Rosie's San Diego Comic Con 2012 Report

UPDATED: Sunday, August 19, 2012 20:14
VIEWED: 4410
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Saturday, July 28, 2012 7:22 AM


I long time ago I started writing up my experience and conventions and with the cast. I use to post them on the OB. Now I just share them with friends and it's a way for me to recall all the great things that happened. So this report is written to my friends, fellow Browncoats. It tells my experience. I divide it up into sections: The Highlights,then each day has a heading.

I am simply sharing my experience and thoughts. I decided to post it here for whoever is interested in reading it, kind of for old times sake. Enjoy.


***San Diego Comic Con 2012 Report***

The Highlights

Took the 8am train Wednesday to San Diego and I saw someone with a Serenity Shirt. Turns out it was StarDotGeek, someone I know from Twitter and a friend of friends. We had lunch, got my badge and checked in. Then I decided to stay in and get some rest for a super long Thursday/Friday. My big event was the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel on Friday in Ballroom 20.

I woke up Thursday morning at 7am went to Comic Con, went back to the hotel and took a nap at 6pm, woke up at 7pm to get ready to go back to Comic Con. I changed then packed clothes for next day then headed back to see the Comic Con documentary: Comic Con IV: A Fan’s Hope, on sale now with action figures. I returned to my room 24 hours later. So I was up 35 hours with a 1 hour nap.

I ran into David Blue on my way to the line. He is adorably cute. His smile! He smiles like he’s happy to see you.

Joss walked by the line at 2:30am taking pics, walking and signing autographs with the entire line.

Saw the Firefly 10th Panel from 2nd row. Thanks to Saxon getting in as disabled. She saved seats.

Beautiful panel, lots of tears, many links can be found.

Here’s one:

Or try this one:

I know there are complete panels on You Tube of the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel

The second Joss panel was a blur. Joss was tired and I was tired. I love Joss Whedon and Joss Whedon loves his peeps. Joss’ panel ended at 6:30pm then I left the Con to go to sleep Friday night.

Saturday I hung with my Comic Con roommate Pamela. She is also disabled. She was able to get me an attendant badge. So I went with her to Ballroom 20 saw Warehouse 13, Once Upon A Time, Futurama and the Simpsons. Matt Groening received the SDCC Icon Award.

Then I left Ballroom 20. Tried to walk the exhibit hall but saw lots of Science Channel, Firefly bags. Left the Con to go snag some, got 3 then my friend gave me 2, then went to lunch then church. Returned to the Exhibit Hall, saw Greg Evans the artist of comic strip Luann.

I finally made it to the Browncoat booth then I left. I was going to go change to head out Saturday but it was 7:30pm and I had no energy to hang; felt bad/sad but I decided sleep was better.

Sunday I planned to take it easy, went to meet my Lil Sis to walk the floor. She wasn't ready. So I waited in the lobby, ordered Starbucks and saw Matt Groening, creator of Futurama and the Simpsons! He is easy going, cool and nice guy; I asked for autograph for my brother. He drew Homer!

Finally I tweeted David Blue and he got off the elevator. He had his bags so I just smiled and said , “David I just tweeted you.” He smiled his fabulous happy smile and left.

Things I wish: to meet Stan Lee and Bruce Campbell, give Adam Baldwin a hug, get a pic with David Blue next time.

Current state: I feel like mush. Got the day off work, slept then wrote this report.

So if it sounds like was written by a zombie. It was.

Also wish I could have gotten bags for all of you.

Detailed Report

Wednesday 7/11/2012

This was my 8th San Diego Comic Con. My first was 2004 during the filming of Serenity. I was very excited. I had Wednesday off and no reason to delay my trip to San Diego. I really wanted to join Saxon and Jessica’s on their way down but they weren’t leaving until around 11:30am and that was too late. Well normally it is not too late I only had to be at my hotel for check in by 3pm. However add to that the traffic driving down delays the normal 2 hour drive to 3 or 4 hours. I decided to go with Mom to work and she could drop me off at the Anaheim Station. Mom started at 6:30am. We ran late so I ended up dropping her off, parking the car and then walking the 1.7 miles to the Anaheim Train Station. I had 2 small bags with wheels, one with clothes and the other with food and to put my Comic Con stuff into. I’ve learned to plan ahead. I’ve been walking 2 miles a day for the past 6 weeks so walking was not the problem. The luggage presented a bit of a difficulty. I finally made it around 7:30am just in time for the next train at 8am.

I bought my ticket, ran to the restroom to freshen up and then made my way up to the track to wait for my train. As I arrived at the track I see a familiar t-shirt with Chinese writing that I have come to recognize as Serenity. Turns out she is a friend of friends and I’ve seen her retweeted on Twitter, her handle is Stardotgeek. She was very nice and also a big fan. She had attended a Paley panel the night before for Eureka, another beloved show that has ended its run. We sat next to each other on the train ride to San Diego. It was her first train ride. She shared her pics from the Paley event and I shared mine from previous Firefly events. We were also both on twitter and that is how we discovered we know the same folks. So when we arrived in San Diego her ride, DanRegal, picked us both up and we went to have brunch at Dublin Square Pub and Grill. DanRegal, Trekkiebeth and The One True B!x were already in the car. Stardotgeek had to pick up a camera lens she rented online. We dropped her off, drove around 3 times and picked her up. Felt a little longer than 3 times but that was because we were hungry. After eating we went to the Convention Center to go our separate ways. I went to get my badge and catch the trolley to my hotel to register.

It’s funny going to these Cons every year. It’s usually they same bunch and some I only see at these conventions. They are like mini-reunions. Brian Wiser is the executive producer for the fan documentary Done The Impossible and the fan film Browncoat Redemption. He also ran the first and only Browncoat Cruise. He is known by the Firefly cast and long time fans alike. Brian is one of those people I see every year in passing. We never plan it but our paths continue to cross. As I was checking in to my hotel, Brian was sitting in the lobby waiting for his friend. I got a chance to sit and chat with him while I waited for my friend to arrive. It is always nice seeing him. He showed me some of his pics I had never seen and told me vaguely that he had a possible opportunity maybe coming his way and the look of happiness on his face was wonderful.

My friend, Pamela finally arrived with her 2 kids Danielle and Robert, age 15 ½ and 18. We’ve been staying together at this Con since I want to say ’07 I think. Her kids are phenomenal about getting the goodies on the Exhibit Hall floor. I always seem to fail, but they always make a great haul. They enter drawings, get the freebies, the bags and do whatever contests are available. We don’t hang out at the Con because we have different interest. They arrived and then left right away because they bought the preview night tickets and I chose not to. Preview Night just means 5 days of Con going and 4 is really too long for me. I was trying to get together with a friend in San Diego but it didn’t work out. I could have gone out and joined the Whedonite dinner group but I woke up at 5am to catch the train and I planned to be up all night Thursday/Friday so I decided to rest and get some sleep.

Thursday 7/12/2012

I admit it my favorite thing about staying at this place is the complimentary continental breakfast. Delicious and then I pack a lunch with snacks and I am ready for my day. Robert wanted to ride the Trolley and his mom and sis didn’t so we rode it together. Although Robert is 18 he is still in high school. We took the Blue line and that drops us off on the opposite side of Petco Park. We could wait for the Orange line but walking is quicker. We made our way in and up the escalators and who do we see ahead of us? Pamela and Danielle! We were not faster. It was before 9am so the Exhibit Hall was not yet open. Pamela lost the kids so we went to Disabled Services because she can’t walk for very long and I was able to get an attendant badge. Then we parted ways. She was going to find her kids and I was going in search of Starbucks. The day doesn’t officially start unless I have my Starbucks during Comic Con. My favorite location is next door at the Marriott Hotel.

Today there was nuthin' I really needed to see. I wanted to go to my first stop the Browncoats’ booth but security was directing traffic. I could not enter through A I had to go all the way to E, then the guy at E said F. So I entered the Exhibit Hall and I tried walking thru. However I really wanted a Viz Media bag that I have been getting every year. This year they made you stop at several locations and get stamps. Finally I get in line for the bag. This lady is confused and asks me a question and I answer her. Then I turn back and the END OF THE LINE guy is standing there. This is my least favorite part. I was in line I turned to help and he just stepped in. He didn’t let me in but recommended I ask my friends. So I made some buddies, the two guys ahead of me were kind enough to welcome me. We finally parted ways and I had to go to make it to a panel. Stan Lee had a panel after Battlestar Galactica. I am unfortunately not a BG fan but I like the actors. Plus Jane Espenson was on that panel. Stan Lee’s World of Heroes You Tube channel was very interesting. I really wanted to get a chance to shake Stan Lee’s hand but that did not happen. I really enjoyed his panel though. There were other people there so it was not all about him.

Afterwards I got hungry and went in search of friends. They were at Nerd HQ a fabulous fundraiser for Operation Smile run by The Nerd Machine Army and led by Zachary Levi. Nerd HQ has charging stations for your phone, Xbox station, a bar and restaurant and they have a back area where they hold their Conversation panels. I tried to get tickets and was unable to get any. I was sad about it but I understand these tickets are most wanted. Hopefully someday someone will hook me up.

My friends, Saxon and Jessica, were inside for the Chuck panel. I decided to wait for it to be over. I was also hungry so in support of Operation Smile I bought food and drink. They had a never ending lemonade which was nice but there is such a thing as too much lemonade. I needed to charge my phone so I took my sandwich and drink to the charging station table. John was my bartender and he was cute and friendly, fast and efficient. I was waiting and I ran into other friends. Apparently there were 2 Chuck panels because they oversold. After the panels were the signings. Wyobar and 9Tiercel are friends I only see at these functions. They live in Portland; maybe someday I’ll go visit them. They had their son with them. Once the Chuck panel ended everyone came out and then lined up to get their autographs. Saxon and Jessica went in line and Wyobar , 9Tiercel and son sat at the bar eating. I was hesitant to leave my phone. Eventually Saxon sent me a text - Come now.

We have an understanding that directions need to be followed. I unplugged and then left my bags under Wyobar and 9Tiercel’s feet. I was just going to check on Saxon. She wanted me to get in line with her for an autograph just to get to say hi to Adam Baldwin and everyone. I am a fan of Chuck I watched Chuck, my mom watched Chuck. However I didn’t have anything to get signed. Then as we get closer I see a lady behind me. She has multiple items. I offered to get something signed since I didn’t have anything to get signed. She said no. Then she asked, “You don’t have anything?” “Nope,” I said. Then she said I could have a Chuck season one cover if I sent her mine back. Everyone went “Aaaaawwww, Chuck fans are great.” So then I got my DVD cover signed! Unfortunately Adam Baldwin left by this time so I didn’t get to see him. Mark Christopher Lawrence, “Big Mike”, Vik Sahay, “Lester”, Zachary Levi “Chuck” and Mekenna Melvin “Alex” were the folks I got an autograph from. I was able to tell Zachary I loved him singing during the Academy Awards. He made a cute face like aaawww thank you. It was quick but it was a moment. I am thankful to my Chuck buddy. I waited afterwards to get her information. Well unfortunately that took a lot longer than I thought but my friends are way nicer than they need to be. They understood the delay and were very gracious. I am lucky to have such lovely friends.

Saxon, Jessica and I walked back to the Con. Actually we were making our way to the Grimm Forest. They had the Airstream on display with all the actual props from the show. It was neat seeing everything up close. Amazing artifacts and set dressing. Afterwards we took a stroll through the Grimm Forest, very nicely recreating the feel from the show. It was a great experience and we got a poster. After that we parted ways. I decided to head back to my hotel and take a nap at 6pm setting my alarm for 7pm. I woke up, changed into warmer clothing, packed a change of clothes for the next day, more snacks and then took the trolley back. I really wanted to see the Comic Con IV: A Fan’s Hope, the documentary by Morgan Spurlock, Stan Lee, Joss Whedon and Harry Knowles. It was beautiful. It explained the various people who attend and gave a great view of the Con experience itself. It’s just a well made documentary for anyone who wants to show someone why we go to Comic Con. There was a Q&A after the movie. A few of the people in the documentary were there and gave updates. It was a nice panel.

Afterwards I walked over to the Marriott Marina D Ballroom. That was where they were screening movies all day. I walked in on the end of Chronicle, very interesting movie. Not many folks there but I was excited to see Tucker and Dale vs. Evil again as a midnight screening. Only a few people there but those that were laughed uproariously lots of fun seeing it again. As I was getting off the elevator, I went to the restroom then I was catching up on twitter to see about the line. I saw a tweet by David Blue about a woman thinking that running into him is Karma. He tweets, No lady you are just drunk. So funny coincidence that as I am walking by the elevators on my way out I see David Blue! It’s 1:45am, I am tired and very excited to go to the Ballroom 20 line. I really am a fan of David Blue. So I see him and say, “David! I am not drunk and this is not Karma. I am just very lucky to run into you.” He smiles and shakes my hand. I don’t recall all he said. I was kinda shocked by his handshake greeting. I told him I was off to the line for Ballroom 20. He asked what was happening and I said, “Firefly 10th Anniversary Panel.” He made a face saying, “I want to go but I don’t have the energy for all that.” He looked bummed about missing it. Then he said, “Tweet me about it.” I said I would and he said promise as he walked away. David Blue is truly adorable.

So, on that high, I made my way to join the line. I had heard they were not allowing any camping but I think SDCC says things as a discouragement knowing enforcing it is too much trouble. So the front of the line I heard started earlier than 8pm. My friend Fannish was there since then and she was not the first in line. Incredible! I was probably around 200th in line I am guessing but I am bad at guessing. I was not worried about getting in. I took a pick of the front of the line. The people had sleeping bags and were asleep it was 2am at this point. I said hi to my friends already in line and walked to join the end. Luckily I found a friend, UnmagicalMe and made another friend TigerAngel2 there. At 2:30am Joss Whedon arrived to greet the people in line. THIS IS WHY I LOVE JOSS. JOSS LOVES HIS PEEPS!!! He was swarmed and was drunk but friendly and kind. He gave autographs and took pics with everyone in line. Heard he even lay next to the people who were sleeping and people took pics! He walked the line. I saw him leave at 4am. I finally tried to get a little nap in but as soon as I was getting comfortable they would squish the line so that it was not so spread out. At one point as I was falling asleep I woke myself up thinking it was time to squish again. They finally let us in at 6:30am and we made our way for the Ballroom 20 line area. Tiger Angel had to go get her Friday badge so I saved her spot. I was still waiting for my Lil Sis to join me in line. She needed to get her Friday badge as well. She arrived in time thankfully. Tiger Angel did not, found out she got in another way.

Disabled folks and their attendants were allowed in at 9am. My friend Saxon and Jessica were already in and saved 2 seats for my Lil Sis and me. I felt very, very weird. I had no sleep and no coffee and was eating pretty much snacking all night so my body had no idea what was happening. Once we got in everyone got a seat. I was able to get a seat for UnMagical Me in the second row, aisle seat since he had a camera. My sis sat on the other side of a guy who never offered to move; weird but true, so we would talk across him whenever we could; kinda funny I guess. Once I had my seat I grabbed a restroom ticket and made a coffee run. I needed Starbucks and I needed what I wanted so I left the Con and went next door to the Marriott to get it; the line was not as long and there’s a better selection.

Friday 7/13/12 Ballroom 20

I made my way just after Community panel started. I like the show but I don’t watch it regularly. I should but I don’t. It was an interesting panel. The actors seem as wacky as their characters, lots of fun and lots of laughs. Joel McHale was surprisingly quiet I thought. The girls were really really wacky.

Next I learned about The Legend of Korra! I never saw it before but we had two girls in costume next to us for this panel. I didn’t see the Avatar the Last Air Bender cartoon either. But the art, the music the story was gorgeous and now I want to watch it. I’ll definitely be looking for it.

Finally it was time for the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel. I need to re-watch it online. It is really really a blur. There was so much joy, love and gratitude for the fact we had a panel about Firefly. I am tearing up just writing about it. It was nice to see Summer and Sean since I hardly do. Tim MI-near that is how his name is pronounced and the fact it was mispronounced as they introduced him was annoying. I also met Jose Molina as he walked by the line. He is really nice smart guy. Alan Tudyk, Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin all looked good. Nathan was the most teary-eyed and unable to sentence properly. At one point Alan answered for Nathan about his leadership on the set and the camaraderie. Alan said that early on Nathan came up to him and said, “We are learning people’s names: that’s Jim, that’s Bryan, that’s Tim. It’s a contest and I am winning. Then off Nathan went.” That is how everyone crew and cast alike, started to get to know each other’s name. Adam was fun and had a Jayne hat to give away. I knew the answer to the Trivia questions: Which planet was Tracey buried? I wish I had stood up to give the answer, St. Albans. Joss being at a loss for words on how to describe how he feels about the Firefly fans was a moment I won’t ever forget. We started a standing ovation and shouted, “WE LOVE YOU JOSS!” Then he said, “Only a fool would try to follow that, here goes…” but then he was beautifully articulate. My favorite part is the last line of his speech about how we, the fans have become a part of the Firefly Universe, it’s real. The story is still alive! That was a really beautiful statement. My sis was really sad when it was over. I was very happy.

After the Firefly panel were 3 more before Joss’ DarkHorse panel, Bones, Arrow and EW: Powerful Women in Pop Culture. David Boreanaz showed up this year. He was good on the panel, fun and entertaining and spoke well of the character of Angel and his willingness to work with Joss if it came up. The clip they showed of Arrow was ok. I realized that I didn’t like Smallville and Supernatural so this may not be up my alley. I think I just don’t enjoy their storytelling. Arrow could be good and I may give it a try if there are no conflicts, but probably not. The women’s panel was ok as well. I was really tired and if not for Joss I would have left after Firefly. Joss' panel was a blur I was tired and he was tired. I love Joss, I don't always agree with him, but I really love Joss. He is amazing, kind and generous to his peeps. He does wonderful work that makes me laugh and cry. It is obvious that Joss loves his peeps: Fans, Cast and Crew.

It was now 6:30pm and I am done. As I am leaving a spot the Science Channel bags everywhere, looks like they were handed out already. I see a young girl about 12 years old with her family. I stop her and ask if she really likes that bag or if she wants $20 for it. She’s confused. Her brother and sister are telling her to take the money. She has stuff in the bag so she really doesn’t want to. Her dad walks over and I explain, showing off my t-shirt and buttons and necklace that I am a Firefly Fan and that this bag is a must have for me. I am offering $20 to the girl for the bag. Dad tells her she can put her stuff in his bag if she wants the $20. She agrees and I leave happy and with a feeling of accomplishment. I have my much wanted Firefly bag. Then I exit the Con quickly and hop on the trolley back. I had grabbed something to eat. I take a quick shower then go to sleep. That was a very very long and emotional day but very satisfying as well.

Saturday 7/14/12

After a good night’s sleep and some breakfast I took it easy. I rode in with Pamela and her kids. I had no real plans I was hoping to walk the floor but I was up for anything. I was looking for Aquabats. I don’t know thing about them but I saw a poster outside a restaurant and it said Headquarters. I was looking for Aquabats merchandise. The restaurant only sold their own merchandise. Then I spoke to someone outside and he said that the station – The Hub – didn’t have any merchandise at Comic Con for the Aquabats. I was disappointed but I least I knew I didn’t have to look anymore. I went to grab Starbucks while Pamela and Daniel went to Ballroom 20. Danielle wanted to see Vampire Diaries later in the day. I grabbed my coffee and returned and Pamela had already gone in. They let the disabled go in at 9am. Amazing, I called her and she was able to get me in.

Once in Ballroom 20 I was able to see the Warehouse 13 panel, Once Upon a Time and Futurama. I enjoy Warehouse 13 and I have seen Saul Rubinek and Eddie McClintock before but it was really nice seeing Allison Scagliotti and Joanne Kelly. It was a fun panel. Eddie ran up the aisle among the ballroom giving high fives and a hug/kiss to a person in a wheelchair. She was ecstatic. Once Upon a Time was also a lot of fun. I really like the show and I am a fan of Lana Parilla the Queen. I am looking forward to the new season. I was really happy I got the chance to see both of these panels since it was a surprise. Futurama has been a panel I usually see since I tend to stay in Ballroom 20 on Saturdays. It’s a fun show and I am a fan of Matt Groening. He was awarded the San Diego Comic Con Icon award. He had a live drawing contest with another artist on the panel. It was amazing to see. Matt drew many quick simply beautiful drawings. The other guy, I forgot his name, was also amazing. He worked on one character and made it very detailed and elaborate. It was a race and when it came to the end he finished and Matt flipped his pad to the last page with an amazing drawing already complete and he signed it.

During the next panel, The Simpsons is when I left because Robert wanted in. I was done and had nuthin' else I wanted to see. Family Guy, American Dad, The Vampire Diaries and True Blood were what I missed. Not a fan of those shows so it was ok. I left Pamela, Danielle and traded seats with Robert and attempted once again to make my way to the Browncoat booth. The Exhibit floor was packed and hard to maneuver so I decided to walk along the hallway outside. I kept seeing a sea of orange Science Channel bags aka Firefly bags. I already had 2. Pamela gave me one and I bought one off a girl the day before. But I wanted to see how many more I could get for my brother, other sister and a friend at work that asked. So as I was finally walking back into the Exhibit Hall under A on my way to the Browncoats’ booth and I ran into 2 ladies who turned out to be part of the distribution team for the Science Channel bags and she told me they were being handed out today across from the Convention Center at the entrance to Gaslamp Quarter. So off I went in search of bags. I felt bad leaving. I usually stop by the Browncoats’ booth at the start and end of my day. So far I had not made it at all. But those bags were really important, so away I go. Of course I see the Science Channel ladies sitting on empty boxes. I asked and they said more were on the way in about 15 minutes. So I walked over to Nerd HQ. I needed to buy a NerdMachine IPhone case for my phone. I gave mine to Mom. I said hi to friends and made my way back to get the bags. I grabbed one, folded it, put it away. Walked back the other side and folded it but it was not put away. I was denied getting another so I walked away. Hiding both bags and finally grabbed a third. I felt like I had what I needed so I walked away.

Off in search of my friend Saxon and food. I called her and found out she was at Hooters a few blocks away; Jessica really likes the fried pickles. I was hungry and made my way there. Then I received a call from my sister and she made her way toward us. I ordered a Gourmet Hot Dog and a Pepsi. I love Pepsi. Unfortunately I didn’t read the menu completely so my hot dog came plain. I was too hungry and tired to send it back. I added ketchup and later asked for relish. My sis ordered: Wings, 1 lb of steamed shrimp and a beer. It was nice to sit and hang out somewhere outside of the Con. The waitresses were dressed as superheroes, very festive. Saxon and Jessica and their friend David left just after Carol arrived. They were finishing up when I arrived, so Carol and I ended up grabbing they table. As I walked in I heard the wait was 40 minutes for a table. It was a nice sister time. She shared a bit of her experience her friends were in the business so she was attending the parties. She went to a party where she saw Rosario Dawson. She was staying at the Marriott adjacent to the Convention Center. There were about 9 people so it was cheap but really crowded.

I needed to go to church so I was going to leave and go back to my hotel to drop my stuff. My sister offered to take my stuff to her room which was very nice. She also paid for my food, nice sister. We parted ways and I went to church and she went back to her room to meet up with her friends. I had an hour to kill before Mass started. It was nice to sit, enjoy the quiet and alone time. I do really love going to Church. After church I walked back to the Marriott to get my stuff. I ended up going into the Convention Center first. I really wanted to make it to the Browncoats’ Booth. As I walked through the Exhibit Hall I saw Greg Evans the artist author of Luann. I wanted to attend his panel but didn’t make it. He was talking to someone so I waited. Then he turned to me I told him I was a fan. He had a book there and I decided to buy it and get his autograph. I was glad to get that chance. I always want to get comic book since it is a Comic Con. Then I made my way to the Browncoats’ booth. The only person I knew was Arielle she always volunteers. It was nice chatting with her. Unfortunately they did not have a shirt I wanted in my size. I wanted a neat Firefly 10th Anniversary pint glass but they were out.

The announcement came that the Exhibit Hall was now closed. It was now 7pm. I made my way over to the Marriott to pick up my stuff. My sister was not there but her friends were. They were cute because they quizzed me. I started talking and then I showed them my Firefly pics that I had from various encounters. They listened attentively and were happy for all of my experiences. I left and the plan was to go back to my hotel to drop stuff off and go out again. It was Saturday night and I really wanted to do something fun. Unfortunately I did not make plans. I was too late for the Marian Call concert. I was too tired to go out again. I ended up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chips and watching Heroes with Pamela and her kids.

Sunday 7/15/12

We woke up around 7am. We had to pack everything up, grab breakfast and loaded the car. We each took turns showering. Sunday is always a weird day. We look forward to Comic Con all year. We get excited, overwhelmed and tired by Sunday. We don’t want it to be over but we are also glad it’s done. Since there was no Castle this year I decided there was nuthin' I needed to see. Ballroom 20 was closed. Hall H was the place to be but folks camped out so I did not even try. My goal was to try and walk the Exhibit Hall floor with my sister.

Once I arrived at the Convention Center I tried to find bag check. It was hard but I finally found it. That done my next stop was to get Starbucks and find my sister. I went up to find her and she was not ready yet. She still needed to pack and get things done. So I went back down to get my coffee. As I was waiting in line I always like to look around since lots of celebs stay there. So keeping my eyes open. I ordered my coffee and stepped to the side. Then I spotted Matt Groening! He is the creator of the Simpsons and Futurama. He was just standing there. Someone else spotted him and was talking to him. I was still waiting for my coffee so I was keeping an eye. Then I walked over to Matt. My whole family, we are big fans. I remember his Life is Hell strip. So I walked up to him. I congratulated him on his Icon award and told him I’ve been a long time fan. I also tell him about my brother who is a big Simpsons fan. I dare to ask for his autograph. He looks around and says as long as it’s done discreetly. I say of course and hand him my Firefly notebook, the same one Joss autographed. He begins to draw Homer!!! I then nonchalantly start looking at my phone as he is drawing and I take a pic of him giving me his autograph. Matt Groening is super nice, easy going guy. It was really a nice surprise meeting him and getting his autograph.

I waited for my sister some more. I sent my brother the pic and the autograph. I checked my twitter feed. I made up a cheer for David Blue saying he is so cool. So I tweeted it to David Blue. I know celebs can’t read all the tweets sent since it’s impossible unless they follow you and it’s a DM. But the nice thing was that once I sent the tweet. David Blue stepped out of the elevator. I smiled a big smile to him and he smiled back. I talk like I know him and he responds like he knows me. He had his luggage so I didn’t want to interrupt him but I did tell him I just tweeted you. He smiled as he walked away saying, “Sure.”

Shortly after that my sister came down and we went to explore the Exhibit Hall. Sunday use to be a great day for the hall. Everything was on sale and many folks were on their way home. Well that was not the case. It was still a madhouse and hard to walk and see anything. My sis just wanted to walk and see. I needed a goal so my goal was to visit Jason Palmer’s booth to get some of his new buttons. He made a Joss button, a new set of BDH buttons for the Firefly Cast and new ones for other series. I wanted the Castle set but decided to just get Joss and the Kaylee in pink one. My sis just got a Joss button. By the way I forgot to mention that my sister was dressed up in costume as Poison Ivy. She is tall and very pretty and in that outfit, well let’s just say getting through the Exhibit Hall became more difficult because she was stopped for pictures a lot and I became her handler, holding her stuff. Eventually we ran into her friends who were also in costume posing so the three posed for pics alone and with guys.

My plan was to take the train. It was after 2pm so I checked the Amtrak schedule for the next train. It was departing at 2:40pm. So I said my goodbye took final pics and ran to bag check. The station was only a few blocks away. I didn’t want to pay $15 for ride so I just power walked to the station. I saw a BBQ stand selling sliders and soda so I grabbed a lunch and made it to the train on time. I was tired to say the least but I got my ticket and made the train. Mom was waiting for me in Anaheim so when I arrived at 5pm my ride was waiting for me. The train ride was non-eventful. I think I saw David Arquette walked by but I did not say anything.

I have kept thinking that this might be my last year attending the Convention itself. There is so much to do in San Diego just outside of the Convention. I think it will depend on how much ticket prices go up. This Comic Con 4 day pass was $150 w/out Preview night. My first 4 day was $105 a few years ago. I just don’t know how much higher I am willing to go. In August I will get the chance to buy my 2013 tickets and then I will know what I am doing. But I have to say that attending the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel was a dream come true and I don’t expect anything except the announcement of Firefly-The Story Continues to top it. I got to see everything I wanted to, I missed seeing a lot of other things but that is the way of this Con. Luckily my next stop is Dragon Con Labor Day weekend in Atlanta.

****Congratulations and my personal thanks for anyone who read the entire report. You rock and this report is for you!****


Saturday, July 28, 2012 8:42 AM


I too also wish to meet Bruce Campbell, "Burn Notice" is my 2nd fav TV show, "BONES" is #1.


Saturday, July 28, 2012 10:48 AM


I heard Bones is gonna end this season?


Sunday, August 19, 2012 8:14 PM


Rosie, thanks for posting this. I wish I could have been there.






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