What DON'T you want to see in Serenity?

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 20:51
VIEWED: 6379
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Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:12 AM


There has been allot of things said about what we would want to see in the BDM, this got me thinking about the other side of the coin.

There was a thread a while ago discussing how most relationships in Joss' shows sometimes are, how shall we say...doomed. Meaning many of the couples don't last too long, don't have a happy ending, or just when everything seems perfect, one of them dies or looses his soul (again..)or whatever.

Anyway, the thread was focused around the hope that the Wash/Zoe marriage doesn't follow the pattern. Relationship troubles are one thing, but loosing one of them or them just flat breaking up is something most people don't want to see.

So what else would people hope is not covered in the movie? Or at least the first one?

I myself am hoping that Book is not all explained. There is plenty of stuff about Mal/Inara, River/Simon/Blue Sun, Kaylee/Simon, etc to fill plenty of screen time. I think if they tried to answer all our questions it would just seem rushed. And me personally, I like a bit of mystery about some characters (think - Reavers). Sometimes it's a bit more fun to guess and speculate about things and having them all laid out in front of you is a bit of a let down.

Anyone agree, disagree? Anyone else think of things that they hope are left for future movies? Or just something that is better being a mystery?

I'll be in my bunk...


Thursday, September 9, 2004 6:49 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I don't want all of Book's or River's pasts revealed in the movie. We have to have something for the next movie, right? Besides a little mystery is a good thing.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 7:26 AM


I defintely don't want to see Simon kiss Kaylee..other then that I'm not sure

I hope they go more into the Reavers and the Blue Sun Corp....I think Book's past should not be revealed at he should keep some of his mystery... I want most of the charactors more or less left as a mystery Simon River for Inara I don't really care if her past is revealed

I still believe that FireFly is coming back to the small screen,, no I don't want everything explained...


Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:20 AM


I don't want to see Kaylee kissing Simon. Ever.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:25 AM


Worry not, Jayne would put a stop to that sort of thing.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 10:39 AM


Jar Jar


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:33 AM


What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.

Other then that I like anything Firefly. Maybe it will ruin a little aspect, but I long for any official firefly :).


Thursday, September 9, 2004 12:19 PM



Anyway, the thread was focused around the hope that the Wash/Zoe marriage doesn't follow the pattern. Relationship troubles are one thing, but loosing one of them or them just flat breaking up is something most people don't want to see.

I'm not having a go at anyone here but I've seen a lot of people saying stuff like "How dare Joss screw with Wash and Zoe."

Well to be frank anyone that says such things aren't real fans of Whedon, have never listened to anything he's ever said ("I don't give people the television they want - I give them what they need.") and shouldn't even be here calling themselves Firefly fans.

The prime reason Joss is the greatest scriptwriter in the world is because he's an evil bastard who knows how to make us fall in love with people he creates, and then makes the most appalling things happen to them. I didn't want Tara to die, I didn't ever want to see Cordelia strapped into a hospital bed screaming, I didn't want Buffy to send Angel to Hell, I didn't want to see Mal in that much pain at the hands of Niska. Tough poo poo kids. He does not write comfortable tv / film. If he did he wouldn't be what he is.

Even this thread is pointless in way. The only answer should be "A shit film." Beyond that, we have to trust that Joss knows best. For all we know, Mal might die at the end of Serenity - perish the thought, I love Mal and that would be awful but if that's the story the way Joss wants to tell it then I'm with him all the way. It's fair to say that in the 13 years of television he's created which I own that no-one else in the world has made me laugh or cry as much as he. I think he deserves some trust.

Come on Joss, break my heart. Again. You git.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:20 PM


i don't want to see a pure action movie.
i don't want to see nathan fillion naked. although it was funny.
i don't want it to be aimed at kids.
i don't want Universal to force Joss to editid the filmn how they want.
i don't want to see obvious product placement.
i don't want Book to be a bad guy.
i don't want to see the same landscape used for every planet. Theres a certain patch of desert that joss seems to use in buffy, angel and firely and i swear to god it's the same square kilometer each time. Does he own it? Ok this is forgivable becuase of budget and it was rarely used on buffy in comparison. Becuase Firefly had lots of extereior scenes, Joss's Desert became way too repetitive. Now, i realise they went back to this with the movie (odd considering the budget?) but i hope they don't pass it off as different planets. I'm sure they won't. Alias manage to use this Joss Desert pretty well.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 3:55 PM



I'm not having a go at anyone here but I've seen a lot of people saying stuff like "How dare Joss screw with Wash and Zoe."
Well to be frank anyone that says such things aren't real fans of Whedon, have never listened to anything he's ever said ("I don't give people the television they want - I give them what they need.") and shouldn't even be here calling themselves Firefly fans.

Ok, a moment of rant.
Saying they "aren't real fans" is rather superior and elitist. Saying they shouldn't "call themselves Firefly fans" is even more so. It's really, really, a fanboy attitude. That's like me saying that if you liked the Faramir (or Denethor or Eomer) in the movie Lord of the Rings, you're not a real Tolkien fan. You may not be as big of a dork about it as I am, and I will totally give you the 45-minute explanation about how they're different, but that doesn't mean you're not a "real" fan. You're just a different fan.
Just because someone is a fan of Whedon's doesn't mean they have to like or agree with everything he does, and it doesn't mean they can't be absolutely furious with the man when he does something they don't want to see happen. I never, ever wanted to see Spike and Buffy together,in any way, shape or form. I HATED that plotline with a violent passion, hated some of the things they did with Spike's character, and I ain't just talkin' "Seeing Red", either. I still hate that plotline. But believe you me, I am a Buffy fan. A "real" one, if that's the way you need to look at it.


The prime reason Joss is the greatest scriptwriter in the world is because he's an evil bastard who knows how to make us fall in love with people he creates, and then makes the most appalling things happen to them. I didn't want Tara to die, I didn't ever want to see Cordelia strapped into a hospital bed screaming, I didn't want Buffy to send Angel to Hell, I didn't want to see Mal in that much pain at the hands of Niska. Tough poo poo kids. He does not write comfortable tv / film. If he did he wouldn't be what he is.

Yeah, see, that's the difference between me and alot of people. I did want to see those things. I want to see appalling things happen to those characters I've gotten attached to. I love it -- well, I was mad about the multiple traumas that happened to Wes. But it was fascinating to watch.
That's why I like Whedon -- he's one of the few people out there who will give me what I want. AND he will usually end up getting some spectacular character-development of out it, as with Wes.


Beyond that, we have to trust that Joss knows best. For all we know, Mal might die at the end of Serenity - perish the thought, I love Mal and that would be awful but if that's the story the way Joss wants to tell it then I'm with him all the way. It's fair to say that in the 13 years of television he's created which I own that no-one else in the world has made me laugh or cry as much as he. I think he deserves some trust.

I don't trust the evil bastard as far as I can spit a dead rat. But I'm okay with that -- if I can guess what he's going to do next, then that's no fun at all. And honestly, the only thing he's done so far to break my heart is kill Wesley. Oh, that hurts. But kind of in a good way.
Damn Whedon. Damn him to hell.

Personally, I don't want Zoe & Wash to break up. I found it really intriguing that a show like Firefly started out with a couple early in their marriage -- usually it's "we're all single and lookit all the unresolved sexual tension and who will end up with who?" which is totally cliched. I like that they're married. I feel certain that they are in for a very, very bumpy ride with probably some separations involved, and again, I'm okay with that. That's marriage. He does like to show ugly reality, and the ugly reality is that marriages hit the skids sometimes. But that doesn't mean that Zoe & Wash are doomed to failure.
Here's something interesting to ponder:
Yes, Whedon is infamous for having relationships end up like crap.
However, he is also infamous for taking mild to very vicious shots at religion, and yet here we've got Book. No matter what his background, Book is an oddity in the Whedonverse simply because he's not the subject of slams about religion. The nastiest shots at religion come from Mal, who has a very good reason to be bitter about it. Everyone else has been kind of silently accepting and don't make a fuss.
So far, Firefly's treated the subject of religion with far more respect than either Buffy or Angel, which is out of character for Whedon, from what we've seen on the other two shows. Book may have the worst past ever, but I do believe that now he's sincere in his religions convictions.
So if Whedon can give us a non-evil, non-pushy, non-preachy, non-judgmental man of God, who's to say that Mr & Mrs Warren won't stay together? Again, bumpy road, I'm very sure...

And no, before anyone asks, I could care less how many potshot Whedon takes at religion. I happen to agree with him, mostly. But I'm fascinated by the fact that he included a preacher -- and a sincere, not evil (or at least no longer evil) preacher--- in his cast.

And it would break my heart to find out Book's a wholly evil dude in preacher's clothing.

Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Thursday, September 9, 2004 11:56 PM


Essentially what I was getting at was that the main theme in Joss's works is that nothing is sacrosanct - nothing, no matter how good and pure, is invulnerable to violation.

Just like in real life.

Say Wash and Zoe had that baby. At some point, I reckon, the baby may have died. Been murdered perhaps in a horrible fashion. HOW COULD HE? Babies never, ever die in film or TV (that I've ever seen at least) - it's just too horrible to think about. No-one else would dare touch it. But sadly, it happens in life. Life goes on, and that fallout is what he likes to explore.


Friday, September 10, 2004 12:08 AM



Daikath wrote:
Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:33
What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.


I loved the shootout with Patience. Especially when Mal shoots the horse on to her.

I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..


Friday, September 10, 2004 1:04 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Daikath wrote:
Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:33
What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.


I loved the shootout with Patience. Especially when Mal shoots the horse on to her.

I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..

The shoto out with Patience was cool excerpt for a moment in the middle wherein all of Patience's men plainly missed Mal and Zoe while Mal and Zoe got them all at once. Sure they were caught off-guard by Jayne's snipershot but the moment after that was just fake when they should have been ready to shoot and still outnumbered Mal and Zoe they still missed.

Heart of Gold also had a guy on a hovercraft with a special lasergun with special aiming abilities missing a guy on a horse, right before the batterys were dead...

Sorry I think Firefly is the best tvshow ever but that was just fake.


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:01 AM



Essentially what I was getting at was that the main theme in Joss's works is that nothing is sacrosanct - nothing, no matter how good and pure, is invulnerable to violation.
Just like in real life.
Say Wash and Zoe had that baby. At some point, I reckon, the baby may have died. Been murdered perhaps in a horrible fashion. HOW COULD HE? Babies never, ever die in film or TV (that I've ever seen at least) - it's just too horrible to think about. No-one else would dare touch it. But sadly, it happens in life. Life goes on, and that fallout is what he likes to explore.

Yep,on that count you are absolutely correct, and I'm quite happy with it, myself. I think that people who expect things to end happy and perfect with Whedon's shows are just setting themselves up for heartbreak, and I just look at them like they're crazy when they say, "How could he?"
Well, did you really expect closure and happiness for everyone? If so, you haven't been paying attention...
Which may be why I haven't gotten my heart broken more often -- I expect the worst, then, if it doesn't happen, I'm pleasantly surprised.:)

Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:06 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Daikath wrote:
Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:33
What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.


I loved the shootout with Patience. Especially when Mal shoots the horse on to her.

I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..

I second that WTF! OK, the HoG shootout may not have been totally thought out, but the one with Patience was perfect. There's nothing I could think of about that one to make it any better or more realistic than it was. What on earth (that was) could anybody think was fake looking about that?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:07 AM



Originally posted by Calhoun:

Daikath wrote:
Thursday, September 09, 2004 11:33
What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.


I loved the shootout with Patience. Especially when Mal shoots the horse on to her.

I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..

I second that WTF! OK, the HoG shootout may not have been totally thought out, but the one with Patience was perfect. There's nothing I could think of about that one to make it any better or more realistic than it was. What on earth (that was) could anybody think was fake looking about that?

Apathy on the Rise. No One Cares.


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:48 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:
What I definatly do not want to see is anymore lame fake shoot-outs like with Patience or Heart of Gold where the bad guys miss or have empty batterys and the heroes always aim right and have plenty of ammo.

Zoe got shot in the chest (she had armor), Mal in the arm. They killed their best shooter first, after that started shooting real quick before they knew what happened. And the rest were scared or running away.

In HoG all the good guys were in cover and also had a sniper rifle (Jayne), the bad guys were all in the open. Yet still few of the good guys did die.

Originally posted by Calhoun:
I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..

If i remember right, Book had the hose cause they thought they would try to set the house on fire (...and it did have few small fires). The reason why he aimed it to that guy was because Zoe was reloading (or doing something else and didnt see the guy), so he distracted him for a while.

I loved both of the shooting thingys, especially the HoG one :)


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:51 AM


Yes Zoe got shot in the chest wher ther was armor and Mal in his arm. But there was definatly a timeframe in between where all of Patience's men were all missing, even after they took out their best shot and had time to come over the shock and during that time they still outnumbered them. Only a few shots after that moment did Zoe get shot.

And Mal getting shot in the arm wich turned out to be nothing more then a graze? please.


Friday, September 10, 2004 4:59 AM



Originally posted by Daikath:
And Mal getting shot in the arm wich turned out to be nothing more then a graze? please.

Yea that last one that shot Mal was really scared, didnt really know what he was doing. You also have to remember, the people with Patience were probably ordinary people (with guns). As in Mal and Zoe both pro soldiers and Jayne is also very good with guns.


Friday, September 10, 2004 5:00 AM


What if Whedon reads all the things people don't want and then does them? He's copped in the past to perusing the internet to see how fans are reacting to a charcter. (Adopts panicky voice) Don't let him know what your thinking. That's the only way to keep them safe. Tiny, tiny babies.

As for the shootouts, I though the one with Patience was about Mal and Zoe are hardasses who've been in combat before, whereas Patience's goon, probably not so much. Mal and Zoe are also prepared for a shootout, where the goons are prepared to watch Mal's head explode from an unseen sniper's bullet. They're waiting for our heroes to be taken by surprise and they get taken by surprise.

Heart of Gold had some dumb stuff, like the fire hose and the hovercraft catching. But they were firing from inside and the bad guys were all outside exposed. It was super lame that Burgess was able to pull up to the back unseen, maybe the traitorous girl was supposed to be watching back there?



Friday, September 10, 2004 10:29 AM



Originally posted by Littlemanlovesfire:
HOW COULD HE? Babies never, ever die in film or TV (that I've ever seen at least) - it's just too horrible to think about. No-one else would dare touch it. But sadly, it happens in life. Life goes on, and that fallout is what he likes to explore.

Babies never die? Did you ever see the movie Trainspotting?


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 7:10 AM



Originally posted by witlesschum:
What if Whedon reads all the things people don't want and then does them?

:::clears throat, speaks loudly::::

Boy, I sure wouldn't want to see Mal and Jayne get into a fist-fight in mud with no shirts on. That'd be just terrible and also sexist which is really offensive to people and we sure don't want to get anyone offended!


Eomer: "Hi! Stop me if you've heard this one elf, a dwarf, and a man walk into the Riddermark..."


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:24 AM


I don't see what the problem with the fire hose thing is. Fire hoses have been used in real life to take care of rioters and the like. Granted, a hose that can be operated by one person isn't going to have quite as much pressure, but it should still be enough to trip somebody up. A legitimate tactic of desperation... so what's the problem?

I have only two problems with the HoG shootout. One is that Mal is indeed able to catch a hovercraft on a horse. That's a pretty crappy hovercraft. The other is that the visual effects, usually so wonderfully realistic (the spaceship shots had RACK FOCUSES, people!), were fantastically lousy and conventional in handling the laser. They succumbed to the sci-fi fallacy of the laser as bolt weapon rather than beam weapon. It works the right way when he attacks the house-- sweeping across an area and setting fire to it. You can see the beam, but I accept that as a narrative device. When he shoots at Mal, though, you can clearly see a coherent "bolt" of light shoot past Mal, and I rather thought Firefly was above that kind of crap.

Of course, one time I accidentally tuned into Andromeda and saw lasers being realistically depicted... as, y'know, little twinkly lights. It looked soooo stupid. Honesty is not always the best policy in these things, I suppose.

Overall, though, I love the shoot-out in HoG 'cause it's incredibly well-edited. You see a bad guy fire and then a bullet crack past Mal's head, then Mal fires and a bad guy gets hit... you can clearly follow the action all through it (except everyone I've shown it to thinks Burgess has the baby in the hovercraft).

My other problem with HoG is WHY DON'T THEY FREAKIN' LOCK THE SHIP??? There's no way it should be that easy for people to get aboard. And if it wasn't easy, I want to see how they did it or get some acknowledgement that this is an unusual occurrence. 'Cause damn. That seems like a bad thing.

I also take issue with whoever said that Book is a sympathetically portrayed religious man. He may pass for one in the Whedonverse, but he doesn't quite do it in my book. As I've maintained in other threads, his deepest beliefs are made the subject of jokes in a way that nobody else's are, even Jayne. I don't want to get into the "religion: good or bad?" debate here, 'cause I've got no interest in it, but I do think Whedon's distaste for religion permeates Book's character, and it really bugs me. Now, to Whedon's credit, Book's handled a lot better than he might be, but he falls short of the complexity of the other characters. The portrayal of Book is the one true flaw I find in Firefly.

Mmmkay, enough gripes and nitpicks. I love the show, I'm confident I'll love the movie, and I truly do trust that Joss knows what he's doing and will deliver the straight goods-- even, and perhaps especially, if he's willing to make the tough choices that will make us all cry.

Definitely going to bring tissues to the theatre... just in case.

"You're mean. Firefly's making me reconsider my lifelong devotion to Star Trek." --My mother


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:25 AM


In reply to original question posed by the thread: "What DON'T you want to see in Serenity?"

The End. Ever.

And riffing on Ankh-a-go-go's response:
I never want to see the entire female cast bathing nude in a mountain pool, complete with waterfall. Seeing Inara or YoSafBridge nekkid would ruin their mystique. Feminine sexual charms are best left to the imagination.



"Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me." The Ballad of Serenity

Only 219 days, 10 hours, 44 minutes, and 30 seconds left until The BDM! (But who's counting?)


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 10:34 AM


There's only one thing I don't want to see in Serenity....THE END

"...we're still flyin'."
"That's not much."
"It's enough." Malcolm Reynolds and Simon Tam - Serenity


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:10 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by Daikath:
The shoto out with Patience was cool excerpt for a moment in the middle wherein all of Patience's men plainly missed Mal and Zoe while Mal and Zoe got them all at once. Sure they were caught off-guard by Jayne's snipershot but the moment after that was just fake when they should have been ready to shoot and still outnumbered Mal and Zoe they still missed.

Heart of Gold also had a guy on a hovercraft with a special lasergun with special aiming abilities missing a guy on a horse, right before the batterys were dead...

Sorry I think Firefly is the best tvshow ever but that was just fake.

Have to agree. Firefly is full of mistakes, but for the most part they're mistakes made by the directors. I get mad @the directors for making them, but the core of the show -- characters, actors, stories, writing -- is so good, it more than makes up for the flaws. Firefly is somehow much more than the sum of its parts.

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:21 PM


the movie is not the Series. Only the facts have been changed, to irritate the innocent; the names of the actors and characters remain the same


Originally posted by ShinyDude:
So what else would people hope is not covered in the movie? Or at least the first one?

I myself am hoping that Book is not all explained. There is plenty of stuff about Mal/Inara, River/Simon/Blue Sun, Kaylee/Simon, etc to fill plenty of screen time. I think if they tried to answer all our questions it would just seem rushed. And me personally, I like a bit of mystery about some characters (think - Reavers). Sometimes it's a bit more fun to guess and speculate about things and having them all laid out in front of you is a bit of a let down.

Lotsa folks have replied that they don't want to see Book explained, nor River, nor Inara. I ain't worried, 'cause I have faith in Joss. I believe he'll explain @least two of them, but when we see it, we'll realize the explanation just leaves us with more to wonder about.

Keep the Shiny Side Up


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 1:57 PM


Cal said..


I loved the shootout with Patience. Especially when Mal shoots the horse on to her.

I thought the Heart of Gold shoot-out was pretty good too except when Book was hosing baddies with the garden hose or when Mal caught the high tech hovercraft with his horse..

I think there's a reason for this, of sorts, only a theory, mind - but it fits the facts well.

I bet Joss was a fan of the A-team.
Ariel is a *definate* nod in that style, as is some of the bits in HoG, our show just wouldn't be what it is without just a wee little bit of "cheese factor" anyhow.



Tuesday, September 14, 2004 2:22 PM



Originally posted by Daikath:
The shoot out with Patience was cool excerpt for a moment in the middle wherein all of Patience's men plainly missed Mal and Zoe while Mal and Zoe got them all at once. Sure they were caught off-guard by Jayne's snipershot but the moment after that was just fake when they should have been ready to shoot and still outnumbered Mal and Zoe they still missed.

Obviously you're misremembering. Zoe caught a round full in the chest, which she survived only because she had body armor on. Mal caught a round in the arm, as well.

Besides, some people are just born lucky or cool-headed that way. Look at Wyatt Earp -- despite the infamous shootout at the O.K. Corral, despite all the danger he thrust himself into as a U.S. Marshal, he never ever got hit by a bullet.

Now, I freely admit that the battle in Heart of Gold was cheesy. That's why, personally, I rank it as one of the worst Firefly eps, even though outside of that comparison it's still pretty solid compared to the rest of what's on TV. But the gunfight with Patience doesn't even come close to that.

Anyways. In regards to what I don't want to see...?

I don't want to see Mal and Inara get together. I like that they're constantly sparring with each other, that there's this acknowledged attraction between the two of them that both of them believe will never be consummated.

"Sir, I would like to gingerly point out that it is difficult for someone to be gently reassuring when they're holding three and a half feet of sharpened steel."


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:30 PM



Fremdfirma wrote:
Tuesday, September 14, 2004 13:57

I bet Joss was a fan of the A-team.
Ariel is a *definate* nod in that style, as is some of the bits in HoG, our show just wouldn't be what it is without just a wee little bit of "cheese factor" anyhow.

I remember liking Dwight Shultz the best. Anyone remember the episode when he was singing Roxanne?

wow... I musta been around 10 at that time... where do the years go?


Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:51 PM



Yes I know that happened, but there was definatly a time frame in between where Zoe got hit in the chest and where Patience's men should have shot back more.

Though it has been said before in this thread that Mal and Zoe were expecting a fight and that Patience was expecting their sniper to pick them off.

But there was definatly a timeframe wich felt fake to me. Besides Zoe got hit and then wore armor wich is can be real but somehow still feels kinda convenient to me, not to mention Mal getting shot in his arm wich turns out to be nothing more then a graze.... Come on,, that last bit was fake.






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