you're publicly marketing it. (Trust me, I have friends who've gotten plenty of "Cease & Desist" letters from big-ass corporations.)

Now, TIGER and GOJIRO, as far as still getting your stuff made (especially posters cuz those were fantastic!), well... I can always check with my Printer Man and see what he can do. Just drop me a line or smoke signals or whatever.

(If you haven't seen the shirt thread, go here: )

So now I have a question for all y'all who've gotten shirts and whatnot from Cafe Press or Zazzle: HOW is the image printed? I mean... is it an iron-on transfer or silk-screened or what?? I can't find any information on either website about this, and I wasn't about to give them good money for something I can make myself. Any information you could give me would be considered a kindness.

Cheery bye.


Sunday, August 22, 2004 7:00 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Well, I can see how the legal issue might arise if you are using someone else's content...kind of why I have hedged from posting my Wallpaper images so far. My other work however is either 100% made by me (such as the TG Freight) or altered in such a way, that it does not resemble the original (such as the shuttle being "posterized" on the Inara t-shirt). I do think however, that if you want your work on a t-shirt for "yourself", you can put it in the Private section and then it doesn't matter...of course if you order 100 of 'em, they might get a bit tetchy.

But in case I am wrong, as of right now, my Tenth Crew Member Collection (little that it is) is still available


I guess the phrase, "get 'em while they last" actually may apply...


BROWNCOATS! Rise again and promote Firefly/Serenity!


Sunday, August 22, 2004 7:30 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Now, TIGER and GOJIRO, as far as still getting your stuff made (especially posters cuz those were fantastic!), well... I can always check with my Printer Man and see what he can do. Just drop me a line or smoke signals or whatever.

I dropped you a line through your profile page here, but I know it doesn't work for everybody. I'm interested in your offer. contact me at thedeltafactor at gmail dot com



Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Tiger:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Now, TIGER and GOJIRO, as far as still getting your stuff made (especially posters cuz those were fantastic!), well... I can always check with my Printer Man and see what he can do. Just drop me a line or smoke signals or whatever.

I dropped you a line through your profile page here, but I know it doesn't work for everybody. I'm interested in your offer. contact me at thedeltafactor at gmail dot com


<--- smoke signal

I'm interested in learning more. Email me at gojiro42 at mac dot com, if you have a moment.




Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:09 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

So now I have a question for all y'all who've gotten shirts and whatnot from Cafe Press or Zazzle: HOW is the image printed? I mean... is it an iron-on transfer or silk-screened or what?? I can't find any information on either website about this, and I wasn't about to give them good money for something I can make myself. Any information you could give me would be considered a kindness.

Cheery bye.

The process is called dye's basically a fancy iron-on transfer, but can also be printed directly on the surface of the item, depending on the printer type. It takes dye and actually "embeds" dye particles into the substrate through the application of heat. In the CP and Zazzle techniques, it requires the use of special transfer paper (NOT the stuff you buy at your local office house, but still easily obtainable), as well as special dye-based inks for the printer. The process bonds the dye with the fabric (in the case of shirts), so that it stays color-fast and fairly fade-resistant if treated with care (wash inside out, cold temps, not hot dryer).

In the olden days when I started in design, the printers were huge, expensive and clunky, and involved basically a wax crayon that contained the dyes, that vaporized quickly when heat was applied in the printer, binding the particles quickly and permanently to the paper. We used to use these for client proofs because the color was very brilliant and fade proof. Just don't get them too close to a heat source... is a great resource to see all the kinds of items that you can transfer onto. The big advantage of DyeSub vs. screen printing is the subtle colors, gradations, and photographic quality that you can get. Screen printing will be more durable, but it's a little complicated to get it right, and you're somewhat limited as to what can be reproduced well. Solid areas of color are best. Good companies (like Full Bore Graphics here in town, who does some of the Super Bowl and Stanley Cup shirts) can reproduce several-color designs (like 7 or 8 colors), but it's not something I'd recommend to the casual printer.

Downside of DyeSub is that you really can only print well on light colored materials, otherwise you get color shifts or it's flat out unreadable. You can print an area of white under where you want the design, but then you've got a big white spot, so no subtle "transparent" designs. Oh, yeah, DyeSub can't reproduce white in a will be clear, so the shirt color will show through unless you screen print an area of white behind it as I mentioned. There's talk of new processes that can do white, but I've not seen them yet. I'm going to browse through some sites to see what's new.

I'm considering investing in a DyeSub system of my own in the next couple of years to provide more items to my customers than what CP or Zazzle can provide..not sure if it's worth it or I should spend my time trying to make screen-printable designs and order in bulk. We'll see...

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."


Sunday, August 22, 2004 5:58 PM


Thanks, ShinyHappyKlin, for the info. The Captain Dummy Talk version, as I understand it, is that this isn't something the average bear can do at home.



Monday, August 23, 2004 3:08 AM



Originally posted by gojiro:
Thanks, ShinyHappyKlin, for the info. The Captain Dummy Talk version, as I understand it, is that this isn't something the average bear can do at home.


Technically, yes, you can do it at home, if you get a set of the dyesub inks for your home printer, and the transfer paper for them, and if you have access to a decent heat press....welllll, somebody out there is probably doing that at home!'s just not me!

"We gotta go to that crappy town where I'M a hero..."


Monday, August 23, 2004 3:21 AM


Waaaaaaahhh! I go home for the weekend and come back to this!!! No fair, especially when I was one the people who urged Gojiro to make T-shirts! Jeez, I feel bad about that. But I feel even worse because I didn't get a chance to get my T-shirts!!

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Monday, August 23, 2004 4:43 AM


I can't believe that the Networks and the other PTB are missing such a damn easy way to make money!

All the hard work is being done by you guys in terms of coming up with the designs, and the actual labor of producing the products is being done by companies like Zazzle.

Why don't they just licence it all? For example, they could have an agreement with Zazzle where they are paid, say 10% of any items that are sold.

They could set forth certain restrictions to prevent items in poor taste (if they wanted to) and they wouldnt even need to look at each individual image.

Money for nothing, no outlay from them, and buckets of free publicity as we are all walking around advertising their movies etc.

They are surely missing a big opportunity here :)

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Monday, August 23, 2004 6:49 AM



Originally posted by britchick:
Why don't they just licence it all? For example, they could have an agreement with Zazzle where they are paid, say 10% of any items that are sold.

Cuz they wouldn't have any control over any of it, and that's a very big thing.


Monday, August 23, 2004 7:27 AM


I also imagine Zazzle is being proactive in taking down anything that looks remotely copyrighted, just to prevent a lawsuit.

Their site is down today for "routine maintenance." I wonder if my stuff will be there when it comes back up.



Monday, August 23, 2004 7:28 AM


But that's why I think they are missing a big new trick, HK.

The whole point is they have can't control people making these images. We've seen it here. The PC tools are sophisticated, people can produce really great stuff relatively easily (not meaning to take away from the effort it takes you guys, I just mean that a few years ago only professionals could have produced this quality of stuff).

So what they do control is being able to stop is people making money from their efforts, and they do this because the PTB would be "missing out" on getting some money from "their" intellectual property.

However, if they only looked at this as an "opportunity" to be exploited rather than a "problem" to be stamped out, everyone could benefit.

And it could be SOOOOO simple. The money could roll in, they would find it easier to stamp out people who don't go through "official" channels; they could select the printing companies (the Zazzles of this world) to ensure quality of goods.... It would be a virtuous circle.

Help keep the site running.. Why not donate?
see links on homepage


Monday, August 23, 2004 10:34 AM


Along the lines of 'same but different', PayPal and I had a fight recently as they've suddenly decided to control content as well.

I sell adult toys to help support my Breast Cancer website. The majority of my clients are themselves cancer patients and need all manner of things to give them some sort of 'normalcy' in their sex lives.

(Trust me ... chemo and sex are a very difficult mix for most folks).

So ... you can go to my site but you can't buy anything online thanks to this decision. That's DESPITE the fact that you can't 'accidently' stumble onto my site and that there's no way for a PayPal client to find it by accident, either.

Still, they've decided that this 'apparently' makes the shopping experience 'safer' for PayPal customers.

The ONLY people this hurts are the small independent vendors like me. Actual "porn" sites can easily afford their own SSL, etc. systems and don't rely on 3-rd party vendors.

Grrr. AGGGGHHHH! PayPal!

... my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:06 AM


Well, Gojiro, I was able to order a T-shirt of the Fillion Teaser just now, (in stone green, and I wanted to add text to the back, but the damn site was all screwy and wouldn't let me...maybe that's why they were down yesterday) so we'll see if they fill the order. Yay! I'm happy I got a chance to order!

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:24 AM


I got my retro poster shirt from zazzle yesterday. You all wanted to know about the quality, and I think it's pretty damn shiny. It's a bit thicker than my Buffy shirt from cafe press, and they did a fantastically accurate job on tiger's artwork.

So if any of you were having qualms about ordering from zazzle, go ahead. And if anyone wants a picture of the shiny shirt (with me in it though, sorry! :P) just email me at

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:41 AM


Same here. Mine came yesterday. Nice product with great art. Sorry they got pulled.

Well some of us have some nice collectors items

Are You Asking me to Dance?


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 5:47 AM


I've ordered a few, but they haven't shown up yet. Every time I try to check my order status, their site just freezes. Annoying!

Rhymepile, I'm glad you were able to get an order in. So far, my stuff is still there, but who knows for how much longer ...

Regardless, I thank you for your support! It means a lot that someone actually wants to wear my work on their body!

If you need me, I'll be on Cloud 9!




Tuesday, August 24, 2004 6:12 AM


There's another issue that I haven't seen mentioned so far on the thread, and that's maintenance of trademark. One of the reasons that Paramount and Disney (in particular) are so well known for smacking down anybody who does anything with their images (particularly Mickey and Star Trek items) is that they have to prevent their characters from becoming public domain. These companies -will- come and force you to yank images off your site, even if they're of your own creation, and they can do it. So, while they can't stop you from creative expression of making your own images, legally they are able to prevent you from distributing them in any manner without legal permission from their copyright departments.

Does it suck? Yes, especially for those of us who are buying these things to try and promote their movie and DVDs to others. However, I'd rather have them yank the stuff now, than have somebody come along later and make some porno Firefly ripoff (as something off the top of my head) that gives the show a bad name later on when they can't defend it because they've allowed the images to be used so freely before.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 8:27 AM


So are these shirts completely unaccessible now?

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:20 AM


Gojiro's stuff is gone. Did he get stung or did he remove them himself? I notice his account is still active...


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:29 AM


Saw that, man that sucks.

saw these at CafePress

They are called BrownCoat Definition.

Nothing as cool as Tiger or Gojiro's stuff. But obviously not using any "photos, logo's or posted artwork".

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:31 AM


No, the Cafe Press T's are definitely not as cool as Tiger's or Gojiro's.

So does this mean the T-shirt I ordered from Gojiro's Zazzle shop this morning is the last in the short-lived line? I just got a shipping I hope the shirt actually arrives.
All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:56 AM


Well, i think Copyright is evil and abused. It should be 5 years for the creator, and non transferable - then it went into the public domain.

Despite the word usage "intellectual property" is not REAL property and shouldn't be treated as such.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 12:29 PM



Well, I just logged onto Zazzle, and my account IS still active, and my images ARE all gone. No explanation, no email. I expected they'd catch up to me eventually, so I'm not bummed or anything. Well, a little, since it means my chances of seeing someone wearing something I created (or Joss and I, if you want to get all legally about it) are now seriously diminished.

But I figure selling it was probably not a Good Thing to begin with. As someone pointed out, I guess it could open the door to making FF and Serenity public domain, and I certainly wouldn't want that (although I guarantee there will be a "Serenity" porn parody if the movie is successful at all).

For the record, I wasn't selling the shirts and posters to make money. Since Zazzle only pays 10% of the sale (i.e. $1.50 per shirt), it just ain't worth it. I was just doing it to get some attention-getting promo out there for Serenity. Guerilla marketing, some call it.

Oh well. I'll be putting some higher resolution JPEGs on my .mac site (, and if anyone wants to download them and put them on iron-ons for themselves, feel free.

Thanks kindly for all the positive things said about my images!



Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:02 PM


I got a retro shirt. Awesome art. Thank you!


Friday, August 27, 2004 3:29 AM


Could you please just make it stranger? Stranger. Odder. Could be weirder. More bizarre. How about uncanny?

Well, thus far, I've avoided the smackdown. My images for my T's certainly aren't the caliber of Tiger or Gojiro's, but they are fun, and they are still there, so if you need a little Firefly fix with something original, hit my link at the bottom of this message.

Sorry I didn't get to order your posters Dave, :( I guess I'll have to settle on printing out the images myself and making a collage with'll still be a fun project. :)

BROWNCOATS! Rise again and promote Firefly/Serenity!
Show your Browncoat pride! I have original (meaning: designed
by me!) T-shirts and posters for sale at:


Friday, August 27, 2004 7:51 AM


Well, Zazzle removed all my products, but they are at least filling the few orders that came in beforehand. I just got my order today -- my Baldwin teaser on a shirt. Whew!

As for Zazzle's quality, the image is darker on the shirt than it appears on the screen, but other than that, it's quality stuff. I ordered the premium tee, and it's a nice quality Hanes Soft L'ink. The image is soft, not stiff or plastic feeling, which is cool -- literally, since it should breath better and not leave a big square sweaty mark on my chest. Hate that.

Don't know what process they used, but someone said it was dye sublimation. I don't know how many washings this will stand up to, but I guess I'll find out quick, since this is now my absolute favorite T. I hope the other six people who ordered are as pleased! As for me, I look like this --->

Ain't a power in the 'verse can keep me from being cheerful today!



Friday, August 27, 2004 7:58 AM


So only 6 of us got to order T-shirts? Man, that sucks! Well, since you got yours I can hope that my order should be here soon. I dunno about their claims of 2-3 day shipping though...I ordered on Monday morning and I haven't gotten it yet. I feel like Bart Simpson in the first-season episode "Homer's Night Out" when Bart orders a spy camera and every day asks the mail lady, "Where's my spy camera? Where's my spy camera?"

"Where's my Fillion Teaser shirt? Where's my Fillion Teaser shirt?"

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Friday, August 27, 2004 8:01 AM


Yeah, that 2-3 day turnaround is bull. I ordered on Sunday EARLY and it just got here today. That's ... lemme do the math here ... nope, not 3 days. Not even a little bit.

Hope you like your shirt!



Friday, August 27, 2004 8:33 AM



Originally posted by tomerai:
hey tiger, i just got my retro poster.

love it! love it! love it! love it! love it!!

oh, by the way, did i mention i love it?


thanks on the work and for making it available to get it as a poster

You're welcome and thanks for the compliments.

On another note, I just created a new account at Zazzle and uploaded my Retro Poster II as a PRIVATE item. I created a poster and ordered it, and it was shipped yesterday.

It looks like zazzle might be more lenient towards private items. If anyone is interested in a shirt/poster with one of my retro posters on it, I can send the (rather large - 1mg) file so you can create your own account and make a poster or shirt. I'll probably set up a web page with a link to both posters to make it easy (if anyone wants them).


Friday, August 27, 2004 8:42 AM


Yes, please do that Tiger. My son was royally torked off that he didn't get his poster ordered in time. When he saw my shirt he was even madder! Heh.

We like the first one, the poster in blue and black tones.

Thank you!

"Once, in flight school, I was laconic..."


Friday, August 27, 2004 11:20 AM


I put the posters up here:


Saturday, August 28, 2004 1:31 PM


Tiger, could you add the second version of Retro Poster II to your webpage? I loved that and missed being able to order it by two days. grr.


Saturday, August 28, 2004 2:10 PM


The Retro Poster II Alternative version is posted too.

For all those out there who get t-shirts or posters made from my images, let me now how they turn out! thedeltafactor at gmail .com






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