Creative Firefly fans: Want to help?

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:06
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004 6:04 PM


Darkstar (Frontier) - A resource moon. Terraformed atmosphere, but incapable of sustaining agriculture. Owned and operated by an independent mining Corporation, YeXing-Apollo, Inc. They distanced themselves from the fighting during the Civil War between the Alliance government and the Independents Faction. However, they made a pretty penny by supplying materials to both. Darkstar itself is perpetually shrouded in darkness, as its orbit is fixed in the shadow of the "GreenWorld" of Whitestar. Darkstar has dense regions iron, aluminum, titanium, gold, and copper, making this a rich and vital moon. YeXing-Apollo has it's own refinement and processing plants, and make known, and patented, titanium-steel alloy, as well as their own brand of nearly any metal product conceivable; tools, eating ware, machine parts, wiring, raw building materials, and even select firearms and bladed weapons. YeXing-Apollo is half-owned by the Darkstar Miner's Union, ensuring cooperation between management and labor. The miner's are well-cared for by YeXing-Apollo, and being well-cared for, and having the interest of a stock-holder, yields high productivity. Many of the executives of YXA have estates incompassing grand plantations on Whitestar.

Jed's - Seen as one of the best watering holes on Darkstar, it serves alcohol distilled from products grown on Whitestar, and food made from real meat and veggies grown on Whitestar. Despite these amenities, it's the favored hang out of many underworld contacts for it's mediary position between upper crust and lower class; underworld and high class.

Whitestar - A terraforming surpise. When YXA bought the twins of Whitestar and Darkstar (planet 3 of the white star solar system designate 4460 and it's two moons, a perpetually darkened moon and an orbitting moon, the latter being very small), the prospects for a successful terrafom were slim. However, Whitestar was a spectacular, if accidental, success. It's existance, while not hidden, isn't terribly well known. A goodly portion of the land is tilled and farmed. Orchards, wheat fields, herding of all manner of livestock. The executives, and many of those who became wealthy in and from the twins of Whitestar and Darkstar all have plantations on the surface. Not all the land is settled, leaving vast forrested regions and two noted mountain ranges on in the northern hemisphere and another on the exact opposite side of the planet. Aside from the plantations and farm settlements, there are three major port cities, developed to bring a steady supply of materials back and forth from Darkstar. These cities are Longshire, Yu, and Apollo. Longshire is seen as the unofficial capital of the two settlements, and seat of YeXing-Apollo, Inc. While Apollo is host to a small garrison of Alliance Marshalls and pilots, it is mainly seen as a reward deployment for exceptional soldiers and rich mens' sons.

The Crimson Dragon - A Hotel/Resort/Gated Community/Getaway/Government Building/Tavern servicing rich clientele, and their business partners. The Companion's Guild has its own dedicated wing of the huge Complex located in the equatorial city of Yu. Lavish, beautiful, bright, and expensive, a stay at the Crimson Dragon is not easily forgotten.

"And these three remain: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of these Love."


Thursday, July 8, 2004 8:02 AM


I still am eagerly awaiting this. Best of luck, Lindley! And I'll try to come up with some more descriptions...

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."


Monday, July 19, 2004 5:53 PM


I've made some more progress on this recently. Hopefully an alpha version of the galaxy will be available soon----136 systems so far!

Feel free to contribute more.


Monday, July 19, 2004 8:33 PM


Blackstone: A hole in the wall planet that was barely able to be terraformed. Some suggest it was an accident to target this planet in the first place. No start to provide heat or light this is actually a small planetary core note much bigger than a moon inside of what amounts to a very loose gas giant. The terraforming pushed the worst of the gasses off of the planet itself hovering just over 100ft from the surface. No meteor or can make it through the gasses burning all the way in. Ships have to slow and take a very long and slow descent in making the planet easily defendable. Witch as it turns out is a major boon to one of the last places in all of the known worlds to have an alliance base. The only reason anyone can guess as to it not being taken over is the planet has next to nothing for exports other than an exotic fuel that can be harvested from the upper atmosphere that is used in fast burn rockets.

The darker truth of the matter is that his planet was instrumental in the fall of the Alliance. While the core leadership thought that they were safe here they were slowly and irreversably coerced into controll by the Alliance. It was through mental manipulation through agents provided by blue sun industries. The people of Blackstone are a listless lot. Some farm... some work. All were once notable people.

An old bar drunk now is one man that could not be coerced for whatever reason. A low ranking general that was run out for suspected treason. now bitter and defeated and more than a little confused he spends his time drinking at the one tooth inn. Jokingly called that because the locals know that the Alliance's last real tooth sits rotting himself away on a bar stool.

I will leave it to you to name and come up with more. ;)


Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:13 PM



Founded before the War by a splinter faction wanting to create someplace independant from the Alliance. Since they stayed out of the war and are far out on the rim they remain unbothered.
As the name suggests (it's in depth, but I'll explain why if anyone wants) Athena is a high technological haven.

It was founded by bored students wanting to research outlawed technology.

Athena itself is little more then a a big rock in a system of rocks. Two gas giants and the sun exist in a stable system that has several asteriod belts from former planets.

Athena has been hollowed out and spun, essentially an O'Neill colony in an asteriod.
Being fairly paranoid they have a limited supply of advanced anti-ship weaponry.

Although the moons of the gas giants are terraformable they passed them in favour of an easily hidden and defended rock.

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May you be in heaven an hour before
The Devil knows you’re dead.


Sunday, July 25, 2004 5:11 AM


143 stellar objects to date. Keep 'em coming! I'm getting *very* close to a complete galaxy. At this point, its mostly just a matter of filling in gaps.


Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:13 AM


I, personally would be more than willing to extend any help whatsoever in this job...any photoshop or anything else as well....along with planets, cultures, etc etc

and reavers being descendents of earth, Mal himself states otherwise......

"You replaced Firefly with *barf* Fastlane?!"
Zoe:"Take me Sir. Take me hard" - War Stories


Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:23 AM

TETHYS me at when the mod is completed please!!!!

"You replaced Firefly with *barf* Fastlane?!"
Zoe:"Take me Sir. Take me hard" - War Stories


Monday, September 6, 2004 8:26 AM


I'm closing in on the end of this process----any last-minute additions people would like to add?

Pretty soon I'm just going to start filling in the remainder with empty systems. I need to move on to the next stage of design if I'm going to complete this in a timely fasion.


Monday, September 6, 2004 2:46 PM


How about Pomona – a small mountainous border planet named after a roman goddess of orchards. It was originally intended to grow fruit for the luxury markets, but when the climate proved too cold, hard wood trees were planted everywhere instead.

Later an exclusive Eco-Lodge was built, allowing the very wealthiest tourists from the core planets to vacation in the forest.

The Lodge masks the existence of a top-secret Alliance complex - a listening station, monitoring broadcast traffic on the cortex from all neighbouring planets.

There are two types of bars catering to the only types of clientele – the rough logger’s hangouts and the genteel faux-rustic look at the lodge. Employees of the complex do not drink alcohol on tours of duty.


Monday, September 6, 2004 3:18 PM


Britonia: Planet taken over by the United Kingdom. Inhabitants are British, Scottish, and Irish with a low population of Asians since cantonese is rarely spoken but always accepted. Britonia is an steel industrial planet focused on mining and refining steel.

There are two different kinds of people that live on the planet. The factory workers and the employers and owners of the factory which means two different kinds of bars. A high class gentleman's club resembling that of "The Shindig" party. And dirty old pubs for the working class to drink their woes away resembling that of "Jaynestown" bar and "The Train Job" Alliance bar.

Britonia is a cross between a border planet(the industrial part of the planet). And a core planet(high class wealthy owners of the factories and franchises on the planet).


Tuesday, September 7, 2004 1:30 PM


Thanks, those are pretty good concepts.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 11:40 AM


I've always thought this would be a great idea. Thank you sooooo much for all the time you're putting into it. Personally, I've always enjoyed the quirky EV planets, as you can tell.

Aukland - As you step out of your ship, you narrowly avoid being run down by a pack of small, waddling birds. Unfortunately, you fail to avoid stepping in one of the free “Aukland souvenirs,” as the docking agent quickly points out with an annoying chuckle.

70% of this border planet is covered in snow year-round. No one seems to know who first brought penguins here, but they have certainly thrived and multiplied – the government avidly encourages hunting to help control the population.

Since Aukland is sparsely populated and most of the planet is uncharted and rarely patrolled, it has become a figurative hotspot for smuggling transactions.

(Bar) The Ice Cap – Apparently they taste like chicken . . . You suspect that the “Big Fight” that starts in a couple of hours will involve a great deal of clucking.

(Mission) A man from the Penguin Wrestling Authority offers to pay you $20,000 if you can bring him a polar bear.

Nostalgand – A man in a white sequin-covered suit with sunglasses and big sideburns thrusts his hip to the side as he welcomes you to Nostalgand, where the citizens are proud to “maintain the glory” of some very tacky culture remnants from 20th century Earth that Was.

(Bar) The Soda Shop – As fascinating as the décor is, the milkshakes can’t be beat. The walls are covered with old artifacts and descriptions, all equally bizarre. Some of them must be made up, however - surely no one would actually pay money to have a rock as a pet.

I mock you with my monkey pants


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 1:22 PM


^That's great. I've tried to include a few "quirky planets", but something like that is just the ticket, I think.


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:17 PM



Originally posted by Lindley:
^That's great. I've tried to include a few "quirky planets", but something like that is just the ticket, I think.

If you're still wanting quirk, how about a planet o circus/carnie people? You know, like whatever town that is in Florida where the circus winters?

Me, I'd call it Barnum. :) The main city, Bailey, is about part permanent buildings, part-trailers or busted ships, and part tents of all shapes, sizes, colours, and stages of repair, along with various rides that look a little rickety.
Take a walk on the edge of Bailey and you'll see all sorts of animals that may or may not be what the sign says they are.
All sorts of shows spend time on Barnum -- freak shows, hoochie shows, circuses with excellent reputations and circuses that are suspected to be nothing more than travelling slave brothels. And there is always work for someone with some sort of weird/amazing/stomach-churning physical abnormality.
It's not as rife with crime as you might think, but it's the the adorable lil ragamuffins you wanna watch out for, not the dude covered in tattoos. He's the mayor, actually -- Hizzoner Jigsaw is the proper form of address, and he also owns the tattoo parlour.
There are many, many different languages spoken, and there's also a circus-speak, very much like the rhyming slang of Britian and Australia.

You must be this tall to enter the best bar in town, Walenda's. And as you might expect from the name, there is indeed a flying trapeze, shows every hour, on the hour, which gets more suspenseful the drunker the trapeze artists get.

One more thing - that "See a Real Live Reaver!" exhibit? It's not a con. He's been in that cage since the war ended, and so far, none of his pals have shown up for him. So far.

Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:06 AM



Originally posted by Ankhagogo:

If you're still wanting quirk, how about a planet o circus/carnie people? You know, like whatever town that is in Florida where the circus winters?

Me, I'd call it Barnum. :) The main city, Bailey, is about part permanent buildings, part-trailers or busted ships, and part tents of all shapes, sizes, colours, and stages of repair, along with various rides that look a little rickety.

You know, you could actually do a lot with this one - missions could include escorting a carnival carivan to random planets around the verse, running some replacement equipment and supplies to carnivals out on the road. There could be mention of the cow fetus from The Message to make it truly feel like it belongs. Oh, and these are musts - The bar serves Deep Fried Curly Carrots (from Dead or Alive script) and Ice-Planets (from The Message). And . . . JUGGLING GEESE!! and shadow puppets!

What about having two planets in the system - one Barnum, the other Bailey - with an ongoing fued. You don't need to go into the reasons or specifics, just that there are basically two Carnival Associations with a bitter rivalry, even though they both have the same basic structure and practices (they probably just split up because one clown insulted the bearded lady, and everybody took sides). And there could be silly missions about an angry guy in a clown suit offering to pay you to steal the monkeys from the other planet, or to put elephant poop in the cotton candy machines.

I mock you with my monkey pants


Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:05 PM



Originally posted by grrarrg:

Originally posted by Ankhagogo:

If you're still wanting quirk, how about a planet o circus/carnie people? You know, like whatever town that is in Florida where the circus winters?

Me, I'd call it Barnum. :) The main city, Bailey, is about part permanent buildings, part-trailers or busted ships, and part tents of all shapes, sizes, colours, and stages of repair, along with various rides that look a little rickety.

You know, you could actually do a lot with this one - missions could include escorting a carnival carivan to random planets around the verse, running some replacement equipment and supplies to carnivals out on the road. There could be mention of the cow fetus from The Message to make it truly feel like it belongs. Oh, and these are musts - The bar serves Deep Fried Curly Carrots (from Dead or Alive script) and Ice-Planets (from The Message). And . . . JUGGLING GEESE!! and shadow puppets!

That would be the PERFECT place for gosling-juggling! Or kitten-juggling or puppy-juggling...there could be a whole show whose schtick is just that they juggle weird crap!

Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:35 PM


Terrific idea. I'll definately use some variation on that idea.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 1:49 PM


I'm not entirely satisfied with the way my descriptions for Barnum and Bailey have come out. So I'm going to post what I have, and take suggestions for improvement.

Keep in mind, they can't be much longer than they are. Slightly longer, possibly.


The Bailey Carnivale Association, after which this planet is named, has a long-running feud with the neighboring Barnum Carnivale Association. No one knows the specific origins of the feud; only that, despite being based in the same system, the two groups cannot stand each other. You're either a Barnum planet or a Bailey planet---after one group has performed somewhere, the other will not go near that world for months, if ever. Scattered everywhere around town are indications of an successful entertainment troupe: Relatively good housing, clean roads, and perhaps most telling, permanent rehersal areas rather than quick-fold tents.


Barnum's main city has a core of permanent buildings, but a large portion of the metropolis is composed of trailers, busted ships, tents of all shapes, sizes, colours, and stages of repair. Take a walk on the edge of the city, and you'll see all sorts of animals that may or may not be what the sign says they are. It is, in short, the headquarters of the Barnum Carnivale Association----not to be mistaken for the talentless group of hacks based on neighboring Bailey. There is always work for someone with some sort of weird/amazing/stomach-churning physical abnormality. It's not as rife with crime as you might think, but it's the the adorable lil ragamuffins you wanna watch out for. There are many, many different languages spoken, including a nearly unintelligible "circus-speak."


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 7:04 AM



You're either a Barnum planet or a Bailey planet---after one group has performed somewhere, the other will not go near that world for months, if ever.

There's something weird about this phrasing -- I get what you mean, but it took me a minute.
Maybe something more like "If the Barnum Association has visited your planet recently, you can bet that the Bailey Association won't be dropping by any time soon, if ever, and vice versa. Neither Association wants to perform for yokels who'd play host to their rival."


Scattered everywhere around town are indications of an successful entertainment troupe: Relatively good housing, clean roads, and perhaps most telling, permanent rehersal areas rather than quick-fold tents.

I think it's the "scattered around town" bit that's off here. I don't really think of roads as being "scattered", if you get my drift.
Maybe just switch that to "The indications of a successful entertainment troupe are everywhere:" with all the rest the same?


Take a walk on the edge of the city, and you'll see all sorts of animals that may or may not be what the sign says they are.

Funnily enough, I wasn't entirely pleased with this bit when I wrote it. Heh.
I'm a little happier with this.

"Show and exhibit animals are kept on the edge of the city, so's the smell of them won't interfere with the workings of civilization. Don't always believe the signs on the cages, though -- that "wild zebra" may be nothing more than a horse with a dye job."


There are many, many different languages spoken, including a nearly unintelligible "circus-speak."

I think I like "circus-slang" better, and I don't know why I didn't use it originally.

I'm not entirely objective about this, I know. :)

Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:49 AM


That helps. Anyone else?


Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:25 PM


At this point, I've decided that the galaxy is in a more or less "done" state.

I would not be averse to further contributions of planet descs, so continue to post if you've got them. I'll probably just stick the planets into systems that are currently empty----there are a lot of those.

Right now I'm focusing on debugging what I've got, and then keep your eyes open for a limited alpha release.


Sunday, November 7, 2004 11:16 AM


I'm putting together a readme giving credit to everyone who has contributed. If you'd like to be credited as something other than "username of", let me know.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004 12:06 PM


just thought I'd bump this up in case others (like me) are looking for updates here, and did not notice this thread:

I mock you with my monkey pants






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