Searching for Australian Browncoats

UPDATED: Monday, February 5, 2007 16:30
VIEWED: 33824
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004 6:49 AM


From one Aussie Browncoat to the entire 'verse:

I'm looking for fellow Aussie (and, of course, Kiwi) Firefly fans. I've seen the odd one or two here at and thought this might be a great place to start in creating an A-NZ Firefly fan network of sorts.

For starters, I'm looking for "Luke" and "KeepWalking" who I've already spotted here (and certainly 'sound' Aussie from the topics of their posts). However, I'm also looking for any and all other Firefly fans from the Australasian region.

Please reply here or email me at young__spirit at (remove the spaces (but not the underscores!) and replace the word 'at' with the symbol) and hopefully we can get some sort of show on the road in the near future...

Many Thanks!

Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... this land.' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.'


Wednesday, August 18, 2004 7:13 AM


West Australian Browncoat here.

I've converted 6 people (including my mother) so far (jeez does that sound cultish), I would have converted more but that would mean lending out my boxset and I can't stand to let it go.



Wednesday, August 18, 2004 1:15 PM


Melbourne brown coat.

Converted about 8 weeks ago.

The DVD's have started shipping in Australia! We can expect a few more of us to appear.

I know of about 4 others.

"Well, here I am..."


Thursday, August 19, 2004 3:34 AM


Yay! Two responses already!
Sorry, I can get a little excited about these things.

Perhaps I should have said where I'm at: I'm a Melbourne Browncoat too. I know at least one other (she's the Browncoat who converted me) and I'm working on converting one at the moment (I too know the pain of having to decide: parting from my box-set to convert another, or keeping the precious boxset to myself, all for myself! *semi-evil laugh*)

MHERRICK, have you signed up to There are two other people who have signed up in Melbourne so far. I've signed up, but no one has nominated a place yet, and I will be out of town that weekend.

BANRIGH, I'm pretty sure "KeepWalking" is in WA, in Perth, if I'm not mistaken. So, wow: a total of five of us here at now. (*waves pennant*) Go us!

Keep spreading the word, guys! Most of all, I think we have to find a way to make more people aware of the show... :D Well, we have a bit of time to do that...

Wash: 'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.'


Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:38 AM


I'm not in Australia (oooh, how I'd love to go, though!) but I remember seeing this in the Blue Sun room some time ago, and thought of you:

It's a guy who made himself a Blue Sun shirt, and he also mentions he's from Oz. Thought that might help.

Also, buy multiple box sets to lend out! It can't hurt.

All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 4:54 AM


Thanks for drawing that to my attention! I messaged him, hopefully he (and more!) will be around soon.

Take heed, people of the Southern Hemisphere! Walking around in Firefly-themed clothing will not go unnoticed much longer!

Wash: 'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.'


Thursday, August 19, 2004 12:56 PM


Here I am! The T-Shirt man!

Melbourne is where I currently sit... We have a 'geek society' where a weekly activity is a communal Firefly viewing. This show is our Mecca; our special occasion treat.

On off days, we watch the geeky (but ever-so inferior) LOTR, Star Wars, Buffy, Angel, etc...

The geek will inherit the earth.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 1:27 PM


Kiwi Browncoat waves hello.

Hi there,

I'm in Chilly Christchurch. Nice to meet some fellow Australasian Browncoats... didn't think there was that many of us out here on the rim of the Firefly 'Verse.


Thursday, August 19, 2004 2:42 PM


Heya everyone!
Im a South Aussie Browncoat - its so exciting that there are other Australian's out there! Sometimes I feel like Im the only one. Believe me - I get some weird looks when the Firefly theme plays when I start up my computer at work! Even so, Ive made it my mission to spread the word - my DVD's have hardly stopped being borrowed since I imported them 6 months ago!
My number one fear is that we wont get to see 'Serenity' in OZ because the series hasnt even been shown on TV. I'm just crossing my fingers that the movie is HUGE in the US!
Its funny, a year or so back I attended a Buffy Convention in Adelaide and one of the big wigs from Channel 7 said that they would be showing Firefly over the 2003/2004 off season, but it didnt happen. I wonder if they are holding off until closer to the movie release, or possibly to see if the movie is successful. Thoughts?
SOOOO great to run into y'all!

Ooh! Mangoes!


Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:20 PM


At an internet cafe right now trying to find t-shirt transfer for a Firefly shirt I am going to make.

So far I can only find a Blue Sun image, but am looking for the fighting elves and a Serenity one.



Thursday, August 19, 2004 5:48 PM


Hey there! West Aussie Browncoat here. I've just bought some transfer paper and am going to make my own t-shirt/s, so look out for me and say "Hi!" if you see a brunette in a Blue Sun shirt around Perth


Thursday, August 19, 2004 8:50 PM


from melbourne imported in about april, It's got me through winter,converted about 6 people. Just bought the aust relase so i can lend out to friends



Friday, August 20, 2004 12:12 AM


Canberra Represent!!!!! I've been spreading the word, made a few converts over here :D


Friday, August 20, 2004 2:14 AM


Wow. What a response! And from a far few places, too!

It certainly does feel like we're on the outer rim of the 'verse over here, and hey, we are... :D But we love it so!

I'm also planning to make some T-shirts etc., if I can find a place that will print onto transfers well enough... my current technological state of affairs is more dismal that I'd like. Can any one offer suggestions, or point me in the direction of any sort of tutorial?

Does anyone know addresses we could write to asking about the show? Considering Channel Seven's treatment of (the last season, at least) of Buffy and Angel, perhaps they aren't the station we should be aiming at (Unless of course they've already bought it and, as suggested, sre holding back). Does anyone here have any industry contacts (film/television) that we would be able to *ahem* entice into helping some sort of campaign to bring Firefly to free-to-air TV? And getting Serenity a opening date in Oz/NZ less than a 2mths/6mths/12mths (etc) after the US and UK?

Sorry, that overenthusiasm again. Oops. Hold me back, boo me down if it gets too much, folks... :D

Not wishing to exclude people outside Melbourne, but Jackofall: where is this group and may I join up? :D Best wishes to everyone...

Wash: 'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.'


Friday, August 20, 2004 2:32 AM


brisbane here...

and channel 7 acquired the rights to ff quite some time a go...i remembered posting about it at the time. and know channel 7, so i'm sure you know what to expect.

edit: i take that back, channel 7 may very well treat it good, considering the hype around the movie and all, that might provoke them to pull the tapes out of the vault, again, you know what channel 7 is like, they like to be the first to do everything.


Friday, August 20, 2004 3:41 AM


I just got my blue sun shirt made today! My brother and sister said it was shiny and they are going to get some too I'm getting another one done tomorrow on a tan tank top. :)

If ya see an asian with a orange rogue streak and a blue sun shirt, that'll be me.

If I see anybody with a Firefly Shirt I'll just scream 'BROWNCOAT' at the top of my voice like the freak I am. I am warning you now.

I was lazy and got mine done at a print shop. But it was worth what I paid.


Friday, August 20, 2004 4:27 AM


Heya all,

Newcastle, NSW browncoat here.

In over a year so far i've converted 30 or more people. Basically I find anyone who takes the time to watch it loves it. Its great when I get someone new hooked on Firefly, its like reliving the show all over again. Cracks me up when they start quoting lines to me.

Ive made 3 sleeveless faded green shirts with the blue sun logo, just like Jaynes, and I wear them proudly.

Lets try to determine who was the first Aussie browncoat... I downloaded the eps approximately 2 weeks after they originally aired.
I've always considered myself "Aussie Browncoat No.1"

Jayne - I like smackin'em! (Safe)


Friday, August 20, 2004 5:07 AM


hmm...i'm not too sure...but i *think* i was the first aussie on this board, prior to the show airing. i came over when i followed a group of Dark Angel trolls, and i ended up defending Firefly, and falling in love with it. Firefly was sadly put at blame for the cancelling of dark angel, although, it really wasn't. i used to run the wekly show chats on irc, but when the show ended i lost a bit of faith- iwasn't expecting a movie! everything i love on tv always gets taken away, so when FF went, i was a little

i tried to convert everyone i knew! my room mates, my, my uni mates hehe. everyonei showed it to, loved it.


Friday, August 20, 2004 5:10 AM


I'm an Aussie Firefly fan from Melbourne. I have been one ever since I downloaded The Train Job shortly after it aired in the US. I bought the US DVD set as soon as it came out and have shown it to any one I can drag through my front door and I've just bought two copies of the Australian release of the DVD set, one for my sister for her birthday and the other so I can lend it to more people. I’m also trying to think of other ways to promote Firefly in Australia.

I've checked out a couple of stores like JB hi-fi to see how many copies they had and to start with one store had only one copy and another had none. I checked recently after they got a new shipment in and they now seem to a few more on there shelves. I'm guessing that they underestimated the number of sets that they would need to satisfy demand, seeing that most people that work at a store like JB hi-fi would have never heard of Firefly.

For us in Australia the Firefly frenzy is just beginning.


Friday, August 20, 2004 5:20 AM


i've seen a few copies in K-Mart. i wish i wasn't so poor. i want to buy it, i can't believe i still haven't seen the final 2 unaired eps, i'm completely out of the loop!

lol, i was the same with train job...i literally sat in an irc channel for hours waiting for it to be released. i had the pilot already, so i was really keen. i still wish they had aired the pilot before train job...maybe things would have gone differently...but then again, maybe we wouldn't be getting a movie! lol


Friday, August 20, 2004 5:57 AM


You folks in Melbourne know of "Minotaur"? (Sci-fi, fantasy etc shop in CBD) I went in today and asked if they had the DVD Box set: the assisstant told me they had four and that if I came back at the end of the day there *might* be one left. This show sells itself.

*Come on up and Testify* time: I think it's telling that I'm quite possibly the newest FF fan here. I was one of the Dark Angel fans who heard a lot of "Firefly caused the end of Dark Angel" on forums and consequently saw lots of notes that went something like, "I'm boycotting FOX/Firefly, who's with me?"

I never really thought about it, especially considering that it never came to TV here in Aus., although when I heard about Firefly's cancellation I knew it would cause more uproar: imagine, the sheer irony (if that *is* the proper word to use here...) of a show that is held responsible (by certain TV viewers) for the cancellation of another show being cancelled so quickly itself.

But a friend saw Firefly (she got the Region 1 box set) and suggested I watch it. When it finally came out here on August 4th I snapped it up... and watched spellbound. Around uni classes, tutorials and sleep I managed to watch the entire series within 24 hours.

That I'm here and communicating with so many people in such a short amount of time goes to show, I think, what a treasure this show is and how it affects people.

Well, now that I've spilled my guts, I think I'll go to bed... actually get some sleep... and hope that the various people I've got my discs lent out to at the moment are as spellbound by the show as I was. Yay! More Browncoats! I seriously doubt that there will ever be too many...

Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, August 22, 2004 1:35 AM


As they say here, "BUMP"!

Um, not meaning to be pushy, but would any of the Melbourne people be keen on a get-together sometime mid-September? (After consulting my maddeningly full calender of deadlines...) How does the weekend of September 18th sound to everyone? (by that I mean, somewhere between the night of Friday 17th and Sunday 19th).

Please post and let me know what you think... after all, why should we let these opportunities pass us by?

Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, August 22, 2004 5:36 AM


I followed the bread crumbs too from a Dark Angel board, I lurked only though, too many trolls.

Funnily enough, going through the same thing with the new BSG series, trolls abound at the skiffy board.


Sunday, August 22, 2004 2:23 PM



Originally posted by YoungSpirit:

Does anyone know addresses we could write to asking about the show? Considering Channel Seven's treatment of (the last season, at least) of Buffy and Angel, perhaps they aren't the station we should be aiming at (Unless of course they've already bought it and, as suggested, sre holding back). Does anyone here have any industry contacts (film/television) that we would be able to *ahem* entice into helping some sort of campaign to bring Firefly to free-to-air TV?

Hi YoungSpirit,
As I mentioned in my post earlier a Channel Seven Exec spoke at a Buffy Symposium in Adelaide in July 2003 and said that (as someone else has pointed out) that Seven have the rights to Firefly and plan to air it. His name is David Franken and he is the Director of Programming in Brisbane. He's a huge Buffy/Angel/Firefly fan and would be a good place to start for information. He also said we could email him any time with questions, but unfortunately I havent a clue what his email address is. Still, I hope this helps!
Have a great day,

Ooh! Mangoes!


Thursday, August 26, 2004 2:34 PM


Thanks for that info, PB! The short news is, David Franken is no longer there. The longer news: I called Channel Seven this morning and they couldn't 'find' him in the system, so they put me onto a program manager in Brisbane who I spoke to for about a minute before he said he was out of the office, could I call him back on Monday. I waited through 7 minutes worth of "Please hold the line" on a long-distance phone call for that! I dispair!

The DoP in Melbourne is called Tony Martinovich (sp?). When I called I didn't get to speak to him (he was out of the office too), but the lady on the switchboard told me that while she couldn't find an email address for either feedback or programming questions, they do have a fax number: 9697-7789. If you decide to send them a fax, and you live outside Victoria, don't forget to include the (03) area code.

I can't believe how difficult it seems to get to find these people, let alone make contact with them! But, come Monday, I'll give it another shot and let you know what I find out (if I find out anything!). (Sorry about the longish post, but I had to get my frustrations out somewhere!)

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Thursday, August 26, 2004 3:08 PM


Hey again YoungSpirit,
Wow! You've been busy! What a bugger that David Franken is not at 7 any more. Im sorry about the incurred long distance charges too - Perhaps we should set up an expenses fund? The "YoungSpirit-vs-Channel-7-air-Firefly-in-Oz-or-else" fund? On the newsgroup there has been a recent discussion about Firefly, and one of the posters seemed to think that it was sceduled to be shown on 7 later this year in a late night time slot. I'll reply to that post and see where he got that information. We'll get some answers eventually YoungSpirit - no power in the verse can stop us! Please post again on Monday and let us know how you're going.
Princess Bijou

Oooh! Mangoes!


Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:42 PM


Hey People. I'm a Browncoat from Perth.

Already have a whole series of tshirts made from the images HellsKitten made. Unfortunately she had to take them down since someone was stealing them and claiming them as their own, but I still have them, so if anyone wants them message me and I can send them to you.

Any Perthians: Please join! There are only a few of us registered there at the moment, and the minimum number of people for a meetup is 5, so we're not getting very far.
It would be shiny to be able to meet people for definate in real life, instead of checking everyones tshirts and eavesdropping on conversations for use of Firefly slang. Not that I would...

On the conversion front, I have *counts* six, so far, just bought two more copies as presents (that'll make 8) and I met a guy at uni the other day that just got the box set and is obsessed, and he's gonna set about converting people, so seems things are going well.

Wow my sentences just get longer and longer. I shall stop now. Good luck with the harrasment of Ch 7. I was thinking they wouldn't bother showing it now the box sets are out, but if people want to be optimistic I'm all for it. Stopping now. Really.

Keep flying!

Can we start getting sexed already?[/i\


Thursday, August 26, 2004 11:48 PM


Hey, fellow Melbournian here.

Personally I think Ch7 would be wise to wait until the BDM hits theatres. Then they've got free advertising from the movie, and can use cheesy catch phrases like "you've seen the movie, now go back and see where it all began". I hate that sort of crap, but at least it'll get viewers in that won't have heard of Firefly until the movie came out. Of course I'm sure channel 7 execs have no idea there's a movie coming so... oh well.


Friday, August 27, 2004 4:03 AM


If channel 7 was smart they would show the series as a lead in for the movie when it is released in Australia. To me this would be a cool and clever thing to do.

So in other words it will never happen. Channel 7 has never been cool or clever. Look at what they did to 24. 24 was one of Channel 7 biggest shows then somebody at Channel 7 decided it was a good move to air the third season of 24 at 9.30pm instead of 8.30pm. I along with many others didn't realise that the series had returned until after a couple of episodes. The rating slumped because people missed the start of the season or because it was on to late for some viewers and then they shift it to 10.30pm and then no body watch it. This is lesson in how to kill a popular show, and they wounder why they are coming last in the ratings. Way to go Channel 7.

On second thoughts I don’t want Channel 7 to go anywhere near Firefly. Knowing their luck and our luck Channel 7 will probably show it at 9.30pm on a Friday night (just like they did with Tru Calling) and then when the rating go bad they will probably shift it to 11.30pm on Monday (Tru Calling disappeared from Friday night but has not reappeared any where else) . I’m happy to stick to word of mouth and the DVD set.

I’m surprised that Foxtell haven’t show Firefly yet, but I guess that means that Channel 7 is still holding on to the rights. So who knows what is going to happen. Broadcasting Firefly in Australia could make a lot of money for Channel 7 as long as they treat it right.


Friday, August 27, 2004 7:07 PM


Sydney calling.

I happened across Firefly while watching the SCI-FI Channel on holiday in Canada a couple of months ago. I'd heard of the show, of course, but wasn't prepared for it being so gorram good! After seeing "Our Mrs Reynolds", I went right out the next day & bought the box set, which I then foolishly mailed back to Sydney. Canada Post is expensive, so I sent it surface. It arrived here a few weeks ago - just before the region 4 release. Oh well - at least the speed of the music is right (not that many people would notice anyway), even if the resolution is lower. I bought the R4 release as well, so I can capture better stills for research purposes.

My wife & I have spent a lot of time since then converting people & spreading the word. They watch a couple of episodes here, then I send them off with the advice "$50 at Kmart!".

Very much looking forward to the movie. I want to get some Blue Sun t-shirts made up so I can get knowing looks from fellow fans in the street.


Saturday, August 28, 2004 6:42 PM


Quick message for Outlander and anyone else who might care:

Tru Calling is back on TV this Tuesday at 10:30pm.

Also for anyone with Foxtel, David Boreanaz will be on The Sharon Osbourne Show at 3:30pm Tue, repeated 5am Wed.

I do like seeing our people out in other places. Just hoping ch 7 will put Miss Match back on so we can see Nathan on the show.

Ciao all :)

Can we start getting sexed already?


Sunday, August 29, 2004 2:10 AM


Here, here! When I found out Our Captain, of all people, was on Miss Match (episodes 11, 12, 13, 14 & 16 according to the IMDb), I was so annoyed that they'd taken both it and Tru Calling off. And after all their "Girl Power Friday" promotions... ;)

I think marketing wise, Channel Seven would be keener to wait until the BDM comes out, see how it goes, and see if it's worth putting on the series. This is obviously the wrong way around: we want to spread the word (to thems that need it told, no less!) before the BDM comes out, and the best way to do so is through the series that made us all fall in love with all 10 main characters in the first place!

I'll contact Channel Seven again soon, hopefully I'll have a name, number, fax number, or email address for us to campaign to soon. :D

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:47 AM


Well now, I had absolutely no idea so many were already into this fantastic show from the land down under, much less from Sunny (for the moment) New Melbourne (try to ignore all the fish). I have been attempting to download all the episodes that aired but only managed to get Ariel, so when I stumbled upon the box set at JB, I thought I'd died and gone to Joss Whedon heaven. Have been spreading the good word to potential browncoats, mostly fans of Joss' other masterpieces, but yet to lend the box set out. The more we can convert and convince to buy the box set here, the more likely the film will actually be released.

First got into Joss when I saw the Buffy movie and loved it (although I was fairly young then), and pretty much forgot about it until the show aired. Ever since then Channel 7 have treated Joss' shows with total disrespect, much like they treat every decent show they get the rights of (Anyone else a Stargate Fan too?). Buffy and Angel were pretty much the only shows I watched until recently when they both finished and now I never watch Channel 7. To be honest I seriously doubt Channel 7 to make any good decision, they'll always screw up.

Getting a bit long, so yeah, just wanted to ask how old most other Aussie fans were, and if at uni which ones, cos I just graduated from Melbourne on the weekend. Bye for now!


Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:50 AM


Haha I am from a little further south
But from down under none the less

Any other Kiwi browncoats?



Sunday, August 29, 2004 3:55 AM


Congrats on your graduation! I have a friend who also just graduated. I don't know about everyone else here, but I'm 20, and I'm half-way through uni at the moment.

So... yeah. :D I have to say, I really like your username: the first time I heard that phrase in the series I went bakc and played it again, just to be sure. Hee. It was so cool... but then I was wondering why they chose "Melbourne"... and where did the "fish thing" come from? =D

Boyd: Helia (who posted above in this thread) in in Christchurch.. . and I'm sure there are a few more around who haven't found their way here yet...

Keep spreading the word!

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:08 AM


Something that I found a little odd was why didn't the SciFi network over there in North America not appproach Joss for the show. It seems like the perfect place for it? I mean Stargate has just gone into its Eighth season over there, not to mention the new spin-off Atlantis (which we will never see here in Melbourne thank you Channel 7). I'm not really sure how the whole Cable network thing goes though so, anyway.

Yeah I freaken when I heard the word Melbourne come out of Mals mouth (they say it so funny don't they). I don't quite get the water/fish thing thing either, but I guess they have to call the planets something. I could be wrong but there didn't seem to be many other planets named after actual present day cities, so maybe Joss has some affection for the greatest city in the world and the location of the Commonwealth Games in 2 years. Hooray for the mens hockey team in Athens, yaaaaaaayyy!!!!!. Oh.... ok bye.


Sunday, August 29, 2004 4:44 AM



Originally posted by NEWMelbourneFan:
Something that I found a little odd was why didn't the SciFi network over there in North America not appproach Joss for the show. It seems like the perfect place for it?

You won't believe this, but I heard someone say that the head of SCI-FI network doesn't like science fiction. Somebody give me a break! Why on earth would you take a job - the top jopb, no less - at a network whose name alone indicates its intent to screen (hopefully, high-quality) science fiction shows.

I've always maintained that there aren't enough television fans amongst network executives, but that really takes the cake...!!!

And I have to agree, the Olympic teams have done very well this year. I didn't have the chance to see much, but what I did see was always amazing.

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:00 AM


Thanks for the heads up VERACOBB, though I've already watched all of Tru Calling season 1. A friend of mine downloaded them all. Tru Calling is definitely no substitute for Buffy and Angel. It's a pity Eliza did Tru instead of Faith.


Tuesday, August 31, 2004 9:33 PM


Hi Guys,
Still working on contact details for Channel 7. If anyone wants to help, here are the phone numbers for the Channel 7 switchboard (I presume) in each Capital City:

Melbourne: (03) 9697 7777 
Sydney: (02) 8777 7777

Canberra: (02) 6242 3700 ("Prime")
Adelaide: (08) 8342 7777

Perth: (08) 9344 0777
Darwin: (08) 8941 5777

Brisbane: (07) 3369 7777
Hobart: no number listed

Anyone else sensing a trend here?

A repeat question for all Melbournians: Is anyone interested in meeting sometime the weekend of Saturday 18th? I figured perhaps we could meet at some sort of central Cafe or Restaurant for an hour or so, talk a bit, get to know some fellow Browncoats in the area. If any one is interested, please post a reply or email me: young__spirit (at) hotmail (dot) com . I'd really like to get to know some fellow Browncoats in Melbourne.

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 11:24 AM


I'm a new Kiwi Browncoat. I only know of Helia and possibly Boyd... and that was from the posts above .

I'm not sure if we'll see Firefly in New Zealand. I know for a fact that Sky TV aren't interested in getting it. That just leaves the Networks and Prime.


Thursday, September 2, 2004 12:41 AM


Hey there,

Well, I'm not an 'official' Aussie since I was born in the U.S. (A few more years and I can be though!) but I live in Sydney. There seems to be quite a bit of us from Australia, glad to see this country ain't missing out!

JEN The Sig-less Wonder


Saturday, September 4, 2004 8:05 PM


Melbourne FireFly fan here.

Some friends of ours ordered the dvds from the US around xmas, and had been telling us how good the show was.
I waited till the dvds were released locally, and watched the whole series straight away. Love it.

I'm hoping Channel 7 will start playing the episodes soon. More people need to see this show.

as she counted the spiders
as they crawled up inside her


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 2:16 AM


Hi guys, a bit more on the Channel Seven front:

The Channel Seven Corporate site lists

Channel Seven
PO Box 777
Pyrmont NSW 2009

as their postal address. Whether this refers to all public correspondence also, I don't know, but I thougt I'd keep you guys updated with what I've found out. If anyone cares to write, let us know if and when you get a reply!

'Yes... this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... "this land".' 'I think we should call it your grave.' 'Ah! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!'


Wednesday, September 8, 2004 6:06 PM


I am a Sydney Browncoat, was converted bout 3 months ago.
Am really looking forward to the film.


Thursday, September 9, 2004 2:27 AM


Hi, new Browncoat from Brisbane. Finally purchased the DVD set. I haven't even finished watching the whole series yet but I am so caught up in it that I just had to jump on and start posting on here. I already cant wait to see Serenity and am on the road to converting as many people as I can to make sure this thing gets exactly the treatment I know it deserves.
Pleasure to be on board.


Sunday, September 12, 2004 4:26 AM


^ I see we have at least one Red Dwarf fan... :D

So glad to see the Aussies and Kiwis continuing to roll on in.

I have to say, to date I haven't had any reaction on the idea of a Melbournian Browncoat Meet-up at all. Did I just pick a bad time/day/date, or is no one interested? Let me know: young__spirit (at) hotmail (dot) com


Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:22 AM


I did send you an email last weekend young spirit, it may not have got to you, I'll try again. My email is


Sunday, September 12, 2004 5:52 AM


Thanks for trying! Be sure to check you have TWO underscores there... young__spirit (at) hotmail (dot) com

In regards to "the Campaign", Cassandra28 over at the Serenity-Movie boards has written a template letter some of you folk may be interested in using. Here's the link...
but note that you *do* need to be logged in to get to the forum. Registering is quick and easy, so get over there and have a peek... :D


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:03 PM


Sydney here. Converted a few months ago thanks to my cousin and a colleague at work, now with my trusty well used DVD set, I've converted 10 people who have bought the DVDs too and are now busy converting others. This should be a pyramid scheme, then we'd really roll the bucks in.

I hope Aussies will be in the film or new tv series, a few bushranger themes wouldn't go astray in this universe.

And if they want Australian born Chinese guys, I'm in!

-- H


Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:05 PM


Also, all you Aussies, go to Andrew Denton's Enough Rope site and click on "Suggest a guest" and suggest Joss Whedon

-- H






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